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Certification Questions6

Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q.
101: When running a debug run, what should you be looking for? yste! Wor!s as e"#ected under load %o errors #ertaining to running the load test All ser&er C'( and !e!ory utili)ation below *0+ -ransaction res#onse ti!es that are higher than e"#ected 10.: Where do you define the &alue to be used for a rando! se/uence seed? cri#t 'references cenario cheduler cri#t 0un1ti!e settings cenario 0un1ti!e settings 102: What is the reco!!ended transaction !onitoring fre/uency for large scenarios? 2 10 1* 20 103: What is a collection of 4users within a scenario called? A set A grou# A #rofile A scenario 10*: When scheduling a scenario, which run !odes are a&ailable in the Controller? 5 elect two.6

A. 7rou# $. cenario C. ,uration ,. 7lobal chedule 8. 0eal19ife chedule :. 0un (ntil Co!#lete Q. A. $. C. ,.
106: ;f you forget to connect to the load generators #rior to starting a scenario, what will ha##en when the -A0- co!!and is issued? -he Controller will atte!#t to connect to the load generators then begin the scenario. An error !essage will result, stating that connection !ust first be !ade to the load generators. -he 4users will auto!atically !o&e to the :A;98, status, and an error !essage will be issued. -he 4users will re!ain in the ,<W% status until connection to the load generator5s6 is !anually done.

Q. 10=: What is the reco!!ended logging o#tion in the 0un1ti!e setting for a full load test?

A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,.

,isable tandard 8"tended <nly when an error occurs 10>: Which scenario run is reco!!ended to set the 0un1ti!e setting to 8"tended 9og, ,ata 0eturned by er&er? ,ebug :ull 9oad -o# -i!e calability 10?: When you configure the transaction !onitoring fre/uency, what is the reco!!ended &alue for a s!all scenario? 1 * 10 1* 110: Which run &alidates that there is enough test hardware a&ailable in the test en&iron!ent? ,ebug run calability run $ench!ark run -o#1-i!e -ransaction run

Q. 111: Which ty#e of gra#h the i!age in the following e"hibit re#resent? 8"hibit

A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q.

@erged gra#h ,rill down gra#h Cross scenario gra#h Auto correlated gra#h 11.: Which scenario run &erifies that #ara!eteri)ed data works under concurrent usage? ,ebug :ull load -o# ti!e calability 112: Which does the i!age shown in the following e"hibit

re#resent? 8"hibit

A. $. C. ,. Q.

-hu!bnail 8"tended 9og Content check na#shot on error 113: Which descri#tion describes the schedule shown in the following

e"hibit? 8"hibit

A. -he scenario is scheduled by scenario, consisting of two grou#s: one grou# with 10 4users, the other grou# with 1* 4users, the duration action is set for * !inutes.

$. -he scenario is scheduled by grou#, consisting of two grou#s: one grou# with 10 4users, the other grou# with 1* 4users, each grou# has the ra!# u# is set to 1 4users e&ery * seconds. C. -he scenario is scheduled by grou#, consisting of two grou#s: one grou# with 10 4users, the other grou# with 1* 4users. 8ach grou# has the duration action scheduled for * !inutes.
-he scenario is scheduled by scenario, consisting of one grou#: the ra!# u# is set to . 4users e&ery .0 seconds. -he duration is set to * !inutes and ra!# down is set to * 4users e&ery 20 seconds. Q. 11*: Aou are running a 10+ load test. -he following e"hibit shows a list of business #rocesses, the desired nu!ber of business #rocesses #er hour,


and the nu!ber of translations #er business #rocess. Bow !any transactions should co!#lete during the one hour full load test? 8"hibit

A. $. C. ,.

.,000 .0,000 *,000 2>0,000

%ew et of Questions $egin fro! Bere

Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,. Q. A. $. C. ,.

116: Which state!ent is true about the a&ailability of 4u7en? 4u7en is only included when #erfor!ing a full installation. An e"tra license is re/uired to obtain 4u7en. 4u7en is a&ailable in a full installation, but is only acti&ated if Quick-est 'rofessional is also installed. 4u7en is a&ailable in a full installation and as a standalone installation. 11=: Which features are #ro&ided by WA% 8!ulation? 5 elect two.6 i!ulate network latency between 9oad 7enerators and tested !achines @easure network bandwidth utili)ation of B' 9oad0unner hosts during tests @easure res#onse ti!e of a transaction during #erfor!ance tests ,efine !a"i!u! bandwidth of a 9oad 7enerator 8. !onitor u#ti!e of a 9oad 7enerator 11>: ,uring a test run, why is it i!#ortant to insert 0un1ti!e @onitors on Controller and 9oad 7enerator !achines? -o &erify that 4user ra!# and 9oad 7enerator C'( usage are a##ro"i!ately the sa!e -o &erify that your test architecture is #ro#erly isolated fro! e"ternal disturbance -o ensure that test architecture #erfor!ance is not lower than that of the architecture under test -o ensure that your test architecture can generate the desired load without itself beco!ing a bottleneck 11?: Which goal is an e"a!#le of a !easurable goal? -he nu!ber of iterations defined in the 0un1ti!e ettings 50- 6 -he identification of the na!e of the a##lication ser&er -he e"#ected transaction res#onse ti!e -he nu!ber of 9oad 7enerators to be used 1.0: Which goal is an e"a!#le of a high le&el goal? 8rror rate !ay not be higher than 10+ of all transactions. (#date transaction !ust work in #eak ti!e. *00 users !ust be able to log in at the sa!e ti!e. -he earch transaction !ay not take longer than 2 seconds. Question Correct %o. Answer

Q. 101 Q. 10. Q. 102 Q. 103 Q. 10* Q. 106 Q. 10= Q. 10> Q. 10? Q. 110

$ , C $ 8,: A , A A C

Question Correct %o. Answer Q. 111 C

Q. 11. Q. 112 Q. 113 Q. 11* Q. 116 Q. 11= Q. 11> Q. 11? Q. 1.0

A , C C , A,, , C $

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