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Rajesh Sonnenahalli Village, Mahadevapura, K.R. Puram Hobli, Bangalore East taluk, Bangalore !" "!!, Karnataka, #ndia.

E-Mail Id: rajesh.nagirindlu@gmail.com Mobile No: +91-8197224940


Seeking a $hallenging and responsible position in a gro%th oriented organi&ation in the 'ield o' ERP, in %here # $an utili&e m( skills and kno%ledge to the optimum level to add assessment to the organi&ation as %ell as to enhan$e m( $areer graph.

Professional Summary:
)veriall 3+ years of experience in SAP R/3 ECC 6.0 MM in implementation and support. *ood kno%ledge on understanding o' Business Pro$ess and preparing Business Blue Print as per +lient Re,uirement. #n-depth kno%ledge o' -S-P methodologies. Extensi e !no"led#e of implementin# and confi#urin# SAP MM modules in complex $usiness en ironments. E.perien$ed in anal(sis, designing solutions, /ser training and prepared user manual %ith mm transa$tions and Reports *eneration. Uploading data into legacy system t !o"g #$M% and &'() 0hroughout kno%ledge o' implementing and managing S-P appli$ations. -bilit( to $ommuni$ate business goals and ob1e$tives in an e''e$tive %a(.

0E+H2#+-3 SK#33S4

*pe!ating $ystems and applications: %indo+s 9,-98-ME-2.-N/-012 M$-'*$2 Mic!oso3t *33ice $"ite2 M$-1!o4ect2 %o!5ing .no+ledge o3 M$-%o!d2 M$- E6cel) ERP %ith S-P R567MM, #M, 8M, 3#V, PM +#29 Methodolog( -dopted -S-P6."5 S-P Solution.


Infotech-Enterprises Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad ;rom <"th =an <">6 to 0ill ?ate.

8orking 'or Hewlett-Packard, Bangalore ;rom "@0H ?e$ <">" to >!th =an <">6. DOMAIN EXPERTISE: Worked for NCL Ind stries !P" Ltd., Hyderabad, as Proc re#ent e$ec tive fro# %&th
'ay (&%& to )th *ec (&%&. EDUCATION DETAILS: +.,.C Co#p ters -ro# ,.. .ovt. *e/ree Colle/e, (&%& +oard 0f Inter#ediate Ed cation -ro# Nallari 1#arnath 2eddy Colle/e ,(&&3 ,.,.C -ro# 4.P.Hi/h school -ro# (&&5.


lien! Name Met!o


Projec! T"#e End to End Implementation


SAP $ersion E(( 7)0 E(( 7)0 E((7)0

Dura!ion 20t 8an 2019 to /ill 'ate) 22/: No; 2011 to 17t 8an 2019) 08/: 'ec 2010 to 17t No; 2011)

$a"di <!abian <i!lines

Implementation = s"ppo!t

1>*8E(/ 1>*?I#E:
Project : Metro Group

Client 8 'etro syste#s, .er#any 2ole 8 '' Cons ltant Co#pany 8 Infotech-Enterprises pvt ltd * ration 8) 1bo t the client8 'etro .ro p Infor#ation syste# is an internal I6 service provider for the 'etro .ro p of co#panies. 1nd it is one of the leadin/ international tradin/ co#panies. In (&&3 they

reached a t rnover of aro nd 9 :) billion. 6he co#pany operates in ;% co ntries at over (,(&& locations and appro$i#ately (<&,&&& e#ployees. 6he perfor#ance of the co#pany is based on the stren/th of its sales brands which are there constantly in the #arket)

>*#E$ <N' >E$1*N$I&I#I/IE$:

Implementation according to ASAP methodology which includes Business Blue- printing, realization and Go live and support. Mapping o !rganizational Structure o "ompany, "ustomizing Purchasing !rganization, Plant, and Storage #ocation. $ands on %&perience on entire procure- to- pay 'P(P) cycle process. "on igured master data including material master, vendor master, source list, in o records. Involved in data migration o material data rom legacy to SAP *+, system. "on igured Purchasing documents li-e purchase re.uisition, purchase orders, */0+0uotation and 0uota Arrangements. "on igured release procedures, alternate release strategies. Processing o trans er postings and special stoc-s in Inventory Management li-e su1contracting, third-party and vendor consignment. "on iguring num1er ranges and screen layout or !utline Agreements2 "ontracts and Scheduling Agreements. %&tensively wor-ed on Stoc- transport orders and stoc- trans er rom one company code plant to another company code plant, Inter "ompany purchase and stoc- transport order with delivery and with delivery and 1illing document+Invoice, *3P. Processing Stoc- 3rans ers 1etween Storage #ocations and Plants using suita1le procedure and movement type. "on iguring settings or Goods Issues, Goods *eceipt, Movement types and other relevant o14ects in Inventory Management as re.uired 1y 1usiness logistics. "ustomized Physical inventory documents and posting o the di erence .uantity or carrying out physical inventory using cycle counting. 5e ining Pricing procedure, conditions ta1le, schemas access se.uence, condition type, condition record, schema group, calculation schema, and Schema determination. "on igured Invoice veri ications, G* material 1loc-s or raw materials, inventory valuations, split valuation and price control. 3a-ing care o Management o Stoc-s and Goods movement or implementing Goods receipts, Goods issue and 3rans er posting. #ogistics Invoice 6eri ication2 Invoice Posting, 5ocument Par-ing, Bloc-ing and *elease Invoices, %*S Invoice, invoicing plan, credit memos and invoice reductions. "ustomizing Invoice 6eri ication with vendor-wise tolerance limits as per the 1usiness re.uirements. Prepared end- user manual and provided necessary training to end users.


: SAA-Saudi Arabia Air!i e"

Client 2ole Co#pany * ration

8 ,11 8 '' Cons ltant 8 Hewlett-Packard 8 08/: 'ec 2010 to 17t No; 2011)

1bo t the client8 ,1=*I1 ., !,a di 1rabian 1irlines .ro nd services" has been providin/ a f ll ran/e of .ro nd Handlin/ services for national and forei/n carriers. It also has nits of 1irlines, Car/o =nit, 'edical services, and 6echnical services.

'ass ploadin/ the #aster data with L,'W.

Preparation of I,6s. Pre .o live s pport, C tover data 6rainin/ to End-=sers and prepared =ser 'an als with '' transactions. Post .o-Live s pport.

%u ctio a! E&perie ce:

Or'a i(atio : NCL Ind stries Pvt.Ltd. Pre--ab *ivision, Hyderabad) Ro!e : Proc re#ent E$ec tive Duratio : %&th 'ay (&%& to )th *ec (&%&.


'aterials Plannin/ > Proc re#ent as per sched les. 'onitorin/ of sin/ raw #aterial with respect to finished /oods. Collectin/ re? ire#ents. 0r/ani@in/ weekly prod ction accordin/ to plant or sales re? ire#ent. *evelopin/ preventive #aintenance techni? es for better tili@ation of plant reso rces. 1pplyin/ 6A' principles to /et @ero #aintenance and @ero defective prod cts. I#provin/ the Prod ctivity sin/ Work 'eas re#ent. 'onitorin/ the proc re#ent process and workin/ towards hi/her efficiency.

PERSONA% DETAI%S: ?at e!@s Name : N) .!is na M"!t y 'ate o3 &i!t : 17t 8"ne 1989 $e6 : Male Ma!ital $tat"s : Unma!!ied Nationality : Indian #ang"ages .no+n : /el"g"2 Englis 2 :indi and U!d" 1!esent <dd!ess : ,onnenahalli Billa/e, 'ahadevap ra 7.2. P ra# Hobli, +an/alore
East 6al k, +an/alore - 5:& &:: 7arnataka, India.

1e!manent <dd!ess

: Nagi!indl" ABC2 $omala AM'C2 ( ittoo! A'istC2 <nd !a 1!ades 2 India)

I e!eby a33i!m t at t e details 3"!nis ed abo;e a!e t!"e to t e best o3 my 5no+ledge and belie3) 1lace: &angalo!e 'ate: yo"!s t!"ly2 Ind!asena)N

1!o4ect (lient >ole (ompany '"!ation

: T+,""e -rupp E!ectrica! Stee! .T-ES/ : /.E$ : MM (ons"ltant : Hewlett-Packard : 22/: No; 2011 to 17t 8an 2019)

1bo t the client8 1 #odern strate/ic steel prod ct of national i#portance for electrical e? ip#entCs. Electrical steel prod cts of 6hyssen7r pp are called Power Core prod cts. 67E, India is the only co#pany in India prod cin/ > offerin/ entire ran/e of non-a/ein/, electrical ener/y conservin/ Power core prod cts na#ely, Cold rolled Non .rain 0riented Electrical ,teel, Cold 2olled .rain 0riented Electrical steel.

Providin/ efficient, opti#i@ed and ? ickDin-ti#e sol tions for the incidents which incl des priority % iss es also. 7nowled/e transfer to the tea# #e#bers and b siness. participated with client bi-weekly #eetin/ Worked with new 2eleases at 'etro syste#s. Create variants and ali/n the sa#e with I+' in Eob sched les. 'i/ration of sites.

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