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Background to Michelle’s Anti-goal

Dear Peers,
Most of my life has been extremely career and role driven, I obtained BSN, then MN and
worked in the US as an RN/PHN, FNP and nursing educator. My aim was to volunteer in
conflict areas and I became competent in running teams in front line emergencies. I
became specialized in nutrition, epidemics and also, proficient in health programs in
socio-political quagmires of humanitarian need, such as the protracted conflicts in
Southern Sudan, Angola, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The hallmark of my professional goal achievement were three fold; presented at
American Public Health Association, co-wrote a Lancet feature article and expert trainer
in MSF European new volunteers course. I can artificially list professional goals and
benchmarks but there is little value in that, either for my peer reviewer’s or myself.
Nursing as a profession has a well know high prevalence of burnout. I know many more
unhappy nurses than happy ones. So bear with me as I outline the balance I seek and aim
to remain in the happy nurse category after completion of this DNP program.

1. Live my life both personally and professionally with a higher than average level of
professional satisfaction.
2. Work domestically – in US or Europe as DNP in direct NP and /or indirect educator role.
3. Renew my clinical practice and focus on further developing current technical skills- in
something like pediatric home health, Ebola investigator…
4. Volunteer in humanitarian emergencies 1-2 mission per year which will include:
a. internship in human rights organization, work with victims of torture
b. apply Fullbright scholarship 2010 in Lebanon
c. volunteer as faculty in struggling school of nursing in a resource poor country
5. Lifelong learner in my profession.
6. Life long explorer in the both physical world and spiritual practice

1. Self report on average level of satisfaction of 4.5 or higher on a five point Likert
Spend majority of working day working in multi-disciplinary teams.
The people I am working with are dynamic and inspirational
I have 3-5 professional mentors who that foster and stimulate my professional interests,
I mentor 3-5 novices that I foster and inspire their professional interests.
I am respected and valued by my professional community.
I have a spiritual community in which I regularly participate.
2. Have a nine-month paying job I like and look forward to going to.
I have basic benefits retirement and health benefits.
3. Practicing in community based clinical role for an average 24 hours per month.
4. AEB internship, Fulbright scholarship, and or volunteer faculty role in the next 3 years
5. Conversations Attend 2-3 conferences per year.

1. Report from peers and friends- is she crabby and or/ stressed?
Ritual of daily check in- what was my level of satisfaction today?
2. Have domestic job AEB an adequate paycheck 6-9 months, health benefits must be
year round.
3. Have regular clinical practice.
4. Number of completed applications; to internship, Fulbright and volunteer positions
5. Record of attendance of conferences / workshops.
6. Amount of time spent outdoors and on the water in canoe.
Self report of satisfaction in membership and participation in a spiritual community.

1. Finish DNP program in August 2009
Resources: study environment and encouragement
Maintain low overhead, stay out of debt.
Hiking and canoe trips as periodic incentives and inspiration.
2. Apply for a wide variety of jobs/internships with satisfaction as the primary criteria.
Don’t rush into a decision, gather information on work setting and talk to current and past
employees. Make may intention for role satisfaction clear in interviews. No timeline or
resources required

1. Report from peers and friends- is she content?
Ritual of daily check in- what was my level of satisfaction today?
2. Have domestic job AEB an adequate paycheck 6-9 months, health benefits must be
year round.
3. Have regular clinical practice.
4. Number of completed applications; to internship, Fulbright and volunteer positions
5. Record of attendance of conferences / workshops.
6. Amount of time spent outdoors and on the water in canoe.
7. Self report of satisfaction in membership and participation in a spiritual community.


Mann JM, Gruskin S, Grodin MA and Annas GJ, eds., Health and Human Rights: A Reader New York:

Routledge. 1999:11–18.

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