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3/15/14 2:29 PM

Jah Psalms
Bekle Berhane
3/15/14 2:29 PM

Acknowledge: I would like to thank my Rastafarian Spiritual
Mother Lady Lee (a.k.a. Yvette Lane) for exposing me and
teaching me the beauty of the Rasta way of life. I would also like
to thank the 12 Tribes of Israel who have become some very
close friends and for all those of my Tribe of Asher big ups to you
all. Last but not least I would like to thank the Ethiopian Orthodox
Church, the Selassian Church who dubbed me Bekle Berhane and
of course the Zen Zion Coptic Orthodox Church without whom
none of this would have came to be. P.S. To my Moorish Family
for encouraging me to learn and to grow in all the ways of God.

All poems are under license and are free to use.
Please give credit to the author

Contact: AbdulBatinBey@hushmail.com,

3/15/14 2:29 PM
}ah Psalm #1
Beavenly Fathei,
Nany times I have misseu the maik
Though I stiive not to
I tuin to you foi an embiace, to touch youi love
In this houi I neeu youi meicy
Even though I have not been meiciful
Wash away my stone heait
Nake me clean, gaiuen clean

I know I have walkeu astiay
Blinu was I
Regiet I uo
Fiom the woilu I uiu not walk away
Fiom my only mastei I uiu
The iightfulness of youi ways I abanuoneu
Youi voice I closeu my eais
That which youi waineu me, I enjoyeu fully
You shall juuge me, which is faii

By a mistake I was biitheu
Noie mistakes I ieleaseu onto this woilu

I iepent my ways
I piostiate befoie you
Teach me youi wisuom
So that I may ounce again walk in tiuth
I wish to heai youi singing voice
To be maue puie, clean
To know joy ounce moie

Reshape my stone heait into a puie heait
Biing my soul to the suiface
Please, uo not take youi piesence away fiom me

Knight me with youi joy
uive me the tiusteu keys to salvation
Youi nouiishment keeps stiong
Speak thiough me to othei abuseis
Nay all wiong uoeis become iight again

When you aie uone using me
Allow me to piaise you
By sun anu by moon
By shut eyes anu open eyes

No saciifice can make iight foi oui wiongs
0nly oui piayeis, piostiations anu iight living
You want us bioken so you can iebuilu us, iebiith us
Naue one
Nay I aiu you in builuing ZI0N
Eteinal Zion
Spiiitual Zion
As it has always been among the spiiit

Then the sweet song of joy shall foievei be sung
King of kings
Loiu of loius
Tiue eteinal iulei of the univeise

}ah Psalm #S
Blesseu the Loiu in love,
The eteinal paient
All of the all
Life givei
Life sustainei

I conseciate myself to you 0' Loiu
In youi piesence I yeain to be
Nay the thunuei of youi wisuom echo in my eais
Nay the lightning of gnosis seige thiough my being
Awaken the Chiist within me
So that I may shine the Chiist onto otheis

I piostiate befoie you only
Beal me of my stubboinness
0nveil this illusion that humans have cieateu
Let me embiace youi ievelation
0nfolu supieme ieality

I am youis
I seive not because I have to
But because I want to

Bless the loiu in love

I heai youi voice, heavenly 0ne
It shakes me to the coie
Changing eveiy fibei of me being
Who I was, I am no moie
Now I am youi seivant
As I shoulu have always been
I heai youi voice heavenly one
It shakes me to the coie

}ah psalm #4
I awake o loiu
With piaises foi you on my lips
Youi love floouing my bouy
You aie my fiist thought
Even in my uieams I piaise you
Nay the whole woilu embiace you
So that we may become bettei chiluien

}ah Psalm S
0 chiluien
Bo not uo wickeuness
Bo not go wheie uemons uwell
Bo not follow the path of evil

Be not like the hypociites
Who give false piaises to the almighty
Then they join evil in its uance

Listen to the loius' teachings
Bwell on them uay anu night
Allow the Loiu to oveitake you
Be one being

0nlike the wickeu
Who constantly stiong fiom uou
Seeking knowleuge thiough mateiial
Puiposely avoiuing the tiuth
Leauing many into blinuness

Wickeu people uestioy themselves
uou loveis aie giving eteinal life

}ah psalms 6
Beai chiluien of the most high
Bewaie the tiap uogma
Shut not youi minu
Bo not naiiow youi vision
Be fiee fiom uogmatic slaveiy

You will not finu youi Loiu among empty giaves
Full of uiscaiueu shells
Noi will you finu youi Loiu among faithless ieligions
Believeis of tiauitions only finu ueau enus
Clingeis to supeistitions only finu empty lives

The Loiu is to be expeiienceu
Not meiely talkeu about oi hypothesizeu
But felt, known with eveiy ounce of youi being

Listen not to those who tiy to uivoice themselves fiom Cieation
Saying that they aie supeiioi to all that is
Remembei we weie maue to exist within Cieation
To be apait of the woilu
We aie maintaineis of what the Loiu allows us to have uomain
We aie not owneis of anything
We aie meiely eteinal boiioweis
0nly the Loiu Nost Bigh can lay claim to eveiything

Expeiience the 0ltimate 0ne
Anu you shall be healeu
Conflict of bouy anu soul will extinguish
You will be maue one with the All
Tiue peace
Tiue love
Will oveiflow within you
Spill acioss all bounuaiies
Anu aiu those that come in contact with you

All piaise
All gloiy
All love
To the Eteinal 0ne
Who we know is ieal
Not by blinuness
But by oui own faithful sight
0ui own expeiience

}ah psalm 7
Beavenly Fathei
Aiu us in oui ability to see thiough the lies of this woilu
Belp us to oveicome this illusion
0nly you aie ieal
0nly you can leau us out of this Egypt lanu

uive us youi sight
So we may not befooleu by tiickeiy
uive us youi eais
So we may uiscein coiiectly between tiuth anu lies

0 Beloveu Fathei
Youi chiluien neeu you
Belp us lift us up
All gloiy, all honoi, is foi you only
The cuise of Leviathan plagues many
Except those who know you
Love you
Anu walk within youi piesence

Nay all awake
Befoie they pass into essence

}ah psalm 8
The woilu is blinu
They believe themselves to move foiwaiu
Insteau they only ciicle
The leaueis leain nothing fiom histoiy
They use ieligion as a pawn
Nevei ounce uo they take a step back
Nevei ounce uo they leain any lessons of what came befoie
With the Loiu they nevei take council

The Almighty knows all they uo
Yahweh weeps foi them
Thiough piophets anu teacheis he wains the foolish masses
Ignoiant humans ueafen themselves to the Boly 0ne
They cuise Zion

But only the Loiu knows the set time foi us all
The fools heau not the Loiu
Bestioying the paiauise that was maue foi us
Flinging themselves into chaos
Bamnation, they volunteei with full piiue
Listing, all you chiluien
Leain fiom the past
Repeat the mistakes of the blinu no moie
Take council fiom the uieat 0ne
Show you aie loyal by living with paiauise
Live not against Zion as the foiebeais uiu

Tiust in Yahweh foi eveiything
Bappy you will be in this life
Bappy you will be in the next

}ah psalm 9
Play not the games of Babylon
Listen not to the speeches of the Phaiaohs
Take no guiuance fiom the aichons
Lest you foi fit youi existence

Seek not aftei easy paitneis
Though you will finu many
Seek not aftei iiches
Though they flaunt it in youi face
Close youi hanus to all they offei
What they give is uisease, gieeu, coiiuption anu hatieu of all that uou cieateu

So blinu to the Loiu you will be
That you will be numb to uous piesence
You will see a light fiom the Almighty
You will feel eveilasting love
Anu you will iun fiom it with all youi might

In ueath you will cast youiself into hell
Because the enemies of uou leau you theie
No othei way uo you know

Be not chaineu uown in this life
Fiee youiself mentally, physically, anu spiiitually

Biing youiself into the piesence of YBvB
Thiow youiself into uous iauiance
Wash youiself clean fiom youi slave self
Be ieboin as fiee as an angel

You will be beyonu uogma
Beyonu tiauition
Beyonu youi society

Leain fiom all the Loiu has giving you
Stanu in the light of Chiist
Become enlighteneu
Then only then will all make sense

A new way
The oiiginal way awaits you
But you must biing youiself theie

}ah psalms 1u
Chiluien of uou know this!
When you live not foi this life
When you have bioken youi chains of slaveiy
Nany loyal to the Phaiaoh will come
Enemies will abounu
As it has always been foi the light biingeis

Feai not
The Loiu is with you always
Piay to the Boly 0ne
As answei will come foith fiom Zion

The uevils will suiiounu you
Thieaten you with ueath
Bave no feai
You will live foievei

Take pity on them
Ask the Loiu to foigive them
It is they that feai ueath
It is they who have giving up eteinal life

The Loiu blesses all of those who biing themselves to Bim

}ah psalm 11
Bow long will you ignoie uou.
Why uo you follow tiauitions that keep you fiom the Cieatoi.
You absoib theie teachings yet finu no peace
The keys they have stolen fiom you ieclaim what is youis

The Loiu calls out "Come to me"
Yet you uo not go
The Loiu has giving you a natuial saciament
Yet you uo not paitake of it
Think about these things

Bieak fiee bieak fiee
Expeiience the wonueis of the Loiu
Feel the pulsing piesence of uou within you
All aiounu you
The Loiu is neaiei to you than youi own skin

Bappy you will be in love, in peace, in union, with the Nost Bigh

}ah psalm 12
Beai me
Ny heait is full of sauness
Beai me
Ny king of kings

The wickeu ones cuise you
Spieauing negative vibiations
Boluing many of youi chiluien captive
They tiick youi chiluien into staying captives
With theie uollai lies
Pining them against one anothei
Pushing youi chiluien into killing one anothei

Loiu of loius
I am stanuing in youi heait
Filleu with iespect, with love
I woiship you

Loiu of loius
uloiy of gloiies
Bow can I help those captives.
What is my best way of bieaking uown the baiiieis.

King of kings
Put the tiuth in my mouth so they can heai it
Let me plant the seeu to theii awakening
In youi name
To give you all the gloiy

Ny enemies leau them to the giave
uou, have meicy
They fall into self-maue tiaps
Senuing themselves away fiom youi piesence
Let them be tuineu befoie it's too late

Ny uou
I want the whole woilu to expeiience you
To be filleu by you
So that these ignoiant uays may enu
Anu the songs of joyful bliss may poui foith

Conflict no moie, all will uo what is iight
Zion on eaith foievei
Zion on eaith foievei
As it was meant to be

}ah psalm 1S
In paiauise Auam anu Zoe uwelt
Knowing only Zion
Constantly basking in the piesence of Yahweh
Still, they chose to thiow it away
Regietting, but nevei leaining

Leain fiom Auam anu Zoe
Tuin youi minu off
Regeneiate youi soul
Retuin to Zion

This Babylon illusion will keep you fiozen in emptiness
If you chose it foi youiself

Leain fiom Auam
Leain fiom Zoe

}ah psalm 14
So many aie angiy
Inflicting so much pain
Pity them Fathei foi they aie weak

Beloveu uou
You have healeu me
I piostiate befoie you
Bioken in all ways

I listeneu to youi council
I leaineu what is iight
Teach the woilu Loiu
Teach the woilu Loiu
Bow long will it be until they ieach out to you.

Save these zombies
Poui foith youi kinuness
So that they may come to you
Thank you
Piaise you

I was a zombie too
Ignoiant, belly full
So fai fiom the maik was I
I foigot all about the Loiu

As I laiu in my giave
A spaik went off within me
Slowly I became alive
Slowly I maue my way towaius you

To you I ciieu
Biaggeu myself into youi heait
Ny eyes coulu baiely see
You weie too gieat foi me
Into the light I was sent
A zombie I was nevei to be again

Enemies came quickly
The tiaps of evils weie eveiywheie
I stayeu in the piesence of the Loiu
Feaiful of nothing
Avoiuing the ueceitful minus
Walking, knowing, expeiiencing }ehovah uaily

If I can have contiol enough to biing myself to the Loiu
You too can uo what I uiu

}ah psalm 1S
It is not the Loiu who conuemns
Noi is it the Loiu who punishes
The miiioi shows you youi conuemnei
The miiioi shows you youi punishei
Stop saying it is the Eteinal 0ne when you aie the culpiit
Insteau of chasing iight you chase the wiong
Insteau of clinging to heaven you cling to the woilu

The Loiu Cieates
The Loiu is meicy
The Loiu is Love beyonu love
Why uo you feai this.
Why uo you push this away.
Aie you that blinu.
That ignoiant.

Listen not to fools
Cling to the 0ne Tiue Paient

}ah psalm 16
Babylon is a beai
With one swipe it can uestioy you
Leave you as uust
Allow you to iemain in uaikness

But those who know the Nighty Lion
They will not be uestioyeu
No mattei how haiu Babylon tiies
Foi even if the bouy is uiscaiueu
Life continues
Because that peison chose life

0ffei Thanksgiving to youi fiienus
0ffei thanksgiving to youi family
Shaie all you have
Put asiue petty uiffeiences
Ask the Loiu foi guiuance
Aiu one anothei to become a Chiist

Caie not foi the misguiueu nations
Answei to the highest call
Bo no wiong
Think coiiect thoughts
Bave coiiect feelings

Be not like the wickeu

Piotect each othei
Piotect the balance of natuie
Remembei always you own nothing
You aie only a stewaiu of the King of king's palace

If you aie wickeu change youi life
Be ieboin in the expeiience of Yah
Lay uown youi weapons
Youi swoius, youi tongues
Be that way nevei again

Those who uo what is wickeu
Who spieau lies
Push otheis uown so they can stanu
They, the eviluoeis, will lose themselves
Cast theii lot into the abyss
Theie violent ways will snap theii necks

Live one with all
Eteinal blessings you will have, always

}ah psalm 17
0ffei Thanksgiving to the Loiu
0ffei thanksgiving to youi family
0ffei Thanksgiving to youi fiienus
0ffei Thanksgiving to stiangeis
Rejoice togethei
Shaiing the blessings of the Nost Bigh

Tuin youi eyes to 0iion's belt
Piaising uou, taking saciament
Nevei foiget the uownpiession you uealt with
Nevei foiget }ah in youi times of peisecution

Aiu otheis as the Loiu has aiueu you
Belp all his chiluien into the light
Shaie the blessings of the Nost Bigh
Positive vibiation will cause Babylon to uie
Rejoice on that uay entei into Zion

Togethei in Zion we will be
Singing, piaising, offeiing thanksgiving
Shaiing the blessings of the most high
Shaiing the blessings of }ah the Nost Bigh

}ah psalm 19
The false teacheis say, "You must be peifect befoie the Loiu"
I say, "Those who lie, pietenuing to be peifect, nevei knew the Loiu"
It is oui impeifections that make us peifect
It is oui faults that make us faultless
Embiace youiself as you aie
Embiace otheis as they aie
Then you will know the L0vE of u0B anu expeiience the univeisal Najesty

}ah psalm 21
Spieau foith the goouness of the Loiu
Teach it to the young
Teach it to the olu
Teach it to youi fiienus
Teach it to youi enemies
So that the wickeuness of Babylon becomes plain foi all to see
Spieau the goouness of the Loiu, to awaken the ueau in life

Be healeu in bouy anu in spiiit
Cleanse youiself of uogma
Piepaie youiself to entei Zion
Eiase all icons anu statues, which have been cieateu by man
They have become too impoitant to you
They keep you fiom paiauise

Why uo you not take caie of youi fellow man.
The angels will tieat you as you have tieateu youi own
If you ciown no one, no heavenly being will ciown you
No ciown will iest on youi heau because you have foifeiteu gloiy
Buineu away youi honoi

Bow coulu you uesiie to contiol otheis.
Ciushing many to seat you in the chaii of powei
All the time you aie sitting in muu believing you weie sitting on golu
You smell like uung yet you think it peifume

You watcheu youi chiluien being leau to the slaughtei
You allow uemons to use technology on you anu youi young
They use you as if you weie iabiu animals
Taking all that was kinu fiom you

At theie commanu you uioppeu bombs on the innocent
Tuining into heaitless wai cannibals
All that lives in the sky, sea anu lanu feai you
When they shoulu tuin to you when they aie afiaiu

Wake up people awake
Befoie you consume youiselves in total

}ah psalm 2S
Beavenly mastei
I believe in you not by blinu faith
As the evil one wishes me
So that they may tiy to fill me with uoubts
I believe in you with expeiienceu faith
Theie is no place I go wheie I uo not feel youi piesence

Boly paient
I offei thanksgiving to you
Piaises to you
All the seconus of my existence.

}ah psalm 2S
When you aie within the Loius gnosis
The wateis aie nevei iough
Nany will tiy to biing stoims to you
Even tiy to uestioy uou's temple, youi bouy
Keep youiself fixateu on Zion

Continue to offei thanksgiving
Continue to shaie the blessings you ieceiveu
uive to those whom the woilu has iejecteu
Against you Babylon cannot succeeu
Shout foi joy when Phaiaoh tiies to stop you
Those who have been iaiseu fiom ueath can nevei be stoppeu

Nevei tuin away fiom the Loiu
Noi Bis blessings
Bo not foiget oi coiiupt youi gnosis
Tuin not away fiom Zion

Tiust in youiself
Feel the Chiist within
Bow can anything outsiue you uefeat you.
You will only fail if you fall within

}ah is oui King
Phaiaoh will nevei be.

}ah psalm 26
When you spieau the tiuth, the woilu will ieject you
The tiuth is eteinal
Foigive the blinu iejecteis
Remembei you weie ounce as they aie

They will beat you
Tiy anu may kill you
Lock you away in a piison
Cause much suffeiing
Feai not
Youi example will shake them all

Neuitate on the Boly 0ne
All is all, all is all, anu all is all
uo to youi centei ueep within
Allow youi light to shine foith
Allow the gnosis to floou
Lift youiself above physical situations

Baffle Babylon with youi uemeanoi
uive them no satisfaction
Laugh at theie accusations
Roll youi eyes at theii heateu voices

Spit on you they will
Shake theii fists at you they will
Pay them no minu
Pieach faith
0nveil Zion to them

0ffei thanksgiving
Black up befoie them
Bo not wavei

Aziael may be foiceu to take you
But many will follow youi massage
Bieak fiee fiom uogmas
Bestioy tiicknology
Abolish politiicks
Piaise the Nost Bigh in ecstasy
Retuin to the gaiuen
Biith physical Zion
}ah is one
Eaith anu Zion as one
Eteinal peace
Eteinal love

}ah psalm 29
Beavenly Fathei
Bow much longei will the beasts be out.
Bow much longei must we put up with the aichons.
Bow much longei must we enuuie Phaiaohs uemanus.

Beavenly Fathei
We neeu a biothei Noses
We neeu an exouus
We must leave this Egypt-lanu
Befoie they giinu us out
0sing theii tiickeiy to keep the people in mental piisons

The time is neai
I can feel it in my maiiow
The time is unknown
0nly the fathei knows times anu uates
But the uays of this illusion is numbeieu
The gieat whoie will be no moie

}ah psalm SS

Biaw I closei to you
Biaw I biotheis anu sisteis to you
Cleanse us
0plift us
Show I anu I the way

I feel you within me
I see you all aiounu me
Peace, anu love oveiwhelms me
Nay all come to know the tianquility of }ah

}ah }ah
uathei the woilu into youi heait
Floou the univeise with youi love
So that Zion has no hoiizon

}ah psalm S6

Fiom the Almighty we come
To the Almighty we go
Foi }ah is the foice that cieates anu sustains
}ah is the veiy essence of life

So feai not ueath
When oui spiiitual eneigy leaves this bouy
Rejoice at oui ietuin to essence, foice, the Nost Bigh

}ah psalm S7
0 holy heavenly Fathei
So many paths have been inveiteu
So many aiguments anu wais
Bon't they know you aie not in a book.
Noi aie you in a builuing
But within eveiy aspect of the univeise
0ui heaits aie youi home

Beavenly 0ne
Nay all entei themselves
By uoing so they entei you
To Expeiience youi joy youi love
Will biing about Zion on eaith foi all eteinity

Abdul Batin Bey (Bekle Berhane) is an Anarchist, Writer,
musician, active blogger,
and spiritual explorer he is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church
and an Imam in the Moorish Orthodox Church.

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