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Universidad Tecnolgica de El Salvador. Faculty of Social. Englishs Department.

Students name: Deisy Aracely Bautista Argueta. Career: Subject: English Language Major. Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language. Activity: Professor: Year:

Project 1 Teaching Perspective Inventory. Lic. Martin Ulises Aparicio Morataya. 2014.

INTRODUCTION Today education is in a continuous change and qualitative improvement. The purpose of this report is to present the importance having the Teaching Perspective Inventory (TPI) and the teachers are one of the most important factors in the educational process. Therefore, professional quality works performance and commitment to results. The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) is a 45-item inventory that will assess your orientation to teaching. Once you have answered the TPI questions, your scores will be automatically profiled and you can print off your Teaching Perspectives profile. The importance of knowing my personal teaching perspective is to know how I can convey my knowledge, such as learning to give students, the development of abilities, that teaching is effective by attitudes, and thus change society substantively through values. Here is a report-back of my TPI scores: ----------------------------------------------------------Date: 26-Feb-14 Group of Learners reporting on: Graduate Level University Learning about: student Learning setting: Online/Correspondence, Correspondence courses Transmission Total: (Tr) 29 B = 14; I = 7; A = 8 Apprenticeship Total: (Ap) 38 B = 14; I = 14; A = 10 Developmental Total: (Dv) 31 B = 11; I = 9; A = 11 Nurturing Total: (Nu) 31 B = 10; I = 11; A = 10 Social Reform Total: (SR) 32

B = 9; I = 11; A = 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beliefs total: (B) 58 Intentions total: (I) 52 Action total: (A) 51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall Total: (T) 161 -----------------Thank you for taking the TPI. Please feel free to take it again on different occasions or with different learners in different instructional settings. You can access a graphical display of your results here: http://www.teachingperspectives.com/drupal/es/tpi/tpi-results?nodeid=33585&name=Deisy The TPI Administrative Team-------------------------------------------------------------------My point of view and according to the score obtained in the TPI is good teaching. After completing the TPI, most of my prospects were in the range of 30, except that the Transmission was 29. My perspectives of Apprenticeship (38), Developmental (31), Nurturing (31), and Social reform (32) are moderately held, but my transmission (29) perspective is weakly held. From the TPI outputs, it can be concluded that my effective teaching methods are derived of a combination of Apprenticeship and Nurturing perspectives. Since my Transmission perspective score being so low and weakly held. This means that there are aspects that I need to improve for example: By allowing an open dialogue in the class where students are able to ask questions or get answers about issues that may arise throughout the learning process.

CONCLUSION As conclusion, in my opinion, the results are applicable because they approach me in an educational context, however the decrease may indicate that I had no success. With this result I realize that as a teacher I know the areas where my students need to guide them, and forward for adapting to changes in society. In addition, teachers present content accurately and efficiently and students learn content in its proper form and as learners increase competence, the role of the teacher changes as less direction is offered and more responsibility is given to the student.

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