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Cert|f|ed Scrum rofess|ona| (CS)

Cert|f|cat|on Lxam|nat|on Cand|date nandbook

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

1ab|e of Contents

C8LuLn1lAL uLSlCnA1lCn..............................................................................................................2
LxAMlnA1lCn 8LClS18A1lCn.........................................................................................................3
ueadllnes ............................................................................................................................3
8eglsLraLlon and 1esLlng rocess ........................................................................................4
8LASCnA8LL ACCCMMCuA1lCnS..................................................................................................6
8eLesL lees..........................................................................................................................6
LxAMlnA1lCn lnlC8MA1lCn.........................................................................................................7
SAMLL LxAMlnA1lCn CuLS1lCnS................................................................................................8
lC8 MC8L 8LA8A1lCn................................................................................................................9
uemo 1esL...........................................................................................................................9
C1PL8 LxAMlnA1lCn lnlC8MA1lCn.............................................................................................9
CancellaLlon, 8eschedullng, and no Shows ........................................................................9
LxamlnaLlon 8ules.............................................................................................................10
rohlblLed lLems ...............................................................................................................10
LxamlnaLlon Scorlng .........................................................................................................10
LxamlnaLlon 8eLakes.........................................................................................................11
ALnulx A: 8ecommended 8esources........................................................................................13
ALnulx 8: Sample CuesLlon Answer key...................................................................................13
ALnulx C: ConLenL CuLllne for CerLlfled Scrum rofesslonal (CS)...........................................16
ALnulx u: LxamlnaLlon reparaLlon .........................................................................................20
Pow Lo SLudy ....................................................................................................................20
Managlng 1esL AnxleLy .....................................................................................................20
1lps for 1aklng Lhe LxamlnaLlon .......................................................................................20
ALnulx L: Scrum Alllance CS Llcense AgreemenL ..................................................................22
ALnulx l: Marks and Culdellnes for uLlllzaLlon ............................23
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


1he Scrum Alllance ls a noL-for-proflL professlonal membershlp organlzaLlon creaLed Lo share
Lhe Scrum framework and Lransform Lhe world of work.

Scrum Alllance's mlsslon ls Lo lnLroduce Scrum as an effecLlve soluLlon Lo buslness problems.
We serve Lhe communlLy as Lhe LrusLed source of knowledge for Lhose who wanL Lo
learn Scrum, Lhose who wanL Lo lmprove Lhelr undersLandlng of Scrum, and Lhose who wanL Lo
share Lhelr knowledge and experlence wlLh Scrum. Scrum Alllance hosLs Scrum CaLherlngs and
supporLs Scrum user Croups, provldlng a forum for lnLeracLlve learnlng LhroughouL Lhe world.
We value:
! lndlvlduals and lnLeracLlons over processes and Lools,
! CompleLed funcLlonallLy over comprehenslve documenLaLlon,
! CusLomer collaboraLlon over conLracL negoLlaLlon, and
! 8espondlng Lo change over followlng a plan.
1rue success wlLh Lhe Scrum framework comes from Leams and organlzaLlons LhaL undersLand
Lhese values and Lhe prlnclples LhaL form Lhe foundaLlon of all aglle processes.
1he Scrum Alllance has parLnered wlLh CasLle Worldwlde, lnc. (CasLle), a leadlng cerLlflcaLlon
and llcensure flrm, Lo develop Lhe CerLlfled Scrum rofesslonal (CS) cerLlflcaLlon examlnaLlon.

lease use Lhls candldaLe handbook Lo undersLand our processes of appllcaLlon and
reglsLraLlon. lf you have quesLlons abouL Lhe processes descrlbed here, please conLacL Lhe
Scrum Alllance aL cerLlflcaLlon[scrumalllance.org or conLacL CasLle aL (919) 372-6880 aL


1he CerLlfled Scrum rofesslonal (CS) has proven experlence and experLlse ln Lhe arL of Scrum.
CS ls Lhe level of cerLlflcaLlon LhaL all pracLlLloners should sLrlve Lo aLLaln.

1he CS ls an effecLlve pracLlLloner of Scrum and knowledgeable abouL oLher Aglle frameworks.
1he CS has responslblllLy for challenglng a Scrum Leam Lo lmprove Lhe manner ln whlch all
aspecLs of Lhe meLhod are lmplemenLed for every producL. As a prerequlslLe, Lhe CS possesses
sklll ln applylng Scrum and oLher Aglle meLhods Lo a wlde varleLy of producLs and servlces.
CandldaLes for Lhe CS deslgnaLlon have relevanL work experlence.

8ecomlng a CerLlfled Scrum rofesslonal ls noL easy. ?ou wlll need Lo demonsLraLe LhaL you
have aL leasL one year of acLual experlence uslng Scrum ln Lhe workplace, LhaL you know how Lo
apply Scrum concepLs, pracLlces, and prlnclples, and LhaL you undersLand how and why Scrum
works. oLenLlal employers can be assured LhaL when someone ls a CS, Lhey have Laken
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

lnlLlaLlve beyond a foundaLlon-level undersLandlng Lo achleve a depLh of knowledge and
experlence ln Lhe Scrum process.


?ou musL saLlsfy Lhree ellglblllLy crlLerla Lo apply for Lhe CS credenLlal: (1) hold a currenL CerLlfled
ScrumMasLer (CSM), CerLlfled Scrum roducL Cwner (CSC), or CerLlfled Scrum ueveloper (CSu)
credenLlal, (2) have a mlnlmum of 2000 hours of Scrum-relaLed work ln Lhe pasL Lwo years, (3) hold a
currenL Scrum Alllance membershlp.

lease noLe: ?ou do noL have Lo be a CSM, CSu or CSC for an enLlre year before applylng.

upon approval of your appllcaLlon for candldacy, you wlll be requlred Lo pay a $300
cerLlflcaLlon fee.

L||g|b|||ty Aud|ts
A percenLage of candldaLe appllcaLlons wlll be audlLed Lo ensure compllance wlLh Lhe ellglblllLy
crlLerla. AppllcaLlons for audlL wlll be selecLed randomly. lf your appllcaLlon ls selecLed for
audlL, you wlll be provlded wlLh lnsLrucLlons on how Lo supply saLlsfacLory documenLaLlon LhaL
supporLs your compllance wlLh Lhe ellglblllLy crlLerla before your cerLlflcaLlon scores are

AppllcaLlons for candldacy are accepLed on a conLlnual basls. upon approval of an appllcaLlon,
CasLle wlll send noLlflcaLlon of ellglblllLy Lo slL for Lhe examlnaLlon and wlll provlde a "#$%&' $#
(&)'*+,' (n1S) wlLh a username, password, and dlrecLlons on how Lo schedule a LesLlng
sesslon. MosL LesL slLes wlll have mornlng and afLernoon LesLlng sesslons avallable. CasLle wlll
do lLs besL Lo accommodaLe Lhe requesLed LesL slLe and daLe. SeaLs are fllled on a flrsL-come,
flrsL-served basls, based on LesL cenLer avallablllLy. CandldaLes musL submlL Lhelr LesLlng
schedullng requesL aL leasL seven (7) days prlor Lhelr preferred LesL daLe.

CandldaLes wlll recelve conflrmaLlon of Lhe exacL LesL locaLlon, daLe, and Llme vla emall, whlch
musL be prlnLed and Laken Lo Lhe slLe on Lhe LesL daLe. 1he cand|date must take th|s document
to the s|te on the test date.

CandldaLes are sLrongly encouraged Lo compleLe Lhelr CS examlnaLlon wlLhln 90 days of
recelvlng Lhelr lnvlLaLlon Lo Schedule from CasLle.

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

keg|strat|on and 1est|ng rocess
1. 8evlew Lhls candldaLe handbook prlor Lo schedullng your examlnaLlon. lallure Lo follow
Lhe lnsLrucLlons can cause a delay of your reglsLraLlon. lor quesLlons regardlng
examlnaLlon reglsLraLlon, conLacL Scrum Alllance aL cerLlflcaLlon[scrumalllance.org.

2. ?ou may apply Lo Lake Lhe CS exam dlrecLly from your Scrum Alllance proflle once you
have logged ln. 1he appllcaLlon conslsLs of Lhe followlng sLeps:
verlfy your conLacL lnformaLlon conLalned on Lhe proflle.
verlfy or enLer your phone number (requlred by CasLle for exam booklng purposes).
LnLer your work experlence on Lhe Scrum Alllance proflle. 1hese enLrles are sub[ecL
Lo verlflcaLlon by Scrum Alllance.
AfLer you have saved all changes Lo your proflle, you wlll enLer Lhe appllcaLlon form
one flnal Llme ln order Lo aLLesL Lo your 2000 hours of experlence Lhen submlL Lhe
flnal appllcaLlon.

3. AfLer you have submlLLed your appllcaLlon, you wlll see a llnk on your proflle Lo pay Lhe
CS fee.

4. AfLer you have submlLLed your appllcaLlon and Scrum Alllance has conflrmed your
paymenL, CasLle wlll send noLlflcaLlon of your ellglblllLy Lo slL for Lhe examlnaLlon and
wlll provlde a "#$%&' $# (&)'*+,' (n1S) wlLh a username, password, and dlrecLlons on
how Lo schedule a LesLlng sesslon. ln order Lo recelve lmporLanL elecLronlc
correspondence abouL schedullng your LesLlng sesslon, please ensure LhaL your emall
program wlll accepL communlcaLlon from lbL[casLleworldwlde.com.

Schedule a LesLlng sesslon. (See Schedullng" on page 3 of Lhls handbook.)

3. ?ou wlll be noLlfled of Lhe exacL LesL locaLlon, daLe, and Llme vla emall. ?ou musL brlng
your prlnLed conflrmaLlon wlLh you Lo Lhe LesL slLe.

?ou musL also brlng a currenL phoLo ldenLlflcaLlon wlLh slgnaLure Lo Lhe LesL slLe.
AccepLable forms of ldenLlflcaLlon lnclude a drlver's llcense, passporL, or governmenL-
lssued ldenLlflcaLlon card. unaccepLable forms of ldenLlflcaLlon lnclude a gym
membershlp, warehouse membershlp, school ldenLlflcaLlon card, credlL card, and
ldenLlflcaLlon wlLh slgnaLure only (no phoLo).

6. lease plan Lo arrlve aL Lhe LesLlng cenLer aL leasL 13 mlnuLes prlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe
LesLlng sesslon. 1hose who arrlve laLe for LesLlng sesslons may noL be permlLLed Lo

7. SlL for Lhe examlnaLlon. 1he examlnaLlon conslsLs of 130 mulLlple-cholce quesLlons.
?ou wlll be glven Lhree (3) hours Lo compleLe Lhe examlnaLlon.

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

8. LxamlnaLlon resulLs wlll be lssued aL Lhe LesLlng cenLer upon successful submlsslon of
Lhe examlnaLlon.
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

ketest Iees
CandldaLes who do noL pass Lhe examlnaLlon may schedule anoLher LesLlng appolnLmenL afLer
3 monLhs. 1he examlnaLlon reLake fee ls $300 and musL be pald before schedullng a new
LesLlng appolnLmenL.

All reLesL fees are non-refundable.


8easonable accommodaLlons provlde candldaLes wlLh dlsablllLles a falr and equal opporLunlLy
Lo demonsLraLe Lhelr knowledge and skllls ln Lhe essenLlal funcLlons belng measured by Lhe
examlnaLlon. 8easonable accommodaLlons are declded based on Lhe lndlvldual's speclflc
requesL, dlsablllLy, documenLaLlon submlLLed, and approprlaLeness of Lhe requesL. 8easonable
accommodaLlons do noL lnclude sLeps LhaL fundamenLally alLer Lhe purpose or naLure of Lhe

8easonable accommodaLlons generally are provlded for candldaLes who have a physlcal or
menLal lmpalrmenL LhaL subsLanLlally llmlLs LhaL person ln one or more ma[or llfe acLlvlLles
(e.g., walklng, Lalklng, hearlng, and performlng manual Lasks), have a record of such physlcal
or menLal lmpalrmenL, or are regarded as havlng a physlcal or menLal lmpalrmenL.

1o apply for reasonable accommodaLlons, Lhe candldaLe musL requesL Lhe accommodaLlons ln
Lhe appllcaLlon process and provlde documenLaLlon LhaL supporLs reasonable
accommodaLlons provlded by an approprlaLe llcensed professlonal on Lhe professlonal's
leLLerhead. 1he documenLaLlon musL lnclude a dlagnosls of Lhe dlsablllLy and speclflc
recommendaLlons for accommodaLlons.

8equesLs for accommodaLlons musL be submlLLed no laLer Lhan 43 days prlor Lo openlng of
Lhe candldaLe's preferred LesLlng wlndow and candldaLes musL submlL Lhelr schedullng
requesL aL leasL 30 days prlor Lo Lhelr preferred LesL daLe wlLhln Lhe LesLlng wlndow. lL ls
recommended LhaL Lhls documenLaLlon be submlLLed aL leasL 43 days prlor Lo Lhe preferred
LesLlng daLe.

lor more lnformaLlon regardlng reasonable accommodaLlons, please conLacL Lhe Scrum
Alllance: cerLlflcaLlon[scrumalllance.org.
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


1here are 130 quesLlons on Lhe examlnaLlon. ?ou wlll have Lhree (3) hours Lo compleLe Lhe

Cf Lhese, 123 are scored quesLlons and 23 are preLesL quesLlons LhaL are noL scored. reLesL
quesLlons are used Lo deLermlne how well Lhese quesLlons wlll perform before Lhey are used on
Lhe scored porLlon of Lhe examlnaLlon. 1he preLesL quesLlons cannoL be dlsLlngulshed from
Lhose LhaL wlll be scored, so lL ls lmporLanL for a candldaLe Lo answer all quesLlons. A
candldaLe's score, however, ls based solely on Lhe scored quesLlons. erformance on preLesL
quesLlons does noL affecL a candldaLe's score.

1he conLenL of Lhe examlnaLlon lncludes Scrum phllosophy and meLhodology. More speclflcally,
Lhe examlnaLlon covers seven ma[or acLlvlLles LhaL CSs are responslble for regardless of Lhe
Scrum role played ln a glven pro[ecL or work seLLlng. 1hese seven Loplcs were valldaLed ln Lhe
CS [ob analysls sLudy conducLed ln Lhe sprlng of 2011. Lach secLlon of Lhe examlnaLlon ls
wrlLLen so LhaL lL ls perLlnenL Lo CSs who quallfy for Lhe deslgnaLlon by vlrLue of Lhelr
quallflcaLlon as CerLlfled ScrumMasLers (CSMs), CerLlfled Scrum uevelopers (CSus) or CerLlfled
Scrum roducL Cwners (CSCs). 1he seven Loplcs and how Lhe 123 scored quesLlons are
dlsLrlbuLed among Lhem follow:

1oplc uescrlpLlon
ercenL of
De||ver 8us|ness Va|ue: A CS guldes Lhe Leam Lo dellver Lhe hlghesL buslness
value Lo solve Loday's problem Lo lnform Lhe selecLlon of Lomorrow's Lop prlorlLy.
Ioster Co||aborat|on: 1eamwork ls Lhe hearL of Aglle developmenL, Lhe
producLlvlLy of Lhe Leam as a whole ls much greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe lndlvldual
8u||d 1rust: roducL healLh and pro[ecL sLaLus are readlly reporLed ln LransparenL,
honesL, and unamblguous Lerms based on deflned buslness value and fulfllled
Share the roduct V|s|on: CSs faclllLaLe a shared overall vlslon of whaL Lhe Aglle
Leam ls worklng Lo achleve, Lhls ls Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lhe Leam wlll be
maxlmlzlng buslness value.
Demonstrate Se|f Improvement: A CS engages ln self lmprovemenL (ln a
collaboraLlve splrlL) ulLlmaLely Lo enhance Lhe Leam and Lhe producL and Lo bulld
Lechnlcal excellence.
romote Support|ve Cu|ture: CSs faclllLaLe undersLandlng among execuLlves,
managers, and Leam members LhaL hlgh producLlvlLy only exlsLs ln a LrusLlng
envlronmenL where learnlng ls expecLed and mlsLakes and fallure are accepLed.
Lncourage 1echn|ca| Lxce||ence: CSs supporL Leam members ln maklng sound
Lechnlcal cholces and Laklng a no-compromlse aLLlLude Lowards quallLy.

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

See appendlx C for a more deLalled classlflcaLlon sysLem.

1he followlng quesLlons were Laken from Lhe CS examlnaLlon quesLlon reposlLory and serve as
samples of Lhe quesLlon Lype and conLenL found of Lhe CS examlnaLlon. lease see Lhe answer
key ln Appendlx 8 of Lhls handbook.

1. Whlch of Lhe followlng are Lhe Lerms used Lo descrlbe Lwo roles ln palr programmlng?
A. lloL and Lhe navlgaLor
8. urlver and Lhe navlgaLor
C. Coder and Lhe planner
u. Leader and Lhe second chalr

2. 1he bulld on a pro[ecL ls Laklng a long Llme because lL ls runnlng Lhousands of llnes of
code LhaL access Lhe daLabase. WhaL ls Lhe IIkS1 Lhlng Lo conslder ln order Lo speed up
Lhe bulld process?
A. CeL an auLomaLed conflguraLlon managemenL Lool.
8. 1esL Lhough an lnLerface.
C. Conslder mocklng ouL Lhe daLabase.
u. CeL an auLomaLed LesL Lool.

3. Whlch pracLlce ls used Lo produce clean code LhaL works?
A. ConLlnuous lnLegraLlon
8. AuLomaLed bulld
C. 1esL-drlven developmenL
u. AuLomaLed deploymenL

4. Whlch Lerm ls used Lo denoLe Lhe refacLorlng ln whlch a secLlon of a long meLhod ls
Lurned lnLo a separaLe meLhod LhaL ls Lhen called from Lhe orlglnal meLhod?
A. lnLroduce lndlrecLlon
8. ln-llne meLhod
C. 8eplace local wlLh fleld
u. LxLracL meLhod

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


3. lf Lhere ls noL enough Llme Lo develop all Lhe requesLed feaLures, whaL would be Lhe 8LS1
A. lncrease Lhe slze of Lhe Leam Lo dellver more.
8. negoLlaLe Lo reduce Lhe scope of some Lasks.
C. uellver only Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy user SLorles.
u. lncrease Leam efflclency by lnLroduclng new pracLlces.


Demo 1est
CasLle offers a free onllne LuLorlal and unscored demo LesL Lo famlllarlze candldaLes wlLh Lhe
compuLer-based LesLlng envlronmenL. 1he onllne demonsLraLlon and LuLorlal are accesslble aL
any Llme, anywhere, Lhrough any compuLer wlLh lnLerneL access. CandldaLes may access Lhe
LuLorlal and demo on CasLle's webslLe
hLLps://www.casLleworldwlde.com/casLleweb/candldaLes/sample-LesLs/lndex.aspx. 1he demo
ls noL lnLended Lo be a revlew of CS examlnaLlon conLenL.

A llsL of recommended resources can be found ln Appendlx A of Lhls handbook.


Cance||at|on, keschedu||ng, and No-Shows
?ou may cancel or reschedule a LesLlng sesslon up Lo flve (3) buslness days before your LesLlng
appolnLmenL Lhrough Lhe onllne schedullng sysLem. A $30 nonrefundable fee wlll apply.

Day of 1est|ng Appo|ntment: Must keschedu|e]Cance| 8y:
Monday Monday of Lhe prevlous week
1uesday 1uesday of Lhe prevlous week
Wednesday Wednesday of Lhe prevlous week
1hursday 1hursday of Lhe prevlous week
lrlday lrlday of Lhe prevlous week
SaLurday Monday of Lhe currenL week

noL appearlng for your LesLlng appolnLmenL or reschedullng your exam fewer Lhan flve (3)
buslness days before your LesLlng appolnLmenL wlll counL as your LesLlng appolnLmenL. ?ou
wlll be marked as a no-show candldaLe and your LesLlng fees wlll be forfelLed.

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


Lxam|nat|on ku|es
1he Scrum Alllance and CasLle follow lndusLry sLandard LesLlng rules as ouLllned below.

roh|b|ted Items
CandldaLes are expressly prohlblLed from brlnglng Lhe followlng lLems Lo Lhe LesL slLe:
! Cameras, cell phones, opLlcal readers, or oLher elecLronlc devlces LhaL lnclude
Lhe ablllLy Lo phoLograph, phoLocopy, or oLherwlse copy LesL maLerlals
! noLes, books, dlcLlonarles, or language dlcLlonarles
! 8ook bags or luggage
! lods, M3 players, headphones, or pagers
! CalculaLors, compuLers, uAs, or oLher elecLronlc devlces wlLh one or more
! ersonal wrlLlng uLenslls (l.e., penclls, pens, and hlghllghLers)
! WaLches
! lood and beverage
! PaLs, hoods, or oLher headgear

lf CasLle LesLlng personnel deLermlne LhaL you have broughL any such lLems Lo Lhe LesL slLe,
Lhey may be demanded and held for an lndeflnlLe perlod of Llme by CasLle LesLlng
personnel. We reserve Lhe rlghL Lo revlew Lhe memory of any elecLronlc devlce LhaL may be ln
your possesslon aL Lhe LesLlng cenLer Lo deLermlne wheLher any LesL maLerlals have been
phoLographed or oLherwlse copled.

lf our revlew deLermlnes LhaL any LesL maLerlals are ln Lhe memory of any such devlce, we
reserve Lhe rlghL Lo deleLe such maLerlals and/or reLaln Lhem for subsequenL dlsclpllnary
acLlon. upon compleLlon of our revlew and any appllcable deleLlons, we wlll reLurn your devlce
Lo you, buL wlll noL be responslble for Lhe deleLlon of any maLerlals LhaL may resulL from our
revlew, wheLher or noL such maLerlals are LesL maLerlals.

8y brlnglng any such devlce lnLo Lhe LesL slLe ln conLravenLlon of our pollcles, you expressly
walve any confldenLlallLy or oLher slmllar rlghLs wlLh respecL Lo your devlce, our revlew of Lhe
memory of your devlce and/or Lhe deleLlon of any maLerlals. CasLle, Lhe examlnaLlon slLe, and
Lhe LesL admlnlsLraLlon sLaff are noL llable for losL or damaged lLems broughL Lo Lhe
examlnaLlon slLe.

Lxam|nat|on Scor|ng
LxamlnaLlon resulLs wlll be lssued aL Lhe LesLlng cenLer upon successful submlsslon of Lhe

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4' 0#$%5%'* #5 3#+1 /&#1'/ ./ /##0 ./ $)'3 .1' .:.%,.4,'6
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


1he CS examlnaLlon resulLs are lnLerpreLed uslng a crlLerlon-referenced process called
scallng." CS exam resulLs range from a low of 300 Lo a hlgh of 600, wlLh a passlng polnL of
430. A crlLerlon-referenced lnLerpreLaLlon means LhaL Lhe score conveys lnformaLlon abouL an
lndlvldual LesL-Laker on speclflc sub[ecL maLLer regardless of oLher LesL-Lakers' scores.
1here are Lwo Lypes of LesL scores: raw scores and scaled scores. A raw score ls a score wlLhouL
any sorL of ad[usLmenL or LransformaLlon, such as Lhe slmple number of quesLlons answered
correcLly. A scaled score ls Lhe resulL of some LransformaLlon applled Lo Lhe raw score. Scrum
Alllance uses scaled scores Lo reporL LesL-Laker resulLs on Lhe CS exam.
1he purpose of scaled scores ls Lo reporL scores for all LesLs-Lakers on a conslsLenL scale. 1he
CS examlnaLlon forms vary ln dlfflculLy dependlng on Lhe exam lLems LhaL are asslgned Lo
each. 8ased on Lhe performance of many LesL-Lakers on lndlvldual quesLlons, a sLaLlsLlcal
process ls used Lo deLermlne Lhe dlfflculLy of lndlvldual lLems as well as Lhe dlfflculLy of Lhe
overall exam form.
1o assure LhaL all LesL-Lakers recelve scores LhaL are equlvalenL across Lhe exam forms, scores
on Lhe forms are converLed Lo a scale so LhaL Lhe equlvalenL scores have Lhe same reporLed
scores. lor example, a raw score of 63 on an exam form whose lLems have been deLermlned
Lo be more dlfflculL and a raw score of 70 on anoLher exam form whose lLems have been
deLermlned Lo be less dlfflculL are boLh equaLed" as a score of 430 on a scale of 300 Lo 600.
1wo well-known LesLs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes LhaL have scaled scores are Lhe AC1 and Lhe SA1. 1he
AC1's scale ranges from 0 Lo 36 and Lhe SA1's from 200 Lo 800 (per secLlon). 1hese Lwo scales
were selecLed Lo represenL a mean and sLandard devlaLlon of 18 and 6 (AC1), and 300 and 100.
1he upper and lower bounds were selecLed because an lnLerval of plus or mlnus Lhree sLandard
devlaLlons conLalns more Lhan 99 of a populaLlon. Scores ouLslde LhaL range are dlfflculL Lo
measure and reLurn llLLle pracLlcal value. noLe LhaL scallng does noL affecL Lhe psychomeLrlc
properLles of a LesL. lL ls someLhlng LhaL occurs afLer Lhe assessmenL process and equaLlng are
AfLer passlng Lhe examlnaLlon, candldaLes wlll recelve an emall wlLh a llnk Lo read and accepL
Lhe CS Llcense AgreemenL, Lhe lasL sLep before Lhe new credenLlal ls conflrmed. Cnce Lhe
Llcense AgreemenL has been accepLed, candldaLes wlll be able Lo download a prlnLable CS
cerLlflcaLe from Lhelr Scrum Alllance proflle. A copy of Lhe CS Llcense AgreemenL ls lncluded ln
Appendlx L of Lhls CandldaLe Pandbook.

Lxam|nat|on ketakes
CandldaLes who do noL pass Lhe examlnaLlon wlll recelve lnformaLlon on schedullng anoLher
LesLlng appolnLmenL. CandldaLes musL walL a mlnlmum of Lhree (3) monLhs beLween LesLlng
aLLempLs and musL pay Lhe nonrefundable $300 examlnaLlon reglsLraLlon fee.
Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.


CerLlflcaLlon renewal ls requlred every Lwo (2) years by compleLlng approved rofesslonal
uevelopmenL unlLs (uus) durlng Lhe Lwo-year perlod. Approved uus wlll be deslgnaLed by
Scrum Alllance, Lhe uu program wlll be avallable by !anuary 2013. Scrum Alllance wlll Lake
lnLo accounL any delay ln flnallzlng recerLlflcaLlon guldellnes as lL affecLs renewlng CSs who
have already Laken and passed Lhe exam.

8enewal of CS cerLlflcaLlon auLomaLlcally lncorporaLes lower-level cerLlflcaLlons, such as CSM
and CSC.

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

ALNDIk A: kecommended kesources

Anyone Laklng Lhe CS examlnaLlon ls expecLed Lo have Laken Lhe courses requlred Lo earn Lhe
credenLlals for CerLlfled ScrumMasLer (CSM), CerLlfled Scrum roducL Cwner (CSC), or
CerLlfled Scrum ueveloper (CSu), as well as do some self-sLudy. 8elow ls a llsL of suggesLed
readlng Lo prepare you for Lhe CS evaluaLlon and glve you Lhe background you need Lo beLLer
lmplemenL Scrum ln your own organlzaLlon.

Suggested kead|ng
CounLless books and resources exlsL LhaL are excepLlonally helpful ln furLherlng your knowledge
of Lhe Scrum prlnclples, englneerlng pracLlces, and approaches LhaL help you Lransform Lhe
world of work. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe LexLs llsLed below, you can access a blbllography of Lhese
resources aL Lhe followlng address:

1lLle: Succeedlng wlLh Aglle: SofLware
uevelopmenL uslng Scrum
AuLhor(s): Mlke Cohn
ubllsher: Addlson-Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2010

1lLle: Aglle LsLlmaLlng and lannlng
AuLhor(s): Mlke Cohn
ubllsher: renLlce Pall
ubllcaLlon uaLe: !une 2010

1lLle: Aglle roducL ManagemenL wlLh Scrum
AuLhor(s): 8oman lchler
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2010

1lLle: Aglle 8eLrospecLlves
AuLhor(s): LsLher uerby and ulana Larsen
ubllsher: ragmaLlc rogrammers
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2006

1lLle: Aglle SofLware uevelopmenL wlLh Scrum
AuLhor(s): ken Schwaber, Mlke 8eedle
ubllsher: renLlce Pall
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2002

1lLle: Aglle 1esLlng: A racLlcal Culde for 1esLers
and Aglle 1eams
AuLhor(s): Llsa Crlspln and !aneL Cregory
ubllsher: Addlson-Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2009

1lLle: Clean Code
AuLhor(s): MarLln
ubllsher: renLlce Pall
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2009

1lLle: ConLlnuous lnLegraLlon
AuLhor(s): aul uuvall
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2007

1lLle: LxLreme rogrammlng Lxplalned
AuLhor(s): kenL 8eck
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2007

1lLle: LxLreme rogrammlng lnsLalled
AuLhor(s): !effrles, Anderson, and Pendrlckson
ubllsher: Addlson-Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2001

1lLle: Pow uo We know When We Are uone?
AuLhor(s): MlLch Lacey
ubllsher: Scrum Alllance WebslLe ArLlcle
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2008

1lLle: lmplemenLlng Lean SofLware
AuLhor(s): Mary oppendleck, 1om
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: !uly 2007

Scrum Alllance CandldaLe Pandbook
2011, 1he Scrum Alllance. All rlghLs reserved.

1lLle: lannlng LxLreme rogrammlng
AuLhor(s): kenL 8eck, MarLln lowler
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: uecember 2004

1lLle: ragmaLlc ro[ecL AuLomaLlon
AuLhor(s): Clark
ubllsher: ragmaLlc 8ooks
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2004

1lLle: ro[ecL 8eLrospecLlves: A Pandbook for
1eam 8evlews
AuLhor(s): norman L. kerLh
ubllsher: uorseL Pouse ubllshlng
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2001

1lLle: romlscuous alrlng and 8eglnner's Mlnd:
Lmbrace lnexperlence
AuLhor(s): Arlo 8elshee
ubllsher: lLLL
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2006

1lLle: 8efacLorlng: lmprovlng Lhe ueslgn of
LxlsLlng Code
AuLhor(s): lowler
ubllsher: Addlson-Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 1999

1lLle: 8eLrospecLlves - 1he Mlsslng racLlce
AuLhor(s): 1lm Macklnnon
ubllsher: 1houghLWorks Company
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2003

1lLle: Scrum rlmer
AuLhor(s): eLe ueemer, Cabrlelle 8enefleld,
Cralg Larman and 8as vodde
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2010

1lLle: 1esL urlven uevelopmenL 8y Lxample
AuLhor(s): kenL 8eck
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2008

1lLle: 1he ArL of Aglle uevelopmenL
AuLhor(s): !ames Shore
ubllsher: C'8ellly
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2007

1lLle: user SLorles Applled
AuLhor(s): Mlke Cohn
ubllsher: Addlson Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2004

1lLle: WhaL ls ueflnlLlon of uone (uou)?
AuLhor(s): uhaval anchal
ubllsher: Scrum Alllance WebslLe ArLlcle
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2008

1lLle: Whlch Lnd of Lhe Porse
AuLhor(s): !effrles
ubllsher: xprogrammlng.com
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2010

1lLle: Selllng Aglle - Pow Lo 8espond Lo
Concerns from ManagemenL, Lhe 8uslness, and
Lhe 1eam"
AuLhor(s): Mlchelle Sllger and SLacla 8roderlck
ubllsher: Addlson-Wesley
ubllcaLlon uaLe: 2008

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 15 of 24

ALNDIk 8: Samp|e uest|on Answer key

CuesLlon Answer
1 8
2 C
3 C
4 u
3 8

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 16 of 24

Append|x C: Content Cut||ne for Cert|f|ed Scrum rofess|ona| (CS)

1ype uescrlpLlon
De||ver 8us|ness Va|ue: A CS guldes Lhe Leam Lo dellver Lhe hlghesL buslness value Lo
solve Loday's problem Lo lnform Lhe selecLlon of Lomorrow's Lop prlorlLy.
1. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo focus on Lhe currenL goal ln order Lo dellver Lhe hlghesL
buslness value
2. lmprove Lhe quallLy of Lhe lnformaLlon by co-locaLlng Lhe person who knows whaL
needs Lo be accompllshed wlLh Lhe Leam LhaL has Lhe skllls Lo accompllsh lL ln order Lo
reduce Lhe producL's complexlLy.
3. 8educe Lhe overhead of producLlon by allowlng Lhe Leam Lo use Lhe rlghL Lools ln
order Lo dellver resulLs qulckly.
4. Lnsure Lhe developmenL of slmple descrlpLlons of Lhe producL, avoldlng
comprehenslve requlremenLs documenLaLlon, ln order Lo maxlmlze collaboraLlon wlLh
Lhe Leam.
3. Lnsure Lhe developmenL of slmple explanaLlons of feaLures by descrlblng deslred
feaLures ln Lhe smallesL unlLs of funcLlonallLy posslble ln order Lo reduce complexlLy
and prlorlLlze elemenLs of Lhe producL ln order Lo see resulLs fasLer.
6. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo collecL buslness value lnformaLlon from Lhe rlghL cusLomer ln
order Lo prlorlLlze Lhe lLems wlLh Lhe hlghesL buslness value flrsL.
7. lnform sLakeholders abouL Lechnlques for deLermlnlng buslness value ln order Lo
ensure hlgh quallLy declslon maklng
Make lnformed reLurn on lnvesLmenL declslons based on lnformaLlon abouL Lechnlcal
and buslness complexlLy.
9. Lnsure Lhe backlog ls organlzed by clusLerlng feaLures LhaL wlll have value ln Lhe
markeL ln order Lo reduce Llme Lo markeL, gaLher consumer reacLlon, and lmprove
cash flow.
1ASk 10. Lncourage Lhe accepLance of change ln order Lo maxlmlze buslness value
Ioster Co||aborat|on: 1eamwork ls Lhe hearL of Aglle developmenL, Lhe producLlvlLy of
Lhe Leam as a whole ls much greaLer Lhan LhaL of Lhe lndlvldual members.
1. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo collaboraLe and shorLen communlcaLlon paLhways ln order Lo
lmprove Leam effecLlveness.
2. Lncourage dlscusslon of Lhe acLlons lnvolved ln successfully compleLlng a backlog
lLem so LhaL Lhe Leam can lncrease knowledge and undersLandlng of Lhe requlred
3. Lnsure LhaL Lhe Leam collecLlvely commlLs Lo achleve Lhe agreed upon goal so LhaL
Lhe Leam can assume ownershlp of Lhe work.
4. Lncourage Lhe Llmely removal of lmpedlmenLs by undersLandlng and
communlcaLlng Lhe lssues and acLlons requlred Lo unblock Lhe Leam and allow Lhem Lo
focus on Lhe goal wlLhouL lnLerrupLlon.
3. Lnsure LhaL releases are planned collaboraLlvely wlLh relevanL sLakeholders so LhaL
Lhe shared vlslon can be clearly communlcaLed.

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 17 of 24

6. Lnsure Lhe Leam slzes producL backlog lLems collecLlvely by dlscusslng Lhe
assumpLlons and complexlLy of backlog lLems ln order Lo galn consensus on lLem slze
7. Lnsure LhaL Lhe Leam agrees on Lhe deflnlLlon of done so LhaL Lhe Leam ls able Lo
assume collecLlve ownershlp and accounLablllLy.
8u||d 1rust: roducL healLh and pro[ecL sLaLus are readlly reporLed ln LransparenL,
honesL, and unamblguous Lerms, based on deflned buslness value and fulfllled
1. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo be honesL, respecLful, and LransparenL ln order Lo bulld LrusL
among Leam members and all sLakeholders
2. arLlclpaLe ln dally plannlng meeLlngs wlLh Lhe Leam ln order Lo remove
lmpedlmenLs and relnforce commlLmenL Lo Lhe common goal.
3. Lngage wlLh Lhe Leam ln lLeraLlon plannlng meeLlngs ln order Lo deLermlne Lhe work
Lo be done and deflne condlLlons of accepLance
4. uemonsLraLe Lhe value of Aglle meLhods Lhrough clear communlcaLlon wlLh
sLakeholders ln order Lo lnLegraLe Lhem wlLh oLher organlzaLlon frameworks whlle
malnLalnlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of Aglle processes.
3. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo provlde vlslble hlsLorlcal daLa of progress wlLh Lrend
lnformaLlon for fuLure performance Lo Lhe Leam and sLakeholders ln order LhaL good
declslons can be made.
6. CbLaln feedback on work performed by parLlclpaLlng ln perlodlc revlew meeLlngs
wlLh Leam and sLakeholders ln order Lo demonsLraLe progress and malnLaln supporL.
7. 8evlew Lhe lLeraLlon and relaLed processes by parLlclpaLlng ln perlodlc reLrospecLlve
meeLlngs wlLh Lhe Leam ln order Lo gaLher feedback abouL how work was performed
and Lo lmprove for fuLure work.
8. CommunlcaLe cosL and Llme esLlmaLes Lo Lhe Leam and sLakeholders uslng vlslble
daLa and demonsLraLlng Lhe valldlLy of fuLure esLlmaLes ln order Lo supporL lnformed
declslon maklng
9. Champlon Lhe use of conLlnuous warnlng lndlcaLors for sysLem healLh ln order Lo
ensure and malnLaln quallLy.
10. Lncourage Lhe Leam Lo lmplemenL Lhe mosL rlgorous deflnlLlon of done ln order Lo
promoLe LrusL.
11. romoLe Leam maLurlLy and LrusL by creaLlng a safe and poslLlve work envlronmenL
ln order Lo lnsLlll Aglle values, empower Lhe Leam Lo be self-moLlvaLlng, sLaLe Lhe
LruLh, and Lake collecLlve ownershlp of lssues and resoluLlons.
12. Lncourage Lhe Leam Lo share knowledge and skllls freely ln order Lo bulld LrusL
based on enhanced compeLence
Share the roduct V|s|on: CSs faclllLaLe a shared overall vlslon of whaL Lhe Aglle Leam
ls worklng Lo achleve, Lhls ls Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lhe Leam wlll be maxlmlzlng buslness
1. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo undersLand how Lhe producL flLs Lhe markeLplace Lhrough
collaboraLlon wlLh sLakeholders ln order Lo enhance producL value and share Lhe
producL vlslon.
2. Lncourage Lhe Leam Lo ldenLlfy valuable goals durlng plannlng ln order Lo creaLe a
shared vlslon and common goal for Lhe Leam.

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 18 of 24

3. Lncourage arLlculaLlon of Lhe producL vlslon on a frequenL basls so LhaL Leam
members always malnLaln undersLandlng of producL goals.
4. 8evlew sLakeholder feedback wlLh Lhe Leam afLer each demonsLraLlon ln order Lo
revlew and reflne Lhe producL backlog and lncorporaLe change
3. Challenge Lhe producL backlog respecLfully Lhrough communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe
roducL Cwner ln order Lo sLlmulaLe greaLer undersLandlng of Lhe producL.
6. Challenge Lhe Leam Lo dellver shlppable producL lncremenLs ln each lLeraLlon ln
order Lo allow Llmely releases and gaLher feedback from cusLomers.
7. Lnsure LhaL progress ls Lracked openly and honesLly by Lhe Leam ln order Lo
maxlmlze Lhe probablllLy of achlevlng Lhe producL vlslon.
8. Lncourage ad hoc dlscusslons beLween Lhe Leam and sLakeholders Lo ensure LhaL
Lhe rlghL declslons are made.
9. Lnsure LhaL Lhe roducL Cwner ls engaged wlLh Lhe Leam ln deflnlng accepLance
crlLerla LhaL are allgned Lo Lhe producL vlslon.
10. use dally meeLlngs and revlews Lo malnLaln focus on lnLermedlaLe goals and Lhe
overall producL vlslon.
Demonstrate Se|f Improvement: A CS engages ln self-lmprovemenL (ln a
collaboraLlve splrlL), ulLlmaLely Lo enhance Lhe Leam and Lhe producL and Lo bulld
Lechnlcal excellence.
1. Lncourage Leam members Lo engage ln conLlnuous learnlng by promoLlng Lralnlng,
coachlng, palrlng, and menLorlng ln order Lo lmprove Lhelr performance
2. ConLrlbuLe Lo reLrospecLlves ln an open, honesL, and non-personal manner ln order
Lo ldenLlfy opporLunlLles Lo lmprove personal or Leam performance
3. Ask oLher Leam members for advlce and guldance on how Lhelr lndlvldual
performance can be lmprove
4. Lngage ln conLlnuous learnlng by aLLendlng Lralnlng, coachlng, palrlng, and
menLorlng ln order Lo enhance personal performance
3. Lxpose Lhe Leam Lo new Lechnlques or skllls by lnvlLlng experLs Lo presenL ln order
Lo enhance Leam compeLence
6. CollaboraLe wlLh Lhe Leam Lo ldenLlfy approprlaLe meLrlcs LhaL could be collecLed
and used Lo deflne acLlons LhaL are llkely Lo lmprove Leam performance
7. Lnsure LhaL Lhe ouLcome of Lhe reLrospecLlve meeLlng ls acLlonable by Lhe Leam ln
order Lo achleve real lmprovemenL.
8. Lncourage Lhe Leam Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe aglle communlLy by ldenLlfylng groups or
evenLs and publlclzlng Lhem wlLhln Lhe Leam so LhaL Leam members can learn from
oLhers' experlence
romote Support|ve Cu|ture: CSs faclllLaLe undersLandlng among execuLlves,
managers, and Leam members LhaL hlgh producLlvlLy only exlsLs ln a LrusLlng
envlronmenL, where learnlng ls expecLed and mlsLakes and fallure are accepLed
1. Arrange physlcal space Lo be conduclve Lo collaboraLlon for Lhe Leam whlle
removlng physlcal barrlers LhaL are hosLlle Lo Leam collaboraLlon.
2. ulagnose Leam confllcL Lhrough observaLlon and analysls ln order Lo faclllLaLe
resoluLlon and promoLe producLlve dlscusslon and Leam coheslon.

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 19 of 24

3. lnsplre coheslon and lncluslon among Leam members ln order Lo lmprove Leam
4. Lncourage a safe envlronmenL ln whlch Leam members share experlence and offer
asslsLance ln order for Lhe Leam Lo meeL lLs commlLmenLs.
3. Lncourage cross funcLlonallLy and auLonomy on Lhe Leam ln order Lo relnforce
shared commlLmenL.
6. losLer wllllngness among Leam members Lo Lake reasonable rlsk and beneflL from
fallure ln order Lo enhance Lhelr ablllLy.
7. use lncluslve faclllLaLlon Lechnlques durlng Leam ceremonles Lo enable Leam
members Lo supporL each oLher.
8. romoLe undersLandlng of Aglle values and processes across organlzaLlon ln order
for Lhe Leam Lo feel safe and supporLed
Lncourage 1echn|ca| Lxce||ence: CS's supporL Leam members ln maklng sound
Lechnlcal cholces and Laklng a no-compromlse aLLlLude Lowards quallLy.
1. romoLe Lhe use of Lhe rlghL Lechnlcal pracLlces Lo help Lhe Leam meeL Lhelr
2. romoLe quallLy ln everyLhlng Lhe Leam dellvers so LhaL Lhe Leam can dellver earller
or dellver more of Lhe producL.
3. romoLe Lhe producLlon of Lhe mlnlmum producL LhaL meeLs Lhe need so LhaL Lhe
Leam focus on value
4. romoLe engagemenL wlLh Lechnlcal communlLles so LhaL Lhe Leam can learn from
oLhers and lmprove Leam performance
3. Lncourage consLrucLlon wlLh Lhe slmplesL posslble deslgn ln order Lo reduce
6. romoLe revlew of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon afLer each new feaLure ls added Lo remove
7. Lncourage Lhe Leam Lo use very shorL lncremenLal bulld cycles Lo enable early
feedback so LhaL value and quallLy are lmproved.
8. romoLe early and conLlnuous lnLegraLlon of all componenLs of Lhe producL Lo
enhance quallLy.
9. romoLe englneerlng pracLlces LhaL lmplemenL conLlnuous quallLy conLrol Lo allow
Lhe Leam Lo dellver value early.
10. Lncourage englneerlng pracLlces LhaL promoLe sharlng of knowledge and skllls Lo
lmprove Leam compeLence and remove Lhe rlsk of slngle polnLs of fallure

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 20 of 24

ALNDIk D: Lxam|nat|on reparat|on

now to Study
1he Scrum Alllance encourages candldaLes Lo prepare for Lhe examlnaLlon by uslng resources such as
Lhose llsLed ln Lhls handbook. (; ,%/$ #5 1'&#22'0*'* 1'/#+1&'/ &.0 4' 5#+0* %0 ;<<'0*%= ;6>

lan your revlew meLhods well ln advance of Lhe examlnaLlon. 1hlnk abouL Lhe sLudy meLhod LhaL ls
besL for you (e.g., lndlvldual revlew, sLudy group, class) and Lhe Lypes of maLerlals LhaL are mosL
helpful (e.g., LexLbooks, audlo or vldeo programs, ouLllnes, memory alds). lL may also be helpful Lo
use maLerlals glven Lo you durlng Lralnlng acLlvlLles relaLed Lo your work.

Manag|ng 1est Anx|ety
A llLLle anxleLy regardlng LesL Laklng can be helpful because lL sLlmulaLes and moLlvaLes you Lo
perform aL your besL, however, severe anxleLy can hlnder LesL performance. lf you know LhaL you
frequenLly experlence severe LesL anxleLy, conslder preparlng yourself for Lhe examlnaLlon by
developlng plans and uslng resources Lo help reduce your anxleLy. ln addlLlon, an onllne
demonsLraLlon and LuLorlal are avallable aL www.casLleworldwlde.com/Lds_v3/asp/home.asp. 1he
demonsLraLlon and LuLorlal wlll famlllarlze you wlLh Lhe LesLlng envlronmenL. 1hey are noL lnLended
Lo be a revlew of CS examlnaLlon conLenL.

8efore Lhe day of Lhe examlnaLlon, vlsuallze and rehearse Lhe LesLlng slLuaLlon. lmaglne yourself
Laklng Lhe examlnaLlon wlLh a poslLlve aLLlLude and focused, buL calm, behavlor.

1ake measures Lo reduce your sLress durlng Lhe examlnaLlon. use deep-breaLhlng Lechnlques, and be
sure Lo sLreLch your muscles perlodlcally. Such exerclses can reduce boLh physlcal and menLal sLress.
lf necessary, Lake a few mlnuLes Lo lmaglne a calm, pleasanL scene, and repeaL poslLlve phrases.

uo noL leL Lhe commenLs or behavlor of LesLlng personnel or oLher examlnees make you anxlous. As
examlnees are Laklng dlfferenL verslons of Lhe examlnaLlon, examlnees wlll flnlsh aL dlfferenL Llmes -
some flnlshlng very early, oLhers Laklng Lhe full alloLLed Llme. Lxamlnees who flnlsh more qulckly Lhan
you may noL perform any beLLer Lhan you. Lveryone works aL hls or her own speed. Some of Lhe besL
LesL performers rouLlnely use Lhe LoLal allocaLed Llme. 8emember LhaL (a) Lhere ls no llmlL Lo Lhe
number of examlnees who can recelve passlng scores, (b) Lhere ls no bonus for compleLlng Lhe
examlnaLlon early, and (c) you are noL compeLlng wlLh anyone else.

LaLlng well, avoldlng Loo much alcohol, and malnLalnlng a regular sleep paLLern for several days
before Lhe examlnaLlon wlll help you Lo be physlcally prepared. Also, on Lhe day before you Lake Lhe
LesL, collecL all Lhe supplles you wlll need and choose comforLable cloLhlng. knowlng LhaL you are
prepared for Lhe LesL wlll help Lo reduce your anxleLy.

llnally, your besL meLhod for conLrolllng your anxleLy ls Lo feel prepared for Lhe LesL. ueslgnlng a
sLudy plan well ln advance wlll help you geL ready.

1|ps for 1ak|ng the Lxam|nat|on
! 8udgeL your Llme well. 8ecause you wlll have Lhree (3) hours Lo compleLe 130 quesLlons, you
wlll wanL Lo compleLe more Lhan half (73) ln less Lhan half Lhe Llme. 1hls ls because you wlll

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 21 of 24

wanL exLra Llme afLer compleLlng Lhe full examlnaLlon Lo revlew quesLlons you elLher sklpped
or quesLlons you may have marked for revlew. Also, allow Llme so LhaL every hour you can
Lake a mlnuLe or so Lo relax your eyes and sLreLch your neck and hand muscles.

! 8ead each quesLlon carefully, focuslng on whaL ls belng asked. lf you are uncerLaln abouL Lhe
answer buL neverLheless wanL Lo glve a LenLaLlve response aL Lhe Llme, mark Lhe LesL quesLlon
Lo lndlcaLe LhaL you wanL Lo revlew Lhe LesL quesLlon and your answer lf Llme allows. Co back
Lo quesLlons marked ln Lhls manner afLer compleLlng Lhe enLlre LesL.

! 8ead all opLlons before selecLlng your answer. Always selecL Lhe besL cholce.

! uo noL overanalyze or Lry Lo read lnLo" a quesLlon. CuesLlons are noL wrlLLen Lo be Lrlcky. uo
noL assume addlLlonal lnformaLlon beyond whaL ls glven ln Lhe LesL quesLlon. All lnformaLlon
necessary Lo answer Lhe quesLlon wlll be glven ln Lhe LexL of Lhe quesLlon or scenarlo.

! 8emember LhaL Lhls ls an lnLernaLlonal LesL. 1he quesLlons wlll be based upon an accepLed
knowledge base. Choose opLlons LhaL you know Lo be correcL ln any seLLlng.

! lf Lhere are quesLlons lncludlng Lhe words noL," excepL," or leasL," answer wlLh parLlcular
care because you wlll be looklng for Lhe excepLlon. 1hese quesLlons lnvolve a reversal of your
usual LhoughL paLLerns.

! ay close aLLenLlon Lo key words such as besL," mosL," prlmary," or usually." 1hese words
lndlcaLe LhaL oLher opLlons may aL Llmes be correcL, buL glven Lhe wordlng or slLuaLlon ln Lhe
LesL quesLlon, you musL [udge whlch opLlon ls Lhe besL.

! Sklp dlfflculL quesLlons and come back Lo Lhem laLer. CuesLlons on Lhe LesL are noL ordered by
dlfflculLy (l.e., Lhey do noL go from easlesL Lo hardesL). Also, conLenL areas (Lhe domalns) and
Loplcs are addressed randomly ln quesLlons LhroughouL Lhe LesL.

! When guesslng, use Lhe process of ellmlnaLlon. 1reaL each opLlon as a Lrue or false sLaLemenL,
and ellmlnaLe Lhose LhaL you would noL selecL. narrow your cholces and Lhen make an
educaLed guess.

! Answer every quesLlon, because Lhere ls no penalLy for guesslng. Co Lhrough Lhe enLlre LesL,
answerlng Lhe quesLlons you belleve you know and sklpplng Lhe ones you do noL. Leave Llme
aL Lhe end of Lhe LesLlng perlod Lo go back Lo Lhe quesLlons you sklpped or wanL Lo revlew. lf
you are runnlng ouL of Llme, leave a mlnuLe or so aL Lhe end Lo compleLe all of Lhe blank
quesLlons randomly. 8emember, you have a 23 probablllLy of answerlng a quesLlon correcLly
by chance alone, so don'L leave any blank!

! lf readlng Lngllsh ls dlfflculL for you because Lngllsh ls noL your prlmary language, maxlmlze
your Llme by readlng and answerlng all Lhe shorLer quesLlons flrsL. AfLer compleLlng all of Lhe
shorL quesLlons, go back and aLLempL Lo answer Lhe longer quesLlons.

! 8evlew Lhe suggesLed resources llsLed ln Lhls handbook.

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ALNDIk L: Scrum A|||ance CS L|cense Agreement

Note to CS Cand|dates: AfLer you pass Lhe CS examlnaLlon, you wlll recelve from Scrum Alllance an
emall wlLh lnsLrucLlons for logglng ln Lo your dashboard on Lhe Scrum Alllance web slLe. As soon as
posslble afLer you recelve your emall from Scrum Alllance, log ln Lo your dashboard Lo revlew and
accepL Lhe followlng Llcense AgreemenL:

THIS CERTIFIED SCRUM PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into by and between
Scrum Alliance, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the Alliance, Scrum Alliance, We, Us or Our), and
you, an individual certified under the Alliances Certified Scrum Professional certification (You, Your or
Yourself). By clicking on the button I Accept, You indicate that You acknowledge and accept this Agreement
governing Your Certified Scrum Professional certification (CSP Certification) and Your ability to promote Your
Certified Scrum Professional status.

Scrum Alliance

grants You a Certified Scrum Professional certification in accordance with Our

standards, indicating that You have accomplished a predefined set of goals and have the requisite knowledge
and abilities to perform Scrum-related activities. This Agreement describes the terms and conditions under
which We grant You the right to promote Yourself as having Certified Scrum Professional status.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the
Alliance and You, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:


. In
consideration of Your completion of the Certified Scrum Professional certification process, and provided
You comply with the terms of this Agreement and Our standards, as amended from time to time, You are
hereby granted Certified Scrum Professional credentials. In recognition of Your achievement of the
Certified Scrum Professional credential, Your current membership into the Scrum Alliance

shall be
extended for a two (2) year period beginning on the date of Your successful passing of the examination.
Additional terms regarding renewal of your Certified Scrum Professional status, as well membership in the
Scrum Alliance, may be found in separate certification and membership documentation, as amended from
time to time by the Scrum Alliance

and posted on the Alliance Sites (Our primary website,

www.scrumalliance.org, and any other websites We own or control). Such documents may also set out the
rules governing Your ability to use the SCRUM ALLIANCE collective membership mark. Your publicly-
available profile in the Scrum Alliance

will reflect Your Certified Scrum Professional credential and

continued membership. Your Certified Scrum Professional certification and Scrum Alliance

will continue so long as You comply with the standards governing maintenance of your Certified Scrum
Professional status.

2.1 Grant of Marks License; Term. We hereby grant You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-
sublicenseable worldwide personal license to Our rights in the Mark(s) (Certified Scrum Professional and
associated logos described in Appendix A) to use, reproduce and publicly display the Marks only in
connection with Your Scrum-related services and Your promotion of Your status as a Certified Scrum
Professional certificant. You may use the Marks on promotional displays and in advertising materials
(Materials) in accordance with the Guidelines in Appendix A. This license is exclusive to You and does
not grant any rights to Your Affiliates (Your company (i.e., a legal entity owned by You), agents, or
representatives) or any third party with which You may work or perform services to use the Marks
independent from You. This license continues for so long as (i) You comply with this Agreement and (ii)
maintain Your certification as set forth on the Alliance Sites (the Term).
2.2 Marks Ownership. You acknowledge and agree that the Marks are Our valuable property, and We are the
exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in and to the Marks. Any and all past, present or future
goodwill arising from Your use of the Marks will inure solely and exclusively to Our benefit, and You will not
be compensated for the value, if any, that You contribute to the goodwill of the Marks. You have no
ownership rights in the Marks and agree not to represent in any manner that You have acquired any
ownership rights in the Marks.

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 23 of 24

2.3 Prior Approval of Materials. Upon Our request, You will submit to Us, for Our prior written approval,
samples of all material(s) in which the Mark(s) are being used. Our approval pursuant to this Section 2.3
may be based solely upon Our standards and may be withheld in Our sole and absolute discretion. You
will not use the Mark(s) in any manner that would reflect adversely on the image or quality symbolized by
the Mark(s).
2.4 No Confusing Use or Registrations. You agree not to use or file for registration of any trade names
(trademark, collective mark, service mark, certification mark, and/or trade name, in any class and in any
country) that, in Our sole opinion, is the same as, similar to, or likely to cause confusion with the Marks.
Upon Our request, You must disclose: (a) all trade names used by You or Your Affiliates that contain any of
the Marks; and (b) any domain names used by You or Your Affiliates in providing Scrum-related services.
Upon Our request, You will promptly notify Us of any trade names that You file or begin to use at any time
during the Term.
2.5 No Confusing Domain Names or Keywords. You agree not to register or to use any internet domain name,
sponsored link/ad keyword or any other keyword search term that, in Our sole opinion, is: (a) confusingly
similar to any of the Marks or the domain name of any Alliance Sites, or (b) implies any form of affiliation
with Us. If You already have registered existing domain names that are in violation of this Section 2.5, You
may be required to transfer such domain names to Us as a condition of entering into this Agreement. We
will pay the reasonable administrative costs of any such transfers, which will not include any payments to
You for goodwill associated with such domain names.
2.6 Program Procedures and Reporting Infringement. You agree to provide truthful and accurate information to
Us with regard to Your application, recertification documentation or any communication provided by You to
Us. You agree to abide by any Scrum Alliance Code of Ethics (Code) adopted by Us from time to time,
which will be posted on www.scrumalliance.org, noticed to You, and incorporated herein by reference. You
understand that any failure to provide true, timely and complete responses to questions in Your application
or recertification application may lead to termination of this Agreement by Us in accordance with Section
3.1 below. Should You be become aware of any possible violations of the terms of this Agreement or the
Code by You or any third party, whether or not they have applied for certification by Us, You agree to
promptly notify Us of such potential violation.

3.1 Termination Rights. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing Us with written notice.
You will not be entitled to any full or prorated refund of Your fee. If We revoke Your CSP Certification, then
Your rights under this Agreement will immediately terminate and You will not be entitled to any full or
prorated refund of Your fee. If You or an Affiliate commit fraud or other wrongful acts, or otherwise engage
in conduct that We believe materially impairs the goodwill associated with the Marks or the Scrum

, if You violate a provision of the Code, or if You breach Section 4 of this Agreement, We have the
right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to You. If You commit some other
material breach of this Agreement, We have the right to terminate this Agreement by notifying You in
writing and giving You thirty (30) days to cure the breach. If You do not so cure the breach, this Agreement
will terminate automatically.
3.2 Effect of Termination. Upon termination, all rights We grant to You under this Agreement immediately and
automatically terminate and You must immediately stop all display, advertising, and other use of the Marks
in any and all manner.
3.3 Survival. The following provisions will survive termination or expiration (the End Date) of this Agreement
for any reason: Sections 2.2 (Marks Ownership), 2.4 (No Confusing Use or Registration), 2.5 (No
Confusing Domain Names or Keywords), 3.2 (Effect of Termination), 3.3 (Survival), 4 (Confidentiality), 5
(Indemnification), and 6 (General). The termination or expiration of this Agreement will not affect Your or
Our accrued rights or liabilities.

4.1 Confidential Information. You acknowledge that all information relating to Our business and operations
which You learn during or prior to the Term, including, but not limited to, all content requirements and
certification testing processes including the content of certification exams such as questions, answers,
worksheets, diagrams or any communication, verbal or written, related to the exam (Confidential
Information), is valuable property of Ours and is considered confidential and proprietary. You will, and will
cause Your Affiliates to, keep secret and maintain in strict confidence the Confidential Information. You will
not, and will cause Your Affiliates not to, disclose or make available any or all Confidential Information to
any person other than those, if any, who need to know such Confidential Information in order to perform

Scrum Alliance, Inc. 01/12 Page 24 of 24

their obligations under this Agreement. You agree to take all reasonable measures to prevent any
unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, or use of the Confidential Information by You or any of Your
4.2 Exceptions. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) is in, or later comes into, the
public domain through no fault of Yours or Your Affiliates; or (b) prior to Your receipt under this Agreement
was property within Your legitimate possession or, after Your receipt hereunder is lawfully received by You
from a third party having the right to disclose the information; or (c) is independently developed by You
through persons who have not had, either directly or indirectly, access to or knowledge of such Confidential
4.3 Procedures. If You must disclose Confidential Information in order to comply with applicable law or if You
become legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information, You will provide Us with prompt prior
written notice of any such disclosure and You will limit the disclosure to the greatest extent possible. You
will exercise commercially reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment shall
be accorded such Confidential Information.

5 INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify and hold Us harmless against any loss, liability, damage, cost
or expense (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of any claims or suits made by or against Us by
reason of Your activities or performance or non-performance under this Agreement. We promptly will notify
You in writing of any claim or proceeding brought against Us for which We seek indemnification under this

6.1 Governing Law. This Agreement and Your and Our rights and obligations shall be governed by, and
construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, United States, regardless of
the choice of law rules of such state or any other jurisdiction. You and We irrevocably consent to the
exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in the city of Denver, State of
Colorado, United States.
6.2 No Assignment. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder to
any person or other entity, or substitute any other person or entity with respect to Your rights or obligations
hereunder. Any such attempted assignment will be void and of no effect.
6.3 Independent Contractors. You and We are independent contractors in carrying out our respective
obligations under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to imply a joint
venture, partnership or principal/agent relationship between us, and neither You nor We, by virtue of this
Agreement, shall have the right, power or authority to act or create any obligation, express or implied, on
behalf of the other party.
6.4 Notices. All notices between You and Us must be in writing, sent to the address appearing on the Alliance
Site and/or Your application or such other address as You or We may designate from time to time by notice
to the other. Notices that are sent or dispatched will be deemed received by the addressee: (a) in the
case of personal delivery, at the time of such delivery; (b) in the case of communication by registered post,
on the third business day after dispatch; (c) in the case of overnight express service, on the date on which
the overnight carrier confirms receipt by addressee; and (d) in the case of fax transmission, on the first
business day after dispatch.
6.5 Certification Disputes. Any and all disputes relating to Your application for the certification provided herein
or the results of any certification examination will be resolved solely and exclusively by means of Our
certification program policies and procedures, including this Agreement and Our appeals process.
6.6 Changes to Agreement. We reserve the right at any time to modify, alter or update this Agreement or the
standards for certification in Our sole discretion. Notice of any new or revised terms will be posted on the
Alliance Sites for at least thirty (30) days after the change.
6.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between You and Us
with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and merges all prior discussions between You
and Us.

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Append|x I: Marks and Gu|de||nes for Ut|||zat|on
The Marks



The Guidelines
These guidelines describe the proper usage requirements for the word mark Certified Scrum
Professional, which is a certification mark, and any associated logos or composite marks of Scrum
Alliance, Inc. formed around that mark, which may be supplied to You and amended by Scrum Alliance
periodically (the word mark and associated logos and composites are collectively referred to as the
Mark). As a certification mark, the Mark does not play the role of an individuals professional title or
Scrum Alliance, Inc. allows those who pass its certification testing and are in good standing to use the
Mark in connection with providing their own Scrum-related services to third parties. Use of the Mark is
subject to the following formal requirements: a) You may not alter, cut apart or otherwise distort the Mark
in perspective or appearance; b) You may not combine the Mark with or incorporate either into other
words, phrases or designs; and c) You may not translate the Mark into other languages, even if You are
using the Mark in countries outside of the United States.
When using the Mark, the following additional requirements apply: a) The correct form of the written
portion of the Mark is Certified Scrum Professional; b) the Mark must always be presented with each
word in initial capital letters or in all CAPS; and c) You may not alter the Mark in any way, such as varying
the spelling, adding hyphens, making the multiple words into one word, or single words into multiple
words, or using a possessive or plural form of any word in the Mark.
You must use the logo form of the Mark, if any, in the manner in which the Scrum Alliance provides it to
You, wherever possible. You may not change the color, configuration or proportion of any artwork. If use
of the logo is not possible, use of the word mark may be used as follows: CERTIFIED SCRUM
PROFESSIONAL, Certified Scrum Professional, or CSP.
You may use the Mark in materials that You prepare to publicize Your Certified Scrum Professional
status. As such, the Mark is an adjective and should always be followed by a noun (e.g., Certified Scrum
Professional certification or developer). The Mark should never be pluralized or use in a possessive
manner, or free-standing with the article the or a.
You may use the Mark in electronic and print advertisements and other promotional materials concerning
Your Certification status.
Proper Attribution. You must include proper ownership attribution of the Mark through a footnote or
similar legend: Certified Scrum Professional is a certification mark of Scrum Alliance, Inc. Any
unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Prohibited Uses.
a. The Mark may not be used as part of or incorporated in the name of Your business, Your
URL, Your sponsored link/ad keyword or any other key word search term (e.g., You cannot register,
without Our approval, a domain name such as www.certifiedscrumprofessionalpro.eu or the like).
b. The Mark may not be used on promotional items, such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, or similar
c. The Mark may not be used in a way that it appears to be merely part of Your title or
degree; it must always be used, at a minimum, as a mark in connection with the advertising or promotion
services You provide.

The list of Marks may be amended by Scrum Alliance, Inc. from time to time, e.g., to include new or revised
composite marks or logos built around the licensed Marks.

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d. The Mark may not be combined with, within or in conjunction with a composite mark of
other words or designs, without authorization from Scrum Alliance, Inc. (Scrum Alliance, Inc. periodically
develops composite logo designs around its certification marks and may, at its sole discretion, make them
available under the terms of this Agreement from time to time.)

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