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Grades Analysis By Course Batch Semester Course


: ALUK10 :Jul - Dec 2013 - End of Semester Examination : ALCH30 - Chemistry III for 2 year programme

Overall performance

Based on the data above, total number of students for ALUK 10 is 206. Out of 206 students, 32.5% of them obtained A which is equal to 67 students and 41.3% which is equal to 85 students obtained B for their end of semester exam. There are 54 students who get grades below than B which are 16.5% (34 students) for grade C, 8.3 % (17 students) for grade D and 0.5% (1 student) for grade E, X & U.


Performance by group

Table 1: Students performance for ALUK10 groups

Graph 1: Bar chart of students performance according to classes and grades

Data above showed the performance of ALUK10 students for ALCH30. Based on the data, it is shown that results for 10EG1 & 10EG2 are the worst compared to other classes. For 10EG1, there are 11 students who obtained grade below than B. For 10EG2, no one of the students get A and 22 of the students get below than B. 10EG3, 10EG4, 10EG5, 10EG6, 10EG7, 10SC1 & 10SC2 showed a normal distribution of grades. 10EG3 & 10EG4 showed the most number of students who get A.

3. Action Plan Action Standardized tutorial questions Task All classes will get the same tutorial questions booklet & will be given at the beginning of semester. Person(s) Responsible RP tutorial booklet

Quiz will be given every week of RP prepare lecture. It will take approximately 15-20 questions for minutes per quiz & per week. Quiz every weeks quiz questions will be based on every subtopic of the chapter Generating questions and summarizing The students may be given a minute to All ALCH40 come up with two good questions about lecturers the preceding lecture segment or to summarize the major points in the lecture just concluded. Standardized revision questions During revision weeks, students need to Each lecturer will finish all the revision questions prepare questions prepared from Unit 1 until Unit 6 for one unit. Group discussions among lecturers Twice a week meeting with lecturers in All ALCH40 order to make sure everyone understand lecturers the subject disciplines they teach, they can engage in a range of planning activities for students & every lecturer can gather and use information about students learning needs and progress. Sharing session day Students will have a day with TBC experienced lecturer who has been teaching A-Level for many years. From this session, students will be able to highlight what is important & they can use the tips given by the experienced lecturer. Special class for weak students (54 Gather all students who get B and TBC students) below & give an extra class once a month/ when each topic finished in order to know whether they understand or not. In this class, they will be given extra lecture and exercises. Standardized quizzes Prepared by:

Norhafiza binti Roslan Resource Person (ALCH40)

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