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In the last class we have discussed the motion quantity of a rigid body with moves, about the point.

We have found that the inertial property of the rigid body, they are more complex quantity and which can be represented by 6 independent quantities and we term it as a tensor and we give name it as inertia tensor. So if, this built the rigid body under consideration, its stuntless motion can be consider to be a particle motion type of motion where the whole mass of the rigid body may be considered to be content to there a center of mass and the angular motion about this center of mass and any other fix point !, can be represented by an instantaneous angular rotation about and instantaneous axis which changes the position both related to space and time and if the angular velocity at the particular instant be !"#$% &#'(!). (hen we can *+,-./+*, to 0,/01, component2222elong2 tri0/,.1 particular direction, 3, 4, 5. %s !"#$% 3, !"#$% 4 and !"#$% 5. So the component of the angular velocity of the rigid body along this three direction area small 3, small 4 and small 5. We should also remember, that there is another said of coordinates, '%6I(%7 3, '%6I(%7 4 and '%6I(%7 5. and without loosing math generality in the result we can ma8e the two origin queenside at all. this smaller 345 system has instantaneous or an angular velocity !"#$% with respect to the fix terms of reference. 9ow we have to remember that the angular velocity of this fame 345 !"#$% is different from the angular of the rigid body which is !"#$%. So this is the situation we have a fix term of reference capital 3,4, 5 we have a moving terms of reference small 345 moving within angular velocity capital !"#$% and the rigid body which is :::::: with this instantaneous angular velocity !"#$%. So we have. So the angular momentum vector 7, can be expressed as in the form of ; component 73, 74 and 75. %nd we have seen that the expression of this 73, 74 and 75 can be expressed as Ixx2222222.1lihat video< 2. Well Ixx is the =nd moment of =nd mass of moment of inertia or simply the moment of inertia of the rigid body of the 3 axis. So this rigid body, now, along this direction 3, 4 and 5. if I measured or define it moment of inertia about 3 axis, that is Ixx, the moment of inertia about the rotation about the rotation about an axis 4 is Iyy and moment of inertia for the rotation about axis 5 is I>>. So this where familiar terms we have seen the concept of moment of inertia if in play most on a rigid body, you 8now what, dynamical cause. ?ow hard this quantities, Ixy, Ix>, Iy>, they are something new which you have not encountered before in the product of inertia. 9ow we have also seen, that this complex situation can be made much simpler, if we select this small 3, small 4 and small 5 direction in a way. So that the product of inertia vanishes. %nd when this direction 3, 4 and 5 when they are along the principle axis of the rigid body then Ixy @ 22.1lihat video<. so all of product of inertia vanish. So therefore the component of 2..angular momentum of the rigid body, 7x, 7y, 7>, can be represented very simply in this form 1video rumus di8ota8in<. So if this rigid body is having an instantaneous angular velocity of !"#$%, its angular momentum 7 will be something li8e this. In plane motion it doesnAt happen so they are we have seen the angular velocity vector and the angular momentum vector generally 8wensideBBB . Cut in this case they are not 8wensidingBBB except for this situation where all the moment of

inertia are principle moment of inertia are saying the 9!7 I, 7x, 7y, 7> component will be proportional to !"#$% x, !"#$% 4 and !"#$% >. which mean that body vector will be along the same direction, but in general it doesnAt happen so. So therefore now on what we always try to express our quantities and equation to the use of this principle axis or to this use of this condition when the product of inertia vanishes. 9ow the determination of principle axis is very important exercise in dynamics and theyAre is a general procedures with the help of which , when do we 8now for a particular 345 system, all this quantities Ixx, Iyy, I>> and the product of inertia, there is a method of determining principle axis for which the product of inertia will vanish. 9ow, most of the cases in most of the cases, in engineering application will find we have somewhat this application because you donAt generally dilute of body of very general ship. In most engineering application, obDect will have certain symmetry li8e for example, a ruler, or it this, things li8e this, a gear, 2.all of things. !r simple2in more cases in the 8ind of component ship will be delinguid . %nd for such cases It is easy to determine the principle axis by observation. If the body is symmetric and all axis area symmetry will be principle axis. So in the case of that, ruler for example, 4 axis of symmetry is very obviously this one, so this will be one principle axis. (hen any two neaturly part pendicular line. %ny are the two principles we clearly part pendicular line will be 2 principles axis. Similarly, if the body is not axis symmetry body li8e this part say a rectangular obDect li8e this with no circular or rotational symmetry. (hen the principle axis will be obviously the this one axis of symmetry, this axis of symmetry and the other axis of symmetry they all meet at the center of the body. So here again we can use 345 as principle axis. (he different between this and this is that here only 4 direction is fix, 3 and 5 can be any two mutually part pendicular direction where both x and 5 that at right angle to 4. In this case that is not so, they are the direction of 345 are all uniquely determined. Similarly weAll find that in this case against its symmetric body, this is will be one principle axis, anf then any two mutual part pendicular line because of this such of symmetry can be principle axis. In case of a rod li8e obDect against, this is one axis of symmetry, that any two mutual part pendicular direction and line can be as principle axis. So, except in they are situation where the body donAt have the geo symmetry, we have to we can find the principle axis by observation. In this case again there are two types of obDect, in one case, the body is an axis symmetric where only one principle axis is fixed, the other two can be chosen and the moment of inertia, they do not change when do you vary this 3 and 5 along this direction. Same as the case here, but here the body it has ; unique directions can be ta8en as principle axis direction. 9ow when we considered a body under external forces and moment we can find out what is the subsequent motion of that rigid body. (hat is what we want to do next. So we now very simple cases the particle of mass " frame subDected to the force E will produce an acceleration in this direction, it is simple 9ewtonAs law, and the relationship between this quantities is very well 8nown to all of us is this. 9ow it see that a particle lave with it is rigid body, youAve are already seen, you 8now at past module let Dust. (hat is resultant force that have been resulted of all

external forces acting in the body can be represented by E forces E, then the linear acceleration of the center of mass, will be %, which is regain2mass of the body. So, till this cases very similar in transitional motion, the rigid body behaves li8e a particle as if the whole mass has been concentrated at the center of mass where the resultant of all of the external forces area acting and the acceleration of the center mass will with this. (hen difficult tas8 or complicated tas8 will be to find out angular acceleration of the body, reinity subDect to which tunnel moment and the body has its own angular velocity at the particular instantaneous. So that is right now, we will loo8. 9ow if, the ; component of the #xtinelia plaid moment acting on the rigid body, about its center of mass then "x, "y, "> are the component of this, there many can told that this will be the rate of change of the angular momentum 3 component, this is nothing but the rate of change of angular momentum of 4 component and the rate of change of angular momentum of 5 'omponent. Cecause we have already, we can easily proof that " is equal to 7 vector. 6roofing this is not very difficult, if we treat rigid body as a system of particles where the distance between any two particles remain constant as the defines not the rigid body says, then we can always the ideas relation. So this is the center of mass, say the particle I particle if we say F", the extunnel force which is acting in this particle is Ei, and this particle is subDected to apart handed external as it is subDected to interactive force without a particle. So if we ta8e G particle, then it will we subDected to a force which you call 6?I:IG, it means that it is a force in the I particle due to the G particle. So here to get the total force in this I particle we have to sum it up for all other particle up to rigid body the 6?I:G goes from one to all except I, because one particle can not for exact force on excel. So therefore in find that if the position vector of this the )?!:I, then the moment or rather the total force first of all is how much is Ei H 2. 1lihat video<. So that easy total forces acting on that particle. %nd this will produce, this will be nothing but2.this is a fix point, we can show that this will be nothing but 21lihat video<..this is the mass and this is the acceleration of the particle. 2. (he center of mass as it fix point. If it is not fix point, then also we can told that the same 8ind of formulation 2222 later. So now, so therefore if we want to find out what is the moment of all these forces about point G, 2. What it is moment of these total force acting here, these will be )?!:I 2. 17ihat &ideo<. 9ow this off course remembered since we finding the total we have to sum it up for all particles. ?ere we will find that this is going to be 1lihat video<2 When we di this2 1lihat video<. (his is an interesting thing because, 6iD is a force this, and because of 9ewtonAs State 7aw, the equal of an 6Di will be Dust equal of force it. So how you find it is term this index for all the particle weAll find for each 6iD that we want, negative 6Di will be the opposite of this vector. So therefore the resultant of this equal to I, and this is equal to 2 1lihat video< and this is nothing but, the moment of the external forces. ?ere twenty to tell but actually we have seen that internal forces can not produced any general moment, so this is this.

We can 2. !f 9ewtonAs 7aw, for a rigid body in rotary motion. 9ow this quantity can be shown as 7A. So to do that I thin8 you have to only express )?! in 2 component 345 1lihat video<2 S! to show this we should start with this that )?!:I is )?!:I dot is the velocity of the particle then multiplied by F"I we get the linear momentum of the particle. So )?!:I cross the linear momentum is the by definition is the angular momentum. 9ow, if we sum it up for all the particle we get the angular momentum vector for the rigid body so this the expression of the angular momentum of the rigid body about point G from where )?!:I be measured. 9ow if I differentiate 7, with thereAs time, what weAll get )?!:I F!( cross )?!:I F!( F"I plus 2..1lihat video< and sum the whole all particle. Cut we all 8now that cross product of this same identical vector will be I, so this term became I. %nd only this remain. So we find that this is nothing but rate of change of the angular momentum, which is equal to again it show nothing but the resultant moment of the external forces, resultant of externally applied moment. So therefore the equivalent to 9ewtonAs law that moment apply is equal to rate of changes of angular momentum. So therefore, now we have to express this in this 8ind of quantities youAve been using, here it is in the general form, so what do we do here, we represent the angular momentum, in terms of the angular velocity component, and an inertia property of the rigid body. So therefore, 7x, 7y, 7>, weAve already seen, 221lihat video<, "ore all the time you have to 8eep in mind is that small 3,4, 5 system rigidly attached to the rigid body under consideration. So therefore, so far of small 3,4,5 access data observe is concern, it is no change in Ixx, Iyy and I>>, or another word, Ixx, Iyy and I>> do not thing use time as seen at small explicit system, So 7 is equal to 2 1lihat video<2..now we have seen that rate of change of angular momentum is 2.lihat 1video<. 9ow here, if we want to now findout, what we deal dt, 7 we have seen is the component area li8e this, so we can write it, al least one more I2.1lihat video<. (his now, split up to this ; component, 9ow I> unit direct to along the smallest direction. So therefore with respect to small 3,4 5 system, that vector I does not have any change, so, 2 1lihat video<. 9ow, dlxJdt 2. 17ihat di video<21sampai persamaan "x, "y dan "><2..1sampai pernyataan #K7#)S #L9< So, in the next lecture what we intend to do is to solve problems and see what motion are produced by certain external applied moment, but more interestingly, what we will see that certain motion in a machine or part component will produce some moment or some reaction, which otherwise we donAt find. So weAll find some counter intuitive phenomena to ta8e place when we consider the terms internal motion of rigid body.

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