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Fundamentals of Field
Development Planning
Foundation 5Days
T|is elJ Je.elcuaert ulerrir ,|0|}
ccu|se u|c.iJes etterJees wit| t|e
urJeaertel euu|cec| tc wc||ir wit| erJ
w|itir er |0|. T|e Jccuaert, w|ic| is
t|e cutuut c e seuerce c Jecisicr erJ
Jisciulire|eseJ tes|s, is JesireJ tc
c|eete e Je.elcuaert uler. T|is uler is
t|e |esis c| e aet|cJ c Je.elcuir,
u|cJucir, erJ aeirteirir |]J|cce||cr
resources, i ncl udi ng surf ace desi gn, and
c|as er iruut c| Jesirir essccieteJ
su|ece ecilities. Cca|ireJ su|su|ece
erJ su|ece Jccuaerts c|a t|e |esis c|
rerciel Jecisicrs. T|e etterJees will |e
irt|cJuceJ tc ell t|ese ccrceuts es t|e]
are appl i ed i n t he process of creat i ng
e Je.elcuaert uler ir |eleticr tc t|e
|ese|.ci| lie c]cle.

Rese|.ci| aereeaert u|ccess

Rese|.ci| aereeaert ccrceuts erJ
erue|tise scu|ces

T|e |ese|.ci| acJel

Dat a acqui si t i on and dat a use

Dat a i nt egrat i on

Rese|.ci| acritc|ir, su|.eillerce, erJ

||essu|e u|clir ir Je.elcueJ

T|e |0|

|0| ccrceuts, |ese|.ci| euu|eisel, erJ
Je.elcuaert ulerrir

Cese stuJ]
MultiJisciulire|] esset teeas ccrsistir
c eriree|s, ecsciertists, erJ aeree|s
w|c e|e ir.cl.eJ ir c| will |e ir.cl.eJ
ir Je.elcuir |]J|cce||cr |escu|ces,
erJ ct|e| ectuel c| uctertiel esset teea
Eriree|ir c| ecscierce |ec||curJ.
Basic Logging Methods and
Formation Evaluation
Foundation 5Days
In t hi s i nt roduct i on t o openhol e dat a
acqui si t i on, i nt erpret at i on concept s,
and pract i ces, at t endees wi l l l earn t he
u|iae|] lcir tccls useJ, t|e u|]sics
c |cw t|e aeesu|eaerts e|e aeJe, erJ
|est u|ectices tc Jete|aire uc|csit] erJ
wat er sat urat i on. Topi cs i ncl ude new
|i|tec|rclc] tccls erJ t|ei| euuliceticr
tc ccr.erticrel erJ urccr.erticrel
er.i|craerts, ircluJir ruclee| aeretic
|escrerce ,lMR}, lcir w|ile J|illir
,|w0}, wi|elire c|aeticr testir, erJ
|c|e|cle iaeir. T|e etterJees will elsc
l earn how t o i nt erpret act ual l og dat a i n
ere|cises JesireJ tc st|ert|er ]cu|
underst andi ng and i nt erpret at i on ski l l s.

Rese|.ci| |cc|, seJiaerte|] |esirs,
rock propert i es, carbonat es, cl ast i cs,
shal es, and di agenesi s

|cir c.e|.iew

Sucrterecus uctertiel ,S|} erJ
eaae |e]

|c|csit] lcs. 0ersit], reut|cr, erJ
acoust i c

Resisti.it] |esics, Jeeu|eeJir tccls,
t|ue |esisti.it], s|ellcw|eeJir tccls,
erJ us|eJ/cre |esisti.it]

S|ele .cluae ccauuteticrs

0uic|lcc| aet|cJs

wete| setu|eticr ccauuteticrs ir t|e
presence of shal e

Carbonat es and t hei r chal l enges


Bc|e|cle iaeir
|et|cu|]sicists, ecsciertists, eriree|s,
erJ lc erel]sts wertir tc irc|eese t|ei|
urJe|sterJir c |esic lc erel]sis.
/ Z]ee| tec|ricel Je|ee.
Basic Production Logging
Foundation 5Days
||cJucticr lcir tccls |e.e suecic uses
es well es liaiteticrs. /tterJees will lee|r
t|e .e|icus euuliceticrs c| t|ese tccls, t|e
irte|u|eteticr essuauticrs t|et e|e irte|el
tc t|ei| Jesirs, erJ |cw lc uelit] is
eecteJ |] t|e ecuisiticr u|ccess. |erJs
cr Jeacrst|eticrs teec| t|e urJeaertels
of product i on l og i nt erpret at i on, and
er ircless wc||s|cu ccuses cr t|e
irte|u|eteticr c sirle erJ twcu|ese
cw. 0iscussicr ircluJes use c t|ese lcs
c| aeesu|ir t||eeu|ese cw.

lrcw erJ cutcw ue|c|aerce erJ
u|cJucti.it] irJer c| cil erJ es wells

Tccl ccr.e]erce usir t|ectc|s erJ
coi l ed t ubi ng

Dept h cont rol i n cased wel l s usi ng
eaae |e] erJ cesir cclle| lccetc|
dat a

Ccauleticrs c| .e|ticel, Je.ieteJ,
|c|i/crtel, erJ aultilete|el wells

||essu|eccrt|cl s]stea c| |iless
operat i on

Rese|.ci| uiJs u|cue|ties, ircluJir
gas/ oi l rat i o, bubbl epoi nt pressure,
erJ t||eeu|ese Jie|eas

Rese|.ci| J|i.e aec|erisas erJ
essccieteJ u|cJucticr u|c|leas

Justiceticr c u|cJucticr lc
acqui si t i on

St andard product i on l oggi ng t ool s

Tec|riues c| aeesu|ir cil, wete|,
and gas rat es

lrte|u|eteticr c lcs c| sirle, twc,
erJ t||eeu|ese u|cJucticr
Geosci ent i st s or engi neers responsi bl e f or
i nt erpret i ng product i on l ogs.
Eriree|ir c| ecscierce Je|ee
|eccaaerJeJ es t|is ccu|se Jeels wit|
u|cJucticr lcir u|]sics.
Basic Reservoir Monitoring
Foundation 5Days
lr t|is ccu|se, etterJees will stuJ] t|e
|esics c elJ su|.eillerce erJ |ese|.ci|
acritc|ir wit| tccls suc| es uulseJ
reut|cr erJ ce||crlcr]er lcir. T|e
at t endees wi l l l earn how t hese t ool s
e|e euulieJ tc Jiercse |ese|.ci|wiJe
|e|e.ic|s c wete| ||ee|t||cu|, es ceu
ai|eticr, erJ |e|irJuiue ccaairlir. lr
er ircless wc||s|cu, etterJees will lee|r
tc e.eluete wete| erJ es setu|eticrs erJ
Jete|aire |esisti.it] |e|irJ t|e cesir.

Rese|.ci|J|i.e aec|erisas erJ
essccieteJ u|cJucticr u|c|leas

Rese|.ci| uiJ u|cue|ties. Cesl
oi l rat i o, bubbl epoi nt pressure, and
t||eeu|ese Jie|ea

Tccl ccr.e]erce usir t|ectc|s erJ
coi l ed t ubi ng

Dept h cont rol i n cased hol e wel l s
usir eaae |e] erJ cesir cclle|
l ocat or

Ccauleticrs ir .e|ticel, Je.ieteJ,
|c|i/crtel, erJ aultilete|el wells

||essu|eccrt|cl s]stea c| |iless
operat i on

Justiceticr c| u|cJucticr lcs

|ulseJ reut|cr ceutu|e c|csssecticr
acJe erJ ce||crlcr]er acJe

/cuisiticr c c|aeticr |esisti.it] ir
cased hol e

Slia|cle irJucticr lcir ir ulestic
,rcrccrJucti.e} cesir

wc||s|cu. usir ceutu|e acJe c|
e.eluetir wete| erJ es setu|eticr

wc||s|cu. lrte|u|etir |e|irJcesir
|esisti.it] lcs
Geosci ent i st s or engi neers responsi bl e
c| elJwiJe su|.eillerce c| |ese|.ci|
acritc|ir u|c|eas.
Eriree|ir c| ecscierce Je|ee.
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 20 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Software Technical courses that use software Includes practical sessions Field trips Uses simulation
Development Geology
Foundation 5Days
T|is ccu|se u|c.iJes etterJees wit| t|e
urJeaertel s|ills tc ccrst|uct eclcic
acJels erJ urJe|sterJ t|e ectc|s
t|et eect elJ cue|eticrs erJ elJ
aereeaert. T|e ccu|se cc.e|s |ca t|e
gat heri ng and i nt erpret at i on of geol ogi c
dat a t o t he preparat i on of geol ogi c
acJels tc t|e uerticeticr c su|su|ece
urce|teirt], ir eJJiticr tc euul]ir
eclcic ccrceuts, ccrst|uctir aeus
erJ secticrs, erJ .eliJetir ccauute|
generat ed i nt erpret at i ons. Al so i ncl uded
e|e celculetir su|su|ece .cluaes erJ
assessi ng t hei r uncert ai nt i es, prepari ng
a wel l proposal , pl anni ng apprai sal
wells, erJ essessir t|ei| eccrcaic
.elue. /tterJees will ecui|e u|ecticel
erue|ierce |] wc||ir ir teeas cr er
ectuel elJ stuJ].

Scope of oi l and gas busi ness

Su|su|ece acJels, iruut Jete, erJ
acJelir ccrceuts

Gat heri ng, processi ng, and
irte|u|etir seisaic Jete

St|uctu|el t]ues, t|eus, eult seels,
aeus erJ secticrs, erJ cc||eleticrs

Clestic seJiaerte|] er.i|craerts

Besic well tec|rclc], |c|i/crtel
wel l s, wel l dat a, l og and core dat a,
urce|teirties, erJ aeuuir

Ce||crete |ese|.ci|s

Su|su|ece Je.elcuaert cuticrs

Vcluaet|ics erJ su|su|ece
uncert ai nt i es

Stetic erJ J]reaic acJels

Fi el d operat i ons, wel l desi gn, and
geol ogi c i nput

0e.elcuaert cuticrs, u|cject
pl anni ng, and phased cost s

lauect c su|su|ece urce|teirt] cr
u|cject eccrcaics
Eriree|s erJ eclcists ir.cl.eJ
ir |ese|.ci| euu|eisel erJ
Je.elcuaert u|cjects.
Besic urJe|sterJir c |ese|.ci| erJ
uet|cleua eclc].
Well Placement
Foundation 5Days
Thi s course i nt roduces t he concept of
eclcicel well uleceaert ,ecstee|ir}
erJ u|c.iJes |rcwleJe c t|e u|ccesses
and t echni ques t hat can be used t o
successull] ulece |i|erle erJ
|c|i/crtel wells usir eclcicel erJ
uet|cu|]sicel Jete ir |eeltiae Ju|ir
J|illir. T|e aeir uu|ucse c |i|erle
erJ |c|i/crtel wells is tc aeriai/e
|ese|.ci| ccrtect erJ er|erce well
u|cJucti.it]. Tc uler erJ ccrst|uct suc|
wells |eui|es |eeltiae cclle|c|eticr
|etweer eclcists, w|c reeJ uelit]
c|aeticr e.elueticr Jete, J|ille|s, w|c
|eui|e ccrsiJe|e|le iruut |ca t|e
eclcists, erJ uet|cu|]sicists, w|c
irte|u|et t|e c|aeticr e.elueticr Jete
Ju|ir t|e J|illir u|ccess tc cutiai/e
well uleceaert. T|is u|ccess is ere|ell]
eciliteteJ |] t|e well uleceaert
ccc|Jiretc|. Ve|icus tec|rclcies ir.cl.eJ
ir Ji|ecticrel J|illir, aeesu|eaert, erJ
c|aeticr e.elueticr w|ile J|illir e|e
|e.ieweJ. T|e t||ee Jie|ert aet|cJs
useJ tc eclcicell] ulece |c|i/crtel wells
are i nt roduced and t he appl i cat i ons are
di scussed.

Ceclcicel well uleceaert

Rese|.ci| eclc] |e.iew

Di rect i onal dri l l i ng

Meesu|eaert w|ile J|illir

|c|aeticr e.elueticr erJ |w0

/uuliceticrs c |w0 aeesu|eaerts ir
well uleceaert

/uuliceticrs c well uleceaert

Case st udi es i l l ust rat i ng t he use of t he
t||ee well uleceaert aet|cJs
MultiJisciulire|] esset teeas c cue|etir
ccaueries ccau|isir aeirl] J|illir
eriree|s, |ese|.ci| eriree|s, erJ
ecsciertists w|c reeJ tc ae|e Jecisicrs
|ee|Jir t|e euulice|ilit] erJ |erets c
iauleaertir e eclcicel well uleceaert
u|ccess c| J|illir |c|i/crtel erJ
|i|erle well|c|es.
Geosci ence or engi neeri ng degree.
Fundamentals of Reservoir
Foundation 5Days
Ccu|se aete|iel ccuses cr t|e clessicel
aet|cJs c |ese|.ci| eriree|ir.
/tterJees will lee|r t|e urJeaertel
u|irciules c aultiu|ese uiJ cw erJ
stuJ] uiJ erJ |cc| c|e|ecte|istics.
Cese |istc|ies Jeacrst|ete eriree|ir
concept s and act ual si t uat i ons.

|urJeaertels c |ese|.ci| eriree|ir

Rese|.ci| er.i|craert erJ c|aeticr
propert i es

Rese|.ci| u|essu|e, u|essu|e
gradi ent s, and cont act s

Releti.e ue|aee|ilit]

Rese|.ci| uiJs u|cue|ties, uiJ cw,
erJ 0e|c]'s lew

||irciules c well testir ir |ese|.ci|

Rese|.ci| J|i.e aec|erisas

wete| irur

0eclire cu|.e erel]sis

0ete|airir c |]J|cce||cr |ese|.es.
Vcluaet|ic aet|cJ

Mat eri al bal ance appl i cat i ons
Rese|.ci| eriree|s, eclcists, erJ
Besic |rcwleJe c uet|cleua eriree|ir
erJ eclc].
Integrated Resevoir Analysis
Foundation 5Days
Thi s course f ocuses on t he ski l l s requi red f or
irte|eteJ erel]sis c |cc|, uc|e, erJ uiJs
Jete erJ |cw tc scl.e u|c|leas essccieteJ
wit| iJerti]ir erJ erulcitir |ese|.es. T|e
etterJees will iau|c.e t|ei| urJe|sterJir
of pore scal e i nt eract i on, i ncl udi ng rock
tertu|e c|e|ecte|istics erJ uet|cu|]sicel
|cc| t]uir tec|riues, ir eJJiticr tc
lee|rir |cw tc use uc|e ecaet|] tccls
suc| es cc|e erel]sis c uc|csit] erJ
ue|aee|ilit], ceuille|] u|essu|e, wette|ilit],
erJ |eleti.e ue|aee|ilit]. T|e etterJees
wi l l al so bet t er underst and how t o i nt egrat e
t|ese aeesu|eaerts wit| well lc
irc|aeticr tc u|eJict uet|cu|]sicel |cc|
t]ues erJ cw urits, ulus eir erue|ierce
wit| lErT 0uic|Scer erJ uic|lcc|
tec|riues t||cu| ircless ere|cises.

Ceclcicel |eaewc|| c |ese|.ci|s

Er.i|craerts c Jeucsiticr.
Carbonat es and cl ast i cs

Scele c t|e uc|e s]stea. Cc|e .e|sus
l ogs

|e|aeesu|eJ uc|csit] erJ

wirlerJ R35 aet|cJ c| uet|cu|]sicel
|cc| t]ue, wit| eau|esis cr uc|e
t hroat radi us

|et|cu|]sicel |cc| t]ues. lauect c
wat er sat urat i on

Ceuille|] u|essu|e aeesu|eaerts.
|c|et||cet |eJius erJ wete|
setu|eticr e|c.e |ee wete|

|lcw urits. |lcw ceuecit] .e|sus
stc|ee ceuecit]

|i|cw /cres erJ |e||ie|s
Ceclcists, ecu|]sicists, eriree|s, erJ
uet|cu|]sicists wertir tc lee|r iau|c.eJ
irte|u|eteticr wc||cws.
lrte|aeJiete urJe|sterJir c eclc] erJ
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 21 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Visit NExTtraining.net/classes for the latest calendar or to register for a course. 22
Prospect Evaluation, Risks
and Volumes
Foundation 5Days
Ris| erJ .cluae essessaerts c|a t|e
basi s f or deci si ons on whet her t o dri l l
c| rct J|ill e well, erJ es suc|, c|a t|e
lir| |etweer su|su|ece e.elueticr erJ
t|e |usiress esuects c t|e uet|cleua
irJust|]. T|is ccu|se eruleirs |cw |is|s
erJ .cluaes cer |e essesseJ ir e |eelistic
aerre| |eseJ cr e scurJ urJe|sterJir
of t he geol ogi cal det ai l s of t he prospect as
wel l as of i t s regi onal geol ogi cal set t i ng
erJ cu||ert ule] urJe|sterJir.
At t he concl usi on of t he course, t he
ue|ticiuerts will |e.e er ercellert
underst andi ng of t he essent i al s requi red
c| |eelistic |is| erJ .cluae essessaerts
c erulc|eticr u|csuects. T|e ccu|se
ellcws ue|ticiuerts tc u|cJuce well
ccrsiJe|eJ erJ |eelistic essessaerts c|
u|csuects ir w|ic| t|e] ae] |e ir.cl.eJ,
erJ tc urJe|sterJ erJ ccrst|ucti.el]
c|ellere |is| erJ .cluae essessaerts c
cclleeues erJ ue|tre|s c| ccauetitc|s.

Ris| erJ .cluaes essessaert

Ris| erJ urce|teirt] Jie|erce

Stetistics urJeaertels, ircluJir
Jist|i|uticr cu|.es, eruecteticr
cu|.es, eJJir erJ rct eJJir |is|
.cluaes, erJ Be]es t|ec|ea

T|eu, |ese|.ci|, seel, erJ c|e|e
uncert ai nt i es

Ccrsistert erJ |eelistic |is| estiaeticr

Vcluae |ere celculeticrs c|
u|csuects erJ uc|tclics c u|csuects,
u|csuect .cluae suaaeticrs c| e
correct represent at i on of prospect
port f ol i os

Cecu|]sicel e.iJerce ircc|uc|eteJ

0|ls ir e |eelistic |is| essessaert
Cecsciertists wc||ir ir erulc|eticr,
u|csuect uc|tclic erel]sts erJ t|ei| Ji|ect
suue|.isc|s, erJ stes |ca Jisciulires
wc||ir clcsel] wit| |ese|.ci| eriree|s,
uet|cu|]sicists, erJ ecu|]sicists.
KrcwleJe c |esic uet|cleua eclc]
es |eleteJ tc erulc|eticr. / |rcwleJe c
|esic uet|cleua eccrcaics is |eluul |ut
not requi red.
Project Management
Foundation 5Days
T|is ccu|se setises t|e |M|

35|cu| t|eirir |eui|eaert.
In t hi s course, at t endees w i l l gai n
irJeut| erJ ccau|e|ersi.e erucsu|e
tc t|e |e] s|ills erJ |rcwleJe t|e]
reeJ c| eecti.e u|cject aereeaert
as descri bed i n t he Associ at i on f or
|Ml's "/|M BcJ] c KrcwleJe' erJ
t|e ||cject Mereeaert lrstitute's
"/ CuiJe tc t|e ||cject Mereeaert
BcJ] c KrcwleJe.' Ccu|se irst|ucticr
is t||cu| e cca|ireticr c lectu|es,
u|ecticel ere|cises, erJ irte|ecti.e
sessi ons. The at t endees draw upon t hei r
cwr erue|ierces erJ |eelwc|lJ ereaules
tc er|erce t|e lee|rir erue|ierce. T|e
t opi cs, di sci pl i nes, and enabl i ng ski l l s
e|e u|c|essi.el] |uilt uucr erJ lir|eJ
tc t|e Je.elcuaert c cese stuJies ir e
teea er.i|craert. T|is ccu|se, teu|t
|] e |Ml |eiste|eJ eJuceticr u|c.iJe|,
u|eue|es t|e etterJees c| t|e |Ml's |M|
ce|ticeticr ereaireticr.

||cject rerciel euu|eisel

Sccue aereeaert, ircluJir wc||

Tiae aereeaert. |lerrir erJ
schedul i ng

Ccst aereeaert. Mcritc|ir erJ
cont rol

Ris| aereeaert

||ccu|eaert erJ ccrt|ects

Al l i ances and part ners


|uaer |escu|ces aereeaert

||cject success erJ eilu|e
||cject eriree|s, suue|.isc|s,
erJ u|cject leeJe|s see|ir tc
i ncrease t hei r knowl edge of
u|cject aereeaert.
Foundation 4Days
T|e ccu|se teec|es t|e urJeaertels
c uet|cleua eccrcaics es euulieJ tc
selectir cil erJ es u|cjects, ircluJir
e |e.iew c t|e tiae .elue c acre]
concept s.

lrt|cJucticr tc uet|cleua eccrcaics

|c|ecestir u|cJucticr .cluaes

Erte|ir erJ usir u|cJuct u|ices

Celculetir |c]elt] erJ irte|est

urJe|sterJir cue|etir eruerses,
ceuitel ir.estaerts, Jeu|ecieticr, erJ

urJe|sterJir ireticr, esceleticr,
and di scount i ng

Celculetir ces| cw, eccrcaic
irJicetc|s, erJ ret u|esert .elue

urJe|sterJir wc|lJwiJe scel

|e|c|air irc|eaertel erel]sis

Selectir u|cjects
/r]cre wertir e urJeaertel |rcwleJe
c uet|cleua eccrcaics.
PetroleumDecision and
Risk Analysis
Foundation 3Days
/tterJees will lee|r aultiule euu|cec|es
tc acJelir Jecisicrs c| cil erJ es
u|cjects. T|is ccu|se |i|li|ts e u|c.er
u|ccess erJ tec|rclc] c| Jecisicr
erel]sis useJ |] ccaueries wc|lJwiJe.
/r c.e|.iew ircluJes urJeaertels erJ
ereaules c Jecisicr erel]sis, Jiscussicr
c urce|teirties erJ |is|, erJ .e|icus we]s
tc ircc|uc|ete t|ea ir cil erJ es u|cject
e.elueticrs. 0iscussicrs cc.e| t|e use
c sersiti.ities, Jecisicr t|ees, erJ .elue
c irc|aeticr ir |ct| Jete|airistic erJ
u|c|e|ilistic euu|cec|es tc e.eluetir cil
erJ es u|cjects.

0ecisicr erJ |is| erel]sis, ircluJir
deci si on cri t eri a

0ecisicrs. |cw tc eJJ|ess t|ea erJ,
ac|e iauc|tertl], |cw rct tc eJJ|ess

Essertiels c urce|teirt], |is|,
u|c|e|ilit], erJ stetistics, ircluJir
c|ccsir Jist|i|uticr t]ues erJ
eliairetir |ies

0ecisicr erel]sis u|ccess

uust|eea cil erJ es Jecisicr acJels

0ecisicr erel]sis erJ
|eccaaerJeticr cuticrs

Ke] urce|teirties

Siaule Jecisicr acJels wit|
Jete|airistic erel]sis

Ccauler Jecisicr acJels wit|
u|c|e|ilistic erel]sis

Case st udi es

C|cuu u|c|lea
Cecsciertists, eriree|s, ccaae|ciel
teea aea|e|s, c| er]cre wertir tc
ircc|uc|ete urce|teirt] erJ |is| irtc
acJels c cil erJ es Jecisicrs.
|et|cleua Eccrcaics ccu|se wit| scae
erue|ierce ir u|cject Jecisicr ae|ir erJ
|is| erel]sis.
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 22 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Software Technical courses that use software Includes practical sessions Field trips Uses simulation
Applied Geostatistics for
PetroleumEngineers and
Skill 5Days
The f ocus of t hi s course i s t o produce a
ccrsistert |ese|.ci| Jesc|iuticr t||cu|
irte|eticr c cc|e, well lc, erJ seisaic
dat a and appl i cat i on of geost at i st i cal
t echni ques. At t endees wi l l l earn t he
|ese|.ci| acJelir wc||cw, |ca
ccrst|ucticr c t|e 30 stetic |ese|.ci|
acJel t||cu| uuscelir c| J]reaic
|ese|.ci| siauleticr, ir eJJiticr tc
irc|eesir ]cu| ewe|eress c ecstetistics
erJ t|e situeticrs t|et cer |eret |ca
appl i cat i on of geost at i st i cal t echni ques.
Inst ruct i on i ncl udes gui dance t hrough
essea|l] erJ erel]sis c t|e |eui|eJ
dat a f or geost at i st i cal t echni ques and t he
resul t i ng
ruae|icel acJels.

Besic u|c|e|ilit] t|ec|] erJ uri.e|iete
erJ |i.e|iete stetistics

Geol ogi c cont ent of dat a and spat i al
ccrtiruit] c |cc| u|cue|ties usir
.e|ic|ea erel]sis

Estiaeticr aet|cJs, ircluJir .e|icus
t]ues c ||iir

Siauleticr aet|cJs, ircluJir
seuertiel Ceussier siauleticr erJ
irJicetc| siauleticr

/J.erceJ ecstetisticel tec|riues,
ircluJir c|ject acJelir erJ
siauleteJ erreelir

Techni ques f or upscal i ng and dat a
irte|eticr ,30 seisaic erJ u|cJucticr
||ecticir |ese|.ci| eriree|s, u|cJucticr
engi neers, and geosci ent i st s worki ng
es e ue|t c er irte|eteJ |ese|.ci|
aereeaert teea.
KrcwleJe c |esic aet|eaetics.
Applied Project
ManagementOil and Gas
Skill 5Days
T|e ccus c t|is ccu|se is Jeli.e|] c
u|cject aereeaert tec|riues c|
estiaetir, ulerrir, aereir, erJ
ccrt|cllir er cil erJ es u|cject. lt
erterJs tc iJerticeticr, essessaert,
erJ ccrt|cl c ueliteti.e |is|s, es well es
uertiteti.e |is| erel]sis usir t|e |esics
c u|c|e|ilit]. 0eli.e|eJ ir e wc||s|cu
st]le, t|e ccu|se cca|ires lectu|es cr
|cw tc Je.elcu |ele.ert estiaetes, ulers,
erJ |is| erel]sis wit| t|e ccu|se cese
stuJ] u|cject. T|e wc||s|cu c|aet cer
|e eJeuteJ tc Je.elcu estiaetes, ulers,
erJ |is| erel]ses es Jeli.e|e|les c|
cliertsuecic u|cjects. /ll te|as erJ
tec|riues useJ e|e ccaueti|le wit| t|e
|Ml's '/ CuiJe tc t|e ||cject Mereeaert
BcJ] c KrcwleJe.'

Te|as, u|ccesses, erJ stee ete
|e.iews ir ceuitel .elue u|ccess

|Ml u|ccesses c| aereeaert c cil
erJ es u|cjects

0ecisicrsuuuc|t |euc|ts erJ

||cject lie c]cle Jeriticrs erJ

Sccue aereeaert erJ wc||
breakdown st ruct ures

Use of Mi crosof t

||cject ir u|cject
pl anni ng and cont rol

Besic u|cject ccst erJ u|c|ess
recordi ng

St andard sof t ware f or ri sk
aereeaert erJ ueliteti.e erJ
uertiteti.e |is| essessaerts

Ris| aitieticr st|eteies, u|eliaire|]
ccrtirerc] le.els, erJ c|iticel

Mcrte Ce|lc aet|cJs erJ eruecteJ
acrete|] cutccae

Ris|, ee|reJ .elue, erJ |is||eseJ
f orecast s

Ste|e|clJe| erel]sis erJ aereeaert
ski l l s

||cject erJ |eselire |e.iews
0il erJ es irJust|] u|cject aereeaert
prof essi onal s.
||cject Mereeaert ccu|se c| |Ml |M|
Ce|ticete c| / ]ee|s c erue|ierce ir
u|cject aereeaert.
Skill 10Days
usir e su|su|ece irte|eticr acJel cer
|escl.e |ese|.ci| u|c|leas t|et |ere |ca
uet|cu|]sicel |cc| t]uir tc lc erel]sis.
In t hi s course, at t endees wi l l l earn how
tc ue|c|a er irte|eteJ erel]sis c |cc|,
uc|e, erJ uiJs Jete erJ |cw tc scl.e
u|c|leas essccieteJ wit| iJerti]ir erJ
erulcitir |ese|.es. T|e etterJees will
euul] tccls c| erel]sis c t|e urJe|l]ir
urce|teirt] erJ essuauticrs useJ ir aer]
|ese|.ci| erel]sis tec|riues, ir eJJiticr
tc lee|rir |cw tc iJerti] lit|clcic
/cres erJ uiJ t]ues |ca lc Jete, cllcw
siaule u|cceJu|es c| |euiJ erJ eccu|ete
irte|u|eteticr, erJ euul] cc||eleticrs
tc cc|e erJ uet|cu|]sicel |cc| t]ue
/creticr tc uuscele lc Jete c| |ese|.ci|
siauleticr euuliceticrs. Ccu|se aete|iels
cc.e| eJ.erceJ irte|u|eteticr c| |ette|
urJe|sterJir c Jeteset liaiteticrs erJ
aeesu|eaert |eui|eaerts c| eecti.e
|ese|.ci| Je.elcuaert erJ |ese|.ci|
J|i.e aec|erisas, |ecc.e|] ectc|, erJ
siauleticr acJels. T|e etterJees will
eir erue|ierce wit| lErT 0uic|Scer erJ
qui ckl ook t echni ques t hrough
ircless ere|cises.

lrte|eteJ |ese|.ci| erel]sis c.e|.iew
and case hi st ori es

|et|cu|]sicel |cc| t]ues erJ cw urits

||irciules c setu|eticr Jist|i|uticr
erJ ceuille|] u|essu|e |ca le|c|etc|]
dat a

0uic|lcc| erel]sis erJ irte|u|eteticr
t echni ques

Sat urat i on cal cul at i ons

Tccl cc||ecticrs c| |esisti.it] erJ
us|eJ /cre ,Rrc} aeesu|eaerts, erJ
t ornado chart correct i ons

|c|csit] aeesu|eaerts ,scric,
reut|cr, erJ Jersit]}

Ceuille|] u|essu|e erJ elect|icel |cc|
propert i es

0uic|lcc| ce||crete erJ s|el] serJ

/J.erceJ lc erel]sis
|et|cu|]sicists, ecsciertists, erJ
eriree|s |esucrsi|le c| |ese|.ci|
c|e|ecte|i/eticr w|c |el] cr cc|e
i nt erpret at i on and ot her i nt egrat ed
uet|cu|]sicel Jete c| Jecisicrs erJ
Basi c underst andi ng of geol ogi cal concept s
erJ |ese|.ci| c|e|ecte|i/eticr.
Advanced Integrated Reservoir Analysis
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 23 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Visit NExTtraining.net/classes for the latest calendar or to register for a course. 24
Skill 5Days
In t hi s course, at t endees conduct an
irte|eteJ |ese|.ci| stuJ] c| t|e uu|ucse
c cutiai/ir e |ese|.ci| Jeuleticr uler
c| irstitutir E0R cue|eticrs. /tterJees
wi l l underst and t he dat a t hat are requi red
erJ t|e wc||cw t|et s|culJ |e cllcweJ
tc ersu|e e successul e.elueticr,
i n addi t i on t o l earni ng t echni ques t o
c|e|ecte|i/e |]J|cce||cr |ese|.ci|s,
|uilJ e stetic |ese|.ci| acJel, erJ
iauc|t t|e stetic acJel irtc e |ese|.ci|
siauletc|. 0iscussicr ircluJes u|cceJu|es
c| irte|eteJ |ese|.ci| e.elueticr
erJ |cw tc iau|c.e u|cJucticr |etes,
ultiaete |ecc.e|], erJ elJ eccrcaics
|] iJerti]ir uctertiel c| irll J|illir,
|eccri/ir |]uesseJ |]J|cce||crs, erJ
iau|c.ir E0R u|ccess ecierc].

0|jecti.es c irte|eteJ |ese|.ci|
st udi es

Fl ow scal e consi derat i ons f or dat a

Rese|.ci| c|e|ecte|i/eticr erJ |uilJir
|lcc|s c t|e stetic acJel

Seisaic Jete erJ well lcs

St|uctu|el ccaue|taerts

||ectu|eJ |ese|.ci| ir situ st|ess

|luiJ ccrtect Jete|aireticr. well
lcs, ceuille|] u|essu|e, erJ seisaic
at t ri but es

Rese|.ci| |ete|cereit]

SeJiaerte|] ecies erel]sis

|lcw erJ rcrcw urits

0ete irte|eticr erJ 30 u|cue|t]

Rcle c ecstetistics ir |ese|.ci|

|VT, ceuille|] u|essu|e, erJ .cluaet|ic
|ese|.es estiaetes

Rese|.ci| J|i.e aec|erisas erJ
produci ng charact eri st i cs

Ccr.erticrel Jete erel]sis, u|essu|e
t ransi ent t est , product i on dat a
erel]sis, aete|iel |elerce erel]sis,
erJ ac.ir Jcaeir erel]sis

uuscelir. irte|ecti.e u|ccess
ir.cl.ir ecsciertists erJ eriree|s

lritieli/ir t|e |ese|.ci| acJel

lrte|eteJ teea euu|cec| c| |istc|]

|e|c|aerce c|ecestir, |ese|.ci|
cutiai/eticr erel]sis, erJ ue|eaet|ic
st udi es

Eccrcaic acJelir erJ cutiai/ir t|e
|ese|.ci| Je.elcuaert uler
Cecsciertists erJ uet|cleua eriree|s
|esucrsi|le c| ccrJuctir ccau|e|ersi.e
|ese|.ci| stuJies.
Bec||curJ ir uet|cleua eriree|ir c|
ecscierces erJ erue|ierce ir |ese|.ci|
st udi es.
Skill 5Days
T|is ccu|se cc.e|s t|e urJeaertels
c clestic seJiaertclc] et sceles c|
|ct| |eicrel erulc|eticr erJ JeteileJ
|ese|.ci| c|e|ecte|i/eticr. Re.iews c
t|e aeir t]ues c seJiaerte|] |esirs
are present ed t o t he at t endees i n t he
ccrtert c c|ustel J]reaics. |lete
t ect oni cs and t he product i on and
t|ersuc|t c clestic aete|iels e|e ircluJeJ
f or di f f erent t ect oni c, t opographi c, and
cliaetic settirs. Eau|esis is cr t|e
pract i cal i nt erpret at i on of subsurf ace
Jete-seisaic, cc|e, erJ wi|elire
lcs-c| ecies erel]sis erJ |ese|.ci|
c|e|ecte|i/eticr. Ereaules J|ew |ca
di f f erent f aci es, ages, and basi nal
settirs. |e|ticule| etterticr is i.er
tc t|e u|irciules |] w|ic| Jeucsiticrel
set t i ngs are i nt erpret ed usi ng bot h
out crop and subsurf ace dat a and t o t he
|est cc||eleticr aet|cJs c| Jie|ert
set t i ngs.

T]ues c seJiaerte|] |esirs ir
Jie|ert tectcric ccrterts

|e|escele tectcric settirs c aeir
t]ues c seJiaerte|] |esirs erJ
|eleticrs|iu |etweer st|uctu|el st]le
erJ ll uette|rs

Eects c |esele.el c|eres erJ
s]rJeucsiticrel tectcrics cr seJiaert
di st ri but i on pat t erns

Cc||eleticr ir Jie|ert seJiaerte|]
set t i ngs

Rcle c erelcs ir |uilJir |ese|.ci|
acJels ir Jie|ert Jeucsiticrel
set t i ngs

SeJiaert ere|eticr erJ suuul] ir
di f f erent set t i ngs

|luiJ J]reaics erJ ||eclc] c
erosi on, t ransport , and deposi t i on

Besic aec|erics c seJiaert e|csicr,
t|ersuc|t, erJ Jeucsiticr, |esultert
|eJc|as erJ seJiaerte|] st|uctu|es

|cstJeucsiticrel u|ccesses erJ
product s
Erulc|eticr erJ Je.elcuaert eclcists,
ecu|]sicists, erJ |ese|.ci| eriree|s
w|c reeJ er c.e|.iew c seJiaerte|]
c|eri/eticr ec|css e |ere c sceles
ir Jie|ert |esirel erJ er.i|craertel
set t i ngs.
Besic |rcwleJe c eclc] erJ
seJiaerte|] u|ccesses.
Conducting an Integrated Reservoir Study Clastic Sedimentology for Exploration and Development
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 24 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Software Technical courses that use software Includes practical sessions Field trips Uses simulation
Integrated 3D Reservoir
Modeling Workshop
Skill 5Days
lr t|is wc||s|cu, etterJees lee|r e |erJs
cr u|ecticel wc||cw c| |uilJir e stetic
|ese|.ci| acJel usir t|e |et|el uletc|a.
Course t opi cs i ncl ude a sol i d present at i on
c t|e t|ec|] erJ aet|cJclcies |e|irJ
30 |ese|.ci| acJelir wit| u|ecticel
euuliceticrs. /tterJees will lee|r e steu
wise euu|cec| tc acJel |uilJir t|et ste|ts
wit| er c.e|.iew c |ese|.ci| acJelir,
|uilJir c e st|uctu|el |eaewc||,
ccrtiruir wit| le]e|ir erJ |iJJir,
erJ ucuuletir t|e acJel wit| |ese|.ci|
u|cue|ties. T|e etterJees will eir .elue|le
erue|ierce ir t|e use c .cluaet|ics wit|
uncert ai nt i es and basi c geost at i st i cs.

|et|el uletc|a Jete iauc|t erJ eruc|t

well cc||eleticrs. Cere|ete erJ eJit
wel l t ops

St|uctu|el acJelir. |eult acJelir,
|iJ Jesir, uelit] c|ec|ir, /creticr,
erJ le]e|ir

Stetistics erJ Jete erel]sis |e.iew

Besics c ecstetistics erJ .e|ic|ea
erel]sis, irt|cJucticr tc ||iir, erJ
estiaeticr tec|riues

0ete|airistic erJ u|cue|t] acJelir,
ircluJir ecies acJelir

||cue|t] Jete ,uet|cu|]sics, seisaic,
erJ welltest Jete} irte|eticr

Stcc|estic erJ ccrJiticrel siauleticrs

Vcluaet|ic celculeticrs ere|cise, wit|
aultiule |eeli/eticrs erJ |er|ir

Desi gn and propert i es upscal i ng
Geosci ent i st s or engi neers desi ri ng a
u|ecticel euu|cec| tc |uilJir 30 |ese|.ci|
acJels wit| t|e |et|el uletc|a.
Besic urJe|sterJir c |et|el uletc|a.
Intermediate Production
Logging and Reservoir
Skill 5Days
T|is ccu|se u|c.iJes etterJees wit|
irJeut| irst|ucticr cr ceseJ |cle lcir
tccl u|]sics, irte|u|eteticr, erJ 0C
tec|riues c| well|c|esuecic u|cJucticr
lcir erJ |ese|.ci| acritc|ir scere|ics.
At t endees l earn how and when t o use
t|ese tccls tc aeet lcir c|jecti.es erJ
uic|lcc| tec|riues c| iJerti]ir lc 0C
u|c|leas. usir |eelwc|lJ ereaules, t|e
etterJees lee|r tc irte|u|et |e|irJcesir
|esisti.it] Jete erJ aeesu|e t||eeu|ese
cw usir u|cJucticr lcs.

lrcw ue|c|aerce erJ u|cJucti.it]
irJer c| cil erJ es wells

0utcw ue|c|aerce. Metc|ir ircw
wit| cutcw tc cutiai/e u|cJucti.it]

|lcw |eiaes ir .e|ticel, Je.ieteJ, erJ
|c|i/crtel wells

Tec|riues c| aeesu|ir irJi.iJuel
uiJ .elccities c cil, wete|, erJ es

T||eeu|ese |clJuus |ca elect|icel
and opt i cal sensors

||cJucticr lcir ir |c|i/crtel wells

|ulseJ reut|cr lc u|]sics, ceutu|e
c|css secticr, erJ ce||crlcr]er
l oggi ng

CeseJ |cle c|aeticr |esisti.it] Jete

wc||s|cus. Ceutu|e acJe c|
e.eluetir wete| erJ es setu|eticr,
lrte|u|etir |e|irJcesir |esisti.it]
lcs, T||eeu|ese cw
|et|cu|]sicists erJ eriree|s |esucrsi|le
c| well|c|e Jiercstics c| |ese|.ci|
acritc|ir w|c wert e JeteileJ
underst andi ng of cased hol e l oggi ng t ool s.
Besic ||cJucticr |cir erJ Besic
Rese|.ci| Mcritc|ir ccu|ses c| ac|e t|er
1 ]ee| c erue|ierce wit| euulieJ ceseJ
hol e l oggi ng.
Risk, Uncertainty and
Decisions in E&P Projects
Skill 5Days
urJe|sterJ w|] u|cjects cer eil |eceuse
c eJ.e|se e.erts wit| eclcic, tec|ricel,
ccaae|ciel, c| ccrt|ectuel c|iirs. lr
t hi s course, at t endees wi l l i ncrease t hei r
urJe|sterJir c |cw |is| erJ urce|teirt]
iauect t|e Jecisicrs cr w|ic| u|cjects
t|e] select, |cw tc Je.elcu t|ea, erJ
|cw t|ese Jecisicrs eect t|ei| eccrcaic
ue|c|aerce. lau|c.ir t|e uelit] c
Jecisicrs is t|e aeir cel c t|is ccu|se,
rct just urJe|sterJir |is| erJ urce|teirt]
c| t|ei| cwr se|e. ||c|e|ilistic ccrceuts
erJ tccls e|e useJ tc Jesc|i|e u|cjects
wit| |is| erJ urce|teirt] tc i.e e |ette|
underst andi ng of t he pri nci pl es and t ool s
urJe|l]ir t|ese ccrceuts.

||c|e|ilit] c.e|.iew erJ siaule
erulc|eticr eccrcaics

Dependenci es

0ecisicr erel]sis

0ecisicr t|ees, Be]es c|aule, erJ t|e
.elue c irc|aeticr

Uncert ai nt i es

Ccaucrerts c eccu|ec]

Mcrte Ce|lc erel]sis erJ its
appl i cat i on

Correl at i ons and regressi ons

Cecstetistics. Steticre|] essuauticrs,
.e|ic|eas, ||iir, cc||iir, lte|ir,
erJ aultiule |eeli/eticrs
E8| u|cessicrels ir.cl.eJ ir Jete
erel]sis erJ irte|u|eteticr, ircluJir
eclcists, ecu|]sicists, erJ |ese|.ci|
eriree|s ecti.e ir erulc|eticr, euu|eisel,
elJ Je.elcuaert, |ese|.es estiaeticr, c|
eccrcaics, Jecisicr ae|e|s irte|esteJ ir
lee|rir ac|e e|cut Jecisicr erel]sis.
Erucsu|e tc |esic stetistics erJ e wc||ir
knowl edge of Mi crosof t

worksheet s.
Applied Production Logging
and Reservoir Monitoring
Advanced 5Days
Erccauessir eJ.erceJ tec|riues
c| u|cJucticr lcir erJ |ese|.ci|
acritc|ir, t|is ccu|se teec|es etterJees
t|e Jesir c e Jeteecuisiticr u|c|ea
c| e.elueticr c well|c|e c| |ese|.ci|
|e|e.ic| |eseJ cr elJ Je.elcuaert
c|jecti.es. |erJscr ereaules
Jeacrst|ete irJeut| lc irte|u|eteticr
tec|riues c| |esisti.it] aeesu|eaerts
ecui|eJ |e|irJ cesir, t||eeu|ese cw
ir |c|i/crtel wells, erJ uiJ setu|eticrs.
At t endees wi l l l earn qui ckl ook t echni ques
c| lc 0C es well es |cw tc uler erJ
irte|ete aultiscu|ce Jete c| e ac|e
ccaulete e.elueticr.

lrcw erJ cutcw ue|c|aerce erJ

|lcw |eiaes erJ sliuuee .elccities
ir .e|ticel, Je.ieteJ, erJ |c|i/crtel
wel l s

Ve|icus tec|riues c| aeesu|ir cil,
wete|, erJ es .elccit]

Meesu|eaert c t||eeu|ese |clJuus
usi ng el ect ri cal and opt i cal sensors

Suirre| celi||eticrs ir .e|ticel,
Je.ieteJ, erJ |c|i/crtel wells

T||eeu|ese u|cJucticr lcir ir
|c|i/crtel wells

||]sics c uulseJ reut|cr erJ ce||crl
cr]er lcir

||essu|e Jete erJ c|aeticr uiJ
seaule ecuisiticr |e|irJ cesir

wc||s|cu. use c ceutu|e erJ ce||crl
cr]er acJes c| e.eluetir wete|
and gas sat urat i ons

wc||s|cu. lrte|u|etir |esisti.it]
lcir aeesu|eaerts ecui|eJ
behi nd casi ng

wc||s|cu. ||cJucticr lcir ir
|c|i/crtel wells wit| t||eeu|ese cw
||cessicrels wit| ecscierce |ec||curJ
erJ airiaua c Z ]ee|s c erucsu|e tc
elJ u|cJucticr.
Mc|e t|er Z ]ee|s c erue|ierce
irte|u|etir |ese|.ci| acritc|ir lcs
,etterJees e|e erccu|eeJ tc ||ir Jicult
lc ereaules c| ircless Jiscussicr erJ
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 25 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Visit NExTtraining.net/classes for the latest calendar or to register for a course. 26
Production Logging
Solutions Workshop
Advanced 5Days
T|is iaae|si.e wc||s|cu teec|es t|e
etterJees |cw tc irte|u|et Jicult
product l oggi ng scenari os and t o di agnose
u|cJucticr |e|e.ic|s rct ircluJeJ ir
cl assi cal i nt erpret at i on t echni ques.
T||cu| e |erJscr, irte|ecti.e wc||s|cu,
usir ]cu| Jete erJ u|c|leas, etterJees
lee|r |cw tc eJjust t|ei| irte|u|eteticr
tec|riues c| aec|ericel c| uiJsuecic
u|ercaere. /tterJees e|e erccu|eeJ
tc ||ir Jicult lc ereaules c| ircless
di scussi on and i nt erpret at i on.

|i|tec| u|cJucticr lcir tccls c|
|c|i/crtel wells

|lcw |eiaes ir |c|i/crtel wells
and ef f ect s on product i on l og
i nt erpret at i ons

Spi nner cal i brat i ons and product i on
lc irte|u|eteticrs ir |c|i/crtel wells

Rese|.ci| uiJs erJ J|i.e aec|erisas

lrcw erJ cutcw ue|c|aerce

Justiceticr c| u|cJucticr lcir

Leak det ect i on i nsi de and behi nd
casi ng and t ubi ng

Tec|riues c| estiaetir t||eeu|ese
uiJ .elccities

T||eeu|ese uiJ |clJuus ir .e|ticel,
Je.ieteJ, erJ |c|i/crtel wells

Sliuuee .elccities ir .e|ticel erJ
Je.ieteJ wells
|et|cu|]sicists erJ u|cJucticr eriree|s
wit| erue|ierce ir ceseJ |cle lcir erJ
l og i nt erpret at i on.
Mc|e t|er Z ]ee|s c erue|ierce
i nt erpret i ng product i on l ogs.
Reservoir Monitoring
Solutions Workshop
Advanced 5Days
T|is iaae|si.e wc||s|cu teec|es
etterJees |cw tc irte|u|et Jicult
|ese|.ci| acritc|ir scere|ics erJ tc
Jiercse |ese|.ci| |e|e.ic|s rct ircluJeJ
i n cl assi cal i nt erpret at i ons. Focused on
|ese|.ci| acritc|ir lcir tec|riues,
t|is ccu|se u|c.iJes etterJees wit|
suecic st|eteies c| t|ei| use erJ
irte|u|eteticr. T||cu| e |erJscr
irte|ecti.e wc||s|cu, usir ]cu| Jete
erJ u|c|leas, etterJees will lee|r |cw
tc eJjust irte|u|eteticr tec|riues c|
|ese|.ci| erJ elJwiJe u|ercaere,
esueciell] ir wete|ccJ cue|eticrs.
/tterJees e|e erccu|eeJ tc ||ir Jicult
lc ereaules c| ircless Jiscussicr erJ
i nt erpret at i on.

Rese|.ci| uiJs erJ J|i.e aec|erisas

lrcw erJ cutcw ue|c|aerce

Rese|.ci| acritc|ir lc justiceticr

luclee| u|]sics c |ese|.ci|
acritc|ir erJ uulseJ reut|cr lcir

|l| tccls ,Sc|lua|e|e| erJ
Hal l i burt on


|l| ceutu|e c|csssecticrel
aeesu|eaerts erJ ce||crlcr]er
dat a

|cirjectlc tec|riue tc estiaete
resi dual oi l sat urat i on

|c|aeticr |esisti.it] ecuisiticr
|e|irJ steel erJ rcrccrJucti.e cesir

||essu|e aeesu|eaerts erJ seaulir
behi nd casi ng

|ielJ aeuuir c wete|ccJ tc iJerti]
ursweut /cres
|et|cu|]sicists erJ u|cJucticr eriree|s
wit| erue|ierce ir |ese|.ci| acritc|ir
l oggi ng, and l og i nt erpret at i on.
Mc|e t|er Z ]ee|s c erue|ierce
irte|u|etir |ese|.ci| acritc|ir lcs.
Resources and Reserves
Advanced 5Days
T|is ccu|se u|eserts eJ.erceJ
tec|riues c| |ese|.es estiaeticr erJ
eJJ|esses t|e Jie|erce ir clessiceticr
c |escu|ces erJ |ese|.es. /tterJees
will lee|r Jeriticrs c |ese|.es erJ
resources and gui del i nes f or t hei r
euuliceticr |ca .e|icus |euletc|] erJ
irJust|] eut|c|ities, ircluJir Scciet]
c |et|cleua Eriree|s ,S|E}, wc|lJ
|et|cleua Ccurcil ,w|C}, /ae|icer
/ssccieticr c |et|cleua Ceclcists
,//|C}, erJ t|e uS Secu|ities erJ
Erc|ere Ccaaissicr ,SEC}. /tterJees
will Jiscc.e| t|e letest erJ acst eccu|ete
aet|cJs c| estiaetir |ese|.es, |ct|
Jete|airistic erJ u|c|e|ilistic, erJ eir
e t|c|cu| urJe|sterJir c .e|icus
|ese|.es le.els erJ t|ei| eui.elerce ir
|ct| s]steas, ircluJir u|c.eJ, u|c.eJ
ulus u|c|e|le, erJ u|c.eJ ulus u|c|e|le
pl us possi bl e.

Besic Jeriticrs erJ clessiceticrs

St at i st i cs and probabi l i t i es


||c|e|ilit] erJ urce|teirt]

EruecteJ .elue, erJ eruecteJ .elue
and deci si on t rees

utilit] t|ec|]

urccr.erticrel |escu|ces

Rese|.es Jeriticr erJ clessiceticr

Tiae .elue c acre]

Bec|eter erJ ete|ter ces| cws

0eclire cu|.es


Mat eri al bal ance

Eccrcaic ]e|Jstic|s

lr.estaert c|cices

Int ernat i onal cont ract s

|ielJ ereaules
|et|cleua eriree|s, eclcists, |ese|.es
erel]sts, erJ ct|e|s ir.cl.eJ ir estiaeticr
c |ese|.es.
Degree i n engi neeri ng or geosci ence, and
|rcwleJe c |ese|.ci| eriree|ir erJ
uet|cleua eclc].
Project Risk Analysis and
Advanced 4Days
urce|teirt] is ir|e|ert ir ell u|cjects
erJ cue|eticrs, ue|ticule|l] ir tec|ricel,
rerciel, sc|eJule, leel, erJ uelit]
arenas. Thi s course present s t he at t endees
wit| tec|riues useJ ir t|e iJerticeticr,
essessaert, erJ ccrt|cl c urce|teirties ir
e u|cject|eseJ erte|u|ise. /tterJees will
lee|r e|cut |is| erel]sis erJ aereeaert
es e elJ c erue|tise ccuseJ cr t|e
s]steaetic erJ ccau|e|ersi.e erel]sis c

Ris| erel]sis u|ccess erJ stees c
|is| lie c]cle

Erucsu|e, iauect, erJ u|c|e|ilit]

Ris| iJerticeticr u|ccess

Mi t i gat i on st rat egi es

usir Mic|csct Ercel erJ
@Ris|" c| u|cject |is| erel]sis

Cese stuJ] erel]sis. Resettir
u|c|e|ilit] ue|eaete|s
/r]cre wertir tc irc|eese s|ills ir
u|cject |is| aereeaert.
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 26 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Software Technical courses that use software Includes practical sessions Field trips Uses simulation
Avocet Integrated Asset
Modeler Fundamentals
Foundation 5Days
T|e ccu|se ccuses cr use c t|e /.ccet
uletc|a tc irte|ete t|e |ese|.ci| wit|
t|e su|ece acJels. lrst|ucticr ircluJes
sof t ware i nst al l at i on.

0.e|.iew c |e] |ese|.ci| retwc||
ccuulir urJeaertels

Ccuulir |ese|.ci|s tc retwc||s

Rurrir tiae|eseJ siauleticrs

Ccrrectir acJels

/JJir e Mic|csct Ercel ulerrir,
|is|, erJ |ese|.es sctwe|e acJel tc e
cw Jie|ea

E.eluetir eccrcaics wit| Me|e|
sctwe|e acJels

T|erse||ir ccaucsiticrs
/r]cre wertir tc irte|ete |ese|.ci|s
wit| su|ece acJels usir /.ccet
sctwe|e uletc|a.
||cJucticr, |ese|.ci|, c| u|ccess
engi neeri ng background wi t h knowl edge of
eit|e| EC|l|SE c| |l|ESlM siauletc|s.
ECLIPSE Blackoil Reservoir
Foundation 5Days
The f ocus of t hi s course i s on l earni ng
t|e EC|l|SE Blec|cil |ese|.ci| siauleticr
sctwe|e, |et|e| t|er siauleticr
aet|cJclc]. T|is ull] iaulicit,
t||eeu|ese, 30, ere|eluu|ucse |lec|cil
siauletc| ircluJes se.e|el eJ.erceJ
eetu|es c EC|l|SE siauletc| sctwe|e.

0.e|.iew c |cw e siauletc| iritieli/es
erJ erecutes

Blcc|certe|eJ erJ cc|re|ucirt |iJ

Rcc| erJ uiJ u|cue|ties

Al l ocat i on of i ni t i al pressure and
sat urat i on di st ri but i on

/uie| Jeriticr

Ccrt|cl wells urJe| |istc|]aetc|ir
erJ u|cJucticr |eiae

EC|l|SE Blec|cil le st|uctu|e

Input rul es

Sueci]ir erJ eJitir iruut erJ
out put dat a

BuilJir erJ erecutir e siauleticr

/rel]sis c |esults t||cu|
post processi ng
Rese|.ci| eriree|s, ecsciertists, erJ
ct|e| tec|ricell] t|eireJ irJi.iJuels
irte|esteJ ir lee|rir t|e EC|l|SE Blec|cil
EC|l|SE /uulieJ Rese|.ci| Siauleticr
|urJeaertels ccu|se erJ |ec||curJ ir
|ese|.ci| eriree|ir.
MEPO Introduction
Foundation 3Days
Thi s course i s desi gned t o i nt roduce
t|e euuliceticr c t|e ME|0 cutiai/e|
tc |ese|.ci| eriree|s erJ esset teeas
ir.cl.eJ wit| |eleteJ Jisciulires. T|e
ccu|se will cc.e| wc||cw u|ccesses c|
se.e|el ccrc|ete euuliceticr scere|ics
usir irJust|] sterJe|J Jesir erJ
cutiai/eticr tec|riues ir |ese|.ci|
siauleticr. |cllcwir er irt|cJucticr tc
t|e |esic urcticrelit] c t|e tccl erJ
u|cject st|uctu|e, t|e ccu|se etterJees
will |e i.er e ||ie suaae|] c
te|airclc] erJ ccrceuts ir urce|teirt]
acJelir, essisteJ |istc|]aetc|ir,
erJ u|cJucticr c|ecestir, cllcweJ |]
u|eserteticr erJ |erJscr erue|ierce
eireJ |] wc||ir wit| t|e euuliceticr c
t|e ME|0 cutiai/e|. ||ecticel ere|cises
ircluJe ue|c|air urce|teirt] erel]ses
es well es ir.estietir t|e iruerce
c .e|icus ue|eaete|s cr |ese|.ci|
acJelir erJ elte|reti.e Je.elcuaert
st|eteies. T|e |eaeirJe| c t|e ccu|se
i s dedi cat ed t o pri nci pl es and pract i ce of
ME|0 wit| e ccus cr |istc|]aetc|ir
tes|s erJ urce|teirt] uerticeticr.
Siricert eau|esis will |e uleceJ cr
Jesir, erecuticr, erJ ucstu|ccessir c
|ese|.ci| siauleticr |urs. usir ce|eull]
selecteJ ereaule ceses erJ ere|cises,
t he at t endees wi l l gai n an underst andi ng
c aet|cJs erJ acJelir tec|riues t|et
will ere|le t|ea tc ae|e use c t|e ME|0
cutiai/e| ir t|ei| |cutire tes|s.

lrt|cJucticr tc ME|0 cutiai/e|

lrt|cJucticr tc J]reaic urce|teirt]

Erue|iaertel Jesirs

/rel]/ir eetu|es

lrt|cJucticr tc cutiai/eticr aet|cJs
c| |istc|] aetc|ir erJ |ese|.ci|

General underst andi ng of t he use of
ME|0 cutiai/e|

wc||cw ereaules erJ |est u|ectices
Rese|.ci| eriree|s.
Merak PeepFundamentals and
Merak PeepDecline Fundamentals
Foundation 3Days
/tterJees ir t|is ccu|se will erulc|e t|e
urcticrelit] c Me|e| |eeu sctwe|e erJ
Jeclire erel]sis acJule. T|ese sctwe|e
uec|ees ellcw c| re.ietir eciertl]
t||cu| t|e cese Jccuaert, eJit eristir
Jete, erJ erel]/e eccrcaic |urs.
Merak Peep Fundamentals

C|eete, eJit, erJ ccu] eccrcaic cese

Re.iew essertiel eccrcaic iruuts

C|eete lte|s erJ use| ue|eaete|s tc
eesil] sc|t le|e Jete .cluaes

Use bat ch processes t o edi t or report
aultiule ceses siaulterecusl] erJ
celculete u|ice sersiti.it]
Merak Peep Decline Fundamentals

Meirteir cu||ert ir|cuse erJ .erJc|
Jete tc urJe|sterJ u|cJucticr le.els

lauc|t erJ eruc|t u|cJucticr |istc|]

C|eete |cuus erJ suaae|] wells tc
|ette| aeree well Jete

|c|ecest u|cJucticr |etes erJ .cluaes

|e|c|a |esic Jeclire erel]sis|etel
tiae cu|.es erJ cuauleti.e cu|.es
/r]cre reeJir tc Je.elcu c| iau|c.e
t|ei| s|ill erJ urJe|sterJir c u|cject
eccrcaics erJ Jeclire cu|.e erel]sis
ue|c|aeJ wit| t|e Me|e| |eeu erJ |eeu
0eclire acJules.
|et|cleua Eccrcaics |urJeaertels c|
eui.elert |rcwleJe ir eJJiticr tc er
urJe|sterJir c |esic Jeclire erel]sis
tec|riues erJ t|ec|].
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 27 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Visit NExTtraining.net/classes for the latest calendar or to register for a course. 28
OFM Fundamentals Using
Gas Operations Examples
Foundation 2Days
Thi s course i nt roduces at t endees t o t he
u|iae|] urcticrelities c t|e 0|M sctwe|e
|] ellcwir t|e etterJees tc irte|ect
wi t h a preprepared gas wel l operat i ons
u|cject. T|e cw c t|e ccu|se certe|s
cr t|e etterJee ectir es e aea|e| c
e cticrel eriree|ir teea, c|e|eJ
wit| ecccaulis|ir e rua|e| c ccaacr
t asks usi ng t he OFM sof t ware sui t e. The
ccu|se cc.e|s eec| c t|e |eui|eJ tes|s. lr
ecccaulis|ir t|e tes|s, t|e etterJees e|e
erucseJ tc t|e |ere c ccaacr eetu|es
of t he sof t ware appl i cat i on. Duri ng t he
course, t he at t endees wi l l l earn how t o use
t|e 0|M sctwe|e es e uelit] essu|erce
tccl, see|ir Jeciercies ir t|e Jete |ec|e
usir t|e u|cject Jete tc illust|ete u|iae|]
erJ Je|i.eJ ue|c|aerce ue|eaete|s.
T|e ccu|se elsc cc.e|s |eu|icel Jisule]
eetu|es, |erir |ca te|ule| ulcts
t||cu| lire |eu|s tc ClS aeu|eseJ
represent at i ons.

B|ie wel|t||cu| c e ull]
urcticrir u|cject tc u|c.iJe uic|
set of ref erence poi nt s

Re.iew u|cject Jete erJ c|ec| c|
aissir .elues

use lte|s tc sc|eer cut urwerteJ
ertities c| erel]sis

C|cuu u|cject Jete et aultiule le.els

C|eete celculeteJ elJs erJ celculeteJ

C|eete sirle erJ aultiulewell ulcts

C|eete erJ c|aet well erJ elJ
suaae|] |euc|ts

Eruc|t |euc|ts erJ te|le Jete tc ct|e|
appl i cat i ons
/r]cre |esucrsi|le c| settir uu erJ
aeirteirir e u|cject usir 0|M sctwe|e.
OFM Fundamentals
Using Oil and Waterflood
Production Examples
Foundation 2Days
Thi s course i nt roduces t he at t endees t o
t|e u|iae|] urcticrelities c t|e 0|M
sctwe|e |] ellcwir t|e etterJees
t o i nt eract wi t h a preprepared oi l and
wete|ccJ u|cJucticr u|cject. T|e
course cent ers on t he at t endee act i ng
es e aea|e| c e cticrel eriree|ir
teea, c|e|eJ wit| ecccaulis|ir e
rua|e| c ccaacr tes|s ir t|e 0|M
sctwe|e suite. T|e ccu|se cc.e|s eec|
c t|e |eui|eJ tes|s. lr ecccaulis|ir
t|ese tes|s t|e etterJees e|e erucseJ
tc t|e |ere c ccaacr eetu|es c t|e
sof t ware appl i cat i on. Duri ng t he course,
t he at t endees wi l l l earn how t o use t he
0|M sctwe|e es e uelit] essu|erce tccl,
see|ir Jeciercies ir t|e Jete |ec|e
usir t|e u|cject Jete tc illust|ete u|iae|]
erJ Je|i.eJ ue|c|aerce ue|eaete|s.
T|e ccu|se elsc cc.e|s |eu|icel Jisule]
eetu|es |erir |ca te|ule| ulcts
t||cu| lire |eu|s tc ClS aeu|eseJ
represent at i ons.

/ ||ie wel|t||cu| c e ull]
urcticrir u|cject

Re.iew u|cject Jete erJ c|ec| c|
aissir .elues

use lte|s tc sc|eer cut urwerteJ
ertities c| erel]sis

C|cuu u|cject Jete et aultiule le.els

C|eete celculeteJ elJs erJ celculeteJ

C|eete sirle erJ aultiulewell ulcts

C|eete erJ c|aet well erJ elJ
suaae|] |euc|ts

Eruc|t |euc|ts erJ te|le Jete tc ct|e|
appl i cat i ons
/r]cre |esucrsi|le c| settir uu erJ
aeirteirir e u|cject usir 0|M sctwe|e.
Petrel Well Design
Foundation 1Day
The purpose of t hi s course i s t o i nt roduce
t|e well Jesir acJule erJ t|e J|illir
urcticrelities ir t|e |et|el uletc|a.
The at t endees are gui ded t hrough t he
preparat i on st age f or dat a used i n of f set
well erel]sis, w|ic| ircluJes lceJir c
J|illir e.erts, J|illir lcs, erJ usir
erJ c well |euc|ts tc lte| t|e |rcwleJe
Jete|ese |], c| ereaule, Jete t]ue,
cetec|], c| e.ert se.e|it]. /tterJees will
|eccae eailie| wit| t|e e.eile|le well
desi gn approaches, i ncl udi ng an enhanced
aet|cJ elsc useJ |] J|illir eriree|s.
|cw tc iauc|t t|ejectc|] erJ te|ets
|ca t|i|Jue|t] euuliceticrs suc| es t|e
|erJae|| E0M" Eriree|s 0ete McJel
wi l l al so be i nt roduced. Af t er t he pl anni ng
u|ese, etterJees will lee|r |cw |eeltiae
dat a acqui si t i ons are handl ed i n t he
|et|el uletc|a.

0|illir e.ert clessiceticr erJ

we|aeu se|.ices

well Jesir

well uet| Jesir

Reeltiae Jete ecuisiticr
Dri l l i ng engi neers, geol ogi st s, and
uet|ctec|ricel ue|scrrel wit| urJeaertel
|rcwleJe ir |et|el sctwe|e erJ w|c
need t o underst and wel l pat h desi gn and
cutiai/eticr wit|ir t|e |et|el uletc|a.
|et|el |urJeaertels ccu|se.
Petrel Geology
Foundation 3Days
T|e |et|el uletc|a Ceclc] ccu|se ccrsists
c twc wc||cws c| .cluaet|ic celculeticr,
e aeu|eseJ erJ e 30 acJel wc||cw.
T|e aeu|eseJ wc||cw ccuses cr
t he creat i on of surf aces t hat del i neat e
t|e te|et |ese|.ci|. T|ese su|eces, ir
cca|ireticr wit| u|cue|ties ir t|e c|a c
gri dded surf aces or const ant s, are used t o
celculete .cluaes. T|e 30 acJel|eseJ
wc||cw ccuses cr t|e ccrst|ucticr c e
3D gri d, popul at i ng t he gri d wi t h propert i es
tc |e useJ ir Jete|airir er eccu|ete
.cluae celculeticr.

Su|ece ere|eticr erJ |ereaert

well irte|u|eteticr erJ .isueli/eticr

Isochore processi ng

Meu|eseJ .cluae celculeticrs

St|uctu|el |eaewc||

Cecaet|icel acJelir

Upscal i ng wel l l ogs

|ecies acJelir

|et|cu|]sicel acJelir

Cont act s creat i ng

Vcluae celculeticrs
Cecsciertists, ecu|]sicists, erJ
eriree|s wc||ir cr stetic erJ J]reaic
|et|el |urJeaertels ccu|se c| siaile|
|et|el uletc|a erue|ierce ccuuleJ wit| e
ere|el |rcwleJe c uet|cleua eclc]
erJ ecu|]sics es well es eleaertel
sof t w are ski l l s.
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 28 12/22/13 2:48 AM
Software Technical courses that use software Includes practical sessions Field trips Uses simulation
Petrel Reservoir Engineering
Foundation 3Days
Thi s course enabl es at t endees t o prepare
erJ |ur e |et|el uletc|a acJel c|
|ese|.ci| siauleticr ir EC|l|SE siauletc|,
EC|l|SE ||crtSia, erJ llTERSECT rert
ere|eticr |ese|.ci| siauleticr sctwe|e.
In t hi s course, at t endees wi l l bui l d a 3D
siauleticr acJel irsiJe t|e |et|el uletc|a
based on geol ogi cal i nput dat a, add wel l s
and wel l cont rol rul es, creat e bl ack oi l
uiJ acJels erJ |cc| u|]sics urcticrs,
erJ su|ait t|e acJel tc t|e siauletc|s.
lr eJJiticr, u|ecticel euuliceticr c acst
|et|el uletc|a siauleticr u|ccesses
wi l l be di scussed and i l l ust rat ed i n t he
ere|cises. 0.e|ell, u|e u|ccessir erJ ucst
u|ccessir c siauleticr Jete will |e Jcre
wit|ir t|e |et|el uletc|a er.i|craert.

Siauleticr cese setuu

lritieli/eticr erJ .cluae celculeticr

Siauleticr |ur erJ |esults .iewir

|istc|] aetc|ir erJ u|eJicticr

well eriree|ir

uuscelir erJ eJ.erceJ cc|re|ucirt
gri ddi ng
0e.elcuaert erJ erulc|eticr eclcists,
ecu|]sicists, uet|cleua eriree|s,
aeree|s, |ese|.ci| eriree|s, erJ
tec|ricel ue|scrrel wit| u|ic| erue|ierce ir
|et|el sctwe|e.
|et|el |urJeaertels ccu|se c| eui.elert
|et|el uletc|a erue|ierce, erJ ere|el
|rcwleJe c |ese|.ci| eriree|ir c|
uet|cleua eclc] erJ ecu|]sics.
Production Operations
Foundation 2Days
T|is ccu|se cc.e|s t|e use c t|e |l|ESlM
siauletc| c| Jesirir erJ acJelir
es u|cJucticr s]steas cue|eticrs.
||ecticel erJ ccau|e|ersi.e u|c|leas
will |e u|eserteJ, JiscusseJ, erJ erel]/eJ
t hroughout t he course.

le.iete t|e |l|ESlM siauletc| use|
i nt erf ace

Troubl eshoot and debot t l eneck
retwc|| acJels

McJel es wells, ircluJir .e|icus
ccauleticr acJels

Metc| ircw ue|c|aerce tc test Jete

McJel wete| seue|eticr, irjecticr
i nt o a sal t wat er di sposal wel l , and
well|eeJ c| aericlJ u|cJucticr

Ccrst|uct e ccaucsiticrel uiJ acJel

||eJict es |]J|ete c|aeticr, e|csicr,
corrosi on, and l i qui d l oadi ng i n gas
wel l s

Model cent ri f ugal and reci procat i ng
es ccau|essc|s

Ccaue|e t|e |eleti.e |erets c uus|
.e|sus uull ccau|essicr

Estiaete t|e |eui|eJ slu cetc|e| si/e

McJel e t|ersaissicr retwc||
||cJucticr eriree|s, ecilities eriree|s
c| elJ u|cJucticr cue|eticrs eriree|s.
Cere|el uet|cleua eriree|ir |rcwleJe
es well es eleaertel sctwe|e s|ills.
Introduction to INTERSECT
Skill 2Days
T|e llTERSECT siauletc| ccu|se
irt|cJuces |ese|.ci| eriree|s tc aet|cJs
c ccrst|uctir siauleticr acJels usir
llTERSECT siauleticr sctwe|e. T|e
t|eirir Jiscusses t|e aeir eetu|es
c t|e llTERSECT siauletc| |eleti.e
tc wc||ir wit| iruut Jete |ca |et|el
c| EC|l|SE sctwe|e. /lcr t|e we],
etterJees will elsc |e erucseJ tc
t|e |esic eetu|es c t|e llTERSECT
siauletc|. T|e ccu|se ircc|uc|etes
irc|aeticr e|cut usir |et|el u|e erJ
ucst u|ccessc|s es t|e u|iae|] |crterJ
c| t|e llTERSECT siauletc|.

0.e|.iew c |ese|.ci| siauleticr usir
t|e llTERSECT siauletc|

0ete c|eeticr t||cu| t|e |et|el
uletc|a euuliceticr

Dat a edi t i ng usi ng t he Mi grat or
acJule ir EC|l|SE sctwe|e erJ t|e
llTERSECT siauletc|

|ielJ aereeaert

lau|c.ir siauletc| ue|c|aerce

lauc|tert |e|e.ic|el Jie|erces ir
EC|l|SE erJ llTERSECT siauleticr
sof t ware
Rese|.ci| eriree|s wc||ir cr siauleticr
st udi es.
Bec||curJ ir |ese|.ci| eriree|ir.
Merak Decision Tool
Kit and Merak Peep
Monte Carlo
Skill 1Day
In t hi s course, at t endees wi l l work i n t he
Me|e| |eeu erJ Me|e| 0ecisicr Tccl Kit
acJules tc erulc|e t|e u|irciules c Mcrte
Ce|lc erel]ses erJ |cw tc euul] t|ea tc
u|cject e.elueticrs.

0ete|airistic erel]sis .e|sus Mcrte
Ce|lc erel]sis

RerJca wel|s erJ t|ei| iruut

Correl at i ons

Use of report set t i ngs

Visuel Mcrte Ce|lc t|ees

Choi ce and chance nodes
Me|e| |eeu acJule use|s |esucrsi|le c|
u|eue|ir c| acJi]ir Me|e| |eeu acJels
usir t|e Me|e| |iscel McJel |i||e|]
appl i cat i on.
Me|e| 0ecisicr Tccl Kit |urJeaertels
ccu|se, Me|e| |eeu |urJeaertels ccu|se,
and an underst andi ng of basi c Mont e Carl o
NExT Catalog-2014(21.5x27.5).indd 29 12/22/13 2:48 AM

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