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FacuIty oI En_inccrin_ and Survcyin_, Univcr:ity oI Southcrn Quccn:Iand, Au:traIia (]im.:hiauu:q.cdu.au).

SchooI oI En_inccrin_, Univcr:ity oI Durham, Durham, UK.
SchooI oI En_inccrin_, Univcr:ity oI Ncwca:tIc, NSW Au:traIia.
Thc manu:cript Ior thi: papcr wa: rcccivcd Ior rcvicw on Fcbruary 4, 2OO8; approvcd on Octobcr 1O, 2OO8.
Writtcn di:cu::ion: on thi: papcr :houId bc :ubmittcd bcIorc JuIy 1, 2OO to thc Japanc:c GcotcchnicaI Socicty, 4-38-2, Scn_oIu, BunIyo-Iu,
ToIyo 112-OO11, Japan. Upon rcquc:t thc cIo:in_ datc may bc cxtcndcd onc month.
SO!!S AND FOUNDAT!ONS VoI. 48, No. 6, 843-85O, Dcc. 2OO8
Japanc:c GcotcchnicaI Socicty
Thi: notc cxaminc: thc cIa::ic pa::ivc carth rc:i:tancc oI cohc:ionIc:: :oiI by u:in_ two ncwIy dcvcIopcd numcricaI
proccdurc: ba:cd on nitc cIcmcnt IormuIation: oI thc bound thcorcm: oI Iimit anaIy:i: and non-Iincar pro_rammin_
tcchniquc:. SoIution: u:in_ uppcr and Iowcr bound: arc prc:cntcd to compIcmcnt thc prcviou: :tudic: oI thi: probIcm.
Thc paramctcr: :tudicd arc :oiI-waII intcrIacc Iriction, waII incIination, bacIII :urIacc con_uration and thc waII':
Key words: nitc cIcmcnt:, Iimit anaIy:i:, nonIincar pro_rammin_, pa::ivc carth prc::urc, rctainin_ waII (IGC:
!a::ivc rc:i:tancc caIcuIation i: rcquircd Ior thc dc:i_n
oI many _cotcchnicaI :tructurc: :uch a: rctainin_ waII:,
:hcct piIc:, brid_c abutmcnt:, anchor bIocI:, and _roup
piIc cap:. Factor: that acct thc ma_nitudc: oI pa::ivc
prc::urc: havc bccn rcvicwcd rcccntIy in Duncan and
MoIwa (2OO1). Thc mo:t inucntiaI paramctcr: Ior ri_id
waII: arc con:idcrcd to bc waII movcmcnt, intcrIacc Iric-
tion and adhc:ion, and waII :hapc. TraditionaI anaIyticaI
approachc:, :uch a: tho:c attributcd to RanIinc and
CouIomb and thc !o_-SpiraI mcthod can copc with
:omc, but not aII oI thc:c paramctcr:.
Thc RanIinc mcthod a::umc: a :mooth waII and thc
rc:uItant pa::ivc Iorcc i: incIincd at an an_Ic cquaI to thc
an_Ic oI :urIacc incIination bchind thc waII. !n
CouIomb': approach, thc :oiI-waII Iriction an_Ic i: a:-
:umcd to taIc a vaIuc bctwccn zcro and thc intcrnaI Iric-
tion an_Ic oI thc bacIII matcriaI. SimpIc cquiIibrium i:
u:cd to dctcrminc thc rc:uItin_ pa::ivc Iorcc. Both
mcthod: arc dcvcIopcd Ior _ranuIar matcriaI and arc
ba:cd on thc a::umption oI pIanc IaiIurc :urIacc:.
Howcvcr, it i: _cncraIIy rcco_ni:cd that thc a::umption
oI a pIanc IaiIurc :urIacc i: not rca:onabIc Ior rou_h
waII:. Thi: i: c:pcciaIIy :o Ior pa::ivc ca:c: in which,
CouIomb': mcthod may _ivc incrca:in_Iy uncon:crvativc
(i.c., un:aIc) prcdiction: a: thc vaIuc oI :oiI-waII Iriction
an_Ic incrca:c:. To rcducc thi: :hortcomin_, thc !o_-
SpiraI mcthod wa: dcvcIopcd (Tcrza_hi, 143; Tcrza_hi
ct aI., 16). Caquot and Kcri:cI (148) produccd tabIc:
and chart: oI pa::ivc prc::urc cocmcicnt: ba:cd on thi:
mcthod Ior cohc:ionIc:: :oiI and :impIc _comctric:. Dun-
can and MoIwa (2OO1) havc aI:o rcccntIy dcvcIopcd an
ExccI :prcad:hcct computcr pro_ram ba:cd on thc !o_-
SpiraI mcthod which can accommodatc both cohc:ivc
and IrictionaI :oiI:, aIthou_h it i: rc:trictcd to IcvcI
_round, a vcrticaI waII, a uniIorm :urchar_c, and
homo_cncou: :oiI. AIthou_h convcntionaI di:pIaccmcnt
nitc cIcmcnt (FE) anaIy:i: can bc u:cd to prcdict thc pa:-
:ivc rc:i:tancc oI :oiI: (c._., !ott: and Fouric, 186; Day
and !ott:, 18) thc:c c:timatc: arc not ri_orou: bound:
on thc truc vaIuc.
Thc uppcr and Iowcr bound thcorcm: oI cIa::icaI pIa:-
ticity providc ri_orou: :oIution: to many probIcm: in
_comcchanic:. DctaiIcd cxpo:ition: arc containcd in
many rcIcrcncc:, c._., Chcn (175). Ncw :oIution: u:in_
thc anaIyticaI (i.c., non-numcricaI) uppcr bound mcthod
Ior c:timatin_ pa::ivc carth prc::urc continuc to appcar
in thc Iitcraturc (Soubra and Macuh, 2OO2). Howcvcr,
:incc thc :oIution obtaincd dcpcnd: on thc IaiIurc
mcchani:m cho:cn Ior thc probIcm, thcir utiIity i: Iimitcd
unIc:: a Iar_c numbcr oI mcchani:m: arc invc:ti_atcd.
To _ivc condcncc in thc accuracy oI thc :oIution: ob-
taincd Irom uppcr bound caIcuIation:, it i: dc:irabIc to
pcrIorm Iowcr bound caIcuIation: in paraIIcI :o that thc
truc rc:uIt can bc bracIctcd Irom abovc and bcIow. Un-
IortunatcIy, duc to thc dimcuIty in con:tructin_ :taticaIIy
admi::ibIc :trc:: cId: in Iowcr bound anaIy:i:, thi: i:
rarcIy donc in practicc. To ovcrcomc thc dimcuIty, !y:-
mcr (17O) IormuIatcd thc Iowcr bound thcorcm a: a ra-
tionaI mcthod Ior cIcctronic computation. !t wa: dcvcI-
opcd a: a :tandard Iincar pro_rammin_ probIcm and can
Fig. 1. Problem notation and potential failure mechanism
be solved by the Simplex method, which is described in
most linear programming textbooks. The method can be
used for problems involving arbitrary geometry and
stress boundary conditions, but its application is limited.
As stated in Lysmer (1970), the method was not always
stable. Anderheggen and Knopfel (1972) also developed a
numerical procedure, using triangular nite elements and
linear programming, to determine the ultimate load of
plate structures using both upper and lower bound ap
proaches. The aim was to minimise and maximise a load
factor l.
Following this early work, Sloan (1988, 1989), Sloan
and Kleeman (1995), and Lyamin and Sloan (2002a,
2002b) introduced nite element and mathematical
programming formulations that permit large twodimen
sional problems to be solved eciently on a standard per
sonal computer. These techniques have removed the need
to search for accurate upper bound mechanisms and stat
ically admissible stress elds analytically. The techniques
have been used successfully to predict the bearing capaci
ty of layered soils (Shiau et al., 2003), the load capacity of
soil anchors (Merield et al., 2003; Merield et al., 2005),
the stability of tunnels (Sloan and Assadi, 1991), the be
haviour of foundations under combined loading (Ukrit
chon et al., 1998), the bearing capacity of threedimen
sional foundations (Salgado et al., 2004; Lyamin et al.,
2007), and the formation of sinkholes (Augarde et al.,
2003). In this paper, we apply the nite element bound
methods to the classical passive earth pressure problem.
The passive earth pressure problem considered in this
paper is illustrated in Fig. 1. A rigid retaining wall of
height H is subjected to a horizontal force that pushes it
into the soil. The back of the wall has an angle a to the
horizontal and the surface of the backll slopes at b to the
horizontal. The soil is taken to be a cohesionless (c?0)
material with unit weight g. A fully drained condition is
adopted throughout.
It is convenient to use a value of soilwall friction angle
d to represent wall roughness. For cohesionless soil, d0
models a perfectly smooth wall while dq?indicates a
perfectly rough wall. The total passive thrust acting on
the wall, Pp, is dened in terms of a passive earth pressure
coecient K
according to

The line of action of Pp is inclined at d to the normal on
the back of the wall. Equation (1) is governed by the geo
metric parameters a and b, the soilwall friction angle d,
and the backll frictional angle q?.
Classical limit analysis theory assumes an associated
ow rule, which restricts the direction of plastic ow such
that c?q?. The implicit assumption of an associated
ow rule in the bound theorems has resulted in some de
bate on their suitability for frictional soils. Although it is
well known that the use of an associated ow rule predicts
excessive dilation during shear failure of such a soil, it is
less clear whether this feature will have a major impact on
the resulting limit load. Indeed, it can be argued that the
ow rule will have a major inuence on this quantity only
if the problem is strongly constrained in a kinematic sense
(Davis, 1968). For geomechanics problems which involve
a freely deforming ground surface and a semiinnite
domain, the degree of kinematic constraint if often low
and it is reasonable to conjecture that the bound the
orems will give good estimates of the true limit load. It is
also possible to carry out an analysis using a ``residual''
friction angle to model nonassociated behaviour, e.g.,
Shiau et al. (2003) and Michalowski and Shi (1995),
however in this paper all analyses assume associated ow.
The upper bound theorem states that the power dissi
pated by any kinematically admissible velocity eld can
be equated to the power dissipated by the external loads
to give a rigorous upper bound on the true limit load. A
kinematically admissible velocity eld is one which satis
es compatibility, the ow rule and the velocity boundary
Fig. 2. Typical nite element mesh for upper bound analysis (a609, b09)
conditions. In a nite element formulation of the upper
bound theorem, the velocity eld is modelled using ap
propriate variables and the optimum (minimum) internal
power dissipation is obtained as the solution to a mathe
matical programming problem.
In the formulation of Lyamin and Sloan (2002b), the
upper bound is found by the solution of a nonlinear
programming problem. Their procedure uses linear trian
gles to model the velocity eld, and each element is also
associated with a constant stress eld and a single plastic
multiplier rate. The element plastic multipliers do not
need to be included explicitly as variables, however, even
though they are used in the derivation of the formulation.
This is because the nal optimisation problem can be cast
in terms of the nodal velocities and element stresses
alone. To ensure kinematic admissibility, ow rule con
straints are imposed on the nodal velocities, element plas
tic multipliers, and element stresses. In addition, the
velocities are matched to the specied boundary condi
tions, the plastic multipliers are constrained to be non
negative, and the element stresses are constrained to satis
fy the yield criterion.
Figure 2 shows a typical nite element mesh for upper
bound limit analysis of the problem considered. This
mesh comprises 6765 nodes, 2349 triangular elements,
and 3325 velocity discontinuities. The bottom and right
hand edges of the upper bound meshes used in this study
are xed since it is assumed that the failure mechanism is
contained within. This condition is checked for each case
and in some instances larger meshes are necessary to en
sure that the optimal failure mechanism is captured cor
An upper bound solution is obtained by prescribing a
unit horizontal translation (u{1) into the soil adjacent
to the wall to induce passive failure. To consider the eect
of the soilwall interface, those nodes on the interface
boundary are given a dierent material property from the
one adopted for the backll sand. The upper bound on
the passive forces P
is obtained by equating the power
expended by the external loads to the power dissipated in
ternally by plastic deformation. The passive earth pres
sure coecients K
are then found by direct substitution
in Eq. (1).
The lower bound limit theorem states that if any
equilibrium state of stress can be found which balances
the applied loads and satises the yield criterion as well as
the stress boundary conditions, then the body will not
collapse. Stress elds that satisfy these requirements, and
thus give lower bounds, are said to be statically admissi
ble. The key idea behind the lower bound analysis applied
here is to model the stress eld using nite elements and
use the static admissibility constraints to express the
unknown collapse load as a solution to a mathematical
programming problem. For linear elements, the
equilibrium and stress boundary conditions give rise to
linear equality constraints on the nodal stresses, while the
yield condition, which requires all stress points to lie in
side or on the yield surface, gives rise to a nonlinear ine
quality constraint on each set of nodal stresses. The ob
jective function, which is to be maximised, corresponds
to the collapse load and is a function of the unknown
The lower bound formulation in Lyamin and Sloan
(2002a) incorporates statically admissible stress discon
tinuities at all interelement boundaries as well as special
extension elements for completing the stress eld in an
unbounded domain. Although the stress discontinuities
increase the total number of variables for a xed mesh,
they also introduce extra ``degrees of freedom'' in the
stress eld, thus improving the accuracy of the solution.
Meshes for the lower bound approach are visually similar
to those for the upper bound approach, though they are
not shown here. There are two material properties adopt
ed in the analyses; one for the backll and the other for
Table 1. Results comparison (a909, b09, q?409)
2Pp, h/gH
cos d
Caquot and
Log Spiral
(Duncan et al., 2001)
Upper Bound
(Chen, 1975)
Upper Bound
This paper
Lower Bound
This paper
0 4.60 4.59 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.61 (16) 4.60 (16)
1/3 8.15 8.13 8.17 7.73 7.79 (20) 6.87 (15)
1/2 11.77 10.36 10.50 9.69 10.08 10.03 (35) 8.79 (17)
2/3 18.72 13.10 13.08 13.09 12.87 (60) 11.30 (15)
1 92.72 17.50 17.50 18.20 20.91 20.10 (64) 18.64 (24)
Note: The values in parentheses are CPU time in seconds for a Pentimum IV 2.6 GHz desktop personal computer
Table 2. Passive pressure coecients (a909, b09)
2Pp, h/gH
cos d
q?209 q?259 q?309 q?359 q?409 q?459
0 2.04 2.05 2.46 2.48 3.00 3.01 3.70 3.72 4.60 4.62 5.82 5.86
1/3 2.32 2.42 2.93 3.11 3.78 4.10 5.00 5.58 6.87 7.79 9.69 11.41
1/2 2.50 2.62 3.26 3.48 4.37 4.76 6.08 6.77 8.79 10.03 13.42 15.85
2/3 2.67 2.82 3.59 3.86 5.02 5.49 7.32 8.17 11.30 12.87 19.08 22.03
1 3.02 3.21 4.33 4.70 6.58 7.14 10.99 11.50 18.64 20.10 38.52 45.14
Note: LB andUB are lower and upper bound results
the soilwall interface boundary. To compute the lower
bound, the stress eld is optimised in a manner that yields
the largest passive force on the back of the wall. Once the
passive forces are known, the passive earth pressure
coecients K
are again found by direct substitution in
Eq. (1).
Derivation of the nite element formulations of the up
per and lower bound theorems are described in detail else
where (Lyamin and Sloan, 2002a, 2002b) and will not be
repeated here.
Upper bound (UB) and lower bound (LB) estimates of
for a rigid retaining wall in a cohesionless soil, under a
wide variety of dierent conditions, are now described.
The study covers variations in geometry and soilwall in
terface properties. Using traditional approaches, such a
wide ranging study would be extremely timeconsuming
(and probably impossible for the lower bound case).
Where possible, these numerical results are compared to
solutions obtained by others.
Typical Results
Bounds on K
for the case of q?409are presented in
Table 1 where they are compared with other available
methods. For a smooth wall (d/q?0), a value for K
4.6 is obtained in all methods. As the wall friction is in
creased, the passive earth pressure coecients for the nu
merical upper and lower bounds increase and the bounds
typically bracket the true estimates within }7z (UB
LB/2LB). Note that both the LogSpiral limit
equilibrium methods by Caquot and Kerisel (1948) and
Duncan et al. (2001) predict higher values of K
than our
numerical UBs except for the fully rough case (d/q?1).
The reason for this discrepancy is not clear, however, the
bounding results give a very clear indication of the true K
values. In design practice, the interface friction angle
(wall roughness) is typically one half to two thirds of the
sand friction angle.
Using the same nite element meshes, a wide range of
analyses have been performed for various values of fric
tion angle q?. Numerical results from these analyses are
presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3. In general, the numerical
limit analyses provide excellent estimates of the passive
earth pressure at failure for low soil friction angles, but
the bounding accuracy decreases for cases with q?409
and larger values of soilwall friction angles. Overall, the
numerical results presented in Fig. 3 bracket the true esti
mates within }10z.
Figure 4 shows the velocity diagrams from UB calcula
tions for various values of d/q? with q?359. The plots
clearly demonstrate the improved passive resistance that
results from increasing the soilwall friction. They also
show the potential errors inherent in the assumption of a
plane failure surface. Interestingly, a typical Rankine so
lution (d/q?0) is also obtained in this gure with a
plane failure surface intersecting at an angle of approxi
Fig. 3. Typical upper and lower bound results (a909, b09)
Fig. 4. Velocity diagrams for various values of d/q? (a909, b09,
Fig. 5. Comparison of horizontal earth pressure distributions on
smooth and rough walls (a909, b09, q?259)
mately 459|q?/2 to the horizontal backll. Note that the
results presented here are for heavy walls as vertical
movement is prevented.
A comparison of the distribution of passive earth pres
sure is shown in Fig. 5. The LB passive pressures are plot
ted for a backll friction angle q?259with both smooth
walls (solid line) and rough walls (dotted line). Those ob
tained by the displacement nite element method (Potts
and Fourie, 1986) and the Logspiral limit equilibrium
method (Caquot and Kerisel, 1948) are also plotted. The
LBs agree well with these methods. Note that, for the
rough wall case, a slightly disparity is observed for the
boundary nodes near the bottom of the wall. Further in
vestigation of the developed wall friction (computed as d
(t/s) from the lower bound results) along the in
terface boundary indicates that the soilwall friction was
not fully developed due to the complex stress condition
near this area. A similar observation is made in Potts and
Fourie (1986).
Eect of Backll Slope
Recent experimental data on the passive earth pressure
with an inclined surface by Fang et al. (1997) shows that
normalized wall movement S/H (where S is the horizon
tal wall movement and H is the wall height) required to
reach a passive state increases with an increasing backll
inclination and that the earth pressure distributions are
essentially linear at each stage of wall movement. The
relationship between the coecient of horizontal passive
earth pressure Kp,h and the backll slope angles b are
shown for each stage of wall movement in Fig. 6. Also
plotted in this gure are our numerical bounds. It can be
seen that the bounds agree well with the experimental
data for S/H0.2, but not with the failure state reported
in their paper. The disparity between the results could be
attributed to the assumption of small strain in the limit
theorems, compared to the large deformations occurring
in the experimental work.
Figure 7 shows the contoured velocity eld from the
UB calculations for various values of b. Letting (u, v)
denote the horizontal and vertical velocity components,
the contoured velocity eld in Fig. 7 shows the
``resultant'' velocity; i.e., u
. Note that the precise
values of the velocity countours are not important, and
are thus not shown in the gure. Notably, the failure sur
face changes from plane to curved and the proportion of
soil at failure reduces when the angle is increased from
|109to {209.
Eect of Wall Inclination
The numerical results above are limited to vertical walls
(a909). We now move to inclined walls (i.e., inclined
rear surfaces such as might be found on a gravity wall).
Fig. 6. Comparisons with experimental results (after Fang et al., 1997)
Fig. 7. Contours of velocity elds for various values of b (a909, q?
30.99, d19.29)
Fig. 8. Upper and lower bound results for studying the eect of wall
inclination (b09)
Fig. 9. Contours of velocity elds for various values of a (b09, q?
409, d/q?1)
Figure 8 shows UBs and LBs for perfectly smooth and
perfectly rough walls with a609, 759, and 909and q?
209, 309and 409. The horizontal passive earth pressure
factor K
p, h
decreases as the angle a is decreased. Con
sidering the case of a perfectly rough wall with q?409,
for example, Kp, h decreases by a factor of approximately
2 as a is decreased from 909to 609. Note that the same
factor is obtained for the case with a perfectly smooth
wall although less passive resistance is expected.
Figure 9 shows the velocity elds for three dierent
wall inclination angles a609, 759, and 909from our up
per bound analyses. A wall with a609leads to the
shortest length of slip and low passive resistance. An in
crease in a is therefore expected to raise passive resistance
by enlarging the failure mechanism, thus resulting in a
longer slip surface and mobilizing more of the available
shear strength.
Eect of Wall Weight
Most current practice in the computation of passive
earth pressure asssumes horizontal wall movement only.
In practice, soil adjacent to the wall will move both
horizontally and vertically, and consequently a net shear
force will develop along the soilwall interface (Duncan
and Mokwa, 2001). The passive force will therefore act at
an angle to the normal of the soilwall interface bound
ary. In reality, it is both the vertical component of the
passive force and the body weight of the wall that control
the wall movement. In the case of light wall where its
weight is much smaller than the potential vertical compo
nent of the passive force, the soilstructure interface an
gle d may not be fully mobilised, possibly resulting in a
situation that both the wall and the soil move together
during the process of failure.
An UB mesh similar to Fig. 2 is used to study this
eect, however, unlike the mesh for the lower bound
analysis, the retaining wall is modelled with rigid ele
ments and the unit weight of the wall is included in the
Fig. 10. Eect of wall's weight
Fig. 11. Eect of soilwall friction angle on weightless walls
Fig. 12. Deformed shapes and contours of velocity elds for various
values of Wc/Pp, v (a909, b09, q?30.99, d19.29)
computation. Nodc: at thc ba:c oI thc waII arc aIIowcd to
movc IrccIy in both horizontaI and vcrticaI dircction: :o
that thc intcraction bctwccn thc waII and thc :oiI can bc
For thc particuIar ca:c oI q?3O.9, d1.29, and a
O9, Fi_. 1O :how: that K
p, h
incrca:c: by a Iactor oI
rou_hIy 1.7 a: thc normaIizcd waII wci_ht Wc/Pp, v (whcrc
p, v
i: thc prc-c:timatcd pa::ivc Iorcc in thc vcrticaI dircc-
tion) i: incrca:cd Irom O to 1.O. !t i: cIcar that morc intcr-
Iacc Iriction i: mobiIi:cd a: thc body wci_ht oI thc waII i:
incrca:cd, cau:in_ an incrca:c in thc pa::ivc rc:i:tancc.
ThcrcIorc, thc cIa::icaI mcthod: that a::umc a hcavy waII
may Icad to ovcr-c:timatc: oI pa::ivc prc::urc. Notc that
thc vaIuc: oI K
p, h
Ior thc thrcc bacIII an_Ic: bO9, 1O9,
and 2O9at Wc/Pp, v1.O arc cquaI to 5.36, 7.64, and
1O.6O rc:pcctivcIy. Thc:c K
p, h
vaIuc: arc vcry cIo:c to
tho:c rc:uIt: prcviou:Iy :hown in Fi_. 6 whcrc a hcavy
waII wa: a::umcd. CIcarIy, thc waII movc: horizontaIIy
Ior W
p, v
and thc computcd pa::ivc rc:i:tancc i: thc
:amc a: that in thc traditionaI approach.
FinaIIy Iccpin_ aII othcr paramctcr: thc :amc, but
modcIIin_ a wci_htIc:: waII (W
p, v
O) and varyin_
:oiI-waII Iriction Icad: to thc UB: :hown in Fi_. 11. Thc:c
rc:uIt: :u__c:t thc waII Iriction ha: no ccct on thc pa:-
:ivc rc:i:tancc whcn Wc/Pp, vO. Thc vaIuc oI Kp, h
rcmain: con:tant a: d i: incrca:cd, indicatin_ that thc
:hcar :trc::c: aIon_ thc :oiI-waII boundary cannot bc dc-
vcIopcd. Thi: ccct i: aI:o iIIu:tratcd in Fi_. 12 whcrc thc
dcIormcd :hapc: and contour: oI vcIocity cId: arc
:hown _raphicaIIy. A: cxpcctcd, thc wci_ht oI thc waII
ha: a _rcatcr inucncc on thc :oiI-:tructurc bchaviour oI
pa::ivc waII:. Thc IaiIurc mcchani:m i: cnIar_cd a: thc
vaIuc oI Wc/Pp, v incrca:c:, thu: cau:in_ an incrca:c in thc
pa::ivc Iorcc. Notc aI:o that :Iippa_c bctwccn thc waII
and bacIII :oiI incrca:c: a: W
p, v
i: incrca:cd, thu:
mobiIi:in_ morc oI thc intcrIacc :hcar Iorcc and cau:in_ a
curvcd :urIacc in thc IaiIurc mcchani:m.
!Ia:ticity :oIution: u:in_ nitc cIcmcnt uppcr and Iow-
cr bound: arc prc:cntcd in thi: notc to compIcmcnt thc
prcviou: :tudic: oI thi: probIcm. Con:idcration ha: bccn
_ivcn to thc ccct oI :oiI-:tructurc intcrIacc Iriction an-
_Ic, :Iopin_ bacIII, waII incIination, and thc wci_ht oI
thc rctainin_ :tructurc. Rc:uIt: havc bccn prc:cntcd a:
pa::ivc carth prc::urc cocmcicnt: to IaciIitatc thcir u:c in
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