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Elizabeth Hawk Date: 9/26/13 Section: Slot b Lab Partners: Dad and Mom The Motions of Objects in my Household

Purpose: To find the speed of different household objects and to compare their speeds. Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this lab is that if the three different speeds of a person hopping, the speed of sound, and the speed of water filling a bathtub are measured then sound crossing a playground will be the fastest because the speed of sound is 340.29 m/s. Materials: Stopwatch Measuring tape Bathtub Playground Person Calculator Living room Assistant Procedure: person hopping 1. Measured out the living room in cm 2. Stood on one side of the living room 3. Had the assistant time the person hopping across the living room 4. Recorded the data 5. Repeated twice Procedure: filling up the bathtub 1. Found the volume of the bathtub 2. Started the time by using the stopwatch and turned on the water 3. Waited for it to fill up 4. Turned off the water, drained it and stopped the stopwatch 5. Recorded data and repeated twice Procedure: yelling across a park 1. Measured the size of the park by using the tape measurer 2. Stood on one side of park and had the assistant stand on the other 3. The assistant started the watch when the person clapped and stopped the watch when they heard the noise

Results: Item tested Distance Test one Test two Test three Elizabeth 264 in 4 4 4 hopping Bathtub 2179 in 8:48.9 8:48.9 8:48.9 Filling Sound 300 ft 5 3 1 Traveling All of distances where converted into metric unitss Distance divided by time gives you the speed for example 670.56/4= 167.64 Item tested Elizabeth hopping Rising water level in a bathtub Sound moving across a playground Distance 670.56 cm *5534.66 cubed cm 9,144 cm Test one 4 seconds 8:48.9 min 5 seconds Test two 4 seconds 8:48.9 min 3 seconds Test three 4 seconds 8:48.9 min 1 seconds Speed 167.64 cm/s 11.530 cm3/s 3048 cm/s

*This is an estimate of the bathtub volume. It was only measured up to the emergency drain Discussion: The purpose of this experiment was to find the speed of different household objects and to compare their speeds. The hypothesis of this lab is that if the speeds of sound, hopping, and water filing a bathtub are measured, then sound crossing a playground will be the fastest speed because the speed of sound is 34029cm/s. From the data that was collected it is concluded that the hypothesis was correct because sound was the fastest speed, followed by hopping, and then the water filling a bathtub. The speed of sound was not quite achieved because the student and the assistant could not perfectly time the start of the clapping. There were also trees and stairs with metal bannisters in between the student and assistant. However sound was still the fastest speed measured. It was observed that the water was very slow and the student thought that might be because the water has to travel up the pipes, which is hard to do without a lot of force. The water has a very long journey to make even though there is some in the pipe to begin with.

The student performed 3 trials of each experiment to try to keep down the sources of error. The experiment needed to be trialed many times to make sure they were doing it right and nothing crazy happened. Something that was noticed was when the student had measured everything out not everything was in the same unit this would make it hard to compare the different experiments. If another student had looked at the data quickly they would have made a wrong assumptions because the units were different. When doing this experiment one learned many things. There was a problem with accurately measuring the playground and the bathtub. The proper measurement might have not have been achieved in the playground because of things being between the student and the assistant. The bottom of the bathtub was sloped, so it could not be precisely measured. The hardest menu selection was either the entrees or the desserts. The student did not own some of the items that were necessary for the experiments. The experiments that the student did have the items for were not easy experiments, especially water filling the bathtub and having to measure the size of the bathtub with its sloping sides. Conclusion: From doing the three experiments the student learns about motion and will accept the hypothesis. The hypothesis was right. Sound traveling across a playground was faster than a person hopping or water filling up a bathtub.

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