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Giraffes live in Africa. All giraffes have patterns on their fur and each giraffe is different.

They are very tall with long necks. They can reach high up in the trees for flowers and leaves to eat. A big male giraffe can reach almost 6 metres.

They use their long tongues to get their food. They can eat sharp prickles. They eat all day and chew their food for a long time.

When a giraffe it has to spread legs and bend

drinks water out its front down.

A baby giraffe is called a calf. The baby can stand up only an hour after it is born. The calf drinks its mothers milk until it is big enough to eat leaves. Giraffes rest standing up. Sometimes they lie down to sleep but it is hard for them to get up. Giraffes can see and hear very well. Giraffes usually walk slowly but they can run fast if there is danger. They can run up to !6 kilometres an hour and that is faster than a lion. They use their hooves to kick any lion that comes near.

"n some parts of Africa poachers catch giraffes and kill them for their skin and meat.

True or False #. Giraffes live in Africa. &. All giraffes have the same pattern on their fur. '. Giraffes eat leaves and flowers. (. A male giraffe can reach almost 6 metres. !. Giraffes have short tongues. 6. Giraffes rest standing up. ). Giraffes cant run fast. *. Giraffes have good hearing.
Use the best phrasal verb to fill the gaps:


spread out down

bend down

stand up

get up


#. $e had to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% to tie his shoelaces. &. There were no empty seats so " had to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in the bus. '. Some water birds need to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% their wings to dry. (. She felt tired so she went to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for a while. !. The old lady doesnt like low armchairs because she cant %%%%%%%%%%%%% without help.

Sort these words into groups:

giraffe sharp tall eat drink big long neck see hear fur walk run tongue hoof leg catch chew lion poacher.
Nouns: names of things Verbs: actions doing words Adjectives: describing words





ACROSS 4 A giraffe is very .... 6 Giraffes eat these 8 Giraffes can eat sharp ........ 9 A giraffe has a long ....

DOWN 1 A baby giraffe 2 Giraffes usually walk ...... 3 Giraffes kick with these 5 +erson who kills animals without permission ! What baby giraffes drink

Fill the gaps: #. Giraffes live in .................................. &. They have long .................................. (. calf '. leaves #. Africa

'. They eat ............................................. &. necks (. A baby giraffe is called a ....................

Label the parts of the giraffe: #, ear &, neck ', back (, tail !, leg 6, hoof ), mouth *, nose -, eye #., horn
6 5 4 3 ! 8 2 1" 9 1

What are the giraffes doing?

#,standing up drinking &,eating ',running (,sitting down !,

Fill in the missing letters: gir%%ffe c%%lf dr%%nk mo%%th b%%ck t%%ngue b%%nd e%%e n%%ck d%%wn ea%% le%%f st%%nd fl%%wer st%%nd


Write a sentence about the giraffe: ...............................................................................

............................................................................... ............................................................................... ..............................

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