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A Push For Equality

This image depicts the feminist revolution of the twentieth century. This movement was very impactful on society because it made people take notice of the womens stance in the whole picture of society. In the end, Women prevailed and achieved voting rights among other privileges.

A Change in Society

This image shows some of the inventions that were a product of the revolution. The Industrial revolution changed the way society worked by changing how families functioned, and the way the different classes interacted with each other. The Norm

This image shows the typical apartment in Paris, France in the 1850s. Tight living arrangements impacted the way people interacted with each other and how society functioned

as a whole. Often, people lived in crowded apartments, working all day to just to barely support themselves. The Dividing of a Nation

This image shows the Berlin wall that divide East Berlin from West berlin. This wall change they way society functioned because it limited the peoples interactions to one side of the wall. Families were broken, and friendships sealed due to the construction of the Berlin wall. The Peoples Wishes

This image shows the Declaration of the rights of man that the people of the National Assembly created in response to Louis XVIs oppressive ruling. This document stated that the government had to protect the rights of the people or else the people were obliged to revolt. Justification

This image shows the Nuremberg Laws that were created so the notorious acts of the Nazi Party was justified. This change how society functioned because it undermined Jews rights and

intervened with their natural rights.

The Weight of Inequality

This image depicts the inequality of the Three estates system that was implemented by Louis XIV. In the three estates, the third estate that made up ninety-five percent of the population was responsible for paying more taxes than the first and second estates that were made up of the wealthiest population. This changed how society functioned because the poor got poorer as the rich got richer. The Spread of Social Change

This picture shows the spread of protestantism across europe. With this new spread of religion came great social change as countries had to accommodate for this new religion. Great conflict arose because of this and it sparked the Religious Wars in Europe. The new adaptation of protestantism caused society to change throughout Europe.

Serfdom No More

This image depicts when the Tsar Alexander II freed the serfs. This event caused radical societal change because serfdom was a major part of Russias society for hundreds of years. This caused a ripple effect in the economy because their were no more slaves harvesting the fields across Russia. Also, the people who were once serfs, now were recognized in Russian society. The Demand for Suffrage

This image depicts the womens suffrage movement in England. This reform effort by women spark great debate on whether or not women should have more rights. Throughout history, women have been seen as lower beings compared to men in the eyes of society. This reform movement brought change in European society because it provoked women to fight for their rights and impacted the governments decision on whether to grant these rights to women.

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