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Minutes from the Retention Committee Meeting June 4, 2013 10:30-11:30 a.m.

, AD 121 In attendance: Vanessa Karam, Keith Brown, William Howe, Janice Gore, Jeanette Anderson, Eddie Escalante, Michael Lopez April Afoa out for summer.

1. Review Student Success Flowchart This is a SEAS report flowchart. Retention Committee needs to modify according to UWest needs and possibilities. Insert Keith in triage position, followed by Intervention Team. Include tutoring and other resources. Include role of academic advisors, program heads. Action Item: JA will revise flowchart according to discussion. 2. CAS Standards, esp. Student Advisement Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. Mission statement for academic advising (and other departments, functions, student services at UWest) and outcomes for each. JA and JG have developed an Advisement document. Recommendation: UG advisors and masters program advisors should review and help shape the Advisement document. PhD is devising a separate advisement process/document (touch base with Dr. Iwamura). UWest should move toward the hiring of professional advisors, perhaps differentiating between academic and program advisors. Action Item: Present the proposed academic advisement concept to the chairs as a starting point, and schedule a meeting for them to finalize. Ensure consistency and coherence among the programs (universals vs. unique features). Dean Howe will set up perhaps Jun 19, 1-3 p.m.; include Retention team. Present SEAS flowchart and overview of UWest advising and support system. Remember to acknowledge and recognize facultys crucial role in advisement. Documents to be provided one week before meeting: Advisement draft incl. overview of resources and how faculty fit into that schema, SEAS flowchart. 3. Jeanette will discuss with Rafael: Is it possible for faculty and other SEAS form users to receive an auto-response Thank youwe may contact youPlease contact us if you have valuable updates (student has improved, problem continues, problem has worsened, etc.). Could this be generated along with a pdf version of the report for their records? Otherwise, once a professor has submitted the form, it is difficult for her/him to remember what was reported when, etc. And, how could the respective department head (academic advisor) be included in the loop early on? (This pertains to the monitoring process rather than the CVue set-up.) Update 6/4: This cannot be done with the existing SEAS form. May need to be recreated from the ground up. Faculty cannot currently see CVue activities via the Faculty Portal.





Update 4/23: Rafael continues to work on auto-email question. May not be able to execute. SEAS form not amenable to modification. Update 4/9: Pending. Rafael and Glenn will collaborate. Glenn will keep us posted. SEAS is set up as a data base, which makes it more challenging to modify. Rafael believes it can be set up to deliver an auto-response, but needs more time to solve. Jeanette will discuss with Rafael: Need to have a record of intervention etc. that can be seen and updated by multiple appropriate users (K. Brown, deans, program head). CVue seems like the logical place for this record keeping. Can Rafael help set this up so that an email is generated to the person assigned to a particular SEAS case? Update 6/4: Goal: have this set up by August 1, 2013. We need to define for Rafael who will have what rights. Action Item: JA will develop list of advisement rights in CVue so that committee can assign appropriate personnel. Update 4/23: JA: What level of rights do we want to have for this? Once determined, this can be set up accordingly in CVue, i.e. groups need to be set up. Then, group members can be trained. Who needs to develop the protocols: Dean Howe, V. Karam, J. Gore, J. Anderson, K. Brown (JA will call into being); April points out that she doesnt think that she should put her notes in. Mental-health related data base (e.g. Titanium), separate from academic, would be appropriate. Stephanie would like to consider using CVue for keeping a record of internships and peer mentoring. Will follow up with Jeanette on how this could be accomplished. April will participate so that she can learn more. Adding digital imaging would make record keeping more efficient. Update 4/9: Pending. J. will keep us posted. Rafael says that yes, this can be set up this way. The email would need to be assigned by Keith (SSC) to the appropriate individual/s. To do: Committee needs to determine the access rights. Jeanette will discuss with Rafael: Can the faculty portal be utilized for SEAS reporting? Update 6/4: Rafael will insert link to SEAS form on Faculty Portal, in the resources drop down menu. Action Item: JA will request from RW. Update 4/9: Pending. J. will keep us posted. Rafael says this may be possible. At the very least, he can set up a link to SEAS in order to save the faculty member from having to look for the SEAS form separately. Committee Recommendation 4/9: Communicate guidelines to faculty and staff on protecting student identity in email, esp. subject lines. Staff training is key. We need to be more cautious in our emails. Use the phone or in-person communication when discussing students by name. We can also use inter-office envelopes. We also need to be careful not to overreact to this concern. Lets establish protocols within Intervention Team and make sure others are aware of risks. Update 6/4: Put this on Fall Faculty Meeting agenda. To do: This issue needs to be addressed comprehensively. Michael: Do we really understand what FERPA and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) limit? How do we allow for good and timely communication between faculty,





intervention groups, etc.? April: We need to define what we mean by need to know; policy issue. Janice: Should be based on what is in the students best interest. Michael: Balance with campus safety is essential. April: Mental health has to assess risk levels, i.e. imminent danger. Jeanette: History of individual intervention should be filed in student record for the time being. What would be included in registrars file, what in special, e.g. conduct file? Automatic email through CVue once Activity is assigned by SEAS person. Discussion of how Janice (or other academic advisors) know who has been identified through SEAS and how they can know. Probationary admit issue. How are we tracking? What tracking and retention efforts are in place, need to be developed? Also for ELL students. We need to be able to construct groups (e.g. Academic Probation, which is already in place, but also for low incoming GPA, English language proficiency issues, etc.) so that we can track them. Academic advisors need to know. Update 6/4: tbc Update 4/23: Example of how GS is handling this. 2 categories in CVue: probationary and academic conditional; JG meets with them preadmission, sets up a contract for regular meetings with her, regular sessions at SSC; conditions on continuing in program (GPA). Two copies of signed contract, one to file, one to student. Admit letter refers to the conditional nature of admit and refers to the contract. Text of both are copied and pasted in the appropriate activity in CVue. This activity creates a group in CVue for Admissions and Registrar. Advisor makes recommendations at end of first and, if necessary, subsequent semesters. Students admitted conditionally should be tracked over multiple semesters. Recommendation: Jeanette will write this up as addition to advisement policy. This should be reviewed by appropriate committees (APCC, Academic Senate) and implemented as policy. UWest will need to hire staff academic advisors. Update 4/9: This kind of advisement is important for all admits, not just probationary. We cover this at orientation, but what if it does not happen? Who is accountable for the communication between faculty and student? What is the follow-up and outreach process? The same applies to regular advisement meetings, e.g. half-way through the semester. Recommendation: Training and guidelines for advisement/advisors. Michael recommends using advisement assessment tool; will forward info to committee. Eddie points out that CVue could green light/red light this so that advisors can readily identify who needs to be contacted for advising. What is happening with Peer Mentorship program? Keith will follow up with Stephanie Lyn. Lets invite her to next meeting. April: Faculty and staff could also be involved in a mentoring program of this kind, especially if it is difficult to find student peer mentors. Update 6/4: tbc Update 4/23: Stephanie will send out proposal for committee review, and committee will discuss next meeting. What kind of career assessment tool/s will UWest use? Continue with Kuder? Michael will contact Scott at Kuder and set up webinar. April will reach out to student who tried the system out previously. Update 6/4: tbc

12. Create contracts with probationary students. Learning plans need to be refined to include time management, and we need an infrastructure for following up. What to do about students who blow off appointments? Training for students to address matters of etiquette, politeness, responsibility. We should also consider the setting in which we advise: is it intimidating, for example? Dean Howe: We need to strive towards developing a culture of passion for student success, desire to succeed. Because we are small, we have the opportunity to do that. Michael: what kind of positive reinforcements can we put in place? Update 6/4: IRL 101 College Success course will address academic etiquette, politeness, personal responsibility. Positive reinforcement: free in summer 2013 and earns 3 units of Gen Ed credit. 13. Create Deans and Presidents lists, honor roll-semester-wise. Also, letter for most-improved, as well as letters congratulating students for coming off probation. We can do honor roll beginning spring 2013. Dean Howe will draft a letter. Deans list: 3.5-3.99; Presidents list: 4.0. Lists will be posted publicly, listing name and program. Update 6/4: Update 4/9: Dean Howe has prepared the templates for the honor list letters. This will be happen from spring 2013 on. Re: honoree luncheon, J. recommends annually in the second week of the spring semester. 14. Glenn will send link to retention/persistence clearing house.

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