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WINDOWS ERRORS There are three general types of error message you may encounter when working with applications under Windows. These are e ception errors! illegal operation errors " kernel errors. #n e ception signifies that something une pected has happened within the windows en$ironment! typically an improper memory access. %or e ample! an application or a Windows component might read or write to a memory location that has not &een allocated to it. 'otentially o$erwriting and corrupting other program code in that area of memory. %atal e ception errors are typically of the form( )# fatal e ception *++, has occurred at ++++-++++++++. %atal e ception errors are codes returned &y a program if access to an illegal instruction has &een encountered in$alid data or code has &een accessed! or the pri$ilege le$el of an operation is in$alid. When any of these errors occurs! the processor returns an e ception to the operating system! which is turn! is handled as a fatal e ception is non-reco$era&le! and the system must &e restarted or shut down! depending on the se$erity of the error. In the fatal e ception error ) # fatal e ception *++, has occurred at ++++( ++++++++! the *++, represents the actual processor e ception from .. to .f. The ++++( ++++++++ represents the actual address where the e ception occurred). )This program has performed an illegal operation and will &e shut down. If pro&lem persists! contact the program $endor.) If you click details! the following error message appears( *application, caused an in$alid page fault in module *module name, at *address,. #fter you click O/. The program is shut down. #n in$alid page fault also occurs when a program or a windows component reads or writes to a memory location that is not allocated to it. /ernel errors are also similar. The first clue to the cause of an I'% is in the I'% error massage that is displayed. Note the module name that is listed. If you can gather clues a&out the component that is causing the I'%! then you can target the specific cause of the pro&lem. Sometimes! remo$ing and reinstalling the files mentioned in the I'% corrects the pro&lem. #lso! noting when the error occurs can help determine the cause of the pro&lem. %or e ample( if the error occurs when you try to print a document in word! the pro&lem could &e with the dri$er of printer rather than word itself. # key part trou&leshooting I'%s is to determine how widespread the pro&lem is. Try to answer the following 0uestions( Is the pro&lem reproduci&le 1can you make it happen whene$er you want2! or does occur at random3 Does the pro&lem occur only in the current application or in other applications as well3 #re there specific! known issues a&out the application that descri&e your pro&lem3 Does the pro&lem happen only with a particular file handled &y that application3 Does the pro&lem occurs only at a particular time such as while printing3 If! when trying to reproduce the pro&lem! the error does not occur again you can assume you ha$e sol$ed the pro&lem. if the errors occurs in other applications! most pro&a&ly the fault is not with the application &ut with Windows! a component of Windows or a piece that is running in the &ackground. 4heck with the program $endor)s site if their are known issue with the application that may cause I'%s under specific circumstances. If the I'% is specific to a certain file opened &y this application! the file may &e too large! or damage.

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