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Figure 1 Distribution of tourism products, 2000 (source:DBKL)

Opportunity to promote Urban village of Kampung Baru !i"! i# ri"! it! t!e !i#tory an$ !eritage value of Malay Ar"!ite"ture an$ foo$ !eaven $e#tination%

Figure 2 Distribution of hotels by si e, 2000(source:DBKL)

Opportunity for mar&et target for room $i#tribution by provi$ing '(( room# for !otel $evelopment at Kampung Baru !i"! i# not many !otel $one it yet%

Figure ! "ourism ones, 2020 (source:DBKL) Fa"tor# t!at pull touri#t to tour Kuala Lumpur )Kampung Baru*% T!i# ill !elp !otelier to $evelop t!e !otel an$ mar&et value by re#ear"!ing t!e target "u#tomer %

Majority of the Arab tourists were staying in 5 star rated hotels. )#$l$ysi$ %otel &ssoci$tion,200' $nd "ourism #$l$ysi$,200') Most of the Arabs tourists mainly visited Kuala Lumpur compared to other cities in Malaysia ("ourism #$l$ysi$, 200!) +Kuala Lumpur Golden Triangle is a famous areas for business, commerce and shopping in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and also famous for international chain hotels. Most of the five star hotels li!e "hangri#la $ar! royal Mutiara "heraton %it& 'arlton %enaissance and many more are located within the vicinity of four kilometres

Most of the international hotels in Kuala Lumpur (olden )riangle are very popular among the Arab tourists compared to other hotels in other parts of Kuala Lumpur ("ourism #$l$ysi$,200(), +Ma,ority of Arab# "oming to t!i# "ountry ere from t!e oil pro$u"ing "ountrie# in t!e Mi$$le Ea#t region-%( "ourism #$l$ysi$,200() Demogr$phic profile Marrie$ it! familie# ..%./)0(0*1 an$ #ingle# 22%'/ )23* Age#42(56( year#7 '(583 year# 68%9/ ):8*1 2(523year# '(/)'3* an$ over 6( year# 9%6/ )6* Mo#t touri#t4 Yout! to mi$$le age$ group# 9'%:/ )8.*5a$mini#trative1 9(/)82*5profe##ional;te"!ni"al o""upation#1 8%9/).*5#tu$ent# !ig!er in#titution#1 9%6/)6*5retiree#1 '%:/)8*5 #ale# an$ "leri"al1 2%'/)'*5ot!er# <ig!e#t proportion5profe##ional=te"!ni"al an$ a$mini#trative )traveller4!ig! $i#po#able in"ome* Sau$i Arabia 96%3/)60*1 unite$ arab emirate# 0'%0/)0.*1 Ku ait 3%2/)02*

"r$)elling p$ttern >urpo#e travelling4 !oli$ay :'%:/)0(3*1 bu#ine## purpo#e :%8/)00*1 vi#iting frien$# an$ relative# 2%'/)'*1 ot!er# 8%9/).* 86%3/ ).9* it! #pou#e;"!il$ren1 2'%0/)'(* it! #pou#e ;relative#1 0(/)0'* it! bu#ine## a##o"iate#1 8%9/).* it! frien$#1 '%0/)9* alone an$ 0%8/)2* ot!er travelling "ompanion Travel# it! "ompanion5#e"urity an$ ea#e "ommuni"ation problem#% +Travelling it!in a group provi$e# #e"urity-% )>olunin103:3*

Ma,or a"tivitie# engage$4 #ig!t#eeing an$ vi#iting intere#ting pla"e# ):(%: per"ent1 n ? 0(8*1 vi#iting t!eme par&# )0(%( /1 n ? 0'*1 #!opping )6%3 /1 n?3* an$ ot!er a"tivitie# )2%' /1 n ?'*% *references in hotel rest$ur$nt food @e#tern foo$ a# ran&e$ a# t!e mo#t popular "!oi"e among t!e Arab touri#t# T!i# a# follo e$ by In$ian foo$ )ran& 2*% it !a$ a #lig!t

#imilarity it! #ome of t!e Arab foo$ Mi$$le Ea#tern foo$ a# ran&e$ t!ir$ in t!e e"!elon )ran& '*% Malay1 A!ine#e an$ ot!er foo$ )ran& 9* ere al#o foun$ to be #lig!tly a""eptable to t!e Arab# touri#t# t!oug! not a# popular a# @e#tern1 In$ian an$ Mi$$le Ea#tern foo$%

Malaysia offers a lot of opportunity concerning the culture diversity multiracial society the ethnic minority and tourists can find the whole of Asia in one country and that is what they are loo!ing for t!e Arab# !o are more "on"erne$ it! eBploring t!e "ountry% For in#tan"e1 &ey informant of t!e Syrian Emba##y Cuote$4 *rom the information + gathered most of the Arabs want to see Kuala Lumpur and surrounding areas. +t is nice to discover this Muslim country. T!e &ey informant of t!e UAE Emba##y "ommente$ t!at4 Arabs from ,A- do not put shopping as their priority because they can find cheaper products of the same .uality in their country. )hey go abroad for vacation and seeing the country. /f course in the vacation they will bring bac! some souvenirs for the family and relatives.

Referen"e# 4
0% Dul&ifli et%al% )2((3*% )ravelling pattern and preferences of the Arab )ourist in

Malaysian 0otels% International Eournal of Bu#ine## an$ Management%Fol9).*%Retrieve$ from %""#enet%org=,ournal%!tml 2% Mini#try of Touri#m Malay#ia%)2(09*% Malaysia 'ountry %eport%) UG@TO 28T< AA>5ASA AGH UG@TO AOGFEREGAE OG SUSTAIGABLE TOURISM HEFELO>MEGT% Retrieve$ from Touri#m Malay#ia%

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