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It always seems that matters are coming to a head and, in that regard, attention must be paid to the yeoman-effort

to acquire requisite-signatures so that a Corbett-Guzzardi GOP-Primary can transpire; selflessness motivates the major contributors to maintain anonymity, but it must be appreciated that this petition-drive has unearthed both problems [cold-shoulders] and opportunities [farmers markets] that will help guide the next phase of this operation. As always, Guzzardi is his own Press Secretary, although he has allowed me to covet the Valerie Jarrett position in his Virtual Cabinet; therefore, it is desirable to convey some thoughts that emerged during last nights visit to California Pizza, where I ate the best pepperoni pizza of my lifetime [including fond gastronomic memories of Rizzos in Glenside]. Others consider him to be the most conservative governor in PAs modern history, I feel Corbett deviates from mainstream conservatism in ways that are both fundamental and unnecessary to fuel his re-election campaign. Why should he continue to implement Common Core, when other states are recognizing its liberal theology [amply shown in prior blasts] and rejecting it forthwith? How does his expansion of Medicaid [a.k.a. ObamaDontCare] and, now, his dropping the work-requirement differ from the acts of BHO? When did he decide he could violate his campaign-pledge not to raise taxes [not just income taxall taxincluding the indirect tax of 7-cents/gallon]? Who does he think will be fooled when his prior videos attacking gays are aired [incest], even if he now supports an expanded Human Rights Commission [thereby forcing employers to prove their innocence via extensive discovery, inter alia, manifesting pure-statism]? Where will he be able to hide when daily stories remind 1/3-million PSU-grads [plus all who decry pediphiles] of his having slow-walked the Sandusky investigation [todays reminder: resigning Penn State trustee Al Clemens: firing Paterno a decision he regrets]? What did he plan when pledging to prioritize liquor-privatization and pension-reform? Recalling how methodically he has documented his concerns with Corbett, both on his liberty blog and on his personal web-site, it had appeared inevitable that he would offer a great alternative assuming as has occurredCorbett continued to poll poorly due, in part, to how he has failed to lead the state; scandal-free he has been, nice-guy he probably is, competent thinker he has demonstrated himself to be BUT the aforementioned why/how/when/who/where/what suggests the logic of Guzzardis campaign. The Corbett-Camp cannot complain that they did not receive informed-consent directly from myself, as manifest both orally [maintaining eye-contact] and repeatedly during the past year on PoliticsPA; thus, if nothing else, he should have deferred to Cawley [who lacks the Sandusky albatross]. The key-concern, therefore, is to ensure the Dem-nominee lacks sufficient coat-tails to flip the Legislature; both Sen. Rafferty and Rep. Vereb have been told of my availability to help with its PR, and there is no conflict between trying to flip the top-of-the-ticket and hoping that fundamental GOP-policies are properly-hawked to the skeptical voters. They know where Guzzardis policies are and how they are constantly well-validated [e.g., Common Core and the Faith-Based School finds, While focus has been on the issues the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) are creating for public education, private faith-based schools stand to be affected negatively by the standards, as well]; yet, he hasnt spoken-out on the need to emulate Wisconsin as a right-to-work state [and it would be desirable for him to show strong leadership against the Gun Controllers when, for example the Idaho House Passed Campus Carry 50-19]. He lacks a soap-box. {Lest there be any ambiguity regarding the ability of Corbett to reverse-course as to his endorsement of Common Core, while a CPAC Panel Slammed Common Core Standards,

it was explicitly shown How States and School Districts Can Opt Out of Common Core. Indeed, noting the absence of leadership in this realm, the comment @ CPAC of Gov. Bobby Jindal appears not only apt with regard to Obama and Holder [who 'Stand in Schoolhouse Doors' when they Deny School Choice], but also to Corbetts silence. This is not an insignificant concern, for it may explain why Tension Between newly-elected NYC-Mayor De Blasio and NY Gov. Cuomo has Escalated [even as Buyer's Remorse has started, as New Yorkers are Turning on Mayor De Blasio], inasmuch as Cuomo is now Fighting De Blasio's Charter School Crackdown, just as BHO did in D.C. years ago. Finally, perhaps as an off-shoot of the culture of Common Core, the SAT Exam has Loosened Standards Further, for the essay will be optional and no penalties for wrong answers.} Guzzardi simply notes that candid-reviews of the 2014-election-governor-races have consistently found that Republican Tom Corbett is arguably the most vulnerable incumbent governor in the country he tops national Democrats list of 2014 targets and has consistently had approval ratings in the 20s and low 30s. Thematically and philosophically, Guzzardi contrasts; for example, he would find that an essay in praise of being against stuff would mirror his approach, particularly when George Ross Fisher, III, MD [former AMA Delegate] constantly defined his charge as blocking adoption of problematic policy. Thus, the compulsion to create a program for everything constitutes the type of statism he abhors. Even if some would wish to exhibit selective-amnesia when gently/firmly reminded that the commonwealth foundation declared 2014 to be a-year-for-pension-reform, when told that some lament the fact that some non-unionized state govt. employees are missing pay raise, when informed that PAROLED EX-LAWMAKER JOHN PERZEL HOLDS A DIFFERENT VIEW OF HARRISBURG THESE DAYS, when advised that some wonder whether PA could benefit from 'border bleed' when others come to buy booze, and when the idea is floated that another natural gas severance tax might be passed. Here, in each of these instances, Guzzardis long-term positions have been proven correct; specifically [respectively], the pension-bomb may detonate imminently [and he would have to emulate Scott Walker to balance the budget, laying-off/cutting-back services], shutdown would not result in providing back-pay [he doesnt like paying people for not having worked], he supported Purzels Dem-opponent [Kevin Boyle] despite being accused of party-heresy, he has publicly/repeatedly/avidly lamented the combined impact of unions and GOP-bigwigs [that blocks sale of the State Stores], and he has claimed that it isnt desirable for the Commonwealth to kill the Golden Eggs Goose [which, in this instance, is the major growth-industry]. Can Corbett match this record? Articles exploring why the Pa. GOP feud spilled into public at sensitive time will continue to be written, as Scott Wagner expects his state senate campaign to spend $750K+; the Dems will compete assiduously [a little-known factState Treasurer Rob McCord is Jewish and from Montgomery Countyemerged when he joined the Dem-Rally prior to the 12-election [along with Allyson, Leach, Wasserman-Schultz] for the opportunity to break that mysterious-tradition that all PA-Govs have been re-elected for almost a half-century [after adoption of the modern Constitution]. Meanwhile, regarding PA-13, as has been detailed previously, three Republicans Fight For Seat [although my letter notes that the candidate who spoke 11 days ago @ the RJC isnt mentioned, while a new oneof whom I hadnt been awarewas profiled]; of-interest on the D-side is the fact that Leach was endorsed by loud-mouth Alan Grayson, who has a History of Violent Rhetoric which was manifest when a Divorce Spat just occurred [indeed, one former Alan Grayson Associate Witnessed the past/present Congressman's Temper Toward Wife].

In the interest of full-disclosure, conflicting reports are captured [Eagles not interested in keeping Vick and Eagles haven't ruled out Vick return] noting that Vikings RB Peterson feels 'Vick would make us a playoff team'; again, it is necessary to quote the Davidsons [Judy/Jeff] with whom Ive had extensive debates over the years. They are less apt to emphasize his felonious past, and more aware that his short-stature explains why passes are batted-down, even when appearing to have been in the throwing-lane. Before moving to domestic-/foreign-policy concerns, it should be noted that a PHILLY JUDGE'S RULING MAY GIVE ANONYMOUS ONLINE COMMENTERS 2ND THOUGHTS [a posture with which I concur, for it is disgusting to read tangentialoften obsceneattacks when exchanging ideas on a blogging-site]. Also, a friend provided a quiz for readers of a certain age: tv actors first name (1950s). ********** Having already concluded that BHO is an anti-Semite, it should not be surprising that the GROWING U.S.-IRAN-HEZBOLLAH RELATIONSHIP ALIENATES ISRAEL; further evidence of how BHO is pressing BB emerged when [on Breitbarts new London-themed page, which now must be monitored as well] it was revealed that ONE WEEK AFTER RUSSIA'S CRIMEAN INVASION, US IMPOSED TRAVEL SANCTIONS AGAINST ISRAELIS. Compounding this affront is the juxtaposition of two facts that SHOULD FINALLY prompt Kerry to cease/desist; Abbas said, 'No Way' He'll Recognize Jewish State and The Arab League will not Recognize Israel as Jewish State although, curiously, perhaps in response, the STATE DEPT. now claims PALESTINIANS DO NOT NEED TO RECOGNIZE ISRAEL AS JEWISH STATE. {BHO hasnt commented.}

CPAC & Uninvited II hyperlinks recapitulate myriad topics [loosly-themed, with relevant cites]: Cruz Currently Leads CPAC Speeches Measured By You Tube Views Ted Cruz Delivers Comprehensive National Security Address SENATOR TED CRUZ TALKS TO BREITBART AT CPAC ABOUT THE ESSENCE OF EVIL Ted Cruz Delivers Comprehensive National Security Address Ted Cruz: 'Barack Obama Is The President Richard Nixon Always Wished To Be' After Cruz noted that Reagans Conservatism won, while the moderation of Dole, McCain and Romney didnt, McCain claimed [selectively]that Cruz had 'Crossed Line' and Should Apologize to Dole; it should be noted that McCain's

Home State Approval Lowest in the Country [hes the Least Popular Senator] and that his simple-mindedness view is that Russians deserve better than Putin. Matthews Hopes Cruz Has a Bad Weekend as He Attacks Un-American, Fullmooners at 'Uninvited'

Palin-CPAC-Blasts-Obama-Dr-Seuss 'I Do Not Like This Uncle Sam, I Do Not Like His Health Care Scam' PALIN: AMNESTY LOSING ISSUE FOR GOP Palin Slams Liberals for Treating Women Voters like 'Cheap Dates' SARAH PALIN TO 'OBJECTIVE' MEDIA: DECLARE YOUR BIASES Sarah Palin to GOP 'Beltway Boys' on 2010 Election: 'You Didn't Build That; the Tea Party Did' Sarah Palin: Debo Adegbile Shows 'Evil' of Obama's Reign Sarah-Palin-Entire-CPAC-2014-Address Sarah Palin: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul Top My 2016 List Rand Paul: Russia Risks Future with Actions in Ukraine Rand Paul Does American Crossroads Robocall to Thwart Libertarian Candidate in FL-13 Rand Paul at CPAC: Fourth Amendment as Vital as Second Amendment washingtonpost.com/rand-paul-is-winning Poll: 30% of Republicans Won't Vote for Christie, 50% of All Voters Reject Jeb Bush DR. BEN CARSON: 'WE CAN'T BE FREE IF WE ARE NOT BRAVE' Dr. Ben Carson: 'Top-Down Cookie-Cutter' Obamacare Won't Work OBAMASCARE: FEW UNINSURED SIGNING UP OPT OUT: Bill to Make Fine $0 for Violating Individual Mandate Passes by 90 Votes Michelle O To Obamacare Counselors: 'You Are Doing God's Work' Surcharge Appearing on Restaurant Bills Across Country Obama Promises Illegals: Sign Up Info Won't Be Used for Deportation [corroborating Rep. Joe Millers exclamation You Lie.] Top Obamacare Architect Resigns

Study: 73% of February Obamacare Enrollees Already Had Health Insurance Obama Assures Latinos: Obamacare Signup Won't Lead to Deportations Nearly 10,000 Casino Union Workers May Strike Over Obamacare Brent Bozell Claims GOP Will Not Fight Obamacare if They Win Senate New Obamacare Delay Will Aid Democrats in November Elections

RICK PERRY CALLS FOR RETURN TO FEDERALISM LED BY RED STATES Rick Perry Hammers President at CPAC: 'The Bill Is Due on Obama's Bad Economy and Foreign Policy' Santorum Blasts Republicans 'Pushing to Lose' at CPAC Santorum at CPAC: Fear Got Obama Reelected Rick Santorum Goes Populist at CPAC: 'Do We Really Accept There Are Classes in America?' Billionaire backer: Rick Santorum 'needs to be heard' in 2016 * Irs CPAC Panelists See More Than a Smidgen of Corruption at the IRS IRS to Hand Over All Lois Lerner Emails Flashback: Lois Lerner Said IRS Was Under Pressure to 'Fix' Problem of Political Money top-9-quotes-on-the-irs-targeting-of-tea-party-groups New Emails Point to IRS Officials Targeting Political Groups Elijah Cummings Gives Oscar-Worthy Performance in IRS Hearing Freakout Pleads the 5th Again Lerner Seeks Immunity democrats-defeat-amendments-to-protect-americans-from-obama-irsabuses Issa: Lois Lerner Will Testify Before House Oversight Committee

it is unclear what lois-lerner will do-at-Wednesdays-oversight-hearing because she fears-for-her-life-if-she-testifies openly hillary Newt Gingrich: We Must Stop Hillary Clinton From Being Elected the 'Next Prison Guard' DNC Members Can't Name Even One Hillary Clinton Achievement

Amnesty Schlafly: History Shows Grassroots Can Win on Amnesty Ann Coulter: I Never Believed GOP Was Racist Until I Read Marco Rubio's Amnesty Bill Rosemary Jenks: Amnesty Advocates Declaring 'War on American Workers' Rep. Steve King: Amnesty Ends American Exceptionalism and Rule of Law Steve King: Amnesty Could Permanently Cripple Rule Of Law In U.S. Sen. David Vitter: 'Amnesty Now, Enforcement Later' Approach on Immigration 'Fatal Flaw' 27 Illegals Convicted of Child Sex Crimes Arrested Near Mexican Border arizona-student-suspended-for-requesting-that-her-classes-be-taught-in-english Latino Group Leader: Obama Is 'Deporter in Chief' Poll: Plurality of Americans 'Less Likely' to Vote for Candidates who Support Amnesty Bho Dinesh D'Souza Debuts New Film Trailer: What if George Washington died in battle? D'SOUZA: OBAMA BELIEVES IN 'MORAL INDICTMENT OF AMERICA AND FREE MARKET' Rep. Jim Bridenstine Warns Inflation Is Coming Obama hits up Fla. golf course with Alonzo Mourning, Ahmad Rashad security Author Richard Miniter: Obama Injecting Political Correctness into Military Congressmen, Experts, and Judge Jeanine Pirro at Uninvited II: EMP Attack Could Kill Millions of Americans BREITBART'S INTERVIEW NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION SUMMIT WITH FNC'S JEANINE PIRRO Rep. Brooks Warns 'Uninvited' of Fiscal Risk to National Security scandal Benghazi Panel to Boehner: Time for a Bipartisan Commission JAMES O'KEEFE DETAILS HIS PROJECT VERITAS BATTLEGROUND TEXAS UNDERCOVER VIDEO Cornyn Demands Obama Be Held Responsible at CPAC MITCH MCCONNELL: 'I DON'T BUY' THAT CLIMATE IS CHANGING

Culture Fred Thompson: Conservative Films Not Made Because of Hollywood 'Cocktail Currency' Tammy Bruce: War on Boys Attempt to 'Create Society of Frightened People' LaPierre Calls Media's 'Intentional Corruption' of Truth 'An Abomination' Hollywood Actress: Public Schools Are Brainwashing Kids With 'Progressive Agenda' The Gayest CPAC Ever HuffPo Slams CPAC over Exclusion of Gays, 25 Min. Too Early BHO continues to assume control over the Crimean Peninsula, even risking military-conflict: Ukraine's Crimea Formally Requests to Join Russia Obama Issues Exec Order on Ukraine Sanctions London's lucrative Russia ties hang over sanctions debate CRIMEA PARLIAMENT VOTES TO JOIN RUSSIA Russia Risks Future with Ukraine Action KISSINGER: How Ukraine Crisis Ends [its probably desirable for him to retire] Putin Carterizes Obama, Totally - Dems are vulnerable again on handling the world. NATO, Ukraine discuss 'grave European security threat' Estonia Prime Minister: Evidence Shows Maidan Leaders Behind Snipers in Kiev Obama Rejects Crimea Referendum Europe Warned by Reagan Administration Not to Rely on Russian Energy US IMPOSES VISA RESTRICTIONS ON RUSSIANS CRIMEA: 11,000 PRO-RUSSIAN TROOPS IN CONTROL The Nuclear Option: Ukraine Exposes Obamas Unexceptional Axis of Wrong Hillary Calls Putin 'A Tough Guy with a Thin Skin' Krauthammer: 'Unwise' to Take Ukraine NATO Military Response 'Off the Table' Warning Shots Fired at OSCE Members Trying to Enter Crimea Russia Threatens to Stop Weapons Inspections over Ukraine Crisis Ukrainian Soldiers Report More Russian Troops in Crimea Scraping the Rust Off the Iron Curtain Putin mocks the West and threatens to turn off European gas supplies Obama Continues Telephone Outreach From Florida Neo-Fascist Leader to Run for President of Ukraine Sophisticated cyber weapon 'Snake' attacks Ukraine's computer networks Crimean Government Pushes Secession from Ukraine Vote Forward Ukraine Exposes Obamas Unexceptional Axis of Wrong WHY UKRAINE MATTERS 'VLAD THE GREAT': PUTIN'S APPROVAL RATING SOARS IN RUSSIA UKRAINE COULD HERALD 'END OF THE POST-COLD WAR ARRANGEMENT' RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT: CRIMEA WOULD BE WELCOME PART OF RUSSIA Putin's Real Great Game: Energy Imperialism RUSSIAN FORCES BEATING JOURNALISTS IN CRIMEA Warning Shots Fired at OSCE Members Trying to Enter Crimea Obama Speaks to Six World Leaders About Ukraine, Russia European Nations Ask US for Gas if Russia Cuts Flow Russia Threatens to Stop Nuke Inspections Crimea and the Limits of Gestural Foreign Policy

Ukraine crisis threatens to interrupt President Obama's perpetual cycle of vacations and fundraising Jonah Goldberg's Prediction on Crimea Comes True Russian troops drop a minefield in Crimea Putin dismisses warnings Redesigns military to menace neighbors PENTAGON STUDYING RUSSIAN PRESIDENT'S BODY LANGUAGE Neo-Fascist Leader to Run for President of Ukraine Confidential DNC talking points attack GOP 'hypocrisy' BOEHNER: Stand up to Putin by liberating U.S. natural gas PUSSY RIOT ATTACKED IN MCDONALD'S IN RUSSIA, TOLD 'GO BACK TO AMERICA' UKRAINIAN PRIME MINISTER ECHOES REAGAN: 'MR PUTIN TEAR DOWN THIS WALL' Krauthammer: 'Unwise' to Take Ukraine NATO Military Response 'Off the Table' Lt. Col. Allen West: U.S. Demonstrating Weakness in Handling of Ukraine Russians Know U.S. Sanction Threats Are a Joke ukrainian-jewish-leaders-write-letter-criticizing-putin Before Crimea Was an Ethnic Russian Stronghold, It Was a Potential Jewish Homeland Certain excerpts speak to Guzzardis intent [each being self-explanatory]: Jim DeMint: 'A Vast Army of Little Platoons' Will Restore Constitutional Federalism in America Breitbart EIC: Now Is the Time for Grassroots-Establishment Civil War 'Act Worthy of Yourselves': Daniel Hannan Urges Americans to Safeguard the World's Freedom at CPAC Daniel Hannan: European Tea Party Movements Becoming Mainstream Pat Caddell Eviscerates 'Political Class' of Both Parties Who Put Privileged Access Ahead of Patriotism IRS Hearing and Obamacare Changes Make America Nation of Men, Not of Laws ********** THE GRIDIRON CLUB and Foundation's 129th anniversary Spring Dinner was held last night. It's D.C.'s only white-tie-and-tails event, and one of the few that remains off-camera, a throwback to the days when newspaper bureau chiefs ruled the town and TV journalists ("sparklies," in the lingo of the club's old-timers) came second in the journalistic pecking order. The club has just 65 active members and for a slot to open, you basically have to wait for someone to die, retire or get laid off. Last night's four inductees reflect the disruption to the city's power grid: Bret Baier, Fox News chief political anchor and anchor of "Special Report"; Olivier Knox, chief Washington correspondent for Yahoo News; Ken Strickland, NBC News Washington bureau chief; and Heidi Wiedenbauer, Washington bureau chief for Cox Media Group. Combining the desire to maintain a political focus and to insert levity, the POLITICO Playbook contains excerpts from remarks of SECRETARY OF STATE KERRY, Charlie Crist and Ted Cruz [out-of-order, here].

SECRETARY OF STATE KERRY, less than 24 hours after an overseas trip focused on the Ukraine crisis, got rave reviews for his sporting, self-deprecating remarks. He walked to the dais to "Ruffles and Flourishes" (the starting sounds of "Hail to the Chief"), followed by "La Marseillaise," the French national anthem: "Je m'appelle John Kerry et je suis reporting pour devoir! [Salutes, echoing the opener of his 2004 convention speech] ... It really is humbling to be here. I know this speaking slot is usually reserved for the President. It's not lost on me that I wasn't your first choice -or his. "Look at you guys: all dapper in your fancy clothes - white tie and tails. Or, as we call it at our house, workout gear. [Laughter] Or as we call it at our other house: pajamas. [He pronounced it 'paghammas.'] Or as we call it at our other house: swimming costumes. Which, by the way, reminds me of something President Obama asked me to tell you: If you like your rented tuxedo, you can keep it. ... "Every day I've gotta deal with people who haven't changed their ways for centuries people who won't let go of outdated traditions, no matter how removed they seem from our modern world. But at least on my night off, I get to hang out with a bunch of print reporters at the Gridiron. Al Hunt asked me if I was nervous about tonight. I said, 'Hell, no. If my jokes bomb, the Gridiron Veterans for Truth will just tell the world that I was never here. ... Is Charlie Crist still here? I had to check - he's always so quick to leave a party. [Laughter] No, I admire Charlie: after all, he was for the GOP before he was against it. You were great tonight, Charlie [age 57]. Or as the people of Florida call you, 'that nice young man.' Of course, we Vietnam vets just call you 'Agent Orange.' "Ted Cruz was also really funny. But this is the first time in Gridiron history that the Republicans asked for time to respond to the Republican speech. Ted, I don't know if you're planning to run for president - or, as Hillary and I call it, Secretary of State Tryouts. But if you do, my best advice is this: choose your convention keynote speaker really carefully - you might end up working for him one day. ... Ted and Charlie are tough acts to follow. But no one was harder to follow than Hillary Clinton. Not since J. Edgar Hoover has a Presidential appointee left such high heels to fill. ... "[Turning serious:] Your commitment to journalism has never been more important and our freedom of the press is part of the power of our example to the world. Never forget that it's part of what brings immigrants here to seek refuge from humanity's worst evils: refuge from religious persecution, refuge from totalitarian oppression - or in Ted Cruz's case, refuge from universal health care." * CHARLIE CRIST, the very tanned former Florida governor (then a Republican), now running for Florida governor as a Democrat: "I know what you're thinking: Why Charlie Crist? Simple: The Gridiron wanted someone of color. ... The Gridiron always pokes fun at candidates from both parties. You could have saved time and just invited me. ... I'm running for office again. Bottom line, I want my old job back. It's the same reason Hillary is running for President. ...

"As I join you here in the nation's capital, I'm struck by the biggest difference between Florida and Washington D.C. We have shark attacks; you have books by Bob Gates. [Groans] ... Ted, you really are an amazing guy. I mean, to filibuster for 21 hours straight. As lawyers, we both know that's about 63 billable hours. Since I'm following Ted, I prepared a breakfast speech. ... You know things are bad at CNN when they say they may go to a print edition." SEN. TED CRUZ (R-Tex.), attending his first Gridiron, crushed his speech - even Dems said he knocked it out of the park: "Thank you for the kind hospitality to my wife Heidi and me, and for the meal we've been served -- which my food-taster tells me is exquisite. Actually, since I've been thrown out of our Senate lunches, it's really nice to be invited to dinner. Tonight, [I was sitting at the head table next to] Mayor Bloomberg ... [S]omething in his expression said, 'Thirty billion dollars, and I couldn't buy a better seat?' ... I'm here officially representing Mitch McConnell. He asked me himself. And when Leader McConnell wants something, who am I to say no? ... Twenty-one hours and 19 minutes [in the filibuster] -- hearing nothing but my favorite sound. We're talking Biden territory. And so typical of how this town works, they cut me off just as I was coming to my point. "By the way, does anyone know the record for the longest speech ever at this dinner? I looked it up, and in the late 1800s, New York Senator Chauncey DePew enthralled his audience until well past midnight. So LOOSEN UP THOSE WHITE TIES, settle back, and what do you say we make Gridiron history? [Applause] [I]n front of conservative and tea-party audiences, I am hailed as the anti-Obama. But tonight, I'm the anti-Crist. ... John Kerry ... crossed the world to be here. What a treat it must be for him to share the dais with one of only three senators who voted against his nomination to be secretary of state.] ... You squeaked by with 97 votes. That's fine. We in the Gang of Three have other fights to lose. ... My relations with John McCain ... have greatly improved. This week, ... he's only once demanded a public apology from me. As wackobirds go, that's pretty good. "I've been watching the second season of 'House of Cards.' It's very realistic, very lifelike. But I was a little worried when I got a late-night call from Mitch McConnell. He said, 'Uh, Ted, why don't you meet me at the Metro station?' Then there was a tense encounter I had with Dianne Feinstein. I was accused of acting like some pompous, condescending know-it-all. We're all familiar with the type, and at Harvard Law School there is even a word for it: alumni. ... Things didn't get any better for me last year when that whole born-in-Canada business came up. Frankly, there have been moments when I just wanted to self-deport. ... Canadians are so polite, mild-mannered, modest, unassuming, open-minded. Thank God my family fled that oppressive influence before it could change me. "I might add that Canadians are also extremely efficient . No red tape at all in handling my application to renounce citizenship. They had that thing approved before I even sent it in. The simple truth is that for a very brief time my family lived on the plains of Calgary. That does not make me a Canadian. Although Elizabeth Warren says that it

does make me an Algonquin Indian. Of course, my family is Cuban. ... At first, when he got here, my dad washed dishes for 50 cents an hour. He was so low on the totem pole where he worked that even Marco Rubio's father bossed him around. ... We are still a nation of laws. You just have to check with Barack Obama every day to see what they are. ... "[Turning serious:] Thank you for speaking truth to power. I hope you do so even more. Whichever party is in power in this town, you're always at your best when you show a little fight, and America counts on that independent spirit. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the day when those FCC monitors start showing up in newsrooms, and you tell them where they can put their questionnaires. And remind them how a free press works in this country."

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