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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Project management made simple

4.Project Close Project Evaluation 3. Project Execution

1. Project Definition

2. Project Planning

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Table of contents .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 4 How to use this Handboo ...................................................................................................................... 4 !hat is a Project".................................................................................................................................. #

Characteristics Of A Project ..................................................................................................7 A Project isnt:........................................................................................................................7

!hat is Project $anagement"............................................................................................................... %

Characteristics of Project Management................................................................................10 Project Management Skills...................................................................................................11 Why o Projects !ail"..........................................................................................................1# $esearch Statistics.................................................................................................................1%
Four Phases Project $anagement.................................................................................................... &4 Phase & ' Project (e)inition.................................................................................................................. &%

1.1 Organisational Conte&t...................................................................................................1' 1.# efining (he )ee* !or (he Project ...............................................................................1' 1.% Project Aim ....................................................................................................................#0 1.+ Project O,jecti-es...........................................................................................................#1 1.. Project $oles...................................................................................................................## 1./ Project Sco0e...................................................................................................................#% 1. /.1 Project Sco0e 1 (em0late 1.........................................................................................#% 1.' Project Constraints..........................................................................................................#. 1.10 Ass2m0tions..................................................................................................................#. 1.11 Stakehol*ers .................................................................................................................#/ 1.11.1 3ey 42estions to ask stakehol*ers: ...........................................................................#/ 1.11.# Assessing Project Stakehol*er 1 (em0late #..............................................................#/ 1.11.% Comm2nicating 5ith Stakehol*ers............................................................................#7 1.11.+ Project Stakehol*er Contact 6ist 1 (em0late %..........................................................#7 1.1# eli-era,les..................................................................................................................#' 1.1#.1 Project eli-era,les 1 (em0late +..............................................................................#' 1.1% 7enefits ........................................................................................................................%0 1.1+ Meas2res.......................................................................................................................%0 1.1. Project $isks.................................................................................................................%1 1.1..1 $isk Assessment........................................................................................................%# 1.1..# Project $isk 6og 1 (em0late ....................................................................................%% 1.1/ $eso2rces $e42ire*.......................................................................................................%+ 1.1/.1 Project $eso2rces 1 (em0late /................................................................................%+
Phase * ' Project Planning................................................................................................................... 3+

#.1 Project (eam ..................................................................................................................%8 #.1.1 Selecting 9o2r Project (eam.......................................................................................%8 #.1.# Managing the Project (eam.........................................................................................%' #.1.% (y0es Of Planning.......................................................................................................+0 #.1.+ efinitions....................................................................................................................+0 #.1.. :stimating....................................................................................................................+1 #.1./ Allocating ....................................................................................................................+1 #.1.7 Critical Path..................................................................................................................+# #.1.' Project Planning 1(em0late 7.......................................................................................+%
Project $anagement $ade ,imple *

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

#.1.10 $e-ie5ing (he Project $isk 6og...............................................................................++ #.1.11 $e-ie5ing (he Project 72*get..................................................................................++ #.1.1# $e-ie5ing (he Comm2nication Strategy..................................................................+. #.1.1% Checklist for Project Planning...................................................................................+.
3. Project -.ecution............................................................................................................................. 4+

%.1 3ey Actions.....................................................................................................................+8 %.1.1 $ecr2iting the Project (eam........................................................................................+8 %.1.# Sec2ring $eso2rces; !acilities an* :42i0ment $e42ire*:...........................................+8 %.1.% Comm2nication Strategy..............................................................................................+8 %.1.+ Managing <ss2es ..........................................................................................................+' %.1.+.1 <ss2es 6og 1 (em0late '............................................................................................+' %.1.. Controlling the Project..................................................................................................0 %.1./ Monitoring Progress......................................................................................................0 %.1.7 Progress $e0orting........................................................................................................1
4. Closing the Project........................................................................................................................... #3

................................................................................................................................................% +.1 Com0letion Criteria..........................................................................................................+ +.# Acce0tance Process..........................................................................................................+ +.% Close1O2t Meeting...........................................................................................................+
#. -valuating the Project....................................................................................................................... ##

..1 Acti-e :-al2ation............................................................................................................./ ..# Post Project :-al2ation..................................................................................................../ ..% (echnical :-al2ation......................................................................................................../ ..+ Post =Project A00raisal >S2staina,ility?........................................................................../ @lossary of (erms..................................................................................................................7

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

!e wor in an environment o) continual change. Changes in the length o) sta/ )or patients undergoing elective surger/0 changes in what is scienti)icall/ possible0 changes in patient e.pectations0 changes in economic constraints and changes in demand )or health services. 1ll these changes have one thing in common the/ have to be e))ectivel/ managed i) the/ are to be success)ul. Change that is uncontrolled is subject to considerable ris and potentiall/ serious conse2uences )or ever/one and the organisation. 3he process o) managing change is important0 )rom the initial idea or identi)ication o) a problem through to controlling the conse2uences and reacting to problems as the/ occur. 3he processes0 procedures and techni2ues to manage a project are not di))icult to learn. 4ut success depends on ta ing a disciplined approach to create new wor ing habits.

How to use this Handboo

3his handboo has been developed )or 4rea through Collaborative team members0 or an/one who wants a simple methodolog/ )or project management. 3he handboo is written to give practical and well'tested techni2ues to meet /our needs i) /ou have5 6ust been given a project to manage Have managed projects be)ore but see to improve /our s ills 1re a 4rea through Collaborative team member and want to learn project s ills

3he handboo will help /ou to5 7eep /our project on trac -nsure that project timetables are set and adhered to 7eep control o) costs -nsure the project team is e))ective throughout the project 1void pit)alls

3his handboo is a learning aid )or the 4rea through Collaborative project management training. 3he training will step /ou through the methodolog/ and /ou will have an opportunit/ to tr/ the tools and decide i) the/ would be good )or /ou to use in /our project. 1)ter the training /ou and /our 4rea through Collaborative team can access support to appl/ the tools to /our own 4rea through Collaborative project.

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

!hat is a Project"
3his section will provide an overview o) what a project is and how projects are di))erent )rom routine wor .

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to -.plain the characteristics o) a project (escribe the di))erence between routine wor and projects

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

3hin about projects that /ou have been involved in over the last /ear. !rite down what is a project0 what is ever/da/ routine wor and what ma es projects different )rom ever/da/ routine. Project is !outine "or#

!hat are the di))erences between a project and routine wor "

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

project is a collection o) lin ed activities0 carried out in an organised manner with

a clearl/ de)ined $T !T P%&'T and E'D P%&'T 3o achieve some speci)ic results desired to satis)/ the strategic need o) the organi:ation at the current time.
Source: How To Be A Better Project Manager. Trevor Young (2001)

C(aracteristics %f


Having a speci)ied and de)ined purpose ;ni2ue because it will never be repeated in 2uite the same wa/ 4eing )ocused on customer<patients needs and e.pectations =ot being routine but including man/ routine't/pe tas s Having de)ined constraints o) time0 cost and people available Involving people )rom di))erent departments and even sites Involving man/ un nowns and hence man/ ris s Challenging traditional wa/s o) wor ing to introduce improvements Providing an opportunit/ to learn new s ills

Project isn)t*
4usiness as usual0 or (a/ to da/ wor such as5 ,etting up a new starter>s PC 1mending or modi)/ing data )or (H, 1ssessing patients clinical need 1dmitting patients )or elective surger/

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

!hat is Project $anagement"

3his section will de)ine project management? outline the )our phases o) project management methodolog/ and when to use these phases in relation to the 4rea through Collaborative.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to5 -.plain project management (escribe the )our phases o) project management methodolog/

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

&n pairs+ Describe t(e c(aracteristics of Project ,anagement

-(at are t(e s#ills re.uired to manage a project/

0ist some problems 1ou or ot(ers (ave experienced "(en managing projects or participating in projects.

Project $anagement $ade ,imple

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Project ,anagement is the d/namic process that uliti:es the appropriate

resources o) the organisation in a controlled and structured manner0 to achieve some clearl/ de)ined objectives identi)ied as strategic needs. It is alwa/s conducted within a de)ined set o) constraints.
Source: How To Be A Better Project Manager. Trevor Young (2001)

C(aracteristics of Project ,anagement

Objective orientate! otherwise wh/ do it" "#ange orientate! to create something /ou need Mu$ti !i%ci&$ine! using man/ s ills to achieve success O&&ortuni%tic b/passing the old norms and see ing new ideas "ontro$ orientate! without which /ou ma/ never )inish Per'or(ance orientate! ' setting high standards o) wor and 2ualit/ )ue%tioning throwing o)) old traditions and habits to e.pose the new

Project ,anagement can also be de)ined in the )ollowing 2uote5

AI eep si. honest serving men Bthe/ taught me all I nowC? their names are !hat and !h/ and !hen and How and !here and !ho.D *u!+ar! ,i&$ing (1-./ 0 112.)

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

In the majorit/ o) organisations the role o) Project $anager is a temporar/ management activit/ associated onl/ with a speci)ic project. 3he project is an additional set o) activities on top o) /our normal operational duties that /ou are e.pected to carr/ out as part o) /our job.

Project ,anagement $#ills

3o set targets )or people which are aligned to their personal goals 3o create a strong sense o) responsibilit/ )or the project wor 3o create commitment in the team members0 to help team members to prioritise their wor loads and coach them in man/ aspects o) the wor 3o learn )rom e.perts to increase /our nowledge 3o e.plain /our and management decisions 3o encourage people to maintain interest and motivation 3o regularl/ eep ever/one in)ormed o) progress 3o promote an atmosphere supporting )ree and willing )eedbac 3o manage peer and senior groups to in)luence their support 3o manage third part/ contractors 3o manage con)lict in the team 3o show /our concerns )or continuous improvement 3o ta e ris s in the interest o) the project 3o communicate the alignment between the organisations strategic goals and the project

Source: T#e Han!boo3 o' Project Manage(ent4 ,ogan

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

-(1 Do Projects 2ail/

$an/ projects encounter problems through the lac o) one or more o) the )ollowing5 "$ear ai(4 objective%4 re5uire(ent%4 %co&e an! !e$iverab$e% at t#e co((ence(ent o' t#e &roject4 eg Initial planning ta es longer than e.pected and management is loo ing )or some progress in the project0 so planning is not underta en. 3he project is brea ing new ground and is not clear as how to proceed or what will actuall/ be achieved. Acce%% to %3i$$%4 a% an! w#en re5uire!4 eg People are trans)erred to other tas s People are overcommitted with the wor load 3here is a shortage o) the right s ill and e.perience ,ic ness and annual leave isn>t ta en into account

Agree! (ea%ure(ent% an! contro$ &oint% t#roug#out t#e &roject eg 3eam members believe that the/ now what the/ are doing and there)ore measurements and controls seem super)luous and are considered an insult. 3here is a lac o) clarit/ about what results will actuall/ be achieved0 and there)ore on how the project can be measured or controlled Tea( co((it(ent to t#e &roject eg 1 team member does not see the point o) the project or believes the/ have been assigned too much wor 0 responsibilit/ 3he team has alread/ been chosen and given assignments0 so some discontent is e.perienced b/ team members Ac#ievab$e !ea!$ine% 0 eg t#e !e$iver+ !ate i% agree! to be'ore t#e &roject &$anning !eter(ine% ac#ievab$e ti(e'ra(e% . S&on%or%#i& an! t#ere'ore $ac3 o' !irection4 owner%#i& an! i%%ue re%o$ution eg 3he is no real project owner or champion )or the project 3he assigned project owner has no authorit/ to ma e decisions that direct the project

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Sco&e (anage(ent eg 3he project scope was not clearl/ de)ined at the project de)inition ,cope change management was not e))ectivel/ applied 6!enti'ication an! (anage(ent o' ri%3% an! i%%ue%4 eg (ajor ob%tac$e% were not &re e(&te!4 recogni%e! an! t#en trac3e! to re%o$ution% *ecognition% t#at new in'$uence% a$ter t#e &roject% ai(% eg 4udget cuts Changes is service deliver/ P#a%e! !e$iver+ 'or $ong running &roject% eg 3oo much time elapses be)ore the project delivers an/thing Fe2uirements eep changing due to length o) time

!esearc( $tatistics
3here is a proven direct correlation between project si:e and project )ailure over @EG o) projects in the ;, worth over H9 million have )ailed. 3his e2uates to the )ollowing statistics5 3EG o) ;, based projects never reached a )ruit)ul conclusion ;, H+#billion is wasted annuall/ in projects that )ail #&G o) projects in the ;, e.ceed their budget b/ &%@G and $ost ;, based projects deliver onl/ +4G o) )unctionalit/

,ource5 &@@@ Iartner Institute P$ Core Capabilities

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Four Phases Project $anagement

4.Project Close Project Evaluation 3. Project Execution

1. Project Definition

2. Project Planning

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Project ,anagement P(ase 1.Project Definition

3rea#t(roug( Collaborative Tools 1.Problem identification

Identi)/ problem Iather baseline data Bpatient0 sta))0 operationalC

2. $ta#e(older nal1sis
Fan ing o) importance and impact 8evel o) involvement -.pectations

3. $coping $tud1
Organisational conte.t Project need 1im J objectives Project organisational chart Parameters0 Inter)aces0 Constraints0 1ssumptions ,ta eholders (eliverables0 4ene)its0 $easures Fis s Fesources Prioritisation Criteria Chec list Produce 4usiness Case

Orientation ,ession L 8earning ,ession &

2.Project Planning

4. -(at are "e tr1ing to accomplis(

Project Planning t/pes o) planning !or brea down ,tructures 1llocating J -stimating Critical Path J Iantt Charts $ilestones Feview /our Fis 8og Feview /our 4udget Chec list

4. 2orming t(e project team

,electing Kour Project 3eam , ills J 7nowledge Fe2uired ,election Criteria

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

3. Project Execution

5. T(e current process 6. !edesign 7. C(ange $trategies 8. &mplementation plan 19.Trial : revie"
Fecruiting /our Project 3eam ,ecuring Fesources Controlling $onitoring Chec list

8earning ,ession *J3

4. Project Close

11. &mplementation
Completion criteria 1cceptance Process Close out $eeting 1ctive -valuation Post Project -valuation 3echnical -valuation Post' Project -valuation B)inal reportC

8earning ,ession 3

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

P(ase 1 ; Project Definition

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Phase & ' Project (e)inition

3his section will consider wh/ it is so important to realisticall/ scope a project and how organisations prioritise be)ore commencing a project.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to5 (escribe the organisational and strategic conte.t (escribe the need )or the project B2uanti)iableC (escribe the aim and objectives (escribe the project organi:ational chart and roles (escribe the parameters0 inter)aces0 constraints and assumptions Process to identi)/ e/ sta eholders (escribe the deliverables (escribe bene)its o) the project Outline e/ per)ormance measures (escribe project ris s Identi)/ resources re2uired )or the project (iscuss how to select appropriate projects

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.1 %rganisational Context

$ost organisations have limited resources0 projects have to be prioritised to ensure that the greatest bene)it is gained )rom the resources spent. Projects need to be aligned to the strategic direction o) the organi:ation. 78a(&$e%: Improve patient sa)et/ Increase the appropriate use o) )resh blood products Increase elective da/ surger/ procedures Improve the health o) the local population who have multiple chronic conditions

1.2 Defining T(e 'eed 2or T(e Project

(ata should be used to 2uanti)/ the severit/ o) the problem and impact on the organisation0 patients and sta)). 3his data )orms baseline measures and allows the project team to assess improvements )rom the progress. 78a(&$e: 3he (=1 rate o) ** percent in outpatients clinic. Per%ona$: Feduce the length o) time it ta es to run around 1lbert 8a e )rom 9# minutes to 3E minutes so I can be )it enough to run the M $arathon in 6une.

&n 1our Project Definition document+ "rite do"n 1our %rganisational context Project need

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.3 Project im
In healthcare the project aim should be written )rom the patient<customer perspective.

$, !T $peci)ic clearl/ de)ined with a target )or improvement ,easurable understood metrics are available to identi)/ deliver/
chievable within the current environment0 )unding0 time and s ills available

!ealistic not tr/ing to get the impossible with man/ un nowns Time bound is limited b/ deliver/ date based on real need

Examples* *#G decrease in inappropriate patient re)errals to clinic . b/ 6une *EE+ &EEG improvement in the time to run # m B1lbert Par 8a eC b/ 6une *EE+

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.4 Project %bjectives

3he objectives are the critical elements in the process to achieve the aim. Examples* Ai( Identi)/ e/ outpatient constraints that impact the inward and outward )low o) patients and access to services. Objective Increase the number o) re)errals with the re2uired elements b/ 3EG b/ 6une *EE+ Ai( &EEG improvement in the time to run # m B1lbert 8a eC b/ 6une *EE+ Objective 3o run three times per wee and time each run 3o weight train three times per wee 3o see coaching on running techni2ue )rom a pro)essional runner

&n 1our Project Definition document+ "rite do"n 1our Project aim Project objectives

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.4 Project !oles

Exercise &n pairs describe t(e role of a project facilitator and t(e role of a clinical lead. -rite do"n t(e differences bet"een a clinical leader and project facilitator Clinical lead Project facilitator


Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.5 Project $cope

3he scope o) the project de)ines5

3he boundaries eg geographical0 t/pe o) process or part o) the process. 3he start and )inish points !hat the project is going to cover and what the project is not going to cover.

Example 3he Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients project will involve *@ health services in Nictoria o) which 4 will be communit/ health services all other health services in 1ustralia and will be e.cluded. 1ll ,aints Hospital will e.amine the )low o) patients in and out o) clinic . J /.

1. 5.1 Project $cope ; Template 1

$tart 2inis( =3oundar1> &nclusion Exclusion dditional

9ate agree!

Agree! b+

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

&. % Inter)aces
-ach project can have inter'relationships with other activities0 programs or projects both inside the organisation and outside the organisation. 3o avoid re'inventing wheels and to gain clarit/ between projects0 it is essential to identi)/ an/ inter)aces that the project ma/ have.

Example Kour Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients project ma/ inter)ace with e.isting initiatives in /our health service such as5 Clinical Fis $anagement ,ervice (evelopment Oualit/ Committee Exercise -or#ing in groups+ select a project 1ou (ave been involved in and using t(e project definition document identif1* $cope &nterfaces

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.8 Project Constraints

1ll projects have some constraints. Project Constraints usuall/ )all into the )ollowing categories5

Time time to deliver the results. :or e8a(&$e: 3he project will )inish b/ 6une *EE+ 2inancial project cost and resource costs to deliver the project. :or e8a(&$e5 3he budget )or the project is H*#0EEE ?ualit1 speci)ications0 regulations or standards that have to be achieved. :or e8a(&$e5 1ll project teams will share progress through simple sampling. P(1sical limited space. :or e8a(&$e5 3he new hospital will be built within the e.isting grounds o) the 1ustin $edical Centre. !esources access to or abilit/ to recruit s illed people. :or e8a(&$e5 Fecruiting nurses in Nictoria

1.19 ssumptions
1ssumptions are alwa/s made when de)ining a project. However it is essential to be e.plicit about these assumptions and to test t(em with others.

$$ @ A @,E

Exercise -or#ing in groups+ select a project 1ou (ave been involved in and using t(e project definition document identif1* Constraints ssumptions

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.11 $ta#e(olders
1 project $ta#e(older is an/ person0 group o) people or organisation who has a vested interest in the project either now or in the )uture. ,ome sta eholders are more important than others to support the project. 3he interest ma/ be5 Positive5 supporting a success)ul outcome or =egative5 striving to hinder or stop the projectP
Source: How To Be A Better Project Manager. Trevor Young. 2001

1.11.1 Be1 .uestions to as# sta#e(olders*

!h/ are the/ interested" !hat are the/ expecting to gain )rom the project" !hat impact will the project have" 1re the/ in )avour o) the project" !hat involvement do the/ have and how can the/ contribute e.perience or nowledge"

1.11.2 ssessing Project $ta#e(older ; Template 2

Process< Problem $ta#e(older &mportance &mpact Expectation &nvolvement

9ate agree!

Agree! b+

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.11.3 Communicating "it( $ta#e(olders

1t the beginning o) the project produce a list o) the contact details )or the sta eholders in /our project.

1.11.4 Project $ta#e(older Contact 0ist ; Template 3

'ame Title 0ocation ddress Telep(one<2ax E;mail

9ate u&!ate! Tip: 1lthough /ou ma/ identi)/ sta eholders at the beginning o) /our project0 man/ do not appear until /ou have started /our project. 3he list o) sta eholders will there)ore change and grow with time0 so the list will need regular reviewing and updating.

;"o((unicate4 co((unicate4 an! co((unicate< Paul Plse 3he success o) an/ project depends on engaging and communicating with sta eholders.

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

&. ;sing the template0 brainstorm all the sta eholders )or the project *. Fan the importance o) the project success to the sta eholder H ' High $ ' $edium 8 ' 8ow 3. Fan the sta eholders impact on the project H High $ $edium 8 8ow 4. Identi)/ their contribution to the project and assess their level o) involvement 1 ' 1ctive involvement in the multi'disciplinar/ project team 4 Consulted<Coopted on initiatives C In)ormed on developments #. (raw the matri. on a )lip chart and plot /our sta eholders onto the matri. Example: Project Ai(: *#G decrease in (=1 rates in clinic . b/ 6une *EE+. Impact High ,urgical Fegistrar

8ow Importance 8ow High

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.12 Deliverables 3o achieve /our aim0 /ou will develop products and<or services0 which are nown in project management terms as AdeliverablesD (eliverables are o)ten the result o) major activit/ 3here are usuall/ several deliverables in a project

Examples o) (eliverables )or the Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients 5 ,tandardised data collection 1ction plans Interim and )inal report

1.12.1 Project Deliverables ; Template 4

Deliverable Date $uccess Criteria $ign off

9ate agree!

Agree! b+

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.13 3enefits
-ach project will produce bene)its. Consider the bene)its )rom di))erent sta eholders perspectives. 4ene)its should be 2uanti)ied.

1.14 ,easures
O)ten the bene)its are related to the measures. For e.ample5 Benefit: Increased patient and IP understanding o) the boo ing procedure resulting in timel/ appointment in clinic .. Performance Measure 3he time between re)erral being made and received has decreased. Per)ormance can be measured in terms o) 4 P>s5 P progress against plan P people against tas P process improvement against current process P per)ormance against aim or bene)it

Project $anagement $ade ,imple


Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.14 Project !is#s

1 !&$B is an/ event that prevents the project reali:ing the e.pectations o) /our sta eholders. 1 ris that happens becomes an issue that must receive prompt attention to maintain the project is on time.
Source: How To Be A Better Project Manager. Trevor Young (2001)

3hree categories o) ris

3usiness ris#s the viabilit/ and conte.t o) the project

Project ris#s associated with the technical aspects o) the wor to achieve the aim

Process ris#s associated with the project process0 tools and techni2ues emplo/ed to control the project

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.14.1 !is# ssessment

3here is alwa/s the possibilit/ that un)oreseen ris s can lead to une.pected issues and without prompt action these ris s and issues can reduce the li elihood on delivering the project on schedule0 to the 2ualit/ speci)ied and within budget. 3ime

Project 4udget



Fis management is a continuous process throughout the li)e o) the project. ,tart to de)ine ris s in the project de)inition phase Complete the Aproject ris logD

ssessment $trategies

!hat e.actl/ is the ris " !hat is the probabilit/ o) it happening based on current data" !hat is the li el/ impact on the project"

!hat actions will prevent or minimi:e the ris "

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Categories of !is# Cig( ,igni)icant e))ect on delivering the project on time and in budget. ,erious impact on other related projects. $ust b/ monitored and reviewed regularl/. Feview action plans ,igni)icant impact on the project with possible impact on other projects. =ot e.pected to a))ect a project milestone. Feview at each project meeting and assess ran ing. $onitor regularl/ =ot e.pected to have an/ serious impact in the project. Feview regularl/ )or ran ing and monitor.



Exercise &. In a group0 select one project and brainstorm the ris s )or the project. *. Complete the

1.14.2 Project !is# 0og ; Template 4

Description Probabilit1 C<,<0 &mpact C<,<0 ction -(o 31 -(en

9ate u&!ate!

=&!ate! b+

3. Fan the probabilit/ o) ris on a scale & to @. & is low ' most unli el/ to happen0 @ is high ver/ high probabilit/ it will happen 4. Iain a group consensus i) it is a high0 medium or low ris to the project. #. Identi)/ strategies to address the ris

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Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

1.15 !esources !e.uired 3he project team need to estimate the resources re2uired to success)ull/ underta e the project and document estimations. 7e/ areas )or consideration are5

Personnel labour re2uired to complete the project 2acilities o))ice space E.uipment computers0 so)tware0 )urniture0 printers0 mobile phones ,aterial and $upplies catering0 photocop/ing0 postage0 stationar/

1.15.1 Project !esources ; Template 5

Tas# !esource Cost $upplier Date re.uired Delivered

9ate agree!

Agree! b+

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Project management made simple

-ell done.
1s the project team including the e.ecutive sponsor and clinical lead to sign o)) all documents as approved0 indicating their acceptance o) the project de)inition. Hold a launch meeting (isseminate all project documentation

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P(ase 2 @ Project Planning

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Phase * ' Project Planning

3his section will consider the how to select /our project team.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to5 (escribe the s ills the/ re2uire in their team Identi)/ potential candidates )or their project team ;nderstand some o) the comple.ities o) wor ing in a project team

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2.1 Project Team 2.1.1 $electing Dour Project Team

$ost projects start b/ being a group o) people together )rom di))erent bac grounds0 with di))erent e.periences and s ills. 3he challenge is to5 Identi)/ the s ills and nowledge re2uired )or the project Produce criteria to ensure that all the s ills and nowledge are in the project team 4ring a group o) individuals Bsta eholdersC into a cohesive project team with a common aim

$#ills : Bno"ledge !e.uired =$election Criteria>

Potential Team ,ember

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2.1.2 ,anaging t(e Project Team

$anaging a project team is o)ten more comple. than managing a service or department in a )i.ed hierarch/. !hat are some o) the challenges in managing the project team"

$anaging team members who have been drawn )rom di))erent departments0 who have their own responsibilities outside the project wor 3he ris o) instabilit/ in the team due to the changing priorities o) the line managers o) /our team Creating an e))ective team environment with a changing team 4uilding a team 2uic l/ with people who do not now each other Clarit/ in roles and responsibilities and inter'relationship between roles and responsibilities within the project team. Poor communication and sharing in)ormation because the team members do not now or necessaril/ trust each other. -ncourage e))ective communication between team members to increase each others nowledge o) the di))erent roles0 responsibilities and inter'relationships Focusing the team members on per)ormance which ma/ not be consistent with their personal goals agreed with their line managers Creating a team Aidentit/D to encourage the team members to meet regularl/ and learn more about each other and promote good wor ing.

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*.* Project Planning

3his section will consider the how to plan a project.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to5 (escribe the project planning process (escribe allocating wor and estimating time)rames -.plain a wor brea down structure0 Iantt Chart and $ilestones

2.1.3 T1pes %f Planning

,acro outline the activities )irst and then brea ing them into tas s

,icro outlining the tas s )irsts and grouping them into activities

2.1.4 Definitions

tas# a small piece wor carried out b/ one person n activit1 a parcel o) wor comprising o) several tas s each o) which ma/ be carried out be di))erent people Concurrent activities<tas#s activities or tas s that are designed to be carried out at the same time $eries of activities<tas#s activities that are designed to be underta en one a)ter another0 each strictl/ dependant on each other

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2.1.4 Estimating
!hen estimating the time and resources re2uired to complete the tas /ou should5 ,chedule )ull time team members at )our productive wor ing da/s per wee 0 to allow )or holida/s0 absences0 training0 un)oreseen problems Include management time where appropriate as an additional &EG 1void splitting tas s between individuals I) tas s are spilt0 do not reduce time b/ #EG allow time )or communication and co' ordination 3a e individual e.perience into account 4uild in spare time )or problem solving0 urgent tas s arising0 non project related activities and project meetings 1llow time )or cross')unctional data trans)er and responses 1n/ estimate is subject to change so eep a record o)5 1 1 1 1 the estimates /our team decides an/ assumptions made during the estimating where contingencies have been added how man/ contingencies have been added and what t/pe

2.1.5 llocating
-ach tas re2uires allocating to a member o) the project team and estimating the time re2uired to complete the tas . !hen allocating a tas /ou should5 1ccess the right s ills )or the wor Provide visible support b/ the project )acilitator Communicate clearl/ the per)ormance e.pected o) them -nsure the/ have the tools to do the job (ocument the responsibilities and communicate this to ever/one including their line managers
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2.1.6 Critical Pat(

3he critical path is the shortest possible time in which to complete a tas 0 activit/ and project. Kou can re)lect on /our logical flo" to identi)/ /our critical path. It is important to note that i) a time changes )or tas or activit/ it will also change /our critical path.

2.1.7 Eantt C(arts : ,ilestones

1 Iantt Chart graphicall/ re)lects the activit/0 tas 0 duration and calendar dates. 3he Iantt Chart highlights the logical )low between activities. 3he critical path can be presented on the Iantt Chart.

3he Iantt Chart can also include5 $ilestones Q a signi)icant measurable event representing a chec point )or the completion o) an activit/ and the deliver/ o) a product or services. 1ll milestones should appl/ the ,$1F3 test. 3he milestone is usuall/ indicated b/ a triangle. 1 white triangle represents a scheduled milestone0 a blac triangle represents a completed milestone. ,ome other common events )or milestones are )inancial audit or 2ualit/ audit Project meetings indicated b/ a )iled circle or dot Project reviews B)inancial<auditC indicated b/ a )illed s2uare

Computer Project Planning Pac#ages $icroso)t project produces /our Iantt Charts and Critical Paths on the computer. However0 i) /ou change one activit/ or tas the pac age ma/ or ma/ not change all the other tas s and activities.

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2.1.8 Project Planning ;Template 6

Tas# Description $tart Date 2inis( Date llocated to $1mbol

9ate agree!

Agree! b+

Dou (ave no" produced a "or# brea#do"n structure =-3$> "or# brea#do"n structure is a grap(ical representation of t(e major activities and tas#s re.uired to complete t(at activit1.

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2.1.19 !evie"ing T(e Project !is# 0og

&. Feview an/ ris s that have changed ran ing and add an/ new ris s. *. Produce a short description o) the ris 3. Outline when the ris ma/ occur 4. 1ssess their impact and probabilit/ #. Identi)/ management strategies0 actions )or an/ ris s that can be prevented 9. (evelop contingenc/ plans )or avoidance and<or damage limitation

Ti&: >ever re(ove a ri%3 'ro( t#e $i%t becau%e it wi$$ act a% va$uab$e $earning 'or 'uture &roject%

2.1.11 !evie"ing T(e Project 3udget

&. Feview an/ costs that have changed either increased or decreased *. Identi)/ the costs )or each activit/ in the project and produce an operating budget 3. I) there is great variance between the estimated budget and the operating budget /ou will have gain approval )rom the -.ecutive ,ponsor again. 4. ,tart to record costs so that /ou can monitor variance against /our operating budget. #. Communicate variances to /our project team.

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2.1.12 !evie"ing T(e Communication $trateg1

Communication o) progress to the wider sta eholder groups should have been identi)ied in the project de)inition. 1 communication strateg/ should be developed as part o) the project plan. Fe)er to Communication $trateg1 Template 7 -(o Project team -.ternal sta eholders ,ode $eeting =ewsletter Forum 2re.uenc1 =Date> !ee l/ $onthl/ Ouarterl/ -(o 8eader<Facilitator 1s above

2.1.13 C(ec#list for Project Planning

4e)ore gaining sign o)) b/ the -.ecutive ,ponsor )or the project plan chec the )ollowing5 Is the project de)inition still valid" Is the scope still valid" Has the project team been con)irmed in writing" 1re all the sta eholders identi)ied" (oes the team now who manages the sta eholders" Is the !4, structure developed practical0 realistic and achievable" Is the critical path established and agreed" Is the project ris log up to date" (oes the Iantt Chart re)lect the agreed plan and schedule" Has the project operating budget been con)irmed and agreed" (oes the team have the s ills re2uired"

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Phase 3 ' Project -.ecution

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3. Project -.ecution
3his section will consider the aspect getting started0 controlling and communicating.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should be able to5 (escribe the e/ actions to get started -.plain how to monitor progress against plan Outline strategies )or managing variation )rom the project plan Communicate progress Implement the project

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3.1 Be1 ctions

Fe)er bac to the project plan to start the project.

3.1.1 !ecruiting t(e Project Team

1t the beginning project0 each team member and their line manager should receive written con)irmation o) role and responsibilities statement including time commitment0 reimbursement arrangements0 location and per)ormance measures.

3.1.2 $ecuring !esources+ 2acilities and E.uipment !e.uired*

Fe)lected on the resources0 )acilities and e2uipment outlined in the project plan including5 Computer hardware and so)tware O))ice space and )urniture ,tationar/ ,torage

3.1.3 Communication $trateg1

Communication o) progress to the wider sta eholder groups should have been identi)ied in a communication strateg/ as part o) the project plan. 3he communication strateg/ should be implemented. -(o Project team ,ode $eeting 2re.uenc1=Date> !ee l/ -(o 8eader<Facilitator

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3.1.4 ,anaging &ssues

$ajor issues should be ran ed according to importance an assigned a coloured )lag5

!ed major issues have serious conse2uences )or the project . !esponsibilit1 Executive $ponsor

Dello" signi)icant impact on the project and<or other projects0 i) unresolved could cause dela/. 4ecomes a red )lag i) dela/ed )or more than three da/s. !esponsibilit1 Project 0eader

Ereen conse2uences limited to a con)ined area o) the project and unli el/ to impact on other projects. 4ecomes a /ellow )lag i) not resolved in time to avoid project slippage. !esponsibilit1 Project 2acilitator &ssues 0og ; Template 8

&ssue Description $everit1 !<D<E ction -(o -(en

9ate u&!ate!

=&!ate! b+

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3.1.4 Controlling t(e Project

Controlling a project involves three e/ elements5 Measuring determining progress against planned )or )inancial0 time and 2ualit/ Evaluating determining cause o) deviations )or the plan Correcting ta ing action to correct the deviation against plan

1ll the project documentation re2uires updating regularl/.

3.1.5 ,onitoring Progress

Progress against plan should be monitored against measuring, evaluating and correcting and should be communicated. 1n/ variance )rom the plan should be gain approval )rom the -.ecutive ,ponsor and then be communicated with the sta eholders and project team.

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3.1.6 Progress !eporting

Progress meetings should be a ma.imum o) one (our. Progress reporting against the chec list should be b/ e.ception.

$ilestones due and completed $ilestones due and slippage Corrective action put in place because o) slippage $ilestones due )or ne.t period Issues waiting decisions =ew issues escalated 1n/ ris s escalated 1n/ resource capacit/ changes )orecasted 1n/ team per)ormance problems and issues Forecast o) project completion Feasons )or an/ revision o) previous )orecast

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Phase 4 ' Closing the Project

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4. Closing the Project

3his section will consider the aspects o) closing the project.

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should understand5 Completion criteria 1cceptance process Closing meeting

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4.1 Completion Criteria

(e)ining what completion is and an acceptance process should be included in /our project plan. Completion will be what completion means )or /our sta eholders and customers. Completion criteria could include5 1ll tas s )inished 1ll activities )inished and products or services delivered 3esting the changes

4.2 cceptance Process

1n acceptance process should con)irm5 !ho is responsible )or the each step o) the process and the wor involved !hat post'project support is re2uired and who is responsible !hat post'project support must be given and )or how long

4.3 Close;%ut ,eeting

1t end o) the project have a close out meeting with /our -.ecutive ,ponsor0 Clinical 8eader and an/ other project team members. 3he meeting should5 Feview the project achievements and highlight an/ outstanding wor or issues 1gree and con)irm responsibilities )or an/ ongoing wor or support Con)irm who is responsible )or monitoring project bene)its 3han the -.ecutive ,ponsor0 team and sta eholders

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#. -valuating the Project

3his section will consider the options )or evaluating /our project

8earning Objectives
1t the conclusion o) this section0 participants should understand5 1ctive evaluation Post project evaluation 3echnical evaluation Post'project appraisal 3he evaluation o) the project will identi)/ what wor ed well and what could have been improved and wh/.

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4.1 ctive Evaluation

Promoting learning b/ doing. 3he project team evaluates the methodolog/ as the/ are appl/ing this to the project. 3he team shares their learning with others to help to continuall/ improve the methodolog/ o) the project and their progress.

3he 4rea through Collaborative is encouraging active evaluation o) progress throughout the project. 3his will allow project teams to identi)/ an/ improvements )rom their baseline positions and an opportunit/ to capture the learning.

4.2 Post Project Evaluation

-valuating at the end o) the project. 3his should be combined with active learning. 3he evaluation should develop in'depth 2uestions about ever/ aspect o) the project.

4.3 Tec(nical Evaluation

3he technical evaluation will demonstrate i) the best results were achieved with the s ills0 e.perience and technolog/ available to throughout the project. 3he technical evaluation would review i) the techni2ues in the project have resulted in improvements )or patient care and improvements in nowledge and s ill o) project teams.

4.4 Post @Project ppraisal =$ustainabilit1>

1t the project de)inition phase /ou outlined the potential bene)its in terms o)5 Increased e))icienc/ )rom redesigning processes and procedures Increased patient<customer satis)action Increased sta)) satis)action 1ll o) these bene)its can be 2uanti)ied and measured. 3he organisation and Project 3eam would want to compare an/ cost'bene)it anal/sis carried out at the start o) the project with accumulated bene)its. 3his will re2uire monitoring bene)its )or a period a)ter the project to realise the )ull potential o) the projects.

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Elossar1 of Terms 3oundaries 3he portion o) a process )rom a ,upplier to a Customer that will be the )ocus o) the process improvement. Process boundaries de)ine what is in and out o) scope. 1 data collection )orm consisting o) multiple categories. -ach categor/ has an operational de)inition and can be chec ed o)) as it occurs. Properl/ designed0 the Chec ,heet helps to summarise the date0 which is o)ten displa/ed in a Pareto Chart. 1 Chec ,heet is simpl/ a tool )or recording and tall/ing observations0 eg times that a test report arrived late. 3he receiver o) an output o) a process0 either internal or e.ternal to a hospital or corporate unit. 1 customer could be a person0 a department0 a compan/0 etc. 3he person who gets /our wor . Iathering )acts on how a process wor s and < or how a process is wor ing )rom the customer>s point o) view. 1ll data collection is driven b/ nowledge o) the process and guided b/ statistical principles. Process guide assigned to a team who educates members in the COI processes and helps them select and use the appropriate tools and other resources. ;sed b/ teams to set a code o) conduct which helps the group per)orm more e))ectivel/. Five to ten points should be su))icient0 and the/ should be continuousl/ displa/ed )or the team to see and re)er to.
3he period o) time between 8earning ,essions0 when teams wor on improvements in their organisations. 3he/ are supported b/ the Planning Iroup members and are connected to other Collaborative 3eam $embers. im 1 written0 measurable0 and time sensitive statement o) the e.pected results o) an improvement process. C(anges Concepts 3he list o) essential process changes that will help lead to brea through improvement0 usuall/ created b/ the Planning Iroup and<or -.pert Panel and is based on literature and their e.periences.
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C(ec# $(eet


Data Collection


Eround !ules

ction Period

Patient Flow Collaborative II Outpatients

Project management made simple

Collaborative 1 time'limited e))ort Busuall/ 9 to &* monthsC o) multiple organisations0 that come together with the steering and e.pert wor ing groups to learn about and to create improved processes in a speci)ic topic area. 3he e.pectation is that the teams share e.pertise and data with each other thus0 A-ver/one learns0 ever/one teaches.D Collaborative Team Involves all participants in the improvement e))ort. C1cle or PD$ C1cle 1 structured trial o) a change process. (rawn )rom the ,hewhart c/cle0 this e))ort includes5 Plan ' a speci)ic planning phase? Do ' a time to tr/ the change and observe what happens? $tud1 ' an anal/sis o) the results o) the trial? and ct ' devising ne.t steps based on the anal/sis. 3his P(,1 c/cle will naturall/ lead to the Plan component o) a subse2uent c/cle. 0earning $ession 1 one or two'da/ meeting during which participating organisation teams meet with Planning Iroup members and collaborate to learn e/ changes in the topic area0 including how to implement changes0 an approach )or accelerating improvement0 and a method )or overcoming obstacles to change. 3eams leave these meetings with new nowledge0 s ills0 and materials that prepare them to ma e immediate changes. ,easure 1n indicator o) change. 7e/ measures should be )ocused0 clari)/ /our team>s aim0 and be reportable. 1 measure is used to trac the deliver/ o) proven interventions to patients and to monitor progress over time. ,odel for &mprovement 1n approach to process improvement0 developed b/ 1ssociates in Process Improvement0 which helps teams accelerate the adoption o) proven and e))ective changes.

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