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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 12th Judicial Re ion !

RANC" 2# Tacu$on Cit% T"E PEOPLE O& T"E P"ILIPPINE'( Plaintiff( .2e$sus. ARIE' A* !AGU3!A4AN( 5IOLATION O& P6 1,77 as Accused* A)ended b% RA -817 9.............................................................9 C$i)* Case No*+,1-.P/ 01+1

MOTION FOR BAIL COMES NOW( the ACCU'E6( b% counsel( and unto this "ono$able Cou$t( )ost $espectfull% sub)its T"AT: 1* The Accused is cu$$entl% detained pendin t$ial fo$ the abo2e.entitled case;s at the 'ultan <uda$at 6ist$ict Jail fo$ alle ed 2iolation of P6 1,77 as a)ended b% RA -817( =hich detention constitutes a dep$i2ation of thei$ libe$t%> 2* ?hile the )a9i)u) i)posable penalt% fo$ an offense co))itted unde$ the abo2e.cited statute is punishable b% Reclusion Pe$petua( it is incu)bent upon the p$osecution to p$esent st$on e2idence of uilt a ainst the)* Absent =hich( the he$ein Accused is entitled to bail unde$ Section 4, Rule 114 of the Rules of Cou$t as a 3ATTER O& RIG"T> +* No bail has been $eco))ended fo$ thei$ te)po$a$% $elease despite thei$ continued detention> @* &o$ these $easons( the Accused hu)bl% u$ e the "ono$able Cou$t to allo= the conduct of a p$eli)ina$% hea$in on bail to allo= a $easonable e9a)ination of the st$en th of the p$osecutionAs e2idence =ith the 2ie= of dete$)inin =hethe$ the Accused )a% a2ail of thei$ p$o2isional libe$t% pendin t$ial fo$ the alle ed co))ission of the offense cha$ ed*

WHEREFORE( p$e)ises conside$ed( it is )ost $espectfull% p$a%ed that the "ono$able

Cou$t 011 'ET a p$eli)ina$% bail hea$in to dete$)ine =hethe$ the Accused is entitled to bail as a )atte$ of $i ht( and if so =a$$anted( 021 &IB a $easonable a)ount the$eof in acco$dance =ith la=*

Othe$ Cust and eDuitable $eliefs a$e p$a%ed fo$*

Cotabato Cit% fo$ Tacu$on Cit%( EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

FARID ESHWER C. DETICIO Counsel for the Accused-Movant Roll of Atto$ne%s No* 8,8@1 I!P No* -27#88( #1.18.1@( /ueFon Cit% PTR No* ,++7-G@( #1.1@.1@( Cotabato Cit% 3CLE Co)pliance No* I5.###@727


Copy furnishe !o"


NOTICE O& "EARING Br#n$h C%er& of Cour! Re ional T$ial Cou$t !$anch 2# Tacu$on Cit% G$eetin sH Please taIe note that the unde$si ned counsel =ill sub)it the fo$e oin )otion to the "ono$able Office fo$ its conside$ation and $esolution sans appea$ance of counsel*

&ARI6 E'"?ER C* 6ETICIO Counsel fo$ the Accused

EBPLANATION !ecause of the i)p$acticabilit% of )essen e$ial se$2ice( distance and )anpo=e$ const$aints( se$2ice =as )ade b% $e iste$ed )ail pu$suant to 'ec* 11( Rule 11+ of the Rules of Cou$t* Please dis$e a$d if pe$sonal deli2e$% =as effected*

&ARI6 E'"?ER C* 6ETICIO Counsel fo$ the Accused c;o 3indanao "u)an Ri hts Action Cente$ 03iN"RAC1( 77 Gen* Luna 't*( R" @ Cotabato Cit% 0#7@1 @21.@,#2

'ERIFICATION( CERTIFICATION 0In co)pliance =ith 'C Ad)inist$ati2e Ci$cula$ No* #@.-@ effecti2e Ap$il 1( 1--@1 ?e( NASSER A. BAGUMBAYAN, HAMSA J. BAGUMBAYAN, SADAM GUMENGGEN, ABDULLAH A. BAGUMBAYAN and ARIES A. BAGUMBAYAN, cu$$entl% detained at the 'ultan <uda$at 6ist$ict P$o2incial Jail( Isulan =ith postal add$ess at c;o 3indanao "u)an Ri hts Action Cente$( No* 77 Gen* Luna 't*( R"@( Cotabato Cit%( afte$ bein dul% s=o$n to acco$din to la=( he$eb% depose and sa%: 1* 2* That =e a$e the Accused in the abo2e.captioned case> That =e caused the p$epa$ation of the fo$e oin 3otion and ha2e $ead and unde$stood all the alle ation the$ein and he$eb% decla$e that the sa)e a$e t$ue and co$$ect to the best of ou$ Ino=led e and belief and authentic $eco$ds of this case> That =e ha2e not co))enced an% action o$ p$oceedin in2ol2in the sa)e issues in the 'up$e)e Cou$t( the Cou$t of Appeals o$ an% othe$ t$ibunal o$ a enc%> That to the best of ou$ Ino=led e( no such action o$ p$oceedin 'up$e)e Cou$t( the Cou$t of Appeals o$ an% othe$ t$ibunal o$ a enc%> is pendin in the

+* @* 8*

That I confi$) that the$e is no such action o$ p$oceedin =hich is eithe$ pendin o$ )a% ha2e been te$)inated and if the$e is so I shall state the status the$eof>


That I if =e should the$eafte$ lea$n that a si)ila$ action of p$oceedin has been filed o$ is pendin befo$e the 'up$e)e Cou$t( the Cou$t of Appeals o$ an% othe$ t$ibunal o$ a enc%( =e unde$taIe to $epo$t this fact =ithin fi2e 081 da%s the$e f$o) to this "ono$able Office That I attest to the t$uth of the fo$e oin facts* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ( EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE * Affi#n!s"







'U!'CRI!E6 AN6 '?ORN TO !E&ORE 3E( thisEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEE* Affiant e9hibited 2alid and sufficient identification* 6oc* No*EEEEEEEEEEEE Pa e NoEEEEEEEEEEEE !ooI No*EEEEEEEEEEEE 'e$ies of 2#1+


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