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Hardees Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics Volume I 1855

TITLE SEC !"# SCH L $ THE S L"IER. General Rules and division of the School of the Soldier. 70. The object of this school being the individual and progressive instruction of the recruits, the instructor never requires a movement to be executed until he has given an exact explanation it! and he executes, himself, the movement "hich he commands, so as to join example to precept. #e accustoms the recruit to ta$e, b% himself, the position "hich is explained & teaches him to rectif% it onl% "hen required b% his "ant of intelligence & and sees that all the movements are performed "ithout precipitation. 7'. (ach movement should be understood before passing to another. fter the% have been properl% executed in the order laid do"n in each lesson, the instructor no longer confines himself to that order! on the contrar%, he should change it, that he ma% judge of the intelligence of the men. 7). The instructor allo"s the men to rest at the end of each part of the lessons, and oftener, if he thin$s proper, especiall% at the commencement! for this purpose he commands R(ST. 7*. t the command R(ST, the soldier is no longer required to preserve immobilit%, or to remain in his place. +f the instructor "ishes merel% to relieve the attention of the recruit, he commands, , in place&R(ST,! the soldier is then not required to preserve his immobilit%, but he al"a%s $eeps one of his feet in its place. 7-. .hen the instructor "ishes to commence the instruction, he commands & TT(/T+0/! at this command the soldier ta$es his position, remains motionless, and fixes his attention. 71. The School of the Soldier "ill be divided into three parts2 the first, comprehending "hat ought to be taught to recruits "ithout arms & the second the manual of arms, the loadings &and firings! the third, the principles of alignment, the march b% the front, the different steps, the march b% the flan$, the principles of "heeling and those of change of direction!., also, long marches in double quic$ time and the ran, 73. (ach part "ill be divided into lessons, as follo"s2 4 RT 5+RST. 6esson '. 4osition of the soldier "ithout arms & (%es right, left and front. 6esson ). 5acings. 6esson *. 4rinciples of the direct step in common and quic$ time. 6esson -. 4rinciples of the direct step in double quic$ time and the run. 4 RT S(70/8 6esson '. 4rinciples of shouldered arms. 6esson ). 9anual of arms. 6esson *. To load in four times and at "ill. 6esson -. 5irings, direct, oblique, b% file and b% ran$. 6esson 1. To fire and load, $neeling and l%ing. 6esson 3. :a%onet exercise. 4 RT T#+R8. 6esson '. ;nion of eight or t"elve men for instruction in the principles of alignment. 6esson ). The direct march, the oblique march, and the different steps. 6esson * . The march b% the flan$. 6esson -. 4rinciples of "heeling and change of direction. 6esson 1. 6ong marches in double quic$ time, and the run, "ith arms and $napsac$s.

4 RT 5+RST. 77. This "ill be taught, if practicable, to one recruit at a time! but three or four ma% be united, "hen the number be great compared "ith that of the instructors. +n this ease the recruits "ill be placed in a single ran$, at one pace from each other. +n this part, the recruit "ill be "ithout arms. 6(SS0/ +.&4osition of the Soldier. 7<. #eels on the same line, as near each other as the conformation of the mail "ill permit! The feet turned out equall%, and forming "ith each other something less than a right angle! The $nees straight "ithout stiffness The bod% erect on the hips, inclining a little for"ard! The shoulders square and falling equall%! The arms hanging naturall%! The elbo"s near the bod%! The palm of the hand turned a little to the front, the little finger behind the seem of the, pantaloons! The head erect and square to the front, "ithout constraint! The chin near the stoc$, "ithout covering it! The e%es fixed straight to the front, and stri$ing the ground about the distance of fifteen paces. R(9 R=S 0/ T#( 40S+T+0/ 05 T#( S068+(R. #eels on the same line >& 7?. :ecause, if one. "ere in the rear of the other, the shoulder on that side "ould be thro"n bac$, or the position of the soldier "ould be constrained. #eels more or less closed :ecause, men "ho are $noc$&$need, or "ho have legs "ith large calves, cannot, "ithout constraint, ma$e their heels touch "hile standing. The feet equall% turned out, and not forming too large an angle, :ecause, if one foot "ere turned out more than the other, a shoulder "ould be deranged, and if both feet be too much turned out, it "ould not be practicable to incline the upper part of the bod% for"ard "ithout rendering the "hole position unstead%. =nees extended "ithout stiffness! :ecause, if stiffened, constraint and fatigue "ould be unavoidable. The bod% erect on the hips! :ecause, it gives equilibrium to the position. The instructor "ill observe that man% recruits have the bad habit of dropping a shoulder, of dra"ing in a side, or of advancing a hip, particularl% the right, "hen under arms. These are defects he "ill labor to correct. The upper part of the bod% inclining for"ard ! :ecause, commonl%, recruits are disposed to do the reverse, to project the bell% and to thro" bac$ the shoulders, "hen the% "ish to hold themselves erect, from "hich result great inconveniences in marching. The habit of inclining for"ard the upper part of the bod% is so important to contract, that the instructor must enforce it at the beginning, particularl% "ith recruits "ho have naturall% the opposite habit.

Shoulders square! :ecause if the shoulders be advanced be%ond the line of the breast, and the, bac$ arched @the defect called round &shouldered, not uncommon "ith recruits,A the man cannot align himself, nor use his piece "ith address. +t is important, then, to correct this defect, and necessar% to that end that the coat should set eas% about the shoulders and arm pits & but in correcting this defect, the instructor should ta$e care that the shoulders be not thro"n too much to the rear, "hich "ould cause the bell% to project, and the small of the bac$ to be, curved. The arms hanging naturall%, elbo"s near the bod%, the palm of the hand a little turned to the front, the little finger behind the seam of the pantaloons ! :ecause these. positions are equall% important to the shoulder arms, and to prevent the man from occup%ing more space in a ran$ than is necessar% to it free use of the piece! the% have, moreover, the advantage of $eeping in. the shoulders. The face straight to the front, and "ithout constraint! :ecause, if there be stiffness in the latter position, it "ould communicate +tself to the. "hole of the upper part of the bod%, embarrass its movements and give pain and fatigue. (%es direct to the front! :ecause, this is the surest means of maintaining the shoulders in line& an essential object, to be insisted on and attained. <0. The instructor having given the recruit the position of the soldier "ithout arms "ill no" teach him the turning of the head and e%es. #e "ill command2 '. Eyes& R+G#T ). 5R0/T. <'. t the "ord right, the recruit "ill turn the head gentl%, so as to bring the inner corner of the left e%e in it line "ith the buttons of the coat, the e%es fixed on the line of the e%es of the men in, or supposed to he in, the same ran$. <). t the second command the head "ill resume the direct or habitual position. <*. The movement of Eyes & 6(5T "ill be executed b% inverse means. <-. The instructor "ill ta$e particular care that the movement of the head does not derange the squareness of the shoulders, "hich "ill happen if the movement of the former be too sudden. <1. .hen the instructor shall "ish the recruit to pass from the State of attention to that of ease, he "ill command2 R(ST. <3. T0 cause a resumption of the habitual position, the instructor "ill command2 '. Attention. ). SB; 8. <7. t the first "ord, the recruit "ill fix his attention! at the Second, he "ill resume the prescribed position "ith steadiness.

6(SS0/ ++. &5acings. <<. 5acings to the right or left "ill be executed in one time, or pause. The instructor "ill command2 '. Squad. ). Right (or left) &5 7(. <?. t the second command, raise the right foot slightl%, turn on the left heel raising the toes a little , and then replace the right heel b% the side of the left, and on the same line. ?0. The full face to the rear @or frontA "ill be executed in t"o times, or pauses. The instructor "ill command2 '. Squad. ). :0;T &5 7(. ?'. @First time.A t the "ord about, the recruit "ill turn on left heel, bring the left toe to the front rear, the hollo" opposite to, and full heel, the feet Square to each 0ther. ?). @Second time.A t the "ord face, the recruit "ill turn on both heels, raise the toes a little, extend the hams, face to&the rear, bringing, at the same time, the right heel b% the side of the left. ?*. The instructor "ill ta$e care that these motions do not derange the position of the bod%. 6(SS0/ +++.& 4rinciples of the 8irect Step. ?-. The length of the direct step, or pace in common time, "ill be t"ent%&eight inches, rec$oning from heel to heel, and, in s"iftness, at the rate of ninet% in a minute. ?1. The instructor, seeing the recruit confirmed in his position, "ill explain to him the principle and mechanism of this step&placing himself six or seven paces from and facing to the recruit. #e "ill himself execute slo"l% file step ill the "a% of illustration, and then command2 '. Squad, forward. ). Common time. *. 9 R7# ?3. t the first command, the recruit "ill thro" the "eight of the bod% on the right leg, "ithout bending the left $nee. ?7. t the third command, he "ill smartl%, but "ithout a jer$, carr% straight for"ard the left foot t"ent%& eight inches from the right, the sole near the ground, the ham extended, the too a little depressed, and, as also the $nee slightl% turned out & he "ill, at the same time, thro" the "eight of the bod% for"ard, and plant flat the left foot, "ithout shoc$, precisel% at the distance C"here it finds itself from the right "hen the "eight of the bod% is brought for"ard, the "hole of "hich "ill no" rest on the advanced foot. The recruit "ill next, in li$e manner, advance the right foot and plant it as above! the heel t"ent%&eight inches from the heel of the left foot, and thus continue to march "ithout crossing the legs, or stri$ing the one against the other, "ithout turning the shoulders and preserving al"a%s the face direct to the front. ?<. .hen the instructor shall "ish to arrest the march, he "ill command2 '. Squad. ). # 6T. ??. t the second command, "hich "ill be given at the instant "hen either foot is coming to the ground, the foot in the rear "ill be brought up, and planted b% the side of the other, "ithout shoc$. '00. The instructor "ill indicate, from time to time, to the recruit the cadence of the step, b% giving the command one at the instant of raising a foot, and t"o at the instant it ought to be planted, observing the cadence of ninet% steps in a minute. This method "ill contribute greatl% to impress upon the mind the t"o ,notions into "hich the Step is naturall% divided.

'0'. 7ommon time "ill be emplo%ed onl% in the first and second parts of the School of the Soldier. s soon as the recruit has acquired steadiness, has become established in the pi. , of shouldered arms and itA the mechanism, length and s"iftness of the stop in common time, he "ill be practiced onl% in quic$ time, the double quic$ time, and the run. '0). The principles of the stop in quic$ time are the same as for common time, but its s"iftness is at the rate of one hundred and ten steps per minute. '0*. The instructor "ishing the squad to march in quic$ Time, "ill command2 '. Squad, forward ). 9 R7#. 6esson +D.&4rinciples of the 8ouble Buic$ Step. '0-. The length of the double quic$ stop is thirt%&three inches, and its s"iftness at the rate of one hundred and sixt%&five steps per minute. '01. The instructor "ishing to teach the recruits the principles and mechanism of the double quic$ step, "ill command2 '. ou!le quic" step. ). 9 R7#. '03. t the first command, the recruit "ill raise his hands to a level "ith his Elips, the hands closed, the nails to"ard the bod%, the elbo"s to the rear. '07. t the second command, he "ill raise to the front his left leg bent, in order to give to the $nee the greatest elevation, the part of the leg bet"een the $nee and the instep vertical, the toe depressed! he "ill then replace his foot in its former position "ith the right leg he "ill then execute "hat has just been prescribed for the left, and the alternate movement of the legs "ill be continued until the command2 '. Squad. ). # 6T. '0<. t the second command, the recruit "ill bring the foot. "hich is raised b% the side of the other. and dropping at the same time his hands b% his side, "ill resume. the position of the soldier "ithout arms. '0?. The instructor placing himself seven or eight paces from., and facing the recruit, "ill indicate the cadence b% the commands, one and t"o, given alternatel% at the instant each foot should be brought to the ground, "hich at fir&it "ill be in common time, but its rapidit% "ill be graduall% augmented. ''0. The recruit being sufficientl% established in the principles of this step, the instructor "ill command. '. Squad, forward. ). ou!le quic". *. 9 R7#. '''. t the first command, the recruit "ill thro" the "eight of his bod% on the right leg. ''). t the second command, he "ill place his arms as indicated /o. '03. ''*. t the third command he "ill carr% for"ard the left foot, the leg slightl% bent., the $nee some"hat raised &"ill plant his left foot, the toe first, thirt%&three inches from the right, and "ith the right foot "ill then execute "hat has just been prescribed for the left. This alternate movement of the leg, ill ta$e place b% ' thro"ing the "eight of the bod% on the foot that is planted, and b% allo"ing a natural, oscillator% motion to the arms. ''-. The double quic$ step ma% be executed "ith different degrees of s"iftness. ;nder urgent circumstances the, cadence of this step ma% be increased to one hundred and eight% per minute. t this rate a distance of four thousand %ards "ould be passed over in about t"ent%&five minutes. ''1. The recruits "ill be exercised also in running. ''3. The principles are the same as for, the double quic$ step,, the onl% difference consisting in a greater degree of s"iftness.

''7. +t is recommended in marching at double quic$ time, 0r the run, that the men should breathe as much as possible through the nose, $eeping the mouth closed. (xperience has proved that, b% conforming to this principle, a man can. pass over at much longer distance and "ith less fatigue. 4 RT S(70/8. G(/(R 6 R;6(S ''<. The instructor "ill not pass the men to this second part until the% shall be "ell established in the position of the bod%, and in the manner of marching at the different steps ''?. #e "ill then unite four men, "hom he "ill place in the same ran$, elbo" to elbo", and instruct them in the position of shouldered arms, as follo"s 6(SS0/ +.& 4rinciples of Shouldered rms ')0. The recruit being placed as explained in the first lemon of the first part, the +nstructor "ill cause him to bend the right arm slightl%, and place the piece in it, in the follo"ing manner2 ')'. The piece in the right hand&the barrel nearl% vertical and resting in the hollo" of the shoulder&the guard to the front, the arm hanging nearl% at its full length near the bod% & the thumb, and fore&finger embracing the guard, the remaining fingers closed together, and grasping the s"ell of the stoc$ just under the coc$, "hich rests on the little finger. ')). Recruits are frequentl% seen "ith natural defects in the conformation of the shoulders, breast and hips. These the instructor "ill labor to correct in the lessons "ithout arms, and after"ards, b% stead% endeavors, so that the appearance of the places, in the same line, ma% be uniform, and this "ithout constraint to the men in their positions. ')*. The instructor "ill have occasion to remar$ that recruits, on first bearing arms, are liable to derange their position b% lo"ering the right shoulder and the right hand, or b% sin$ing the hip and spreading out the elbo"s. ')-. #e "ill be careful to correct all these faults b% continuall% rectif%ing the position! he "ill sometimes ta$e a"a% the piece to replace it the better! he "ill avoid fatiguing the recruits too much in the evening, but labor b% degrees to render this position so natural and eas% that the% ma% remain in it a long time "ithout fatigue. ')1. 5inall%, the instructor "ill ta$e great care that the piece, at a shoulder, be not carried too high nor too lo"2 if too high, the right elbo" "ould spread out, the soldier "ould occup% too much space in his ran$, and the piece be made to "aver! if too lo", the files "ould be too much closed, the soldier "ould not have the necessar% space to handle his piece "ith facilit%, the right arm "ould become too much fatigued, and "ould dra" do"n the shoulder. ')3. The instructor, before passing to the second lesson, "ill cause to be repeated the movements of e%es right, left, and front, and the facings.

6esson ++.&9anual of rms. ')7. The manual of arms "ill be taught to four men, placed, at first, in one ran$, elbo" to elbo", and after"ards in t"o ran$s. ')<. (ach command "ill be executed in one time @or pauseA, but this time "ill be divided into motions, the better to ma$e $no"n the mechanism. ')?. The rate @or s"iftnessA of each motion, in the manual of arms, "ith the exceptions herein indicated, is fixed at the ninetieth part of a minute!. but, in order not to fatigue the attention, the instructor "ill, at first, loo$ more particularl% to the execution of the motions, "ithout requiring a nice observance, of the cadence, to "hich he "ill bring the recruits progressivel%, and after the% shall have become a little familiariFed "ith the handling of the piece. '*0. s the motions relative to the cartridge, to the rammer and to the fixing and unfixing of the ba%onet, cannot be executed at the rate prescribed, nor even "ith a uniform s"iftness, the% "ill not be subjected to that cadence. The instructor "ill, ho"ever labor to cause these motions to be executed "ith promptness, and above all, "ith regularit% '*'. The last s%llable of the command "ill decide the bris$ execution of the first motion of each time @or pauseA. The commands t"o, three, and four, "ill decide the bris$ execution of the other motions. s soon is the recruits shall "ell comprehend the positions of the several motions of a time, the% "ill be taught to execute the time "ithout resting on its different motions & the mechanism of the time "ill nevertheless be observed, as "ell to give a perfect use of the piece, as to avoid the sin$ing of, or slurring over either of the motions. '*) The manual of arms "ill be taught in the follo"ing progression2 The, instructor "ill command2 Support& R9S. #ne time and three motions. '**. @First motion.A :ring, the piece, "ith the right hand, perpendicularl% to the front and bet"een the e%es the barrel to the rear! seiFe the piece "ith the left hand at the lo"er hand, raise this hand as high as the chin, and seiFe the piece at the same time "ith the right hand four inches belo" the coc$. '*-. @Second motion.A Turn the piece "ith the barrel to the front! carr% the piece to the left shoulder, and pass the fore&arm extended on the breast bet"een the right hand and the coc$! support the coc$ against the left fore&arm, the left hand resting on the right breast. '*1. @$hird motion.A 8rop the right hand b% the side. '*3. .hen the instructor ma% "ish to give repose in this position, he "ill command2 R(ST. '*7. t this command, the recruits "ill bring up smartl% the right hand to the handle of the piece @small of the stoc$A, "hen to preserve silence, or steadiness of the% "ill not be required to position. '*<. .hen the instructor ma% "ish the recruits to pass from this position to that of silence and steadiness, he "ill command2 '. Attention. ). SB; 8. '*?. t the Second "ord., the recruits "ill resume the position of the third motion of support arms

Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and three motions. '-0. @First motion.A Grasp the piece "ith the right hand under and against the left fore&arm! seiFe it "ith the left hand at the lo"er band, the thumb extended! detach the piece slightl% from the shoulder, the left fore& arm along the stoc$. '-'. @Second motion.A 7arr% the piece verticall% to the right shoulder "ith both hands, the rammer to the front, change the position of the right hand so as to embrace the guard "ith the thumb and fore&finger, slip the left hand to the hight of the shoulder, the fingers extended and joined, the right arm nearl% Straight. '-). @$hird motion.A 8rop the left hand quic$l% b% the Side. %resent& R9S #ne time and two motions. '-*. @First motion.A .ith the right hand bring the piece erect before the center of the bod%, the rammer to the front! at the same time seiFe the piece "ith the left hand half&"a% bet"een the guide sight and lo"er band, the thumb extended along the barrel and against the stoc$, the, fore&arm horiFontal and resting against the bod%, the band as high as the elbo". '--. @Second motion.A Grasp the small of the stoc$ "ith the right hand belo" and against the guard. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. '-1. @First motion.A :ring the piece to the right shoulder, at the same time change the position of the right band so as to embrace the guard "ith the thumb and fore&finger, slip up the left hand to the hight of the shoulder, the fin fingers extended and joined, the right arm nearl% Straight. '-3. @Second motion.A 8rop the left Eland quic$l% b% the Side. #rder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. '-7. @First motion.A SeiFe the piece bris$l% "ith the left. hand near the upper band, and detach it slightl% from the shoulder "ith the right hand &loosen the grasp of the right hand, lo"er the piece "ith the left, reseiFe the piece "ith the right band above the lo"er band, the little finger in rear of the barrel, the butt about four inches from the ground, the right hand supported against the hip, drop the left hand b% the side. '-<. @Second motion.A 6et the piece slip through the right hand to the ground b% opening slightl% the fingers, and ta$e the position about to be described. 4osition of order arm '-?. The hand lo", the barrel bet"een the thumb and fore&finger extended along the stoc$! the other fingers extended and joined! the muFFle about t"o inches from the right shoulder! the rammer in front! the toe @or bea$A of the butt, against, and in. a line "ith, the too of the right foot, the barrel perpendicular. '10. .hen the instructor ma% "ish to give repose in this position, he "ill command2

R(ST. '1'. t this command, the recruits "ill not be required to preserve silence or steadiness. '1). .hen the instructor ma% "ish the recruits to pass from this position to that of silence and steadiness, he "ill command2 '. Attention. ). SB; 8. '1*. t the second "ord, the recruits "ill resume the position of order arms. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. '1-. @First motion.A Raise the piece verticall% "ith the right hand to the hight of the right breast, and opposite the shoulder, the elbo" close to the bod%! seiFe the piece "ith the left hand belo" the right, and drop quic$l% the right hand to grasp the piece at the S"ell of the stoc$, the thumb and fore&finger embracing the guard! press the piece against the shoulder "ith the left hand, the right arm nearl% straight. '11. @Second motion.A 8rop the left hand quic$l% b% the side. &oad in nine times. G'. 60 8. '13. Grasp the piece "ith file left hand as high as the right elbo" and bring it verticall% opposite the middle of the bod%, shift the 2right hand to the upper band, place the butt bet"een the feet, the barrel to the front! seiFe it "ith the left hand near the muFFle, "hich should be three inches from the bod%! carr% the right hand to the cartridge box. *Whenever the loadings and firings are to be executed, the instructor will cause the cartridge box to be brought to the front. ). 'andle(7 RTR+8G(. #ne time and one motion. '17. SeiFe the cartridge "ith the thumb and next t"o fingers, and place it bet"een the teeth. *. $ear&7 RTR+8G(. #ne time and one motion. '1<. Tear the paper to the po"der, hold the cartridge upright bet"een the thumb and first t"o fingers, near the top! in this position place it in front of and near the muFFle&& the bac$ of the hand to the front.

-. Charge& 7 RTR+8G(. #ne time and one motion. '1?. (mpt% the po"der into the barrel! disengage the ball from the paper "ith the right hand and the thumb and first t"o fingers of the left! insert it into the bore, the pointed end uppermost, and press it do"n "ith the right thumb! seiFe the head of the rammer "ith the thumb and fore&finger of the right hand, the other fingers closed, the elbo"s near the bod%. 1. raw& R 99(R. #ne time and three motions. '30. @First motion.A #alf dra" the rammer b% extending, the right arm! stead% it in this position "ith the left thumb! grasp the rammer near the muFFle "ith the right hand, the little finger uppermost, the nails to the front, the thumb extended along the rammer. .'3'. @Second motion.A 7lear the rammer from the pipes b% again extending the arm! the rammer in the prolongation of the pipes. '3) @$hird motion.A Turn the rammer, the little end of the rammer passing near the left shoulder! place the head of the rammer on the ball, the bac$ of the hand to the front. 3. Ram( 7 RTR+8G(. #ne time and one motion. '3*. +nsert the rammer as far as the right, and stead% it in this position "ith the thumb of the left hand! seiFe the rammer at the small end "ith the thumb and fore&finger of the right hand, the bac$ of the hand to the front! press the ball home, the elbo"s near the bod%. 7. Return& R 99(R. #ne time and three motions. '3- @First motion.A 8ra" the rammer half&"a% out, and stead% it in this position "ith the left thumb! grasp it near the muFFle "ith the right hand, the little finger uppermost, the nails to the front, the thumb along the rammer! clear the rammer from the bore b% extending the arm, the nails to the front, the rammer in the prolongation Cof the bore. '31. (Second motion.A Turn the rammer, the head of the rammer passing near the left shoulder, and insert it in the pipes until the right hand reaches the muFFle, the nails to the front. '33. @$hird motion.A 5orce the rammer home b% placing the little finger of the right hand on the head of the rammer! pass . pass the left hand do"n the barrel to the extent of the arm, "ithout depressing the shoulder.

<. 4R+9(.G& #ne time and two motions. *If Maynard's primer be used, the, command will be: load in eight times and the eighth command will be, shoulder arms and executed from ,turn rammer in one time and two motions, as follows: !$irst motion." #aise the piece with the left band, and ta$e the position of shoulder arms, as indicated %o. &'(. !Second motion." )rop the left hand *uic$ly by the side. '37. @First motion.A .ith the left hand raise the piece till the hand is as high as the e%e, grasp the small of the stoc$ "ith the right hand! half &face to the right! place, at the same time, the right foot behind and at right angles "ith the left!. the hollo" of the right foot against the left heel. Slip the left hand do"n to the lo"er band, the thumb along the stoc$, the left elbo" against the bod%! bring the piece to the right side, the butt belo" the right forearm the small of the stoc$ against the bod% and t"o inches belo" the right breast, the barrel up"ards, the muFFle on a level "ith the e%e. '3<. @Second motion.A #alf coc$ "ith the thumb of the right hand the fingers supported against the guard and the small of the stoc$ remove the old cap "ith one of the fingers of the right band, and "ith the thumb and fore&finger of the same hand ta$e a cap from the pouch, place it on the nipple and press it do"n "ith the thumb! seiFe the small of the stoc$ "ith the right hand. ?. Shoulder& R9S #ne time and two motions '3?. @First motion.A :ring the piece. to the right, shoulder and +Cll support it there "ith the left hand, face to the front bring the right heel to the side of and on a line "ith the left & grasp the piece "ith the right hand as indicated in the position of shoulder arms. '70. @Second motion.A 8rop the left hand quic$l% b% the side. R( 8H. #ne time and three motions. '7', @First motion.A Raise the piece slightl% "ith the right hand, ma$ing a half face to the right on the left heel! carr% the right foot to the rear, and place it at right angles to the left, the hollo" of it opposite to, and against the left heel ! grasp the piece "ith the left hand at the lo"er band and detach it slightl% from the shoulder. '7). @Second motion.A :ring do"n the piece "ith both hands, the barrel up"ards, the left thumb extended along the stoc$ the butt belo" the right fore&arm, the small of the stoc$ against the bod% and t"o inches belo" the right breast, the muFFle as high as the e%e the left elbo" against the side! place at the same time the right thumb on the head of the coc$, the other fingers under and against the guard. '7*. @$hird motion.A 7oc$, and seiFe the piece at the small of the stoc$ "ithout deranging the position of the butt.

+9. #ne time and one motion. '7-. Raise the piece "ith both hands, and support the butt against the right shoulder! the left elbo" do"n, the right as high as the shoulder! incline the head upon the butt, so that the right e%e ma% perceive quic$l% the notch of the hausse, the front sight, and the object aimed at! the left e%e closed, the right thumb extended along the stoc$, the fore&finger on the trigger. '71. .hen recruits are formed in t"o ran$s to execute the firings, the front ran$ men "ill raise a little less the right elbo", in order to facilitate the aim of the rear ran$ men. '73. The rear ran$ men, in aiming, "ill each carr% the right foot about ten inches to the right, and to"ards the left heel of the man next on the right, inclining the upper part of the bod% for"ard. 5+R(. #ne time and one motion. '77. 4ress the fore&finger against the trigger, fire, "ithout lo"ering or turning the head, and remain in this position. '7<. +nstructors "ill be careful to observe "hen the men fire, that the% aim at some distinct object, and that the barrel be so directed that the line of fire and the line of sight be in the same vertical plane. The% "ill often cause the firing to be executed on ground of different inclinations, in order to accustom the men to fire at objects either above or belo" them. 60 8. #ne time and one motion. '7?. :ring do"n the piece "ith both hands, at the same time face to the front and ta$e the position of load as indicated /o. '13. (ach rear ran$ man "ill bring his right foot b% the side of the left. '<0. The men being in this position, the instructor "ill cause the loading to be continued b% the commands and means prescribed /o. '13 and follo"ing. '<'. +f, after firing, the instructor should not "ish the recruits to reload, he "ill command! Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and one motion. '<). Thro" up the piece bris$l% "ith the left hand and resume the position of shoulder arms, at the C same time face to the front, turning on the left heel, and bring the right heel on a line "ith the left. '<*. To accustom the recruits to "ait for the command fire, the instructor, "hen the% are in the position of aim, "ill command 2 Reco)er& R9S. #ne time and one motion. '<-. t the first part of the command, "ithdra" the finger from the trigger! at the command arms, reta$e the position of the third motion of read%. '<1. The recruits being in the position of the third motion of read%, if the instructor should "ish to bring them to it shoulder, he "ill command2

Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and one motion. '<3. t the command shoulder, place the thumb upon the coc$, the fore&finger on the trigger, half&coc$, and seiFe the small of the stoc$ "ith the right hand. t the command arms, bringing up the piece bris$l% to the right shoulder, and reta$e the position of shoulder arms. '<7. The recruits being at shoulder arms, "hen the instructor Shall "ish to fix ba%onets, he "ill command 2 Fi*& : H0/(T. #ne time and three motions. '<<. @5irst motion.A Grasp the piece "ith the left hand at the hight of the shoulder, and detach it slightl% from the shoulder "ith the right hand. '<?. @Second motion.A Buit the piece "ith the right hand, lo"er it "ith the left band, opposite the middle of the bod%, and place the butt bet"een the feet "ithout shoc$ ! the rammer to the rear, the barrel vertical, the muFFle three inches from the bod%! seiFe it "ith the right hand at the upper band, and carr% the left band reversed to the handle of the sabre&ba%onet. '?0. ($hird motion.A 8ra" the sabre&ba%onet from the scabbard and fix it on the extremit% of the barrel! seiFe the piece "ith the left hand, the arm extended, the right band at the upper band. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. '?'. @First motion.A Raise the piece "ith the left hand and place it against the right shoulder, the rammer to the front! seiFe the piece at the same time "ith the right hand at the s"ell of the stoc$, the thumb and fore& finger embracing the guard, the right arm nearl% extended. '?). @Second motion.A 8rop bris$l% the left hand b% the side. Charge& : H0/(T. #ne time and two motions. '?*. @First motion.A Raise the piece slightl% "ith the right hand and ma$e a half face to the right on the left heel! place the hollo" of the right foot opposite to, and three inches from the left heel, the feet square! seiFe the piece at the Same time "ith the left hand a little above the lo"er band. '?-. @Second motion.A :ring do"n the piece "ith both bands, the barrel uppermost, the left elbo" against the bod%! SeiFe the small of the stoc$, at the same time, "ith the right hand, "hich "ill be supported against the hip! the point of the sabre&ba%onet as high as the e%e. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. '?1. @First motion.A Thro" up the piece bris$l% "ith the left hand in facing to the front, place it against the right shoulder, the rammer to the front! turn the right hand so as to embrace the guard, Slide the left band to the hight of the shoulder, the right band nearl% extended. '?3. @Second motion.A 8rop the left band smartl% b% the side.

$rail& R9S #ne time and two motions. '?7. @First motion.A The same as the first motion of order arm. '?<. @Second motion.A +ncline the muFFle slightl% to the front, the butt to the rear and about four inches from the ground. The right hand Supported at the hip, "ill so hold the piece that the rear ran$ men ma% not touch "ith their ba%onets the men in the front ran$. Shoulder& R9S. '??. t the command shoulder, raise the piece perpendicularl% in the right hand, the little finger in rear of the barrel! at the command arms, execute "hat has been proscribed for the shoulder from the position of order arms. +nfi*& : H0/(T. #ne time and three motions. )00. @First and second motions.A The same its the first and second motions of fix ba%onet, except that, at the end of the second command, the thumb of the right hand "ill be placed on. the spring of the sabre& ba%onet, and the left hand "ill embrace the handler of the sabre&ba%onet and the barrel, the thumb extended along the blade. )0'. @$hird motion.A 4ress the thumb of the right hand on the spring, "rest off the sabre&ba%onet, turn it to the right, the edge .to the front, lo"er the guard until it touches the right hand, "hich "ill seiFe the bac$ and the edge of the blade bet"een the thumb and first t"o fingers, the other fingers holding the piece! change the position of the hand "ithout quitting the handle, return the sabre&ba%onet to the scabbard, and seiFe the piece "ith the left hand, the arm extended. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. )0). @First motion.A The same as the first motion from fix ba%onet, /o. '?'. )0*. @Second motion.A The same as the second motion from fix ba%onet, /o. '?). Secure& R9S. #ne time and three motions. )0-. @First motion.A The same as the first motion of support arms, /o. '**, except "ith the right hand seiFe the piece at the small of the stoc$. )01. @Second motion.A Turn the piece "ith both hands, the barrel to the front! bring it opposite the left shoulder, the butt in the hip, the left hand at the lo"er band, the thumb as high the chin and extended on the rammer! the piece erect and detached from the shoulder, the left fore&arm against the piece. )03. @$hird motion.A Reverse the piece, pass it under the left arm, the left hand remaining at the lo"er band, the thumb on the rammer to prevent it from sliding out, the little finger resting against the hip, the right hand falling at the same time b% the side.

Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and three motions. )07. @First motion.A Raise the piece "ith the left band, and seiFe it "ith the right. hand at the small of the stoc$. The piece erect and detached from the shoulder, the butt against the hip, the left fore&arm along the piece. )0<. @Second motion.A The same as the second motion of shoulder arms from. a support. )0?. @$hird motion.A The same as the third motion of shoulder arms from a support. Right shoulder shift& R9S. #ne time and two motions. )'0. @First motion.A 8etach the piece perpendicularl% from the shoulder "ith the right band, and seiFe it "ith the left bet"een the lo"er band and guide&sight, raise the piece, the left hand at the bight of the shoulder and four inches from it! place, at the same time, the right hand on the butt, the bea$ bet"een the first t"o fingers, the other t"o fingers under the butt plate. )''. @Second motion.A Buit the piece "ith the left hand, raise and place the piece on the right shoulder "ith the right hand, the loo$ plate up"ards! let fall, at the same time, the left hand b% the aide. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and two motions. )'), @First motion.A Raise the piece perpendicularl% b% extending the right arm to its full length, the rammer to the front, at the same time seiFe the piece "ith the left hand bet"een the lo"er band and guide sight. )'*. @Second motion.A Buit the butt "ith the right hand, "hich "ill immediatel% embrace the guard, lo"er the piece to the position of shoulder arms, slide up the left hand to the hight of the shoulder, the fingers extended and closed. 8rop the left hand b% the side. )'-. The men being at Support arms, the instructor "ill sometimes cause pieces to be brought to the right Shoulder. To this effect, he "ill command2 Right shoulder shift& R9S. #ne time and two motions. )'1. @First motion.A SeiFe the piece "ith the right hand, belo" and near the left fore&arm, place the left hand under the butt, the heel of the butt bet"een the first t"o fingers. )'3. @Second motion.A Turn the piece "ith the left hand the loc$ plate up"ards, carr% it to the right shoulder, the left hand still holding the butt, the muFFle elevated! hold the piece in this position and&place the right hand upon the butt as is prescribed /o. )'0, and let fall the left hand b% the side.

Support& R9S. #ne time and two motions. )'7. @First motion.A The same as the first motion of shoulder arms, /o. )'). )'<. @Second motion.A Turn the piece "ith both hands, the barrel to the front, carr% it opposite the 6ift shoulder, slip the right hand to the small of the stoc$, place the left fore&arm extended on the breast as is prescribed /o. '*-, and lot fall the right hand b% the Side. Arms& T .+66. #ne time and one motion. )'?. t this command, carr% the piece at pleasure on either shoulder, "ith one or both bands, the muFFle elevated. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and one motion. ))0. t this command, reta$e quic$l% the position of shoulder arms. ))'. The recruits being at ordered arms, "hen the instructor shall "ish to cause the pieces to be placed on the ground, be "ill command ,round& R9S. #ne time and two motions ))). @First motion.A Turn the piece "ith the right hand, the barrel to the left! at the same time seiFe the cartridge box "ith the left hand, bend the bod%, advance the left foot, the heel opposite the lo"er band ! la% the piece on the ground "ith the right hand, the toe of the butt on a line "ith the right toe, the $nees slightl% bent, the right heel raised. ))*. @Second motion.A Rise up, bring the left foot b% the side of the right, quit the cartridge box "ith the left hand, and drop the hands b% the side.

Raise& R9S #ne time and two motions. ))-. @First motion.A SeiFe the cartridge box "ith the left hand, bend the bod%, advance the left foot opposite the lo"er band, and seiFe the piece "ith the right hand. ))1. @Second motion.A Raise the piece., bringing the left foot b% the side of the right! turn the piece "ith the right hand, the rammer to the front! at the same time quit the cartridge box "ith the left hand, and drop this hand b% the side.

+nspection of rms. ))3. The recruits being at ordered arms, and having the sabre&ba%onet in the scabbard, if the instructor "ishes to cause an inspection of arms he. "ill command2 -nspection& R9S. #ne time and two motions. ))7. @First motion.A SeiFe the piece "ith the left band belo" and near the upper band, carr% it "ith both bands opposite the middle of the bod%, the butt bet"een the feet, the rammer to the rear, the barrel vertical, the muFFle about three inches from the bod%! carr% the left hand reversed to the sabre ba%onet, dra" it from the scabbard and fix it on the barrel! grasp the piece "ith the left hand belo" and near the upper band, seiFe the rammer "ith the thumb and fore&finger of the right band bent, the other fingers closed. ))<. @Second motion.A 8ra" the rammer as has been explained in loading, and let it glide to the bottom of the bore, replace the piece "ith the left hand opposite the right shoulder, and reta$e the position of ordered arms. ))?. The instructor "ill then inspect in succession the piece of each recruit, in passing along the front of the ran$. (ach, as the instructor reaches him, "ill raise smartl% his piece "ith his right hand, seiFe it "ith the left bet"een the lo"er band and guide sight, the loc$ to the front, the left hand at the hight of the chin, the piece opposite to the left e%e! the instructor "ill ta$e it "ith the right hand at the handle, and, after 2inspecting it, "ill return it to the recruit, "ho "ill receive it bac$ "ith the right hand, and replace it in the position of ordered arms. )*0. .hen the instructor shall have passed him, each recruit "ill reta$e the position proscribed at the command inspection arms, return the rammer, and resume the position of ordered arms. )*'. +f, instead of inspection of arms, the instructor should merel% "ish to calls@& ba%onets to he fixed, he "ill command Fi*&: H0/(T. )*). Ta$e the position indicated in /o. ))7, fix ba%onets as has been explained, and immediatel% resume the position of ordered arms. )**. +f it be the "ish of the instructor, after firing, to ascertain "hether the pieces have been discharged, he "ill command2 Spring&R 99(RS. )*-. 4ut the rammer in the barrel as has been explained above, and immediatel% reta$e the position of ordered arms. )*1. The instructor, for the purpose stated, can ta$e the rammer b% the, small end, and spring it in the barrel, or cause each recruit to ma$e it ring in the barrel. )*3. (ach recruit, after the instructor passes him, "ill return rammer and resume the position of ordered arms.

Remar$s on the 9anual of rms. )*7. The manual of arms frequentl% distorts the persons of recruits before the% acquire case and confidence in the several positions. The instructor "ill therefore frequentl% recur to elementar% principles in the course of the lessons. )*<. Recruits are also extremel% liable to curve the sides and bac$, and to derange the shoulders, especiall% in loading. 7onsequentl% the instructor "ill not cause them to d"ell too Ion@, at a time in one position. )*?. .hen, after some da%s of exercise in the manual of arms, the four men shall be "ell established in their use, the instructor "ill al"a%s terminate the lesson b% marching the men for some time in one ran$, and at one pace apart, in common and quic$ time, in order to confirm them more and more in the mechanism of the step! he "ill also teach them to mar$ time and to change step! "hich "ill be executed in the follo"ing manner2 To mar$ time. )-0. The four men marching in the direct step, the instructor "ill command2 '. .ar" time. ). 9 R7#. )-'. t the second command, "hich "ill be given at the instant a foot is coming to the ground, the recruits "ill ma$e a semblance of marching, b% bringing the heels b% the side of each other, and observing the cadence of the step, b% raising each foot alternatel% "ithout advancing. )-). The instructor "ishing the direct step to be resumed "ill command '. Forward. . ). 9 R7#. )-*. t the second command, "hich "ill be given as proscribed above, the recruits "ill reta$e the step of t"ent%&eight inches, To change step. )--. The squad being in march, the instructor "ill command2 '. Change step. ). 9 R7#. )-1. t the second command, "hich "ill be given at the instant either foot is coming to the ground, bring the foot &"hich is in rear b% the side of that "hich is in front, and step off again "ith the foot "hich "as in front. To march bac$"ards. )-3. The instructor "ishing the squad to march bac$"ards, "ill command2 '. Squad !ac"ward ). 9 R7#. )-7. t the second command, the recruits "ill stop off smartl% "ith the left foot fourteen inches to the rear, rec$oning from heel to heel, and so on "ith the feet in succession till the command halt, "hich "ill al"a%s be preceded b% the caution squad. The men "ill halt at this command, and bring bac$ the foot in front b% .e side of the other. )-<. This step "ill al"a%s be executed in quic$ time. )-?. The instructor "ill be "atchful that the recruits 9arch straight to the rear, and that the erect position of the bod% and the piece be not deranged.

6(SS0/ +++.&To load in four times. )10. The object of this lesson is to prepare the recruits to load at "ill, and to cause them to distinguish the times "hich require the greatest regularit% and attention, such as charge cartridge, ram cartridge and prime. +t "ill be divided as follo"s2 )1'. The first time "ill be executed at the end of the command! the three others at the commands, t"o, three and four. The instructor "ill command2 '. &oad in four times. ). 60 8. )1). (xecute the times to include charge cartridge. T.0. )1*. (xecute the times to include ram cartridge. T#R((. )1-. (xecute the times to include prime. 50;R. )11. (xecute the time of shoulder arms. To load at "ill. )13, The instructor "ill next teach loading at "ill, "hich "ill be executed as loading in four times, but continued, and "ithout rooting on either of the times. #e "ill command2 '. &oad at will. ). 60 8 )17. The instructor "ill habituate the. recruits, b% degrees, to load "ith the greatest possible promptitude, each "ithout regulating himself b% his neighbor, and above all "ithout "aiting for him )1<. The cadence prescribed /o. ')?, is not applicable to loading in four times, or at "ill. 6(SS0/ +D )1?. The firings are direct or oblique, and "ill be executed as follo"s2 The direct fire. )30. The instructor "ill give the follo"ing commands2 '. Fire !y squad ). Squad. *. R( 8H. -. +9. 1. 5+R( 3. 60 8. )3'. These, several commands "ill be executed as has been proscribed in the 9anual of C +C rms t the third command the men "ill come to the 4osition of read% as heretofore explained. t the fourth the% "ill aim according to the ran$ in "hich each ma% find himself placed, the rear ran$ men inclining for"ard a little the upper part of the bod%. in order that their pieces ma% reach its much be%ond the front ran$ as possible. )3). t the Sixth command the% "ill load their pieces and return immediatel% to the position of read%.

)3*. The +nstructor "ill recommence the firing b% the command2 '. Squad. ). +9. *. 5+R( -. 60 8. )3-. .hen the instructor "ishes the firing to cease he "ill command Cease firing. ( )31. t this command the men "ill cease firing but "ill load their pieces if unloaded, and after"ards bring them to a shoulder. 0blique firings. )33. The oblique. firings "ill be executed to the right and left, and b% the same commands as the direct fire, "ith this single difference & the command aim "ill al"a%s be preceded b% the caution, right or left oblique. 4osition of the t"o ran$s in the 0blique 5ire to the right. )37. t the command read%, the t"o ran$s "ill execute "hat has been prescribed for the direct fire. )3<. t the cautionar% command, right oblique, the t"o ran$s "ill thro" bac$ the right shoulder and loo$ steadil% at the object to be hit. )3?. t the command, aim, each front ran$ man "ill aim to the right "ithout deranging the feet! each rear ran$ man "ill advance the left foot about eight inches to"ard the right heel of the man next on the right of his file leader and aim to the right, in inclining the upper part of the bod% for"ard and bending a little the left $nee. 4osition of the t"o ran$s in the 0blique 5ire to the left. )70. t the cautionar% command, left oblique, the t"o ran$s "ill thro" bac$ the left shoulder and loo$ steadil% at the object to be hit. )7'. t the command, aim, the front ran$ "ill ta$e aim to the left "ithout deranging the feet! each man in the rear "ill advance the right foot about eight inches to"ard the right heel of the man next on the right of his file leader, and aim to the left, inclining the upper part of the bod% for"ard and bending a little the right $nee, )7). +n both cases, at the command, load, the men of each ran$ "ill come to the position of load as prescribed in the direct fire! the rear ran$ men bringing bac$. the foot "hich is to the right and front b% the side of the other. (ach man "ill continue to load as if isolated. To fire b% file )7*. The fire b% file "ill be executed b% the t"o ran$s, the files of "hich "ill fire successivel%, and "ithout regulating on each other, except for the first fire. )7-. The instructor "ill command2 '. Fire !y file. ). Squad. *. R( 8H -. 7099(/7( 5+R+/G. )71. t the third command, the t"o ran$s "ill ta$e the position prescribed in the direct fire. )73. t the fourth command, the file on the right "ill aim and fire! the rear ran$ man in aiming "ill ta$e the position indicated /o. '73. )77. The men of this file "ill load their pieces bris$l% and fire a second time! reload and fire again, and so on in continuation.

)7<. The second file "ill aim at the instant the first brings do"n pieces to reload, and "ill conform in all respects to that "hich has just been prescribed for the first file. )7?. fter the first fire, the front and rear ran$ men "ill not be required to fire at the same time )<0. (ach man, after loading, "ill return to the position of + read%, and continue the &fire. )<'. .hen the instructor "ishes the fire to cease, he "ill command2 Cease&5+R+/G. )<). t this command, the men "ill cease firing. +f the% have fired the% "ill load their pieces and bring them to a shoulder! if at the position of read%, the% "ill half&coc$ and Shoulder arms. +f in the position of aim, the% "ill bring do"n their pieces, half&coc$, and shoulder arms, To fire b% ran$. )<*. The fire b% ran$ "ill be executed b% each entire ran$, alternatel% )<-. Re instructor "ill command2 '. Fire !y ran", ). Squad. *. R( 8H. -. Rear ran", 1. +9 3. 5+R(. 7. 60 8. )<1. t the third command, the t"o ran$s "ill ta$e the position of read%, as prescribed in the direct fire. )<3. t the seventh command, the rear ran$ "ill execute that "hich has been prescribed in the direct fire, and after"ards ta$e the position of read%. )<7. s soon as the instructor sees several men of the rear ran$ in the position of read%, he "ill command2 '. Front Ran". ). +9. *. 5+R(. -. 60 8. )<<. t these commands, the men in the front ran$ "ill execute "hat has been prescribed for the rear ran$, but the% "ill not Step off "ith right foot. )<?. The instructor "ill recommence the firing b% the rear ran$, and "ill thus continue to alternate from ran$ to ran$, until he shall "ish the firing to cease, "hen he "ill command, cease firing, "hich "ill be executed as heretofore prescribed. 6(SS0/ D.& To fire and load $neeling. )?0. +n this exercise the squad "ill be supposed loaded and dra"n up in one ran$.C The instruction "ill be given to each man individuall%, "ithout times or motions, and in the follo"ing manner. )?'. The instructor "ill command2 5+R( /8 60 8 =/((6+/G, )?). t this command, the man on the right of the squad "ill move for"ard three paces C and halt! then carr% the right foot to the rear and to the right of the left heel, and in a position convenient for placing the right $nee upon the ground in bending the left log! place the right $nee upon the ground ! lo"er the piece, the left fore&arm Supported upon the thigh on the same side, the right hand on the small of the stoc$, the butt resting on the right thigh, the left hand supporting the piece near the lo"er hand. )?*. he "ill next move the right log to the left around the $nee supported on the ground, until this leg is nearl% perpendicular to the direction of the left foot, and thus seat himself, comfortabl% on the right heel, )?-. Raise the piece "ith the right hand and support it "ith the left holding &it near the lo"er band, the left elbo" resting on the left thigh near the $nee ! seiFe. the hammer "ith the thumb, the fore&finger under the guard, coc$ and seiFe the piece at the small of the stoc$! bring the piece to the shoulder, aim and fire.

)?1. :ring the piece. do"n as soon as it is fired, and support it "ith the left hand, the butt resting against the right thigh ! carr% the piece to the rear rising on the $nee, the barrel do"n"ards, the butt resting on the ground & in this position support the piece "ith the left hand at the upper band dra" cartridge "ith the right and load the piece, ramming the ball, if necessar%, "ith both hands. )?3. .hen loaded bring the piece to the front "ith the left hand, "hich holds it at the upper band! seiFe it at the same time "ith the right hand at the small of the stoc$! turn. the piece, the barrel uppermost and nearl% horiFontal, the left elbo" resting on the left thigh ! half&coc$, remove the old cap and prime, rise, and return to the ran$s. )?7. The second man "ill then be taught "hat has just been prescribed for the first, and so on through the remainder of the squad 5ire and load l%ing. )?<. +n this exercise the squad "ill be in one ran$ and loaded2 the instruction "ill be given individuall% and "ithout times or motions. )??. The instructor "ill command2 5+R( /8 60 8 6H+/G. *00. t this command, the man on the right of the squad "ill and halt he "ill then bring his piece move for"ard three paces to all order, drop on both $nees, and place himself on the ground flat on his bell%. +n this position he "ill support the piece nearl% horiFontal "ith the left hand, holding it near the lo"er band, the butt end of the piece and the left elbo" resting on the ground, the barrel uppermost! coc$ the piece "ith the right hand, and carr% this hand to the. small of the stoc$! raise the piece "ith both hands, press the butt against the shoulder, and resting on both elbo"s, aim and fire. *0'. s soon is he has fired, bring the piece do"n and turn upon his left side, still resting on his left elbo" brim, bac$ the piece until the coc$ is opposite his breast, the butt end resting on the ground! ta$e out a cartridge "ith the right hand! seiFe the small of the stoc$ "ith this hand, holding the cartridge "ith the thumb and t"o first fingers he "ill then thro" himself on his bac$ still holding the piece "ith both hands! carr% the piece to the rear, place the butt bet"een the heels, the barrel up, the muFFle elevated. +n this position, charge cartridge dra" rammer, ram cartridge, and return rammer. *0). .hen finished loading, the man "ill turn again upon his left side, remove the old cap and prime, then raise the piece verticall%, rise, turn about, and resume his position in the ran$s. *0*. The second man "ill be taught "hat has just been prescribed for the first, and so on throughout the squad. 6(SS0/ D+.& :a%onet (xercise. *0-. The ba%onet exercise in this boo$ "ill be confined to t"o movements, the guard against infantr%, and the guard against cavalr%. The men "ill be placed +n one ran$, "ith t"o paces interval, and being at Shoulder arms, the instructor "ill command2 '. ,uard against -nfantry. ). G; R8. #ne time and two motions. *01. @First motion.A 9a$e a half face to the right, turning on both heels, the feet square to each other! at the same time raise the piece slightl%, and seiFe it "ith the left hand above and near the lo"er band. *03. @Second motion.A 7arr% the right foot t"ent% inches perpendicularl% to the rear, the right heed on the prolongation of the left, the $nees Slightl% bent, the "eight of the bod% resting equall% on both legs! lo"er the piece "ith. both hands, the barrel uppermost, the, left elbo" against the bod%! seiFe the piece at the same time "ith the right hand at the small of the stoc$, the arms falling naturall%, the point of the ba%onet slightl% elevated.

Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and one motion *07. Thro" up the piece "ith the left band, and place it against the right shoulder, at the same time bring the right heel b% the side of the left and face to the front. '. ,uard against Ca)alry. ). G; R8. #ne time and two motions. *0<. :oth motions the same as for guard against infantr%, except that the right hand "ill be supported against the hip, and the ba%onet at the hight of the e%e, as in charge ba%onet. Shoulder& R9S. #ne time and one motion. *0?. Spring up the piece "ith the left hand and place it against the right shoulder, at the same time bring the right heel b% the side of the left, and face to the front. 4 RT T#+R8. *'0. .hen the recruits are "ell established in the principles and mechanism of the step, the position of the bod%, and the manual of arms, the instructor "ill unite eight men, at least, and t"elve men, at most, in order to teach them the principles of alignment, the principles of the touch of elbo"s in marching to the front, the principles of the march b% the flan$, "heeling from a halt, "heeling in marching, and the change of direction to the side of the guide.. #e "ill place the squad in one ran$ elbo" to elbo", and number the men from right to left. 6(SS0/ +.& lignments. *''. The instructor "ill at first teach the recruits to align themselves man b% mail, in order the better to ma$e them comprehend the principles of alignment! to this end, he "ill command the t"o men on the right fin$ to march t"o paces to the front, and having aligned them, he "ill caution the remainder of the squad to move up, as the% ma% be successivel% called, each b% his number, and align themselves successivel% on the line of the first t"o men. *'). (ach recruit, as designated b% his number, "ill turn the head and e%es to the right as proscribed in the first lesson of the first part, and "ill march in quic" time two paces forward, shortening the last, so as to find himself about six inches behind the ne" alignment, "hich he ought never to pass! he "ill next move up steadil% b% steps of t"o or three inches, the hams extended, to the side of the man next to him on the alignment, so that, "ithout deranging the head, the line of the e%es, or that of the shoulders, he ma% find himself in the exact line of his neighbor, "hose elbo" he "ill lightl% touch "ithout opening his o"n. *'*. The instructor seeing the ran$ "ell aligned, "ill command2 5R0/T. *'-. t this, the recruits "ill turn e%es to the front, and remain firm. *'1. lignments to the left "ill be executed on the same principles. *'3. .hen the recruit,! shall have thus learned to align themselves man b% man, correctl%, and "ithout groping or jostling, the instructor "ill cause the entire ran$ to align itself at once b% the command2

Right @or leftA& 8R(SS. *'7. t this, the ran$, except the t"o men placed in advance as, a basis of alignment, "ill move up in quic$ time, and place themselves on the ne" line, according to the principles prescribed /o. *'). *'<. The instructor, placed five or six paces in front, and facing the ran$, "ill carefull% observe that the principles are follo"ed, and then pass to the flan$ that has served as the basis, to verif% the, alignment. *'?.. The, instructor seeing the greater number of the ran$ aligned, "ill command2 5R0/T. *)0. The instructor ma% after"ards order this or that file for"ard or bac$, designating each b% its number. The file or files designated, onl%, "ill slightl% turn the head to"ards the basis, to judge ho" much the% ought to move. up or bac$, steadil% place themselves on the line, and then turn e%es to the front, "ithout a particular command to that effect. *)'. lignments to the rear "ill be executed on the same principles, the recruits stopping bac$ a little be%ond the line, and then dressing up according to the principles prescribed /o. *'), the instructor commanding2 Right @or left A !ac"ward&8R(SS. *)). fter each alignment, the instructor "ill examine the position of the men, and cause the ran$ to come to ordered arms, to prevent too much fatigue, and also the danger of negligence at shouldered arms. 6(SS0/ ++ *)*. The men having learned, in the first and second parts, to march "ith steadiness in common time, and to ta$e Steps equal in length and s"iftness, "ill be exercised in the third part onl% in quic$ time, double quic$ time, and the run! the instructor "ill cause them to execute Successivel%, at these different gaits, the march to the front, the facing about in marching, the march b% the flan$, the "heels at a halt and in marching, and the changes of direction to the side of the guides. *)-. The instructor "ill inform the recruits that at the command march, the% "ill al"a%s move off in quic$ time, unless this command should be preceded b% that of do double quic$. To march to the front. *)1. The ran$ being correctl% aligned, "hen the instructor shall "ish to cause it to march b% the front, he "ill place a "ell instructed man on the right or the left, according to the side on "hich he ma% "ish the guide to be, and command2 '. Squad, forward. ). ,uide right @or left.A *. 9 R7#. *)3. t the command march, the ran$ "ill step off smartl% "ith the left foot! the guide "ill ta$e care to march straight to the front, $eeping the shoulders al"a%s in a square "ith that line. *)7. The instructor "ill observe, in marching to the front, that the men touch lightl% the elbo" to"ards the side of the guide! that the% do not open out the left elbo", nor the right arm ! that the% %ield to pressure coming from the side of the aide, and resist that coming from the opposite side ! that the% recover b% in. sensible degrees the slight touch of the elbo", if lost! that the% maintain the head direct to the front, no matter on "hich side the guide ma% be! and if found before or behind the alignment, that the mail in fault corrects himself b% shortening or lengthening the step, b% degrees. almost insensible.

*)<. The instructor "ill labor to cause recruits to comprehend that the alignment can onl% be preserved, in marching, b% the regularit% of the step, the touch of. the elbo", and the maintenance of the shoulders in a square "ith the line &of direction ! that if, for example, the stop of some be longer than that of others, or if some march faster than others, a separation of elbo"s, and a loss of the e alignment, "ould be inevitable! that if @it being required that the head should be direct to the frontA the% do not strictl% observe the touch of elbo"s, it "ould be impossible for an individual to judge "hether he marches abreast "ith his neighbor, or not, and "hether there be not an interval bet"een them. *)?. The impulsion of the quic$ step having a tendenc% to ma$e men too eas% and free in their movements, the instructor "ill be careful to regulate the cadence of this step, and to habituate them to preserve al"a%s the erectness of the bod%, and the due length of the pace. **0. The men being "ell established in the principles of the direct march, the instructor "ill exercise them in marching obliquel%. The ran$ being in march, the instructor "ill command '. Right @or leftA. o!lique. ). &9 R7#. **'. t the second command, each man "ill ma$e a half face to the right @or leftA, and "ill then march straight for"ard in the ne" direction. s the men no longer touch elbo"s, the% "ill glance along the shoulders of the nearest files. to"ards the side to "hich the% are obliquing, and "ill regulate their steps so that the shoulders shall al"a%s be behind that of their next neighbor on that side, and that his head shall conceal the heads of the other men in the ran$. :esides this, the men should preserve the same length of pace, and the same degree of obliquit%. **). The instructor, "ishing to resume the primitive direction, "ill command2 '. Forward. ). 9 R7#. ***. t the second command, each man "ill ma$e a half face to the left @or rightA, and all "ill then march straight to the front, conforming to the principles of the direct march. To march to the front in double quic$ time. **-. .hen the several principles, heretofore explained, have become familiar to the recruits, and the% shall be "ell established in the position of the bod%, the bearing of arms, and the mechanism, length, and s"iftness of the step, the instructor "ill pass them from quic$ to double quic$ time, and the reverse, observing not to ma$e them march obliquel% in double quic$ time. till the% are "ell established in the cadence of this step. **1. The squad being at a march in quic$ time, the, instructor "ill command2 '. ou!le quic". ). 9 R7#. **3. t the command march, "hich "ill be given "hen either foot is coming to the ground, the squad "ill step off in double quic$ time. The men "ill endeavor to follo" the principles laid do"n in the first part of this boo$, and to preserve the alignment. **7. .hen the instructor "ishes the squad to resume the step in quic$ time, he "ill commandI '. /uic" time. ). 9 R7#. **<. t the command march, "hich "ill be given "hen either foot is coming to the ground, the squad "ill reta$e the step in quic$ time. **?. The squad being in march, the instructor "ill halt it b% the commands and means prescribed /os. ?< and ??. The command halt, "ill be given an instant before the foot is read% to be placed on the ground. *-0. The squad being in march in double quic$ time, the instructor "ill occasionall% cause it + to mar$ time b% the commands prescribed /o. )-0. The men "ill then mar$ double quic$ time, "ithout altering the cadence of the step. #e "ill also cause them to pass from the direct to the oblique step, and reciprocall%, conforming to "hat has been prescribed /o. **0, and follo"ing.

*-'. The squad being at a halt, the instructor "ill cause it to march in double quic$ time, b% preceding the command march, b% double quic$. *-). The instructor "ill endeavor to regulate "ell the cadence of this step. To face about in marching. *-*. +f the squad be marching in quic$, or double quic$ time, and the instructor should "ish to march it in retreat, he "ill command2 '. Squad right a!out. ). 9 R7#. *--. t the command march, "hich "ill be given at the instant the left foot is coming to the ground, the recruit "ill bring this foot to the ground, and turning on it, "ill face to the rear! he "ill then place the right foot in the ne" direction, and step off "ith the left foot. To march bac$"ards. *-1. The squad being at a halt, if the instructor should "ish to march it in the bac$ step, he "ill command2 '. Squad !ac"ward. ). ,uide left @or rightA. *. 9 R7#. *-3. The bac$ step "ill be executed b% the means prescribed /o. )-7. *-7. The instructor, in this step, "ill be "atchful that the men do not lean on each other. *-<. s the march to the front in quic$ time should onl% be executed at shouldered arms, the instructor, in order not to fatigue the men too much, and also to prevent negligence in gait and position, "ill halt the squad from time to time, and cause arms to be ordered. *-?. +n marching at double quic$ time, the men "ill al"a%s carr% their pieces on the right shoulder or at a trail. $his rule is general. *10. +f the instructor shall "ish the pieces carried at a trail, he "ill give the command trail arms, before the command double quic$. +f, on the 7ontrar%, this command be not given, the men "ill shift their pieces to the right shoulder at the command double quic$. +n either case, at the command halt, the men "ill bring their pieces to the position of shoulder arms. $his rule is general. 6esson +++.&The march b% the flan$. *1'. The ran$ being at a halt, and correctl% aligned, the instructor "ill command2 '. Squad, right(5 7(. ). Forward. *. 9 R7#. *1). t the last part of the first command, the ran$ "ill face to the right! the even numbered men, after facing to the right, "ill step quic$l% to the right side of the odd numbered men, the latter standing fast, so that "hen the movement is executed, the men "ill be formed into files of t"o men abreast. *1*. t the third command, the squad "ill step off smartl% "ith the left foot! the files $eeping aligned, and preserving their intervals. *1-. The march b% the left flan$ "ill be executed b% the same commands, substituting the "ord left for right, and b% inverse 9eans! in this case C, the even numbered men, after facing to the left, "ill stand fast, and the odd numbered "ill place themselves on their left. *11. The instructor "ill place a "ell&instructed soldier b% the side of the recruit "ho is at the head of the ran$, to regulate the step, and to conduct him! and it "ill be enjoined on this recruit to march al"a%s elbo" to elbo" "ith the soldier.

*13. The instructor "ill cause to be observed in the march, b% the flan$, the follo"ing rules2 $hat the step !e e*ecuted according to the principles prescri!ed for the direct step 0 :ecause these principles, "ithout "hich men, placed elbo" to elbo", in the same ran$, cannot preserve unit% and harmon% of movement, are of a more necessar% observance in marching in file. $hat the head of the man who immediately precedes, co)ers the heads of all who are in front0 :ecause it is the most certain rule b% "hich each man ma% maintain himself in the exact line of the file. *17. The instructor "ill place himself habituall% five or six paces on the flan$ of the ran$ marching in file, to "atch over the execution of the principles prescribed above. #e "ill also place himself sometimes in its rear, halt, and suffer it to pass fifteen or t"ent% paces, the better to see "hether the men cover each other accuratel%. *1<. .hen he shall "ish to halt the ran$, marching b% the flan$, and to cause it to face to the front, he "ill command2 '. Squad. ). # 6T. *. 5R0/T. *1?. t the second command, the ran$ "ill halt, and after"ards no man "ill stir, although he ma% have lost his distance. ThisC prohibition is necessar%, to habituate the men to a constant preservation of their distances. *30. t the third command, each man "ill front b% facing to the left, if marching b% the right flan$, and b% a face to the right, if marching b% the left flan$. The rear ran$ men "ill at the same time move quic$l% into their places, so as to form the squad again into one ran$. *3'. .hen the men have become accustomed to marching b% the flan$, the instructor "ill cause them to change direction b% file for this purpose, he "ill command2 '. 1y file left @or rightA. ). 9 R7#. *3). t the command march, the first file "ill change direction to the left @or rightA in describing a small are of a circle, and "ill then march straight for"ard! the t"o men of this file, in "heeling, "ill $eep up the touch of the elbo"s, and the man on the side to "hich the "heel is made, "ill shorten the first three or four steps. (ach file "ill come successivel% to "heel on the same spot "here that "hich preceded it "heeled. *3*. The instructor "ill also cause the squad to face b% the right or left flan$ in marching, and for this purpose "ill command2 '. Squad !y the right @or leftA flan". ). 9 R7#. *3-. t the second command, "hich "ill be given a little before either foot comes to the ground, the recruits "ill turn the bod%, plant the foot that is raised in the ne" direction, and step off "ith the other foot "ithout altering the cadence of the step! the men "ill double or undouble rapidl%. *31. +f, in facing b% the right or left flan$, the squad should face to the rear, the men "ill, come into one ran$, agreeabl% to the principles indicated /o. *30. +t is to be remar$ed that it is the men "ho are in rear "ho al"a%s move up to form into single ran$ and in such manner as never to invert the order of the numbers in the ran$. *33. +f, "hen the squad has been faced to the rear, the instructor should cause, it to face b% the left flan$, it is the even numbers "ho "ill double b% moving to the left of the odd numbers! but if b% the right flan$, it is the odd numbers "ho "ill double to the right of the even numbers. .*37. This lesson, li$e the preceding one, "ill be practiced "ith pieces at a shoulder! but the instructor ma%, to give relief b% ,7hange, occasionall% order support arms, and he "ill require of the recruits marching in this position, as much regularit% as in the former.

The march b% the flan$ in double quic$ time. *3<. The principles of the march b% the flan$ in double quic$ time, are the same as in quic$ time. The instructor "ill give the commands prescribed /o. *1', ta$ing care al"a%s to give the command double quic$ before that of march. *3?. #e "ill pa% the greatest attention to the cadence of the step. *70. The instructor "ill cause the change of direction, and the march b% the flan$, to be executed in double quic$ time, b% the same commands, and according to the same principles as in quic$ time. *7'. The instructor "ill cause the pieces to be carried either on the right shoulder or at a trail. *7). The instructor "ill sometimes march the squad b% the flan$, "ithout doubling the files. *7*. The principles of this march are the same as in t"o ran$s, and it "ill al"a%s be executed in quic$ time. *7-. The instructor "ill give the commands prescribed /o. *1', but he "ill be careful to caution the squad not to double files. *71. The instructor "ill be "atchful that the men do not bend their $nees unequall%, "hich "ould cause them to tread on the heels of the men in front, and also to lose the cadence of the step and their distance&,. *73. The various movements in this lesson "ill be executed in single ran$. +n the changes of direction, the leading man "ill change direction "ithout altering the length or the cadence of the step. The instructor "ill recall to the attention of the men, that in facing b% the right or left flan$ in marching, the% "ill not double, but march in one ran$. 6(SS0/ +D.&.#((6+/GS.& General principles of .heelings. *77. .heelings are of t"o $inds2 from halts, or on fixed pivots, and in march or on moveable pivots. *7<. .heeling on a fixed pivot ta$es place in passing a corps from the order in battle to the order in column, or from the latter to the former. *7?. .heels in marching ta$e place in changes of direction in column, as often as this movement is executed to the side opposite to the guide. *<0. +n "heels from a halt, the pivot&man onl% turns in his place, "ithout advancing or receding. *<'. +n the "heels in marching, the pivot ta$es steps of nine or eleven inches, according as the squad is marching in quic$ or double quic$ time, so as to clear the "heeling point, "hich is necessar%, in order that the subdivisions of a column ma% change direction "ithout losing their distances, as "ill be explained in the school of the compan%. *<). The man on the "heeling flan$ "ill ta$e the full step of t"ent%&eight inches, or thirt%&three inches, according to the gait. .heeling from a halt, or on a fixed pivot. *<*. The ran$ being at a halt, the instructor "ill place a "ell instructed man on the "heeling flan$ to conduct it, and then command2 '. 1y squad, right wheel. ). 9 R7#. *<-. t the second command, the ran$ "ill step off "ith the left foot, turning at the same time the head a little to the left, the e%es fixed on the line of the e%es of the men to their left! the pivot&man "ill merel% mar$ time in graduall% turning his bod%, in order to conform himself to the movement of the marching flan$! the man "ho conducts this flan$ "ill ta$e steps of t"ent%&eight inches, and from the first stop advance a little the left shoulder, cast his e%es from time to time along the ran$ and feel constantl% the elbo" of the next man lightl%, but never push him. *<1. The other man "ill feel lightl% the elbo" of the next man to"ards the pivot, resist pressure coming from the opposite side, and each "ill conform himself to the marching flan$&shortening his step according to his approximation to the pivot. *<3. The instructor "ill ma$e the ran$ "heel round the circle once or t"ice before halting, in order to cause the principles to be the better understood, and he "ill be "atchful that the center does not brea$. *<7. #e "ill cause the "heel to the left to be executed according to the same principles.

*<<. .hen the instructor shall "ish to arrest the "heel, he "ill command2 '. Squad. ). # 6T. *<?. t the second command, the ran$ "ill halt, and no man stir. The instructor, going to the flan$ opposite the pivot, "ill place the t"o outer men of that flan$ in the direction he ma% "ish to give to the ran$, "ithout ho"ever displacing the pivot! "ho "ill conform the line of his shoulders to this&direction. The instructor "ill ta$e care to have bet"een these t"o men, and the pivot, onl% the space necessar% to contain the other men. #e "ill then command2 &eft @or rightA& 8R(SS. *?0. t this, the ran$ "ill place itself on the alignment of the t"o men established as the basis, in conformit% "ith the principles prescribed. *?'. The instructor "ill next command 5R0/T, "hich "ill be executed as prescribed /o. *'-. .Remar$s on the principles of the "heel from a halt. *?). $urn a little the head towards the marching flan", and fi* the eyes on the line of the eyes of the men who are on that side ! :ecause, other"ise, it "ould be impossible for each man to regulate the length of hie step so as to conform his o"n movement to that of the marching flan$. $ouch lightly the el!ow of the ne*t man towards the pi)ot0 +n order that the files ma% not open out in the "heel. Resist pressure that comes front the side of the marching flan"0 :ecause, if this principle be neglected, the pivot, "hich ought to be a fixed point , in "heels from a halt might be pushed oat of its place b% pressure. .heeling in marching, or on a movable pivot. *?*. .hen the recruits have been taught to execute "ell the "heel from a halt, the% "ill be taught to "heel in marching. *?-. To this end, the ran$ being in march, "hen the instructor shall "ish to cause it to change direction to the reverse flan$ @to the side opposite to the guide or pivot flan$,A he "ill command2 '. Right @or leftA wheel. ). 9 R7#. *?1. The first command "ill be given "hen the ran$ is %et four paces from the "heeling point. *?3. t the second command, the "heel "ill be executed in the same manner as from a halt, except that the touch of the elbo" "ill remain to"ards the marching flan$ @or side of the guideA instead of the side of the actual pivot! that the pivot man, instead of merel% turning in his place, "ill conform himself to the movement of the marching flan$ feel lightl% the elbo" of the next man, ta$e steps of full nine inches, and thus gain ground for"ard in describing a small curve so as to clear the point of the "heel. The middle of the ran$ "ill bend slightl% to the rear. s soon as the movement shall commence, the man "ho conducts the marching flan$ "ill cast his e%es on the ground over "hich he "ill have to pass. *?7. The "heel being ended, the instructor "ill command2

'. Forward. ). 9 R7#. *?<. The first command "ill be pronounced "hen four paces are %et required to complete the change of direction. *??. t the command march, "hich "ill be given at the instant of completing the "heel., the man "ho conducts the marching flan$ "ill direct himself straight for"ard! the pivot&man and all the ran$ "ill reta$e the step of t"ent%&eight inches., and bring the head direct to the front. Turning, or change of direction to the side of the guide. -00. The change of direction to the side of the guide, in marching, "ill be executed as follo"s2 The instructor "ill command '. &eft @or rightA turn. ). 9 R7#. -0'. The first command "ill be given "hen the ran$ is %et four paces from the turning point. -0). t the command march, to be pronounced at the instant the ran$ ought to turn, the guide "ill face to the left @or rightA in marching, and move for"ard in the ne" direction "ithout slac$ening or quic$ening the cadence, and "ithout shortening or lengthening the step. The "hole ran$ "ill promptl% conform itself to the ne" direction ! to effect "hich, each man "ill advance the shoulder opposite, to the guide, ta$e the double quic$ step, to carr% himself in the ne" direction, turn the head and e%es to the side of the guide, and reta$e the touch of the elbo" on that side, in placing himself on the alignment of the guide, from "hom be "ill ta$e&the step , and then resume the direct position of the head. (ach man "ill. thus arrive successivel% on the alignment. .heeling and changing direction to the side of the guide, in double quic$ time. -0*. .hen the recruits comprehend and execute "ell, in quic$ time, the "heels at a halt and in marching. and the change of direction to the side of the guide, &the instructor "ill cause the same movements to be repeated in double quic$ time. -0-. These various movements "ill be executed b% the same commands and according to the same principles as in quic$ time, except that the command double quic$ "ill precede that of march. +n "heeling "hile marching, the pivot man "ill ta$e steps of eleven inches, and in the changes of direction to the side of the guide, the men on the side opposite the guide must increase the gait in order to bring themselves into line. -01. The instructor, in order not to fatigue the recruits, and not to divide their attention, "ill cause them to execute the several movements of "hich this lesson is composed, first "ithout arms, and next, after the mechanism be "ell comprehended, "ith arms. 6(SS0/ D.& 6ong marches in double quic$ time and the run. -03. The instructor "ill cause to be resumed the exercises in double quic$ time and the run, "ith arms and $napsac$s. -07. #e "ill cause long marches to be executed in double quic$ time, both b% the front and b% the flan$, and b% constant practice "ill lead the men to pass over a distance of five miles in sixt% minutes. The pieces "ill be carried on either shoulder, and sometimes at a trail. -0<. #e "ill also exercise them in long marches at a run, the pieces carried at "ill! the men "ill be instructed to $eep as united as possible, "ithout ho"ever exacting much regularit%, "hich is impracticable. -0?. The run, in actual service, "ill onl% be resorted to "hen it ma% be highl% important to reach a given point "ith great promptitude.

To stac$ arms. The men being at order arms, the instructor "ill command2 Stac"& R9S. -'0. t this command the front ran$ man of ever% even numbered file "ill pass his piece before him, seiFing it "ith the left hand near the upper band! "ill place the butt a little in advance of his left too, the barrel turned to"ards the bod%, and dra" the rammer slightl% from its place! the front ran$ man of ever%, odd numbered file "ill also dra" the rammer slightl%, and ass his piece to the man next on his left, "ho "ill seiFe it "ith the right hand near the upper band, and place the butt a little in advance of the right too of the man next on his right, the barrel turned to the front! he "ill then cross the rammers Cof the t"o pieces, the rammer of the piece of the odd numbered man being inside! the rear ran$ man of ever% even file "ill also dra" his rammer, lean his piece for"ard, the loc$ plate do"n"ards, advance the right foot about six inches, and insert the rammer bet"een the rammer and barrel of the piece of his front ran$ man! "ith his left hand he "ill place the butt of his piece on the ground, thirt%&t"o inches in rear of, and perpendicular to, the front ran$, bringing bac$ his, right foot b% the side of the left! the front ran$ man of ever% even file "ill at the same time lean the stac$ to the rear, quit it "ith his is right hand, and force all the ram rammers do"n. The stac$ being thus formed, the rear ran$ man of ever% odd file "ill pass his into his left hand, the barrel to the front, and inclining it for"ard, "ill rest it on the stac$. -''. The men of both ran$s having ta$en the position of the soldier "ithout arms, the instructor "ill command2 '. 1rea" ran"s. ). 9 R7#. To resume arms. -'). :oth ran$s being re&formed in rear of their stac$s, the instructor "ill command2 $a"e& R9S. -'*. t this command the rear ran$ man of ever% odd numbered file "ill "ithdra" his piece from the stac$.! the front ran$ man of ever% even file "ill seiFe his o"n piece "ith the left hand and that of the man on his right "ith his right hand, both above the lo"er band! the rear ran$ man of the even file "ill seiFe his piece "ith the right hand belo" the lo"er band! these t"o men "ill raise up the stac$ to loosen the rammers, the front ran$ man of ever% odd file "ill facilitate the disengagement of the rammers, if necessar%, b% dra"ing them out slightl% "ith the left hand, and "ill receive his piece from the hand of the man next on his left! the four men "ill reta$e the position of the soldier at order arms.

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