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PGDM (DCP) 2012-14 V Consumer Behavior Dr. Sita Mishra Factors a ectin! "m#u$se Bu%in! in an FMCG Pro&uct Cate!or% 'ri!ina$ ( )*1 *+10**(,-2. ni/hi$sa0ena211!mai$.com S$. % & 4 4 ( , 2o$$ 3o. %&'CP ()% %&'CP (-. %&'CP (.0 %&'CP (3) %&'CP (3%&'CP %(% %&'CP %&& 3ame *arthi+ ,+unuru $ohit /ain Ni+hil 1a2ena Rahul ,gar4al Rahul Bhard4a5 1atyam !upta 6t+arsh Nagar


Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

Factors a ectin! "m#u$se Bu%in! in an FMCG Pro&uct Cate!or%

5 Pro6ect 2e#ort or

Consumer Behavior Post-Gra&uate Di#$oma in Mana!ement



7n&er the !ui&ance o 'r# 1ita $ishra ,ssistant Professor $ar+eting 7nstitute of $anagement Technology8 !ha9ia"ad

57G7S8. 2014 Group 5 Page 2


Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category Certi icate o 5##rova$

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

The follo4ing Term Pro5ect Report titled :Factors a ectin! "m#u$se Bu%in! in an FMCG Pro&uct Cate!or%; is here"y approved as a certified study in management carried out and presented in a manner satisfactory to 4arrant its acceptance as a prere<uisite for the a4ard of Post !raduate 'iploma in $anagement for 4hich it has "een su"mitted# 7t is understood that "y this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made8 opinion e2pressed or conclusion dra4n therein "ut approve the Term Pro5ect Report only for the purpose it is su"mitted#


Name =aculty >2aminer

1ignature 'r# 1ita $ishra

5C93':;<DG<M<38 Words are indeed inade<uate to convey our deep sense of gratitude to all those 4ho have helped us in completing this academic pro5ect to the "est of our a"ility# Being a part of this pro5ect has certainly "een a uni<ue and a very productive e2perience for us# We are really than+ful to our faculty8 Dr. Sita Mishra8 for ma+ing all +inds of arrangements for us to carry out the pro5ect successfully# ?is timely guidance and help ena"led us in solving all +inds of <ueries regarding the pro5ect 4or+# @ast "ut not the least 4e 4ould li+e to than+ all our colleagues at 7$T !8 4ho have directly or indirectly helped us 4ith their moral support for the completion of this pro5ect#

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

Ta"le of Contents 1. 7ntroductionAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2. Rationale for the Pro5ectAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#. 3. What is 7mpulse BuyingB ######################################################################################################3 4. Consumer Behavior in 7mpulse BuyingAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#3 5. Chocolate 7ndustry World4ideAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA##C 6. Chocolate 7ndustry in 7ndiaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA###%% Group 5 Page 6


Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

7. 7dentifying an =$C! Product Category characteri9ed "y 7mpulse BuyingAAAAAA##%& 8. Research $ethodologyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA##%& 9. Primary Research a. Part %: 7dentifying an =$C! Product Category characteri9ed "y 7mpulse BuyingAA %0 b. Part &: =actors affecting 7mpulse Buying of ChocolatesAAAAAAAAAAAA#%D 10. Conclusion & RecommendationsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA##%. 11. ,ppendicesAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA%C

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7mpulse "uying is to "uy some product or service in an unplanned 4ay8 5ust "efore a purchase# =eelings and emotions play a decisive role in "uying a product 5ust "ecause of its e2posure at the right time 4ith might "e a right message# $ar+eters and retailers have learnt to e2ploit these impulses 4hich are related to "asic 4ant for instant gratification# $any items are strategically placed near the payment counter 4here8 most of the times8 a customer has to 4ait for fe4 minutes for his turn and vie4 the prominently displayed items and canEt help himself "ut pic+ fe4 of the items out of instant gratification# These items trigger impulse "uyers to purchase 4hat had not considered purchasing at the first place# ,lternatively impulse "uying can occur 4hen a potential "uyer spots something related to a product that stimulates a particular passion in him li+e flag of some country over a 'F'# ,part from effective retail communication impulse "uying can also ta+e place "ecause of the discount offers# 7mpulse items can "e anything8 a ne4 product8 samples or 4ell esta"lished products at surprisingly lo4 prices# Though impulse "uying is not restricted to =$C! products8 still =$C! products are the item 4here this phenomenon is at most used and is most appropriate# There can "e products li+e candy8 gum8 mints and chocolate or products li+e 'F's and C's or stationery items li+e pen8 pencils8 and erasers or in the summer time retailers put their refrigerators near the counter to increase the sales of cold drin+s and 5uices# =ollo4ing are some factors related to products 4hich trigger impulse "uying:

Pac+aging: 7t attracts the at most attention of a customer# , cele"ration pac+ of chocolates pac+ed in a fancy 4ay is definitely going to attract a customer#

1cent: On the 4ay to a cash register a deodorant or a shampoo or some item 4ith a nice aroma is going to attract the customerEs attention

1ale: , discounted item is al4ays appealing to a customer for all the saving a customer can do over it#

1helf Placement: Certain items are put at the eye level in order to increase the visi"ility of the item#

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Thus =$C! products are easy to e2pose to the customers and have a lot of appeals 4hich can attract customer to go out of their 4ay and ma+e the purchase# Retailers are very particular a"out 4hat all products to place near the counter and impulsive "uying contri"utes significantly in the overall sales#

2ationa$e or the Pro6ect 7mpulse "uying has al4ays "een a challenge in mar+eting due to its comple2 nature# 7mpulse "uying is a difficult and multifaceted phenomenon 4hich is responsi"le for a huge volume of the products sold each year# Consumer researchers have focused on identifying the various factors 4hich induce impulse "uying in different developed countries# 7n the developing economies8 there is a necessity to study the impulse "uying "ecause of the latest development in retailing and huge cultural differences 4hen compared to developed economies# 7ncrease in salaries8 life style and credit availa"ility have made impulse "uying a 4idespread phenomenon across the different retail formats# $a+ing an attractive shopping environment and in store stimuli is very important to increase the sales through the unplanned purchase# Current 7ndian retailing environment could provide a lot of scope for consumers to "ecome impulsive in different product categories# The universal nature of impulse "uying can "e capitali9ed "y retailers to "enefit their respective "usinesses# The com"ination and synergistic effect of the many factors influencing impulse "uying could lead to more sales8 thus "enefiting the mar+eters and retailers# The follo4ing are some reasons to study impulsive "uying "ehavior of the customers 4ith reference to =$C! products:

>ffect of various e2ternal stimuli on the impulse "uying "ehavior >ffect of various internal stimuli on the impulse "uying "ehavior >ffect of product and situational related factors on impulse "uying "ehavior >ffect of demographics and socio cultural aspects on impulse "uying "ehavior

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

:hat is im#u$se =u%in!>

,n impulse purchase or impulse "uying is a spur of the moment8 unplanned decision to "uy a product or service8 made 5ust "efore the actual purchase# One 4ho ma+es such a purchase is called an impulse purchaser or impulse "uyer# >motions and feelings play a ma5or role in purchasing8 as per many researches# This is triggered 4hen the person sees the product or is e2posed to a 4ell crafted promotional message# $ar+eters and retailers tend to e2ploit these impulses to "uy 4hich are tied to the "asic 4ant for instant gratification# 7t is often seen that consumers end up "uying products at retail stores that they didnEt really plan to "uy# This is "ecause consumerEs "ehaviour is often driven "y their unconscious mind8 4hich ma+es them do impulse "uying# 1uch purchases ranges from small Gchocolate8 clothing8 maga9inesH to su"stantially large G5e4ellery8 vehicle8 4or+ of artH and usually Ga"out 3( percent of the timeH lead to pro"lems such as financial difficulties8 family disapproval8 or a feeling of guilt or disappointment# Consumer =ehaviour in im#u$se =u%in! 7mpulse purchasing is an important phenomenon for researchers in consumer "ehaviour and retailing# 1tudying consumer "ehaviour regarding impulse purchases is important and 4as started long "ac+# The classification of a purchase as planned or impulse "egan 4ith the 1tern G%C-&H study 4here he provided the "asic frame4or+ of impulse "uying "y categori9ing a "uying "ehaviour as planned8 unplanned8 or impulse# Planned purchases involve time consuming information searching 4ith rational decision ma+ing8 4hereas unplanned "uying refers to all shopping decisions made 4ithout any advance planning# 7mpulse "uying is distinguished from the unplanned "uying in terms of <uic+ decision ma+ing# 7n addition to "eing unplanned8 an impulse purchase also involves e2periencing a sudden8 strong8 and irresisti"le urge to "uy# 7yer G%C3CH further distinguished that all impulse purchases are unplanned8 "ut unplanned purchases are not al4ays impulsively decided# ?an et al# G%CC%H modified the 1tern G%C-&H classification of impulse mi2 in conte2t of fashion products and developed as four types of impulse "uying: iH Planned impulse "uying

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iiH Reminded impulse "uying iiiH 1uggestion or fashion oriented impulse "uying ivH Pure impulse "uying Planned impulse "uying is partially planned "ut specific product or categories are not decided "y the shopper# They are further determined on the "asis of the different sales promotions inside the shop# Reminder impulse "uying occurs 4hen the "uyer is reminded of the need of the product noticing it in the shop# Pure impulse "uying is a novelty or escape purchase 4hich a shopper "rea+s the trend of usual shopping# ;Traditional; mar+eter controlled stimuli such as the product itself8 the productIs position on the shelf8 atmospherics G*otler8 %C.&H8 salesmanship8 tie ins have "een identified "y consumer researchers as prompts for unplanned or impulse purchases#

Choco$ate "n&ustr% :or$&?i&e Chocolate is one of the most popular foods of the 4orld# =rom its origin in 1outh ,merica to its consumption in >urope8 chocolate has a very long and rich history# Chocolate has "een traded internationally for many centuries no48 "oth nationally and internationally# Consumption of chocolate8 especially 'ar+ Chocolate and other sugar free chocolates8 are gro4ing "ecause of their health "enefits# Chocolates come in many flavors8 si9es and pac+aging# The 4ord :chocolateJ originated from a 1panish 4ord# Chocolate is made from the "eans 4e get from cacao tree# They are very "itter and usually sugar is added to the cocoa solids# A brief History: The origins of chocolate can "e traced "ac+ to people from ancient $aya and ,9tec civili9ation8 4hich first made the spicy drin+ made from roasted cacao "eans# Cacao has "een cultivated in $e2ico and ,merica for at least past 0 millennia from %%((BC# The secret for ma+ing chocolate 4as ta+en to =rance in %-%)# They adopted the chocolate drin+ <uic+ly and

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it gradually spread to other >uropean nations# ,s >uropean nations coloni9ed different parts of the 4orld8 they setup cacao plantations to ensure a constant supply of chocolate#

The follo4ing figure sho4s the places 4here cocoa "eans are produced#

Different Types: There are many different types of chocolates# They are "roadly classified into D main categories#
1. 'ar+ chocolate 2. 14eet chocolate 3. $il+ chocolate 4. White chocolate

$any chocolate manufacturers have created a variety of products from "ar chocolates to fudge8 so that they could attract different +inds of customers 4ith varying needs# The follo4ing sho4s the revenue for the top %( chocolate manufacturers in the 4orld#

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Choco$ate "n&ustr% in "n&ia

The chocolate industry in 7ndia is mainly dominated "y t4o companies Cad"ury and Nestle# The mar+et leader is Cad"ury 4hich has a lionIs share of a"out .( percent# 'uring early C(s8 Cad"ury had a mar+et share of over 3( percent8 "ut then entered Nestle and spoiled the scene# The !u5arat Co operative $il+ $ar+eting =ederation G!C$$=H and Central ,recanut and Cocoa $anufactures and Processors Co operative GC,$PCOH are the other companies 4hich are operating in the 7ndian chocolate segment# Competition in this segment is "ecoming very fierce 4ith the entrance of companies li+e $ondele98 $ars8 Nestle8 Perfett Fan $elle8 Parle and 7TC 4hich are launching ne4 products# , 4ide variety and innovative products li+e a lollipop that can overcome "oredom8 sugar free mint for calorie conscious8 a toffee that can "oost romance8 and dar+ chocolates that are "itter at the same time s4eet have come up in the mar+et# The 7ndian chocolate industry is Fery fragmented 4ith a range of products catering to a variety of consumers and age groups# There are different types of "ars/sla"s8 5ellies8 lollipops8 toffees and sugar candies# !iven the huge population in the country it is a surprise to note that the Per capita chocolate consumption is very lo4 at %&(gms 4hereas in countries li+e 7reland8 !ermany and Belgium it is more than %%+gs# ?o4ever8 7ndians consumed around &&8((( tons of chocolate last year# 7ndiaIs chocolate mar+et is estimated to "e around Rs 08((( crores 4hile the organi9ed confectionery mar+et is around Rs &8((( crores# The overall chocolate mar+et is said to "e gro4ing at %)K a year8 4hile the gro4th in modern retail is almost dou"le of that rate# ,4areness a"out chocolates is very high in ur"an areas8 4hich has a population of a"out 03 crore8 at over C)K# Tech1ci Research recently pu"lished a report stating that 7ndiaIs chocolate mar+et is e2pected to reach a"out L0#& "illion "y &(%3 due to increasing gifting culture and increase in the income# ?igher disposa"le incomes and a taste for richer chocolates in recent times have ensured a steady gro4th of the premium chocolate mar+et in 7ndia# With a mar+et share of %( per cent of the Rs &8((( crore chocolate mar+et8 the premium segment is pretty small# Met8 it is gro4ing at a steady rate of 0( D( percent per annum8 according to industry estimates#
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Both chocolate and sugar confectioneries have a very lo4 penetration levels in 7ndia8 in fact8 even lo4er than "iscuits8 4hich reach out to a"out )- per cent of the households# The launch of lo4er priced8 smaller "ars of chocolate in the last fe4 years and positioning of chocolate "y the companies as a su"stitute to traditional s4eets during festivals8 have "oosted the sales of the chocolates to a large e2tent especially during the festive seasons#

"&enti %in! an FMCG Pro&uct Cate!or% characteri@e& =% "m#u$se Bu%in! Consumers going for impulse Buying do not thin+ much a"out the conse<uences or give a much considered thought "efore ma+ing a purchase# 7mpulse "uying8 as the name suggest8 is a phenomenon done impulsively 4here "uying done "y consumer is done 4ithout any evaluation and carried out in a unreflective manner# The consumer going for impulse "uying focuses on the instant gratification 4hich "uying of the product provides rather solving some GpreHe2isting pro"lems or need to find a predetermined need in the mind of the consumer# Nonetheless to say8 impulse "uying is a hedonically comple2 process and simulates an emotional process# ,s per the researchers li+e8 Roo+ and ?oo+ G%C30H identified ) important elements assisting in impulse "uying:
1. , spontaneous and sudden desire to "uy 2. , presence of :Psychological 'ise<uili"riumJ 3. ,n onset of psychological struggle and conflict 4. , reduction in cognitive evaluation 5.

, lac+ thought process regarding the impulse "uying conse<uences#

2esearch Metho&o$o!% This pro5ect relies on primary research to achieve the o"5ectives underta+en# The research is divided into t4o parts:
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The first part deals 4ith identifying an =$C! product category that is characteri9ed "y impulse "uying# Once an =$C! category has "een identified8 the second part deals 4ith identifying 4hich factors affect impulse "uying in that particular category#

Primar% 2esearch Part 1A "&enti %in! an FMCG #ro&uct cate!or% that is characteri@e& =% im#u$se =u%in! Buestionnaire Desi!n =ocusing on the rationale of the pro5ect8 4e identified a set of o"5ects 4hich can "e categori9ed under the um"rella of impulse "uying products# 7n order to understand the consumer "ehavior in conte2t of impulse "uying8 4e as group mem"ers developed a :Nualifying NuestionJ 4hich states the follo4ing: While shopping, which of the following products have you usually ended up buying unplanned (impulse buying)? These categories are: CC
1. Personal Care O >2ample li+e Toothpaste8 ?air oil etc# 2. ?ome care O >2ample li+e 'etergent s soaps8 "athing soaps# 3. =oods O >2amples li+e Chocolates8 7ce Creams# 4. Beverages O >2amples li+e Tea8 /uices#
(CCPlease refer the <uestionnaire in the appendi2 %,#H

Metho& o Surve% The group mem"ers too+ the survey on the personal device assistants li+e ta"s and 4ent to one of the Big Ba9aar outlets of city !ha9ia"ad# 7n addition to this8 they also visited other retail outlets li+e >asy 'ay8 !oel 1uper $ar+ets Ga near"y retail supermar+et 1hopH# 2esu$ts rom Part 1 o Primar% 2esearch

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The group mem"ers re<uested the customers to fill the <uestionnaire8 and recorded the results# ,s per results from the survey8 Choco$ates is a product category for 4hich ma2imum respondents said they made impulse "uying# 6sing the results from part % of the research8 4e narro4 our pro5ect scope to factors affecting impulse "uying in this particular product category8 i#e#8 Chocolates#
G=or detailed results8 refer ,ppendi2 %BH

Part 2A Factors a ectin! "m#u$se Bu%in! o Choco$ates Buestionnaire Desi!n =rom the e2ploratory study 4e found out that "uying a chocolate is generally an impulsive decision# No4 4e 4ill try to find the ans4ers for

What are the attri"utes 4hich ma+e this category for impulse "uyingB ,t 4hat all places does it ta+e placeB What impact does the pricing of chocolates have on customersE decisionB What are the internal and e2ternal motivations to "uy a chocolateB Why that particular "rand of chocolateB

=e4 potential place 4here identified after a "rainstorming session such as supermar+et8 general shops8 "a+ery8 gift shops8 etc# Placement of chocolates 4ithin these stores 4as another factor loo+ed at upon# 1ome "road categories 4ithin this factor 4ould "e places li+e the "illing counter or s4eet and chocolate sections# The case 4hen the customers themselves as+ a"out chocolates 4hen they are not visi"le 4as also covered# To estimate on average ho4 much a customer is 4illing to pay for "uying chocolate during an impulse decision8 a <uestion 4as as+ed 4here respondents 4ere as+ed to choose a price range from a list of price ranges#

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also as+ed#

Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

Nuestions on ho4 discounts and other promotional activities affect their "uying decision 4ere

To understand the e2trinsic and intrinsic motivation factors8 <uestions on pac+aging8 such as image on the pac+et8 si9e of the pac+et8 material use for pac+ing etc# 4ere as+ed# >ven <uestions related to health consciousness 4ere incorporated in the survey#
(Please refer the <uestionnaire in the appendi2 &,#H

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5na$%sis o 2esu$ts o actors a ectin! "m#u$se Bu%in! o Choco$ates

G=or detailed results8 refer ,ppendi2 &BH

P$ace o "m#u$se PurchasesA $ost impulse "uying of chocolates ta+es place in supermar+ets and general stores# P$acement o Choco$ates ?ithin storesA , very small percentage G%(KH of respondents said that they as+ed for the chocolates themselves# =or the rest C(K8 impulse "uying happened "ecause the chocolates 4ere +ept at an approacha"le/visi"le place 4ithin the store8 i#e#8 either in shelves meant for chocolates or at stands placed near the "illing counter# $a5ority of the respondents said that they 4ere tempted into "uying chocolates 4hen they 4ere placed near the "illing counter# This finding 4as also supported "y the fact that -0K respondents said they "ought chocolates impulsively "ecause they 4ere 4aiting in the "illing <ueue and pic+ed up chocolates placed in stands placed near"y# Most Favora=$e Price 2an!e: $ost of the respondents GD3KH "ought chocolates in the price range of Rs#&% D( impulsively# < ect o 5&vertisements on "m#u$se Bu%in!: )&K of respondents disagreed that they remem"ered a particular chocolateEs advertisement 4hich led them to impulsively ma+e the purchase# %3K respondents 4ere neutral to the idea and only 0(K remem"ered the advertisements that led to impulse "uying# This is an astounding finding that indicates that chocolate ads8 even though creative8 do not lead to impulse "uying# "m#act o Pac/a!in! Co$or: =rom survey results8 it is found that the color of pac+aging plays a ma5or role in inducing impulse "uying# )DK of respondents said that they 4ere attracted "y the color of pac+aging that led them into "uying a particular chocolate# "m#act o Discounts: $ost of the respondents G-0KH disagreed 4ith the notion that discounts li+e price discounts8 e2tra grammage etc# compel them into ma+ing chocolates impulsively# There could "e t4o plausi"le reasons for this:

There are rarely any discounts offered on chocolates

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'iscounts on chocolates do not lure consumers into "uying chocolates impulsively

5##ea$ o 3e? Bran&s: @aunching ne4 "rands of chocolates can also induce impulse "uying8 though not to a great e2tent# There 4as a small "ut significant portion G0CKH of respondents that "ought chocolates impulsively 5ust "ecause they 4anted to try a ne4 "rand# Bran& Pu$$: $a5ority of the respondents G.-KH 4ere pulled into "uying chocolates impulsively "ecause they had a li+ing for a particular "rand# This implies that "rand plays a ma5or role in influencing impulse "uying in chocolates# :or&-o -Mouth (:'M) Mar/etin!: $ore than half of the respondents "ought chocolates impulsively "ecause some of their relatives or friends had advised them to try that chocolate# WO$ mar+eting led them to "uy chocolates impulsively# Bu%in! "n&uce& =% 'ther 7sers: $a5ority of respondents said that they 4ere tempted 4hen they sa4 other consumers eat or "uy chocolates# < ect o Sa$es Force: ,lmost all the respondents declined the notion that they "ought chocolates impulsively "ecause they had "een approached "y a salesman to try a chocolate# , possi"le reason for this could "e that sales force is seldom used to promote chocolates# < ect o other Pac/a!in! aesthetics: ,s per the survey8 te2t and images on the pac+aging and the <uality of pac+aging do not play a ma5or role in attracting consumers to4ards "uying a chocolate impulsively# ?o4ever8 a uni<ue shape does attract consumers# "n&uce& Cravin!: ,lmost all the respondents G33KH said that they felt a craving for chocolates 4hen they sa4 them and that led them into "uying chocolates impulsively# 7t is scientifically proven that eating chocolates releases certain hormones li+e endorphins8 serotonin8 and phenylethylamine that enhance our :happyJ moods# >ndorphins cause feelings of euphoria and trigger the release of se2 hormones# :1erotoninJ is a :necessaryJ chemical in our "rain for us to "e in a :happyJ mood and to "e aroused# Phenylethylamine GP>,H increases the pulse rate and feelings of e2citement8 resulting in sensations similar to those e2perienced 4hen one is in love# These feelings of pleasure that chocolates give may "e one of the reasons 4hy people feel a craving for chocolates and get tempted into "uying them#
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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

Buying chocolates also had a positive correlation 4ith "eing in a happy mood G.&K respondents said they "ought chocolates "ecause they 4ere in a good moodH# Ca$orie-Consciousness: $ost of the respondents G-(KH 4ho 4ere tempted into impulse "uying of chocolates do not care for the e2tra calories that are associated 4ith chocolates# Other 4ay of interpreting this 4ould "e to say that calorie conscious consumers do not "uy chocolates impulsively# 'ther actors: Chocolate ingredients and energy provided "y them do not have a significant effect on impulse "uying of chocolates#

Conc$usions D 2ecommen&ations

To induce impulse "uying of chocolates8 mar+eters should ensure that chocolates are placed at locations 4ithin the store 4here they have a good visi"ility and prefera"ly 4ithin physical reach of consumers#

To induce impulse "uying8 most of the chocolates placed near the "illing counter should "e in the range of Rs# &% D(# Then there can "e chocolates in the range up to Rs#&( and from Rs#D% -(# Chocolates a"ove Rs#-( do not induce much impulse "uying and should account for a very small8 if at all8 proportion of chocolates placed near the "illing counter#

The color of pac+aging plays a ma5or role in attracting consumers to4ards chocolates and this attri"ute should "e used carefully "y mar+eters to induce "uying# =urther research 4ould "e re<uired to determine colors/color com"inations most effective in inducing impulse "uying of chocolates# 1uch a research is out of scope for this study#

, strong "rand image should "e created "y using a sound advertising strategy# $ar+eting campaigns should focus on the most distinctive characteristics of chocolates li+e taste8 pac+aging and esta"lish an emotional connect 4ith the consumers# $ar+eters should strive to have a strong recall for their "rands in the minds of consumers to promote impulse "uying#

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1ince most of the "uyers are tempted into "uying chocolates impulsively 4hen they see others "uying or eating chocolates8 mar+eters can use this o"servation "y placing posters or displays in supermar+ets 4hich depict people eating chocolates#

The fact that WO$ mar+eting plays a ma5or role in inducing impulse "uying of chocolates com"ined 4ith rising role of social media in mar+eting8 mar+eters should strive to form online communities on social media platforms to promote their "rands of chocolates and use WO$ mar+eting to promote impulse "uying of their "rands#

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5##en&i0 15A Buestionnaire to &etermine FMCG Pro&uct Cate!or% characteri@e& =% "m#u$se Bu%in!

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5##en&i0 1BA Summar% o 2esu$ts rom Buestionnaire in 5##en&i0 1

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5##en&i0 25A Buestionnaire to &etermine actors a ectin! im#u$se =u%in! in choco$ates

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

5##en&i0 2BA Summar% o 2es#onses rom Euestionnaire on FFactors a ectin! im#u$se =u%in! in Choco$atesG
From where have you bought chocolate(s) unplanned? (Tick as many as relevant)

Please check the ones which are relevant to you:

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What would be the most suitable price range in which you usually buy chocolates unplanned?

I remembered its advertisement when I saw the chocolate

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The color o the packaging was attractive

There were some discounts on the chocolate like price discounts! "#$ e%tra ree etc&

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Wanted to try a new brand

'ost chocolates under this brand taste good

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'y Friend()elative advised me to try a particular chocolate

I saw someone else buy(eating it* I got tempted to buy a chocolate&

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

+ salesperson approached me to buy it

I was waiting in the ,ueue! saw the chocolates in a nearby shel * added it to my cart&

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

The images on the packaging were attractive

The te%t on the packaging was attractive

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

-hape o the chocolate packaging was uni,ue(attractive

.uality o packaging material was good

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

I bought the chocolate because o its uni,ue ingredients (pure veg&(nuts etc&)

I elt a craving or it when I saw it

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

I was happy(in a good mood! so I bought a chocolate

I was eeling low! bought chocolate to upli t my mood

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Factors affecting Impulse Buying in an FMCG Product Category

/hocolates give me instant energy

I don0t care about the calories* wanted to indulge mysel ! so bought a chocolate

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