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select * from ar_receivable_applications_all ra where ra.posting_control_id = -3 AND ra.gl_date BETWEEN '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' AND ra.

org_id = 112 select * from V$SQL_PLAN where sql_id = '3xwkxxgnqygjq' select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('0s07xgfk0ry2h',null,'ALLSTATS ALL')); select * from gv$sql where SQL_ID = '3xwkxxgnqygjq' select * from V$SQL_MONITOR where SQL_ID = '3xwkxxgnqygjq' select * from V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL where SQL_ID = '3xwkxxgnqygjq' select * from V$SQLSTATS where SQL_ID = '3xwkxxgnqygjq' SELECT t1.name || ' - '|| t1.text FROM dba_source t1 WHERE t1.NAME IN ( 'XLA_AE_LINES_PKG' ) AND t1.line = 2 order by t1.name; select * from xla.xla_events where event_date between '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' and application_id = 200

select * from xla.xla_ae_headers where ledger_id = 2055 and application_id = 200 and ACCOUNTING_DATE between '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' and GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE <> 'Y' and ACCOUNTING_BATCH_ID = 144865

select xal.* from xla.xla_ae_headers xah, xla_ae_headers xal where xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id and xah.application_id = xal.application_id and xah.ledger_id = xal.ledger_id and xah.ledger_id = 2739 and xah.application_id = 222 and xah.ACCOUNTING_DATE between '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' --and GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE <> 'Y' and xah.ACCOUNTING_BATCH_ID = 145015 SELECT MAX(xjc.processing_unit_size) INTO l_unit_size FROM xla_je_categories xjc, ( SELECT xpo.event_class_code FROM xla_evt_class_orders_gt xpo WHERE xpo.processing_order = p_processing_order ) tab1 WHERE xjc.application_id = g_application_id AND xjc.ledger_id = g_ledger_id AND xjc.event_class_code = tab1.event_class_code;

xla_accounting_pkg .unit_processor_batch SELECT /*+ index(evt,XLA_EVENTS_N3) */ MIN(nvl(xjc.processing_unit_size, :1)) FROM xla_events evt, xla_transaction_entities ent, xla_event_types_b xet, xla_event_class_attrs eca, xla_evt_class_orders_gt xpo, xla_je_categories xjc WHERE ent.application_id = :3 AND ent.ledger_id = :4 AND evt.application_id = :5 AND evt.entity_id = ent.entity_id AND xet.application_id = evt.application_id AND xet.event_type_code = evt.event_type_code AND eca.application_id = xet.application_id AND eca.entity_code = xet.entity_code AND eca.event_class_code = xet.event_class_code AND eca.event_class_group_code = nvl(:6, eca.event_class_group_code) AND evt.event_type_code NOT IN(''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MERGE'') AND evt.process_status_code IN(''I'', ''E'', ''R'', decode(:7, ''N'', ''D'', ''E''), decode(:8, ''N'', ''U'', ''E'')) AND evt.event_status_code IN(''U'', decode(:9, ''F'', ''N'', '' U'')) AND evt.on_hold_flag = ''N'' AND evt.event_date <= :10 AND ent.entity_code <> :11 AND nvl(evt.budgetary_control_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' AND xet.event_class_code = xpo.event_class_code AND xpo.processing_order = :2 AND xjc.application_id = :12

AND xjc.ledger_id = :13 AND xjc.event_class_code = xpo.event_class_code SELECT /*+ leading(evt) use_nl(ent) index(evt,XLA_EVENTS_N3) */ -- Bug 5529420 reverted bug6369888 modified hint bug9192859 DISTINCT evt.entity_id FROM xla_events evt ,xla_transaction_entities ent ,xla_event_types_b xet ,xla_event_class_attrs eca ,xla_evt_class_orders_gt xpo WHERE ent.application_id = :1 AND ent.ledger_id = :2 AND evt.application_id = :3 AND evt.entity_id = ent.entity_id AND xet.application_id = evt.application_id AND xet.event_type_code = evt.event_type_code AND eca.application_id = xet.application_id AND eca.entity_code = xet.entity_code AND eca.event_class_code = xet.event_class_code AND eca.event_class_group_code = NVL(:4, eca.event_class_group_ code) AND evt.event_type_code NOT IN (''FULL_MERGE'', ''PARTIAL_MER GE'') AND evt.process_status_code IN (''I'',''E'', ''R'',DECODE(:5, ''N'',''D'',''E'') ,DECODE(:6,''N'', ''U'',''E'') ) AND evt.event_status_code IN (''U'',DECODE(:7,''F'',''N'',' 'U'')) AND evt.on_hold_flag = ''N'' AND evt.event_date <= :8 AND ent.entity_code <> :9 AND NVL(evt.budgetary_control_flag,''N'') = ''N'' AND xet.event_class_code = xpo.event_class_code AND xpo.processing_order = :10 select * from XLA_GLT_30953397 select * from all_tables where table_name like 'XLA_%T' and owner = 'XLA' select * from XLA_EVENT_CLASSES_B where application_id = 222

SELECT xe.* FROM xla.xla_events xe, xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = 200 AND xte.application_id = xe.application_id AND xte.entity_id = xe.entity_id and xte.LEDGER_ID = 2055

and and AND AND --AND AND and

xe.application_id = 200 xe.event_date between '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' xe.event_status_code IN ('I','U') xe.process_status_code IN ('I','U','R','D','E') xe.EVENT_TYPE_CODE = 'PAYMENT CLEARED' xe.event_id = 33069351 xe.ENTITY_ID = 15534371

select xal.* from xla.xla_ae_headers xah, xla_ae_headers xal where xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id and xah.application_id = xal.application_id and xah.ledger_id = xal.ledger_id and xah.ledger_id = 2739 and xah.application_id = 222 and xah.ACCOUNTING_DATE between '30-JUN-2013' and '27-JUL-2013' --and GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE <> 'Y' and xah.ACCOUNTING_BATCH_ID = 145015 select * from xla.xla_ae_headers where event_id = 33004660 and ENTITY_ID = 16948466 16948466

select * from dba_sql_profiles where name like '%0s07xgfk0ry2h%'

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