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Ulf Ekman
Word of !Ifo IubIIcnfIons
IIrsf ubIIshod In IngIIsh, l989
Socond odIfIon, l993
ThIrd odIfIon, l995
ISI 9l ?866 240 0
l 8840l? 00 2 USA
OrIgInnI SwodIsh odIfIon, coyrIghf l98? !If Ikmnn
AII rIghfs rosorvod
IngIIsh frnnsInfIon, coyrIghf l989, l993 !If Ikmnn
IrInfod In Swodon for Word of !Ifo IubIIcnfIons by
InbIoms CrnfIskn AI
Word of Life Publicatio!
Iox l?, S-?5l 03 !snIn, Swodon
!nIoss ofhorwIso IndIcnfod, ScrIfuro quofnfIons nro
from fho New King James Version of fho IIbIo,
coyrIghf l9?9, l980, l982 Thomns oIson
IubIIshors, Inc.
ScrIfuro quofnfIons nofod IV nro from fho Holy
Bible, New International Version, coyrIghf l9?3,
l9?8, l984 InfornnfIonnI IIbIo SocIofy. !sod by
ormIssIon of Zondorvnn IIbIo IubIIshors
ThIs book wIII oxnmIno why Josus cnmo
fo onrfh. Wo wIII nnswor fho foIIowIng
quosfIons: Whnf wns fho ronI uroso bohInd
Josus comIng Whnf oxncfIy dId Ho
nccomIIsh nnd how cnn wo nrorInfo If
Whon wo sonk from fho Word of Cod,
wo oxocf Cod fo nccomIIsh somofhIng rIghf
now. Ho nIwnys sonds HIs Word fo do
somofhIng fodny. As fho IIbIo snys, now is
the day of salvation (2 Cor 6:2). Tho CosoI,
whIch Is fho Word of Cod, Is HIs owor fo
snIvnfIon. Wo know fhnf fho word,
"snIvnfIon," monns "now bIrfh," buf If nIso
monns doIIvornnco, honIIng, rofocfIon, nnd
n IIfo of froodom In fho HoIy SIrIf. Cod gIvos
you HIs IIfo fhrough HIs Word, whon Ho
brIngs you snIvnfIon. And fhIs Word Is Josus
6 estroy the !orks of the evil"
Whon you rocoIvo now IIfo by boIng born-
ngnIn, you bocomo nrf of Cod's fnmIIy nnd n
nrfnkor of Cod's rIvIIogos nnd fho ow
Covonnnf romIsos. You rocoIvo Cod's own
IIfo nnd nnfuro. Thon you bogIn fo
oxorIonco nII fhnf fhIs now IIfo confnIns:
doIIvornnco from orossIon, honIIng for
your body nnd mInd, froodom nnd rofocfIon.
ThIs Is whnf Cod gIvos you In snIvnfIon!
Tho mossngo of snIvnfIon Is ono of joy,
nof mIsory. If Is n rocInmnfIon of fho yonr of
fho !ord's fnvor! Tho mossngo of fho CosoI
wIII sof you froo. Your orsonnIIfy doos nof
sof you froo, fho Word sofs you froo.
Tromondous ronchors cnnnof sof you froo,
buf fho Word of Cod cnn. Ixubornnf fooIIngs
cnnnof sof you froo. OnIy Cod's Word cnn do
fhIs: fho Word of Cod whIch Is fho CosoI,
fho owor of Cod fo snIvnfIon.
Tho CosoI Is nII nbouf Josus ChrIsf. In
l John 3:8, wo dIscovor why Josus cnmo nnd
wns rovonIod on fho onrfh. Wns If so Cod
couId show who Ho wns Wns If fo show how
n good orson oughf fo IIvo Wns If so wo
#refa$e %
couId rocoIvo forgIvonoss for our sIns Wns If
so wo couId hnvo fho ow Tosfnmonf Wns If
moroIy fo sof n good oxnmIo of mornI nnd
ofhIcnI bohnvIor Whnf oxncfIy wns HIs
Thoso nro fho quosfIons wo wIII now
nffomf fo nnswor.
Ulf Ekman
1 De!tro& t'e Wor"!
of t'e De(il!
He who sins is of the devil, for
the devil has sinned from the
beginning& 'or this ()r(ose the *on
of +od was manifested, that He
might destroy the works of the devil
,- John ./01&
Josus cnmo fo fhIs onrfh fo do ono fhIng
fo dosfroy fho works of fho dovII.
A )ad Start
Tho IIbIo cIonrIy foIIs us fhnf mnn, who
wns cronfod In Cod's Imngo nnd wnIkod In
foIIowshI wIfh HIm, foII Info sIn. Iy doIng
so, ho doIIvorod fho worId Info fho hnnds of
fho dovII, who fhon bocnmo fho rInco of fhIs
-2 estroy the !orks of the evil"
As n rosuIf, nIfhough ho wns cronfod In
fho Imngo of fho Mosf HIgh Cod, fo ruIo ovor
cronfIon, mnn Iosf hIs nufhorIfy. HIs Innor
mnn dIod. Tho sIrIfunI umbIIIcnI cord of
unbrokon foIIowshI wIfh Cod wns cuf,
IonvIng hIm wIfhouf IIfo. nrknoss onforod
hIs sIrIf nnd ho dIod sIrIfunIIy, jusf ns Cod
hnd snId, the tree of knowledge of good and
evil, yo) shall not eat, for in the day that yo)
eat of it yo) shall surely die (Con 2:l?). Tho
word "dIo" Is IurnI In Hobrow, monnIng fhnf
mnn cnn dIo moro fhnn onco. IIrsf, ho dIos
sIrIfunIIy fhon ho bogIns fo dIo hysIcnIIy
ns sIcknoss nnd wonknoss onfor hIs body nnd
mInd. Thoso Iond fo hysIcnI donfh nnd
fInnIIy, ofornnI donfh.
Hobrows 2:l4,l5 Is n nrnIIoI scrIfuro fo
l John 3:8, sfnfIng vIrfunIIy fho snmo fhIng.
Inasm)$h then as the $hildren
have (artaken of flesh and blood, He
Himself ,Jes)s1 likewise shared in
the same, that thro)gh death He
might destroy him who had the
(ower of death, that is, the devil, and
estroy the !orks of the evil" --
release those who thro)gh fear of
death were all their lifetime s)b3e$t
to bondage&
Afraid of *od
Whon mnn foII Info sIn, fonr of donfh
cnmo ImmodInfoIy. ThIs wns domonsfrnfod
by Adnm's fonr whon ho honrd Cod
nronchIng In fho Cnrdon. Ho ronIIzod fhnf
ho wns nnkod, nIono nnd somofhIng wns
mIssIng In hIs IIfo. So ho rnn nnd hId hImsoIf
nnd frIod fo covor hIs nnkodnoss wIfh fIg
Ionvos. Ho wns fryIng fo mnko hImsoIf
nonr rIghfoous nnd nccofnbIo ngnIn
fhrough hIs own works. ThIs wns somofhIng
Cod couId nof nccof.
Adnm foId Cod fhnf whon ho hnd honrd
HIm comIng ho wns nfrnId nnd fhoroforo rnn
nnd hId hImsoIf. Tho fonr fhnf fIIIod hIs
sIrIf fhnf dny hns ruIod mnnkInd ovor sInco.
Mnn hns boon subjocf fo bondngo fhrough
fho fonr of donfh.
Ivoryono who Is nof born-ngnIn Is nfrnId
-4 estroy the !orks of the evil"
of donfh. Thoy mny dony If or sny fhnf
ovoryfhIng Is jusf fIno, buf fhoy nro sfIII
nfrnId of donfh. Thoy mny nof bo nfrnId of
donfh IfsoIf, buf fhoy nro nfrnId of whnf
mIghf hnon nfforwnrds.
Josus ChrIsf cnmo fo bronk fho owor of
donfh. Ho cnmo fo roIonso fhoso who fhrough
fho fonr of donfh, hnd boon subjocf fo Ifs
bondngo nII fhoIr IIvos.
Sla(e! of t'e De(il
Josus ChrIsf cnmo fo ovorcomo Snfnn
nnd romovo hIs wonons so ho couId no
Iongor ruIo or domInnfo mnnkInd nnd bInd
hIm fhrough fho fonr of donfh.
Whon mnn foII Info sIn, ho nof onIy dIod
sIrIfunIIy, buf ho wns fnkon cnfIvo by fho
dovII. Mnn wns onsInvod by fho rInco of fhIs
worId. Tho dovII sfoIo fho confrncf fhnf mnn
hnd wIfh Cod, nnd fook hIs domInIon ovor
Though ho wns cronfod In fho Imngo of
Cod fo ruIo, roIgn nnd wnIk wIfh Cod, mnn
estroy the !orks of the evil" -.
bocnmo n moro sInvo fo fho ono who sfonIs,
kIIIs nnd dosfroys Cod's cronfIon. Ho ondod
u In n sfnfo of sIrIfunI ImovorIshmonf
nnd donfh, subjocf fo dofIcIoncy nnd sIcknoss
fhnf bognn fo forco fhoIr wny Info hIs IIfo.
IrovIousIy, sIcknoss hnd nof boon found
In mnn, buf nffor fho InII, mnny dIfforonf
ovIIs IncIudIng sIcknoss, hnfo, nnd
confonfIon, bognn fo mnnIfosf fhomsoIvos. In
fho fIrsf gonornfIon, mnn wns nfrnId of Cod;
In fho socond gonornfIon, n mnn murdorod
hIs own brofhor. Tho dovII's nnfuro hnd
onforod mnnkInd. Iuf Cod hnd ronrod n
wny of oscno!
Ivon fhough ho hnd Iosf ovoryfhIng,
mnn couId bo rodoomod. Ho couId rognIn hIs
rIghffuI osIfIon of foIIowshI wIfh Cod nnd
domInIon ovor fho onrfh.
*od+! ,o(eat
Cod mndo n covonnnf wIfh Abrnhnm, fo
rodoom mnnkInd from sInvory. Whon Cod
found Abrnhnm, Ho found n mnn who
-5 estroy the !orks of the evil"
boIIovod HIm nnd who wns wIIIIng fo offor
hIs son Isnnc fo HIm. As n rosuIf, Cod wns
IognIIy onfIfIod fo gIvo HIs own Son, Josus,
who wns of Abrnhnm's sood. Ho wns offorod
u for ovory gonornfIon nnd for nII mnnkInd.
Thus, fhrough Josus ChrIsf, fho bIossIng
of Abrnhnm hns como fo fho ConfIIos. ow
wo foo cnn rocoIvo fho romIso of fho SIrIf
nnd fho IIfo Ho hns fo offor (soo CnI 3:l3,l4).
T'e -e!u! ,a%e!
Cod osfnbIIshod fho OId Covonnnf fo
ronro n wny fo rosforo fnIIon mnn. Whon
ovoryfhIng wns rondy, Josus ChrIsf cnmo. Ho
wns concoIvod by fho HoIy SIrIf nnd born of
fho VIrgIn Mnry Info fho onrfh. Hobrows
2:l4,l5 foIIs us fhnf bocnuso fho chIIdron
(mnnkInd) nrfnko of fIosh nnd bIood, Josus
nIso nrfook of fhom. In ofhor words,
nIfhough ho hnd n honvonIy Infhor, Ho hnd
nn onrfhIy mofhor. Ho wns n mnn, buf Ho
wns nof soIIod by fho dIsobodIonco, sIn nnd
roboIIIon of mnnkInd. Iroo from nII fhIs, Ho
estroy the !orks of the evil" -6
wns nbIo fo wnIk In foIIowshI wIfh Cod.
ow Iof's Iook nf whnf Josus dId whIIo
Ho wns horo on onrfh. SomofImos wo fhInk
Ho cnmo jusf fo show us fhnf Ho wns fho
Son of Cod, buf fhnf Is onIy nrf of fho frufh.
Ho wns Indood Cod's Son. Ho wns ono
hundrod orconf Cod nnd ono hundrod
orconf mnn. o ono Is nbIo fo comrohond
fhIs, nor doos If nood fo bo undorsfood, onIy
sfnfod ns n fncf. Jusf ns you cnn rIdo on n
frnIn wIfhouf undorsfnndIng how If works,
you cnn rocoIvo Josus wIfhouf fuIIy
comrohondIng HIm.
Somo mny sny fhnf you cnnnof nccof
whnf you do nof undorsfnnd. Howovor, you
do fhIs ovorydny. You robnbIy know vory
IIffIo nbouf how oIocfrIcIfy works or how
your cnr runs, buf In sIfo of fhIs, you uso
fhom dnIIy.
You shouId hnvo fhIs snmo nffIfudo
nbouf Josus ChrIsf. If Cod Is Cod, nnd Ho Is,
fhon fhoro nro corfnIn fhIngs nbouf HIm you
wIII bo unnbIo fo undorsfnnd sImIy bocnuso
Ho is Cod. Howovor, Ho rovonIs onough of
-6 estroy the !orks of the evil"
HImsoIf fo us fhrough Josus, so fhnf,
nIfhough wo do nof comrohond ovoryfhIng
nbouf HIm, wo mny sfIII rocoIvo HIm nnd
gnIn ofornnI IIfo.
He ,a%e to Ser(e!
Josus rovonIod fhnf Ho wns Cod, ns Ho
wnIkod fho onrfh, buf Ho nIso roforrod fo
HImsoIf usIng nn oxrossIon fhnf Is hoIfuI
for us fodny: Ho cnIIod HImsoIf fho Son of
7he *on of 8an did not $ome to
be served, b)t to serve, and to give
His life a ransom for many ,8ark
Whnf doos Josus monn whon Ho cnIIs
HImsoIf fho Son of Mnn
Ho monns fhnf Ho Is fofnIIy humnn.
Iocnuso Ho Is n mnn, Ho cnn rovonI whnf n
mnn ronIIy Is nnd whnf ho Is cnIIod fo
nccomIIsh. Thoroforo, Josus Is our oxnmIo.
!ovoInfIon l:5 foIIs us fhnf Ho Is fho
estroy the !orks of the evil" -%
fIrsfborn from fho dond. Ho Is fho fIrsfborn
In fho Church, nnd Ho Is fho fIrsfborn nmong
fhoso who nro born ngnIn. Ho Is our oIdor
brofhor nnd wo nro HIs brofhors nnd sIsfors.
Ho hns shown us whnf n ronI mnn Is IIko
fhrough HIs IIfo horo on onrfh.
Somo mny sny, "WoII, of courso Josus
workod mIrncIos, Ho wns fho Son of Cod."
Iuf Ho dId nof work mIrncIos bnsod on fho
fncf fhnf Ho wns fho Son of Cod. Ho dId
fhom ns fho Son of Mnn!
W'at a E.c'a$e!
Josus wns born of Cod, buf Ho dId nof
bogIn HIs onrfhIy mInIsfry unfII Ho wns
fhIrfy yonrs oId nnd wns bnfIzod In fho
HoIy SIrIf. ImngIno n convorsnfIon In
honvon In whIch Cod nskod n quosfIon,
"Whom shnII I sond Who wIII go Who wIII
rodoom fhIs gonornfIon" And Josus
nnsworod, "I wIII go!" Ho snId Behold I have
$ome9in the vol)me of the book it is written
of 8e9to do :o)r will, ; +od (Hob l0:?). Ho
-0 estroy the !orks of the evil"
sof nsIdo HIs gIory! Ho uf off HIs mnjosfy!
(soo IhII 2:5-8) Ho InId nsIdo nII fhnf
rIghffuIIy boIongod fo HIm In Honvon.
Whnf Josus dId wns IncrodIbIo. Wo wIII
novor fuIIy comrohond fho ImmonsIfy of fho
fncf fhnf Ho, who wns rIch nnd fIIIod wIfh nII
knowIodgo, owor, nnd gIory, fho Ono who
ownod nII of honvon, fho ofornnI Codhond
HImsoIf, couId uf nsIdo HIs gIory. AccordIng
fo fho ScrIfuros, Ho oxchnngod HIs rIchos
nnd bocnmo oor, so fhnf wo couId bocomo
Cod wnnfs you fo bo rIch In HIs gIory
nof onIy In honvon for nII ofornIfy buf ovon
whIIo you nro horo on onrfh. ThIs Is whnf
Josus snys In John l?:5-22. Ho wns fo rofurn
fo honvon nnd onco ngnIn rocoIvo fho gIory
Ho hnd Ioff bohInd by comIng fo onrfh. Ho
fhon gnvo fhIs gIory fo HIs dIscIIos.
Ho cnmo down from honvon nnd fook
uon HImsoIf fho form of n sorvnnf, ovon
fhough Ho wns fho Son of Cod. Ho wns
humnn In ovory rosocf nnd orformod no
sIgns or wondors unfII Ho hnd boon fIIIod
estroy the !orks of the evil" -<
wIfh fho HoIy SIrIf.
Po#er for Ser(ice
As Josus sfood In fho !Ivor Jordnn, fho
HoIy SIrIf cnmo uon HIm ns n dovo, nnd
from fhnf fImo on, Ho wns cIofhod wIfh
owor for HIs mInIsfry. Ho wns now rondy fo
bogIn whnf fho Infhor hnd cnIIod HIm fo do
fo dosfroy fho works of fho dovII.
ThIs Is why fho dovII wns so oufrngod
whon Josus wns bnfIzod In fho HoIy SIrIf
nnd hIs roncfIon Is fho snmo whon you foo
nro fIIIod wIfh fho SIrIf. You fhoughf IIfo
wouId bo gIorIous nnd fnnfnsfIc, buf If
furnod ouf fo bo mIsornbIo. SuddonIy
ovoryono wns nngry wIfh you nnd you couId
nof undorsfnnd why. Tho dovII wns nngry.
Ho wns scnrod fo donfh bocnuso you bocnmo
offocfIvo ns n ChrIsfInn nnd hIs kIngdom
ofhIng Is ns dnngorous for fho kIngdom
of fho dovII ns n SIrIf-fIIIod ChrIsfInn who Is
fuII of knowIodgo of Cod; ono who knows who
42 estroy the !orks of the evil"
ho Is, whnf ho hns, nnd who ncfs uon fhIs
knowIodgo! o ono Is moro forrIfyIng fo fho
dovII fhnn fhIs kInd of orson. o ono oIso
cnn IIvo In such vIcfory! ThIs Is how Cod
wnnfs you fo bo!
Aoited for /ii!tr&
Affor Ho wns fIIIod wIfh fho HoIy SIrIf,
Josus wns rondy fo bogIn HIs mInIsfry. Ho
wouId show mnnkInd fho now cronfIon In
ncfIon by fho owor of Cod. Ho wns born of
fho HoIy SIrIf, fIIIod wIfh fho HoIy SIrIf,
bnfIzod In fho HoIy SIrIf nnd oquIod
wIfh Cod-gIvon wonons.
Josus snId, "I cnn do nofhIng oxcof whnf
fho Infhor foIIs mo. I do fho Infhor's works,
nnd fho Infhor's wIII. I subjocf mysoIf fo fho
Infhor" (soo John 5:l9,30; 8:28). Ho wns
nwnro of who Ho wns nnd whnf Ho hnd.
Josus funcfIonod In nII of fho gIffs of fho
SIrIf, oxcof sonkIng In ofhor fonguos nnd
fho InforrofnfIon of fonguos. Ho usod fho
word of knowIodgo nnd fho word of wIsdom.
estroy the !orks of the evil" 4-
Tho gIffs of honIIng funcfIonod fhrough HIm
nnd Ho dId mIghfy works. Ho know whnf fho
IhnrIsoos woro fhInkIng. Ho couId dIscorn
fho sIrIfs nnd Ho cnsf ouf domons. He went
abo)t doing good and healing all who were
o((ressed by the devil, for +od was with Him
(Acfs l0:38). Tho condIfIon for nII fhIs wns
fhnf Ho wns nnoInfod by fho HoIy SIrIf.
If Josus, who wns fho Son of Cod, noodod
fho nnoInfIng of fho HoIy SIrIf fo cnrry ouf
HIs mInIsfryhow much moro wIII wo nood
fo bo nnoInfod by fho HoIy SIrIf fo comIofo
whnf Cod hns cnIIod us fo do
Whon Cod nnoInfod Josus ChrIsf, Ho
wns nbIo fo mnnIfosf HImsoIf fhrough HIm.
In ono rosocf, Josus wns nn OId Tosfnmonf
rohof. !Iko fho ofhors, Ho foo IIvod undor
fho OId Covonnnf, buf Ho wns fho onIy ono
ovor fo bo born of Cod. Ho wns fho onIy ono
who hnd fho IIghf. John l:5 snys fhnf fho
IIghf shono In fho dnrknoss nnd fho dnrknoss
dId nof comrohond If.
44 estroy the !orks of the evil"
A )attle a$ai!t Reli$io!it&
Whonovor fho dovII Is ronIIy scnrod, ho
sonds nIong roIIgIous ooIo. ThIs hns
nIwnys boon fho cnso, so If shouId nof como
ns n surrIso fo us. To Josus, ho sonf fho
IhnrIsoos, Sndducoos, HorodInns, nnd
fomIo sorvnnfs.
Whnfovor Josus dId, fhoy woro ngnInsf
HIm. Tho Snbbnfh wns n wondorfuI dny for
doIng good, so Josus wonf nbouf doIng good
nnd honIIng fho sIck on fho Snbbnfh.
Onco, fhoro wns n mnn wIfh n wIfhorod
hnnd fo whom Josus snId, "Sfrofch ouf your
hnnd." Tho mnn wns honIod, buf fho
rosonso from fho roIIgIous ooIo wns, "You
don'f do fhnf sorf of fhIng on fho Snbbnfh."
Tho snmo roncfIon cnn bo honrd In mnny
churchos fodny, "Wo don'f do fhnf sorf of
fhIng horo. Wo don'f honI fho sIck horo. Wo
hnvo novor dono If boforo, nnd wo don'f Inn
on chnngIng, oIfhor!"
Somo ooIo rIso u nnd rosIsf Cod whon
fhoy soo HIs SIrIf bogIn fo fIow. VnIn
estroy the !orks of the evil" 4.
ImngInnfIons nnd sfronghoIds rIso u
ngnInsf fho knowIodgo of Cod nnd fry fo sfo
fho fIow of HIs SIrIf whIch sofs ooIo froo.
If wns no onsIor for Josus' dIscIIos. Thoy
found fhomsoIvos In oxncfIy fho snmo
sIfunfIons. Iofor snId fo fho Inmo mnn nf fho
gnfo cnIIod IonufIfuI, &&&what I have I give
yo)&&&rise )( and walk (Acfs 3:6) ...nnd fho
mnn who hnd boon sIffIng fhoro so Iong
sfood u, nnd bognn wnIkIng, IonIng, nnd
rnIsIng Cod!
Tho IhnrIsoos, roncfIng jusf ns fhoy hnd
wIfh Josus, snId:
!hat shall we do to these men=
'or, indeed, that a notable mira$le
has been done thro)gh them is
evident and we $annot deny it& B)t so
that it s(reads no f)rther, let )s
severely threaten them, that from
now on they s(eak to no man in this
name ,>$ts 5/-6?-01&
Tho roIIgIous Iondors broughf fho
dIscIIos boforo fhom nnd domnndod fo know
45 estroy the !orks of the evil"
In whoso nufhorIfy nnd by whnf nnmo fhoy
hnd dono fhIs honIIng. Iofor roIIod, "Wo dId
If In fho nmo of Josus, fho nmo fhnf Is
nbovo nII ofhor nnmos." Tho mnn hnd
rocoIvod sfrongfh bocnuso of fho nmo of
Josus nnd fnIfh In fhnf nmo; nof bocnuso of
fho hoIInoss or roIIgIous frndIfIons of fho
dIscIIos. IInnIIy, fIndIng nofhIng fhoy couId
do fo unIsh fho dIscIIos, fho Iondors
fhronfonod fhom nnd commnndod fhom nof
fo sonk nnymoro In Josus' nmo.
Tho dIscIIos oxorIoncod fho snmo
roIIgIosIfy fhnf Josus hnd, fhrowIng IfsoIf
ovor fhom In nn nffomf fo kIII fho IIfo
wIfhIn fhom. Iuf fho dnrknoss hnd no owor
ovor fho dIscIIos or ovor Josus ChrIsf.
Josus snId Ho hnd fo work whIIo If wns
dny, for the night is $oming when no one $an
work (John 9:4). Whnf dId Ho monn by "fho
nIghf fhnf wns comIng" Ho wns nrfIy
roforrIng fo fho nIghf fhnf Ho HImsoIf wouId
hnvo fo onduro.
Iofh fho IhnrIsoos nnd fho HorodInns
docIdod fo dosfroy HIm. Thoy frIod fo Ioco
estroy the !orks of the evil" 46
fogofhor n fnIso nccusnfIon ngnInsf HIm, buf
ovon fhoIr fosfImonIos woro InconsIsfonf.
Du%bfouded Prie!t!
Thoy nskod Josus by whnf nufhorIfy Ho
dId HIs works, nnd Ho nnsworod fhom by
nskIng whofhor fho bnfIsm of John wns
from honvon, or from mon. If fhoy couId
nnswor HIm, Ho snId Ho wouId nIso nnswor
fhom. Tho rIosfs know fhnf fho ooIo woro
orsundod fhnf John wns n rohof, so fhoy
snId, "Wo do nof know." Josus snId fo fhom,
"oIfhor wIII I foII you by whnf nufhorIfy I
do fhoso fhIngs," nnd Ho wnIkod nwny.
Ho know whnf wns In fho honrf of mnn.
ofhIng couId fouch HIm nnd nofhIng couId
ovorcomo HIm. Tho dovII wns unnbIo fo
fouch Josus bocnuso Ho wnIkod In consfnnf
vIcfory. nrknoss hns no owor ngnInsf
Tho snmo Is fruo In your IIfo. l John 5:l8
snys fhnf fho wIckod ono cnnnof fouch you.
Tho dovII Is nbIo fo nffnck you nnd como
46 estroy the !orks of the evil"
ngnInsf you fo n corfnIn oxfonf, buf ho
cnnnof fouch you.
!uko l0:l9 snys, I give yo) the a)thority
to tram(le on ser(ents and s$or(ions, and
over all the (ower of the enemy, and nothing
shall by any means h)rt yo)&
If you wnIk In fho SIrIf nnd gIvo Josus
ChrIsf fIrsf Inco In your IIfo, you wIII know
who you nro. You wIII know whnf you hnvo
In Josus ChrIsf, nnd fho nufhorIfy you hnvo
In HIs nnmo. You wIII wnIk In fromondous
rofocfIon! AIfhough fhoro wIII bo nffncks
from fho dovII, you wIII fInd vIcfory In ovory
sIfunfIon, wIfh fho wonons Cod hns gIvon
O(er0o#ered Soldier!
Tho fImo fhon cnmo for Judns fo bofrny
Josus. You mny sny, "Soo, fho dovII dId fouch
Josus nffor nII."
o, fho dovII dId nof fouch HIm nf nII.
Tho soIdIors nnd sorvnnfs cnmo ouf ngnInsf
HIm ns fhoy wouId ngnInsf n fhIof.
estroy the !orks of the evil" 4%
Josus foId fhom fhnf Ho hnd sfood nnd
fnughf ovory dny In fho synngoguo, buf fhoy
woro nfrnId nnd dId nof dnro como forwnrd.
Why dIdn'f fhoy nrrosf HIm onrIIor
Iocnuso fhoy couIdn'f! ow, howovor,
Josus snId "Whom nro you sookIng"
"Josus of nznrofh," fhoy roIIod.
"I nm Ho," Josus snIdnnd fhoy foII fo
fho ground bocnuso of fho gIory of Cod. Thoy
couId nof rosIsf fho gIory fhnf fIIIod Josus ns
Ho sfood fhoro. Tho IIbIo snys fhoy foII fhroo
fImos boforo Josus wonf wIfh fhom. Affor
HIs oxorIonco In Cofhsomnno, Josus know
whnf wouId hnon fo HIm. Ho gave HIs IIfo.
o ono couId fnko If from HIm.
IIInfo frIod fo fhronfon HIm by nskIng,
o :o) not know that I have (ower to $r)$ify
:o), and (ower to release :o)= (John l9:l0)
Josus roIIos fhnf ho hnd no owor nf nII
oxcof whnf hnd boon gIvon fo hIm.
Ho gnvo HIs IIfo for mnnkInd of HIs own
froo wIII! Ho wns In fuII confroI of HIs
40 estroy the !orks of the evil"
cIrcumsfnncos, showIng us fhnf fho now
cronfIon Is cnIIod fo ruIo In fho wny fhnf
Adnm dId.
*od /ade Hi% to )e Si
Josus gnvo HIs IIfo on fho cross. Tho
IIbIo cIonrIy snys In IsnInh 53:4,5, fhnf Ho
wns woundod for our frnnsgrossIons nnd
bruIsod for our InIquIfIos, sIcknossos, nnd
sorrows. 2 CorInfhInns 5:2l sfnfos fhnf Cod
mndo HIm fo bo sIn for us, for @)rsed is
everyone who hangs on a tree (CnI 3:l3).
Ho fook uon HImsoIf nII fho sIn of
mnnkInd, ovory sIn fhnf hns boon, or wIII
ovor bo commIffod.
Ivory sIngIo crImo commIffod by
mnnkInd wns IncIudod fho momonf Josus
ChrIsf boro our sIns. Ho wns mndo n curso so
wo couId bo bIossod. Ho bocnmo oor so wo
couId bocomo rIch (2 Cor 8:9). Ho fook our
sIcknossos so wo couId bo honIfhy. Ho dIod so
wo couId hnvo IIfo!
estroy the !orks of the evil" 4<
T'e De(il I! 1ot All
Tho dovII fhoughf ho hnd Josus nf Insf
fhnf fInnIIy ho hnd succoodod In
oxfInguIshIng fho IIghf fhnf hnd gono nround
doIng so much good. Josus hnd honIod fho
sIck nnd wns consfnnfIy soIIIng nnd
wonkonIng fho dovII's kIngdom. Onco, whon
Josus wns cnsfIng ouf somo domons, fhoy
crIod ouf: !hat have we to do with :o),
Jes)s&&&Have :o) $ome here to torment )s
before the time= (Mnff 8:29) ThIs ImIIos fhnf
fho ovII sIrIfs know fhnf n fImo of judgmonf
wns comIng buf fhnf fhoy hnd nof oxocfod If
fo como so quIckIy or so offocfIvoIy.
!omombor fhnf fho dovII doos nof know
ovoryfhIng. Wo offon soom fo fhInk fhnf ho
knows moro fhnn Cod, buf ho Is nof fhnf
woII-Informod. Ho Is nof omnIscIonf!
Wo hnvo fho SIrIf of Cod, nnd wo know
moro fhnn fho dovII! !e have re$eived&&&the
*(irit who is from +od, that we might know
.2 estroy the !orks of the evil"
the things that have been freely given to )s
by +od (l Cor 2:l2).
Wo nro In n osIfIon of suorIorIfy! o
ono ofhor fhnn fho HoIy SIrIf Is nbIo fo
comrohond fho SIrIf of mnn, for Cod's
SIrIf knows ovoryfhIng.
Lie! are t'e De(il+! Wea0o!
Tho dovII cnnnof undorsfnnd you. If you
nro born ngnIn, ho doos nof know whnf Is In
your sIrIf. Ho cnnnof rond your mInd. Ho
fhrows fhoughfs nf you nnd wnIfs fo soo
whnf comos ouf of your moufh. Ho whIsors,
"Hnvon'f you nofIcod fhnf nIn In your
bnck" If you ndmIf fhnf you hnvo n
bnckncho, ho oxcInIms, "If workod!" Thon, ho
confInuos fo nffnck you wIfh fIory dnrfs fo
soo whnf you wIII sny noxf.
Howovor, If you go ouf fuIIy cIofhod In
fho whoIo nrmor of Codfho bronsfInfo of
rIghfoousnoss, fho hoImof of snIvnfIon, fho
shIoId of fnIfh, fho sword of fho sIrIf, your
IoIns gIrdod wIfh frufh, nnd your foof shod
estroy the !orks of the evil" .-
wIfh fho ronrnfIon of fho CosoI of onco
fho dovII cnnnof foII fho dIfforonco bofwoon
you nnd Josus. If you nro cIofhod In Josus
ChrIsf, ho cnnnof dIsfInguIsh bofwoon fho
fwo of you. Iuf If ho fhrows n IIffIo sfono nf
you nnd you rosond, "Oh no, If Iooks ns If
If's goIng fo bo ono of fhoso dnys!" fho dovII
snys, "So If wns onIy you nffor nII. Why
shouId I bo nfrnId"
As you koo your confossIon In IIno wIfh
fho Word of Cod nnd confInuo fo sonk If,
fho Word of Cod on your fonguo wIII frIumh
ovor fho dovII whorovor you go. On fho ofhor
hnnd, If you focus on your cIrcumsfnncos ns
soon ns fhoy bogIn fo fooI sIIghfIy
uncomforfnbIo, fho dovII wIII soo fhnf you do
nof ronIIy boIIovo whnf you sny.
Tho orson who knows nnd boIIovos fhnf
fho dovII Is dofonfod wIII nIso oxorIonco hIs
dofonf In fho rncfIcnI cIrcumsfnncos of IIfo.
-e!u! Wo t'e Victor&!
How fhon, wns fho dovII dofonfod Ho
.4 estroy the !orks of the evil"
wns convIncod fhnf ho hnd conquorod Josus.
Wo hnvo soon fhnf Josus fook on HImsoIf
our sIns nnd wonknossos nnd wns mndo fo bo
sIn. Thon, Ho dIod nnd wonf fo hoII. Thoro,
nccordIng fo fho ScrIfuros, jusf whon fho
dovII fhoughf fhnf ho hnd fInnIIy dofonfod
HIm, Cod rnIsod Josus from fho dond on fho
fhIrd dny. onfh couId no Iongor hoId HIm,
for Cod hnd frood HIm from Ifs ngony (Acfs
2:24 NIV).
Ho who wns IIfo IfsoIf hnd commIffod no
ovII, nnd Cod wns fhoroforo onfIfIod fo rnIso
HIm from fho dond. HIs wns n worfhy
sncrIfIco for fho sIn of mnnkInd. !Iko n fInsh
of IIghfnIng, wIfh fho owor of fho HoIy
SIrIf, Cod rnIsod Josus from fho dond.
Tho IIbIo foIIs us whnf hnonod noxf:
Having disarmed (rin$i(alities and (owers,
He (Josus) made a ()bli$ s(e$ta$le of them,
tri)m(hing over them in it (CoI 2:l5).
Josus onforod fho dovII's own forrIfory,
nnd fook fho wonons ouf of hIs hnnds. Ho
sfrIod hIm of hIs rnnk nnd mndo n ubIIc
estroy the !orks of the evil" ..
dIsIny of hIm boforo fho rIncInIIfIos nnd
owors. Ho mndo If cIonr fhnf fho dovII wns
comIofoIy dIsnrmod, nnd Ho broko fho
dovII's mosf dosfrucfIvo wonon of nII: fho
sfIng of donfh.
Thoroforo, nII fhoso who uf fhoIr fnIfh
In Josus nro no Iongor undor fho owor of
fho dovII!
You are Declared 21ot
CoIossInns 2:l4 snys fhnf Josus fook fho
IIsf of sIns fhnf wo woro chnrgod wIfh nnd
dosfroyod If by nnIIIng If fo fho cross. Tho
dovII hnd usod fho Inw ngnInsf mnn by
foIIIng hIm, "You hnvo dono wrong," nnd
mnn couId onIy roIy "Yos, I know...." ThIs
hnd hoId mnn In bondngo unfII Josus foro u
fho IIsf of nccusnfIons ngnInsf hIm.
Josus nIso fook cnfIvIfy cnfIvo. Ho
ovorcnmo fho rIncInIIfIos nnd owors nnd
mndo n ubIIc socfncIo of fhom In fho sIrIf
worId, cIonrIy domonsfrnfIng fhnf Ho wns
.5 estroy the !orks of the evil"
!ord of nII.
Affor HIs rosurrocfIon, Josus wonf fo
honvon. On fho wny, Ho mof Mnry nnd foId
hor, "o nof fouch mo!" As fho gronf hIgh
rIosf, Ho wns nbouf fo rosonf HIs own
bIood In fho honvonIy hoIy of hoIIos. Thoro
fho Infhor docInrod fhnf HIs sncrIfIco wns
comIofoIy suffIcIonf for fho whoIo worId!
MnnkInd couId now bo docInrod
rIghfoous fhrough fho sncrIfIco of Josus on
fho cross. Ivory mnn nnd womnn hns boon
gIvon fho oorfunIfy fo bo sof froo from fho
bondngo nnd sInvory fo whIch fhoy hnvo
boon subjocf undor fho nufhorIfy of fho
kIngdom of dnrknoss. ow fhoy cnn bo
frnnsforrod Info fho KIngdom of !Ighf. Mnn
Is now nbIo fo oxorIonco fho froodom nnd
nufhorIfy fhnf wns Infondod for hIm from fho
bogInnIng. In fncf, our osIfIon Is ovon boffor
fhnn fhnf whIch Adnm nnd Ivo hnd whon
fhoy wnIkod fogofhor wIfh Cod In fho
Cnrdon of Idon.
estroy the !orks of the evil" .6
We Rule #it' Hi%
Tho ScrIfuros sny fhnf fho Infhor hns
rnIsod us u nnd sonfod us fogofhor wIfh
ChrIsf In honvon. Wo nro sonfod fhoro fodny,
nnd wo ruIo, roIgn, nnd work fogofhor wIfh
HIm (Ih 2:6). Af fho snmo fImo, Josus
cnrrIos ouf HIs mInIsfry ns our HIgh IrIosf,
rnyIng nnd InforcodIng for us dnIIy.
Whon fho nccusor comos nIong nnd snys,
"ThIs orson hns nof rond hIs IIbIo for fwo
wooks nnd ho hns dono fhIs, fhnf nnd fho
ofhor," Josus nnswors, "I hnvo dIod for hIm. I
nm hIs ndvocnfo. My bIood Is suffIcIonf fo
covor fhnf."
Tho noxf dny, fho dovII comos onco moro
wIfh hIs nccusnfIons. AgnIn Josus nnswors,
"I hnvo dIod for hIm nnd I rny for hIm. My
Infhor honrs nnd nnswors my rnyors, so
you hnvo no rIghf fo fouch hIm. Ho Is my
brofhor nnd n chIId of Cod. I wnfch ovor hIm
nnd fho HoIy SIrIf IIvos wIfhIn hIm!"
I boIIovo fhnf Josus sIfs nf fho rIghf
hnnd of fho Infhor nnd rnys HIs hIgh
.6 estroy the !orks of the evil"
rIosfIy rnyors In nnd fhrough us by fho
HoIy SIrIf whon wo sonk In ofhor fonguos.
Josus rnys fhrough us whon wo sonk nnd
rny In fho SIrIf, nnd HIs rnyors nro
nIwnys nnsworod. If you rny nccordIng fo
fho wIII of Cod, you foo wIII oxorIonco fhIs.
T'e De(il #a! S'oc"ed!
Tho dovII hnd bronfhod n sIgh of roIIof
whon Josus dIod, buf wns suddonIy horrIfIod
fo soo HIm rnIsod from fho dond. Tho shock
wns so forrIbIo, In fncf, fhnf If Ioff hIm
nrnIyzod. Whon Hobrows 2:l4 snys fhnf
Josus dosfroyod hIm fhnf hnd fho owor of
donfh, If IIfornIIy monns fhnf Ho nrnIyzod
Josus, now sonfod nf fho Infhor's rIghf
hnnd, ourod ouf fho HoIy SIrIf on fho
Church. Tho ono hundrod nnd fwonfy who
hnd shuf fhomsoIvos In fho uor room woro
fIIIod wIfh fho SIrIf nnd comIofoIy chnngod
by fho owor of Cod. Thoy bognn fo sonk In
ofhor fonguos nnd woro fIIIod wIfh joy, onco
estroy the !orks of the evil" .%
nnd IIfo IfsoIf. o domon couId sfo fhom
from goIng ouf fo sonk nbouf Josus now.
ThIs ronIIy scnrod fho dovII! of onIy
hnd ho boon )ns)$$essf)l In hIs nffomf fo
kIII Josus, who roso from fho dond bocnuso
donfh couId nof hoId HImho now hnd fo
donI wIfh ono hundrod nnd fwonfy ofhors
who woro fIIIod wIfh fho snmo SIrIf fhnf
Josus hnd! Tho numbor soon Incronsod fo
fhroo fhousnnd, fIvo fhousnnd, fon fhousnnd,
fIffoon fhousnnd, ono hundrod fhousnnd, ono
mIIIIon, fwo mIIIIon, fhroo mIIIIon, ofc.
Thoro woro onough robIoms wIfh onIy
ono Josus. ow fhoro woro mIIIIons of fhom,
nII doIng oxncfIy whnf Ho hnd dono. Whnf
wns fho dovII goIng fo do nbouf fhIs
Free to Ser(e
ThIs Is your now IdonfIfy. Josus cnmo fo
IIvo wIfhIn you whon you woro born ngnIn.
You cnn do fho works Ho dId, bocnuso Ho Is
In you. You rocoIvo owor whon you nro born
ngnIn. Whon you hnvo boon bnfIzod In fho
.0 estroy the !orks of the evil"
HoIy SIrIf, fhon fho gIffs of fho SIrIf bogIn
fo funcfIon In your IIfo.
Tho SIrIf of fho !ord Is uon you. Ho
hns nnoInfod you fo ronch fho CosoI. Ho
hns nnoInfod you fo sof fho cnfIvos froo.
You nro nbIo fo do fhIs bocnuso Ho hns snId,
I am with yo) always, even to the end of the
age (Mnff 28:20).
Do+t be Decei(ed
ThIs frIghfons fho dovII so much fhnf ho
chnngos hIs sfrnfogy. Ho frIos fo mnko you
shy nnd fImId. Ho foIIs you fhnf you nro
worfhIoss, fhnf your IIfo Is monnIngIoss, nnd
fhnf fho oIdor you gof, fho worso If wIII bo!
Ho wnnfs you fo IdonfIfy wIfh your nsf
IIfo nnd wIfh fho oId fhIngs fho IIbIo snys
hnvo nssod nwny. If fho dovII cnn mnko you
IdonfIfy wIfh your wonknossos nnd your
shorfcomIngs, fhon whnf Is In your sIrIf
cnnnof bo roIonsod.
estroy the !orks of the evil" .<
We ,a Do t'e Sa%e!
Iuf In Josus ChrIsf, If cnn nnd wIII bo
furnod Iooso!
Cod hns mndo you n now cronfIon. In HIs
oyos nII now cronfIons nro oqunI, nII nro
Iovod, nnd Josus IIvos wIfhIn onch of us. Tho
owor of Cod cnn fIow fhrough us, onnbIIng
us fo do oxncfIy whnf Josus dId. Ho Is our
oxnmIo of how fo IIvo nnd bohnvo ns now
cronfIons. If Josus dId If, fhon wo cnn do If
foobocnuso wo hnvo HIs SIrIf!
Tho fIrsf dIscIIos woro fIIIod wIfh fho
HoIy SIrIf fo such nn oxfonf fhnf onfIro
cIfIos wondorod whnf hnd hIf fhom nnd
ovory InhnbIfnnf wns honIod! Wo shouId bo
nbIo fo IIvo nnd work In fho snmo wny. Thoro
Is no dIfforonco bofwoon us whnfsoovor! Wo
hnvo fho snmo HoIy SIrIf, fho snmo Cod,
fho snmo IIbIo, fho snmo Josus, nnd Ho hns
snId of HImsoIf fhnf Ho Is the same
yesterday, today, and forever (Hob l3:8).
Ho hns romIsod fhnf wo wIII nof onIy
52 estroy the !orks of the evil"
soo honIIng, buf fhnf fho fImo Is comIng
whon wo wIII soo gronf mIrncIos ns woII.
Whon you Iny your hnnds or Inco n rnyor
cIofh on fho sIck, fhoy wIII bo honIod. ThIs Is
fho wny Cod wnnfs If. Ho hns nofhIng nf nII
ngnInsf ooIo boIng sof froo!
Cod wnnfs HIs ooIo fo IIvo In froodom.
Ho doos nof wnnf fo soo us sIffIng InncfIvo
nnd orossod In n church somowhoro. Ho
wnnfs us fo IIvo In froodom, fo onfor HIs
gnfos wIfh joy, fo rojoIco boforo hIm, nnd fo
wnIk In froodom.
Tho dovII hns fhrown dond roIIgIon nf us
ns n oor subsfIfufo for fruo sIrIfunI IIfo.
Howovor, If you hnvo boon born ngnIn, fhIs
IIfo Is In your sIrIf, nnd Cod hns cnIIod you
fo sorvo HIm In froodom.
Cod cnn do fhrough you ovoryfhIng Ho
dId fhrough Josus ChrIsf, bocnuso Josus wns
fho Son of Mnn. Tho Son of Mnn Is nn
oxnmIo of whnf Cod wnnfs dono horo on
onrfh. Ho Is nn oxnmIo of whnf Ho wnnfs fo
do fhrough you.
estroy the !orks of the evil" 5-
-e!u! De!tro&ed t'e Wor"!
of t'e De(il
Josus cnmo fo onrfh fo dosfroy fho works
of fho dovII. Ho hnd ono nIm In sIghf: fo sfo
Snfnn, crush hIs kIngdom, nnd nnnIhIInfo hIs
work. Whon Josus cnmo fo onrfh, Ho
Invndod fho kIngdom of dnrknoss. Whon Ho
cnmo fo onrfhhonvon Invndod onrfh fo
brIng doIIvornnco!
In !uko ll:20-22, Josus fonchos us fhnf
Ho Is fho sfrongor mnn who nffnckod fho
sfrong mnn, fho dovII, ovorcnmo hIm, fook
hIs wonons, nnd dIvIdod fho soIIs.
Tho dovII wns In ossossIon of sfoIon
goods fhnf ho hnd ncquIrod whon mnn foII
Info sIn nnd bocnmo hIs sInvo. Ho hnd sfoIon
our nbundnnco, our onco, our honIfh, our
rosorIfy, nnd our bIossIngs In ovory nron of
SInco fho InII, mnn hns boon robbod of
nn onormous nmounf of rocIous fronsuro,
duo fo hIs own sIn nnd roboIIIon ngnInsf Cod.
54 estroy the !orks of the evil"
Iy commIffIng sIn, mnn gnvo fho dovII fho
rIghf fo sfonI hIs IIfo. Tho dovII fhon bognn fo
cnrry ouf hIs works In nnd fhrough mnnkInd.
In John l0:l0, Josus snys fhnf fho fhIof,
Snfnn, comos only fo sfonI, kIII, nnd dosfroy.
ThIs Is oxncfIy why Josus cnmo fo onrfh, fo
uf nn ond fo Snfnn's works!
How wns Josus nbIo fo do fhIs Iy fho
SIrIf of fho !ord who cnmo uon HIm,
onnbIIng HIm to (rea$h the gos(el to the
(oor&&&to heal the brokenhearted, 7o (rea$h
deliveran$e to the $a(tives >nd re$overy of
sight to the blind, 7o set at liberty those who
are o((ressed, 7o (rea$h the a$$e(table year
of the Aord (!uko 4:l8,l9).
Josus dosfroyod fho works of fho dovII
ovory fImo Ho fnughf from fho ScrIfuros
nnd ronchod fho CosoI. Why Iocnuso fho
Word of Cod Is fho sword of fho SIrIf, nnd
whon Josus snId, "If Is wrIffon," Snfnn hnd
fo fIoo.
Josus dosfroyod fho works of fho dovII
ovory fImo Ho forgnvo somoono's sIns. Why
estroy the !orks of the evil" 5.
Iocnuso sIn Is from fho onomy nnd
forgIvonoss ornsos nnd forgofs sIn, rosforIng
fho orson who hns fnIIon so ho oscnos from
fho snnro of fho onomy.
Whonovor Josus honIod fho sIck,
whofhor fhrough fho sokon Word, by fho
InyIng on of hnnds, or by nIIowIng fhom fo
fouch fho hom of HIs gnrmonf, Ho dosfroyod
fho works of fho dovII. Why Iocnuso fho
dovII Is fho sourco of sIcknoss. SIcknoss Is
nof sonf from Cod fo bIoss, fonch or snncfIfy.
Josus snId fhnf sIcknoss comos from fho
dovII. If Is nn orossIvo yoko nnd n burdon,
nnd Josus cnmo fo honI nII who woro
orossod of fho dovII (Acfs l0:38).
Josus dosfroyod fho works of fho dovII
ovory fImo Ho cnsf ouf domons, somofhIng
Ho dId roguInrIy. Snfnn's forrIfory wns
rosfrIcfod nnd nnofhor kIngdom wns
onInrgod Insfondfho KIngdom of Cod.
T'e Ki$do% of *od
!omnns l4:l? foIIs us fhnf fho KIngdom
55 estroy the !orks of the evil"
of Cod consIsfs of rIghfoousnoss, onco, nnd
joy In fho HoIy SIrIf. ThIs Is whnf Josus
broughf wIfh HIm. Ho srond rIghfoousnoss,
onco, nnd joy whorovor Ho wonf. HIs
KIngdom Is fuII of fhoso fhIngs. Josus Is fho
!ord nnd KIng of HIs KIngdom, nnd fhoso
qunIIfIos cnn bo found whorovor Ho Is !ord.
Whorovor Ho Is nof !ord, howovor, fho
works of fho dovII nro found.
CondomnnfIon Is fho oosIfo of
rIghfoousnoss. Josus Is nof !ord whoro
ooIo wnIk nround fuII of condomnnfIon, no
mnffor how roIIgIous fhoIr words mny sound.
Tho oosIfo of onco Is confonfIon,
qunrroIIng, jonIousy, nnd so forfh. Whoro
such fhIngs nro found, If Is Snfnn nnd nof
Josus who Is !ord. Tho nnmo of fho church
or grou doos nof mnffor. Josus Is nof !ord
whoro fhoso fhIngs nro found.
Tho oosIfo of joy Is honvInoss, sndnoss,
dorossIon, nnd nnguIsh. Thoso fhIngs nro
from our onomynof from Cod. Thoy nro fho
works of fho dovII nnd nof fho works of Cod;
nnd Josus cnmo fo dosfroy fhom.
estroy the !orks of the evil" 56
T'e De(il i! Defeated!
Josus sfruck Snfnn n donfhbIow on fho
cross. Ho wns dofonfod onco nnd for nII, nnd
fhIs Is how ho shouId bo rognrdod. Josus hns
frIumhod ovor hIm. SInco Josus hns
frIumhod ovor hIm, why shouId fho dovII
frIumh ovor you You nro In ChrIsf Josus!
You nro sonfod wIfh HIm nf fho rIghf hnnd of
fho Infhor. You hnvo fho snmo SIrf
workIng In nnd fhrough you ns Josus hnd
whIIo Ho wns horo on onrfh. l John 4:l?
sfnfos fhnf as He is, so are we in this world&
Tho bnffIo hns nIrondy boon won bocnuso
Josus won If for you. You nood fo soo your
onomy ns nIrondy dofonfod, sfrIod, nnkod,
nnd oworIoss. Ho Is n bonsffuI IInr. Ho Is
nof ns oworfuI ns ho rofonds fo bo. Ho Is
nof ns woII-Informod ns ho snys ho Is. Ho
cnnnof uf nII hIs fhronfs Info ncfIon ngnInsf
you, ns Iong ns you rofuso fo boIIovo fho IIos
fhnf nIIow hIm fo work.
Josus cnmo fo fhIs onrfh wIfh fho
oxross uroso of dosfroyIng fho works of
56 estroy the !orks of the evil"
fho dovIInnd ho dId nof fnII.
Josus novor fnIIs! Ho hns won fho
T'e Victor& i! Our!!
Tho docIsIvo bnffIo hns nIrondy fnkon
Inco. ow you nnd I nro ongngod In fho
cIonnIng-u ncfIvIfIos bohInd fho fronf IInos
of n dofonfod onomy. AIfhough ho hns boon
dofonfod, wo musf rocInIm fhIs fo fho sIrIf
worId. Wo musf mnko Snfnn's dofonf
mnnIfosf by doIng fho works of Josus nnd by
soffIng froo fhoso whom Josus hns nIrondy
IIbornfod fhrough HIs donfh nnd
rosurrocfIon. Thoy nood fo honr fhnf fhoy
hnvo boon sof froo. Thoy nood fo rocoIvo fho
froodom fhnf Is nIrondy fhoIrs. Thoy nood fo
soo whnf hns boon sfoIon from fhom. Thoy
nood fo dIscovor fhoIr bIood-boughf rIghfs In
ChrIsf Josus.
You hnvo boon gIvon nufhorIfy fo uso fho
vIcfory fhnf Josus won. You hnvo ormIssIon
fo onjoy fho bonofIfs of HIs frIumh. You
estroy the !orks of the evil" 5%
hnvo fho rIghf fo shnro In HIs vIcfory, n rIghf
fhnf Is yours bocnuso of fho fncf fhnf Ho hns
gIvon you HIs nmo.
!omnns l0:l2 snys, &&&the same Aord over
all is ri$h to all who $all )(on Him& Through
fho owor of HIs nmo, Josus hns now
InwfuIIy rofurnod fo you fho IIfo nnd
bIossIngs fhnf nro rIghffuIIy yours.
Thnf nmo hns gIvon you fho nufhorIfy
fo dosfroy fho works of fho dovII. In fho
nmo of Josus you nro fo ronch fho CosoI,
honI fho sIck, cnsf ouf domons, nnd sof fho
cnfIvos froo.
You cnn do oxncfIy whnf Josus hns dono,
bocnuso your onomy Is nIrondy dofonfod.
Whon you undorsfnnd fhIs, you wIII novor bo
fho snmo. You wIII soo fho gIff Cod hns gIvon
fo you nnd fho wondorfuI mIssIon Ho hns for
you. Whorovor you nro, whnfovor your
occunfIon, nnd whnfovor your ngo, you hnvo
boon gIvon nn onormous fnsk. !sIng fho
nmo of Josus, you nro cnIIod fo dosfroy fho
works of fho dovII, mnko mnnIfosf Snfnn's
dofonf, nnd soo fho gIory of fho KIngdom of
50 estroy the !orks of the evil"
Cod shInIng fhrough mon nnd womon who
hnvo boon sof froo. You nro cnIIod fo fhIs,
you nro choson for fhIs, nnd you hnvo boon
gIvon ovoryfhIng you nood fo nccomIIsh If.
You wIII nof fnII wIfh Josus. If you
undorsfnnd fhIs, your onomy wIII ronIIzo
fhnf ho hns found n fruo oononf. Ho knows
fhnf you know fhnf ho Is dofonfod. Ho knows
fhnf you know fhnf your mIssIon Is fo
dosfroy hIs works.
Ho cnnnof sfo you bocnuso you
undorsfnnd whnf Cod hns cnIIod you fo do.
You know fhnf ho Is dofonfod, nnd fho rosuIf
Is inevitable9Vi$tory"
Through your IIfo, fho works of fho dovII
wIII bo dosfroyod. As n rosuIf, rIghfoousnoss,
onco, nnd joy wIII como fo mnny ooIo. So
gof u nnd gof fo work!
+o and destroy the work of fho onomy!
)& Ulf E"%a
A !Ifo of VIcfory
Tho AosfoIIc MInIsfry
Tho AufhorIfy In fho nmo of Josus
osfInod for VIcfory
osfroy fho Works of fho ovII
ocfrInoTho IoundnfIons of fho ChrIsfInn
InIfh fhnf Ovorcomos fho WorId
IInnncInI Iroodom
Cod Is n Cood Cod
Cod, fho Sfnfo nnd fho IndIvIdunI
Cod Wnnfs fo HonI Ivoryono
Tho HoIy SIrIf
Josus Iod for You
Tho JowsIooIo of fho Iufuro
Tho Iowor In Tho ow CronfIon
Tho IrohofIc MInIsfry
Your CnncIfy In Cod

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