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Republic of the Philippines CARAGA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabadbaran Campus T. Curato St., Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte Tel.

Nos. (085)343-1020/281-2032 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Syllabus in I.T 1 ! O"era#in$ Sys#e% &#ili#ies an' A""li(a#ion 1St Sem. S.Y 2013 2014 BSIT II-1, BSIT II-1A Par# I) Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives *ision A premier institution of higher learning in Caraga Region committed to global excellence in science and technology, and humanities to ards sustainable development! Mission Caraga "tate #niversity is committed to the four$fold functions %&uality instruction, research, extension, and production' of higher education by( )roviding &uality and relevant education in science and technology, and humanities* +eveloping competent individuals ho are scientifically trained, technologically s,illed, and morally upright* Contributing in the creation of an eco$friendly and healthy environment* )articipating actively in transnational collaboration, industry lin,ages and global net or,s! Goals -o provide a dynamic and &uality education in thru efficient delivery of instruction in all curricular programs! -o expand relevant curricular program, hich are in line ith the current re&uirements to complements the needs of industries! -o enhance scholarly activities and research capability of faculty and students! -o produce degree and ladderi.ed program graduates ho are technologically s,illful and globally competitive! -o develop lin,ages and partnership ith the local and national communities, lin,ages, of Research and /xtension 0 /xternal Affairs and university alumni! -o create a culture of environmental consciousness, strong sense of values and responsiveness! -o adopt an attractive admission and retention policies to effect enrollment increase! -o support in the promotion of production of goods and services! Ob+e(#i,es) -o facilitate and ongoing faculty development and close monitoring system of faculty performance!

-o revie 0 offer programs focusing on the needs of the region and global mar,et! -o expose the faculty and students to seminar and mentoring in research in "cience, -echnology and other disciplines to increase their s,ills! -o e&uip the faculty ith ade&uate ,no ledge, s,ills thru trainings, scholarships and seminars and ac&uired modern facilities to ensure high percentage of 1/- and -/"+A competency passers! -o establish lin,ages in 2ndustries, 1G#, /ducational 2nstitution and other establishment to support in the implementation of programs li,e 2nformation -echnology, -ourism 0 3otel and Restaurant Management and /ngineering! -o promote a clean, green and bloom premises and eco$friendly environment! -o expand students scholarship opportunities by allocating appropriate funds and generate grants4supports from lin,ages! -o encourage livelihood activities for socio$economic development of the community!

Par# II.
COURSE COURSE TITLE COURSE &ESCRI'TIO( IT100 Operating S !tem App"i#ati$n an% Uti"itie!

T)i! #$*r!e #$n#entrate! $n t)e t)ree a!pe#t! $+ $perating ! !tem!, !)$,ing t)e -ie,p$int! $+ *!er!, pr$grammer!, an% $perating-! !tem %e!igner!. .e #$n!i%er ,)at !er-i#e! an $perating ! !tem pr$-i%e!, )$, t)e are pr$-i%e%, an% ,)at t)e -ari$*! met)$%$"$gie! are +$r %e!igning !*#) ! !tem!. /ina"" , ,e %e!#ri0e )$, $perating ! !tem! are #reate% an% )$, a #$mp*ter !tart! it! $perating ! !tem!
3 U(ITS -o describe the services an operating system provides to users, processes, and other systems! -o discuss the various ays of structuring an operating system! -o explain ho operating systems are installed and customi.ed and ho they boot! TI4E /RA4E 26 min! S'ECI/IC OB2ECTI3ES At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 1. 4em$ri8e t)e In!tit*te 4i!!i$n an% 3i!i$n 're-ie,9O-er-ie, t)e #$*r!e t$pi#! 4O&E O/ I(STRUCTIO( Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n I(STRUCTIO(AL 4ATERIALS 5 RESOURCES Bi""0$ar%! $+ 3i!i$n an% 4i!!i$n $+ t)e In!tit*te C$p $+ &epartment Re+eren#e 0$$; E3ALUATI3E 4EASURES Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e C"a!!r$$m 3ALUES 'er!$na" %ri-e an% :ar% ,$r;


TO'IC I. Orientati$n 4i!!i$n 5 -i!i$n $+ t)e In!tit*te.

II. Overview of the course


Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 'RESE(TATIO(

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e C"a!!r$$m

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

Introduction 1.1 .)at Operating S !tem! &$ 1.2 C$mp*ter-S !tem Organi8ati$n 1.3 /*n#ti$n! $+ Operating S !tem 1.4 C$mp*ter-S !tem Ar#)ite#t*re 1.4 Operating-S !tem Str*#t*re 1.6 Operating-S !tem Operati$n! 1.< 'r$#e!! 4anagement 1.= 4em$r 4anagement 1.> St$rage 4anagement 1.? 'r$te#ti$n an% Se#*rit 1.10 &i!tri0*te% S !tem! Internal & External DOS Mode Command 3ie,ing t)e #$ntent $+ a %ire#t$r &i!p"a ing t)e 4S-&OS -er!i$n (*m0er C)anging, Creating an% &e"eting &ire#t$rie! C$p ing, &e"eting an% Renaming +i"e! C)anging t)e "$gge% %ri-e &i!p"a ing an% #)anging t)e &ate an% Time C"earing t)e S#reen 3ie,ing t)e #$ntent $+ a +i"e! /$rmatting %ri-e! Processes 'r$#e!! C$n#ept 'r$#e!! S#)e%*"ing Operati$n! $n 'r$#e!!e! Interpr$#e!! C$mm*ni#ati$n EBamp"e! $+ I'C S !tem! C$mm*ni#ati$n in C"ientSer-er S !tem! 6)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r! 2)r!

At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 I%enti+ t)e ;e term! *!e in t)e $perating ! !tem :a-e an i%ea ,)at are t)e +*n#ti$n! $+ Operating ! !tem

Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n. Re!ear#) 5 A!!ignment

Re+eren#e 0$$;, e0$$;!

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e #"a!!r$$m @*i8

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

6)r! 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r 1)r

At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 An$, )$, t$ manip*"ate t)e %ata *!ing &OS #$mman%. An$, )$, t$ +$rmat %ri-e!, #reate %ire#t$rie! in *!in% &OS #$mman%.

Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n. Re!ear#) 5 A!!ignment

Re+eren#e 0$$;, e0$$;! S"i%e pre!entati$n

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e #"a!!r$$m @*i8

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

6)r! 2)r! 2)r!

At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 &i!ting*i!) t)e pr$#e!!e! $+ it! $perati$n

Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n. Re!ear#) 5 A!!ignment

Re+eren#e 0$$;, e0$$;!

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e #"a!!r$$m @*i8

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

Threads O-er-ie, 4*"tit)rea%ing 4$%e"! T)rea% Li0rarie! T)rea%ing I!!*e!


At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 :a-e an% in%ea a0$*t t)e m*"tit)rea%ing m$%e"! $+ t)e $perating ! !tem At t)e en% $+ t)i! t$pi# t)e !t*%ent !)$*"% 0e a0"e t$7 In!ta"" an% #$n+ig*re #$mp*ter ! !tem an% $perating ! !tem

Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n. Re!ear#) 5 A!!ignment

Re+eren#e 0$$;, e0$$;!

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e #"a!!r$$m @*i8

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

OS installation/ !!lication and utilities 'artiti$ning &ri-e! /$rmatting OS O! in!ta""ati$n


Le#t*re9&i!#*!!i$n *!ing SLI&E 're!entati$n. Re!ear#) 5 A!!ignment

Re+eren#e 0$$;, e0$$;!

Ora" Re#itati$n in t)e #"a!!r$$m @*i8

'er!$na" %ri-e :ar% ,$r;

E-ui"%en# an' Ma#erial use' 1aptop Computers, +1) )rojector, 5hite 6oard ,Mar,ing )en Re.eren(es) Silbers(/a#01Gal,in1Ga$ne) O"era#in$ Sys#e% Con(e"#s1 2#/ E'i#ion http://bcs.wiley.co /he!bcs/"oo#s$action%resource&bcs'd%(()*&ite 'd%+,*)-.,--/&resource'd%/++, III. A''i#ional Resour(es 2nternet Cri#eria .or Gra'in$) Major /xamination )relim /xam Midterm /xam :inal /xam )roject Others TOTAL
-he final grade corresponding to the student=s general average is given in the table belo ( GENERAL A*ERAGE FINAL GRADE >? @ <88 <!8 >A @ >B <!7C >< @ >; <!C8 DD @ >8 <!?C DC @ D? 7!8 D7 @ DA 7!7C ?> @ D< 7!C8 ?B @ ?D 7!?C ?C ;!8 Conditional A!8 2ncomplete 2EC :ailed C!88 +ropped +R) 2n )rogress 2n )rog!

789 789 789 ;89 <89 1 3

)repared by( 4RIS 5ESS P. 6OLIGOR 2-$1ecturer

Chec,ed by( MARILYN 6. CASTILLO1 E'.D. +ept! Chairman

Recommending Approval ARACELI R. MANDIN.1E'.D 3ead, Academic Affairs

Approved( LOLITA P. MARAGA7AS.1E'.D. Campus +irector

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