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MEDIA EFFECTS: FRAMING and AGENDA SETTING Drawing upon the media theories FRAMINGand AGENDA SETTING it is stated

that media frames ever thing for its viewers! "hatever is shown on the media has a dire#t effe#t on its viewer$ it shapes the pu%&i# opinion of the audien#e for instan#e in the movie Shattered The true stor of a oung 'ourna&ist who fe&& from gra#e when it was found he had fa%ri#ated over ha&f of his arti#&es the movie show(s what the power of the 'ourna&ists rea&& is and how negative& the are using it! In the same wa media not on& in news %ut entertainment and advertising a&so frames information the wa the want to give to the viewer for instan#e in a&& the fast food #ommer#ia&s the fo#us on a&& the positive things and neg&e#t a&& the negative things su#h as fast food have a %ad effe#t on the hea&th of the #onsumer! The high&ight the pros and show the #ons dis#reet& !

News in toda (s wor&d are #onsidered rea&& importan#e for gaining )now&edge a%out the surroundings and pu%&i# re& on media for gaining su#h )now&edge without )nowing the %itter rea&it that a&& these media agen#ies and #orporation fo&&ow a spe#ifi# agenda whi&e #onve ing news to the audien#e the #annot fun#tion without the agenda thus this agenda a&so has an impa#t on framing the news or information %eing #onve ed to the viewer! A##ording to the *The +ommittee to ,rote#t -ourna&ists. +,-$ over /0 per#ent of the 'ourna&ists )i&&ed in ,a)istan were #overing po&iti#a& %eats$ whi#h means the were in no dire#t #onfrontation with the non1state e&ements genera&& %&amed for assassination of 'ourna&ists! In fa#t$ po&iti#a& parties and se#urit agen#ies %oth have %een %&amed for targeting 'ourna&ists! For instan#e ,T2 ,a)istan te&evision is a state #hanne& thus it hard& ever shows news against the government of ,a)istan the on& fo#us on the good things that are %eing done! Not the #orruption that is going around in the state! Meaning the are tr ing to #onvin#e peop&e that ever thing in the #ountr is satisfa#tor rather than portra ing the truth! "hereas a&& the other media #hanne&s are doing #omp&ete& the opposite of this$ the are showing ever possi%&e thing the #an! 3ut then again it is sti&& not ethi#a& to show ever thing one has to p&an it %efore showing it the are not interested in what is ethi#a&& right or wrong the are on& interested in their ratings! And %eing the first on#e to report the news the are ignorant towards fa#t and truthfu& information for instan#e! A re#ent so#ia& media e4pos5 of Dun a T2(s spe#ia& transmission with rea& estate t #oon Ma&i) Ria6 showed two of the top rated #urrent affair show hosts ad'usting their 7uestions in a##ordan#e with the t #oon(s wishes! The an#hors$ Mu%ashir 8u7man and Mehr 3u)hari$ were even heard 'o)ing a%out framing the 7uestions proper& so as to

ma)e sure that the don(t 9appear to %e p&anted(! This e4pose was &ater wide& pu%&i#i6ed % other media out&ets and some T2 #hanne&s even aired spe#ia& ta&) shows on this topi# with referen#e to this even! The media(s fai&ure to a#t against su#h pra#ti#es has en#ouraged unethi#a&$ irresponsi%&e %ehavior on the part of media pra#titioner! In the resear#h arti#&e News framing: Theor and t po&og the resear#her +&aes ;! de 2reese states Though the resear#h paradigm is sti&& emerging$ framing resear#h has esta%&ished itse&f on the media and #ommuni#ation resear#h agenda! Future wor) shou&d therefore not %e designed to demonstrate the mere e4isten#e of the #on#ept! To turn the #on#ept in to a via%&e resear#h avenue$ future resear#h shou&d spe#if the #onditions under whi#h frames emerge and how the operate in pu%&i# opinion formation! The media of an #ountr therefore shou&d %e free from an affi&iation with the po&iti#a& parties and refuse to fo&&ow their agendas so that the #ou&d report and provide information to the audien#e ethi#a&& and responsi%& ! <ne shou&d frame and p&an the news %ut % )eeping in mind the %ig pi#ture whi#h is its inf&uen#e on the audien#e ! media is not suppose to form opinions for the viewer rather the are suppose to provide with the fa#tua& information to &et the audien#e themse&ves de#ide what is right and what is wrong!

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