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Insider's Guide To Lazy Forex Traders

Discover All Of The Insider Technique That The Pros Are Usin !ith Great "uccess

If #ou $eally %ant to discover &o% I 'eca(e a full ti(e )rofessional Forex Trader* the lazy %ay* ")end +, (inutes and read this-

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Ta'le of .ontents
Chapter 1: Forex Introduction5 Chapter 2: Forex Terms..7 Chapter 3: Actual Forex Trading..11 Chapter : !o" To Trade #isel$..12

.ha)ter +/ Forex Introduction

(Important to Read)
The Foreign %xchange or Forex &ar'et exists "here(er one currenc$ is traded )or another. It is the largest )inancial mar'et in the "orld* and includes trading +et"een large +an's* speculators* multinational corporations* go(ernments* and a host o) other )inancial mar'ets and institutions. The a(erage dail$ trade in the glo+al )orex mar'et is currentl$ o(er ,3 trillion. It-s no "onder that .pla$ing the )orex mar'et/ is so popular among the a(erage 0oe. The onl$ pro+lem is: 152 o) all people "ho endea(or to gain )ortune )rom the mar'et end up losing mone$. In )act* onl$ 52 o) those "ho participate in the mar'et actuall$ pro)it mone$. 3impl$ put* the luc'$ 52 are mega4rich* exploiting the "ea'nesses o) the other 152. Forex trading does in(ol(e a certain element o) ris' since it is principall$ dri(en +$ speculation and )orecast. The le(el o) expertise +$ "hich a trader is a+le to interpret these trends "ill dictate the o(erall trading success and "hilst this statement "ould appear to preclude all Forex +eginners* toda$5s technolog$ ena+les an$ trader "ith or "ithout prior 'no"ledge o) the Forex industr$ to excel in this mar'et and I "ill re(eal one such automated so)t"are later on in this e+oo'. 6ut as )ar as ris's are concerned* it is important to

stress that "hilst the$ are real* the$ are also (er$ small compared to other )inancial trading instructions. Forex is a(aila+le 2 hours a da$* 5 da$s a "ee'* to accommodate all o) the time 7ones )or all o) the ma8or pla$ers. and "ith the right tools* more and more indi(idual traders are a+le to disco(er the enormous potential o) this pro)ita+le industr$. #hilst there are certainl$ ris's in(ol(ed as I explained* Forex is in )act much more predicta+le than stoc' trading and has +een sho"n +$ (arious studies to pro(ide more consistent and pro)ita+le trends )or traders as Currenc$ )luctuations happen on a regular +asis. Traders attempt to )orecast these )luctuations to the extent that the$ can then +u$ and sell in order to ma'e a pro)it* and "hilst it is true that 'no"ledge and expertise in the )orex mar'et "as (ital in the past* this is no longer the case toda$. #hilst 'no"ledge and the a+ilit$ to anal$7e data is at the chore o) )orex trading* complete +eginners can in )act +ecome traders themsel(es almost instantl$ "ith the aid o) speciall$ designed so)t"are programs that tie 'no"ledge and anal$sis together in one eas$ to use application.

.ha)ter 0/ Forex Ter(s

In order to +e success)ul trader* certain +asics is needed : As': 9rice at "hich +ro'er:dealer is "illing to sell. 3ame as ;<))er;. 6id: 9rice at "hich +ro'er:dealer is "illing to +u$. 6id:As' 3pread =or ;3pread;>: The distance* usuall$ in pips* +et"een the 6id and As' price. A tighter spread is +etter )or the trader. Cost o) Carr$ =also ;Interest; or ;9remium;>: The cost* o)ten ?uoted in terms o) dollars or pips per da$* o) holding an open position. Currenc$ Futures: Futures contracts traded on an exchange* most t$picall$ the Chicago &ercantile %xchange =;C&%;>. Al"a$s ?uoted in terms o) the currenc$ (alue "ith respect to the @3 Aollar. 9arameters o) the )utures contract are standardi7ed +$ the exchange. Ara"do"n: The magnitude o) a decline in account (alue* either in percentage or dollar terms* as measured )rom pea' to su+se?uent trough. For example* i) a trader5s account increased in (alue )rom ,1B*BBB to ,2B*BBB* then dropped to ,15*BBB* then increased again to ,25*BBB* that trader "ould ha(e had a maximum dra"do"n o) ,5*BBB =incurred "hen the account declined )rom ,2B*BBB to ,15*BBB> e(en though that trader5s account "as ne(er in a loss position )rom inception.

Fundamental Anal$sis: &acro or strategic assessments o) "here a currenc$ should +e trading +ased on an$ criteria +ut the price action itsel). These criteria o)ten include the economic condition o) the countr$ that the currenc$ represents* monetar$ polic$* and other ;)undamental; elements. Ce(erage: The amount* expressed as a multiple* +$ "hich the notional amount traded exceeds the margin re?uired to trade. For example* i) the notional amount traded =also re)erred to as ;lot si7e; or ;contract (alue;> is ,1BB*BBB dollars and the re?uired margin is ,2*BBB* the trader can trade "ith 5B times le(erage =,1BB*BBB:,2*BBB>. Cimit: An order to +u$ at a speci)ied price "hen the mar'et mo(es do"n to that price* or to sell at a speci)ied price "hen the mar'et mo(es up to that price. Ci?uidit$: A )unction o) (olume and acti(it$ in a mar'et. It is the e))icienc$ and cost e))ecti(eness "ith "hich positions can +e traded and orders executed. A more li?uid mar'et "ill pro(ide more )re?uent price ?uotes at a smaller +id:as' spread. &argin: The amount o) )unds re?uired in a clients account in order to open a position or to maintain an open position. For example* 12 margin means that ,1*BBB o) )unds on deposit are re?uired )or a ,1BB*BBB position. &argin Call: A re?uirement +$ the +ro'er to deposit more )unds in order to maintain an open position. 3ometimes a ;margin call; means that the position "hich does not ha(e su))icient )unds on deposit "ill simpl$ +e closed out +$ the

+ro'er. This procedure allo"s the client to a(oid )urther losses or a de+it account +alance. &ar'et <rder: An order to +u$ at the current As' price. <))er: 9rice at "hich +ro'er:dealer is "illing to sell. 3ame as ;As';. 9ip: The smallest price increment in a currenc$. <)ten re)erred to as ;tic's; in the )utures mar'ets. For example* in %@D:@3A* a mo(e )rom .1B15 to .1B1E is one pip. In @3A:09F* a mo(e )rom 12G.51 to 12G.52 is one pip. 9remium =also ;Interest; or ;Cost o) Carr$;>: The cost* o)ten ?uoted in terms o) dollars or pips per da$* o) holding an open position. 3pot Foreign %xchange: <)ten re)erred to as the ;inter+an'; mar'et. De)ers to currencies traded +et"een t"o counterparties* o)ten ma8or +an's. 3pot Foreign %xchange is generall$ traded on margin and is the primar$ mar'et that this "e+site is )ocused on. Henerall$ more li?uid and "idel$ traded than currenc$ )utures* particularl$ +$ institutions and pro)essional mone$ managers. 3top: An order to +u$ at the mar'et onl$ "hen the mar'et mo(es up to a speci)ic price* or to sell at the mar'et onl$ "hen the mar'et mo(es do"n to a speci)ic price. Technical Anal$sis: Anal$sis applied to the price action o) the mar'et to de(elop trading decisions* irrespecti(e o) )undamental )actors. 6elo" are the most common technical studies.

.urrency Pairs /
Symbol Currency Pair Trading Terminology

H69@3A %@D@3A @3A09F @3AC!F @3ACAA A@A@3A %@DH69 %@D09F %@DC!F H69C!F H6909F C!F09F @3AIAD

6ritish 9ound : @3 Aollar %uro : @3 Aollar @3 Aollar : 0apanese Fen @3 Aollar : 3"iss Franc @3 Aollar : Canadian Aollar Australian Aollar : @3 Aollar %uro : 6ritish 9ound %uro : 0apanese Fen %uro : 3"iss Franc 6ritish 9ound : 3"iss Franc 6ritish 9ound : 0apanese Fen 3"iss Franc : 0apanese Fen @3 Aollar : 3outh A)rican Dand

;Ca+le; ;%uro; ;Aollar Fen; ;Aollar 3"iss; ;Aollar Canada; ;Aussie Aollar; ;%uro 3terling; ;%uro Fen; ;%uro 3"iss; ;3terling 3"iss; ;3terling Fen; ;3"iss Fen; ;Aollar Iar;


.ha)ter 1/ Actual Forex Tradin

In )act* all $ou need to start in(esting mone$ on )orex is 8ust )e" dollars and access to the internet. These eas$ to )ul)il re?uirements are the reason "h$ millions o) people in(est their mone$ on Forex e(er$ da$. Among the in(estors are pro)essional stoc' +ro'ers* accountants* house"i(es* retired persons* students* engineers and sta$4at4home mothers 4 literall$ an$+od$. There5s no need )or an$ specialised 'no"ledge or s'ills to +ecome a Forex trader. 3o* it5s (er$ simple to start. 0ust +u$ a currenc$ and a moment later sell it "hen its price rises. 6ut* #aitJ the crucial thing is to 'no" "hen to +u$ and "hen to sell. &an$ people )eel that in(esting in Forex is more li'e gam+ling* and the$ don5t treat it seriousl$. Actuall$ the ma8orit$ acts this "a$. #h$K 6ecause in order to ma'e sensi+le in(esting decisions $ou ha(e to 'no" "hat $ou are doing. Fou need time and s'ills to )igure out "hich decision $ou "ill ta'e. &ost people don5t ha(e time and s'ills to achie(e this* and there)ore the$ lose mone$. And ... 152 o) Forex in(estors lose their mone$J


.ha)ter 2/ &o% To Trade !isely34

#es* that's true 567 losers and only 67 %inners* !hy34 These 52 o) in(estors get e(er$thing that the remaining 152 lose. This means unimagina+le amounts o) mone$ passing )rom hands to hands e(er$ da$.

The 52 "ho get all the mone$ LM<# "hat to do* +ecause the$ AC#AF3 use proper so)t"are that ma'es the decisions. 3o the 6%3T and <MCF "or'ing "a$ to earn mone$ on Forex is +$ using D%AAF +u$:sell signals generated +$ highl$ speciali7ed* intelligent* and sel)4 impro(ing so)t"are =machine>. <nl$ machine* a po"er)ul computer that anal$7es all the data )rom the the mar'et is a+le to ma'e the right decision. &achines don5t ha(e emotions* the$ don5t 'no" "hat )ear or greed means* and the$ ne(er act according to intuition. The$ o+tain the results +$ means o) calculation* and this ma'es them the +est ad(isers. That5s "h$ 152 o) ordinar$ people lose their mone$ to 52 o) "ise in(estors. And +ecause I "as too la7$ to sit )ront o) a computer screen )or 12 hours a da$ or more* 3o I em+ar'ed on a search to )ind the ultimate )orex trading s$stem* a s$stem "hich ta'es


the emotions out o) trading* and "hich is consistentl$ pro)ita+le. 6ut* the Forex mar'et is so po"er)ul that man$ sel)4 proclaimed gurus and pros ha(e +een selling their programs )or $ears* supposedl$ helping the a(erage people o) the "orld to +ecome )orex mar'et "hi7 'ids. @n)ortunatel$* most o) these s$stems are +uilt strictl$ to capitali7e on $our eagerness to participate in the glo+al mar'et* and ne(er sho" an$ real results. Also a main pro+lem cited +$ users o) pre(ious old )orex methods "as that the so)t"are "as too di))icult to understand* and nearl$ impossi+le to use. A person "ould ha(e to de(ote a large portion o) their time to the s$stem* essentiall$ learning a+out the mar'et +e)ore attempting to ma'e mone$ there. For that reason* people "ere gi(ing up and losing mone$ +$ the thousands. I )ound a program designed to eliminate the pre(ious pro+lems "hich is the ForexTracer. The Tracer is a 1BB2 )ull$ automated program de(eloped )or Forex signaling and trading and isn5t one o) those o(er complicated s$stems* it is relati(el$ simple to use and sa(es $ou a hec' o) a lot o) time. That "as pro+a+l$ the +iggest dra" )or me also 4 Fou reall$ shouldn5t a))ord to 'eep dumping mone$ into s$stems that didn5t "or' or too' up too much o) $our time.. The +eaut$ o) this program is that it re?uires no pre(ious in4 depth 'no"ledge o) the mar'et. All the user need do is set up the program* get e(er$thing in order* and let it run. The

program then trades )or $ou* +uilding a +an' account "hile $ou are o)) en8o$ing $our li)e. <+(iousl$ this seems too good to +e true. 6ut 'eep the )aith )or 2 ?uic' seconds and tr$ to understand the mar'et. This huge* e(er4expanding "e+ o) mone$ is running 2 47. #hile $ou sit and loo' around )or "a$s to ma'e mone$* $ou-re lia+le to miss 112 o) $our opportunities. 6ut "ith ForexTracer* an automated s$stem is "atching the mar'et )or $ou. 6$ letting the Tracer pull and signal $our pro)its* $ou can en8o$ the +ene)its o) a E4)igure salar$ "ithout ha(ing to sit at $our computer more than 1B minutes a da$. The Tracer creates and trades Forex signals on autopilot* re?uires no human inter(ention* pro(ides $ou "ith the lo"est ris' and highest returns out there* and no pre(ious experience is necessar$. In 3 simple steps $ou can +e on $our "a$ to )inancial )reedom. 3impl$ do"nload the Tracer so)t"are* run the ?uic' 24minute install process* and start earning mone$ +$ letting the Tracer do "hat it "as designed to do.

The Forex Tracer s$stem* once a(aila+le )or ,211* is no" a(aila+le )or the lo" price o) ,17. I (ie"ed similar so)t"are

on the "e+ that "ent )or 5 times Forex Tracer5s as'ing price* and didn5t o))er nearl$ as much. Fou can tr$ on demo and i) $ou-re not totall$ satis)ied "ith the product* $ou-ll recei(e a no4hassle* 1BB2 re)und =Totall$ Dis'4Free 9roduct>. This automated expert ad(isor pro(ides $ou "ith all the innermost secrets o) the Forex &ar'et* and "or's around the cloc' to net $ou a he)t$ pro)it. I can sa)el$ sa$ that in all o) m$ 7 $ears o) trading* I ha(e ne(er come across such a ro+ot s$stem. The gu$ "ho de(eloped this s$stem is a trading legend* and it "ouldn-t surprise me i) he too' his s$stem o)) the mar'et prett$ soon* as it-s causing some real ripples in the )orex mar'et "ith the +ig in(estment +an's and other )inancial institutions* "ho are M<T happ$ "ith their secrets +eing di(ulged to the a(erage retail traderJJ

Click To Continue


The summar$ to start success)ul )orex trading :

1- Cearning Forex 6asics =Completed in this e+oo'>. 2- Choosing )orex +ro'er "hich gi(e $ou demo account.

The )orex tracer "ill gi(e $ou ,1BB instant +onus in li(e trading account "ith )orex meta compan$* 3o +e)ore opening an$ account continue reading the )orex tracer page !ere
3- Ao"nload The Dis' Free automated s$stem ;Forex

Tracer; and see its (ideos

4- 9ractice on demo account : important step to +e sure

ho" to operate this automated s$stem +e)ore $our real li(e trading. Mo"* $ou ha(e the +asic 'no"ledge and the essential re)erence guide to get $ou started on the path to success and "ealth that $ou can access at an$ gi(en time.

Good Luck


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