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Chemistry 141 Dr.

Cary Willard Exam 1a

Name September 20, 2005

Multiple Choi e %a&e 1 %a&e 2 %a&e ' %a&e 4 %a&e 5 )otal %er e#t

!2" poi#ts$ !1" poi#ts$ !1' poi#ts$ !1( poi#ts$ !20 poi#ts$ !21 poi#ts$ !115 poi#ts$ !100 *$

+ll ,or- must be sho,# to re ei.e redit. /i.e all a#s,ers to the orre t #umber o0 si&#i0i a#t 0i&ures +.o&adros #umber 1 ".022 x 102' 2mol 4 3uarts 1 1 &allo# '" i# 1 1 yard

/rossmo#t Colle&e %eriodi )able

544+ 4+ 1 H 1.009 ' Li ".(41 11 Na 2'.00 1( K '(.10 ': Rb 95.4: 55 Cs 1'2.( 9: Fr !22'$ 44+ 4 Be (.012 12 Mg 24.'0 20 Ca 40.09 '9 Sr 9:."2 5" Ba 1':.' 99 Ra 22".0 444+ 5 B 10.91 1' Al 2:.00 '1 Ga "(.:2 4( !n 114.9 91 Tl 204.4 45+ " C 12.01 14 Si 29.0( '2 Ge :2.5( 50 Sn 119.: 92 Pb 20:.2 5+ : N 14.01 15 P '0.(: '' As :4.(2 51 Sb 121.9 9' Bi 20(.0 54+ 9 O 1".00 1" S '2.0" '4 Se :9.(" 52 Te 12:." 94 Po !20($ 1 H 1.009 ( F 1(.00 1: Cl '5.45 '5 Br :(.(0 5' ! 12".( 95 A% !210$ N678 E /+SES 2 He 4.002 10 Ne 20.19 19 Ar '(.(5 '" Kr 9'.90 54 "e 1'1.' 9" Rn !222$

4447 21 Sc 44.(" '( Y 99.(1 5: La 1'9.( 9( Ac 22:.0

457 22 Ti 4:.(0 40 Zr (1.22 :2 H# 1:9.5 104 R# !2"1$

57 2' V 50.(4 41 Nb (2.(1 :' Ta 190.( 105 &b !2"2$

547 24 Cr 52.00 42 Mo (5.(4 :4 $ 19'.( 10" Sg !2"'$

5447 25 Mn 54.(4 4' Tc !(($ :5 Re 19".2 10: Bh !2"2$

5444 2" Fe 55.95 44 Ru 101.1 :" Os 1(0.2 109 Hs !2"5$

5444 2: Co 59.(' 45 Rh 102.( :: !r 1(2.2 10( M% !2""$

5444 29 Ni 59.:0 4" P 10".4 :9 P% 1(5.1 110 '' !2"($

47 2( Cu "'.55 4: Ag 10:.( :( Au 1(:.0

447 '0 Zn "5.'9 49 C 112.4 90 Hg 200."

59 Ce 140.1 (0 Th 2'2.0

5( Pr 140.( (1 Pa 2'1.0

"0 N 144.2 (2 + 2'9.0

"1 P( !14:$ (' N, !2':$

"2 S( 150.4 (4 Pu !244$

"' )u 152.0 (5 A( !24'$

"4 G 15:.' (" C( !24:$

"5 Tb 159.( (: B!24:$

"" &* 1"2.5 (9 C# !251$

": Ho 1"4.( (( )s !252$

"9 )r 1":.' 100 F( !25:$

"( T( 1"9.( 101 M !259$

:0 Yb 1:'.0 102 No !25($

:1 Lu 1:5.0 10' Lr !2"0$

8a#tha#ide series

+ ti#ide series

Multiple Choi e !2" poi#ts$ ; /i.e the best a#s,er 0or ea h o0 the 0ollo,i#& 3uestio#s.
<<<<<<1. a. b. . d. <<<<<<2. a. b. . d. <<<<<<'. a. b. . d. 7romi#e belo#&s to the <<<<<<<< &roup o0 the periodi table. al-ali#e earth metal al-ali metal halo&e# #oble &as )he 0a tor 0.01 orrespo#ds to ,hi h pre0ix= de i de-a e#ti milli Co#.ert 100 m' to m'. 1 x 109 m' 1 x 10>4 m' 1 x 104 m' 1 x 100 m'

<<<<<<4. + pie e o0 plasti ,ei&hi#& 1.15: & has a .olume o0 1.49 m'. + pie e o0 ,ood has the same .olume but ,ei&hs '.95 &. )he de#sity o0 li3uid ? is 0.:"5 &2m8 a#d the de#sity o0 li3uid @ is 1.1' &2m8. )he t,o li3uids are immis ible. 40 the plasti a#d ,ood are added to the t,o li3uids, ,hat is the order o0 layers 0rom top to bottom i# the o#tai#er= a. ,ood, li3uid @, plasti , li3uid ? b. plasti , ,ood, li3uid @, li3uid ? . li3uid ?, li3uid @, plasti , ,ood d. li3uid ?, plasti , li3uid @, ,ood <<<<<<5. + sample o0 pure lithium arbo#ate o#tai#s 19.9* lithium by mass. What is the * lithium by mass i# a sample o0 pure lithium arbo#ate that has t,i e the mass o0 the 0irst sample= a. ':."* b. (.40* . 19.9* d. :5.2* <<<<<<". a. b. . d. Whi h o0 the 0ollo,i#& is a part o0 Dalto#As atomi theory= +toms brea- do,# duri#& radioa ti.e de ay. 4sotopes o0 the same eleme#t ha.e di00ere#t masses. +toms are rearra#&ed but #ot ha#&ed duri#& a hemi al rea tio#. +toms o#tai# proto#s, #eutro#s, a#d ele tro#s.

<<<<<<:. Whi h are isotopes= +# atom that has a# atomi #umber o0 '4 a#d a mass #umber o0 :" is a# isotope o0 a# atom that has a. 42 #eutro#s a#d '4 proto#s. b. 42 proto#s a#d '4 #eutro#s. . a# atomi #umber o0 '2 a#d a mass #umber o0 :".

d. <<<<<<9. a. b. . d. <<<<<<(. a. b. . d.

a# atomi #umber o0 '4 a#d a mass #umber o0 90. 4# ,hi h set do all eleme#ts te#d to 0orm a#io#s i# bi#ary io#i B, Ce, 7r N, 6, 4 C, S, %b 8i, Na, B Whi h o#e o0 the 0ollo,i#& is a# empiri al 0ormula= C2C" N2D4 %4610 D2S64 ompou#ds=

<<<<<<10. + eti a id !CD'C62D$, 0ormi a id !DC62D$, hydro0luori a id !DC$, ammo#ia !ND'$, a#d methylami#e !CD'ND2$ are ommo#ly lassi0ied as a. b. . d. a ids. ,ea- ele trolytes. #o#ele trolytes. stro#& ele trolytes.

<<<<<<11. What rea&e#t ould not be used to separate Cl> 0rom 6D> ,he# added to a# a3ueous solutio# o#tai#i#& both= a. Ca!N6'$2 !aq$ b. . d. Cu!N6'$2 !aq$ +&N6' !aq$ Ce!N6'$2 !aq$

<<<<<<12. Esi#& the 0ollo,i#& se3ue# e o0 rea tio#s, determi#e the order o0 oxidiFi#& a&e#ts !stro#&est to ,ea-est$ G H EH GH H E E H WH EH H W G H WH GH H W. a. GH I EH I WH b. WH I EH I GH . d. <<<<<<1'. a. b. . d. WIEIG GIEIW Whi h stateme#t about diluted solutio#s is false= Whe# a solutio# is diluted the #umber o0 moles o0 sol.e#t remai#s u# ha#&ed. the molarity o0 the solutio# de reases. the o# e#tratio# o0 the solutio# de reases. the #umber o0 moles o0 solute remai#s u# ha#&ed.

%roblems 1. !5 poi#ts$ /i.e the 4E%+C #ame 0or the 0ollo,i#& ompou#ds a. B'%6' b. +&C2D'62 . %Cl5 d. CuCr26: e. Co'N2 2. !5 poi#ts$ Write the orre t 0ormula 0or ea h o0 the 0ollo,i#& ompou#ds a. 4ro#!44$ sul0ate b. Di hlori#e heptoxide . @i# dihydro&e# phosphate d. Cobalt!444$ thio ya#ate e. Mer ury!4$ hloride '. !" poi#ts$ + solutio# o0 25.00* lithium oxalate !8i2C264$ has a de#sity o0 1.195 &2 m'. What is the .olume o0 this solutio# i# m8 that o#tai#s '9.00 & o0 lithium= !)his is a little di00ere#t tha# the problem set. 7e are0ulJ$

4. !" poi#ts$ Complete the 0ollo,i#& pre ipitatio# rea tio# ,ith bala# ed mole ular, total io#i , a#d #et io#i e3uatio#s.



7ala# ed total io#i e3uatio#

7ala# ed #et io#i e3uatio#

5. !: poi#ts$ Cor the 0ollo,i#& bala# ed redox rea tio# a#s,er the 0ollo,i#& 3uestio#s 4NaOH(aq) + Ca(OH)2(aq) + C(s) + 4ClO2(g) 4NaClO2(aq) + CaCO3(s) + 3H2O(l) a. What is the oxidatio# state o0 Cl i# NaCl62!&$= b. What is the oxidatio# state o0 Ca i# CaC6'!s$= . What is the eleme#t that is oxidiFed= d. What is the eleme#t that is redu ed= e. What is the oxidiFi#& a&e#t= 0. What is the redu i#& a&e#t= &. Do, ma#y ele tro#s are tra#s0erred i# the rea tio# as it is bala# ed=


!" poi#ts$ 7ala# e the 0ollo,i#& redox hal0 rea tio# that o urs i# basi solutio#



4s this a# oxidatio# or a redu tio#= :. !: poi#ts$ 7ala# e the 0ollo,i#& redox rea tio# i# a idi solutio#

D262 H M#64>1 M#H2 H 62

1st hal0 rea tio#

2#d hal0 rea tio#

o.erall rea tio# i# a id

9. !" poi#ts$ )he t,o isotopes o0 a #e,ly dis o.ered al-ali metas #o.ellium, N. ,ith si&#i0i a#t abu#da# e i# #ature are 299N.!isotopi mass 29:.("': amu ('.259*$ a#d 2(5B !isotopi mass 2(4.("19 amu, ".:'0*$. Cluori#e has o#ly o#e #aturally o urri#& isotope, 1(C !isotopi mass 19.((94 amu$. Ese this i#0ormatio# to al ulate the 0ormula mass o0 #o.ellium 0luoride.

(. !20 poi#ts$ )he 8D50 .alue o0 a toxi substa# e is the amou#t !usually expressed as a ratio o0 milli&rams o0 substa# e to -ilo&rams o0 body ,ei&ht$ o0 the substa# e that results i# the death o0 50* o0 the test a#imals. )he 8D50 o0 a00ei#e, C9D10N462, admi#istered orally to rats is 200m&2-&. !Kats are a &ood model to study the e00e ts o0 hemi als o# huma#$. +#s,er the 0ollo,i#& 3uestio#sL a. Cal ulate the molar mass o0 a00ei#e

b. Cal ulate the mass o0 a00ei#e that o#tai#s 4.0(( x 1025 atoms o0 arbo#.

. Cal ulate the #umber o0 moles o0 hydro&e# i# 2."" moles o0 a00ei#e.

d. Cal ulate the #umber o0 mole ules o0 a00ei#e that o#tai#s 29" atoms o0 oxy&e#.

e. Cal ulate the #umber o0 atoms o0 #itro&e# i# a sample o0 a00ei#e that o#tai#s '.00 &rams o0 arbo#.

0. Do, ma#y millimiters o0 a 0.11M a3ueous solutio# o0 a00ei#e !same o# e#tratio# as o#e re&ular up o0 o00ee at Starbu -$ o#stitutes a# 8D50 dose 0or a 450>& rat= !Do, ma#y ups o0 o00ee did you already dri#- today=$

10. !: poi#ts$ + stude#t prepares ammo#ium bi arbo#ate by the rea tio# ND' H C62 H D26 ND4DC6' 40 the stude#t uses 14.9 & o0 ND' a#d 41.' & o0 C62. Water is prese#t i# ex ess. What is the a tual yield o0 ammo#ium bi arbo#ate i0 the stude#t obtai#s a :4.:* yield i# the rea tio#=

11. !" poi#ts$ Whe# 1.01( & o0 potassium rea ts ,ith oxy&e# i# air, it 0orms 1.9"0 & o0 a rather stra#&e ompou#d. Ci#d the empiri al 0ormula o0 this ompou#d, a#d explai# ,hat is stra#&e about its 0ormula.

12. !9 poi#ts$ + 5.000 & sample o0 a hydrate o0 a# u#-#o,# metal ,ith the 0ormula ?Cl2M2D26 ,as heated to dri.e o00 the ,ater. +0ter heati#&, the mass o0 the sample ,as '.((5 &. Cal ulate the molar mass o0 ? a#d predi t its ide#tity.

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