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Islam religion


Grou : 4 (four) Mem!ers o" grou : Anggi Anggraini (41033320..) Fitria Andriani (410333..) Rayhan Jamilah (4103332023) Rik y Alm!da (41033")

Fa ulty of #ath!mati $ and %atural & i!n !

&tat! 'ni(!r$ity of #!dan

Definition of a mosque A mosque (/msk/; Arabic: masjid pl. masjid), sometimes spelt mosk, is a place of ors!ip for follo ers of "slam. Also referre# to as palli$asal or palli$aasal i% &amil. &!ere are strict a%# #etaile# requireme%ts i% 'u%%i fiqh for a place of ors!ip to be co%si#ere# a mas(i#, it! places t!at #o %ot meet t!ese requireme%ts re)ar#e# as musallas.*+, &!ere are stri%)e%t restrictio%s o% t!e uses of t!e area formall- #emarcate# as t!e mas(i# ( !ic! is ofte% a small portio% of t!e lar)er comple.), a%#, i% t!e Sharia, after a% area is formall#esi)%ate# as a mas(i#, it remai%s so u%til t!e /ast 0a-.*+, 1uba 2osque is t!e first mosque i% !istor-, a%# mosques !a$e #e$elope# si)%ifica%tlsi%ce 1uba mosque. 2a%- mosques !a$e elaborate #omes, mi%arets, a%# pra-er !alls. 2osques ori)i%ate# o% t!e Arabia% 3e%i%sula, but are %o fou%# i% all i%!abite# co%ti%e%ts. &!e mosque ser$es as a place !ere 2uslims ca% come to)et!er for salah (pra-er) (Arabic: 456, alt) as ell as a ce%ter for i%formatio%, e#ucatio%, a%# #ispute settleme%t. &!e imam lea#s t!e pra-er. Cleanliness in perspective of Islam "slam sees clea%li%ess as a% importa%t part i% !uma% life. "t relates to all !uma% life aspects. 7$e% prop!et 2u!amma# p.b.u.! sai# t!at clea%li%ess is !alf of fait! as me%tio%e# i% a !a#it!. Abu Malik at-Ash'ari (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: The Messen er of Allah (sal-allahu- alleihi!asallam ) said: "leanliness is half of faith and al-#amdu $iliah (%raise be to Allah) fills the s&ale' and Subhan Allah ((lor) be to Allah) and al-#amdu $iliah (%raise be to Allah) fill up!hat is bet!een the hea*ens and the earth' and pra)er is a li ht' and &harit) is proof (of one's faith) and enduran&e is a bri htness and the #ol) +ur'an is a proof on )our behalf or a ainst )ou, All men o out earl) in the mornin and sell themsel*es' thereb) settin themsel*es free or destro)in themsel*es, [Sahih Muslim : Book 2, Number !"2#

$o% Islam sees performin& cleanliness to a mosque &!ere is %o report of a%- specific $irtue attac!e# to clea%i%) t!e mosque, e.cept t!at t!e 3rop!et (peace a%# blessi%)s of Allaa! be upo% !im) comma%#e# t!at t!e mosque s!oul# be clea%e# a%# perfume#. "t as %arrate# t!at 'amura! ib% 8u%#ub sai#: 9&!e 2esse%)er of Allaa! (peace a%# blessi%)s of Allaa! be upo% !im) comma%#e# us to set up mosques amo%) our !ouses a%# comma%#e# us to clea% t!em.: (;arrate# b- A!ma# i% !is 2us%a#, +<=>+; classe# as sa!ee! b- al?Albaa%i i% 'a!ee! al?&ar)!eeb a@l?&ar!eeb, A>B). A%# it as %arrate# t!at CAa@is!a! sai#: 9&!e 2esse%)er of Allaa! (peace a%# blessi%)s

of Allaa! be upo% !im) comma%#e# t!at mosques s!oul# be built amo%) t!e !ouses (i.e., i% eac! %ei)!bour!oo#), a%# t!at t!e- s!oul# be clea%e# a%# perfume#.: (%arrate# b- al?&irmi#!i, D<E; classe# as sa!ee! b- al?Albaa%i i% 'a!ee! al?&ar)!eeb a@l?&ar!eeb, A><). &!ese t o a!aa#eet! refer to t!e comma%# of t!e 3rop!et (peace a%# blessi%)s of Allaa! be upo% !im), a%# t!e o%e !o obe-s t!e comma%# of t!e 3rop!et (peace a%# blessi%)s of Allaa! be upo% !im) ill be re ar#e#. "t as %arrate# from Abu Fura-ra! t!at a black ma% (or a black oma%) use# to clea% t!e mosque, a%# !e #ie#. &!e 3rop!et (peace a%# blessi%)s of Allaa! be upo% !im) aske# about !im, a%# t!e- sai# t!at !e !a# #ie#. Fe sai#, 9G!- #i# -ou %ot tell meH '!o sai#, 9!er )ra$e.:) 'o !e al?Juk!aari, EDB; 2uslim, <D=). "b% Fa(ar sai# i% Kat! al?Jaari, 9&!e !a#eet! i%#icates t!e $irtue of clea%i%) t!e mosque, e%quiri%) after ser$a%ts a%# after frie%#s if t!e- are abse%t.: 2oreo$er, for t!e 2uslim to #o a% act of k%o ors!ip or obe#ie%ce it is sufficie%t for !im to ro%) it! aski%) about t!e reaso% me !is )ra$e.: (Ir !e e%t to !er )ra$e a%# offere# t!e fu%eral pra-er for !er. (;arrate# b-

t!at t!is is t!e comma%# of Allaa! a%# Fis 2esse%)er. &!is is a si)% of complete

submissio% to t!e teac!i%)s of "slam, but t!ere is %ot!i%)

be!i%# it or t!e re ar# for it, i% or#er to feel more co%te%t it! #oi%) it.

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