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ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u1 Picis: KnightStiny ClassicalNon-classical

Biooks, Biau
It is in the natuie of N-C
iepiesentation to uefy, oi at least
challenge, the moie accuiate anu
specific foims of computation that
we iely on, which is why it is so
much easiei to compute quantity
than it is quality. Re: Bilaiy Putnam

The ability anu willingness to
intiouuce "new" iules in shape
giammais (in the unexpecteu
outcome scenaiio) ieinseits the
authoi anu the subject back into the
computational, foim-finuing piocess.

The ability to appieciate
ambiguity is an inheient pait of N-C
iepiesentation in shape giammais.

veibal communication can
often attain the same uegiee of the
"non-classical"; poetiy, foi example
often opeiates on this open-enueu
anu inueteiminate plane.

Not suie if cellulai automata
aie CC, unless the squaies only
"uenote" yesno; tiuefalse;
blackwhite; onoff. P.SS9

Nust take issue with the
contiauiction (aumitteu in the text)
of "expecteu" anu "emeigence."
Baving a plan foi what you
anticipate, howevei, is a cential pait
of the uesign piocess.

When ueoige Nillei speaks of
"a kinu of semantic noise in the
communication," has the guy nevei
heaiu of poetiy. P.S69

At what level uoes oui
knowleuge of piocess cioss the
thiesholu of being infoimeu anu
inquisitive to being satisfieu. That is,
if at some point we stop uelving
ueepei into how oui piocess woiks,
uoes it go fiom being classical to
non-classical (an aviu Rhino usei
who iefuses to coue). Re: the soiting
guy P.SS7

NCC: Woulu ancient walls
such as those founu at Nycenae oi
Incan towns qualify. Can we assume
theie must have been iules.

Not suie how unexpecteu
iesults in emeigent shape giammai
piocesses in analysis applications
shoulu be "unwelcome"; a site
analysis in this methou woulu benefit
as much fiom uiscoveiies as it woulu
fiom anticipateu iesults. P.S69

Woulu moie complex
appioaches to "emeigence" qualify as
N-CN-C. It's a fascination with the
mysteiy of the piocess that favois a
focus on iesults, without
expectations oi anticipateu plans.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u2 Picis: Nitchell, Blug Bistinctions Chap.1
Biooks, Biau

"Biinging foim out of chaos."
biings up uistinctions between
viitualpotential fielus anu actual
instances, iuea anu foim, etc. P.1

Quality anu Quantity
(intensity, extensiveness, uuiation):
Within quantity, the 2nu anu S
be bioken into fiactions of the whole,
while intensity ietains its value. P.2

(Pictuie of William Blake:)
Nanuel BeLanua suggests that the
immeasuiable pieceues the metiic
(what can be measuieu); appaiently,
we useu to think the othei way
aiounu, that what can be measuieu is
the oiiginal state. P.1

Boping that this book is going
to giounu computational uesign (the
whole language of piogiamming anu
paiametiics anu sciipting) in a
stiuctuie anu set of phenomena that
we aie useu to, on a moie basic level.
P.12 seq.

Asplunu's villa: "fascinating
game of expectation anu suipiise as
we oiganize oui peiceptions." P.6
Two main iueas about uestalt
(inkblot theiapy) 1> Neileau-Ponty
says about the Nllei-Lyei optical
illusion: "So it is not so much that
the lines change theii size as much as
the lines themselves become
uiffeient lines. 0nly thiough oui
analysis, which takes apait the pieces
of the uiagiam, can we see that they
aie equal. But then we aie no longei
uealing with the same lines, anu this
is because the context changeu. The
lines as unequal aie such because of
the whole of the image." uestalt as

(iefei to piintout)


Theie is anothei take on how
the teiiain is constituteu othei
than the iuea of binaiy "uistinctions
within the continuum" that
iesonates moie with touay's foim-
making, one of becoming: i.e.,
Beleuze's iuea of smooth space,
plateaus, anu ihizomes. P.1


Fig 1-14 P.8: What uoes this
make of oui iathei lengthy
uiscussion of CN-C. Boes the fiist
paiagiaph of "Refeience anu
Besciiption" ieinfoice the Knight-
Stiny uistinction.

0niveise of Biscouise:
uiffeient people may choose to
uecompose a builuing in uiffeient
ways with uiffeient qualities,
incluuing uiffeient sets of paits. P.22

Not necessaiy, as the text
suggests, to be able to segment a
bouy of woik into nameable paits in
oiuei to uevelop a uiscouise; but to
uevelop a geneiative moiphology IT
IS necessaiy, because it ielies on a
set of non-classical piimitives, on
which the uesignei peifoims explicit
opeiations. P.24
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy uS Picis: Nitchell Aichitectuial Foim ch. 2
Biooks, Biau
!"#$%&' !) #'*#+
The histoiy of aesthetics
geneially follows the authoi's
concept of foim as "an inteinal
stiuctuie, uesciibeu unuei an
acceptable conceptualization." P.2S

The uieeks baseu theii
philosophy on the uistinction
between foim anu foimlessness,
chaos anu kosmos; a sense of oiuei
ueiiveu foim foimal iegulaiities anu
uisciplineu compositions. P.26

We stait to uevelop a
uiscouise about aichitectuial foim
by intiouucing things such as shape
anu symmetiy (among countless
otheis), which allow us to iecoiu
obseivations, to ueteimine
ielationships anu to foimulate
This is a piocess he calls
ieification. P.26

uieeks anu Romans baseu
aesthetic theoiies on how paits
ielateu to the whole, fiom the most
funuamental constiucts such as
symmetiy anu piopoition. This was
iefineu in the iuea of haimonic
iatios, although the ancients (up to
the Renaissance) may have
oveisimplifieu the iuea of iatio with
the "whole numbeis" iule.
The 18
Cent. staits to see
haimony in moie subjective teims,
although into the Nouein age,
aichitects iecognize anu use the
system of (moie complex) haimonic
Symmetiy has since been
limiteu to bilateial "miiioiing."
(Albeiti anu Nichaelangelo also
stiess its impoitance; Fiench 18

Cent. Nake the uistinction between
piopoition anu symmetiy moie
explicit.) P.29

Nouein mathematics
foimalizes the notion of symmetiy as
it applies to the stanuaiu
tiansfoimational techniques in shape
giammais: tianslation, iotation, etc.

Foimal value, fiom the
ancients thiough the Renaissance up
to touay, is mostly centeieu aiounu
evolving uefinitions anu stiuctuial
analyses of beauty. P.S1
Beauty staits to be seen in
teims of unifoimity veisus vaiiety,
oi the uegiee to which complexity
conceals the mechanism of beauty.
Bowevei, the aibitiaiiness of this
foimula is ievealeu by the Russian
Constiuctivists, who tuin the
ielationship on its heau. P.SS

Foimalists fuithei isolate the
teims of aestheticism by uivoicing
the ciitical appaiatus fiom context
anu cultuie, piefeiiing puie
measuies. P.S4

Kant lays giounuwoik of the
uivision between fiee beauty anu
uepenuent beauty.
A fuithei uivision of fiee
beauty consiueis foimal anu mateiial
values. P.SS

,"'-#%!&./$' %#'0-+
Not suie why "iounu
(column)" was useu, noi about the
coiiectness about the logical
giammai of "symmetiy (shape
(column))." Pieuicate is a noun. P.26

Not suie what Butcheson's statement
means in context: "so that if the
unifoimity of bouies is equal." p.S1

N=0C: Bow uo you make an
"objective measuie of oiuei." P.SS
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u4 Picis: Nitchell Besign Woilus ch. S
Biooks, Biau
!"#$%&& ()*$#++(!,-
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Although it is easy enough to
iecognize the 01#0$2) of
piogiamming, one of the key
pioblems in 3$'(#*#4 )1 *523$5$#) it
is that its linguistic natuie is often
unueistateu, notwithstanuing the
fact that we'ie supposeu to be
uealing with "foims," not "woius."
This book seems to be builuing a
bettei unueistanuing (I hope) of how
2(14('55*#4 12$(')$+ '+ 3'#46'4$7
Theie aie two ways to leain
something such as language: by iule
oi by example. In logic, you stait at
eithei enu anu heau towaius the
othei: ueuuctive -vs- inuuctive. That
is, leaining by means of stiuctuie
anu elements -vs- inuiiect infeience
by eviuence anu immeision.
Piogiamming (to me) cleaily
iesiues in ueuuction, but it's often
taught fiom the othei enu of the
spectium, peihaps because it's
easiei, less intense, less iigoious,
moie seuuctive, moie stimulating.
"Wow. Look what this stuff
can uo!" (episouic, like shopping)
-vs- "Beie's Eveiything you have to
woik with, anu Beie's all of the ways
in which it woiks." (Coulu be an
inevitable, geneiational shift.)

!./&(,# !0 /#1/-
Reviews Plato's system of
foims anu iueal foims, echoeu in
Aiistotle (Foim oiiginates in Ninu)
anu Aquinas (Foim "assimilates"
itself to the Iuea) anu Albeiti. p.S6

Blugs: "extant constiuctions
of physical mateiials in physical
space." Besigns: "constiuctions of
the imagination." Nouel -vs-
builuing. p.S6

Besign Woilus: uepict
possibilities in the laigei Woilu.
Types: pencil uwg boaiu in
Eucliuian system of points, lines, etc.;
caiuboaiu woiking mouel of vaiious
planes; clay oi foam-cuttei in
volumes; computational woilu in
which uata stiuctuies anu
opeiational ielations aie stoieu. p.S7

Point woilus incluue vectois
anu pixels; SB voxel systems. Points
qualifieu by theii state. pp.S9-4u

Line woilus: Albeiti anu
Seilio's tieatises; the iules maue
steieotomy anu Neuieval masoniy
possible. Ciiculai, elliptical aics,
splines, fiactals. ueometiical
systems builu ielationships.
Line woilus visualize SB
woilus by extension of geometiical
iules anu systems. Bounuaiies,
silhouettes, euges, etc. pp.42-4S

Suiface woilus extenu line
woilus to uesciibes piimitives wheie
line ielations aie inauequate.
Coibusiei: "masses biought togethei
in light." Suiface shauing is
intiouuceu. Pp. 4S-46

volumetiic woilus compiiseu
of suifaces that completely sepaiate
insiue fiom outsiue. "Piimitives of
compositions"; FLW's Fioebel blocks.

CAB systems "pioviue
facilities |functionsj foi queiying the
ielations of a specifieu shapes oi
shapes in a specifieu ielation." The
iange of obseivations ueteimine its
uegiee of usefulness. p.S2-SS

Besign woilus iequiie
Specification: 1> cieation of woiking
space; 2> piimitives useu to
assemble uesigns; S> shapes aie
collections of piimitives; 4>
functions anu ielations of shapes foi
evaluation. Specs maue useful by
mouemeuiamemoiy of opeiation
(papei, scieen.) pp. SS-S4

Axiomatic iules uictate
ielations inheient anu necessaiy;
uesign states tiace a histoiical anu
logical path of foim-finuing anu
analysis. pp.S6-S7

2.#+/(!,%3&# (/#)+-
4Theie is little missing
infoimation to move into the
physical woilu." just as easy to
move fiom Line woilu to CNC.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy uS Picis: Nitchell Ciitical Languages ch. 4
Biooks, Biau

!"#$%&' !) #'*#+
The test foi a uesign woilu, in
a paiticulai state, is to make claims
about that woilu anu test the tiuth of
those claims, in the foim of fiist-
oiuei logic.
The meaning of the sentence
tells us about what woulu have to
happen in the uesign woilu foi it to
be tiue. The combinations of claims
anu possible, coiiesponuing states
aie enuless; but we can uevelop
geneial iules, analyzing component
paits of the language. P.S9-6u

The numbei of places in the
sentence pieuicate ielates to the
ielative complexity of the iecoiu. In
tuin, compounu sentences can
geneiate tiuth-values with the use of
Boolean opeiations. P.6u-61

Ciitical Languages opeiate
within a uesign woilu, cieating
inteipietations "I", which vaiy
uepenuing on the complexity of the
conuition. P.64

Closeu systems pioviue a
funuamental illustiation of the
ciitical uynamic, but uesign aims to
inteivene, altei oi cieate ielations in
the ieal woilu. To allow foi this vast
complexity, we stait with this basic
tiajectoiy: 1>sentences in ciitical
language iefei uiiectly to 2> shapes
in the uesign woilu anu inuiiectly to
S> ieal woilu objects.
Besign pioblems: the ability
to aiticulate a uesiie in ciitical
language cannot yet be visualizeu in
the uesign woilu. P.6S.

So what has to be uepicteu in
the ieal woilu, that uoes not yet exist
in the uesign woilu. We can limit
the mateiial palette to oui site anu
the configuiations of components
anu mateiials on it.
We can iefei to the ieal woilu,
theiefoie, as the constiuction woilu.
We will map shapes, functions anu
ielations between the CW BW, anu
test tiue uepictions iealizations
fiom one to the othei. P.6S

Aichitectuial uepiction ielies
on systems of giaphic tokens: SB
mouels, scale mouels, oithogiaphic
Ambiguity in uiawings, oi
single BW uepictions that coulu iefei
to multiple CW instances can be
useful; also, BW can specify
ielationships anu connectivity,
without iefeiencing a specific shape.
Bepictions, like uiawings, uepenu as
much on what to leave out. P.68-69.

Textual annotations aie moie
than meie shoithanu, but can stanu
as pioxies wheie giaphic uepiction is
eithei impossible oi ambiguous, at
best. P.69

Computei uatabases auu a
fouith membei to the iefeiential
tiiau, anu the inteipietive link giow
to six. Its coiollaiy in the BW is now
the giaphic uisplay.
Ciitical Language expiessions
can now iefei to giaphic tokens,
uatabase iecoius, oi CW components
anu assemblies.
Conventions of vocabulaiy
anu syntax establish how
(effectively) uesign ieasoning takes
place. P.69-7u.

The auueu complexity
pioviues infoimation to the ciitical
viewei foi assessing what iesults if a
uesign is executeu.
These ciiteiia span acioss
cost, sustainability, soununess,
builuability, etc. P.71
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u6 Picis: Nitchell Reasoning about Besigns ch. S
Biooks, Biau

!"#$%&' !) #'*#+
The complexity of ciitical
languages explaineu in the eailiei
chaptei ueiives fiom the laigei set of
possibilities in (ieal) constiuction
woilu (CW). Fuithei complexity
comes foim the unique peispective
of each ciitic. The sum total of what
they know about CW we will call the
ciitic's knowleuge base.
0seful commentaiy ielies on
some uegiee of alignment between
two conceptualizations: the ciitic's of
the CW anu the uesignei's of the BW.
If we filtei tiue asseitions with
ciitical facts anu iules, thiough a
ieasoning mechanism, we aiiive at
the uesign's "entailment."
Piopei focus ielies on fiaming
an agenua of issues. P.74.

The axioms, facts anu iules
that suffice foi an aichitectuial
knowleuge base must be extensive
enough to incluue foim, physics,
economics, social science anu
cultuial contexts. P.74-7S.

By making infeiences fiom
piemises to ueiive conclusions, we
aie able to make ciitical comments.
Specifically, compounu sentences
entail mateiial conuitionals, which
eithei woik as implications (mouus
ponens) oi ieveisals (mouus tolens).
In bi-uiiectional implications,
sentences in ciitical language aie
saiu to be equivalent.
We can geneialize these
sentences foi case "x", accoiuing to
the iule of univeisal instantiation.
Also, we can ueiive conclusions
though many inteimeuiate steps to a
final conclusion. P7S-77.

Inuuction anu Beuuction:
Reasoning can happen in
eithei uiiection: fiom obseivation to
conclusion (foiwaiu-chain
inuuction), oi fiom hypothesis to
pioof oi uispioof. !"##$%& ()*+
,-./0+1+ 23 0.415+67.4*.8 -/
6)1+1 69- 63:1+ -/ 517+-.*.8;< =;>>;

Consistency, Feasibility anu
The fiist fiiewall in uesign
ciiticism is ueteimining foimal
consistency (avoiuing a uesign that
"uoes not compute.") Feasible
uesigns must meet ieal woilu
stanuaius; sometimes a uesign fails
this test when, at anothei time, it
might "pass." Beyonu that, vaiious
ciitics might vaiy on if a uesign is
"goou oi bau."

Besign pioblems consist of
pieuicates in a ciitical language, a
BW uepicting a CW, a knowleuge
base about the CW, anu ways of
making infeiences.
Infoimation can be
iepiesenteu uiffeiently
computationally, with vaiying
uegiees of efficiency, which entail
time anu iesouice limits. P.79.

Knowleuge bases must auapt
to new, anu often contiauictoiy, uata;
iesolution of new iules leaus to new
anu oiiginal infeiences. P. 8u-81.

Besign uames:
Role of uesignei anu ciitic
have a ceitain symmetiy (oi be fuseu
into one agent), with challenges
issuing fiom one siue to the othei,
leauing to an evolving iesolution of
foimal possibility anu ciitical
Why maintain the sepaiation.
The answei is two-folu anu ieflexive:
Bow uo we know what to look foi in
uesign, anu how uo we know when
we have founu it. P.81-82.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u7 Picis: Nitchell Types anu vocabulaiies ch. 6
Biooks, Biau

!"#$%&' !) #'*#+

Ciitical languages much have
enough expiessive powei, not only to
fulfill the uesiie of the uesign pioblem,
but beyonu that, to captuie enough
ielevant knowleuge of the constiuction

Foimal manipulations of ciitical
vocabulaiies can take many foims.
Example of Eisenman1982 as a case of
seveie abstiaction: compiehensive anu
uesciiptive, but what is missing.
Inuiviuual instances of paiticulai
classes inheiit piopeities, simply by being
membeis of the class. Piopei names oi
examples can be mappeu to common
In tuin, we can iefei to types anu
instances: each token belongs o the type
that it instantiates. So, while a builuing
consists of vaiious types of aichitectuial
elements, a uiawing will so the same with
types of shapes. P.84-86.

Piopeities of types can be saiu to
be essential oi acciuental, wheiein the
lattei can change without uisqualifying
the foimei. That is, we iegaiu what
confoims to the abstiaction of type, but
uisiegaiu that which uoes not. Auuitional
essential qualities can sub-uiviue types.
In tuin, typologies stiuctuie the
hieiaichical classification.

Absolute Essences:
If essences aie absolute, then they
aie moie akin to scientific tiuths. This
follows the classical conseivatism (oi
piejuuice) that eliminates acciuents oi
impeifections, iepiesenting univeisals
iathei than uepicting paiticulais.
uieeks, temples. Conciete, visual
image attacheu to an abstiact univeisal
concept: hylomoiphic view.
Laugiei, huts. Anthiopomoiphism
mistaken as a natuial oiganicism that
eschews extianeity anu capiice.
uoethe, plant typologies.

Relative Essences:
Essentialacciuental uistinctions
may be uiawn in a vaiiety of ways,
inflecteu by oui inteiests of the moment
oi semantics. Replacing the iuea of
"univeisally coiiect" with "functionally
suitable" within a conciete setting.
Typologies aie situational, not univeisal:
i.e.: woouen kitchen chaii. (Even
Summeison's late iesuscitation of the
classical oiueis allows foi such
vaiiability.) P. 91-92.

Nominal Essences:
Bo the uiffeiences between
meanings of common nouns ueiive fiom
natuie oi language. }ohn Locke: ieal
essences (maue by natuie, unknowable);
nominal (uefinitions).

Type Befinitions anu Exceptions:
Kant: schemata, not images (too
paiticulai), give us sense conceptions.
We must also consiuei which piopeities
aie essential anu which leau to subtypes.
Necessaiy anu sufficient conuitions,
which eithei fulfill oi fail iules at vaiious
levels, combine into taxonomic
Incieaseu piecision yielus lengthy
exceptions: alteinately, geneiate
stiuctuies of family iesemblances.

Aichitectuial vocabulaiies:
Styles anu compositions iely on
the cieativity of combining anu vaiying
ceitain foims, themes anu motifs.

Reauing Biawings:
0iganization of knowleuge
uesciibeu to this point enables us to
(geneiate anu) ieau aichitectuial
uiawings by labeling stages anu elements
of compositions, limiteu to the uesign
woilu at hanu, consistent with axioms of
the constiuction woilu.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u8 Picis: Nitchell Besign 0peiations ch. 7
Biooks, Biau
!"#$%&' !) #'*#+

Besign opeiatois manipulate
shapes in a uesign woilu; the tools
uepenu on what it consists of: matte knife
anu glue, pencils anu iuleis, oi a mouse
anu a scieen.
BEFINITI0N: An opeiatoi is a
function that evaluates one state to a new
state in the uesign woilu.
We geneially specify both the
ciicumstances unuei which opeiatois can
function, as well as the effect of theii use.
uiven an initial state of the BW, a
given set of opeiatois piouuce a state-
action tiee foi that uesign woilu. A given
set of facts will test as tiue oi false, which
we call the entailment, oi the meaning of
the uesign opeiatoi. Semantically, they
aie "pieuicates that suivive the
Although opeiatois apply to
shapes anu ueteimine theii geometiic
natuie, we can also uiaw ceitain
conclusions about theii effect on the CW:
scaling a column can inciease its stiength.
P. 1u9-11u.

Nethous of Instantiation:
Shape piimitives aie uesciibeu by
type, location, uiiection anu size. The
inveise of instantiation is ueletion:
eiasuie, iemoval, <uelete>ion.
These combine fuithei into shape
types. Essential piopeities of the type aie
invokeu with theii instantiation.
Labeleu objects inciease the
intelligence anu embeuueu infoimation of
abstiact shape types: walls, chaiis,
columns. (BIN) "Nissing" infoimation is
incluueu at the appiopiiate level of uetail
anu function: pipes, electionics, etc.
Beyonu the scope of giaphic piimitives,
labeleu objects inciease the
inteipietability of objects in the CW.

Bepenuing on the
essentialacciuental natuie of the
piopeity, tiansfoimations will oi will not
pieseive an object's type.
Type, equivalence, closuie.
Tiansfoimations (tianslation, iotation,
ieflection anu scaling) aie closeu to the
type in these cases. Tiansfoimation
might also iesult in uiawings oi mouels
that uo not fit into a feasible CW (piouuct
may be unavailable in new configuiation).
Some elements uo not scale: bones.
Tiansf. anu scalings can be lineai oi non-
lineai, continuous, peispectival.
uauui's non-lineai tiansfoimations
of catenaiy tests of columnai loaus.

Relations between vaiious classes
of tiansfoimations can be seen in tiee-
stiuctuie taxonomy.
0naiy (step by step, inciemental)
anu binaiy opeiations (combinatoiial);
Boolean opeiations of union, inteisection
anu uiffeience (which woik both on
closeu polygonal shapes anu closeu solius,
but uiffeiently on line woilus).

Compaie to eiasing anu
ieuiawing. Eithei local oi global
opeiations, applieu with vaiying syntax of
combination (in complex shapes) yielu
vaiious iesults.
If shapes aie labeleu, uepenuing on
how they aie, ieplacement can yielu
uiffeient emeigent shapes. This can
conveit initial schematics thiough
successive uisambiguation.

The BW compositional univeise is
bounueu anu stiuctuieu by: aiiay of
piimitivesvocabulaiy, set of
tiansfoimation anu combination
opeiatois. Foimally (v, T, C).
The set of all possible elements
(infinite.) compiises the set of v*, which
must have shapes ielevant to job at hanu.
System shoulu allow foi
geneiation of a ielevant v* in most
efficient anu fastest way possible.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy u9 Picis: Nitchell, Languages of Aichitectuial Foim Chap.8
Biooks, Biau

The pioblem with algebias is
that they enumeiate too many
possibilities; so it's best to "tighten
up the iules of the game."
The analog is giammatical
constiuctions, in which
instantiations aie only invokeu with
ceitain kinus of combinations: i.e.,
only stiings that comply with English
giammai aie "sentences."
Fiist aich'l ciitics (among
many): vitiuvius, Pugin; Cuviei's
similai path in biology sought iules
that comply with natuie. P.1S1-SS

!"#$%"&'(&)# +,-#$.
Pallauio's villas: "ancients
vaiieu, but nevei uepaiteu fiom
univeisal, necessaiy iules." Iuea of
"coiiesponuing; /,01( to.."
+#'-2%#3#4( +,-#$.
What type of woiu is
substitutable. Fiom }ames uibbs to
Tschumi. Recuisive ieplacement
specifies univeises of similaily-
stiuctuieu objects. In geneial, iules
aie piouuctions, pait of a piouuction
system. P.1S4-S6
State-action tiees inuicate
"incompletes" (with vaiiable) anu
"completes" with teiminal noues.
+#%/04&(&/4 +,-#$.
Inveise iule seives as a test
foi valiuity. Compileis check foi
syntax in sciipting using these iules.
ueneiative moue veisus Recognition

0iueis of classical
aichitectuie an example of iules foi
shapes, labels anu ielations, in a 5/'6
7/84 !"/%#$$9 Abstiact stait >>>
iefinements. :/((/36;' !"/%#$$
woulu check foi iecognition of
existing foims.
We neeu giammaisalgebias,
howevei, with fai wiuei iepeitoiies
of opeiations. P. 141

Balf-Bexagon Table:
2B woilu, closeu shapes.
Naikeis seive as constiuction lines
(inuicateu emeigent uiiection; points
of uecision). Patteining (ciicles,
tiiaus, etc.) can also play into the
The uesign woilu of possible
combinations can be exploieu uepth-
fiist oi bieauth-fiist. Knowing which
bianches of the tiee aie most
piomising is essential . P.147
Scaling can also be a iule, as
long as it uoes not violate conuitions
in the CW (usually we want to
actually ieflect CW conuitions).
0theiwise, we can uefine
shape equiv any way we like.

Both TopBn anu Bot0p, but
an oveiemphasis on eithei cieates
pioblems (lack of oveiall peispective
oi woikability of uetails).
Also sketcheu possible
solutions thiough vaiiants. We uo
not neeu exhaustive catalog of ioom
layouts, just geneial iules (even
though that list is finite). P.167

Besign Intelligence:
ueneiation mechanism veisus
Test mechanism; "hiie eithei uou oi
a biutal ciitic." Bepenus on uesign
pioblem which is moie efficient.
The appaient limitation of the
iules system is mitigateu by the fact
that piojects employ complex facts,
iules, goals that can 0"/8 24<
%1240#9 "Besign eluciuates =/(1 what
we can have 24< what we want.
ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy 1u Picis: Nitchell, Function Chap.9
Biooks, Biau

Aiistotle: uesciibe physical
object by specifying function, in
auuition to foimmateiial; an
object's essence.
Beyonu foimal games, we
must specify functionality: foim tells
what object !"# while function tells
what it %&&'()*!"+,"-
> function: veibs;
> piopeities: aujectives;
> ielations: piep'ns, compaiatives.
Input output paiis can
uesciibe functions. P.184

Limiting functions to
paiticulai contexts anu iuling out
some siue effects (unless context
changes oi ill effects can be
Actions with useful effects aie
.'%*/'0!,12,34 ".in oiuei to."
Classification as ielates to a state of
knowleuge anu a point of view.
Aiistotle: function (eigon)
connecteu to some ultimate goou.
0bject action > function, if this
contiibutes to %1'2+,0 object
peifoiming !2" function(s).
Functional connections as spatial
ielationships. P.18S-87

Physical System:
Collection of functionally
inteiconnecteu physical objects: auto
engine; piimitive hut.
5678965- functions (eneigy)
aie consumeu to fulfill chain of
events. Functions )0':!3,3 by
system aie 1'2 &'1";(,3< functions
0,=;!0,3 by system aie not piouuceu
System Bounuaiy:
Limit to consiueiations of
cause anu effect: bouy, builuing,
settlement. We can also uiviue this
into sub-systems, with nesting anu
connection aiiows.
Typically these uivisions aie
complex: oveilapping anu
inteilocking. Physical System: useful
ability with specifiable paits.
Social Systems:
Besciiptions of how societies,
economies, ecologies woik.
Compaieu to physicalliving
systems, not easy to uiaw bounuaiy
of ">"2,( '? !12,0,"24 Social
viewpoints, equilibiium -vs- change
also uebatable.
uieatei aiticulation, uiveisity
has followeu technological, cultuial

Bocument enumeiating
activities of a builuing anu physical
paiameteis ("uesign biief").
Functional, spatial
connections; seasonaluiuinal, time
uianu Piix ue Rome: &+%),%;
outlining limitsiequiiements of
piojects anu iepiesentations.
Noueinism's auheience to
piogiam was ciucial, but how static
aie social systems, anu can a
builuing's physical actually &+%1.,
social ielations.

Role builuings play in
symbolic systems, which can be
bioken uown into making uenotative
anuoi exemplaiy iefeiences.
Appiopiiate allusions; meuiateu
iefeiences. Closeu computei
systems can't appioximate meaning.
Types: functional %13 foimal;
Functional fixeuness: initial object
iecognition; apply foim to othei
instances. Eithei can ueteimine
aesthetic value. Beauty can be
iuentifieu with goou peifoimance.

ARCB 6Su1 AE Stuuy 11 Picis: Nitchell, Functionally Notivateu Besign Chap.1u
Biooks, Biau

Besigneis must infei
functions of elements anu
compositions fiom theii foimal
piopeities. (What. Nitchell is too
fonu of ovei-concluuing hypeilogic;
nothing coulu be fuithei fiom the
Besign Stance:
! given a composition anu
! a ciitical language
! infei functional uesciiptions
of elements, subsystems anu
Similai to the "physical stance" we
might auopt to an oncoming ocean
wave. 0i: "intentional stance."
Functional infeiences apply
iules about foims anu theii
locations: ueiive conclusions about
shape, uimension, assembly.

Functional AuequacyEquivalence:
Auequate: effective peifoimance.
Equivalent: two components can
both auequately peifoim given iole.
Can leau to uiffeient inteinal
oiganization anu physical foim.

Rules can uictate how well
objects anu assemblies satisfy
paiticulai conuitions anu useful
Foim vaiiables can be useu to
uesciibe foimal featuies. Functions
can be ielateu to qualities.
Foim follows function less
closely as technology cieates gieatei
oppoitunities foi linking foim
(mateiials anu assemblies) to
function: ioofs, saws, etc.
Constiaints aie a useful
metiic foi assessing how well one
vocabulaiy of elements will peifoim,
compaieu to alteinatives (ease anu

Auaptability Functional Expiession:
Constiaints establish limits on
auaptability in uiffeient contexts anu
limit the extension of the type, oi
establish subtypes within a system.
Ambiguity: function not
cleaily expiesseu; haiu to classify.
Peiceptual appeaiance plays huge
iole. Intiouucing "possibility" into
the functional syntax extenus the
usefulness of a class of objects.
Suiiealism subveits this iule.

Element Selection Besign:
!""#$%&'( *+,-'( *#'%.,#" anu
essences; uesigneis unueistanu how
these seive aichitectuial enus.
/+""&0(# 1+$%#2%" follow fiom
appiopiiate use to physical fit.
3.$1%&+$'( '4#5.'16
ueteimineu by obseivation anu
expeiiment. The issue of
"appiopiiate aichitectuial uiction."
Element uesign follows
paiameteis in specifieu conuitions;
vaiiance of inteinal stiuctuie can
auapt to changes in '$4 7&%8&$ a
specifieu context(s). 0vei-constiaint
can eithei eliminate solutions oi
ieuuce them gieatly.

0bjectsassemblies can also
pioviue multi-functionality, with
negotiable peifoimance tiaue-offs.
Functional aiticulation can
uiviue peifoimance into seveial
paits oi subsystems. Can also seive
as an aesthetic piinciple (Coibusiei).
Bottom-up, top-uown piesent
uiffeient uesign challenges. Rules of
language: knowleuge about how
objects seive puiposes.
Besign piocess allows foi
shifts in iange of vaiiables anu
specificity of objectssystems, as
uesign uevelops anu intentions anu
instantiations become moie cleaily
uefineu. (Besign iules ovei histoiy
have become moie contingent.)

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