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Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 The use of Alum, Ferric chloride and Ferrous sulphate as coagulants in removing suspended

solids, colour and COD from semi-aerobic landfill leachate at controlled pH Hamidi Abdul Aziz1, Salina Alias2, a!idah Assa!i", #ohd $o!din Adlan%, 1,",% Asso&iate '!of(, 'h()(, 2Resea!&h Student S&hool of *i+il ,nginee!ing, ,nginee!ing *ampus, -ni+e!siti Sains #ala.sia, 1%"// $ibong Tebal, 'enang, #ALA0S1A( Tel2 /%34554555 a62 /%345%1//5 Email: cehamidi@eng.usm.my Abstract Suspended solids, &olou! and *7) a!e amongst the main fo!m of pollutants in lea&hate( Appli&ation of ph.si&al o! biologi&al p!o&ess alone is no!mall. not effe&ti+e to !emo+e these &onstituents, espe&iall. fo! lea&hate 8ith lo8e! B7)9*7) !atio( The main ob:e&ti+e of this !esea!&h is to in+estigate the effi&ien&. of &oagulation and flo&&ulation p!o&esses fo! !emo+ing suspended solids, &olou! and *7) 8hi&h p!esent in signifi&ant ;uantit. at a semi3 ae!obi& 'ulau Bu!ung Landfill Site <'BLS= in 'enang, #ala.sia( T8el+e months &ha!a&te!ization of lea&hate indi&ated that it 8as stable 8ith .ea!l. a+e!age B7)9*7) !atio of /(14 and biologi&all. diffi&ult fo! fu!the! deg!adation( 'a!ti&le size anal.sis of !a8 lea&hate indi&ated that its d4/ 8as 11(>?> @m( Th!ee t.pes of &oagulants 8e!e e6amined using standa!d :a! test appa!atus, i(e(, aluminum sulphate <alum=, fe!!i& &hlo!ide < e*l "= and fe!!ous sulphate < eS7%=( The effe&ts of agitation speed, settling time, pH, &oagulant dosages and tempe!atu!e 8e!e e6e!mined( At "// !pm of !apid mi6ing and 4/ !pm of slo8 mi6ing and >/ minutes settling time, highe! !emo+als of suspended solids <o+e! 54A=, &olou! <5/A= and *7) <%"A= 8e!e a&hie+ed at pH % and 12( e*l " 8as found to be supe!io! &ompa!ed 8ith othe! &oagulants( At pH % and 12, fai! !emo+al of suspended solids 8as obse!+ed at !easonabl. lo8e! amount of &oagulant, i(e(, >// mg9L( Ho8e+e!, about 24// mg9L of &oagulant 8as !e;ui!ed to a&hie+e good !emo+als at pH >( Bette! !emo+als 8e!e a&hie+ed at highe! tempe!atu!e( The d4/ of sludge afte! &oagulation at pH % and 24// mg9L e*l" 8as >/(1>" @m 8hi&h indi&ated that the pa!ti&les had been !emo+ed effe&ti+el. f!om the lea&hate( The !esults indi&ated that &oagulation and flo&&ulation p!o&esses had &ont!ibuted bigge! !oles in the integ!ated t!eatment s.stem( Keywords2 Lea&hate, semi3ae!obi&, &oagulation and flo&&ulation, alum, fe!!i& &hlo!ide, fe!!ous sulphate 1(/ Introduction 7ne of the most impo!tant aspe&ts !elated to siting, planning, design, ope!ation and long3te!m management of #uni&ipal Solid Baste <#SB= landfill is the management of lea&hate( Lea&hate f!om #SB landfill sites a!e often &ha!a&te!ized as hea+il. polluted 8aste8ate!( Lea&hate is a &omple6 o!gani& li;uid fo!med p!ima!il. b. the pe!&olation of p!e&ipitation 8ate! th!ough open landfill o! th!ough the &ap of the &ompleted site <Senio!, 1554=( Lea&hate ma. &ontain la!ge amount of o!gani& &ontaminants 8hi&h &an be measu!ed as &hemi&al o6.gen demand <*7)= and biologi&al o6.gen demand <B7)=, ammonia, halogenated h.d!o&a!bons, suspended solid, signifi&ant &on&ent!ation of hea+. metals and ino!gani& salts <T!ebouet et al(, 2///C Bag&hi, 155/=( 1f it 8as not t!eated and safel. disposed, landfill lea&hate &ould be a potential sou!&e of su!fa&e and g!ound8ate! &ontamination, as it ma. pe!&olate th!ough

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 soils and subsoils, &ausing pollution to !e&ei+ing 8ate!s <Tatsi et al(, 2//"=( The spe&ifi& &omposition of lea&hate influen&es its !elati+e t!eatabilit. and depends to a la!ge e6tent on the &ontamination to be !emo+ed <D!eith, 155%=( 1n gene!al, the t!eatment of landfill lea&hate often in+ol+es a &ombination of +a!ious te&hni;ues( Se+e!al p!o&esses de!i+ed f!om 8ate! and 8aste8ate! t!eatment ha+e been applied fo! the t!eatment of lea&hate( These in&lude ae!obi& and anae!obi& biologi&al t!eatments, photo3o6idation and memb!ane p!o&esses, &hemi&al o6idation and p!e&ipitation, a&ti+ated &a!bon and adso!ption and &oagulation3flo&&ulation <T!ebouet et al(, 2//1C #a!ttinen et al(, 2//2C Bang et al(, 2//2C ,nzminge! et al(, 15E?C LisF, 1551=( Biologi&al p!o&esses a!e ;uite effe&ti+e fo! .ounge! lea&hates <&ontaining mainl. +olatile fatt. a&ids=, but less effi&ient fo! the t!eatment of stabilized lea&hate <AmoF!ane et al(, 155?C Bang et al(, 2//2=( Ho8e+e!, lea&hate 8ith lo8 o!gani& &ontent is best t!eated 8ith ph.si&al9&hemi&al p!o&ess <Baghi, 155/=( *hemi&al p!e&ipitation using lime indi&ated that bet8een ?/ and 5/A !emo+al of &olo!, tu!bidit., suspended matte! and dispe!sed oil &ould be a&hie+ed <AmoF!ane et al(, 155?=( The!efo!e, a &ombination of ph.si&al3&hemi&al and biologi&al methods is often !e;ui!ed fo! the effi&ient t!eatment of lea&hate <Rautenba&h G #illis, 155%=( *oagulation and flo&&ulation is 8idel. used in 8ate! and 8aste8ate! t!eatment and these te&hni;ues fo!m an impo!tant step in the t!eatment p!o&ess <#uhammad et al(, 155EC AmoF!ane et al(, 155?C ABBA, 15?1=( *oagulation p!o&ess is effe&ti+e fo! !emo+ing high &on&ent!ation o!gani& pollutants <Bang et al(, 2//2=, hea+. metals and some anions <D!eith, 155%=( Aluminum and i!on &oagulants ha+e been 8idel. used as &oagulants fo! the !emo+al of humi& substan&es f!om 8ate! <Lu et al(, 1555C Bang et al(, 2//2C AmoF!ane et al(, 155?C Doethe! et al(, 155?C *hing et al(, 155%=( *hemi&al &oagulants &an destabilize &olloidal pa!ti&les b. fou! distin&t me&hanisms2 double la.e! &omp!essionC &ha!ge neut!alizationC enmeshment in a p!e&ipitate and inte!3pa!ti&le b!idging <Al3 #ala&F et al(, 1555=( )iffe!ent &oagulants p!o+ide diffe!ent deg!ees of destabilization( The highe! the +alen&e of the &ounte!3ion, the mo!e 8ill the destabilizing effe&t and the less amount of dose !e;ui!ed fo! &oagulation( Studies on the &oagulation3 flo&&ulation p!o&esses fo! the t!eatment of landfill lea&hate ha+e been !epo!ted b. a fe8 !esea!&he!s <Sletten et al(, 1554C ,h!ig, 15E%C AmoF!ane et al(, 155?C )iamadopoulos, 155%=( Alum, fe!!ous sulphate, fe!!i& &hlo!o3sulphate and fe!!i& &hlo!ide 8e!e &ommonl. used <,h!ig, 15E%C AmoF!ane et al(, 155?=( AmoF!ane et al( <155?= !epo!ted that i!on salts seem to be mo!e effi&ient than aluminum( The. !epo!ted that the addition of flo&&ulants togethe! 8ith &oagulants ma. enhan&e the flo&s3settling !ate( Additionall. the. !epo!ted that nonioni&, &ationi& o! anioni& pol.ele&t!ol.te &ould be used as &oagulant aids to in&!ease flo&s settling !ate, 8ithout !eall. imp!o+ing the tu!bidit. !emo+al effi&ien&.( Ho8e+e!, limited info!mation e6ists on the effi&ien&. of the &oagulation3 flo&&ulation p!o&ess, 8hen applied fo! the !emo+al of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) f!om semi3ae!obi& landfill lea&hate( A semi3ae!obi& landfill is a s.stem 8he!e semi3ae!obi& &ondition is maintained in the 8aste bod. th!ough a &on+e&tion p!o&ess( 1t in+ol+es the de&omposition of o!gani& matte! inside the landfill and &auses an in&!ease in tempe!atu!e( The diffe!en&e in tempe!atu!e bet8een the inside and outside of the landfill gene!ates a heat &on+e&tion &u!!ent in the landfill th!ough the lea&hate pipe <Aziz et al(, 2//%=( 1t 8as found that the lea&hate f!om semi3ae!obi& s.stem has slightl. lo8e! o!gani& &ontaminants &ompa!ed 8ith an anae!obi& landfill in te!ms of B7), *7), and othe!

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 &onstituents <Bas!i et al(, 2///C Aziz et al(, 2//%=( This stud. fo&uses on the lea&hate gene!ated f!om 'ulau Bu!ung Landfill Site <'BLS=C 8hi&h is situated 8ithin B.!am o!est Rese!+e at 4H 2%I $, 1//H 2%I , in 'enang, #ala.sia( The total a!ea of the landfill is 2"(? ha and e;uipped 8ith a lea&hate &olle&tion pond but 8ithout othe! t!eatments( This site is &ontained b. a natu!al ma!ine &la. line!( 'BLS has a semi3ae!obi& s.stem and it is one of the onl. th!ee sites of its Find found in #ala.sia( 'BLS has been de+eloped as a sanita!. landfill Le+el 11 b. establishing a &ont!olled tipping te&hni;ue in 1551( 1t 8as fu!the! upg!aded to a sanita!. landfill le+el 111 b. emplo.ing &ont!olled tipping 8ith lea&hate !e&i!&ulation in 2//1( This site !e&ei+es 1,4// tons of solid 8aste dail. <Aziz et al(, 2//%=( The ob:e&ti+e of this stud. 8as to e6amine the effi&ien&. of &oagulation3 flo&&ulation p!o&esses fo! the !emo+al of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) f!om a semi3ae!obi& landfill lea&hate using th!ee t.pes of &oagulants, i(e(, aluminum sulphate <alum=, fe!!i& &hlo!ide and fe!!ous sulphate( The e6pe!iments in+ol+ed 8ith the dete!mination of the most app!op!iate &oagulant t.pes and dosages, the e6amination of the effe&t of pH on the !emo+al &apa&it. and the identifi&ation of the optimum e6pe!imental &onditions fo! the effi&ient appli&ation of these p!o&esses( 2 ! "aterials and method Lea&hate samples 8e!e &olle&ted f!om 'BLS bet8een Janua!. and )e&embe! 2//"( 1f tests &ould not be &a!!ied out on the same da., the samples 8e!e sto!ed in a !ef!ige!ato! and maintained at %H* *oagulation and flo&&ulation studies 8e!e pe!fo!med in a standa!d :a!3test appa!atus <Ja! Teste! #odel *K14/= &omp!ises of si6 paddle !oto!s <2%(4mm 6 >"(4mm= and e;uipped 8ith > beaFe!s of 1 L +olume( Lea&hate samples 8e!e !emo+ed f!om the !ef!ige!ato! and &onditioned fo! about " hou! unde! ambient tempe!atu!e( Samples 8e!e tho!oughl. agitated fo! !e3suspension of settled solids befo!e an. tests 8e!e &ondu&ted( *hemi&al !eagents used as &oagulants a!e &omme!&iall. a+ailable f!om RG# #a!Feting, -D 8hi&h in&lude aluminum sulphate LAl2<S7%="(1EH27M, fe!!i& &hlo!ide < e*l"= and fe!!ous sulphate L eS7%M( Sto&F solutions 8e!e p!epa!ed b. dissol+ing 4/g of these salts in 1 L of deionized 8ate!( ,a&h beaFe! used fo! testing 8as filled 8ith 4//mL of sample( The influen&es of agitation speed <!apid and slo8 mi6ing= and settling time 8e!e e6amined in the p!e3e6pe!iments at pH > and at a &oagulant dosage of 4// mg9L( The influen&e of agitation speed 8as dete!mined in the subse;uent e6pe!iment b. +a!.ing the !apid mi6ing f!om 24/ to "4/ !pm and slo8 mi6ing f!om 2/ to ?/ !pm( Na!iations of settling times 8e!e made bet8een 1/ and 21/ se&onds( 1n the p!e3e6pe!iments suspended solids 8e!e used as &ont!olled pa!amete!( 1n the main e6pe!iments, &onstant dosage of &oagulants <1/// mg9L= 8as used to dete!mine the optimum pH( 1n o!de! to dete!mine the optimum dosage of &oagulant, initial pH of %, > and 12 8e!e used( The initial !apid mi6ing fo! all e6pe!iments 8as taFen as >/ se&onds <!ange bet8een "/3"// se&onds, Rami!ez G Nelas;uez, 2//%C A;uila! et al(, 2//4= and fo! slo8 mi6ing at 15 minutes <!ange bet8een 4344 se&onds, Tatsi, et(al, 2//"C A;uila! et al(, 2//4=( Afte! settling <du!ation, p!e3 dete!mined in the p!e3e6pe!iment=, about 4/ mL of supe!natant 8as 8ithd!a8n using plasti& s.!inge f!om the point lo&ated about 2 &m belo8 li;uid le+el fo! the dete!mination of pH, suspended solids, &olou! and *7)( Anal.ses 8e!e made in t!ipli&ates( ,6pe!iments 8e!e &ondu&ted at 24H* and 1/H*( Sele&ted flo&s fo!med afte! settling 8e!e sampled fo! pa!ti&le size dist!ibution using #al+e!n 2///3S #aste!size!( 1n this stud., the anal.sis 8as &ondu&ted fo! !a8 lea&hate and &oagulated lea&hate <sludge=

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 at pH %, using 24// mg9L e*l" as &oagulant( The pH 8as measu!ed b. pH mete! <*.be!S&an 2/=( *olou! measu!ements 8e!e !epo!ted as t!ue &olou! <filte!ed using /(%4@m filte! pape!= assa.ed at %44 nm using )R 2/// HA*H spe&t!ophotomete! that 8as adapted f!om Standa!d #ethods fo! the ,6amination of Bate! and Baste8ate! <A'HA, 1554= <#ethod $o 212/*=( The !esult is !epo!ted in 'latinum3&obalt <'t*o=, the unit of &olou! being p!odu&ed b. 1 mg platinum9L in the fo!m of the &hlo!oplatinate ion( The effe&t of filt!ation on &olou! !emo+al 8as &o!!e&ted b. means of a &ont!ol sample( *7) 8e!e dete!mined in a&&o!dan&e 8ith #ethod 422/) <&losed !eflu6, &olou!imet!i& method=( Remo+al effi&ien&. of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) 8as obtained using the follo8ing e;uation2 <Ci Cf = Re moval <A= = 1// <,;n( 1= Ci Bhe!e *i and *f a!e the initial and final &on&ent!ations of lea&hate, !espe&ti+el.( 2 ! #esults and discussion The &ha!a&te!isti&s of !a8 lea&hate a!e p!esented in Table 1( 1n te!ms of pH, the lea&hate &ould be &atego!ized as alFaline( 1n te!ms of *7), Table 1 suggests that the lea&hate has mode!ate &on&ent!ation of o!gani& matte!( The annual a+e!age B7)9*7) !atio 8as /(14 8hi&h !efle&ts the p!esen&e of high &on&ent!ations of !e&al&it!ant o!gani& matte! 8hi&h is stable and biologi&all. diffi&ult fo! fu!the! deg!adation( The Table also indi&ates that the +alues of suspended solids and tu!bidit. had e6&eeded the standa!d dis&ha!ge limit of the #ala.sian ,n+i!onmental Oualit. A&t 15?% <#)*, 155?=( The pe!missible limits fo! Standa!d A and B a!e 4/ mg9L and 1// mg9L !espe&ti+el.( The p!esen&e of high &on&ent!ations of &olou! 8as &ont!ibuted b. the p!esen&e of dissol+ed o!gani&s( These o!gani& &ompounds ma. p!esent in the fo!m of !e&al&it!ant mate!ial of humi& a&ids <A!tiola and ulle!, 15E2=( Humi& substan&es a!e natu!al o!gani& matte!s made up of &omple6 st!u&tu!es of pol.me!ized o!gani& a&ids, &a!bo6.li& a&ids, and &a!boh.d!ates <Langlais et (al(, 1551=( The le+el of $H "3$ 8as +e!. high <a+e!age +alue 5?/ mg9L= 8hi&h 8as the !esult of slo8 lea&hing and the !elease of soluble nit!ogen f!om solid 8aste in landfills, 8hi&h ma. last fo! se+e!al de&ades <JoFela et al(, 2//2C T.!!el et al(, 2//2C Hoili:oFi et al(, 2///=( This implies that the!e is a need to t!eat the lea&hate befo!e it &an be dis&ha!ged( 1nteg!ated t!eatment s.stems &onsisting of biologi&al, ph.si&al and &hemi&al t!eatments a!e often ne&essa!. to t!eat this t.pe of lea&hate( Ho8e+e!, the fo&us of this pape! is on the &oagulation and flo&&ulation p!o&esses(

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 Table $% &echate characterisation of '(&) in 2!!*

'A#A"+T+#) F+(#1A#, "A#CH A'#I& "A, /10+ ,+A#&, /A01A#, A-+#A. 23$32!! 23*32!! 273*3! 63832!! 23532! 243$3!* 53232!!* 26323!* 26383!* 22353!* 23232!!* + * * * * !* E("1 E("4 ?(%" E(1> E(15 E("> E(%> E(>2 E(?E E(%2 E(?E E(%% "?? ?4 1E% 1/4 E/ 1/% >4 45 >E 1>E 1%/ 1E1 2/5E 1?%5 1512 1>%1 1?>" 1E/> 1>4/ 1>E% 11>% 1>24 1EE? 2""E /(14 /(/% /(1/ /(/> /(/4 /(/> /(/% /(/% /(/> /(1/ /(/? /(/% 141 14/ 1/4 1/% 1/5 14/ >E 12/ 4E 12% 1// 11/ 25? "%2" 5?/ /(/% /(12 %(E% 2?(E 21(1 21> 2?"/ >E4 /(/2 /(/E 4 2?(E /(? 2"" 21"/ 122% /(/? /(/E 4(5 2?(> 1(" 22/ 2/5/ ">? /(/? /(/5 >(1 2?(5 1(1 2"" 25?/ %51 /(/4 /(/E %(E 2E(/ 3 1>% 254/ 12>" /(/% /(1 4(> 2E(1 1(% 1E1 25%/ ??2 /(/% /(/> 4 2E(1 3 15> "1>/ 5E2 /(/" /(12 "(% 2E(% 1(4 E> 14"4 >?E 2"% "4%/ 42% 21/ "5>/ ?25 241 "">/ 4/>

pH B7) <mg9L= *7) <mg9L= B7)9*7) Tu!bidit. <$T-= Suspended Solids <mg9L= *olou! <pt*o= Ammonia&al $it!ogen <mg9L= *h!omiumP> <mg9L= *h!omiumP" <mg9L= 1!on <mg9L= Tempe!atu!e <H*= Rainfall <mm9da.= 'A#A"+T+#)

pH B7) <mg9L= *7) <mg9L= B7)9*7) Tu!bidit. <$T-= Suspended Solids <mg9L= *olou! <pt*o= Ammonia&al $it!ogen <mg9L= *h!omiumP> <mg9L= *h!omiumP" <mg9L= 1!on <mg9L= Tempe!atu!e <H*= Rainfall <mm9da.=

/(/1 /(/? /(/4 /(/% /("2 /("1 /(/E /(1% "(4 %(% "(2 ?(" 2E(> 2E(E 2E(> 2E(1 /(2 1/(2 /(5 3 OCTO( D+C+" /1&, A1.1)T )+'T+"(+# 0O-+"(+# ,+A#&, +# (+# /10+ A-+#A. $7323!* *3632!! 23732!! 43432! 53$$32! 2!3$$3! $53$$32! + 2$363!* 25373!* $6343!* 263$!3!* * * !* !* * !* E(% E("2 E(4> E(/4 E(" E(E% E(/4 ?(51 E("5 ?(E E(2% E("1 ?/E 242> 1E2 4%E 1?> >/" %15 112/ "%4 1%5 2E4 "?? 2/5E /(14 141 25? "%2" 5?/ /(/% /(12 %(E% 2?(E 21(1 2122 /("" %2/ 44/ 4/>/ 1252 /(/" /(/5 %(4 2E 1? %??5 /(4" 2%/ "2/ %44/ ?4% /(/% /(/> %(? 2?(E "/(5 2""E /(/E 11/ 241 ""E/ EEE /(/2 /(12 4(2 2?(E 4 211E /(2> 1// "/" "4>/ 1/?1 /(/2 /(/5 2(E 2?(? 3 1E4/ /(1/ 1>/ "/" "1>/ 1""2 /(/4 /(1 % 2?(E 3 14"4 /("5 11> "25 2?>/ 22"" /(/% /(12 %(> 2?(> ?/(4 21"% /(2/ 5/ 2E4 "/// 121% /(/" /(12 "(1 2?(% "%(2 "%4/ /("2 %4/ 5"> >4%/ 1"24 /(/2 /(/5 4(5 2>(% 12"(? 215? /(1> 1?/ "E/ ">"/ 11/% /(/2 /(1 4(1 2>(> 2%(1 1?54 /(/E 1?2 "1/ "4// E1/ /(/4 /(/E ?(2 2? 1%(> 2>/E /(11 1// "%2 %E// 11/% /(/4 /(1 4(1 2>(5 3

100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 90 . 5 97. 3 9 4. 1

9 7. 5

98. 2 96 . 4 95. 2 93. 9

90 . 3

&ompa!ed to the othe! speeds( The slo8 mi6ing speed 8as in ag!eement 8ith the !ange of 2/3>/ !pm !e&ommended b. Aguila! et al(, <2//4= and Tatsi et al(, <2//"=(
100 99 98. 4 9 7. 5 96. 5 99 . 2 99. 4 99 . 7 99 9 8. 8

3 50 , 7 0 3 5 0 , 5 0 35 0, 2 5 3 0 0 , 70 3 00 , 5 0 3 0 0 , 2 5 2 5 0 , 7 0 2 5 0 , 5 0 25 0, 25 Agi tati on s pe e d (r apid, s l ow), r pm

Figure $% Influence of agitation speed on suspended solids removals at pH 8, $!!! mg3& FeCl* as coagulant The influen&e of agitation speed on the !emo+al of suspended solids is p!esented in igu!e 1( 1t &an be obse!+ed that at "// !pm of !apid mi6ing and 4/ !pm of slo8 mi6ing had e6hibited the highest !emo+al of suspended solids <o+e! 5EA !emo+al= as

98 97 96 95 94 10








T i me (mi nut e s )

Figure 2% Influence of settling time on suspended solids removals at pH 8, $!!! mg3& FeCl* as coagulant

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 The influen&e of agitation speed on the !emo+al of suspended solids is p!esented in igu!e 1( 1t &an be obse!+ed that at "// !pm of !apid mi6ing and 4/ !pm of slo8 mi6ing had e6hibited the highest !emo+al of suspended solids <o+e! 5EA !emo+al= as &ompa!ed to the othe! speeds( The slo8 mi6ing speed 8as in ag!eement 8ith the !ange of 2/3>/ !pm !e&ommended b. Aguila! et al(, <2//4= and Tatsi et al(, <2//"=( Ho8e+e!, the !apid mi6ing 8as slightl. highe! than the !ange of E/324/ !pm as suggested b. Tan et al(, <2///= and *onnoll. et al(, <2//%=( The influen&e of settling time sho8n in igu!e 2 indi&ated that almost &omplete !emo+al of suspended solids 8as a&hie+ed afte! >/ minutes of settling( The !etention time 8as in ag!eement 8ith the established !ange of bet8een "/ and 12/ minutes <AmoF!ane et al(, 155?C *onnoll. et al(, 2//%=( As the &on&ent!ation of suspended solids in the !a8 lea&hate 8as &onside!abl. high, the destabilization of &olloidal pa!ti&les o&&u!!ed due to the adso!ption of st!ongl. &ha!ged pa!tialll. h.d!ol.sed metalli& ions( *ontinued adso!ption 8ill !esult in &ha!ge !e+e!sal and !estabilization of the suspension 8hi&h does o&&u! at highe! &oagulant dosages <Tebbutt, 155E=( The influen&e of pH on the !emo+al of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) is impo!tant in &oagulation p!o&ess( A&&o!ding to ABBA <15?1=, pH is the most impo!tant +a!iable in the &oagulation p!o&ess fo! 8ate! t!eatment(
100 80 60 40 20 0 4 6 8
pH va l ue s

The e6tent of pH !ange is affe&ted b. the t.pes of &oagulant used and b. the &hemi&al &omposition of 8ate! as 8ell as b. the &on&ent!ation of &oagulant( igu!es " to 4 sho8 the effe&ts of pH on the o+e!all !emo+al pe!fo!man&e of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) at a !andom dosage of 1/// mg9L( 1t &an be noted f!om these figu!es that, !elati+el. highe! !emo+als of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) 8e!e obse!+ed at lo8e! and highe! pH +alues <pH % and 12=(

Figure 8% #emoval of colour at different pH values 9ith addition of $!!! mg3& coagulants


Alum FeCl3



0 4 6 8
pH v a l ue s



Figure 5% #emoval of COD at different pH values 9ith addition of $!!! mg3& coagulants o! e6ample, at pH % and 12, e*l" had !emo+ed 54A of suspended solids at pH % &ompa!ed 8ith less than "EA at pH > < igu!e "=( The same patte!n of !emo+al 8as obse!+ed fo! &olou! < igu!e %= and *7) < igu!e 4=(

Alum FeCl3 FeSO4



Figure *% #emoval of suspended solids at different pH values 9ith addition of $!!! mg3& coagulants

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1

10 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 00 400 600 80 0 100 1 20 14 0 160 1 80 200 220 0 Dos a ge s of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oa gul a ! " s #mg $ %& Dos a ge s of oa gul a ! " s #mg $ %& 1 000 20 00 300 0 400 0 50 00 6000 7000 Al u m Fe C l 3 Fe SO4 40 80 Al u m Fe C l 3 Fe SO4



Figure 2% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on suspended solids at pH 8

1 00 80 Al u m Fe C l 3 40 Fe SO4

Figure $!% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on colour at pH 2

100 80 60 40 20 0 Al u m Fe C l 3 Fe SO4


20 0 0 10 0 0 200 0 3 0 00 4 0 00 5000 6 0 00 7000

50 0

10 0 0 Do s a ge s o f

1 50 0

2 00 0


3 00 0

Dos a ge s of

oa gu l a !" s #mg$ %&

o a g u l a ! " s #mg$ %&

Figure 6% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on suspended solids at pH 2

1 00 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 0 0 400 60 0 8 00 1 00 120 14 0 160 1 80 200 2 20 0 Dos a ge s of 0 0 0 0 0 0 Al u m Fe C l 3 Fe SO4

Figure $$% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on colour at pH $2



Al um Fe C l 3


Fe SO4

0 0 2 00 40 0 600 800 1000 1 20 0 14 00

oa gu l a !" s #mg$ %&

Do s a g e s o f

o a g ul a ! " s #mg$ %&

Figure 7% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on suspended solids at pH $2

100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 1 00 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 2 00 22 0 0 Do s a g e s o f 0 0 0 0 0 0 Al u m Fe C l 3 Fe SO4

Figure $2% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on COD at pH 8



Al u m Fe C l 3


Fe SO4

0 0 1 0 00 2 0 00 3000 40 0 0 50 0 0 60 00 7000

oa g u l a ! " s #mg $ %&

Do s a g e s o f

o a g u l a ! " s #mg $ %&

Figure 4% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on colour at pH 8

Figure $*% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on COD at pH 2

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1



Alum FeCl3



0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Dosages of oagula!"s #mg$ %&

Figure $8% +ffect of different dose of coagulant on COD at pH $2 igu!es > to 1% p!esent the !esults of the effe&t of &oagulation dosages at pH %, pH > and pH 12( The effe&ts of &oagulation on suspended solids, &olou! and *7) a!e sho8n on igu!es > to E, 5 to 11 and 12 to 1%, !espe&ti+el.( !om these figu!es, at pH % and 12, good !emo+als of suspended solids, &olou! and *7) 8e!e a&hie+ed 8ith !easonabl. lo8e! amount of

&oagulant <>// mg9L=( Ho8e+e!, about 24// mg9L of &oagulants 8e!e !e;ui!ed to gi+e good !emo+al at pH >( e*l" 8as found to be gene!all. supe!io! to the othe! t8o &oagulants in !emo+ing all the pa!amete!s( The same patte!n of !emo+als 8as noted fo! &olo! and *7)( o! e6ample, at pH %, o+e! 5/A of suspended solids 8e!e !emo+ed using e*l" &ompa!ed 8ith onl. ?4A and %>A !emo+als using alum and eS7%, !espe&ti+el. inal effluent 8as less than >/ mg9L using e*l" as &oagulant and this has &omplied 8ith the Standa!d B of the #ala.sian ,n+i!onmental Oualit. A&t 15?% <less than 1// mg9L in te!ms of suspended solids=(

Table 2%#emoval of suspended solids, colour and COD at different pH values and dosages of coagulants
pH % #esults 7ptimum9 e&onomi&al dosage <mg9L= 1nitial* &on&ent!ation inal** &on&ent!ation A Remo+al 7ptimum9 e&onomi&al dosage <mg9L= 1nitial* &on&ent!ation inal** &on&ent!ation A Remo+al 7ptimum9 e&onomi&al dosage <mg9L= 1nitial* &on&ent!ation inal** &on&ent!ation A Remo+al )uspended )olids Alum FeCl* Fe)O8 >// >// >// 11/> 2E2 ?%(4 24// 5E" 251 ?/(% >// 11/> 5/ 51(5 11/> 45 5%(? 24// ?E> E 55 >// 5"2 42 5%(% 1/>E 4E2 %4(4 24// E?E 4/> %2(% >// 1/>E 15? E1(> Alum >// >%4/ 244% >/(% 24// ?//4 "145 4%(5 >// >%>/ 244E >/(% Colour FeCl* >// >%>/ >2> 5/(" 24// ?1// 2%5 5>(4 >// >>4E 1?"E ?"(5 Fe)O8 >// ?2?4 4%E4 2%(> 24// ?//" 454" 14 >// ?2?/ 2>5/ >" Alum >// 2>>/ 1E>2 "/ 24// "/14 22/% 2>(5 >// "21/ 2?5" 1" COD FeCl* >// 24>4 1%?2 %2(> 24// 25E/ 1>%E %%(? >// "4>4 2??? 22(1 Fe)O8 >// ""2/ 1251 >1(1 24// "/>> 2%22 21 >// ""2/ 2E24 1%(5



This is in ag!eement 8ith the findings of AmoF!ane et al(, <155?= 8ho indi&ated that fe!!i& &hlo!ide 8as mo!e effe&ti+e than aluminum sulphate <5%A and E?A, !espe&ti+el.= fo! tu!bidit. !emo+al fo! the p!et!eatment of landfill lea&hate b. &oagulation3flo&&ulation p!o&esses(Alum

has pe!fo!med bette! than espe&iall. in !emo+ing suspended


solids( o! e6ample, at pH 12, the !emo+als of suspended solids b. alum and eS7% 8e!e 52A and E2A, !espe&ti+el. <Table 2=(

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 Signifi&ant !edu&tions of &olou! using e*l" and alum 8e!e obse!+ed at pH % <at a &oagulant dosage of >// mg9L= and pH > <at a &oagulant dosage of 24// mg9L=( At these dosages, alum had !emo+ed >/A of &olou! at pH % 8he!eas 44A !emo+al 8as a&hie+ed at pH >( 1n &ompa!ison, e*l" e6hibited bette! pe!fo!man&e 8ith 5/A and 5?A !emo+als at pH % and >, !espe&ti+el.( Sel&uF <2//4= !epo!ted that ?5A &olou! !emo+al 8as a&hie+ed using 14// mg9L fe!!ous sulphate and onl. 4/A abso!ban&es 8e!e a&hie+ed at a dosage of 1/// mg9L( ai! !emo+als of *7) 8e!e obse!+ed at %/A and >/A using e*l " and eS7% !espe&ti+el.( These 8e!e a&hie+ed at pH % and &oagulant dose of >// mg9L( The !esults a!e in ag!eement 8ith the findings of othe! 8o!Fe!s( Lin G 'eng <155>= had !edu&ed ""A of *7) f!om 5// mg9L th!ough &ontinuous t!eatment of an influent of te6tile 8aste8ate!( $i&olaou G Had:i+assilis <1552= had !edu&ed %%A of *7) f!om te6tile influent of >5% mg9L( Dim, et(al(, <2//"= had !edu&ed >"A *7) fo! his biologi&all. p!et!eated te6tile influent using e*l"(>H27 of "(2461/3" mol9L as &oagulant( Sel&uF <2//4= !epo!ted that 45A of *7) 8e!e !emo+ed f!om !a8 8aste8ate! using 1/// mg9L fe!!ous sulphate as &oagulant &ompa!ed 8ith 4>A !emo+al b. alum( The !emo+als of &olou! and *7) 8e!e mainl. att!ibuted b. the fo!mation of p!e&ipitates f!om the &ombination of the soluble o!gani&s and the &oagulant <Tebbutt, 155E=( Basi& !ea&tions o&&u! du!ing &oagulation p!o&ess a!e sho8n b. the follo8ing e;uations2 eS7% P 2H*7"3 Q e<7H=2 <R=P <S7%=23 P 2*72 <2= 2 e*l" P >H*7"3 Q 2 e<7H=" <R=P >*l3 P >*72 <"= Al2<S7%=" P >H*7"3 Q 2Al<7H=" <R=P "<S7%=23 P >*72 <%=
10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sus p e !' e ' s o( l 's C ol o u) C OD 47 . 6 36 . 8 10 C 25 C 95. 7 87. 8 9 6. 7 8 8. 6

Figure $5% Influence of temperature on suspended solids removals 1n te!ms of tempe!atu!e, it has been demonst!ated that bette! !emo+al had been a&hie+ed at highe! tempe!atu!e fo! all pa!amete!s < igu!e 14=( 7zbelge et al(, <2//2= &on&luded that flo&s settlement 8as !edu&ed 8ith a de&!ease in tempe!atu!e f!om 2"H* to 14H* using e*l" and &a!bonate( Hamme! G Hamme! <2//%= !epo!ted that the &hemi&al !ea&tions had in&!eased at highe! tempe!atu!e( Redu&tion of tu!bidit. at highe! tempe!atu!e 8as att!ibuted b. highe! B!o8nian and Nan )e! Baals mo+ements in 8ate! 8hi&h had enhan&ed the &hemi&al !ea&tions <Rios et al(, 155E=( The !esults of the p!esent stud. a!e in ag!eement 8ith the findings of +a!ious othe! 8o!Fe!s, e+en though the!e 8as no single pH !egion had been ag!eed b. them( Bang et al(, <2//2= indi&ated that, the lo8e! the pH +alue, the highe! the effi&ien&. of the t!eatment in the pH !ange of " to E( 7the! !esea!&he!s suggested that, o!gani& &olloids a!e fa+ou!able in the flo&&ulation p!o&ess bet8een pH % and %(4 using fe!!i& salts and bet8een 4 and > 8ith aluminum salts <Bab&o&F and Singe!, 15?5C Semmens and ield, 15E/C Blan& and $a+ia, 1551=( AmoF!ane et al(, <155?= also obse!+ed that tu!bidit. !emo+al 8as de&!eased 8ith an in&!ease in pH( The. !epo!ted that fe!!i& &hlo!ide &oagulant is gene!all. effe&ti+e at pH %(5 8hile aluminum sulphate at pH 4(4( The. found that 5%A of tu!bidit. had been !emo+ed 8hen fe!!i& &hlo!ide 8as used as &oagulant( About the same !esults 8e!e obtained b. se+e!al autho!s in thei!

Left=1 Top=1 Right=1 Bottom= 1 lea&hate &oagulation3flo&&ulation e6pe!iments <Stegmann and ,h!ig, 15E/C ,h!ig, 15E%=( The diffe!en&es in !esults ma. be due to diffe!ent e6pe!imental &onditions and t.pes of lea&hate used as most of thei! studies in+ol+ed an anae!obi& lea&hates( $e+e!theless, the de&!ease in pH &an be e6plained b. the a&idi& &ha!a&te! of e"P o! Al"P( Bhen !ea&ting 8ith 7H3 ions of lea&hate, aluminum o! i!on 8ill p!e&ipitate in the fo!m of e<7H=" o! Al<7H=" <7Imelia, 15>5=( A&&o!ding to Stephenson and )uff <155>=, the influen&e of pH on &hemi&al &oagulation9flo&&&ulation ma. be &onside!ed as a balan&e of t8o &ompetiti+e fo!&es2 <1= bet8een HP and metal h.d!ol.sis p!odu&ts fo! inte!a&tion 8ith o!gani& ligands and <2= bet8een h.d!o6ide ions and o!gani& anions fo! inte!a&tion 8ith metal h.d!ol.sis p!odu&ts( Table *% An e:ample of particle si;e distribution of ra9 and coagulated leachate samples
)ample D$! <=m>
"(/%4 2?("4E

D5! <=m>
11(>?> 5>("15

D4! <=m>
>/(/"5 2E2(E%"

)pecific surface area <m23g>

1(1> /(1/%

1nifo rmit?
1("" /(E25

Ra8 lea&hate Settled lea&hate afte! &oagula tion b. 2,4// mg9L e*l" at pH %

B7)9*7) !atio 8as /(14 8hi&h !efle&ts the p!esen&e of high &on&ent!ations of !e&al&it!ant o!gani& matte! 8hi&h is stable and biologi&all. diffi&ult fo! fu!the! deg!adation( *oagulation and flo&&ulation studies &ondu&ted on the lea&hate indi&ated that e*l" 8as &apable to !emo+e suspended solids, &olou! and *7) at lo8e! dosages as &ompa!ed 8ith alum and eS7%( Bette! !emo+al 8as obse!+ed at pH % and pH 12( o! an effe&ti+e !emo+al of the abo+e pa!amete!s, the optimum !apid and slo8 mi6ing 8as "// !pm and 4/ !pm !espe&ti+el.( At pH % and 12, a fai! !emo+al at !easonabl. lo8e! amount of &oagulant &an be a&hie+ed using e*l" 8ith a dosage of >// mg9L( Ho8e+e!, about 24// mg9L of &oagulants 8e!e !e;ui!ed to gi+e good !emo+als at pH >( Bette! !emo+al 8as a&hie+ed at highe! tempe!atu!e( The d4/ of sludge afte! &oagulation at pH % 8ith 24// mg9L e*l" 8as >/(1>" @m &ompa!ed 8ith 11(>?> @m befo!e &oagulation( The stud. indi&ated that &oagulation and flo&&ulation p!o&esses a!e signifi&antl. impo!tant in the o+e!all integ!ated t!eatment s.stem fo! semi3 ae!obi& lea&hate( 1nteg!ating the p!o&ess into the e6isting biologi&al and ph.si&al t!eatment ma. enhan&e the t!eatment pe!fo!man&e, pa!ti&ula!l. fo! !emo+al of suspended solids, &olou! and *7)( Ac@no9ledgements The autho! a&Fno8ledges the #inist!. of S&ien&e, Te&hnolog. and ,n+i!onment #ala.sia fo! the $ational S&ientifi& ello8ship and 1R'A !esea!&h g!ant p!o+ided b. #inist!. of S&ien&e, Te&hnolog. and ,n+i!onment that has !esulted in this a!ti&le( The autho! also 8ishes to a&Fno8ledge &oope!ation gi+en b. the #a:lis 'e!banda!an Sebe!ang '!ai, 'enang and the &ont!a&to! 1daman Be!sih Sdn( Bhd(, 'enang du!ing the stud.(

Results of pa!ti&le size dist!ibution of flo&s p!esented in Table "( igu!es 1> and 1? indi&ated that the d4/ of !a8 lea&hate 8as 11(>?> @m( The d4/ afte! &oagulation be&ame 5>("15 @m 8hi&h indi&ated that the pa!ti&les had been settled and !emo+ed effe&ti+el. <as detailed in igu!es > to E=( 8 ! Conclusion Lea&hate at 'ulau Bu!ung Landfill Site in 'enang, #ala.sia 8as &ha!a&te!ized fo! 12 months in this stud.( 1t 8as slightl. alFaline 8ith mode!ate &on&ent!ation of o!gani& matte!( The .ea!l. a+e!age of

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