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Name the advantage of UML .Explain why it is an advantage.

Advantages of UML:
UML is a most useful method of visualization and documenting software systems design.UML uses object oriented design concepts and it is independent of specific programming language. Unified Modeling Language is a popular technique for documenting and modeling system .the UML uses set of symbols to represent graphically the various components and relation ships with in the system and UML can be used for business processing modeling and requirements modeling ,it mainly is used to support object oriented system analysis and to develop the object models. Real time UML, this method is the application of UML to design of real time system. !t represents the system with structural and behavioral language models and those designing modeling include the architectural mechanical and detailed design ."bject oriented methodologies have employed in the construction of the real time system. #$ample%

Name a disadvantage of using UML .Explain why it is a disadvantage. Disadvantages of UML:

& & & & 'till no specification for modeling of user interfaces. (usiness rule specification ) a group e$ists for this within the "M*, so we should see something in UML +oor for distributed systems ) no way to formally specify serialization and object persistence. #$ample ) no way to specify that an object resides on a server process and shared among instances of a running process.

UML,s main strength seems to be in its support for the development process. -his seems to be of limited interest to 'oft.M#/ where networ0s are concerned, but might it be more valuable when considering software based components1 !f our interest is confined to a system,s logical architecture and behaviour we might only use the state and interaction diagrams, where there are plenty of alternatives. UML,s usefulness seems therefore to depend on whether it fits in well with an e$isting development process. !ts main wea0ness, from our point of view, is its lac0 of formality. 2learly to build an e$ecutable model we need a formal language. -herefore we can presumably only use UML if we underpin it with some formal semantics, such as those provided by a proprietary tool, or possibly '3L. -his leaves the question of why we would want to do this. -here are two possible reasons. "ne is that UML is used in a development process and we wish to use it for our stage of this process for consistency and to avoid the user translating wor0 into a new language. -he other related reason is simply that if users are familiar with UML it might be worth 0eeping it, as a 4front end5 to a formal language.

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