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Introduction to CASE TOOLS

Introduction: CASE tools known as Computer-aided software engineering tools is a kind of component-based development which allows its users to rapidly develop information systems. The main goal of case technology is the automation of the entire information systems development life cycle process using a set of integrated software tools, such as modeling, methodology and automatic code generation. Component based manufacturing has several advantages over custom development. The main advantages are the availability of high uality, defect free products at low cost and at a faster time. The prefabricated components are customi!ed as per the re uirements of the customers. The components used are pre-built, ready-tested and add value and differentiation by rapid customi!ation to the targeted customers. "owever the products we get from case tools are only a skeleton of the final product re uired and a lot of programming must be done by hand to get a fully finished, good product. Characteristics of CASE: Some of the characteristics of case tools that make it better than customi!ed development are# $t is a graphic oriented tool. $t supports decomposition of process.

Some typical CASE tools are# %nified &odeling 'anguage (ata modeling tools, and Source code generation tools

Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language): The %&' is a language for specifying, constructing, visuali!ing, and documenting the software system and its components. The %&' is a graphical language with sets of rules and semantics. The rules and semantics of a model are e)pressed in English in a form known as *C' +*b,ect Constraint 'anguage-. *C' uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a system. The %&' is not intended to be a visual programming language. "owever it has a much closer mapping to ob,ect-oriented programming languages, so that the best of both can be obtained. The %&' is much simpler than other methods preceding it. %&' is appropriate for modeling systems, ranging from enterprise information system to distributed web based application and even to real time embedded system. $t is a very e)pensive RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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language addressing all views needed to develop and then to display system even though understand to use. 'earning to apply %&' effectively starts forming a conceptual mode of languages which re uires learning. Three ma,or language elements# %&' basic building blocks .ules that dictate how this building blocks put together Some common mechanism that apply throughout the language /. 0rovides users ready to use, e)pressive visual modeling language as well so they can develop and e)change meaningful models. 1. 0rovide e)tensibility and speciali!ation mechanisms to e)tend the core concepts. 2. 3e independent of particular programming languages and development processes. 4. 0rovide formal basis for understanding the modeling language. 5. Encourage the growth of the ** tools market. 6. Support higher-level development concepts. 7. $ntegrate best practices and methodologies. Every comple) system is best approached through a small set of nearly independent views of a model. Every model can be e)pressed at different levels of fidelity. The best models are connected to reality. The %&' defines nine graphical diagrams# /. Class diagram 1. %se-case diagram 2. 3ehavior diagram 2./. $nteraction diagram 2././. se uence diagram 2./.1. collaboration diagram 2.1. 2.2. 4. 4./ 4.1 RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT state chart diagram activity diagram component diagram deployment diagram

The primary goals in the design of %&' are#

$mplementation diagram

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

1. Class diagra : The %&' class diagram is also known as ob,ect modeling. $t is a static diagram. These diagrams show the static structure of the model. A class diagram is a connection of static model elements, such as classes and their relationships, connected as a graph to each other and to their contents. !. Use"case diagra : The functionality of a system can be described in a number of different use-cases, each of which represents a specific flow of events in a system. $t is a graph of actors, a set of use-cases enclosed in a boundary, communication, associations between the actors and the use-cases, and generali!ation among the use-cases. #. $eha%ior diagra : $t is a dynamic model unlike all the others mentioned before. The ob,ects of an ob,ect oriented system are not static and are not easily understood by static diagrams. The behavior of the class8s instance +an ob,ect- is represented in this diagram. Every use-case of the system has an associated behavior diagram that indicates the behavior of the ob,ect. $n con,unction with the use-case diagram we may provide a script or interaction diagram to show a time line of events. $t consists of se uence and collaboration diagrams. &. Interaction diagra $t is the combination of se uence and collaboration diagram. $t is used to depict the flow of events in the system over a timeline. The interaction diagram is a dynamic model which shows how the system behaves during dynamic e)ecution. '. State chart diagra : $t consists of state, events and activities. State diagrams are a familiar techni ue to describe the behavior of a system. They describe all of the possible states that a particular ob,ect can get into and how the ob,ect9s state changes as a result of events that reach the ob,ect. $n most ** techni ues, state diagrams are drawn for a single class to show the lifetime behavior of a single ob,ect. (. Acti%it) diagra : $t shows organi!ation and their dependence among the set of components. These diagrams are particularly useful in connection with workflow and in describing behavior that has a lot of parallel

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Laboratory Record
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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

processing. An activity is a state of doing something# either a real-world process, or the e)ecution of a software routine. *. I +le entation diagra : $t shows the implementation phase of the systems development, such as the source code structure and the run-time implementation structure. These are relatively simple high level diagrams compared to the others seen so far. They are of two sub-diagrams, the component diagram and the deployment diagram. ,. Co +onent diagra : These are organi!ational parts of a %&' model. These are bo)es to which a model can be decomposed. They show the structure of the code itself. They model the physical components such as source code, user interface in a design. $t is similar to the concept of packages. -. .e+lo) ent diagra : The deployment diagram shows the structure of the runtime system. $t shows the configuration of runtime processing elements and the software components that live in them. They are usually used in con,unction with deployment diagrams to show how physical modules of code are distributed on the system. /otation ele ents: These are e)planatory parts of %&' model. They are bo)es which may apply to describe and remark about any element in the model. They provide the information for understanding the necessary details of the diagrams. 0elations in the UML: These are four kinds of relationships used in an %&' diagram, they are# (ependency Association :enerali!ation .eali!ation

.e+endenc): $t is a semantic relationship between two things in which a change one thing affects the semantics of other things. :raphically a dependency is represented by a non-continuous line. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Association: $t is a structural relationship that describes asset of links. A link is being connected among ob,ects. :raphically association is represented as a solid line possibly including label. The table below gives the most common multiplicities.

Multi+licities 1..1 1..2 or 2 1 1..2 3enerali4ation:

Meaning ;ero or one instance. The notation n..m indicates n to m instances. no limit on the number of instances +including none-. e)actly one instance at least one instance

$t is a speciali!ed relationship in which the speciali!ed elements are substitutable for ob,ect of the generali!ed element. :raphically it is a solid line with hollow arrow head parent. 0eali4ation: $t is a semantic relation between classifiers. :raphically it is represented as a cross between generali!ation and dependency relationship. 5here UML can 6e used: %&' is not limited to modeling software. $n fact it is e)pressive to model non-software such as to show in structure and behavior of health care system and to design the hardware of the system. Conce+tual odel 6e UML: %&' you need to form the conceptual model of %&'. This re uires three ma,or elements# %&' basic building blocks. .ules that dictate how this building blocks are put together. Some common mechanism that apply throughout the language.

*nce you have grasped these ideas, you may be able to read. %&' create some basic ones. As you gain more e)perience in applying conceptual model using more advanced features of this language. $uilding 6loc7s of the UML: The vocabulary of %&' encompasses these kinds of building blocks. Use Case: .escri+tion: RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

A use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal. A use case is a behavioral diagram that shows a set of use case actions and their relationships. 8ur+ose: The purpose of use case is login and e)change messages between sender and receiver +Email client-. Main flo9: <irst, the sender gives his id and enters his login. =ow, he enters the message to the receiver id. Alternate flo9: $f the username and id by the sender or receiver is not valid, the administrator will not allow entering and >$nvalid password? message is displayed. 8re"condition: A person has to register himself to obtain a login $(. 8ost"condition: The user is not allowed to enter if the password or user name is not valid. Class diagra : .escri+tion: A class diagram describes the type of ob,ects in system and various kinds of relationships that e)ists among them. Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate representations of ob,ect models.

(uring analysis, we use class diagram to show roles and responsibilities of entities that provide email client system behaviors design. @e use to capture the structure of classes that form the email client system architecture. A class diagra is re+resented as: AAClass nameBB AAAttribute /BB AAAttribute nBB AA*peration +-BB 0elationshi+ used: A change in one element affects the other. 3enerali4ation: RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

$t is a kind of relationship. State chart: .escri+tion: The state chart diagram made the dynamic behavior of individual classes. State chart shows the se uences of states that an ob,ect goes through events and state transitions. A state chart contains one state Cstart8 and multiple Cend8 states.

The i +ortant o6:ecti%es are: .ecision: $t represents a specific location state chart diagram where the work flow may branch based upon guard conditions. S)nchroni4ation: $t gives a simultaneous workflow in a state chart diagram. They visually define forks and ,oints representing parallel workflow. ;or7s and :oins: State: A state is a condition or situation during a life of an ob,ect in which it satisfies condition or waits for some events. Transition: $t is a relationship between two activities and between states and activities. Start state: A start state shows the beginning of a workflow or beginning of a state machine on a state chart diagram. End state: $t is a final or terminal state. Acti%it) diagra RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT A fork construct is used to model a single flow of control. Every work must be followed by a corresponding ,oin. Doints have two or more flow that unit into a single flow.

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

.escri+tion: Activity diagram provides a way to model the workflow of a development process. @e can also model this code specific information such as class operation using activity diagram. Activity diagrams can model different types of diagrams. There are various tools involved in the activity diagram. Acti%it): An activity represents the performance of a task on duty. $t may also represent the e)ecution of a statement in a procedure. .ecision: A decision represents a condition on situation during the life of an ob,ect, which it satisfies some condition or waits for an event. Start state: $t represents the condition e)plicitly the beginning of a workflow on an activity. O6:ect flo9: An ob,ect on an activity diagram represents the relationship between activity and ob,ect that creates or uses it. S)nchroni4ation: $t enables us to see a simultaneous workflow in an activity. End state: An end state represents a final or terminal state on an activity diagram or state chart diagram. Se<uence diagra : .escri+tion: A se uence diagram is a graphical view of scenario that shows ob,ect interaction in a time based se uence what happens first what happens ne)t. Se uence diagrams are closely related to collaboration diagram. The main difference between se uence and collaboration diagram is that se uence diagram show time based interaction while collaboration diagram shows ob,ects associated with each other. The se uence diagram for the e-mail client system consists of the following ob,ectives# O6:ect: An ob,ect has state, behavior and identity. An ob,ect is not based is referred to as an instance. The various ob,ects in e-mail client system are# %ser, @ebsite, 'ogin, :roups. Message icon:

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

A message icon represents the communication between ob,ects indicating that an action will follow. The message icon is the hori!ontal solid arrow connecting lifelines together. Colla6oration diagra : .escri+tion: Collaboration diagram and se uence diagrams are alternate representations of an interaction. A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that shows the order of messages that implement an operation or a transaction. Collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that shows the order of messages that implement an operation or a transaction. Collaboration diagram shows ob,ect s, their links and their messages. They can also contain simple class instances and class utility instances. (uring, analysis indicates the semantics of the primary and secondary interactions. (esign, shows the semantics of mechanisms in the logical design of system. Toggling between the se uence and collaboration diagrams. @hen we work in either a se uence or collaboration diagram, it is possible to view the corresponding diagram by pressing <5 key.

ATM (Auto ated Teller Machine) S=STEM Case Stud)

Ai : To create a system to perform 3ank AT& System. 8ro6le state ent: This system is build for the bank client and the manager. The bank client must be able to deposit and withdraw amount from hisEher accounts using the AT& machine. Each transaction must be recorded and the client must be able to review all transactions performed in hisEher account. .ecorded transactions must include the date, time, transaction type, amount and account balance after the transaction. The bank manager must be able to view the AT& machine status that is the total balance of the AT& machine, today8s withdrawal, today8s balance and the limitations of the machine.

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

The bank client is provided by login verification. $f it is valid heEshe will access their account otherwise an appropriate message is displayed to the client.

Soft9are re<uire ents: .ational .ose Enterprise Edition. CFFEDava is used as front-end for our pro,ect and ms-access is used as back-end to store the data.

Use Case .iagra

.escri+tion: A use case diagram is a diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. A use case diagram commonly contain %se cases Actors (ependency :enerali!ation and Association .elationships. /. Session 1. Transaction 2. &ini statement 4. (eposit 5. @ithdrawal 6. Transfer 7. $n uiry Actors in%ol%ed: /. Customer 1. 3ank 2. *perator USE"CASE na e: Login $rief .escri+tion# The use case describes how a %ser logs into the AT& System RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

The AT& transaction use cases in our system are#

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

;lo9 of E%ents# $asic ;lo9# This use case starts when the actor wishes to 'ogin to the AT& System. /. The System re uests that the actor enter hisEher name and password 1. The actor enters hisEher name and password 2. The System validates the entered name and password and logs the actor into the System. Alternati%e ;lo9s# $nvalid =ameE0assword# $f, in the 3asic flow, the actor enters an invalid name andEor password, the system displays an error message. The actor chooses to either return to the beginning of the 3asic flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends. 8re"Conditions# =one 8ost"Conditions: $f the use case was successful, the actor is now logged into the system. $f not, the system State is unchanged. E)tension 0oints# =one USE"CASE na e: 5ithdra9 The user tries to withdraw an amount from his or her checking account. The amount is less than or e ual to the checking account8s balance, the transaction is performed and the available information is displayed. The system creates a record of the transaction and the display confirmation message is displayed to the client. USE"CASE na e: Mini state ent The bank user re uests a history of transactions for a checking account. The system displays the transaction history for the checking account. The transaction history consists of amount, date, transaction type and balance of the particular account. USE"CASE na e: ATM achine status The bank manager enters a username and password. $f it is valid, the bank manager accesses the machine status. $f it is invalid, an appropriate message is displayed to the user. USE"CASE na e: .e+osit RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

The bank user re uests the system to deposit money to an account. The user accesses the account for which a deposit is going to be made and enters the amount. The system creates a record of the transaction and an appropriate confirmation message +display confirmation- is displayed to the client. The transaction must include the date, type, amount and account balance after the transaction. 5ithdra9al Transaction Use Case A withdrawal transaction asks the customer to choose a type of account to withdraw from. The system verifies that it has sufficient money on hand to satisfy the re uest before sending the transaction to the bank. 8re"conditions: The customer must have a valid AT& card and 0$=. 8ost"conditions# The customer receives the cash amount that he wanted to withdraw, with a receipt, if indicated. The customer8s account balance is updated in the system. S+ecifications: 8ri ar) Actor: Customer Sta7eholders: Customer# @ants uick, accurate withdrawal of cash 3ank# @ants to give fast, accurate and reliable service to the customer 3ank that owns AT&# +$f not the same as the customer8s bank-# @ants to charge the customer the correct amount of surcharge on the withdrawal. AT& Administrator# @ants to ensure that the AT& always has sufficient cash for a predicted number of withdrawals per day.

/or al flo9 of e%ents: /. The customer inserts AT& card into the AT& machine and enters 0$=. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

1. The system validates the AT& card and 0$= 2. The customer selects the CCash @ithdrawal8 option from the *ptions &enu. 4. The system prompts customer to enter the amount of cash that he or she wants to withdraw. 5. The customer enters a cash amount and selects the CSubmit8 option on the Cash @ithdrawal Screen. 6. The system validates the amount enteredG checks account balance and that the machine has enough cash for the transaction, and asks the customer if he or she wants a receipt for the transaction. 7. The customer selects CHes8 on the .eceipts Screen. I. The system e,ects the AT& card, provides the cash, prints the receipt and updates the account balance of the customer in the system. Alternate flo9 of e%ents: /. The customer has entered invalid 0$=G the system prompts the customer to enter a valid 0$=. 1. $f AT& card is not compatible-The system re,ects the AT& card and displays an error message. 2. The customer has entered an amount that e)ceeds the withdrawal limit. 4. The system re,ects the transaction J displays an error message. .e+osit Transaction Use Case A deposit transaction asks the customer to choose a type of account to deposit to. $f the transaction is approved, the machine accepts an envelope from the customer containing cash andEor checks before it issues a receipt. 8re"conditions: The customer must have a valid AT& card and 0$=. 8ost"conditions# The customer receives the receipt of cash amountEche ue that he has deposited. The customer8s account balance is updated in the system. S+ecifications: 8ri ar) Actor: Customer Sta7eholders: Customer# @ants uick, accurate withdrawal of cash. 3ank# @ants to give fast, accurate and reliable service to the customer. AT& Administrator# @ants to ensure that the AT& always has sufficient cash for a predicted number of withdrawals per day. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

>alidateUser Use Case /or al flo9 of e%ents: The use case starts when the system prompts the Customer for a 0$= number. The Customer can now enter a 0$= number via the keypad. The Customer commits the entry by pressing the Enter button. The system then checks this 0$= number to see if it is valid. $f the 0$= number is valid, the system acknowledges the entry, thus ending the use case. E?ce+tional flo9 of e%ents: /. The Customer can cancel a transaction at any time by pressing the Cancel button, thus restarting the use case. =o changes are made to the Customer9s account. 1. The Customer can clear a 0$= number anytime before committing it and reenter a new 0$= number. 2. $f the Customer enters an invalid 0$= number, the use case restarts. $f this happens three times in a row, the system cancels the entire transaction, preventing the Customer from interacting with the AT& for 6K seconds. Modeling ste+s for Use case .iagra : /. (raw the lines around the system and actors lie outside the system. 1. $dentify the actors which are interacting with the system. 2. Separate the generali!ed and speciali!ed actors. 4. $dentify the functionality the way of interacting actors with system and specify the behavior of actor. 5. <unctionality or behavior of actors is considered as use cases. 6. Specify the generali!ed and speciali!ed use cases. 7. Set the relationship among the use cases and in between actor and use cases. I. Adorn with constraints and notes. L. $f necessary, use collaborations to reali!e use cases.

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Use Case .iagra

for ATM S)ste :

System startup


System shutdown




Pin Verfication

Transaction Bank


W ithdrawal

Balance Enquiry


Max Withdrawal

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Laboratory Record
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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Class .iagra
.escri+tion: The basic structure of the class diagram arises from the responsibilities and relationships discovered when doing the C.C cards and $nteraction (iagrams. +$f a class uses another class as a collaborator, or sends a message to an ob,ect of that class during an $nteraction, then there must either be an association linking ob,ects of those classes, or linking the MsendingM class to an ob,ect which provides access to an ob,ect of the MreceivingM class-. <igure Shown below is the class diagram for the AT& system. Modeling ste+s for Class .iagra : /. $dentity the things that are interacting with class diagram. 1. Set the attributes and operations. 2. Set the responsibilities. 4. $dentify the generali!ation and specification classes. 5. Set the relationship among all the things. 6. Adorn with tagged values, constraints and notes. Attributes and &ethods used in each class are described below# Ta6le 1: Attri6utes and O+erations for Class .iagra Class /a e AT& CustomerConsole Card.eader Cash(ispenser *perator Session Transaction RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT Attri6utes atmid# integer, bankname#string state# string,location# string atm#AT& atm#AT& $nitialcash#integer totalcash#integer atm#AT& atm#AT&,pin#integer state#string atm#AT&, session# Session Methods performStartup+-, performShutdown+-, createSession+-,get'og(etails+display&enu+-,display&essage+read0$=+readCard+-,e,ectCard+set$nitialCash+-,check&a)Cash+dispenseCash+switch*n+-,switch*ff+-, checkAT&Status+createSession+-,verify0$=+createTransaction+-

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

(eposit @ithdrawal 3alanceEn uiry

pin#integer, balance#integer amount#integer, bankname#string, pin#integer amount#integer, bankname#string, pin#integer, balance#integer pin#integer bankname#string for ATM S)ste :

get(etails+-, perform(eposit+get(etails+perform@ithdrawal+get(etails+performEn uiry+-

Class .iagra

"ustomer "onsole operator % &TM atmid ' inte(er )ankname ' Strin( location ' Strin( State ' Strin( % % % Startup*+ Shutdown*+ createSession*+ ,etlo(details*+ % creates $ "ard $ Session % $ $ Transaction % %

#eceipt printer % % "ard #eader

% %

"ash dispenser




Balance Enquiry

Max Withdrawals

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____1#_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Interaction .iagra
.escri+tion: %&' defines two types of $nteraction (iagram# the Se uence (iagram and the Collaboration (iagram. $nteractions between o6:ects are represented by interaction diagrams N both se<uence and colla6oration diagrams. An e)ample of a collaboration diagram is shown below. *b,ects are drawn as rectangles and the lines between them indicate links N a link is an instance of an association. The order of the essages along the links between the ob,ects is indicated by the number at the head of the message. Se uence diagram shows the relationship between classes arranged in a time se uence. @ithin a se uence diagram an ob,ect is shown in a bo) at the top. The se uence diagram of the above %&' class model is designed and used for online money transactions. The communication between two ob,ects represented by an arrow J the message on that arrow, the vertical lines show the life of the ob,ects. Modeling ste+s for Se<uence .iagra : /. Set the conte)t for the interactions, system, subsystem, classes, ob,ect or use cases. 1. Set the stages for the interactions by identifying ob,ects which are placed as actions in interaction diagrams. 2. 'ay them out along the O-a)is by placing the important ob,ect at the left side and others in the ne)t subse uent. 4. Set the lifelines for each and every ob,ect by sending create and destroy messages. 5. Start the message which is initiating interactions and place all other messages in the increasing order of items. 6. Specify the time and space constraints. 7. Set the pre and post conditioned. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Modeling ste+s for Colla6oration .iagra : /. Set the conte)t for interaction, whether it is system, subsystem, operation or class or one scenario of use case or collaboration. 1. $dentify the ob,ects that play a role in the interaction. 'ay them as vertices in graph, placing important ob,ects in centre and neighboring ob,ects to outside. 2. Set the initial properties of each of these ob,ects. $f the attributes or tagged values of an ob,ect changes in significant ways over the interaction, place a duplicate ob,ect, update with these new values and connect them by a message stereotyped as become or copy. 4. Specify the links among these ob,ects. 'ay the association links first represent structural connection. 'ay out other links and adorn with stereotypes. 5. Starting with the message that initiates this interaction, attach each subse uent message to appropriate link, setting se uence number as appropriate. 6. Adorn each message with time and space constraints if needed. 7. Attach pre J post conditions to specify flow of control formally. The In%alid 8I/ use case The $nvalid 0$= use case is triggered when a wrong 0$= is provided by the user. Then, the $nvalid 0$= use case, as described in the corresponding se uence diagram in <igure L +se uence diagram coming from the design documentation-, asks to the user to re-enter the 0$=# three tries are allowed. $n case the three entered 0$=8s are incorrect, the card is retained, and the customer has to contact the bank. Se<uence .iagra for In%alid 8in:

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Se<uence .iagra

for >alid ATM Transaction:

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________
' "ard #eader ' &TM ' Session ' "ustomer "onsole ' Transaction

' customer

-nsert card card .erification

card inserted


Verify Pin

Pin .erified


Perform Transaction

"ontinue Transaction

E/ect "ard

"ard E/ection Messa(e

Acti%it) diagra
.escri+tion: RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

An activity diagram represents the e)ecution state of a mechanism as a se uence of steps grouped se uentially as parallel control flow branches. An acti%it) diagra a use case. Activity diagrams are used to model the dynamic aspects of system. Swim-lanes <orking Doining is essentially a fancy flowchart. $t is a variant of state chart diagrams organi!ed according to actions and internal behavior of a method or

A transition may 6ranch into two or more mutually e)clusive transitions. 3uard e?+ressions +inside P Q- label the transitions coming out of a branch. A branch and its subse uent the branch appear in the diagram as hollow diamonds. A transition may for7 into two or more parallel activities. The fork and the subse uent :oin of the threads coming out of the fork appear in the diagram as solid bars. <or our e)ample, we used the following process. M@ithdraw money from a bank account through an AT&M. The three involved classes +people, etc.- of the activity are Custo er, ATM, and $an7. The process begins at the black start, circle at the top and ends at the concentric whiteEblack stop circles at the bottom. The activities are rounded rectangles. Modeling ste+s for Acti%it) .iagra : /. Select the ob,ect that has high level responsibilities. 1. These ob,ects may be real or abstract. $n either case, create a swim lane for each important ob,ect. 2. $dentify the precondition of initial state and post conditions of final state. 4. 3eginning at initial state, specify the activities and actions and render them as activity states or action states. 5. <or complicated actions, or for a set of actions that appear multiple times, collapse these states and provide separate activity diagram. 6. .ender the transitions that connect these activities and action states. 7. Start with se uential flowsG consider branching, fork and ,oining. I. Adorn with notes, tagged values and so on. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT erge marking the end of

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Acti%it) .iagra


one) fro

a 6an7 account through an ATM:

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Acti%it) .iagra

for >erif) +ass9ord:

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Program No:___________ Date : ________________

State chart diagra

.escri+tion: *b,ects have behaviors and state. The state of an ob,ect depends on its current activity or condition. A state chart diagra shows the possible states of the ob,ect and the transitions that cause a change in state. States are rounded rectangles. The initial state +black circle- is a dummy to start the action. <inal states are also dummy states that terminate the action. Modeling ste+s for State chart .iagra : /. Choose the conte)t for state machine, whether it is a class, a use case, or the system as a whole. 1. Choose the initial J final states of the ob,ects. 2. (ecide on the stable states of the ob,ect by considering the conditions in which the ob,ect may e)ist for some identifiable period of time. 4. The high-level states of the ob,ects J only then consider its possible sub-states. 5. (ecide on the meaningful partial ordering of stable states over the lifetime of the ob,ect. 6. (ecide on the events that may trigger a transition from state to state. &odel these events as triggers to transitions that move from one legal ordering of states to another. 7. Attach actions to these transitions andEor to these states. I. Consider ways to simplify your machine by using sub states, branches, forks, ,oins and history states. L. Check that all states are reachable under some combination of events. /K. Check that no state is a dead from which no combination of events will transition the ob,ect out of that state. //. Trace through the state machine, either manually or by using tools, to check it against e)pected se uence of events J their responses.

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____2!_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

State chart diagra

for an ATM S)ste :

State chart diagra

for a Transaction:

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____2"_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Co +onent .iagra
.escri+tion: Component diagrams are basically used to model static view of the system. This can be achieved by modeling various physical components like libraries, tables, and files etc. which are residing within a node. Component diagrams are very essential for constructing e)ecutable systems. This can be done using concepts of forward and reverse engineering. The graphical representation of a component diagrams basically include collection of vertices and arcs. Modeling ste+s for Co +onent .iagra : /. $dentify the component libraries and e)ecutable files which are interacting with the system. 1. .epresent this e)ecutables and libraries as components. 2. Show the relationships among all the components. 4. $dentify the files, tables, documents which are interacting with the system. 5. .epresent files, tables, documents as components. 6. Show the e)isting relationships among them generally dependency. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____2#_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

7. $dentify the seams in the model. I. $dentify the interfaces which are interacting with the system. L. Set attributes and operation signatures for interfaces. /K. %se either import or e)port relationship in bEw interfaces and components. //. $dentify the source code which is interacting with the system. /1. Set the version of the source code as a constraint to each source code. /2. .epresent source code as components. /4. Show the relationships among components. /5. Adorn with nodes, constraints and tag values.

Co +onent .iagra

for ATM S)ste :

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____2$_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____3%_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

.e+lo) ent .iagra

.escri+tion: (eployment is the stage of development that describes the configuration of the running system in a real time environment. <or deployment, decisions should be made about configuration parameters, performece, resource allocation, distribution and concurrency. The component develop or reused should be deployed on some set o f hardware for e)ecution. =odes are used to model the topology of the hardware on which the system e)ecutes. A node usually represents a processor or a device on which components can be deployed. Modeling ste+s for .e+lo) ent .iagra : /. $dentify the processors which represent client J server. 1. 0rovide the visual cue via stereotype classes. 2. :roup all the similar clients into one package. 4. 0rovide the links among clients J servers. 5. 0rovide the attributes J operations. 6. Specify the components which are living on nodes. 7. Adorn with nodes J constraints J draw the deployment diagram. .e+lo) ent .iagra for ATM:

&tm "lient


&tm Ser.er

Data Baseser.er

0esult: The various %&' diagrams were drawn for AT& application and the corresponding code was generated. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____31_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

/. @hat are traditional development methodologiesR Ans# &ost ttraditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric or data centric. $n an algorithmic centric methodology,you think of an algorithm that can accomplish the task,then build data structures for that algorithms to use. $n data-centric methodology, you think how to structure the data, and then build algorithms around that structure. 1. @hat is *b,ect *riented development methodologyR Ans# $n ob,ect oriented environment, software is a collection of discrete ob,ects that encapsulate their data and the functionality to model the real world >ob,ects?. The ob,ect oriented life cycle encourages a view of the world as a system of cooperative and collaborating agents. 2. (efine an ob,ect. Ans# An ob,ect is an instance of a class. An ob,ect is the combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity. An ob,ect has identity, state, and behavior. 4. =ame the different types of ob,ectsR Ans# Anonymous ob,ect, orphan ob,ect, named ob,ect, multi ob,ect. 5. @hat is a classR Ans# A group of ob,ects having common structure and behavior is called a class. A class is also called an ob,ect template from which ob,ects can be created. Classes are important mechanism for classifying ob,ects. 6. @hat is a methodR Ans# $n the ob,ect model, ob,ect behavior is described in methods or procedures. 3asically a method is a function or procedure that is defined for a class. &ehods encapsulate the behavior of the ob,ect, provide interfaces to the ob,ect, and hide any of the internal structures and states maintained by the ob,ect. &ethods are similar to functions, procedures, or subroutines in more traditional programming languages, such as C*3*', 3asic or C. 7. "oe messages are different from methodsR

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____32_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

Ans# &essages essentially are non-specific function calls. A message is different from a subroutine call, since different ob,ects can responds to same message in different ways. A message differs from function in that a function says how to do something and says what to do. I. @hat is the distinction between traditional development methodologies and ob,ect oriented development methodologiesR Ans# Traditional approach focuses on functions of the system where as ob,ect oriented approach centers on ob,ect which is the combination of data and functionality. L. @hat are the advantages of ob,ect oriented approachR Ans# a- "igher levels of abstraction b- Seamless transition among different phases of software development c- Encouragement of good programming techni ues d-0romotion of reusability /K. @hat is %nified Approach +%A-R Ans# %A is based on methodologies by 3ooch, .umbaugh, and Dacobson which combines best practices, processes, and guidelines along with *&:8s %nified &odeling 'anguage +%&'//. @hat is the heart of %AR Ans# The heart of %A is Dacobson8s %se case. The use case represents a typical interaction between a user and a computer system to capture the user8s goals and needs. /1. @hat is class hierarchyR Ans# An ** system organi!es classes into a super class-subclass hierarchy. At the top of the class hierarch are the most general classes and at the bottom are the most specific. A subclass inherits all of the properties and methods +procedures- defined in its super class. Subclasses usually add new methods and properties specific to that class. Subclasses may refine or constrain the state and behavior inherited from its super class. /2. @hat is inheritanceR Ans# $nheritance is the property of ** systems that allows ob,wects to be built from other ob,ects. $nheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent class of another +derivedclass. The parent class is also known as the base class or super class. /4. @hat is 0olymorphismR Ans# 0oly means >many? and morph means >form?. 0olymorphism means the same operation may behave differently on different classes. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____33_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

/5. @hat is associationR Association represents the relationship between ob,ects and classes.

/6. @hat is multiple inheritanceR Ans# @hen one class inherits its state +attributes- and behavior from more than one super class, it is referred to as multiple inheritances. /7. @hat is dynamic bindingR Ans# The process of determining +dynamically- at run time which functions to invoke is termed dynamic binding. /I. @hat is static bindingR Ans# The process of determining at compile time which functions to invoke is termed static binding. /L. @rite the four uality measures for software developmentR Ans# Correspondence, correctness, verification, and validation. 1K. @hat is ob,ect persistenceR Ans# *b,ects have life time. They are created and can e)ist for a period of time. A file or a database can provide support for ob,ects having a longer life time longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This characteristic is called ob,ect persistence. 1/. @hat is cardinalityR Ans# Cardinality specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class. 11. @hat is a formal class or abstract classR Ans# <ormal or abstract classes have no instances but define the common behaviors that can be inherited by more specific classes. 12. @hat is a meta-classR Ans# A meta-class is a class about a class. They are normally used to provide instance variables and operations. 14. (efine EncapsulationR Ans# Encapsulation is the process of compartmentali!ing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____34_______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

15. @hat is the need of an *b,ect diagramR Ans# An ob,ect diagram is used to show the e)istence of ob,ects and their relationships in the logical design of a system. 16. @hat is modelingR Ans# &odel is a simplification of reality 17. &ention the different kinds of modeling diagrams usedR Ans# There are L of them. %se case diagram, Class (iagram, *b,ect (iagram, Se uence (iagram, state-chart (iagram, Collaboration (iagram, Activity (iagram, Component diagram, (eployment (iagram. 1I. @hat are .elationshipsR Ans# There are different kinds of relationships# (ependencies, :enerali!ation, and Association. 1L. (efine forward engineering and revere engineeringR Ans# <orward engineering means creating a relational schema from an e)isting ob,ect model. .everse engineering means creating an ob,ect model from an e)isting relational database layout +schema-. 2K. @hat is ScenarioR Ans# The functionality of the use case is captured in flow of the events. A scenario is one path through the flow of events for the use case. Scenarios are developed to help identify ob,ects, classes and ob,ect interactions for that use case. 2/. @hat is a ualifierR Ans# A ualifier is an association attribute. The ualifier rectangle is part of the association path, not part of the class. 21. @hat is an activityR Ans# An activity is a set of operations that is e)ecuting during the entire period an ob,ect is in a state. 22. (efine actor and scenario. Ans# Actor is something with behavior. $t can be a system, person or a organi!ation. 24. (efine attributes with e)ample. Ans# An attribute is a logical data value of an ob,ect. $t is useful to identify those conceptual classes that are needed to satisfy the information re uirements of the current scenarios under development. RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

Laboratory Record
No: _____3 _______


Program No:___________ Date : ________________

<or e)ample, a receipt in the 0rocess Sale use case normally includes a date and time, the store name and address, and the cashier $(, among many other things. 25. @hat is AggregationR Ans# Aggregation is a special kind of association in the %&' that loosely suggests whole-part relationships.

26. (efine Composition. Ans# Composition, also known as composite aggregation, is a strong kind of whole-part aggregation and is useful to show in some models. $t is an instance of a part belongs to only one composite instance. 27. @hat are the two types of notations for interfaceR Ans# socket-line notation, lollipop notation. 2I. @hat are the three steps in C.C processR Ans# The classes, responsibilities and collaborators process consists of three steps# $dentify classes8 responsibilities +and identify classes-. Assign responsibilities. $dentify collaborators.

2L. =ame the building blocks of %&'R Ans# Things, .elationships, (iagrams. 4K. @hat are kinds of things in %&'R Ans# Structural things, 3ehavioral things, :rouping Things, Annotational things. 4/. (ifference between collaboration and se uence diagramR Ans# a- $n collaboration diagram, there is a path to indicate how an ob,ect is linked to another. b- There is a se uence no# to indicate time-order of the message. 0refi) the message with the no# increasing monotonically for each new message in the flow of control.

RNO: 10261A0576 MGIT

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