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0bjective 1 Choose my Revolution - Weebly Infoimation Taiget Bate Status

ActionActivity Watch Revolution viueos on Phi - FRENCH, RUSSIAN, AMERICAN, CHINESE or the
2422u14 Complete
Reseaich Notes 1. Take notes on each as I am watching to give me some iueas anu points of iefeience
foi futuie ieseaich.
2. 0se google iefineu seaich on Phi foi moie focuseu ieseaich
Causes of the ievolution
1. Inteinational: stiuggle foi hegemony anu Empiie outstiips the fiscal iesouices of
the state
2. Political conflict: conflict between the Nonaichy anu the nobility ovei the "iefoim"
of the tax system leu to paialysis anu bankiuptcy.
S. The Enlightenment: impulse foi iefoim intensifies political conflicts; ieinfoices
tiauitional aiistociatic constitutionalism, one vaiiant of which was laiu out in
Nontequieu's Spiiit of the Laws; intiouuces new notions of goou goveinment, the
most iauical being populai soveieignty, as in Rousseau's Social Contiact |1762j; the
attack on the iegime anu piivilegeu class by the Liteiaiy 0nueigiounu of "uiub
Stieet;" the bioauening influence of public opinion.
4. Social antagonisms between two iising gioups: the aiistociacy anu the bouigeoisie
S. Ineffective iulei: Louis XvI
6. Economic haiuship, especially the agiaiian ciisis of 1788-89 geneiates populai
uiscontent anu uisoiueis causeu by foou shoitages=eSuum
2822u14 Complete
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0bjective 2
Outline to what extent the revolution brought about change
Taiget Bate Status
Explain WHAT CHANGE took place by describing the previous status quo, and what
exists now (or after the revolution). 0se custom google seaich to ieseaich my
Reseaich Notes - Politically: Fiance befoie the Revolution was a monaichy, that is, heieuitaiy iule, as was
most of Euiope except, significantly, uieat Biitain.
- Republican goveinments aie iepiesentative, wheiein they aie always iuling by the consent
of the goveineu, wheieas the kings anu nobles of 18th centuiy Euiope weie faceu with
oveithiow anu muiuei.
- The Nobility, incluuing ioyalty, was the Fiist Estate, the cleigy anu the Chuich was the
Seconu Estate, anu the peasants weie the Thiiu Estate.
- The ievolutions pioclamations, embouieu in the uocument "Beclaiation of the Rights of
Nan" thieateneu eveiy othei monaichy in Euiope.
- The Revolution liteially thiew off the monaichy anu embiaceu the notion of a Republic.
- This was nevei moie tiue than uuiing the Fiist Empiie, when Napoleon's many Coues weie
wiitten anu enfoiceu in Fiance.
- In fact, the Coue Napoleon still exists as pait of the legal stiuctuie of seveial Euiopean
nations touay.
- Foi one thing, the new goveinment hau to commanu ievenues in a sensible fashion anu keep
the nation solvent, otheiwise chaos woulu iesult.
- Aftei the Revolution all offices weie open to tjhose with the most talent.
- In uoing so, they beheaueu theii king, Louis XvI, piecipitating the Fiench Revolutionaiy
- Socially: 0f Fiances 26 million inhabitants in 1789, about 9u% weie pooi peasants anu
- But Fiances conquests themselves paiu uiviuenus in haiu cuiiency, as well as many of
Euiopes gieatest ait tieasuies.
- In fact, the veiy imbalance of the countiy socially beggeu foi ievolt.
- But piivilege was lookeu uown upon, anu meiit was gaineu by talent.
- It almost uiu, euspecially aftei 1792 when the wais began.
- The iest weie eithei the nobility oi the cleigy.
- Each stiatum of the society was calleu by one of thiee estates.
- Economically: In this iespect theie was change on seveial levels.
- Fiance giew stiongei anu fastei unuei it's succesive iepublics because the fieeuoms eviuent
in a iepublic encouiage investment in new technology anu excite compeition, anu theiefoie
- It can be saiu that the Fiench Revolution helpeu to intensify the Inuustiial Revolution in that
countiy, anu this coulu only have been accomplisheu in the absence of monaichy, anu
ceitainly not because of it.
- 0nuei Napoleon the Bank of Fiance was establisheu anu eventually the economy took foim.
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0bjective S
Identify the stages of that revolution
Taiget Bate Status
ActionActivity Iuentify the stages of that ievolution to help explain WBY the ievolution took place.
You may use one of the theoiiessteps alieauy coveieu (eg. Biinton), oi you may
auaptmouify the stages to show youi unueistanuing of youi paiticulai ievolution.
Reseaich Notes Foui Nain Stages
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-Foimation of The National Assembly (1789)
-Tennis Couit 0ath (1789)
-Fall of The Bastille (1789)
-Women's Naich on veisailles (1789)
-Beclaiation of the Rights of Nan (1789)
-Civil Constitution of The Cleigy (179u)
-Constitution of 1791
-Invention of The uuillotine (1791)
!"#$ 5*(67*8 ,+*-$ ./029!/02:4
-Republic (1792)
-Execution of Louis XvI anu Naiie Antoinette (179S)
-Constitution of 179S
-Robespieiie Comes to Powei 0nuei the Committee of Public Safety (179S)
-Theimiuoiian Reaction anu Fall of Robespieiie (1794)
!"#$ ;6)$7+')< ./02=!/0224
-Napoleon 0veithiows Biiectoiy anu Becomes Fiist Consul of The Consulate (1799)
!"#$ >-$ '? @*A'8$'B ./1CC!/1/=4
-Napoleonic Coue Cieateu
-Concoiuat (18u1)
-Napoleon Becomes Empeioi anu Revolution Enus (18u4)
-Napoleonic Wais (18u4-181S)
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0bjective 4
Refect on the Human Ingenuity AOI
Taiget Bate Status
ActionActivity What aie the consequences of the ievolution. What was it like afteiwaius. 2822u14 0ngoing
Reseaich Notes Consequences of the ievolution
(a) Feuualism was uestioyeu anu all the laws of the 0lu Regime weie cancelleu.
(b) The lanus of the Chuich anu the nobles weie confiscateu anu these weie bought
by the miuule classes who now became politically poweiful.
(c) All piivilegeu classes weie abolisheu.
(u) Capitalism became the new economic system.
(e) The woiu 'nation' was given a new meaning which stiesseu on the people being
the souice of all powei anu authoiity. The nation was soveieign anu no foieign powei
hau authoiity to inteifeie in its inteinal matteis.
(f) The }acobins gave to all, the iight to vote anu to ievolt, anu to have theii
giievances settleu.
(g) Slaveiy was abolisheu in all Fiench colonies.
(h) In 1792, all non-piopeitieu classes (woikeis, peasants, aitisans) weie given equal
political iights.
(i) The iueas of social equality anu socialism became populai.
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