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Practical 3 : Alcohol, Ether and Amines Objective: To prepare samples of ethanol and to investigate the chemical properties of ethanol

Materials/apparatus: Glucose, cooked potatoes, mashed pineapple, rice, tapioca, mashed banana, yeast, Lime water, distilled water, tap water, potassium dichromate(VI solution, concentrated sulphuric acid, filter paper, conical flask, beaker, measuring cylinder, distillation flask, stopper with delivery tube, stopper with one hole, thermometer, Liebig condenser, fractioning column, retort stands and clamps, tripod stand, wire gau!e, "unsen burner, rubber tubing, filter funnel, boiling tube, blue litmus paper, evaporating dish, test tube holder, dropper, forceps# A. To prepare samples of ethanol Procedure: $# %ppro&imately about '( g of glucose is dissolved in $)( cm* of distilled water contained in a clean conical flask# '# %ppro&imately about $( g of yeast is added to the mi&ture and the mi&ture is shaken well# *# The conical flask is closed with a stopper connected with a delivery tube# The other end of the delivery tube is dipped into lime water contained in a boiling tube as shown in +igure $(a # ,# The appararus is left in a warm place (*) -. for about a week# )# +or time to time, any changes taking place are observed# /# %fter about a week, the contents of the conical flask are filtered# The filterate is poured into a distillation flask# 0# The apparatus for distillation as shown in +igure $(b is set up# 1# The filterate is heated in water bath and the ethanol that boils over at 01 to 1( -. is collected# 2# The colour and the smell of the distillate collected is e&amined# $(# 3teps $ to 2 are repeated using cooked potatoes, mashed pineapple, rice, tapioca and mashed banana consecutively to replace glucose# . To investi!ate the chemical properties of ethanol "4$ To investigate the combustion of ethanol Procedure: $# %bout ' cm* of the prepared ethanol is poured into an evaporating dish# '# % lighted wooden splinter is used to ignite the ethanol (+igure ' # *# The combustibility of ethanol is noted#

Procedure: "4' To investigate the o&idation of ethanol $# %bout $( cm* of potassium dichromate(VI solution is poured into a boiling tube# '# % dropper is used to add about $( drops of concentrated sulphuric acid into the boiling tube# *# %bout * cm* of ethanol is then added to the mi&ture# ,# The apparatus is set up as shown in +igure *# )# The boiling tube is heated carefully with a gentle flame until the mi&ture boils# %ny colour change to the mi&ture is noted# /# The distillate is collected in a test tube immersed in cold water# 0# The colour and smell of the distillate are noted# 1# The distillate is tested with a moist blue litmus paper# 2# The change to the blue litmus paper is recorded# "esults: #$ Test %ombustibilit& %olour of flame 'ootiness of flame #( Test on distillate %olour 'mell Effect on blue litmus paper )uestions: $# '# *# ,# )# /# 0# 5ame the en!yme present in yeast that decomposes glucose into ethanol# 6rite a balanced chemical e7uation to represent the decomposition of glucose into ethanol# 8&plain the use of fractional distillation in this e&periment# 6rite a balanced chemical e7uation to represent the combustion of ethanol# .an ethanol be used as vehicle fuel 9 8&plain your answer# 6hat is the function of potassium dichromate(VI solution in this e&periment 9 6rite a balanced chemical e7uation to represent the o&idation of ethanol# Observation Observation

Boiling tube

Glucose + yeast Lime water

Water bath

Fermentation product

Cool water

+igure $: :reparation of ethanol

Lighted wooden splinter


Evaporating dish

+igure ': .ombustion of ethanol

+igure *: ;&idation of ethanol

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