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Ultimate Project Ideas for Robotics - 2010

1. A robot system for fire fighting in tunnels (IEEE 2005) 2. SMS based automatic t o heeler loc!ing system ". #he de$elo%ment of intelligent home security robot (IEEE 2005) &. '(S based $ehicle root trac!ing system 5. )esign and de$elo%ment of $oice * #ele o%erated intelligent mobile robot (IEEE 1++,) -. Automatic Steering .ontrol robot ,. An intelligent mobile robot na$igation techni/ue using 01I) #echnology (IEEE 2002) 2. 1abrication of '(S 0obot +. 'SM mobile %hone based automobile security system (IEEE 2000) 10. Automatic alcohol sensing robot 11. Artificial Intelligent based Solar 3ehicle 12. 0obot for military a%%lication 1". 'SM based automatic $ehicle accident information system 1&. Material )imensions Analy4ing 0obot 15. #hree a5is modern trailer 1-. SMS controlled $ideo analy4ing robot 1,. (6. based %ic! and %lace 0obot 12. 1ire 1ighting 0obot 1+. Automatic car o$erta!ing system 20. (ath finding 0obot 21. 1ully Automated #rac! 'uided 3ehicle (A#'3) 22. Automatic 7all (rinting 0obot 2". Industrial tem%erature analy4ing 0obot 2&. SMS controlled solar $ehicle 25. 0obot controlled 3acuum .leaner 2-. Automatic fire fighting $isitor guided $ehicle 2,. 0obot 8and (Model) 22. SMS controlled %ic! and %lace robot

2+. 0emote controlled bomb detecting robot "0. Automatic Arc 9elding 0obot "1. 1abrication of .om%uter Interfaced 0obot "2. Automatic sensor based all %ainting 0obot "". 0emote o%erated ea%ons robot "&. Automatic %ic! and %lace %aint s%raying robot "5. Automatic $ehicle accident %lace finding system by using '(S technology "-. Automatic 3isitor 'uided 0obot ",. Sensor :%erated Automatic (unching robot "2. Aero %lane .ontrolling System (1lying Model) "+. 0emote .ontrolled 3ideo Analy4ing 0obot &0. Mini 0obot .ar for industrial a%%lication &1. 0emote controlled air craft (1lying Model) &2. Mini 0obot S%ray (ainting System &". 0emote controlled material handling robot &&. (ic! and (lace ;um%ing robot ith remote control &5. 3ideo analy4ing remote controlled $acuum cleaning robot &-. Automatic Scra% collecting 0obot &,. SMS controlled mo$ing robot &2. (6. based %ic! and %lace 0obot &+. .ell %hone controlled Solar 3ehicle 50. Man less defense 51. 0obot mani%ulator 52. 0emote controlled %aint s%raying 0obot 5". Mini 0obot .ar 5&. <arn detector and 7ra!ing .ontrolling 0obot 55. Industrial tem%erature analy4ing 0obot 5-. 8uman Eye 0obot (Model) 5,. 0obot E5ca$ator (Model)

52. Sensor :%erated (ath 1inding 0obot (9ay Searching) 5+. Automatic Magnetic Accident %re$enter for #rain -0. .ell (hone .ontrolled 3ideo Analy4ing 0obot -1. 0obot .ontrolled 3acuum .leaner -2. Intelligent 9ay Searching (ic! and (lace 0obot -". .ell (hone .ontrolled ;um%ing 0obot -&. 3oice .ontrolled Material handling $ehicle -5. (. based ireless (ic! and (lace 0obot --. Automatic 0obot :$er s%eed controlling system for (eo%le =one -,. Artificial Intelligent 7ased Automatic (ath finding .um 3ideo Analy4ing 0obot -2. (. based %ic! and %lace se/uence robot -+. Automatic (aint s%raying 0obot ,0. Automatic 3ehicle :$er s%eed controlling system for School =one ,1. Automatic $ehicle Accident Information System ,2. AI 7ased 1ire fighting A'3 ,". .>. material handling robot ,&. Automatic %aint s%raying .on$eyer :%erated 0obot 8and Model ,5. Automated 'uided 3ehicle (A'3) ,-. (ic! and (lace 0obot ith 0emote .ontrol ,,. 9ire .ontrolled (ic! and (lace Mo$ing 0obot ,2. 3oice .ontrolled 0obot ,+. Intelligent 0obot 20. #ele%hone :%erated 0obot 21. .om%uter Interfaced Stationery 0obot 22. (neumatic 1our A5is Material 8andling 0obot 2". 3isitor guided ith material handling 0obot 2&. Automatic rail ay trac! crac! detecting 3ehicle 25. )igital loc!ing system ((ass ord) for mo$ing robot 2-. ?naided 'uided 3ehicle(?'3)

2,. Sand .ollecting 3ehicle 22. Automatic 1ire Sensing and fighting 0obot 2+. #he de$elo%ment of intelligent home security robot (IEEE 2005) +0. 3ideo analy4ing remote controlled $acuum cleaning robot +1. SMS 7ased automatic $ehicle accident information system +2. Automatic Scra% collecting 0obot +". A robot system for fire fighting in tunnels (IEEE 2005) +&. 0emote controlled material handling e/ui%ment +5. SMS controlled mo$ing robot +-. '(S based $ehicle root trac!ing system +,. )esign and de$elo%ment of $oice * #ele o%erated intelligent mobile robot (IEEE 1++,) +2. .ell %hone controlled Solar 3ehicle ++. 1abrication of road cur$e finding robot 100. 101. 1abrication of mindless defense Industrial tem%erature analy4ing 0obot

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