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Blog Responses 1. Amulya Joseph a. Prose MC Questions: http://aldoushuxleybyamulyajoseph.blogspot.com/2014/02/prose-multiple-choiceset-questions-and.

html So I think youve already heard it from me, but Ive always had qualms about Brave New World. It is provocative. It is controversial. And it is definitely sketchy. But I think your presentation did a wonderful job of both incorporating the nasty details in with the underlying meaning behind the work, effectively lightening the former. I loved the complexity right in the title, Regress from Progress, and you did a great job in explaining how this applied to Huxleys themes in Brave New World and Ape and Essence. I also liked the Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Huxleys style to the modernist styles of the time. It showed how he was both a conformist and a nonconformist. When reading through your multiple choice questions, I was pleasantly surprised by the difficulty and complexity behind all of them. You clearly didnt take the easy route when writing these questions, but that also makes them great practice for the AP exam in May. I liked how you wove in the themes found in the prose passage into your questions, asking the readers to interpret or infer those meanings. They were both easy and difficult, and provided a good analysis of the prose passage. Overall, great enthusiasm, great brownies! 2. Vineet Erasala a. Poetry MC Questions: http://knuthamsunapenglish2014.blogspot.com/2014/02/ap-multiple-choicepoetry.html A compelling presentation, a compelling argument! Excellent job on your analysis of Knut Hamsun, someone whoI admitI have never heard of. You did a great job in explaining his background and influences on his writing, as well as engaging the audience in your little brain break activity that also served to support your evidence of Hamsuns literary techniques. Your presentation was also clear and concise, with much of your information delivered through your words; this was something I enjoyed as I would rather hear the presenter talk than simply read off of the screen. Your poetry multiple choice questions was a welcome mix of both difficult and easy. There was a good incorporation of the themes found in the poem with the interpret and infer type questions. This makes it great practice for the AP exam, as the hard questions are those types, not the stated in the passage type. I also liked the varying lengths of answer sets in each, which dont make the questions too vague or too

confusing when looked at holistically. A great representation of the AP exams questions! Good job! 3. Mohamed Elzarka a. Poetry Close Reading Essay #2: http://www.hemingwayaplitproject.blogspot.com/2014/02/11-poetry-close-readinanalysis-essay.html Mohamed, you had a very intriguing and intuitive presentation. It was great how you explained so many of the literary ideas and techniques Hemingway had, though I dont think it wouldve helped me understand any of his writing any more than 1/8 of that iceberg. You did a great job of showing how his style was influenced by his life eventswar, the Kansas City Star, etc. It really provided critical knowledge in analyzing his works of literature. It was also good how you wrapped your entire presentation about the ideal man Hemingway imagined. This made the presentation cohesive and easy to follow. Onto your poetry essay, I am simply amazed at how much you managed to divulge from such a short poem. Your thesis was concise and well-worded, simple yet complex, and you supported that argument well with the literary devices of the poem and the details you pulled from it. Since the poem isnt really that long, I think you did ample elaboration of the few details there were. You also made good connection to The Sun Also Rises in the aimlessness and lack of purpose in peoples lives during the time. All in all, a great job on both! 4. Alisa Feng a. Poetry MC Questions : http://fengalisathereandbackagain.blogspot.com/2014/01/ap-multiple-choiceprose.html I still havent thanked you enough for going first on our presentation day. I was quite panicked and nervous and basically just a bundle of nerves, so hearing your presentation first really helped me settle down. Anyway, I must say, you did an awesome job with your presentation (Ms. Wilson was not exaggerating)! You had an easy to follow, organized structure that linked all your related materials and brought the entire presentation together. Of course, we both fell into the reading from paper pithole, so youand Ican definitely improve in that area. I liked how you incorporated a lot of historical elements of Afghanistan in your argument, much like I did with the Regency era. It really helped supply your presentation with richer details and a more complex argument. After doing your multiple choice questions and reading the explanations for each, I think you captured much of the analysis that came with the poem. You did a good job

in using all five types of multiple choice questions that can show up on the AP exam. However, I do think you could have asked a bit more about interpretation in your questions, rather than asking for something directly stated in the poem. A question about the authors purpose or an underlying meaning behind one of the lines would have sufficed. But then again, that might just be me thinking theyre too easy and straight forwardon the other hand, that could be a good thing. Good job! 5. Derek Shu a. Poetry Close Reading Essay #1: http://shuderekcormacmccarthy2014.blogspot.com/2014/02/poetry-close-readingchart-and-essay-1.html Great job on your presentation! One of the biggest things I liked was how you incorporated the themes of your book into your presentation design, the black being symbolic of the pessimistic attitude McCarthy had and the yellow highlights of the words symbolic of the inklings of hope in his works (and the literal connection to the word light in your title!). Also, I enjoyed the witty connection with the nian gao and the backstory behind why its eaten on New Yearssomething I definitely didnt see coming. You also did a good job in explaining McCarthys writing styles, ranging from his southern gothic early works to his post-apocalyptic The Road. Its helpful to see how his writing progressed over time. In regards to your poetry essay, the argument in the thesis was well-thought out and complex, though Im not quite sure if the connector instead fits in the context. You may want to look into that since it seems a bit choppy and disjointed to me. You did a good job incorporating the literary devices found in your poem to support your thesis, and I liked how your topic sentences didnt simply list the devices used. Rather, you explained a thematic topic sentence with devices in the body paragraph. Also, a nice job changing up the paragraph numbers; Ive seen so many five body paragraph essays and am ashamedly guilty of that myself. Overall, awesome job! 6. Sri Karri a. AP Open Question #2: http://trekkingintokyonumber9dream.blogspot.com/2014/01/ap-open-questionprompt-ii.html Firstly, let me say that I loved your presentation! The icebreaker activity at the beginning was intriguing and deep, both in regards to your authors works of literature and to me. It really made me think about life as a whole (and to be honest, my book Im working on since one of the biggest themes in there is also escapism). Also, I love your connection to Marie Lus series; even though Ive only read the first one, I got the reference immediately. I also enjoyed the thematic structure of your

presentation, with the nine chapters that provided cohesion and linkage of ideas. Your presentation speech was well-delivered and free-flowing, something I think I need to personally work on. Your second AP Open Questions reflected many of the positive things in your presentation. At first when I read through it, I was wondering where the thesis was, until I realized you had used two paragraphs to get to your thesis. I thought this was a great change of pace, though perhaps not so flexible in the AP exams time crunch. The analysis of the text was also thorough and clear. I do think you could have elaborated with more textual evidenceunrealistic on the actual testbut the prompt does specify for a one single pivotal moment where the character grows up. Otherwise, you did a fantastic job! 7. Saie Joshi a. Prose Passage Essay #1: http://themuleoftheworld.blogspot.com/2014/01/prosepassage-close-reading-essay-1.html So I have to say, I totally didnt think there was actually spinach in your cookies until someone pointed it out. They really just tasted like ordinary chocolate-chip cookies, albeit with a mildly salty taste. But hey, that just means they were delicious, and not to mention, a good partial serving of spinach! You did a wonderful job on your presentation as well. I loved the way you revolved the theme around the color purple, representing the title of the book. As Ms. Wilson remarked somewhere, you should focus on the authors style as a whole, such as in her other works of literature, since it would provide a more holistic view on the authors writing for the AP Exam. In your first close reading essay, you did a nice job of incorporating the stylistic devices Alice Walker used in expressing the themes of her storydialect, epistolary form, and the diction and syntax. However, I think you could have done a better job in supporting your points. You could have used more textual evidence from your prose passage to back up your claims and arguments, which I didnt see much of when I read through your essay. Your conclusion could have also been moreconclusive? It felt a lot like a summary of the introduction, and didnt quite hit home the point you were trying to prove. But dont fret! Everyone always has room for improvement! Great job! 8. Megan Than Win a. AP Open Question #1 : http://julianbarnespulse.blogspot.com/2014/02/ap-openquestion-1.html First of all, your cookies were delicious! I loved the symbolism and simplicity behind them, and of course they fit perfectly with your theme without being repetitive (there were a lot of chocolate-chip cookies these past few days). You did a great job in your

presentation. Everything was clear and succinct, and you drew in the audience with your humor and wit. There were also many new literary devices I hadnt heard of before, which will certainly come in use during the AP Exam, so thank you! In reading your AP Open Question #1 Essay, I was definitely hooked by your introduction: Betrayed by love, betrayed by a so called friend, betrayed by love itself. The repetition is very effective and captures the themes of your essay. I did notice the use of bum, which is a bit colloquial, so you could edit that. You did a great a job of incorporating quotes from your book, as well as using them to prove your point. There is minimal summary and good analysis, though your thesis could use some more elaboration. At first glance I see more of the obvious statement rather than an argument. Otherwise, fantastic job! 9. James Gao a. Research Paper: http://graftolstoy.blogspot.com/2014/02/research-paper.html Hey James! Awesome job with your presentation! I loved your enthusiasm and professionalism, as well your dry wit with your tweet and how it related to the very, very, VERY long novels of Tolstoy. One of the things I noticed about your presentation that somewhat lacked in others was the influences on the authors style. While others did touch upon some details of their life that related to their style, you did an excellent job in elaborating on the many things that influenced Tolstoys writing, such as spirituality and other literary influences like Madame Bovary. Your research paper also reflected your in-depth discussion of Tolstoys writing. There was a wonderful balance of analysis and concrete details, and you did a great job in using quotes to prove your point. It was nice how you managed to put such emphasis on the social and economic dynamic at the time period during which Anna Karenina was written, and it flowed perfectly in a mixture of analysis and detail, much like your other points did. Your writing is thorough, sophisticated, and very persuasive, just as you were in your presentation. Excellent job! 10. Manny Setegn a. Research Paper : http://richardmathesonhorrorstory.blogspot.com/2014/02/blogpost-4-research-paper-with-final.html Your presentation overall was very compelling, and I enjoyed learning about the actual I Am Legendsince before Ive always known of it as the horror, apocalyptic movie that people warned me not to watch. It was interesting to compare the two and how they ended so differently. Now Im interested in reading the book and watching the book. I also enjoyed the dark humor in your tweet; in effect it actually made the gory details of the book lighter. You explained the general plotline well without giving too many spoilers.

Anyway, in reading your research paper, your argument is very well-thought out. You did well to incorporate how Mathesons literary devices supplied to the meaning of the themes in the work. This was apparent in the second and third body paragraphs, but I would have liked to see this elaborated more in the first body paragraph. I liked how you found a connection to racism through Nevilles conflicts with the vampires, and its quite symbolic how the old ideals he embodied died out when he does, much like how society tried to push towards new ideas of equality during the Civil Rights Movement. All in all, a wonderful job!

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