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Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy

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ICP atomic emission spectrometer.

Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), also referred to as inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), is an analytical techni ue used for the detection of trace metals. It is a type of emission spectroscopy that uses theinductively coupled plasma to produce e!cited atoms and ions that emit electroma"netic radiation at #avelen"ths characteristic of a particularelement.$%&$'& (he intensity of this emission is indicative of the concentration of the element #ithin the sample.

% )echanism ' Applications * See also + ,eferences - E!ternal lin.s


ICP Plasma /torch/.

(he ICP-AES is composed of t#o parts0 the ICP and the optical spectrometer. (he ICP torch consists of * concentric uart1 "lass tu2es. (he output or /#or./ coil of the radio fre uency (,3) "enerator surrounds part of this uart1 torch. Ar"on "as is typically used to create the plasma. 4hen the torch is turned on, an intense electroma"netic field is created #ithin the coil 2y the hi"h po#er radio fre uency si"nal flo#in" in the coil. (his ,3 si"nal is created 2y the ,3 "enerator #hich is, effectively, a hi"h po#er radio transmitter drivin" the /#or. coil/ the same #ay a typical radio transmitter drives a transmittin" antenna. (he ar"on "as flo#in" throu"h the torch is i"nited #ith a (esla unit that creates a 2rief dischar"e arc throu"h the ar"on flo# to initiate the ioni1ation process. Once the plasma is /i"nited/, the (esla unit is turned off. (he ar"on "as is ioni1ed in the intense electroma"netic field and flo#s in a particular rotationally symmetrical pattern to#ards the ma"netic field of the ,3 coil. A sta2le, hi"h temperature plasma of a2out 5666 7 is then "enerated as the result of the inelastic collisions created 2et#een the neutral ar"on atoms and the char"ed particles. A peristaltic pump delivers an a ueous or or"anic sample into an analytical ne2uli1er #here it is chan"ed into mist and introduced directly inside the plasma flame. (he sample immediately collides #ith the electrons and char"ed ions in the plasma and is itself 2ro.en do#n into char"ed ions. (he various molecules 2rea. up into their respective atoms #hich then lose electrons and recom2ine repeatedly in the plasma, "ivin" off radiation at the characteristic #avelen"ths of the elements involved. In some desi"ns, a shear "as, typically nitro"en or dry compressed air is used to 8cut8 the plasma at a specific spot. One or t#o transfer lenses are then used to focus the emitted li"ht on a diffraction "ratin" #here it is separated into its component #avelen"ths in the optical spectrometer. In other desi"ns, the plasma impin"es directly upon an optical interface #hich consists of an orifice from #hich a constant flo# of ar"on emer"es, deflectin" the plasma and providin" coolin" #hile allo#in" the emitted li"ht from the plasma to enter the optical cham2er. Still other desi"ns use optical fi2ers to convey some of the li"ht to separate optical cham2ers. 4ithin the optical cham2er(s), after the li"ht is separated into its different #avelen"ths (colors), the li"ht intensity is measured #ith a photomultiplier tu2e or tu2es physically positioned to /vie#/

the specific #avelen"th(s) for each element line involved, or, in more modern units, the separated colors fall upon an array of semiconductor photodetectors such as char"e coupled devices (CC9s). In units usin" these detector arrays, the intensities of all #avelen"ths (#ithin the system8s ran"e) can 2e measured simultaneously, allo#in" the instrument to analy1e for every element to #hich the unit is sensitive all at once. (hus, samples can 2e analy1ed very uic.ly. (he intensity of each line is then compared to previously measured intensities of .no#n concentrations of the elements, and their concentrations are then computed 2y interpolation alon" the cali2ration lines. In addition, special soft#are "enerally corrects for interferences caused 2y the presence of different elements #ithin a "iven sample matri!.

E!amples of the application of ICP-AES include the determination of metals in #ine, $*& arsenic in food,$+& and trace elements 2ound to proteins.$-& ICP-OES is #idely used in minerals processin" to provide the data on "rades of various streams, for the construction of mass 2alances. In '66:, the techni ue #as used at ;iverpool <niversity to demonstrate that a ChiRho amulet found in Shepton )allet and previously 2elieved to 2e amon" the earliest evidence of Christianity in En"land,$=&only dated to the nineteenth century. $5&$:&$>& ICP-AES is often used for analysis of trace elements in soil, and it is for that reason it is often used in forensics to ascertain the ori"in of soil samples found at crime scenes or on victims etc. (a.in" one sample from a control and determinin" the metal composition and ta.in" the sample o2tained from evidence and determine that metal composition allo#s a comparison to 2e made. 4hile soil evidence may not stand alone in court it certainly stren"thens other evidence. It is also fast 2ecomin" the analytical method of choice for the determination of nutrient levels in a"ricultural soils. (his information is then used to calculate the amount of fertiliser re uired to ma!imise crop yield and uality. ICP-AES is used for motor oil analysis. Analy1in" used motor oil reveals a "reat deal a2out ho# the en"ine is operatin". Parts that #ear in the en"ine #ill deposit traces in the oil #hich can 2e detected #ith ICP-AES. ICP-AES analysis can help to determine #hether parts are failin". In addition, ICP-AES can determine #hat amount of certain oil additives remain and therefore indicate ho# much service life the oil has remainin". Oil analysis is often used 2y fleet mana"er or automotive enthusiasts #ho have an interest in findin" out as much a2out their en"ine8s operation as possi2le. ICP-AES is also used durin" the production of motor oils (and other lu2ricatin" oils) for uality control and compliance #ith production and industry specifications.

See also[edit]

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