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Experion PKS differs from PlantScape in many ways.

It is important to understand that Experion PKS will not be delivered with separate flavors like PlantScape was with PlantScape ista! PlantScape S"#$#! and PlantScape Process. Experion PKS! as a sin%le product! provides all the capabilities of the PlantScape varieties by allowin% the user to select a mix of point types. &hese point types are known as Process Points 'points created with "ontrol (uilder for ")**s and #"E+ and S"#$# Points 'points created with ,uick (uilder for S"#$# interfaces to -&.s! P/"s! etc.+.

Enhancements for systems using Process & SCADA points:

(Further explanation of each of these enhancements is detailed after the listing)

0Server Enhancements
1Support for Electronic Si%natures 1#reas spannin% servers 1#larm 2 Event System 1Print as report from #larm3Event3etc. summaries 1Event &able in 45I6eb $isplay (uilder 1.ser comments on events 145I6eb Enhancements 1Station messa%e 7one enhancements 1Security level restrictions for 45I6eb pa%es 1Support for frames 1Performance optimi7ations for static %raphics 'combine3uncombine+ 1Performance optimi7ations for script1based %raphics 1"opy3paste from chart in 45I6eb 1Script support for operator keys on Icon38EP3IK( keyboards 1Save 45I6eb displays as sin%le file 1Support for bar style 1"ontrol of poly%on or polyline node points 1$isplay #nalysis &ool 145I6eb template displays 1"reate point detail and template displays 1$isplay (uilder #ssistant for maintenance across multiple displays 1.pdated System $isplays 1-eport Subsystem improvements 1&$" )*** (8S replacement 1$isplay 9ile -eplication Service 1-edirection 5ana%er support for redundant servers Platform 1Support of 6indows )*** domains 16indows :P clients

Enhancements for systems using Process points:

0 ;ew "ommunication Protocols Supported 14#-& I38 1$evice;et 0 9ieldbus Enhancements 19ieldbus Interface 5odule -edundancy 1(lock Instantiation 15ethods 0 En%ineerin% &ools Enhancements 14ierarchical (uildin% 1&emplates 1,ualification ersion "ontrol System 0 Profibus Enhancements 1;ew %eneric P-89I(.S $ia%nostic "hannel (lock 0 8n Process 5i%ration and -elease Interoperability Detailed Functional Descriptions Support for Electronic Signatures Experion PKS Server provides new functionality to help customers meet the re<uirements of .nited States 9ood and $ru% #dministration )= "9- P#-& == re%ulations for electronic control systems. Enhancements that have been introduced with Experion PKS -=** include> 0 Support for sin%le and double electronic si%natures on S"#$# point controls and ")** messa%es that is inte%rated with 8perator Security. 0 8ptional chan%e trackin% in ,uick (uilder 0 8ptional username and password re<uired for downloads in ,uick (uilder. DSA Subsystem In PlantScape! #reas were re<uired to be uni<ue on each server. $istributed Systems #rchitecture has been enhanced to allow areas with the same name to exist on more than one server! thereby allowin% an #rea to span servers. Alarm & Event Subsystem "urrent view of #larms 2 Events Summaries can now be printed. 8utput is similar in form to an #larm3Event report. # custom 45I6eb display can now contain an Event &able. Station & H !"eb Display #uilder &he Station messa%e 7one and command 7one have been redesi%ned to be both more usable and noticeable to the operator 45I6eb displays can be %iven restricted

access based on operator security level! as well as area 45I6eb displays can now be made part of an 4&5/ frameset and viewed in Station. "onstruction of 4&5/ framesets is not support in the 45I6eb $isplay (uilder! however. # %roup of non1data1bound vector %raphics ob?ects 'e.%. lines! circles! rectan%les+ can be combined into a sin%le ob?ect with the "ombine command! si%nificantly improvin% pa%e call1up performance. "ombined ob?ects can be uncombined3recombined for maintenance purposes. $isplays and shapes that rely heavily on script to process lar%e amounts of data no lon%er need to rely on hidden alphanumeric to retrieve the data they need. Script data can be defined on a per1element basis! and usin% this new mechanism si%nificantly improves call1up performance for these displays. &he 45I6eb chart element now supports copy3paste 'e.%. copyin% data to an Excel spreadsheet+. It is activated via @"trlAB@"A &he 8n8peratorKey event has been added to the 45I6eb ob?ect model! to allow scriptin% of operator keys on display pa%es 45I6eb displays can be saved as a text1based display CarchiveD! which encapsulates the display and all its associated files 'e.%. bitmaps! data definitions+ into a sin%le file. &his helps inte%ration with source control systems! and facilitates easier transmission of displays via email. 45I6eb chart now supports bar style 'in addition to line style+. &he position of node points on a poly%on or polyline ob?ect can now be controlled from script within a 45I6eb display. -efer to the description of the ;ode ob?ect in the 45I6eb $isplay (uildin% Euide for details. 45I6eb $isplay (uilder now provides a display analysis tool! which is accessible from the &ools menu in the builder and which can help identify performance problems with displays. 45I6eb $isplay (uilder allows the creation of displays based on multiple templates. -efer to the 45I6eb $isplay (uildin% Euide for details. "ustom properties on dynamic shapes in 45I6eb displays can now be set via script at runtime. &his means the point a shape refers to can be dynamically chan%ed at runtime. 45I6eb $isplay (uilder now allows the creation of point detail and template displays. In order to support faceplates for 9oundation 9ieldbus point types! which typically use a sin%le detail display but multiple %roup displays! faceplate names can now be keyed from the %roup detail name as well as the point detail name. Either name may be used F for example! both the followin% formats will work> Point$etail$isplay;ameGfp.htm Eroup$etail$isplay;ameGfp.htm 45I6eb $isplay (uilder now comes with the $isplay (uilder #ssistant! which lets you perform display maintenance operations 'such as renamin% points+ across multiple displays.

6hen a display element is %iven an indirect data reference via custom properties! it is now indicated by the C@D and CAD characters F e.%. @Point;ameA. Enterin% a data reference enclosed in these characters will automatically create a new custom property with the name specified. Station now provides support for the internal annunciator contacts in the IK( and 8EP operator keys. &hese can be confi%ured on the Sounds tab of the Station setup dialo% box. #n Event &able ob?ect is now available in 45I6eb $isplay (uilder! which can be added to custom 45I6eb displays. $pdated System Displays Point detail and faceplate displays have been updated alon% the %uidelines of the #bnormal Situation 5ana%ement '#S5+ consortium. &he icons used to denote the priority of an alarm on the #larm Summary! detail display and faceplates now better match those used by &PS. %eport Subsystem #llow multiple reports to be re<uested simultaneously. -eports still execute one at a time. -eport Span for time does not increment when periodic reportin% is enabled and %reater than )H hours. &D' ())) #*S %eplacement Enhancements to &$" )*** $ata 4iway interface to support (8S replacement. Includes Ethernet connected $ata 4iway (rid%e! dia%nostic displays and enhanced support for Extended "ontrollers. File %eplication Service # 9ile -eplication Service has been added to support the automatic replication of display files to clients. &his feature will typically be used to maintain a consistent set of display files across servers and clients. %edirection anager Support

"ustomers with 4oneywell and third party 8P" client applications can now automatically and transparently connect to whichever server is runnin% as primary usin% the -edirection 5ana%er software. 8P" clients no lon%er need knowled%e of the server redundancy architecture and behavior. (oth 8P" data and alarm3event clients are supported. iscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #bility to call up the associated display of a point on a )nd Station. .niversal 5odbus Interface has been enhanced to support the 4"I**. 8ptional cascade mode support for 5odicon interface. 8$(" $river now supports 6indows Inte%rated Security. Server #PI updated to support new #larm3Event schema. / /= and / /) security level acronyms are now iew only and #ck only #ll the invalid point name characters will now cause errors durin% point buildin%

'See "onfi%uration Euide for invalid point names+. 0 Improved summary displays for S"#$# channels and controllers. Support of "indo+s ())) domains Experion PKS supports the use of domain accounts for lo%%in% into Station and "ontrol (uilder 'usin% Inte%rated Security accounts+. "indo+s ,&his release provides support for 6indows :P on client nodes in addition to 6indows )*** Professional. Additional Detailed Functional Descriptions for Systems with Process Points HA%& !.* (oth #nalo% Input and #nalo% 8utput 5odules are available which support the followin% features> 0 #nalo% Input 1 J isolated input channels to support H1)* m# 4#-& &ransmitter si%nals. &his 4#-& #I 5odule is provided in the Series1# -ack I38 form factor for the Experion PKS System. 0 #nalo% 8utput F J isolated output channels to support *1)* m# 4#-& alve si%nals. &his 4#-& #8 5odule is provided in the Series1# -ack I38 form factor for the Experion PKS System. 0 (oth modules support 4#-& modem's+ such that users may access 4#-& $i%ital $ata throu%h an #PI for each "hannel on the 5odule. Device/et 0 &his feature provides implementation of $evice;et interoperability between $evice;et resident devices and the Experion PKS ")** controller by providin% a ""/ library of $evice;et 9unction (locks! includin% $evice;et (rid%e 5odule 9unction (locks! $evice;et Eeneric $evice 9unction (locks! and $evice;et Eeneric I38 "hannel function blocks. Fieldbus Enhancements Fieldbus Interface odule !edundancy

-edundant 9oundation 9ieldbus 4= interface technolo%y provides continued communications between the system host and 9ieldbus se%ment devices in the event of a primary 9ieldbus Interface 5odule '9I5+ failure. In addition to 9I5 redundancy! bus power redundancy insures hi%h availability of devices in the event of a bus power supply failure. &hese features allow Experion PKS to provide the robustness to meet the needs of the most critical industries! includin% refinin% and petrochemicals. &he implementation of a redundant 9ieldbus interface consists of a pair of 9ieldbus Interface 5odules. In the event of a primary 9I5 failure! switchover occurs with

minimal loss of 9ieldbus se%ment messa%in% and with as minimal an interruption to process control as possible. -emoval or failure of the primary 9I5 similarly results in a switchover to the backup 9I5. "loc# Instantiation &he 9ieldbus (lock Instantiation function %ives the Experion PKS system the ability to support the block instantiation capability in 9ieldbus devices. &he (lock Instantiation capability is intended to provide control en%ineers with the flexibility to choose the function blocks that will execute in a %iven field device. $evice manufacturers deliver their transmitters! valves! etc with a set of function blocks that can execute inside them. &oday! most device manufacturers provide a fixed set of blocks within their devices. In the future! an increasin% number of devices will support the ability to instantiate blocks. (lock Instantiation uses the same tools that users are familiar with from PlantScape -H** and laterK namely 9ieldbus /ibrary 5ana%er '9/5+ and "ontrol (uilder. ethods # 9ieldbus method is a device independent code se%ment written by a $$ developer usin% a subset of #;SI " lan%ua%e. 5ethods are written to support the host access! manipulation! and display of $$ defined ob?ects. 5ethods can be used for a variety of functions includin% automatic calibration! settin% protection! settin% up the instrument! etc. &hese methods are a predetermined se<uence of steps for information re<uired to setup! calibrate! and perform other functions on the instrument. &he host system determines how the messa%es and prompts appear. 5ethods describe operatin% procedures! so that the system can %uide the user throu%h a se<uence of actions! for example to re1calibrate an instrument. Engineering &ools Enhancements $ierarchical "uilding &his feature provides the followin% functionality to assist with the or%ani7ation of "ontrol (uilder strate%ies> 0 9lexible! tree based containment of ta%%ed ob?ects '"5s! S"5s+. .p to five user1 named levels in a new "ontainment view! available in both pro?ect and monitorin%. 0 Seamless navi%ation between ob?ects in the hierarchy. 0 &he ability for users to pro?ect parameters up to hi%her levels in the hierarchy! allowin% for abstract ob?ects which encapsulate the functionality of several strate%ies. 0 &he ability to re1use hierarchies by creatin% hierarchical templates 'see description of template functionality followin%+. %emplates "ontrol (uilder &emplates will allow application en%ineers to create %eneric templates of commonly used devices and batch phase ob?ects. &hese templates will be reusable

components that the application en%ineers will be able to use many times durin% the confi%uration of a plant. (asin% the plant confi%uration on templates will simplify maintenance by ensurin% consistency between multiple components over the lifecycle of the plant. Propa%ation of confi%uration information will improve the productivity of a team of application en%ineers! allowin% chan%es made to one template to propa%ate to a lar%e number of derived instances. &ualification 'ersion Control System (&'CS) ersionin% of control strate%ies is a feature that is especially useful to the pharmaceutical industry because they re<uire validation by the user3manufacturer accordin% to rules defined by the ..S. 9$# '9ood and $ru% #dministration+ and other national and international a%encies 'e.%. E5E#+. &he 9$# re<uires a complete document trail of chan%es made to a control system. #utomated systems can reduce the work re<uired by the system administrator dramatically. &he re<uirements for the ..S. market are federal law '"9- &itle )=+. 6ith the versionin% capabilities now present in the device! Experion PKS users meet the applicable %overnment re<uirements. &his feature provides extensive functionality for assistin% users with the <ualification of their process implementation! includin% automatic version numbers! sophisticated confi%uration mana%ement of strate%ies 'includin% the ability to track and see differences between versions+! and the ability to control the development life1cycle of strate%ies via a user defined development lifecycle consistin% of <ualification state and transition definitions.. -%*F!#$S Enhancements P-89I(.S devices exchan%e not only cyclic process I38 data with their respective P-89I(.S $P master! but publish also non1cyclic! event driven dia%nostic data whenever they encounter partial failures! abnormal process conditions! limits or other exceptional situations. &he P-89I(.S ""/ has been expanded to include a new %eneric P-89I(.S $ia%nostic "hannel (lock that allows access to dia%nostic data! enablin% control en%ineers! operators and control strate%ies to interpret the data and to react accordin%ly. *n -rocess igration and %elease !nteroperability

&his release introduces the infrastructure re<uired to provide on1process release mi%ration '8P5+ for both the server and controller platforms! when confi%ured redundantly. &his optional feature makes it possible to mi%rate to a new release while the operator maintains view and control over the process. It is the intention that every new release after -=** supports on1process mi%ration! especially bu%1fix releases. In addition to 8P5! the system supports release interoperability. 9rom Experion PKS -=** forward! this feature allows the user to choose which controllers need new functionality and may need to be mi%rated to a new release after -=**. &he controllers! which donDt re<uire that functionality! can be left at the current -=** release. &his %ives enormous flexibility and prevents unnecessary controller mi%rations in the future.

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