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AIR TEMPERATURE WHAT IS AIR TEMPERATURE : Air temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the air is.

It is the most commonly measured weather parameter. More specifically, temperature describe the kinetic energy, or energy of motion, of the gases that make up air. As gas molecules move more quickly, air temperature increase. Air tempeture is important because the affects the growth and reproduction of plants and animal, with warmer temperature promoting biological growth. Air temperature also effects nearly all other weather parameters, for instance, air temperature effects: The rate of evaporation Relative humidity Wind speed and direction Precipitation patterns and type, such as whether it will rain, snow, or sleet

Air temperature measured: Temperature is usually expressed in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. 0 degrees celcius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Room temperature is typically considered 25 degrees celcius, which is equal to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. A more scientific way to describe temperature is in the standard international unit Kelvin. 0 degrees Kelvin is called absolute zero. It is the coldest temperature possible and is the point at which all molecular motion stop. It is approximately equal to-273 degrees celcius. Air temperature technology : Temperature can be measured in numerous ways, including thermistors, thermocouples, and mercury thermometers. The SWMP uses thermistors, which changes in resistance in response to changes in resistance in response to changes in temperature. This is resistance is measured and converted to a temperature reading in celcius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. METHOD OF TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT: Temperature measurement tool called ternometer. Thermometers are based on the properties of a substance (material),such expansion solid, liquid subtanc-gas, and also the nature of the electric resistance changes with temperature. A DEVICE USED TO MEASURE TEMPERATURE:

Prepare by: Faiz-zrul hakimi bin Azni

Pyrometer- used to measure the temperature of the hot things and not have to mount the decive on the measured object temperature. Dimensionless temperature up to measure the degree of temperature first determine two specific points.

SCALE COMMONLY USED: <> Celsius scale to the point 0 and point 100 and is divided into 100 sections (scale) <> Scale fahreinheit with point 32 f and point 212 f, divided into 180 parts (scale)

Air temperature is a measure of how or cold the air is. It is the most commonly measured weather parameter. More specifically, temperature describe the kinetic energy of motion and the gases that make up air. As gas molecules move more quickly, air temperature increases. The tool used to measured air temperature is thermometer.

Prepare by: Faiz-zrul hakimi bin Azni


For machine production ,processing and operation efficiency: Production machine should be well especially in the industrial sector. Efficiency of the machine should be well also because it is important to create a special environment. Technological development, especially as the machine plays for rapid information technology will impact directly on business organization. Tecnological development such as machine helped the development of business organization .For example, the operation of business organization process with the use of high-tech and sophisticated machines to reduce human error and reduces the production cost. Production of machinery essential to facilitate all the work done by each individual as removing material, daily requirement. Each machine manufactured must have advanced feature for ease of use of the public, especially the industrial sector and operational efficiency should also be create advanced and competitive industry. Processing should also be taken into account in the industrial sector, because it creates a gap and national expenditure. Therefore, the country must have the means or references to produce something so it does not affect the economic and environmental.

Prepare by: Faiz-zrul hakimi bin Azni

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