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Provincial Contracts for Residents: Salaries and Benefits Ontario Gross annual PGY-1 salary Gross annual PGY-!

salary Gross annual PGY-$ salary Gross annual PGY-% salary Gross annual PGY-5 salary Gross annual PGY- salary Gross annual PGY-& salary Gross annual PGY-# salary $51,0 5 $5", 0# $ $,!$0 $ &,51! $&1,""5 $& ,!10 $&",!!0 $#$,&0%

'ducational leave & days(year )dditional ti*e off for +ritin, any C-. or /S certification e0a*s1 )nnual vacation % +ee2s 3eal allo+ance -O 4re5uency of call 1 in % 6n-7os8ital, 1 in $ 7o*e Pre,nancy leave 1& +ee2s Provincial 7ealt7 insuranceYes Parental leave $5 +ee2s $& +ee2s if resident did not ta2e 8re,nancy leave '0tended 7ealt7 insurance Yes Provincial dues 9: of salary; 11%: .ental 8lan 100: 8aid C3P) dues 8aid /8 to #0: rei*<ursed <y 3inistry of =ealt7 and >on, ?er* Care >on,-ter* disa<ility insurance Yes - &0: of salary Statutory and floatin, 7olidays 10 stat days 8lus 1 8ersonal floater1 5 additional days off over @*as(-e+ Years 8eriod >ife insurance Sic2 leave Call Sti8end Yes1 ! 0 salary *ont7s or until end of a88oint*ent 9+7ic7ever occurs first; $105 in-7os8italA $5!150 7o*e call

Bisit t7e P)6RO +e<site1 7tt8:((+++18airo1or,( CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Canadian Press .ate: Dednesday Oct1 %, !00 #:0& P3 '? ?ORO-?O E ?7e Ontario ,overn*ent allo+ed t7e nu*<er of doctors earnin, *ore t7an $%& ,000 annually to Fu*8 5 8er cent last year -- so*e avera,in,

salaries u8+ards of $&1#,000 -- in order to ease t7e 8ressure of a s7orta,e of 87ysicians, =ealt7 3inister Geor,e S*it7er*an said Dednesday1 ?7e salary ca8 +as lifted <ecause 11! *illion Ontario residents donGt 7ave a doctor, and t7e 8rovince +anted to encoura,e e0istin, doctors to see *ore 8atients, S*it7er*an said1 So*e 1,%50 doctors in Ontario earned *ore t7an last yearGs ca8 of $% ,000, +7ile salaries in s8ecific areas tar,eted +it7 e0tra fundin, to reduce +ait ti*es soared even 7i,7er, =ealt7 3inistry statistics s7o+1 -early 1,000 Ontario doctors 8ulled in over $ !&,000 last year1 H6 rat7er sus8ect t7at if +eGre creatin, *illionaire doctors, itGs <ecause t7eyGve seen a 7ec2 of a lot of 8atients,GG S*it7er*an said <efore a 8rovincial ca<inet *eetin,1 H?7ere are too fe+ doctors, and of course +e +ant to ,et as *uc7 8roductivity as +e can out of t7ose t7at +e 7ave, and financial incentive is t7e very <est +ay 2no+n to do t7at1GG 4i,ures for to8 87ysician earners s7o+ !!% fa*ily doctors in Ontario earned an avera,e of $ !&,000 last year, +7ile $&% dia,nostic radiolo,ists avera,ed $ 5!,0001 ?7e to8 earners overall +ere o87t7al*olo,ists, 1"1 of +7o* avera,ed over $&1#,000 in earnin,s, follo+ed <y cardiolo,ists, +7o avera,ed $ #&,000 last year1 S*it7er*an said t7e statistics indicate an 11 8er cent increase in doctor 8roductivity since t7e salary ca8 +as lifted1 Pre*ier .alton 3cGuinty also defended t7e increases1 HDe 7ad 7eard ti*e and ti*e a,ain t7at t7e 9salary; ca8 +as su88ressin, t7e nu*<ers of services, sur,eries, 8rocedures t7at +e could 8rovide,GG 7e said1 H?7atGs one of t7e reasons +eGve <een a<le to enFoy t7e successes +e 7ave in ,ettin, +ait ti*es do+n1GG 3cGuinty also said Dednesday t7at 7e 2no+s t7e 8rovince +ill 7ave to ,ive even *ore *oney to e*er,ency roo* doctors -- +7o already avera,e $1&0 an 7our -<ecause of severe staffin, 8ro<le*s, es8ecially in t7e Iitc7ener area, 100 2ilo*etres +est of ?oronto1 HDe 7ave a real issue +7en it co*es to 8ay 8ac2a,es for e*er,ency roo* doctors, and +eGre ta2in, a loo2 at t7at,GG 7e told t7e le,islature1

?7e 8rovince allo+ed a Ca*<rid,e 7os8ital to 7ire a 8rivate co*8any last +ee2 to run its e*er,ency roo*, +7ile a 7os8ital in near<y Iitc7ener ca*e very close to closin, its e*er,ency roo* doors <ecause of a s7orta,e of doctors1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

?7ese fi,ures are t7e GROSS inco*e1 6Gve 2no+n 8lenty of 43s, 63s, Sur,s +7o say t7e sa*e t7in, - su<stract a<out 50: for ta0es, and anot7er 10-15: for over7ead and 7os8ital costs and youGre do+n to a lot less1 3ind you, it +ould still <e a siJa<le 8ot1 6f you +or2 in a 8rivate clinic, sure you 7ave over7ead costs <ut not nearly as *uc7 as doctors in 7os8ital clinicals so if you drea* ,reen 9+7ic7 s7ouldnGt <e your K1 8riority, youGre in t7e <usiness of savin, lives, re*e*<erL;, 8rivate clinic is 8ro<a<ly t7e +ay to ,o1 Of course, t7is is all fro* 7earsay so ta2e it for +7at itGs +ort71

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