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Sabanc University

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Digital Communications

Spring 2012

Lab #2

March 12, 2012

In the lab 1, you had converted a text to a sequence of digital symbols using 7-Bit !"II coding# $o%, in this lab, %e first aim to convert the symbol stream to a %aveform using Mary Pulse Amplitude Modulation &' M(# )hen %e %ant to re-create the symbol stream bac* from the modulated %aveform# Pre Lab Step+ 1( M-ary ' M signaling can be reali,ed by assigning the symbol i to the %aveform t si &t ( = &2i + 1 M ( & ( for i = 0,1,###, M 1 %here M is the number of %aveforms or T symbols, ) is the symbol duration# &t ( is 1 for 0 t < 1 and ,ero other%ise# -quivalently, you ma. the symbol i to the real number ai = 2i + 1 M %hich is later t used to modulate the rectangular .ulse & ( # )herefore the ' M transmitted symbol T becomes s &t ( = ai &

t iT (# T


bove described ' M signal is an analog %aveform and %e can re.resent the analog %aveform in M )/ B by its sam.les# It is conventional to ex.ress these sam.les %hich are ta*en %ith a sam.ling .eriod of Ts in terms of a variable named an oversam.ling factor N such that N = T # Basically the oversam.ling factor re.resents Ts

the number of sam.les .er symbol# )herefore the discrete time re.resentation of the ' M signal is s &kTs ( = ai & kTs iT kT iTN k iN ( = ai & ( = ai & ( T NT N i i i k iN = ai & ( for 0 k NM 1 N i

'lease note that in the simulations, analog %aveforms can be ex.ressed more accurately by increasing the oversam.ling factor but that also increases the simulation time# )y.ically %e

ta*e the oversam.ling factor bet%een 10 and 20, %hich gives us good com.romise bet%een the accuracy and simulation time# 'lease follo% the ste.s belo% in order to achieve the aim of this lab# 1( )a*e number of symbols or %aveforms 0 !1 as 2 and create ' M symbol stream ai = 2i + 1 M from the symbol stream "#ro$s#symbol#stream obtained in /ab31 and assign it to variable "#ro$s#P%!#symbol stream# 2( In order to get the ' M %aveform, you should modulate the ' M symbol stream "#ro$s#P%!#symbol#stream using the equation and ta*ing oversam.ling factor &N' as 10 and assign it to "#ro$s#P%!#$a(eform# 4( By sam.ling the ' M %aveform &tell ho%5( "#ro$s#P%!#$a(eform, obtain the ' M symbol stream bac* and assign it to reco(ered#"#ro$s#P%! symbol#stream# 6( 7rom the ' M symbol stream, reco(ered#"#ro$s#symbol#stream# obtain the symbol stream

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