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Mnemonics Biology

Anterior Pituitary Hormones "FLAGTOP" F: Follicle Stimulating Hormone L: Luteinizing Hormone A: ACTH G: Growth Hormone T: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone O: MSH melanOcyte !timulating hormone P: Prolactin FSH in males directly !timulate! !"ermatogene!i! !"erm loo# li#e "FiSH$" %n &emale!' FSH o()iou!ly !timulate! o)arian &ollicle! *which !ecrete e!trogen!' which !timulate endometrial "roli&eration+$ LH in males !timulate! androgen !ecretion !o male! (ecome "Li#e Hairy A"e!" *LH A+$ Androgen! al!o !timulate !"ermatogene!i!' !o LH al!o indirectly !timulate! !"ermatogene!i!$ %n &emale!' LH !timulate! the cor"u! luteum *which !ecrete! e!trogen! and "roge!terone' which !timulate the endometrium+$ Autonomic Nervous System Sym"athetic: &ight or &light Para!ym"athetic: re!t and dige!t Causes of Deviations from Hardyein!erg "#uili!rium

"Maggie May ,oe! -ot Smo#e" Mutation!' Migration' genetic ,ri&t' -on random mating' Selection$ Cell Cycle "Go Sally Go. Ma#e Children." G/' S' G0' M' C Growth "ha!e /' ,-A Synthe!i! *re"lication+' Growth "ha!e 0' Mito!i!' Cyto#ine!i!$ Mitosis "Peo"le Meet And Tal#"' or "PMAT" Pro"ha!e' Meta"ha!e' Ana"ha!e' Telo"ha!e$ Meiosis "PMAT 10" Pro"ha!e %' Meta"ha!e %' Ana"ha!e %' Telo"ha!e %' Pro"ha!e %%' Meta"ha!e %%' Ana"ha!e %%' Telo"ha!e %%' *-ote: 2 ha"loid daughter cell! in!tead o& 0 di"loid daughter cell!+

C$ordate Features ",o -ot Pinch Peo"le" ,or!al' hollow ner)e cord -otochord Pharyngeal !lit! Po!tanal tail Develo%mental Stages "Mu!t 3e Good" Morula' 3la!tula' Ga!trula Fat-solu!le &itamins "A,45" 6itamin! A','4' and 5 'astrointestinal Hormones *i$e$ one! that originate &rom the G% tract+ "Garlic Clo)e! Smell 417ui!ite" Hormone Source Ga!tric muco!a (arget (riggers Food in !tomach' "!ychic &actor! Amino acid!' "e"tide!' &atty acid! in duodenum Acid in duodenum Fat dige!tion "roduct! in duodenum "ffects %ncrea!ed HCl !ecretion 8 ga!tric em"tying Contraction o& gall(ladder 8 !ecretion o& "ancreatic 9uice %ncrea!ed (icar(onate !ecretion ,ecrea!e! ga!tric em"tying



Cholecy!to#inin *CC5+

,uodenal muco!a

Gall(ladder 8 "ancrea!

Secretin 4nteroga!trone *ga!tric inhi(itory "e"tide+

Ga!tric muco!a


,uodenal muco!a


Hormones t$at )ncrease Blood 'lucose "ST4-GG" Somatotro"in *growth hormone+ Thyroid hormone! *thyro1ine and triiodothyronine+

4"ine"hrine -ore"ine"hrine Glucagon Glucocortico!teroid! )mmunoglo!ulins "MA,G4" %gM' %gA' %g,' %gG' %g4 *ingdoms "My Poor Friend Pic#! A""le!" Monera' Proti!ta' Fungi' Plant!' Animal! Male +e%roductive (ract ,%at$ of s%erm"S464- :P" Semini&erou! tu(ule! 4"ididymi! 6a! de&eren! 49aculatory duct *-othing+ :rethra Peni! Menstrual Cycle "FOL*d+ M*a+PS" O)arian cycle: Follicular "ha!e' O)ulatory "ha!e' Luteal "ha!e Men!trual cycle: Men!trual &low' Proli&erati)e "ha!e' Secretory "ha!e The o)arian cycle control! the men!trual cycle$ The cycle! (egin *day ;+ when men!trual &low !tart!$ At day /2' the luteal and !ecretory "ha!e! (egin and la!t until day 0<' a&ter which the cycle! (egin again$ Molecular 'enetics "4=on! 4="re!!ed' %-tron! %- the tra!h" ,-A e1"re!!ion into mature m>-A "C:T the P?" Cyto!ine' .racil' and (hiamine are P/rimidine! *one ring !tructure!+ "GAPur" 'uanine and Adenine are P.+ine! *two ring !tructure!+ "All Tiger! Can Growl" Adenine (ond! to (hymine@ Cyto!ine (ond! to 'uanine

Or' "Pure Sil)er Ta1i" Purine!' A and '' (ond to "yrimidine!' ( and C' re!"ecti)ely O0y$emoglo!in Dissociation Curve Thin# o& an e1erci!ing mu!cle &or a rightward !hi&t: 41erci!ing mu!cle i!: hot' acidic *lactic acid+' hy"ercar(ic' and ha! increa!ed 0'A ,PG$ 41erci!ing mu!cle (ene&it! &rom increa!ed o1ygen unloading &rom red (lood cell!$ Proteases in t$e Duodenum "4at Tender Chic#en Chun#! 4legantly" 4ntero#ina!e Try"!in Chymotry"!in Car(o1y"e"tida!e 4la!ta!e -ote: The &ir!t enzyme i! "roduced (y inte!tinal muco!al cell!' while the other! are "roduced in inacti)e "recur!or &orm! (y the "ancrea!$ 4ntero#ina!e con)ert! try"!inogen into try"!in Try"!in con)ert! other try"!inogen molecule! into try"!in Try"!in con)ert! chymotry"!inogen into chymotry"!in Try"!in con)ert! "rocar(o1y"e"tida!e into car(o1y"e"tida!e Try"!in con)ert! "roela!ta!e into ela!ta!e Scientific Met$od )nductive +easoning "%S GOHH" %nduction: S"eci&ic General$ Or' O(!er)ation Hy"othe!i! Hy"othe!i! te!ting$ The inducti)e "roce!! "roceed! &rom !"eci&ic o(!er)ation! to a general hy"othe!i!$ Deductive +easoning ",*o+GS" ,eduction: General S"eci&ic The deducti)e "roce!! "roceed! &rom a general hy"othe!i! to "rediction! a(out !"eci&ic o(!er)ation!$ Sedimentation >ate o& SeDimentation i! "ro"ortional to Size and Den!ity More "reci!ely' terminal )elocity o& "article radiu!0 1 *den!ity den!ity o& medium+ Si1es

"3owel Mo)ement" or "3M" A Bacterium i! a(out / Micron */ m+ A eu#aryotic cell i! a(out /; time! larger */; m+ A )iru! i! a(out /;; time! !maller *;$;/ m+ -ote: the!e are )ery' )ery rough guide!$ The range! o& !ize! are wide$ Striated Muscle "B%AH" B line' % (and' A (and' H zone (a0onomy "5ing Philli" Came O)er From Great S"ain" 5ingdom Phylum Cla!! Order Family Genu! S"ecie! &erte!rate Features "C46ASAC5" Ce"halization 4ndo!#eleton 6erte(rae A1ial !#eleton S#ull A""endicular !#eleton Clo!ed circulatory !y!tem 5idney! $ite Blood Cells *%n order o& decrea!ing num(er!$+ "-o(ody Li#e! My 4ducational 3ac#ground" - -eutro"hil! L Lym"hocyte! M Monocyte! 4 4o!ino"hil! 3 3a!o"hil!

'eneral C$emistry
Bonding "HO-C" H re7uire! / more electron in it! outer !hell to (ecome !ta(le$ O re7uire! 0$ - re7uire! A$ C re7uire! 2$ Cation

The "t" in cation loo#! li#e a "lu! !ign: "caCion$" "lectroc$emistry >eduction occur! at the Cathode@ O1idation at the Anode$ >emem(er that the term! (eginning with con!onant! are together' and tho!e (eginning with )owel! are together$ "L4O i! A G4>C *9er#+" Lo!! o& 4lectron! i! O1idation' which occur! at the Anode$ Gain o& 4lectron! i! >eduction' which occur! at the Cathode$ "lectrolysis "M%T enough" Mole! de"o!ited at an electrode D %tEnF 'i!!2s Free "nergy "Good Honey Ta!te! Sweet" G D H TS "Gee. Plu! Arty. Than# you." G D GF C >TlnG ",eliciou! Gra"e&ruit -ot For 4)eryone" GF D nF4F Henderson-Hassel!alc$ "#uation "H5 C AHA" or "Hong 5ong C American Ho!"ital A!!ociation" "H D "5a C log/;*A EHA+ Hydrogen Bonding "FO-" Hhen a hydrogen atom i! attached to either a &luorine' o1ygen' or nitrogen atom' it can &orm a hydrogen (ond (etween it and another &luorine' o1ygen' or nitrogen atom$ Nernst "#uation "He minu! Arty *i!+ enough' than# you$" 4 D 4F *>TEnF+lnG Paramagnetism

%& a com"ound ha! at lea!t one un%aired electron' it i! Paramagnetic' and will (e Pulled toward a magnetic &ield$ %& not' it i! diamagnetic' and i! wea#ly re"elled (y a magnetic &ield$ There i! al!o a third ty"e o& magneti!m: &erromagneti!m' which i! "re!ent in what we ca!ually call "magnet!'" e$g$ iron' nic#el' co(alt$ 3uantum Num!ers "-ational Li(rary *o&+ Medicine Sizzle!" n' l' m' ! l 3uantum Num!ers "Sen!ual Peo"le ,o Fore"lay" !' "' d' &$ Then it &ollow! the al"ha(et: g' h' i' 9' #' etc$ State Functions "6G PH4ST" *6ery Good Fe!ti)al+ The &ollowing are all !tate &unction!: 6 &or )olume G &or Gi((I! &ree energy P &or "re!!ure H &or enthal"y 4 &or internal energy S &or entro"y T &or tem"erature

Organic C$emistry
Addition of Amine to Car!onyl 'rou% "S4 P%" *or "S4e P%e"+ Secondary amine 4namine Primary amine %mine *-ote: tertiary and 7uaternary amine! do not react with the CD; grou"$+ Cis4trans ,'eometric- )somers "B: Bame Bide 4: 4""o!ite" B &or !ame !ide and 4 &or o""o!ite !ide! Conformations Gauche con&ormation: %tI! "gauche" *ina""ro"riate+ &or one methyl grou" to !tand too clo!e to another grou"$ Cyclohe1ane ring: Hhen you ha)e low energy' you !it down in a "CHA%>" to re!t$ "3OATS" can (e ti""y' !o they are le!! !ta(le$ )somers "SS 4, CC" %!omer! o& a !ugar: %& the !econd lowe!t OH i! on the Le&t' the molecule i! L$ %& the OH i! on the >ight' itI! ,$ Meso Com%ounds "MeSo com"ound! ha)e a Mirror o& Symmetry" Thu!' e)en though they may ha)e !tereogenic center!' they are achiral and !o do not ha)e enantiomer!$ NM+ Down&ield i! De!hielded$ Meta-Directing 'rou%s on a Bene1ene +ing "Gueen 4liza(eth SecondI! -a)y Command!' Control!' Communicate!" G Guaternary amino ->AC 4 4!ter COO> S Sul&onic acid SOAH - -itro -O0 C Car(onyl CHO C Car(o1yl COOH C Cyano C-

Ort$o- and Para- Directing 'rou%s on a Bene1ene +ing "AHA AHA P" A Al#yl > H Halogen = A Al#o1yl O> A Amino -H0' -H>' ->0 *not ->AC+ H Hydro1yl OH A Amide -HCO> P Phenyl CJHK (y%es of +eactions "S4A MOu>-S CA-ned P4A!" Su(!titution 4lectro"hilic Aromatic Mo!t Other >eaction! -ucleo"hilic Su(!titution Car(onyl Addition -ucleo"hilic Pi (ond! 4lectro"hilic Addition

Basic P$ysical 3uantities "Ta#ing Lu1uriou! Limo! More -o1iou! Than Cycling" Tem"erature *5+ Length *m+ Luminou! inten!ity *Cd+ Ma!! *#g+ -um(er o& "article! *mole!+ Time *!+ Charge *C+ Ca%acitors "Guinte!!ential Curriculum 6itae" G D C6 "4ngland Hail! Gueen 6ictoria" 4 *energy !tored+ D LG6 "lastic Modulus "4!!ay" 4la!tic modulu! D !tres! E !train i$e$ "e!" E "ai" or "e!!ay" Stress i! a!!ociated with the &orss *&orce+ a""lied$ Strain i! the de&ormation "roduced$ "lectromagnetic S%ectrum ">%6:=Ga" 4lectromagnetic wa)e! in order o& increa!ing &re7uency: +adio wa)e! )n&ra red &i!i(le !"ectrum .ltra )iolet 5 ray! 'amma ray! Force on a C$arge Moving in a Magnetic Field "Fa!t Guality 6italize! 3u!ine!!" F D G)3 *- D C 1 mE! 1 T+ i$e$' i& the direction o& tra)el i! "er"endicular to the magnetic &ield Heat Ca%acity "MCAT" 7 D mcT where 7 i! heat energy' m i! ma!!' c i! !"eci&ic heat ca"acity' and T i! the change in tem"erature$

O%tics ", ,:6" For Di)erging mirror! and len!e!' the image i! alway! Dimini!hed' ."right' and &irtual' regardle!! o& the di!tance o& the o(9ect &rom the mirror or len!$ Prefi0es in .nits of Measurement Multi%les ,amned Hiccu"! 5illed MegI! Gigantic Terra"in Fractions ,e1trou! Car"enter! Ma#e Many -ice Picture Frame! &isi!le S%ectrum %n order o& increa!ing &re7uency: ">oy G$ 3i)" ">ichard O& ?or# Gained 3attle! %n 6ain" >ed Orange ?ellow Green 3lue %ndigo 6iolet ,eci Centi Milli Micro -ano Pico Femto d c m n " & 1 /; / 1 /; 0 1 /; A 1 /; J 1 /; M 1 /; /0 1 /; /K ,e#a Hecto 5ilo Mega Giga Tera da h # M G T 1 /; 1 /;0 1 /;A 1 /;J 1 /;M 1 /;/0

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