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UNIT 1- INTRODUCTION PART - A (2 ma !"# 1. Distinguish between Residual and Transported soil. 2. Give the relation between sat, G, w and e. . (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12#

! compacted sample o" soil with a bul# unit weight o"1$.%2 #&'m and a water content o" 1( per cent. )hat are its dry density, degree o" saturation and air content* !ssume G + 2.%(. (AUC A( /Ma$ 2'1'#

,. )hat are all the !tterberg limits "or soil and why it is necessary* analyses* %. Two clays ! and - have the "ollowing properties. !tterberg limits 0i1uid limit 3lastic limit &atural water content /lay ! ,, 2 2$2 42 /lay ((2 (2 (42

(AUC N)*/De+ 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'12#

(. De"ine sieve analysis and sedimentation analysis and what is the necessity o" these two

)hich o" the clays ! or - would e5perience larger settlement under identical loads* )hy* (AUC A( /Ma$ 2'1'# 6. Determine the ma5imum possible voids ratio "or a uni"ormly graded sand o" per"ectly spherical grains. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com 7. )hat is a 8ero air voids line* Draw a compaction curve and show the 8ero air voids line. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# $. )hat is porosity o" a given soil sample* 14. )hat is water content in given mass o" soil* 11. De"ine. 9a: 3orosity 9b: Void ratio. 12. De"ine e""ective si8e o" particle in sieve analysis. 1 . )rite any two engineering classi"ication system o" soil. 1,. 0ist any one e5pression "or "inding dry density o" soils. 1(. De"ine water content and compaction. 1%. )hat are the laboratory methods o" determination o" water content* 16. De"ine degree o" saturation and shrin#age ratio. 17. De"ine speci"ic gravity and density inde5. 1$. )hat do understand "rom grain si8e distribution* 24. )hat are consistency limits o" soil* 21. De"ine plasticity inde5, "low inde5 and li1uidity inde5. 22. )hat are the methods available "or determination o" in;situ density* 2 . )hat is the "unction o" !;line /hart in soil classi"ication* 2,. )rite the ma<or soil classi"ications as per =ndian >tandard /lassi"ication >ystem. 2(. Di""erentiate standard proctor "rom modi"ied proctor test. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11#

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com PART - B (1ma !"# 1. )rite down a neat procedure "or determining water content and speci"ic gravity o" a given soil in the laboratory by using a pycnometer. 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+

2. >andy soil in a borrow pit has unit weight o" solids as 2(.7 #&'m , water content e1ual to 112 and bul# unit weight e1ual to 1%., #&'m . ?ow many cubic meter o" compacted "ill could be constructed o" (44 m 2'12# o" sand e5cavated "rom borrow pit, i" re1uired value o" porosity in (AUC N)*/De+

the compacted "ill is 42. !lso calculate the change in degree o" saturation.

. The "ollowing data on consistency limits are available "or two soils ! and -. >=.&o. 1 2 , =nde5 3lastic limit 0i1uid limit @low inde5 &atural water content >oil ! 1%2 42 11 22 >oil 1$2 (22 4% ,42

@ind which soil is 9i: Aore plastic. 9ii: -etter "oundation material on remoulding. 9iii: -etter shear strength as "unction o" water content. 9iv: -etter shear strength at plastic limit. (AUC A( /Ma$ 2'1'# /lassi"y the soil as per => classi"ication system. Do those soils have organic matter* ,. -y three phase soil system, prove that the degree o" saturation > 9as ratio: in terms o" mass unit weight 9:, void ratio 9e:, speci"ic gravity o" soil grains 9G: and unit weight o" water 9 w: is given by the e5pression
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www.Vidyarthiplus.com (AUC A( /Ma$ 2'1'#

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(. The mass o" wet soil when compacted in a mould was 1$.(( #&. The water content o" the soil was 1%2. =" the volume o" the mould was 4.$( m . Determine 9i: dry unit weight, 9ii: Void ratio, 9iii: degree o" saturation and 9iv: percent air voids. Ta#e G + 2.%7. 2'12# %. =n a hydrometer analysis, the corrected hydrometer reading in a 1444 ml uni"orm soil suspension at the start o" sedimentation was 27. !"ter a lapse o" 4 minutes, the corrected hydrometer reading was 12 and the corresponding e""ective depth 14.( cm. the speci"ic gravity o" the solids was 2.%7. !ssuming the viscosity and unit weight o" water at the temperature o" the test as 4.441 &s'm2 and $.71 #&'m respectively. Determine the weight o" solids mi5ed in the suspension, the e""ective diameter corresponding to the 4 minutes reading and the percentage o" (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# % 6. !n earthen emban#ment o" 14 m volume is to be constructed with a soil having a void ratio o" 4.74 !"ter compaction. There are three borrow pits mar#ed !, - and / having soils with voids ratios o" 4.$4, 4.(4 and 1.74 respectively. The cost o" e5cavation and transporting the soil is Rs 4.2(, Rs 4.2 and Rs 4.17 per m respectively. /alculate the volume o" soil to be e5cavated "rom each pit. )hich borrow pit is the most economical* 9Ta#e G + 2.%(:. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# 7. ! laboratory compaction test on soil having speci"ic gravity e1ual to 2.%6 gave a ma5imum dry unit weight o" 16.7 #&'m and a water content o" 1(2. Determine the degree o" saturation, air content and percentage air voids at the ma5imum dry unit weight. )hat would be theoretical ma5imum dry unit weight corresponding to 8ero air voids at the optimum water content* (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# $. ! soil sample has a porosity o" ,4 per cent. The speci"ic gravity o" solids is 2.64. /alculate i: Voids ratio ii: Dry density and iii: Bnit weight i" the soil is completely saturated. 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ particle "iner than this si8e. (AUC Ma$/J%&e

14. ! soil has a bul# unit weight o" 24.11 C&'m and water content o" 1( percent. /alculate the water content o" the soil partially dries to a unit weight o" 1$.,2 C&'m and the voids ratio
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remains unchanged. Ma$ 2'11#


(AUC A( / (AUC N)*/De+

11. D5plain >tandard 3roctor /ompaction test with neat s#etches. 2'1'#

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12. >oil is to be e5cavated "rom a barrow pit which has a density o" 16.%%#&'m and water content o" 122. The speci"ic gravity o" soil particle is2.6. The soil is compacted so that water content is 172 !nd dry density is1%.2 #&'m . @or 1444 cum o" soil in "ill, estimate. 9i: The 1uantity o" soil to be e5cavated "rom the pit in cum 9ii: The amount o" water to be added. !lso determine the void ratios o" the soil in borrow pit and "ill. 1 . D5plain all the consistency limits and indices. sieve analysis. (.# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

1,. D5plain in detail the procedure "or determination o" grain si8e distribution o" soil by

1(. !n earth emban#ment is compacted at a water content o" 172 to a bul# density o" 1.$2 g'cm . =" the speci"ic gravity o" the sand is 2.6, "ind the void ratio and degree o" saturation o" the compacted emban#ment. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

1%. D5plain the procedure "or determining the relationship between dry density and moisture content by proctor compaction test.

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com UNIT 2- SOIL /ATER AND /ATER 0LO/ PART - A (2 ma !"# 1. )hat are the di""erent types o" soil water* 2. 0ist out the methods o" drawing "low net. . )hat is meant by total stress, neutral stress and e""ective stress* (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (. 3rove that e""ective stress in soil mass is independent o" variation in water table above the ground sur"ace. %. >tate and e5plain DarcyEs law. sand conditions in a sample o" sand* "ollowing results were obtained. &umber o" potential drops + 2(F &umber o" "low channels + , /alculate the discharge per metre length o" the dam i" the co;e""icient o" permeability o" the dam material is 5 14;( m'sec. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC N)*/De+ (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

,. )hat is meant by capillary rise in soil and how it a""ects the stress level in soils*

6. )hat is 1uic# sand* ?ow would you calculate the hydraulic gradient re1uired to create 1uic# 7. @or a homogeneous earth dam (2 m high and 2 m "ree board, a "low net was constructed and

$. )hat is capillary rise* 2'11# 14. )hat is sur"ace tension* 2'11# 11. )hat are the di""erent "orms o" soil water* 2'1'# 12. )rite down the uses o" @low net. 1 . De"ine &eutral stress. 1,. )hat is seepage velocity* 1(. De"ine soil water and classi"y the types o" soil water. 1%. De"ine /apillarity and permeability. 16. )hat is sur"ace tension* 17. )hat is meant by capillary siphoning* 1$. Give the relationship between total, neutral and e""ective stress. 24. )hat are the "actors a""ecting permeability*

21. )hat are the methods available "or determination o" permeability in the laboratory*
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www.Vidyarthiplus.com 22. De"ine discharge and seepage velocity. 2 . )hat are methods o" determination o" permeability in the "ield* 2,. De"ine seepage pressure and "low net. 2(. )hat is 1uic# sand condition*

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com PART - B (1ma !"# 1. The water table in a deposit o" sand 7 m thic# is at a depth o" m below the ground sur"ace.

!bove the water table, the sand is saturated with capillary water. The bul# density o" sand is 1$.%2 #&'m . /alculate the e""ective pressure at 1m, m and 7m below the ground sur"ace. ?ence plot the variation o" total pressure, neutral pressure and e""ective pressure over the depth o" 7m. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12#

2. )rite down the procedure "or determination o" permeability by constant head test in the laboratory. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12#

. /ompute the total, e""ective and pore pressure at a depth o" 24 m below the bottom o" a la#e % m deep. The bottom o" la#e consists o" so"t clay with a thic#ness o" more than 24 m. the average water content o" the clay is (2 and speci"ic gravity o" the soil may be assumed to be 2.%(. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'#

,. )hat will be the ratio o" average permeability in hori8ontal direction to that in the vertical direction "or a soil deposit consisting o" three hori8ontal layers, i" the thic#ness and permeability o" second layer are twice o" those o" the "irst and those o" the third layer twice those o" second* (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (. The subsoil strata at a site consist o" "ine sand 1.7 m thic# overlying a stratum o" clay 1.% m thic#. Bnder the clay stratum lies a deposit o" coarse sand e5tending to a considerable depth. The water table is 1.( m below the ground sur"ace. !ssuming the top "ine sand to be saturated by capillary water, calculate the e""ective pressures at ground sur"ace and at depths o" 1.7 m, ., m and (.4 m below the ground sur"ace. !ssume "or "ine sand G + 2.%(, e + 4.7 and "or coarse sand G + 2.%%, e + 4.(. )hat will be the change in e""ective pressure at depth ., m, i" no capillary water is assumed to be present in the "ine sand and its bul# unit weight is assumed to be 1%.%7 #&'m . The unit weight o" clay may be assumed as 1$. 2 #&'m . (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12#
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www.Vidyarthiplus.com %. =n a constant head permeameter test, the "ollowing observations were ta#en. Distance between pie8ometer tappingEs + 1( cm, di""erence o" water levels in pie8ometers + ,4 cm, diameter o" the test sample + ( cm, 1uantity o" water collected + (44 ml, duration o" the test + $44 sec. Determine the coe""icient o" permeability o" the soil. =" the dry mass o" the 1( cm long sample is ,7% g and speci"ic gravity o" the solids is 2.%(. /alculate seepage velocity o" water during the Test. (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2012)

6. ! "oundation trench is to be e5cavated in a stratum o" sti"" clay, 14m thic#, underlain by a bed o" coarse sand 9"ig.1.:. =n a trial borehole the ground water was observed to rise to an elevation o" .(m below ground sur"ace. Determine the depth up to which an e5cavation can be sa"ely carried out without the danger o" the bottom becoming unstable under the artesian pressure in the sand stratum. The speci"ic gravity o" clay particles is 2.6( and the void ratio is 4.7. =" e5cavation is to be carried out sa"ely to a depth o" 7m, how much the water table should be lowered in the vicinity*o" the trench*

@ig.1 7. The "ollowing data were recorded in a constant head permeability test. =nternal diameter o" permeameter + 6.(cm ?ead lost over a sample length o" 17cm + 2,.6cm Guantity o" water collected in %4 >ec + %2% ml 3orosity o" soil sample was ,,2

(AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

/alculate the coe""icient o" permeability o" the soil. !lso determine the discharge velocity and seepage velocity during the test. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com $. D5plain the "alling head permeability test. (.# 14. )hat are the applications o" "low net and e5plain brie"ly* (AUC A( / Ma$2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# 11. Determine the e""ective stress at 2m, ,m, %m, 7m and 14m is a soil mass having s +21 C&'m .)ater table is 2m below ground sur"ace. !bove water table there is capillary rise up to ground sur"ace. !lso draw total stress diagram up to 14m. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# 12. ! strati"ied soil deposit is shown in @ig.1. !long with the coe""icient o" permeability o" the individual strata. Determine the ratio o" C? and CV. !ssuming an average hydraulic gradient o" 4. in both hori8ontal and vertical seepage, @ind 9i: Discharge value and discharge velocities in each layer "or hori8ontal "low and 9ii: ?ydraulic gradient and loss in head in each layer "or vertical "low.

(AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# 1 . D5plain any "our methods o" obtaining "low nets. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

1,. The discharge o" water collected "rom a constant head permeameter in a period o" 1( minutes is (44 ml. the internal diameter o" the permeameter is ( cm and the measured di""erence in head between two gauging points 1( cm vertically apart is ,4 cm. calculate the coe""icient o" permeability. =" the dry weight o" the 1( cm long sample is ,7% gm. and the speci"ic gravity o" the solids is 2.%(, calculate the seepage velocity. "alling head method. 1%. D5plain in detail the procedure "or drawing the phreatic line "or an earthen dam. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# 1(. D5plain in detail the laboratory determination o" permeability using constant head method and

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com UNIT 1 2 STRESS DISTRIBUTION3 COMPRESSIBILIT4 AND SETTLEMENT PART 2 A (2 ma !"# 1. )rite down -oussines1ue e1uation "or "inding out the vertical stress under a single concentrated load. 2. De"ine normally consolidated clays and over consolidated clays. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# ,. )hat are the assumptions made in Ter8aghiEs one dimensional consolidation theory* (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (. )hat is the use o" in"luence chart in soil mechanics* %. Di""erentiate between H/ompactionE and H/onsolidationE. 6. )rite down the use o" in"luence charts. 7. )hat are isochrones* $. )hen a soil mass is said to be homogeneous* 14. )hat are isobars* 11. Di""erentiate /onsolidation and /ompaction. 12. 0ist the components o" settlement in soil. 1 . )hat are the two theories e5plaining the stress distribution on soil* 1,. )hat is oedometer* 1(. )hat is geostatic stress and pre;consolidation pressure* 1%. )hat are the applications o" -oussines1ue e1uation* 16. )hat is a pressure bulb and &ewmar#Es /hart* 17. )rite the e1uation "or stress in soil due to a uni"ormly loaded circular area. 1$. )rite the e1uation "or stress in soil due to a line load. 24. )rite the e1uation "or stress in soil beneath a corner o" a uni"ormly loaded rectangular area. 21. )rite the )estergaardEs e1uation "or stress beneath a concentrated point load. 22. De"ine co;e""icient o" compressibility and compression inde5. 2 . )hat are the methods to determine co;e""icient o" consolidation* 2,. )hat are the "actors in"luencing consolidation* 2(. De"ine Iver consolidation ratio and creep.
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. D5plain the method o" estimating vertical stress using &ewmar#Es in"luence chart.

(AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#


www.Vidyarthiplus.com PART 2 B (1- ma !"# 1. ! water tan# is supported by a ring "oundation having outer diameter o" 14 m and inner diameter o" 6.( m. the ring "oundation transmits uni"orm load intensity o" 1%4 #&'m 2. /ompute the vertical stress induced at depth o" , m, below the centre o" ring "oundation, using 9i: -oussines1ue analysis and 9ii: )estergaardEs analysis, ta#ing J + 4 (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'#

2. ! stratum o" clay with an average li1uid limit o" ,(2 is %m thic#. =ts sur"ace is located at a depth o" 7m below the ground sur"ace. The natural water content o" the clay is ,42 and the speci"ic gravity is 2.6. -etween ground sur"ace and clay, the subsoil consists o" "ine sand. The water table is located at a depth o" ,m below the ground sur"ace. The average submerged unit weight o" sand is 14.( #&'m and unit weight o" sand above the water table is 16 #&'m . The weight o" the building that will be constructed on the sand above clay increases the overburden pressure on the clay by ,4 #&'m2. Dstimate the settlements o" the building. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# . ! concentrated point load o" 244 #& acts at the ground sur"ace. @ind the intensity o" vertical pressure at a depth o" 14 m below the ground sur"ace and situated on the a5is o" the loading. )hat will be the vertical pressure at a point at a depth o" ( m and at a radial distance o" 2 m "rom the a5is o" loading* Bse -oussines1ue analysis. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12#

,. D5plain with a neat s#etch the Ter8haghiEs one dimensional consolidation theory. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12(AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (. The load "rom a continuous "ooting o" width 2m, which may be considered to be strip load o" considerable length, is 244 #&'m2. Determine the ma5imum principal stress at 1.(m depth below the "ooting, i" the point lies 9i: directly below the centre o" the "ooting, 9ii: directly below the edge o" the "ooting and 9iii: 4.7m away "rom the edge o" the "ooting. 2'12# %. )hat are di""erent components o" settlement* D5plain in detail. www.Vidyarthiplus.com (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e

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6. =n a laboratory consolidometer test on a 24 mm thic# sample o" saturated clay ta#en "rom a site, (42 consolidation point was reached in 14 minutes. Dstimate the time re1uired "or the clay layer o" ( m thic#ness at the site "or (42 compression i" there is drainage only towards the top. )hat is the time re1uired "or the clay layer to reach (42 consolidation i" the layer has double drainage instead o" single drainage. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

7. )hat are the various components o" a settlement* ?ow are these estimated* (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# $. D5plain the &ewmar#Es in"luence chart in detail. 14. ?ow will you determine preconsolidation pressure* (-# (AUC A( / Ma$2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$2'11#

11. ?ow will you determine coe""icient o" compression inde5 9//: "rom an oedomoter test* (1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# 12. !n undrained soil sample 4cm thic# got (42 consolidation in 24 minutes with drainage allowed at top and bottom in the laboratory. =" the clay layer "rom which the sample was obtained is m thic# in "ield condition, estimate the time it will ta#e to consolidate (42 with double sur"ace drainage and in both cases, consolidation pressure is uni"orm. N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC

1 . Derive -oussines1ue e1uations to "ind intensity o" vertical pressure and tangential stress when a concentrated load is acting on the soil. (AUC N)*/De+2'1'#

1,. D5plain the assumptions made by -oussines1ue in stress distribution on soils. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# 1(. ! line load o" 144 #&'m run e5tends to a long distance. Determine the intensity o" vertical stress at a point, 2 m below the sur"ace and i: Directly under the line load and ii: !t a distance 2 m perpendicular to the line. Bse -oussines1Es theory. (.#
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(AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

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1%. D5plain in detail the laboratory determination o" co;e""icient o" consolidation. (.# www.Vidyarthiplus.com


(AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

16. ! layer o" so"t clay is % m thic# and lies under a newly constructed building. The weight o" sand overlying the clay layer produces a pressure o" 2.% #g'cm2 and the new construction increases the pressure by 1.4 #g'cm2. =" the compression inde5 is 4.(. /ompute the settlement. )ater content is ,42 and speci"ic gravity o" grains is 2.%(. (.# 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$

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U&56 7 SHEARSTREN8TH PART - A (2 ma !"# 1. )rite down the AohrEs;/oulomb "ailure envelope e1uation. 2. )hy tria5ial shear test is considered better than direct shear test* (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# ,. D5plain the AohrK/oulomb "ailure theory. (. >tate the principles o" Direct shear test* %. )hat is the e""ect o" pore pressure on shear strength o" soil* 6. ?ow will you "ind the shear strength o" cohesionless soil* 7. 0ist out the types o" shear tests based on drainage. $. )hat is shear strength o" soil* 2'11# 14. )rite down the /oulombEs e5pression "or shear strength. 2'11# 11. ?ow will you "ind the shear strength o" cohesive soil* 12. )hat are the advantages o" Tria5ial /ompression Test* 1 . De"ine Hangle o" reposeE o" soil. 1,. )rite the e5pression "or coulombEs law. 1(. De"ine shear strength and "ailure envelope. 1%. )hat are the shear strength parameters* 16. De"ine /ohesion and stress path. 17. )hat is angle o" internal "riction* 1$. )hat are the various methods o" determination o" shear strength in the laboratory* 24. )rite the di""erential e1uation o" de"lection o" a bent beam* 21. )hat are the disadvantages o" direct shear test* 22. )hat are the types o" tria5ial test based on drainage conditions* 2 . )hen is vane shear test adopted* 2,. >#etch the AohrEs circle "or total and e""ective stresses "or undrained tria5ial test. 2(. >#etch the "ailure envelope "or drained tria5ial test. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

. )hat are di""erent types o" tria5ial compression tests based on drainage conditions*

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com PART 2 B (1- ma !"# 1. Ibtain the relationship between the principal stresses in tria5ial compression test using Aohr;/oulomb "ailure theory. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# 2. Two identical soil specimens were tested in a tria5ial apparatus. @irst specimen "ailed at a deviator stress o" 664 #&'m2 when the cell pressure was 2444 #&'m2. >econd specimen "ailed at a deviator stress o" 1 64 #&'m2 under a cell pressure o" ,44 #&'m2. Determine the value o" c and L analytically. =" the same soil is tested in a direct shear apparatus with a normal stress o" %44 #&'m2, estimate the shear stress at "ailure. (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# . ! saturated specimen o" cohesion less sand was tested in tria5ial compression and the sample "ailed at a deviator stress o" ,72 #&'m2 when the cell pressure was 144 #&'m2 under the drained conditions. @ind the e""ective angle o" shearing resistance o" sand. )hat would be the deviator stress and the ma<or principal stress at "ailure "or another identical specimen o" sand, i" it is tested under cell pressure o" 244 #&'m2. Bse either AohrEs circle method or analytical method. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# ,. )rite down a step by step procedure "or determination o" cohesion o" a given clayey soil by conducting uncon"ined compression test. over other methods o" "inding shear strength o" soil. %. 9i: )rite a brie" critical note on uncon"ined compression test. 9ii: )hat are the advantages and disadvantages o" tria5ial compression test. (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# 6. ! vane, 14 cm long and 7 cm in diameter, was pressed into so"t clay at the bottom o" a bore hole. Tor1ue was applied and gradually increased to ,( &;m when "ailure too# place. >ubse1uently, the vane rotated rapidly so as to completely remould the soil. The remoulded soil was sheared at a tor1ue o" 17 &;m. /alculate the cohesion o" the clay in the natural and remoulded states and also the value o" the sensitivity. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# 7. Describe the tria5ial shear test. )hat are the advantages o" tria5ial shear test over the direct shear test* 2'11#
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(AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12#

(. D5plain with neat s#etches the procedure o" conducting direct shear test. Give its advantages

(AUC N)*/De+
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www.Vidyarthiplus.com $. D5plain the Tria5ial compression test to determine the shear strength o" soil. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11#

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com 14. D5plain drained behavior o" clay with re"erence to shear strength. (.# 2'11# 11. D5plain the direct shear test to determine the shear strength o" soil. (.# 2'11# 12. D5plain the Aohr;/oulomb "ailure theory. (.# 2'11# 1 . D5plain with neat s#etch Direct >hear method o" "inding >hear >trength. (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC N)*/De2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma2'',# 1,. The "ollowing data were obtained in a direct shear test. &ormal pressure 24 #&'m 2, Tangential pressure + 1% #&'m2, !ngle o" internal "riction + 244, /ohesion + 7 #&'m2. Represent the data by AohrEs circle and compute the principal stresses and the direction o" principal planes. (.# (AUC A( / Ma2'',# 1(. /ompare the merits and demerits o" tria5ial compression test. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

1%. ! particular soil "ailed under a ma<or principal stress o" 44 #&'m2 with a corresponding minor principal stress o" 144 #&'m2. =" "or the same soil, the minor principal stress had been 244 #&'m2. Determine what the ma<or principal stress would have been i" 9i: L + 44 and 9ii: L + 44. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

16. ! /ylindrical specimen o" dry sand was tested in a tria5ial test. @ailure occurred under a cell pressure o" 1.2 #g'cm2 and at a deviator stress o" ,.4#g'cm2. @ind 9i: !ngle o" shearing resistance o" the soil. 9ii: &ormal and shear stresses on the "ailure plane. 9iii: The angle made by the plane with the minor principal plane. 9iv: The ma5imum shear stress on any plane in the specimen at the instant o" "ailure. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'#
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www.Vidyarthiplus.com 17. D5plain in detail the determination o" shear strength using uncon"ined compression test. 1$. D5plain in detail the determination o" shear strength using vane shear test. 24. D5plain the shear strength behavior o" cohesive and cohesionless soils under di""erent drainage condition in a tria5ial test.

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www.Vidyarthiplus.com U&56 5 2 SLOPESTABILIT4 PART 2 A (2 ma !"# 1. Di""erentiate "inite slope and in"inite slope. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC A( /Ma$2'1'# 2. )rite down the e5pression "or "actor o" sa"ety o" an in"inite slope in case o" cohesion less soil. . 0ist out any two slope protection methods. ,. )hat do you mean by Tension crac#* (. De"ine critical sur"ace o" "ailure. %. )hat are di""erent "actors o" sa"ety used in the stability o" slopes* 6. )hat is a stability number* )hat are the uses o" stability charts* 2'11# 7. >tate the two basic types o" "ailure occurring in "inite slopes. 2'11# $. )hat is a slide* 2'11# 14. )hat are the di""erent types o" >lope "ailure* 2'1'# 11. >tate some o" the >lope protection measures. 12. Aention the types o" slopes in soil. 1 . De"ine stability number. 1,. )hat are the types o" slopes* 1(. )hat are the types and causes "or slope "ailure* 1%. )hat are the various methods o" analysis o" "inite slopes* 16. De"ine "actor o" sa"ety and critical depth. 17. De"ine stability number. 1$. ?ow does tension crac# in"luence stability analysis* 24. )hat are the various slope protection measures* (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'1'# (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC N)*/De+ (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

IV Semester Civil CE2251 Soil Mechanics by M.Dinagar AP / Civil


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PART 2 B (1- ma !"# 1. D5plain the procedure to calculate the "actor o" sa"ety o" a "inite slope possessing both cohesion and "riction 9c ; L: by method o" slices. 2'1'# 2. ! slope is to be constructed in a soil "or which c + 4 and L + %M. =t is to be assumed that the water level may occasionally reach the sur"ace o" a slope with seepage ta#ing place parallel to the slope. Determine the ma5imum slope angle "or a "actor o" sa"ety 1.(, assuming a potential "ailure sur"ace parallel to the slope. )hat would be the "actor o" sa"ety o" the slope, constructed at this angle, i" the water table should be below the sur"ace* The saturated unit weight o" the soil is 1$ #&'m . 2'1'# . ! new canal is e5cavated to a depth o" ( m below ground level through a soil having the "ollowing characteristics. / + 1, #&'m2F L + 1(MF e + 4.7 and G + 2.64. The slope o" ban#s is 1 in 1. /alculate the "actor o" sa"ety with respect to cohesion when the canal runs "ull. =" it is suddenly and completely emptied, what will be the "actor o" sa"ety* (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# ,. )rite down the procedure "or determining the "actor o" sa"ety o" a given slope by "riction circle method. (AUC N)* / De+ 2'12# (AUC A( / Ma$ (AUC A( / Ma$

(. ! canal is to be e5cavated to a depth o" %m below ground level through a soil having the
IV Semester Civil CE2251 Soil Mechanics by M.Dinagar AP / Civil


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www.Vidyarthiplus.com "ollowing characteristics c + 1( #&'m2, L + 24M, e + 4.$ and G + 2.%6. The slope o" the ban#s is 1 in 1. Determine the "actor o" sa"ety with respect to cohesion when the canal runs "ull. )hat will be the "actor o" sa"ety i" the canal is rapidly emptied completely* (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12#

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%. D5plain with neat s#etches the -ishopEs method o" stability analysis. (AUC Ma$/J%&e 2'12# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# 6. )hat are di""erent types o" slope "ailures* Discuss the various methods "or improving the stability o" slopes. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11#

7. !n emban#ment 14 m high is inclined at ( to the hori8ontal. ! stability analysis by the method o" slices gave the "ollowing "orces. NN + $44#&, NT + ,24#&, NU + 244#&. =" the length o" the "ailure arc is 2 .4 m, "ind the "actor o" sa"ety. The soil has c + 24#& 'm2 and L + 1(o. (AUC N)*/De+ 2'11# $. D5plain the >wedish slip circle method in detail. (1'# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11# (AUC N)*/De+ 2'1'# 14. D5plain TaylorEs stability number and its applicability. (-# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11#

11. D5plain in detail the "riction circle method o" stability analysis "or slopes with s#etch. (AUC A( /Ma$2'11# (AUC A( / Ma$2'',# 12. D5plain any "our methods o" slope protection. (.# (AUC A( / Ma$ 2'11#

1 . ! cut $ m deep is to be made in clay with a unit weight o" 17 #&'m and cohesion o" 26 #&'m2. ! hard stratum e5ists at a depth o" 17 m below the ground sur"ace. Determine "rom TaylorEs charts i" a 44 slope is sa"e. =" a "actor o" sa"ety o" 1.(4 is desired, what is a sa"e angle o" slope*
IV Semester Civil CE2251 Soil Mechanics by M.Dinagar AP / Civil

(AUC A( / Ma$ 2'',#

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1,. D5plain in detail the various methods to protect slopes "rom "ailure. www.Vidyarthiplus.com


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IV Semester Civil CE2251 Soil Mechanics by M.Dinagar AP / Civil


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