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A Sacred Geometry Experience

Introduction to Sacred Geometry The Platonic Solids The Elements of lightSource The Golden Mean Bio-Geometry Geometry and Higher Harmonic Colors Bio-Sound The Applications of lightSource The Thirteen Sacred Geometries Meditation and the se of Breath Ho! to se the Sacred Geometries !ith Meditation
Bi"liography #isclaimer The creators of lightSource Ascension Through Sacred Geometry An interview with Thomas Morton in 'Spirit of Ma'at' Online Magazine

A l l O f " i g h t

r e a t i o n

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M o v i n g

!ntroduction to Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is the #lueprint of reation and the genesis of all form$ !t is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of reation organizes itself$ On every scale% every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevita#ly to one or more geometric shapes$ As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you #egin to see as never #efore the wonderfully patterned #eauty of reation$ The molecules of our &'A% the cornea of our eye% snow fla(es% pine cones% flower petals% diamond crystals% the #ranching of trees% a nautilus shell% the star we spin around% the galaxy we spiral within% the air we #reathe% and all life forms as we (now them emerge out of timeless geometric codes$ )iewing and contemplating these

codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner wor(ings of the *niversal Mind and the *niverse itself$ The ancients #elieved that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul$ They (new that these patterns and codes were sym#olic of our own inner realm and the su#tle structure of awareness$ To them the +sacred, had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness -$$ the ultimate sacred wonder$ Sacred Geometry ta(es on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self.awareness$ The gift of lightSource is that it actually allows you to experience that essential self within the designs of pure Source energy$ As the #lueprints literally come to life #efore your eyes% you are propelled into ecstatic play with the very the heart of reation$

The /latonic Solids

As far #ac( as Gree( Mystery schools 0122 years ago% we as a species were taught that there are five perfect 3.dimensional forms .The tetrahedron% hexahedron% octahedron% dodecahedron% and icosahedron$ ollectively these are (nown as The /latonic Solids .. and are the foundation of everything in the physical world$ Modern scholars ridiculed this idea until the 4562's% when /rofessor 7o#ert Moon at the *niversity of hicago demonstrated that the entire /eriodic Ta#le of Elements .. literally everything in the physical world .. is #ased on these same five forms8 !n fact% throughout modern /hysics% hemistry% and 9iology% the sacred geometric patterns of creation are #eing rediscovered% #ut often without the greater context of spiritual understanding which protects against their misuse$ One of our intentions with lightSource% is to provide a #ridge to an intuitive spiritual understanding that is in alignment with the appropriate use of this (nowledge$

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The Elements of lightSource

Geometric shapes actually represent the manifest stages of '#ecoming'$ To see and wor( with unity and wholeness in geometry can help a#olish our false notion of separateness from nature and from each other$ Through Sacred Geometry we can discover the inherent proportion% #alance and harmony that exists in any situation% all manifest reality and even the circumstances of our day. to.day life$ !t was Marcel /roust who said% The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes. To that end% lightSource )ol$4 visually offers up thirteen of the world:s most auspicious and elementally powerful geometric designs #rought to life through technological artistry and revealing the inherent magic and order at play in the universe$

The Energy in Action "eonardo ;i#onacci was an !talian mathematician who introduced to Europe and popularized the <indu.Ara#ic num#er system =also called the decimal system>$ <e contri#uted greatly to num#er theory% and during his life pu#lished many important texts$ <e is also (nown for the ;i#onacci Series% a numerical series found fre?uently in the natural world$ The ;i#onacci se?uence is generated #y adding the previous two num#ers in the list together to form the next and so on and so on$=4% 4% 0% 3% 1% 6% 43% 04% 3@% 11$$$>$ &ivide any num#er in the ;i#onacci se?uence #y the one #efore it% for example 11A3@% or 04A43% and the answer is always close to 4$B4623$ This is (nown as the Golden 7atio$ One of the most profound and significant activities encompassed within sacred geometry and lightSource is the 'Golden Mean Spiral'% derived #y using the 'Golden 7atio'$

The Golden Mean was used in the design of sacred #uildings in ancient architecture to produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer$Our reality is very structured% and indeed "ife is even more structured$ This is reflected though 'ature in the form of geometry$ Geometry is the very #asis of our reality% and hence we live in a coherent world governed #y unseen laws$ These are always manifested in our world$ The Golden Mean governs the proportion of our world and it can #e found even in the most seemingly proportion.less =active> living forms$

lear examples of Sacred Geometry =and Golden Mean geometry> in 'ature and matterC All types of crystals% natural and cultured$ The hexagonal geometry of snowfla(es$ reatures exhi#iting logarithmic spiral patternsC e$g$ snails and various shell fish$ 9irds and flying insects% exhi#iting clear Golden Mean proportions in #odies D wings$ The way in which lightning forms #ranches$ The way in which rivers #ranch$ The geometric molecular and atomic patterns that all solid metals exhi#it$

The way in which a tree spans out so that all its #ranches receive sunlight Another% perhaps less o#vious #ut most significant example of this special ratio can #e found in &eoxyri#onucleic Acid =&'A> . the foundation and guiding mechanism of all living organisms

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence is nothing new% and in fact the Golden Mean and other forms of geometry can #e seen im#edded in many of the ancient monuments that still exist today$ The Great /yramid =the oldest of these structures> at Giza is a good example of this$ The height of this pyramid is in Phi ratio =e$g$ the Golden Mean 7atio> to its #ase$ !n fact% the geometry in this particular structure is far more accurate than that found in any of today's modern #uildings$ This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres =e$g$ the domes% that are the #asis of religious #uildings% #e it a mos?ue% a church or a synagogue>$ These particular shapes are energy emittersE they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier wave which haumery and &e 9elizal named negative green =which acts as carrier.li(e radio waves that carry sound information>$ The vi#rational ?uality of the Golden Mean gives it very strong communication properties% which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer$ Fe live in the 3rd dimension% or the '/lane of Manifestation'$ The Golden Mean is an intra.dimensional doorway though which matter emerges into manifest 3.& reality$ ;or example% when a star is #orn it follows specific num#er se?uences or universal rules% the same rules of life in the expansion process$ Then we see the light8

Thus the Golden Mean is the GfingerprintG of creation$ Fhen we re. create this moving and always expanding se?uence% we have in effect . 'the exact movement of creation in the expansion process'$ Fhen lightSource is playing% one is encountering and literally #eing bathed in this 'Golden 7atio' creation activity$$$undenia#ly one of the most harmonious% #alancing experiences one can interact with$
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The Magic of Geometry Bio-Geometry is a science that deals with the effect of geometrical shapes on life functions and the design of shapes that interact with earth's energy fields% to produce special pre.calculated effects on #iological systems$ !t was developed #y &r l#raham ;$ Harim &$Sc$ in airo% Egypt% who has #een conducting research in these disciplines since 45B6$ The tools necessary for the measurement of the energy of geometrical shapes are #ased on the science of Microvi#rational /hysics% or /hysical 7adiesthesia% as it was named #y the ;rench radiesthesists% haumery and &e 9elizal around the years 4532.45@2% =and later developed #y &r$ Harim>$ 7esearch in 9io.Geometry was% and still is% mainly dedicated to the development of a new form of architecture that would enhance the human #iological system and give a new meaning to the concept of <ome$ To upgrade the energy ?uality of existing homes so as to cancel the potentially harmful effects of unchec(ed energy fields due to the architectural design% furniture layout% electrical wiring and modem appliances% specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to neutralize negative energy and add a positive ?uality to it$ 9io.Geometrical shapes% when designed or engraved on Iewelry% have shown positive effects on the #ody's energy field% and reduce the potential health hazards caused #y cellular phones% computers and other modern appliances$ !n many ways the science and metaphysical discipline of 9io. Geometry provides one of the underpinnings to support what many (now today as ;eng Shui$ Higher Harmonics Within The Golden Mean: The Magic of Geometry and Color /articular shapes are energy emittersE they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier wave which haumery and &e 9elizal named 'negative green'% which acts as carrier.li(e radio waves that carry sound information$ The vi#rational ?uality of the negative green gives it very strong communication properties% which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer$ This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres

=e$g$ the domes% that are the #asis of religious #uildings% #e it a mos?ue% a church or a synagogue>$ A revival of the ancient design criteria% or canons% in moderm architecture was attempted #y the Swiss pioneer of the modem architecture "e or#usier% with his GmodularG system which comprised two scales of dimensions #ased on the Golden 7atio$ The 7ussian researcher% Scariatin% who wrote under the pseudonym of Enel and pu#lished his first #oo(s on radiesthesia in Egypt in the forties% was the first to discover that one aspect of the negative green vi#rational ?uality was an integral part of spiritual energy fields and increased with the spiritual evolution of the person$ !nspired #y Scariatin's wor(% &r$ l#raham ;$ Harim has done extensive research and found that 9io.Geometrical shapes have three primary vi#rational ?ualitiesC =4> negative green% =0> a higher harmonic of ultra.violet% and =3> a higher harmonic of gold$ Only shapes which produce energy fields with all three components are 9io.Geometrical$ lightSource produces and emits all three components% negati&e green' a higher harmonic of ultra-&iolet' and a higher harmonic of gold( 'egative green turned out to have other properties% however% which ma(e it potentially very harmful under certain circumstances of continuous exposure$ &r$ Harim has done considera#le research into this type of energy% and the different components have #een identified$ The most important component in spiritual energy fields is a specific type of the negative green$ =This is a vi#rational ?uality that is in resonance with the grey #etween white and #lac(>$ !t is at the core of all energy centres in the #ody and power spots in nature$ /yramids and hemispheres produce this vi#ration along their central axis$ !n spiritual energy fields% however% only the horizontal component of this energy is found$ The vertical component% which is the harmful part of this energy% is cancelled$

)ithin all the *+ sacred shapes of lightSource' only the hori,ontal component of negati&e green is present !hen the shapes are acti&e( The second component is a higher harmonic of ultraviolet% an invisi#le light that is the environment of angels and other light #eings$ !t is a very purifying and relaxing vi#ration% which #alances overactive organ functions and has a calming effect on the nervous system$ The higher harmonic of ultra&iolet is present in all *+ shapes of lightSource !hen the shapes are acti&e( The third component is a higher harmonic of gold% which% although on a much higher vi#rational plane% is in resonance with physical gold =it is depicted #y the halos around the heads of saints>$ !t enhances wisdom and prosperity in a #road sense$ On the physical level% it has an energising effect that #alances the #ody's immune system$ The higher harmonic of gold is present in all *+ shapes of lightSource !hen the shapes are acti&e( =;or more information on 9io.Geometry% please visit their we#site$>

The Magic of Geometry and Sound oded musical sounds also evo(e many different aspects of consciousness% the most valua#le of which is love$ The acoustic environment offered #y lightSource )ol$4 is the musical composition% Enos Dream, #y pioneering sound inventor and gifted composer% /aul Fhite$ Through the use of Bio-sound% a new

technology developed #y /aul% the digital signature of love has #een em#edded into this composition% offering the listener a highly enhanced experience$ The result can #e ?uite amazing% especially when com#ined with the meditative +#reathing through, of sacred geometries$ <uman #eings are composed of complex energy fields that contain resonance$ Fhen exposed to a highly complex energy field containing resonance that is similar to your own . #ut stronger% you are #rought into a Jsympathetic vi#ratory state: with that resonance$ Kou #egin to match that energy$ !f this resonant #io.energy field is vi#rating faster than you% your vi#rations sympathetically rise to that level$ Kou #egin to experience uplifting feelingsE exhilaration% even ecstasy$ /aul's wor( is #ased on the concepts of Lohn Heely% a scientist who devoted his life to understanding energy$ Heely found that all energy can #e changed% and discovered and wrote much a#out the highest form of energy% "ove$ The -inal Element ./ou0 Kou are the unexpected magical element Mthe creative alchemist% mixing geometries% palettes and sound with the surprising and ever revealing artistry of your own consciousness$ 9y trusting the +hidden reserves, of your own mind% emotions and soul to creatively guide your experience here% you will receive that which is uni?uely appropriate for you at any given time$

Applications of lightSource 1ol( *

Catalyst for creativity in any medium$ One that evo(es an unlimited array of dynamic interactions in the realm of movement% color% shape and sound$ Balancing your environment Many anecdotal reports indicate that there is a feeing of more #alanced energies within the environment when lightSource is playing Kinetic art displayed on an interactive canvas to esthetically enliven our techno environments$ De- tressing Tool Stress is our num#er one (iller and lightSource% when used as a simple meditation tool% will in most cases lower stress within the viewer within minutes of encountering the program Engaging screensaver that channels the pulse of reation to enhance the energy and tone of any environment$ Multi sensory e!"lorations of the origins of manifest reality$

hifting your "ersonal fre#uency to create the reality you desire$ )ehicle for the $inesthetic e!"erience of sound% music% pattern and color$ Transformational tool% for meditation offering a #ridge #y which the mind can achieve its highest level in the realm of pure !ntelligence thus ma(ing good on the aphorismC The power which we seek is the power with which we seek."

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The Thirteen Sacred Geometries

Each of the thirteen images featured represents a complex melding of sacred geometric elements with a state.of.the.art media realization into complex% flowingly animated art$ Exponential com#inations of color palettes% images and unlimited choices of music and sound create uni?ue% unparalleled experiences$ Em#edded in these experiences are the properties associated with each geometry$ Also% there is always an experiential and emotional aspect associated with every sacred geometrical form$ These particular aspects #ecome more apparent over time$ !n the end% (eep only what your personal experience validates$

The Sacred Geometry Properties Associated -orms )ith Each -orm

*( Torus

The first shape to emerge out of the genesis pattern$ !t governs many aspects of life including the human heart with its seven muscles that form a Torus$ The Torus is literally around all life forms% all atoms% and all cosmic #odies such as planets% stars and galaxies$ !t is the primary shape in existence$

2( 1esica Piscis
The cruci#le of the creating process$ An opening to the wom# from which all geometric forms are #orn$ A sym#ol of the fusion of opposites and a passageway through the world:s apparent polarities$ The geometric image through which light was #orn$ Also the geometry for the human eye$

+( -lo!er of 3ife
The geometric power sym#ol% which activates energy coding in the mind% helping one to access their +light #ody$, !t is the primal language of the universe Npure shape and proportion$ This interloc(ing circle design has the a#ility to unloc( memories that are deep within our #eing #ecause it is a primary energyAlanguage pattern that has a resonance with all things within us and around us$ Shown here with a harmonic overlay$

4( Tree of 3ife and Seed of 3ife

The Tree of "ife is one of the most ancient and profound teachings of the awareness of *niversal life force energies and the light #ody$ Along with the Seed of "ife it is part of the geometry that parallels the cycle of the fruit tree$ Fhen these two forms are superimposed upon each other that relationship #ecomes apparent$ The Tree of "ife is most widely recognized as the geometry that is the #asis for the Ha#alah% the ancient system of mystical Ludaism$

5( An6hs and the Seed of Geometry of seven interconnected circles% the Seed of "ife is considered to 3ife

#e the #asic unit of information necessary for the formation of all material su#stance$ !n this rendition% the Seed of "ife is superimposed over the geometry of an An(h or Ansate cross% an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying life% health and happiness$ This cross has

#een extensively used in the sym#olism of the optic hristian church$

7( Electro Magnetic -ield of the Human Mer6a"a

The Star Tetrahedron =a three dimensional Star of &avid> is the sacred geometry at the center of this form and is the pattern of the etheric light grid that surrounds each human #eing$ This grid is called the Mer(a#a and it is an interdimensional vehicle used initially to incarnate spirit into human #odily form$ The *niversal energy of "ove is the fuel for this vehicle$

8( Metatron9s Cu"e

One of the most important informational systems in the universe and one of the #asic creation patterns for all of existence$ Fithin it are found all five of the /latonic Solids% the ,#uilding #loc(s, of creation$

:( Icosidodecahedron and The &ecagon emerges from the pentagon and shares its self.generating Pentagonal Star
divine proportion% the golden mean$ At the center of this design is the /entagonal Star% a powerful psychological icon sym#olizing excellence% authority and uprightness$

;( Golden Mean Spiral

The Golden Mean Spiral is the ideal and correlates to Source$ !t is the sym#ol of life:s unfolding mysteries$ Fith each revolution the spiral reveals a complete cycle of evolution$ !t offers a wiser and more all.encompassing perspective gleaned from growing #y +learning all angles, of each experience$ Fith their continuous curves% spirals are feminine in nature$ "ogarithmic spirals% li(e cochlea of the inner ear% reveal the intimate relationship #etween the harmonics of sound and geometry$

*<( Harmonics of Music and the Thirteen Cha6ras

"i(e the Golden Mean Spiral% this geometric progression has no #eginning and no end$ !t is from the <armonics of Music that all the laws of physics can #e derived% reveling the potent nature of this form$ Music is a powerful tool for opening the char(as$ This geometry artistically sym#olizes this relationship% and as such% may #e a particularly good focus for meditation when listening to Enos &ream$


Endless =not

One of the eight sacred em#lems of Ti#etan 9uddhism% this geometry forms ten enclosures and sym#olizes the endless cycle of death and re#irth until illumination$ =The core 9uddhist insight underlying this sym#ol isC addiction and aversion lead to delusion, which is the ongoing source of all suffering.>


Sacred Heart

!s said to #e primary source of spiritual intuition% and the seat of true wisdom$ The purpose of which is to illuminate% inspire and lead the mind% rather than #e controlled by the mind$


Sri /antra

A geometric power sym#ol( The ancient yogis of !ndia considered it to #e the most powerful of all (nown geometric power sym#ols$ 7epresents the geometric structure of the sound of creationNOM$ Meditation on the Sri Kantra will #ring enlightenment and that all the secrets of the universe will #e revealed to the person who meditates on it until its image is engraved in the mind$ This form also has the a#ility to focus% #alance and increase the level of life force energy$ The (ey is experiencing Sri Kantra as a +star gate, to the Oero /oint of Source from which all manifestation ultimately comes$
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Meditation and the se of Breath Meditation is a s(ill that has #een practiced since ancient times$ !t involves the relaxation of your #ody% mind% and emotions as a way to free your consciousness for clear% concentrated focus on whatever you choose$ Although most approaches to meditation are done with the eyes closed and a ?uiet environment% it is also useful to employ #oth sight and sound in order to achieve specific purposes% such as deep experiencing of sacred geometric forms$ The thirteenth form% Sri Kantra% has #een used for centuries in this way% with the meditator chanting the sacred sylla#le OM while gazing steadily at the form$

#emonstration% The %o&er of 'Breathing Through( in Meditation As a way to demonstrate the power of meditatively using the #reath% here is an experiment for you to tryC 4$ <old #oth hands up in front of you and ?uietly feel #oth of them$ &o they feel much the same% or differentP =Fe expect that for practical purposes they feel the same$> 'ow% with your eyes lowered or closed% with each #reath you ta(eE imagine that you are #reathing through the palm of only one of them$ =;or a more pronounced experience #reathe through your non.dominant hand$> &o this for five complete #reaths% in and out$ 'ow hold your hands up in front of you again% and ?uietly feel #oth of them$ &o they feel much the same% or differentP



The difference that you pro#a#ly feel #etween your hands is the result of having done a #rief +#reathing meditation, on your hand$ !t is indicative of the gentle increase in energy that can occur #y meditatively #reathing through the thirteen sacred geometries% contained in lightSource )ol$4 Ho! to se the Sacred Geometries !ith Meditation Once you have learned the #asic process of systematically relaxing and energizing your #ody% mind and emotions you are ready to #egin doing specific meditations on the thirteen sacred geometric forms in lightSource )ol$ 4$ 4$ 0$ 7ead all of the thum#nail descriptions and view all thirteen geometries$ See which of them appeal most to you$ hoose what geometry to focus onC .. A single geometry =for your first time we suggest the first of the seriesC Torus, due to its power to center and focus one:s consciousness$> .. A series of geometries either programmed or in a random se?uence$ hoose what music to useC .. Enos &ream #y /aul Fhite is 9iosound.enhanced music and is wonderful with all of the geometries #ut especially% Sacred eart .. lassical music such as )ivaldi% Mozart or 9ach .. A recording of singing Ti#etan ?uartz #owls or #ells .. 7ecorded nature sounds .. Shamanic drumming andAor chanting .. 7hythmic roc( and roll


Kou:ll #e amazed at how the geometries seem to magically synchronize with a#solutely any type of music$ <ave fun% experiment and try all your favorites$ And remem#er-if you want to

maximize the effects% #reathe through the forms as you watch them$
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! "eginner#s $uide to %onstructing the &niverse' The Mathe(atical !rchetypes of )ature, !rt and Science*! +oyage fro( , to ,-, #y Michael S$ Schneider ='ew Kor(C <arper ollins% 455@>$ The !ncient Secret of the .lower of /ife' !n edited transcript of the .lower of /ife 0orkshop presented live to Mother 1arth fro( ,234 to ,225, )ol$ ! and )ol$ !!% #y &runvalo Melchizede(% realized #y "ive herish$ =;lagstaffC "ight Technology /u#$% 0222> Sedona' "eyond the +orte6' The &lti(ate 7ourney To 8our 9ersonal 9lace of 9ower, #y 7ichard &anneley Sedona% AOC The )ortex Society% 4551 > Sacred $eo(etry :esign Sourcebook, #y 9ruce 7awles ='evada ity% AC Elysian /u#$%455Q>


lightSource was independently verified #y &r$ 7o#ert L$ Gil#ert% scientist and author ofC

The Seven Heys to reationC Sacred Geometry and the /atterns of "ife Sacred Geometry and the !nitiation Secrets of the Great Spiritual School Egyptian and European Energy For(% )olume 4C Essential Hnowledge Egyptian and European Energy For(% )olume 0C Methods and Tools

&r$ 7o#ert L$ Gil#ert has a multi.faceted #ac(ground in #oth spiritual and scientific studies$ <e is a former *$S$ Marine orps !nstructor in 'uclear.9iological. hemical Farfare SurvivalE since leaving the service in 4561 he has conducted independent research into the Geometric #asis of modern science and new technologies$ &r$ Gil#ert is also a 7osicrucian with more than 02 years of experience in Sacred Geometry and its hidden uses #y the world's great spiritual traditions$ <is non.sectarian approach is inclusive of

individuals from all spiritual traditions$ &r$ Gil#ert holds a /h$&$ in !nternational Studies and is a pu#lished academic author in that field% contri#uting to the first academic text#oo( in the new field of Transformational /olitics$ !n 455Q &r$ Gil#ert #egan for the first time to teach pu#licly the results of his two decades of intensive research$ Today he teaches #oth pu#licly and privately in Asheville% ' $ &r$ Gil#ert also offers a small num#er of his )ES! A series of special seminars throughout the *nited States every year$ <is recent spea(ing engagements include the (eynote address to the American Society of &owsers% guest spea(er for the international <olographic 7epatterning Association conference% and the "a#yrinth Society Meeting$ Fe#siteC httpCAAwww$vesica$orgA Animated G!;s of the /latonic Solids 7Sdiger Appel% all rights reserved$ opyright R 4555% 0222 #y

&isclaimerC This product has not #een evaluated #y the ;ood D &rug Administration$ This is provided for informational use only and is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed professional$ This information is not intended to diagnose% treat% cure or prevent any disease% disorder% pain% inIury% or physical or mental condition

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onceived and reated #y Mi(a ;ein#erg "ead /rogramming #y Leff 'apier Macintosh port #y Greg <ospelhorn Engineering #y Lohn Graff &ocumentation #y Oliver Mar(ley 7D& and 9usiness &evelopment #y Thomas Morton /ac(aging D "ayout #y &avid Meyers lightSource opyright R 0220.022@ #y ode'ameC MA'A% "" Enos &ream opyright R 0220 #y /aul Fhite A Transformations Studio ;or information or to order% call toll free: (888) 716-9860 Fholesale in?uires call toll freeC (8BB) 716-9860 On the we# atC www$SpiralOf"ight$com ;or other ode'ameC MA'A products% visitC www$codenamemana$com

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