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Carl S. Bosco D.C.

Chiropractor - Naturopath
P.O. Box 1653 Coarsegold, Ca 93614 559-760-4199

Think Detox

ears ago when I was still director of the Yosemite Health Retreat here in Coarsegold, a gentleman approached me with a problem he had been dealing with for a couple of decades. He told me that he had tried many remedies for his ongoing case of eczema and that nothing worked. He had indeed a bad case of atopic dermatitis, another name for the disease. He had lesions over most parts of the body.


I told him that most likely he would never find a so-called cure for his eczema, but if he looked at the problem from a different physiological viewpoint, he had a chance at conquering it. I endeavored to explain to him the toxemia theory of disease. It goes like this: Basically, when the body is overworked, not getting enough rest, having to process too much complex protein, too much refined sugars, milk, cheese and processed fats, the liver becomes congested, the body cant keep up with the demands of enzyme production and elimination of wastes from the cells Volia! You have disease. It might come on quickly or take decades to manifest.

I told him that if I had this problem I would fast on just water for a couple of days, sleep as much as possible, and then start on a diet rich in raw foods: fruits and vegetables of all kinds. I told him to be extremely sparing on meat and dairy, if he felt compelled to eat some of it. I said the cheap cereal and milk habit had to go, as well as doughnuts, cookies and cakes. I wrote out a sample menu for him, some suggestions for breakfast, lunch and dinner he could choose from. Lightly steamed vegetables were also included. Ill give it a try, Doc. Nothing else has worked. The worst that could happen is a bad case of diarrhea? he said and laughed. In fact he had been constipated for years and just accepted that as normal. That could happen at first, since your bowel is so unused to roughage, I said. But it will calm down and normalize. Meat has no fiber, you know. Well, this patient soon moved out of the area. I didnt hear from him for a couple of months. Then I got a letter from him. He thanked me profusely for my advice and he said that his eczema was going away. It was improving rapidly every day. Furthermore, he was feeling better all around, more energy, better sleep Fried Bacon and a better emotional outlook. Maple Bar! Ive seen this kind of transformation happen time after time. When we take away the burden of having to process so much heavy proteins and sugars and dairy fats, the body becomes more efficient in every way. When in doubt, think detox. Toxemia is the culprit, detox the goal. Researchers tell us that human beings, many thousands of years ago used to eat huge amounts of plant foods. We probably consumed about 600mg of vitamin C every day, the equivalent of eating 10 oranges. How about vitamin E the amount found in 2 cups of nuts. Fiber? The amount in 12 bowls of oatmeal! Calcium? The amount found in 5 cups of collard greens. (Yes, from greens, not mammoth milk). Sheesh! That a lot of produce! No need for X-Lax in the rain forest. These must have been regular folks.
Just when you think youve seen the ultimate abomination in food, they come up with another one. Think of the minds behind this horror: Ten CEOs clustered around a polished table. The more outrageous the better, gentlemen. Itll be all the rage, just like Justin Bieber. Well sell millions of these heart stoppers, while making more work for the cardiac surgeons. A win-win situation!

The so-called Paleolithic (Paleo) diet has invaded the popular magazines and tv doctor shows lately. This way of eating is touted as representing our pristine nature, a return to eating in accord with our native physiology. It sounds good on the surface but in fact it is based on a facile, flimsy concept. As stated above, evidence proves that humans for eons ate lots of vegetable matter. The seeds of various grasses and grains have been found between the teeth of skeletons dating back tens of thousands of years. So, you want to eat like pre-historic man? Youre not going to like this. How about some yummy gazelle kidneys, intestines, tongues and stomachs? Maybe some creepy crawly bugs, grubs (larva, maggots) flies, frogs, grasshoppers, bats and lizards? This is where our ancestors found the good stuff. To live healthfully you have to eat the whole thing, but its not likely that they ate that much protein of an animal source anyway. We eat mostly muscle meat today and thats not what sustains a body in need of various nutrients, like vitamins and minerals as well as roughage that keeps the intestines healthy. Even my grandparents, Italian immigrants, often served up chicken gizzards, hearts and livers, intestines for sausage, and tripe (stomach). Nobody on my block eats this way anymore. The loads of meat we like to eat isnt anything like the flesh of prehistoric wild animals. To be sure, a debate is still ongoing as to whether a person can be absolutely vegetarian and healthy. I personally think the debate has little merit and is motivated by moneyed interests. Look, vegetarians get fewer heart attacks and suffer less diabetes and cancers than anybody else. If you dont have the time or desire to investigate the subject in greater depth, I would opt on the safe side for your own personal peace of mind. Stay mostly vegetarian (95%) with the addition of small amounts of animal proteins. I dont think some meat and fat will ruin your health, but a little goes a long way. Remember, hospital waiting rooms arent loaded with vegetarians!

You can find an interesting Scientific American Magazine blog entitled Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians

The Paleo Diet Pushers Tell Us What We Like To Hear: Eat All The Burgers You Want!

Drug Company CEOs Are Getting Nervous! . . . An epidemic of

non-compliance is spreading across the country
(This is from an email from Dr. Carolyn Dean, a progressive Medical Doctor living in Hawaii who has helped bring the benefits of magnesium as well as the Gerson Therapy for cancer - to public awareness.) Aloha, A couple of horrendously long Medscape articles really got my blood boiling this morning. One is called "An Epidemic of Noncompliance" the other "Can We Get Patients To Be More Compliant." The writers said that doctors are "baffled by how many patients, particularly those with chronic conditions, don't take their medications as prescribed - if at all." Here are the noncompliance stats: * In the U.S, 3.8 Billion prescriptions are written each year; 50% are taken incorrectly or not at all. * In a 1,000-patient survey, 75% said they didn't take their meds as directed. * In a 75,000-patient survey, 30% failed to fill a new prescription. New scripts for high BP, diabetes and high cholesterol were not filled 20-22% of the time. * In a 8,400-patient survey, only 1 in 3 were taking their high BP and high cholesterol drugs after 6 months. * In a 240,000-patient study, 30% were not taking their antidepressant meds after 6 months. Then attempting to 'baffle with bullshit,' (Carolyn can be abrasive when shes mad! Dr.B) the article hammers at the same old tune that patients

who don't take their meds risk hospitalization and premature death. I'm sure they haven't read my Death by Modern Medicine book. In the 3rd edition, the stats of drug side effects and deaths are even higher. Ten years ago it was of a million, now, over 1 Million people die prematurely per year due to modern medicine interventions. But it struck me that noncompliance is the way medicine is going to explain away iatrogenic (doctor caused disease) medicine. They are saying that you get sick and die because most of you are noncompliant anyway! Wow! Now there's a Machiavellian twist. Why are doctors so blind and don't realize people don't want to take meds that make them sicker, not better? After all, if their drugs worked, people would be happy to take them! . . . . In the articles they say one of the reasons for noncompliance is the "perceived side effects of drugs" by patients! A person suffering a tendon rupture from the fluoride antibiotic, Cipro, does not have a "perceived side effect"; that person could be crippled for life. Dr. Boscos Comments: Blind faith in the doctors advice can lead to severe and escalating problems. People are more aware of that fact now that they can get unfiltered news on the Internet. Television is bought and paid for by drug companies, liquor and beer ads, cheap cereals and low quality fast foods not to mention the military-industrial complex. And so now there are thousands of independent and chain Health Food Stores stocked to the ceilings with vitamins and mineral supplements, all competing more and more successfully for the pharmaceutical dollar. This is troubling for the big boys. Hmmm . . .Schizophrenia? Youve tried the nasty, addictive and dangerous Risperdal and Geodon. The horrid side effects are too many to list here. How about large doses of Niacin, a B vitamin, instead. This has proven quite effective. Gout? well get off the meat and alcohol first, and eat your veggies and dont take the colchisine (diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain). Black cherry concentrate and cherry juice has proven quite effective for gout. Cant sleep? If a doctor suggests Ambien, in my opinion he or she is a dangerous quack. Take this poison and you risk serious sleep walking - or driving episodes. Let me run down all the possible side effects of just this one drug. Many drugs have some of the same effects: Chest pain, confusion about identity, place, and time; discouragement, false or unusual sense of well-being; fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse; feeling sad or empty; fever, general feeling of discomfort or

illness, irritability, lack of appetite, loss of interest or pleasure, shakiness and unsteady walk, tiredness, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, unsteadiness; trembling or other problems with muscle control or coordination; unusual tiredness or weakness. How about a glass of warm milk instead, some tryptophan, chamomile tea, a warm bath, some melatonin, meditation, a brisk walk or swim. Very often if we keep our heads about us, calm down and think a little, we can come up with a more reasonable answer to most health issues. Dont be stampeded either by your doctor or by television advertising.

Dont Let Neck And Arm Pain Get You Down

Every day tens of thousands of people stream into medical offices across the country seeking relief for pains in their necks, their shoulders, their backs. The medical answer is usually some kind of pill. Sometimes a so-called muscle relaxant, like Relafin. Sometimes pain killers like Vicodin and Soma, with all their attendant side effects. When this hasnt worked they finally break down and see a Chiropractor. Ive seen hundreds of people with these similar symptoms. Its usually yhe same story: Doctor, I got up one morning last week and my neck was so stiff and it hurt bad. Now its going down the arm, sometimes painful, sometimes kinda numb. I dont know what I could have done to have this happen. A symptom complex like this one usually takes months to build up to a climax, but it can come on rather quickly. Were talking about something that Chiropractors deal with all the time: pinched nerves. This happens particularly in the neck and shoulders mostly due to our habits of work and reading, being on the computer doing paperwork for hours on end, watching television, or sometimes from doing strenuous outdoor work that we are not used to.

Fighting Gravity
Look at the anatomy in the picture to the right. The Brachial Plexus is the culprit in this case. This bundle of nerves starts at the 5th Vertebra in the neck (Cervical) all the way down to the 2nd vertebra of the Thorax. So were cutting off or inhibiting the flow of nerve energy at the levels of C5, 6, 7 and Thoracic 1and 2.

Most of us carry a lot of tension in the neck and shoulders, and lets face it, gravity is always with us pulling us down. My feeling in the matter is that we dont rest enough. Look at your sweet house cat. He or she sleeps a lot. I think we need to put in more time lounging around and not feel guilty about it!

My Successful Treatment For Neck And Shoulder Pain Not The Same As Physical Therapy
I have several clients who choose to come in once a month on a regular basis because they have had such relief from Brachial Plexus syndrome, total relief of pain and numbness and tingling. Treatment goes like this. 1 2 3 4 Hot pack to the upper back, followed by Superficial and deep massage of muscles of the back and shoulders to relieve spasms While lying on the back, tonic interval traction of the neck, massage and heat Finally, Chiropractic adjustments to free-up pinched segments

In my opinion the therapy cannot be rushed. I tend to stay away from Chiropractic offices where Im in and out in 5 to 10 minutes. In my office this whole process takes a good 45 minutes or more, is relaxing and is absolutely non-traumatic, and correction

very often is immediate and lasting.

If pinched nerves can happen in the neck and shoulders, it can occur in other segments of the spine. Think of the implications of impaired nerve energy flow to various organs, muscles and systems. This should give you an idea of the powerful benefits of Chiropractic care. Come On Down! Give me a call at 559-760-4199 because Im only there by appointment How To Get There: In Oakhurst, Ca - turn down Road 426 (at the Talking Bear). Go past School Road. Make a right turn at Hillview Drive (Just past the acupuncturist Gloria Garland) at 49774 Rd 426. The first driveway on the left. Less than a mile from Hwy 41

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