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Step 1 Setting Up Background Create a document of size 750550 pixels. Fill the Background layer with 000000. !lace the face at the center of the document and use "oft #raser tool to remo$e the other unwanted %ackground.

Step 2a Drawing Face Grid Create a new document of size &0&0 pixels and create a new layer. 'se !encil tool with size (px and color FFFFFF) draw left and %ottom %order to form a *+,. -ide the Background layer and click Ctrl./. 0o to #dit 1 2efine !attern. 3ame this pattern as 0rid. create a new layer a%o$e the Face. 'se the !aint Bucket tool and select to fill with 0rid pattern

Step 2! Drawing Face Grid 4emo$e those grids that cross outside of the face area. 0o to #dit 1 5ransform 1 6arp. 2istort the grids the way shown in the diagram.

Step 2c Drawing Face Grid "et the opacity of the grid layer to &07. 4ight8click on the grid layer and choose Blending 9ptions. /cti$ate 9uter 0low and set its Blend :ode to Color 2odge) 9pacity to (007) Color to FFFFFF) "pread to 0 and "ize to 5px. +ea$e the rest of the settings as default.

Step 3a S"attered B#ock Create a new layer and name it as -oles. 6ith !en tool) path out se$eral s;uare holes according to the face grids. 0o to the !aths ta%) Ctrl.left click on the work path layer created. Back to +ayers ta%) select the -oles layer and fill the selection with 000000.

Step 3! S"attered B#ock Ctrl.left click on the -oles layer to load selection. "elect the Face layer and hit Ctrl.< to cut out the pixels. 5hen press Ctrl.= to paste and then name this new layer as Blocks. 2rag the %locks to the right with :o$e tool. 0o to #dit 1 Free 5ransform to reduce the size slightly.

Step 3c S"attered B#ock 2uplicate the Blocks layer. "hift the lower Blocks layer ( pixel to the left. 4epeat this for (0 times and you will get some sort of extruding effect. :erge these (0 layers of duplicated Blocks and name this new merged layer as "ides. 4ight8click on the "ides layer and choose Blending 9ptions. /cti$ate 0radient 9$erlay and set Blend :ode to 3ormal) 9pacity to >07) 0radient from 000000 to 25>7?( and /ngle to (>0. +ea$e the rest as default.

Step 3d S"attered B#ock /cti$ate !attern 9$erlay and set Blend :ode to :ultiply) 9pacity to (007 !attern to :etal +andscape. +ea$e the rest as default. 4ight8click on Blocks layer and choose Blending 9ptions. /cti$ate 9uter 0low and set Blend :ode to Color 2odge) 9pacity to 757) Color to FFFFFF and "ize to (0px. +ea$e the rest as default.

Step 3e S"attered B#ock 4epeat "tep @a to @d for &8@ more times to form more %locks floating towards the right

Step $ %dding Dept" to &o#e :erge all the -oles layers. 4ight8click on the merged layer and choose Blending 9ptions. /cti$ate Be$el and #m%oss) set the "tyle to Anner Be$el) 2epth to 7&7) "ize to 5px) "often to 0px) /ngle to 0) /ltitude to 50) -ighlight :ode to "creen) -ighlight Color to 2C/57#) -ighlight 9pacity to (007) "hadow :ode to :ultiply) "hadow Color to 000000 and "hadow 9pacity to 757. +ea$e the rest of settings as default.

Step ' %dding S(oke Create a new layer %elow the Blocks and name it as "moke. "et the foreground color to FFFFFF. +oad the 4e%orn %rushes downloaded earlier and paint a few smoke of different sizes on this layer. 4ight8click on the "moke layer and choose Blending 9ptions. /cti$ate 9uter 0low and set its Blend :ode to +inear 2odge B/ddC) 9pacity to 757) Color to FFFFFF) "pread to 0px and "ize to 5px. +ea$e the rest of settings as default.

Step ) %dding Dark B#ock Create a new layer and name it as 2ark Blocks. 'sing !en tool) path out few more %locks along the face grid. Fill the shapes with 000000. "et the Blend :ode of 2ark Blocks layer to "oft +ight.

Step * %dding Lig"t B#ock Create a new layer and name is as +ight Blocks. "imilar to "tep ? %ut this time fill the shapes with FFFFFF. "et the Blend :ode of +ight Blocks layer to "oft +ight.

Step + %d,u ting Co#or 6e need to smooth the face a little. "elect the Face layer and go to Filter 1 Blur 1 "urface Blur. "et the 4adius to 5px and 5hreshold to (5 le$els. Create a new +e$els /dDustment +ayer and key in (0) (.&5) &EE. Create a new layer and using a large "oft Brush tool with color 000000 and opacity E07) paint some dark areas on the right to fade the %locks slightly.

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