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Curriculum Curriculum development is common in Indonesia.

Indonesia has changed the curriculum as much as 10 times since 1994 until now. It usually happen after minister of education was replaced. Changing of curriculum mean to fix disadvantage of last curriculum and make it better than before. It also mean to get a good education system. There are three factors affect the development of curriculum: Philosophy, social-cultural, the development of science and technology. Philosophy has important role in preparation and development of curriculum. It can determine strategy or way to achieve the goals of education. It also can determine content and material that must be given to student according to the goals of education. In developing of curriculum there are several schools of philosophy which is commonly used, such as Prenialism, Essensialism, Existentialism, Progresivism, and Reconstructionism. It can be underlying the development of curriculum. Thats why philosophy becomes very important in development of curriculum. Curriculum must be adjusted with social-cultural in society. It is a design of education which prepares students to face their life in environment of the society. So, education must give knowledge, skills, value for the student to life and work in the environment of society. All of characteristic and cultural in the society becomes base and reference for education to produce good student. By education people can understand what the problem in the society is and make it better than before. Therefore, the goals and the content of the curriculum must be adjusted with needs condition, characteristic, riches and the development in the society. The development of technology has big influence in the development of curriculum. Curriculum must be updated to abreast the developments of science and technology. It is an effort to prepare the students to face the developments of science and technology. It also prepares the students to compete with international

society. Therefore, the curriculum must anticipate and make the development of science and technology as a base in its developments. So, students can master and develop the science and technology for the welfare of human. The development of curriculum is very important to abreast the modern era. It is affect by some factors, such as philosophy, social-cultural, and development of science and technology. Philosophy explain about content, goals, how to implement the curriculum. Social-cultural is the important part of the society that must be known by student before they live and work in the environment of society. The development of science and technology is a good base to prepare the students to face their life well. The factors which are influence the developments of curriculum is element that interact each other.

Name Nim Kelas

: Abdul Rahman : 212110119 : III C/ Bahasa Inggris

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