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ALFREDO ESPINO Alfredo Espino was a Salvadoran poet and lawyer.

Born in the Department Abroad , western El Salvador , in the year of Henrietta 1900.hijo Najarro , teacher by vocation, and Alfonso Espino , poet , grew up in a home that breathed poetry and love of art, his brother Miguel Angel Espino also grew to become artist pen but the branch of prose. Jurisprudence Study at the University of El Salvador . He received his Ph.D. in 1927. He committed suicide in San Salvador, May 24, 1928 . His unique book Tristes Jcaras , collection of 96 poems , published posthumously by several friends and under the approval of Alberto Masferrer, is one of the most published books in his country , its author is the most widely read and discussed but not studied or analyzed in its expression. It has a delicate poetic , sought to capture his homeland with a lyrical vision, which he presented in a simple style , easy to grasp , therefore , no formal complications wrote sonnets, and free verse romances .

CLAUDIA LARS His real name was Carmen Brannon Vega. He was born in Armenia in 1899 and died in San Salvador in 1974. Claudia Lars belongs to the lineage of the great poets of our America. A lyric that feminine (not feminist, but made by full women) who brought American poetry from its prudish prostration , the result of nineteenthcentury sentimentality ; sang with great erotic love turns, with clean innocence invoked the fertility of his body, fertilization , the enjoyment of life, mothers who expected a cheerful morning for their children : maternal passion that became ground waiting for the seed of a new life. These women poets are: Joan of Ibarborou ( Uruguay ) , Alfonsina Storni ( Argentina ) , Agustini ( Uruguay ) and Chile's Gabriela Mistral (Nobel Prize for Literature , 1945). Gabriela in Chile, as Claudia in our country , have not had , among women, those who fully join in the search for the poetic spirit of our people , the essence of these countries. They have continued in other female voices. Claudia Lars writes poetry transparent , without ceasing to be deep , sometimes its formal mastery and forget the winning post , but here in each poem is a poet expressing experiences, before opening new paths for our sensitivity , communicating a state grace never before or after she found in the written by women in El Salvador poetry.

ROQUE DALTON GARCAS Roque Dalton was born on May 14, 1935 in San Salvador, El Salvador . He studied law and anthropology at the University of El Salvador , Chile and Mexico . From a very young is dedicated to journalism and literature , earning several awards in national competitions and Central . Published his first poems in the journal Sheet ( Friends of Culture , San Salvador, 1956 ) and Latino Journal of the same city. For his political activism , suffering prison and exile . Lives emigrated in Guatemala , Mexico , Cuba , Czechoslovakia , Korea , North Vietnam and other countries. Murdered by his own colleagues on May 10, 1975 . Roque published a vast poetic work : child with birds (San Salvador, 1957 ) , ... Window on the face ( Mexico , 1961) , The Sea (Havana , 1962 ), the shift of the victim (Havana , 1962) Testimonials (Havana 1964) , Poems ( Anthology , San Salvador, 1968) , and Taberna elsewhere ( Cuba Casa de las Americas Prize , ) (Havana 1969) , the Hells small (Barcelona 1970). Among his essays are Csar Vallejo (Havana 1963) , The Intellectual and Society ( 1969) , Revolution in the Revolution? and criticism from the right ( Havana 1970). Miguel Marmol and events of 1932 in El Salvador (1972) and The forbidden stories of Tom Thumb ( Mexico , 1974). Mushrooms , A slightly obnoxious book ( 1989) and Counter attack : Posthumously his novel I was Pobrecito Poet (1981 ) and poetic works were published. .

ALBERTO MASFERRER He was born on June 24, 1868 in Tecapa (now called Joy ) , Department of Usulutan in the east of the Republic of El Salvador , died on September 4, 1932 in San Salvador. His name was Vicente Alberto Masferrer Monico . Master Teacher for some, polemicist , orator and journalist , thinker and defender of the working class to others. His life was a constant, discussed and darling, attacked and defended action , his work was always followed with interest , will never go unnoticed. He founded the newspaper " Patria " (1928-1930) which raised the best of his thinking and developed his drive to El Salvador had a true democracy, social , economic and political . At twenty-four he published his first book called PAGES . Performance several public offices from Archivist of the largest Accounting nation , past editor and Director of the Official Journal until Consul in Costa Rica and Belgium. His health was very weak , a period of his life is spent in a wheelchair . But his spirit was fighting , outstanding journalist who served since Minimun Vital vitalist vision in the Labor Party Engineer Arturo Araujo , whom he helped to the presidency of the Republic , but he and his allies in government, did not meet his word for the people , allowing the broth injustice, to stir more and exploded the popular uprisings January 1932 killings that were drowned these uprisings by General Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez , affected Masferrer, he felt guilty for his preaching in the Minimun Vital.


Antonio Francisco Gavidia Guandique was born in the city of San Miguel, on the 29th of December between 1863 and 1865. Poet , short story writer , playwright , historian , musicologist , essayist , educator , philosopher , political scientist, journalist , orator , literary critic and translator. It is one of the highest

representatives of the national culture and his work reaches encyclopedic dimensions as almost

covers all areas of Humanism

Literary and political magazines and newspapers in America and Europe , was a founding partner of the Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts of San Salvador ( May 20, 1888 ) , the newspaper of Thursday 's weekly news (1888 ) , Evolution club ( parliamentary trend , 1890) and the parliamentarian Party ( 1895).

He was editor of the newspaper The Free Press (San Jos , Costa Rica , 18911892 , still extant newspaper), co-editor of the public good ( Quetzaltenango , 1892-1894 ) and author of the pamphlet The Emigrants (San Jose, Costa Rica , nd) he served as editor of the official Journal (1894 ), Director of Elementary Education (1896) and Minister of Education (1898).

Professor at the University of El Salvador ( who named Doctor Honoris Causa, in 1941 ), founder of Ateneo de El Salvador (1912 ) and the Salvadoran Academy of History ( February 1925 ) and Language ( in September 1952 he was appointed honorary director of the latter cultural institution , where he held the chair G).

Principal conductor (1906-1919) and the National Library fee , professor at a girls school ( 1890), the National Institute of Men (after INFRAMEN ) and the University of El Salvador , who subsequently named him Doctor Honoris cause. He was also a member of the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of El Salvador dependence of the League of Nations , forerunner of the United Nations (UN, 1948) - the Committee of Folklore Research and National Typical Art (1943 ) , linked with the Ministry of Public Instruction

Some of his works , published in limited editions, are : Poetry ( Poetic booklet , San Miguel , 1877) , Verses (1884 ); Ursino ( drama, 1887 ) , Jupiter ( drama, 1895), Study and quick ` Discourse on method ' of Descartes ( 1901 ) Traditions ( on the novel by Ricardo Palma, 1901 ), Count of San Salvador or the God of Las Casas (novel , 1901) and in the lyrics of the nineteenth century ( 1929-1930 ? ) consisting of fragments of translation operticas famous compositions in French, English , Italian and German .

Also of authorship 1814 ( historical essay , 1905 ), Works (Vol. I, large format , 1913 ) Tales and stories ( 1931 ), Hesperus ( Theatre , 1931); Speeches , studies and conferences (1941 ), The Princess Cital ( Theatre , 1946 ) Carol marine ( verse narrative , 1947) and Earth Steer or medals ( epic poem , 1949 ), perhaps his masterpiece. In 1961, the Directorate of Publications of the Ministry of Education published an anthology of his poems, prefaced by Luis Gallegos Valds.

ESQUILO Esquilo(525-456 a.C.), dramaturgo griego nacido en Eleusis, cerca de Atenas, fue el primero de los grandes trgicos de esta ciudad. En cuanto predecesor de Sfocles y de Eurpides, es el fundador de la tragedia griega. Combati contra los persas en Maratn, el 490 a.C., en Salamina, el 480 a.C., y posiblemente, en Platea, el ao siguiente. Hizo al menos dos viajes, puede que tres, a Sicilia, y all muri, en Gela, durante su ltima visita. Posteriormente se erigira en este lugar un monumento en memoria suya. Se ha dicho que Esquilo escribi unas noventa obras. Sus tragedias, representadas por primera vez el 500 a.C., se ofrecan como trilogas, o grupos de tres, unidas habitualmente por un asunto comn, y cada triloga vena seguida por un drama satrico (una comedia vulgar en la que intervena un hroe mitolgico, con un coro de stiros). Se conocen los ttulos de 79 de sus obras teatrales, pero slo han sobrevivido siete. La ms antigua Las suplicantes, un drama con poca accin pero con muchas canciones corales de gran belleza; se cree que es la primera obra de una triloga sobre el matrimonio de las cincuenta hijas de Dnao, que inclua las obras Los egipcios y Las danaides. Los persas, presentada el 472 a.C., es una tragedia histrica sobre la batalla de Salamina, y la accin tiene lugar en Persia, en la corte de la madre del rey Jerjes I. Los siete contra Tebas,presentada el 467 a.C., se basa en una leyenda tebana: el conflicto entre los dos hijos de Edipo, Eteocles, y Polinices, por el trono de Tebas. Se cree que es la tercera obra de una triloga, y que las dos primeras son Layo y Edipo. Prometeo encadenado, una obra de fecha incierta, retrata el castigo del rebelde Prometeo por parte de Zeus. Probablemente sea la primera obra de una triloga prometeica, cuyas otras dos seran Prometeo desencadenado y Prometeo el que trae el anillo. Las tres obras restantes, Agamenn, Las coeforas y Las eumnides (Las furias), presentadas el 458 a.C., forman la triloga conocida como la Orestiada, o historia de Orestes.

SOFOCLES Nombre completo: Sfocles Lugar de nacimiento: Colona - Atenas, Grecia Fecha de nacimiento: 496 a.C Muri: 406 a.C Gneros literarios: Poesa / Literatura Universal

Fue hijo de un rico armero llamado Sofilo, a los diecisis aos fue elegido director del coro de muchachos para celebrar la victoria de Salamina. En el 468 a.C. se dio a conocer como autor trgico al vencer a Esquilo en el concurso teatral que se celebraba anualmente en Atenas durante las fiestas dionisacas, cuyo dominador en los aos precedentes haba sido Esquilo. Comenz una carrera literaria sin comparacin: Sfocles escribi ciento veintitrs obras durante su vida, pero de esa enorme produccin, sin embargo, se conservan en la actualidad, aparte de algunos fragmentos, tan slo siete tragedias completas: Antgona, Edipo Rey, yax, Las Traquinias, Filoctetes, Edipo en Colono y Electra. Fue amigo de Herdoto y Pericles, no se interes demasiado por la poltica, pese a lo cual fue elegido dos veces estratego y particip en la expedicin ateniense contra Samos (440 a. C.), acontecimiento que recoge Plutarco en sus Vidas paralelas. Su muerte coincidi con la guerra con Esparta que habra de significar el principio del fin del dominio ateniense, y se dice que el ejrcito atacante concert una tregua para que se pudieran celebrar debidamente sus funerales. Listado de sus obras: Serie de Edipo

Edipo Rey Edipo en Colono


Otras Obras

yax Las Traquinias Electra Filoctetes Anfiarao (fragmentaria) Epgonos (fragmentaria.

EURIPIDES (Grecia, -0480 aC--0460 aC) Dramaturgo griego, el tercero junto con Esquilo y Sfocles de los tres grandes poetas trgicos de tica. Su obra, enormemente popular en su poca, ejerci una influencia notable en el teatro romano. Posteriormente su influencia se advierte en el teatro del renacimiento como en los dramaturgos franceses Pierre Corneille y Jean Baptiste Racine. Segn la tradicin, Eurpides naci en Salamina, un 23 de septiembre probablemente del ao 480 a.C., el da de la gran batalla naval entre los griegos y los persas. Sus padres, segn afirman ciertos expertos, pertenecan a la nobleza; en opinin de otros, sin embargo, eran de origen humilde. Su hijo, en cualquier caso, recibi una esmerada educacin. Las obras de Eurpides comenzaron a representarse en los festivales dramticos de tica durante el ao 454 a.C., pero hasta el ao 442 a.C. el autor no obtuvo el primer premio. Esta distincin, pese a su prolfico talento, no recay sobre l ms que en cuatro ocasiones. Adems de sus escritos se interes muy especialmente por la filosofa y la ciencia Si bien Eurpides no se identific personalmente con una determinada escuela filosfica, recibi la influencia de los sofistas y de filsofos como Protgoras, Anaxgoras y Scrates. Fue un hombre austero, y se consideraba incomprendido por sus contemporneos, conclusin que, por lo dems, no carece de fundamento, pues fue frecuentemente objeto de ataques por parte de los escritores atenienses de comedia: Aristfanes lanz contra l una stira en Las ranas (405 a.C.). Las obras de Eurpides eran criticadas por su carcter anticonvencional, por sus dilogos naturales (sus hroes y prncipes hablaban un lenguaje cotidiano) y por su independencia de los valores morales y religiosos tradicionales. A pesar de todo, sus obras se hicieron famosas en toda Grecia. Al final de su vida abandon Atenas y se instal en Macedonia. e las numerosas obras atribuidas a Eurpides se conservan diecisiete tragedias y un drama satrico, Los cclopes. Entre las tragedias de fecha conocida figuran Alcestes (438 a.C.), Medea (431 a.C.), Hiplito (428 a.C.), Las troyanas (415 a.C.), Helena (412 a.C.), Orestes (408 a.C.), Ifigenia en ulide y Las bacantes

(ambas representadas pstumamente en el 405 a.C.). Entre las obras de fecha incierta destacan Andrmaca, Hrcules, Hcuba, Los suplicantes, Electra, Hrcules loco, Ifigenia entre los tauros, In y Las fenicias. HOMERO Nombre completo: Homero Lugar de nacimiento: Grecia Antigua Fecha de nacimiento: Siglo VIII a.C Muri: Siglo VIII a.C Gneros literarios: Poesa / Literatura Universal

Homero fue un poeta de la Antigua Grecia que naci y vivi en el siglo VIII a.C. Es autor de dos de las principales obras de la antigedad: Los poemas picos La Ilada y La Odisea. Muchos historiadores y arquelogos no han llegado a la conclusin sobre si Homero realmente existi o se trata de un personaje legendario, pues no hay pruebas concretas de su existencia. Sus obras pueden haber sido escritas por otros autores antiguos o tal vez son apenas recopilaciones de tradiciones orales del periodo de la poca de la Antigua Grecia. La vida de Homero es una mezcla de leyenda y realidad. De acuerdo con la tradicin, Homero era ciego y pudo haber nacido en cualquier localidad de la Antigua Grecia: Esmirna, Colofon, Atenas, Quios, Rodas, Argos, Itaca o Salamina.


La Ilada La Odisea Batracomiomaquia Himnos Homricos Guerra de Troya Margites

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