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http://atruthsoldier.wordpress.com/2014/03/15/holocaust-hoax/ Daniel J Towse . Do not !e "ooled ! all the photos o" sic#$ star%in& and dead prisoners at 'uschwit(.

)hat ou were shown was the deli!erate dela ! three months a"ter *erman had !een "ire !om!ed to o!li%ion and could not care "or or "eed the prisoners. The 'llied were told to wait three months !e"ore &oin& to the camps were upon ou are shown the photos o" the condition at the a!andoned prison wor# camps with the prisoners le"t to their "aith. +elow ou will "ind all the e%idence o" what reall happened. 'nd please #now that when the ,o%iet communist countr collapsed a "ew ears a&o$ 'll the hidden and con"idential records "rom *erman ))2 were released to the pu!lic. 'll the wor# camps were searched lon& a"ter the war "or e%idence o" the war propa&anda claims that millions died and were !uried in mass &ra%es on the camps properties. *round penetratin& radar was used to search the camps "or soil that had !een distur!ed to pro%e that there had !een mass &ra%es.. -othin& was e%er "ound except the ones the 'llied.s du& to !ur all those prisoners o" the wor# camps that died a"ter *erman ci%ilian populations were "ire !om!ed. -ow ou #now wh to saw all those photos o" s#inn sic#$ dead and d in& prisoners. and their mass trench &ra%es du& ! the 'mericans and the !odies were !ein& thrown into. Name one good thing Israel did for humanity (Compilation) / outu!e0http://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0n3a2o5n--'34w05504h03156 -ame 7ne *ood Thin& That 8srael Did 9or :umanit as#ed o" ;a(im :a"ee( Toni&ht 7cto!er 15 2012$ 8 went to %ideo tape a lecture ! ;a(im held at ,t <ar .s 3ni%ersit in :ali"ax. 8 had ne%er !e"ore h... http://danieltowse .wordpress.com/2012/10/15/name-one-&ood-thin&-that-israel-did-"or-humanit -as#ed-o"-#a(im-ha"ee(/

The Allied bombing of German cities in World War II was unjustifiable

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0,a-5p=5,5>> Published on Oct 26, 20 2 http://www.intelli&ences?uared.com/e%ents/!om!er-command/ 9ilmed at the =o al 8nstitute o" +ritish 'rchitects on 25th 7cto!er 2012. @%ent in"o: -o one dou!ts the !ra%er o" the thousands o" men who "lew and died in +om!er Aommand. The death rate was an appallin& 44B. 'nd et until the openin& o" a monument in *reen Car# this ear the ha%e recei%ed no o""icial reco&nition$ with man historians claimin& that the o""ensi%e was immoral and un2usti"ied. :ow can it !e ri&ht$ the ar&ue$ "or the 'llies to ha%e deli!eratel tar&eted *erman cities causin& the death o" hundreds o" thousands o" ci%ilians1 @%en on a strate&ic le%el the o""ensi%e "ailed to !rin& a!out the collapse o" ci%ilian morale that was its intention. 7thers$ howe%er$ maintain that the attac#s made a decisi%e contri!ution to the 'llied %ictor . Dast num!ers o" *erman soldiers and planes were di%erted "rom the eastern and western "ronts$ while 'llied !om!in& attac#s %irtuall destro ed the *erman air "orce$ clearin& the wa "or the in%asion o" the continent.

Night Bombers 1943

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0u2ED8l@,-*@ Published on !ec "0, 20 2 ' uni?ue record o" the ni&htl air raids made on *erman durin& )orld )ar 88. 'rchi%e colour "oota&e "rom -o. 1 *roup$ =o al 'ir 9orce operatin& '%ro Eancaster !om!ers$ in action$ winter 1F43. 8n the winter o" 1F43$ ='9 +om!er Aommand was sendin& massi%e raids almost e%er ni&ht into the heart o" *erman . This is the stor o" one o" them$ an attac# on +erlin. 'lthou&h certain scenes had to !e re-created "or technical reasons$ ma#e no mista#e$ the raid is a real one and there are no actors. <ade ! 'ir Aommodore :.8. Ao(ens while station commander at :emswell. This is the 7nl #nown colour record o" the +om!er Aommand durin& ))88 documentin& a !om!in& raid tar&etin& +erlin. #eaders comments$ %eoffrey &ran'lin sa s Daniel do ou #now who ,herman ,#olni# was1 !aniel ( )o*sey sa s es 8 read most o" what he wrote "or ears..he was a &reat intelli&ent acti%ist..an &u in a wheelchair li#e me..he ne%er &a%e up and "ou&ht a&ainst and exposed the corrupt 2ud&es in Ahica&o..he &ot a lot o" 2ud&es penali(ed..!ut ,#olin# died "or unexplained reasons.. %eoffrey &ran'lin sa s$ :e was Jewish too. http://a!undanthope.net/pa&es/TrueG3,G:istor G10H/9=7<G:8,G*='D@G,:@=<'-G,;7E-8A;G@IC7,@,G=':< G@<'-3G2253.shtml 9=7< :8, *='D@: ,:@=<'- ,;7E-8A; @IC7,@, =':< @<'-3@E + Aollection o" ,herman ,#olnic#.s )ritin&s -o% F$ 200H

Aandace: )hen 8 saw this name pic#ed "or Ahie" o" ,ta"" 8 crin&ed terri!l $ remem!erin& somethin& that said this man should not ha%e !een selected. 8 was pleased to "ind this on =ense toda $ "or it was "rom "ollow ,herman ,#olnic#s. wor# that 8 remem!er the name =ahn @manuel. *od rest his soul$ he was a &reat in%esti&ator with endless coura&e$ despite ha%in& to li%e in a wheelchair. :e was arrested in that chair and thrown into 2ail$ plus other murder attempts. Journalist =eaches 9rom *ra%e To -ail =ahm @xcerpts 9rom 'rchi%ed -ews 8n%esti&ations + The Eate ,herman :. ,#olnic# JJul 13 1F30 <a 21$ 2005K 11-F-H !aniel ( )o*sey sa s >ou mean he was a real Jew and not a Lionist !aniel ( )o*sey sa s 8 thou&ht he died )yler !unphy sa s This is trueM Ahurchill #illed wa more people than :itlers armies. :a%e ou researched the :aa%ara a&reement1 )yler !unphy sa s The :aa%ara a&reement was a document created in .33 ! :itler and the =othschild "amil $ it "orced *erman 2ews to mo%e to CalestineJ!ritish controlled at the timeK +3T the &ot all their assets whene%er the mo%ed. ,o the would &o "rom !ein& poor in *erman to rich in Calestine. '"ter two ears +ritain had to set a cap o" N5$000 immi&rants a ear "rom.35 to .3F !ecause there was too man immi&rants mo%in& to Calestine. This created a population in the area o" Calestine that is called 8srael toda . 'lso somethin& else that.s interestin& is "rom .45 to .4H <andator CalestineJ8sraelK.s population D73+E@D "rom immi&rants. 'nd that.s how 8srael was created )yler !unphy 7h sorr that.s not the !est lin#$ hope"ull wi#ipedia does it 2usticeM http://en.wi#ipedia.or&/wi#i/:aa%araG'&reement The :aa%ara '&reement J:e!rew: 1111 11111 Translit.: hes#em haa%ara Translated: Otrans"er a&reementOK was si&ned on 25 'u&ust 1F33 a"ter three months o" tal#s ! the Lionist 9ederation o" *erman Jdie Lionistische Dereini&un& "Pr DeutschlandK$ the 'n&lo-Calestine +an# Junder the directi%e o" the Jewish '&enc K and the economic authorities o" -a(i *erman . The a&reement was desi&ned to help "acilitate the emi&ration o" *erman Jews to Calestine. )hile it helped Jews emi&rate$ it "orced them to &i%e up most o" their possessions to *erman !e"ore departin&. Those assets could later !e o!tained ! trans"errin& them to Calestine as *erman export &oods. !aniel ( )o*sey sa s. 8 recommend ou download and read J9irst !oo# ori&inalK this "ree !oo# to learn a!out the de%astatin&l worse than nu#in& "ire!om!in&.

a!id Ir!ing"s famous bestseller# A$ocal%$se 194&# The estruction of resden

htt$#''www(f$$(co(u)'boo)s' resden'

*irestorm +!er

resden ,full-

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0dh9ETC5(;?' Published on No+ 22, 20 2 9irestorm 7%er Dresden *erman : ' =eal :olocaust 7n the ni&ht o" 9e!ruar 13th$ 1F45 there !e&an one o" the most contro%ersial raids o" )orld )ar 2 - the !om!in& o" Dresden. 8t is a contro%ers which still ra&es toda . This documentar $ ta#in& into account the latest historical e%idence$ attempts to shed new li&ht on this e%ent. Aontemporar witnesses$ pre%iousl unheard$ descri!e the e%ents and the terror o" what it was li#e to !e in Dresden throu&h the ni&ht o" !om!in&. The "ilm com!ines archi%e ima&es o" pre-war Dresden with a ni&ht o" remem!rance 45 ears later in the Calace o" Aulture. 3sin& in"ormation "rom )inston Ahurchill.s diaries the outspo#en historian Da%id 8r%in& painted a comprehensi%e picture

o" the time$ the !ac#&round to the !om!in&$ and the strate&ies emplo ed. '!o%e all this "ilm was made as a memorial to the loss o" human li"e and o" &reat wor#s o" art$ and as a warnin& o" the "uture. 8t is a demand "or peace and a plea "or humanit .

.ir Arthur "Bomber" /arris tal)s about the resden /olocaust

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%07Am)o?8!'04 8nside 7ut$ ++A TD$ 11th 9e!ruar 2013 =are inter%iew clips "rom 1FNN.


a!id Ir!ing in Arlington1 T2 on 3arch 3rd1 4514

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0%@%2>!2>);w https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%02*7J9s#"FG0 Published on ,ar -, 20 http://ir%in&!oo#s.com

The 6nduring1

angerous 7egac% of Winston 8hurchill

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0x 4FT%uo?m3

3ar) Weber# The 9eal Winston 8hurchill

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0A3+A=-5!*-' )yler !unphy >eah i.%e seen direct ?uotes "rom Ahurchill orderin& to !om! 500$000 re"u&ees. 'lso TrumanJ32nd de&ree mason at the timeK 2ust happened to drop two atomic !om!s on the hi&hest populations o" Ahristians in Japan. .or ,artine/0d u&h seriousl ...ill !e countin& the minutes till this is remo%ed..&ee( 1risten 2olfe >ep lets all close our e es and pretend that the &o%ernment is tellin& us the truth a!out this$ 2ust not the truth a!out %accines. .or ,artine/0d has -7T:8-* to do with %accines and its &oin& to o""end a hell o" a lot o" people and im not e%en &oin& to &o into <> opinion o" it.. who are the admins aside Tina1 is there a list somewhere 1risten 2olfe 8 a&ree with ou on that point Eor *ood post$ wron& pa&e that.s "or sureMM

A cit% dies( Bombing of :for;heim(

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0i?>%pE,T Q3 Durin& the latter sta&es o" )orld )ar 88$ C"or(heim$ a town in southwestern *erman $ was !om!ed a num!er o" times. The lar&est raid$ and one o" the most de%astatin& area !om!ardments o" the war was carried out ! the =o al 'ir 9orce J='9K on the e%enin& o" 9e!ruar 23$ 1F45. '!out one "i"th o" the town.s population$ o%er 1N$000 people$ were #illed in the air raid$ and a!out H3B o" the town.s !uildin&s were destro ed. !aniel ( )o*sey 8 thin# the lies were told is the real o""ense.. &o to the lin# and read the Destruction o" Dresden "ire

!om!in& its a "ree download..

Bombing 9aid on 6mden1 German% in 1943 < =T/6 T/0N 69B+7T.# 9A39+ T+ 63 6N= < W T>7I>644
https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0Fm< 5-nGha4 This docu-drama produced ! the 3nited ,tates 'rm 'ir 9orces durin& )orld )ar Two details the plannin& re?uired "or "i&hter co%era&e durin& an allied !om!in& raid on @mden$ *erman . The "ilm shows the departure o" C-4Ns and C-3Hs$ rende(%ous o" "i&hter escort with !om!er "ormations$ air-to-air com!at !etween the !om!ers and attac#in& aircra"t$ and !etween "i&hter escorts and attac#in& aircra"t$ !om! drop on tar&et$ return o" "i&hter escorts to @n&lish !ases$ and hi&hli&hts the role o" 55th 9i&hter *roup in this raid. This mo%ie is a%aila!le to download "rom the 9ed"lix collection at http://www.archi%e.or&/details/&o%.archi%es.arc.34H3 . !aniel ( )o*sey oh and who do ou thin# are creatin& the deadl %accines and wh ..it is the same ones that did the "ire !om!in& and the %accines are doin& the same thin&.. #illin& innocent people.. wa#e up 1risten 2olfe >ou can.t complete the pu((le until ou ha%e all o" the pieces. Than# ou "or sharin& Daniel. .or ,artine/0d uh no than#s...seriousl r the not &oin& to remo%e this1 considerin& the stu"" o%er actual parentin& thats !een remo%ed rather ridiculous 1risten 2olfe >ou do reali(e that the &erman scientists who perpetrated these atrocities$ came to 'merica and headed our pharmaceutical companies ri&ht Eor1 >ou do reali(e that the experimentation done on all o" those people$ not 2ust the 2ewish ones$ is !ein& carried out toda on all o" us ri&ht1

+$eration Gomorrah < Bombing of /amburg

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0#A>Crur5ss3 Published on (ul 3, 20 " The attac# durin& the last wee# o" Jul $ 1F43$ 7peration *omorrah$ created one o" the lar&est "irestorms raised ! the ='9 and 3,''9 in )orld )ar 88$ #illin& 42$500 ci%ilians and woundin& 3N$000 in :am!ur& and practicall destro in& the entire Ait . +e"ore the de%elopment o" the "irestorm in :am!ur& there had !een no rain "or some time and e%er thin& was %er dr . The unusuall warm weather and &ood conditions meant that the !om!in& was hi&hl concentrated around the intended tar&ets and also created a %ortex and whirlin& updra"t o" super-heated air which created a 1$500-"oot-hi&h tornado o" "ire$ a totall unexpected e""ect. 7peration *omorrha war der militRrische Aodename "Pr eine ,erie %on Eu"tan&ri""en$ die %om +om!er Aommand der =o al 'ir 9orce und der Hth 3, 'ir 9orce im Lweiten )elt#rie& %om 25. Juli !is 3. 'u&ust 1F43 au" :am!ur& aus&e"Phrt wurden. @s waren die !is dahin schwersten 'n&ri""e in der *eschichte des Eu"t#rie&es. +e"ohlen wurden diese 'n&ri""e %on Eu"tmarschall 'rthur :arris$ dem 7!er!e"ehlsha!er des +ritischen +om!er Aommand. :et +om!ardement op :am!ur&$ oo# wel 7peration *omorrha &enoemd$ was het !om!ardement dat de +ritten in de Tweede )ereldoorlo&$ op 24 2uli 1F43$ uit%oerden op de Duitse stad :am!ur& :et o""ensie" %an .+om!er. :arris duurde tot 3 au&ustus. 8n totaal %lo&en 2353 (ware !ommenwerpers o%er de stad. @r %iel ruim ne&endui(end ton !risant- en !rand!ommen. 8n de nacht %an 24 2uli %ielen !i2na honderddui(end !rand!ommen op de stad. E.opSration *omorrhe$ en an&lais 7peration *omorrah$ est le nom de code militaire d.une campa&ne de sept raids aSriens rapprochSs menSs par les !om!ardiers des armSes de l.air !ritanni?ue et amSricaine sur la %ille allemande de :am!our& entre le 25 2uillet et le 3 aoTt 1F43. ,on !ut Stait de dStruire entiUrement la %ille a"in de rSduire les capacitSs militaroindustrielles allemandes et de porter un coup au moral de l.ennemi. Ae "ut$ a%ec le !om!ardement de Dresde$ l.atta?ue aSrienne la plus meurtriUre en @urope$ coTtant la %ie V en%iron 40 000 personnes. @n raison du massacre dSli!SrS des populations ci%iles$ l.opSration *omorrhe est interprStSe par certains comme pou%ant constituer un crime de &uerre au sens de la ?uatriUme con%ention de *enU%e de 1F4F$ !ien postSrieure toute"ois aux !om!ardements par les 'llemands de *uernica$ Darso%ie$ =otterdam ou Eondres. Toute"ois$ les traitSs internationaux en %i&ueur V l.Spo?ue des "aits n.interdisaient ni le !om!ardement stratS&i?ue des ci%ils$ ni la &uerre totale. Ees 'llemands l.appellent aussi W die Juli#atastrophe %on 1F43 X JW la catastrophe de 2uillet 1F43 XK et les +ritanni?ues W The +attle o" :am!ur& X JW la !ataille de :am!our& XK. Ee nom de W :iroshima allemand X lui a S&alement StS donnS par des o""iciels !ritanni?ues. E.opSration *omorrhe a "ait autant de %ictimes ?ue toutes les opSrations aSriennes allemandes sur l.'n&leterre. W7peras2on *omorrahX %ar et alliert !om!ean&rep mot :am!ur& JT s#landK i den siste u#en a% 2uli 1F43 under andre %erdens#ri&. 8ldstormene som "Yl&e a% =o al 'ir 9orce o& 3, 'ir 9orces lu"tan&rep er !lant de mest om"attende under andre %erdens#ri&. <ens store deler a% ! en !le Ydela&t$ er antall om#omne e"ter W7peras2on *omorrahX aldri !litt "astslZtt med si##erhet. 9rem til 30. no%em!er 1F43 %ar det "unnet 31 54N li#$ h%ora% 15 H02 lot se& identi"isere. Eu"t"or%arsledelsen i

:am!ur& anslo pZ dette tidspun#t at antall o"re lZ rundt 35 000$ mens moderne ansla& !elYper se& til 34 000 om#omne o& 125 000 sZrede. E.opera(ione *omorrah "u una serie di !om!ardamenti compiuti dal 25 lu&lio al 3 a&osto 1F43 dal +om!er Aommand della =o al 'ir 9orce Je in misura minore dalla @i&ht 'ir 9orce statunitenseK sulla cittV tedesca di 'm!ur&o. E.episodio pi[ noto U il !om!ardamento del 2H lu&lio che &ener\ una tempesta di "uoco J9euersturm in tedescoK lun&o le %ie cittadine "acendo decine di mi&liaia di %ittime e procurando &ra%issimi ed estesi danni alle strutture. 7peraci]n *omorra Jin&l. 7peration *omorrhaK es el nom!re en cla%e de una serie de !om!ardeos so!re la ciudad alemana de :am!ur&o lle%ados a ca!o a partir de "inales de 2ulio de 1F43$ durante la ,e&unda *uerra <undial$ por la =o al 'ir 9orce JO='9OK !rit^nica las 3,''9 estadounidenses. @n su momento "ue la ma or campa_a de !om!ardeos de la historia de la &uerra aSrea. Eos ata?ues se reali(aron por orden del mariscal de la ='9 sir 'rthur :arris$ comandante en 2e"e de la di%isi]n de !om!arderos de la a%iaci]n !rit^nica J='9 +om!er AommandK. !aniel ( )o*sey here is somethin& "or u to thin# on..50$000 Jews ne%er expelled "rom Calestine as we were told li%ed there in peace "or 2000 ears. a"ter the war there was six million Jews li%in& in Calestine..do the math and remem!er all the war photos o" Jews &ettin& on trains to &o to Calestine !e"ore the "ire !om!in&s !e&an.

45 >ideo :la% 7ist of The estruction of


https://www. outu!e.com/watch1 %0;t'DLdeaDQ34list0CEm12AF9JD5F#T#:dm#839HI:a#7 -s#c24!pctr013F52N0233 4idhya 5i+a 6oerr >es$ tr in& to 2oin the dots all the time.. li#e the !ill &ates "oundation lo!! in& &o%ernment: the ha%e their hands in the new Ocommon coreO too... dirt .. %er dirt . 4idhya 5i+a 6oerr water "luoridation... !aniel ( )o*sey +ush.s &rand "ather -> !an#er was char&ed with tradin& with the enem "or "undin& :itler. +an# was shut down. Cro2ect paperclip was the co%er "or !rin& all the na(is to the usa to creat the 3- The 9+8 and the A8' ..all three were created ! na(is..

!aniel ( )o*sey Hitler never died. he lived in Argentina to till a very old age !aniel ( )o*sey The answer is the -a(is are still puttin& the "luoride poison in the water. 5usie )aylor 6ibbs ,o is 'nn "ran# still ali%e too1 1risten 2olfe 8 &uess i" she.s !een reincarnated ! now$ she would !e !aniel ( )o*sey The disco%ered that the writin& o" her diar was written in !all point pen that ne%er existed then. so it was pro%en to !e "a#ed..i" ou thin# ou #now it all ou will ne%er see# the truth..the truth is a%aila!le !ut ou ha%e to "ind it "or oursel". 7ighty days and nights of bombing and 8ugosla+ia is no* a democracy$$that is *hy it does not e9it$$ http:;;danielto*sey$*ordpress$com;20 ;0<;2<;yugosla+ia0is0no*0a0democracy;

Bombing of resden
https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0&<#)"7''e:0 !aniel ( )o*sey ,orr to wa#e the sheeple..what do sheeple alwa s sa when ou tr "eedin& them truth that came "rom the tree o" li"e that &rew "rom the seeds o" truth1 The sheeple alwa s sa +aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh 5usie )aylor 6ibbs )ho is Othe O1 !aniel ( )o*sey )h don.t ou disco%er it "or oursel"..do some research... !aniel ( )o*sey oh 8 will help ou..use this search term. 'Anne Frank's diary written by ball point pen' 1risten 2olfe +ecause it.s easier to tr and discredit what ou sa Daniel$ than to actuall loo# !e ond the lies. This is nice thou&h$ it shows who is reall in this &roup "or the ri&ht reasons. <a#es me wonder how man others are lur#in& here pretendin& to !e anti-%axx$ and in realit are 2ust &atherin& in"ormation to cause a!use. Peter =ngel The !i& pharma owners$ the Lionist international !an#ers$ created 4 "inanced )) 1 4 2. >en?amin &reedman@s 36 5peech at the 2illard 6otel (Complete) https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0:h9=*D I4Hc 5usie )aylor 6ibbs 8.ll *oo&le 'nn 9ran#.s address and &o %isit and ha%e a chat Peter =ngel 8.m prett sure it.s wa too late to wa#e up the ma2orit o" people in 'ustralia$ or an where else "or that matter$ as the controlled mainstream media has the sheeple ! the !rain stem. 9ortunatel the internet has so "ar o%ercome the censorship o" the <,< 4 has !een$ to a &reat extent$ a!le to pro%ide in"ormation to those see#in& the answers to man enormousl lar&e ?uestions. Than#s to the wor# o" man &reat researches who ha%e done the hard ards 4 put in countless hours o" their time to !rin& us excellent documentaries such as this one$ people can #now %ast amounts o" "acts 4 in"ormation without ha%in& to spend ears searchin& "or 4 readin& !oo#s 4 other in"ormation. )6I5 I5 = ,A5) 577 !OCA,7N)=#8 &O# 747#8ON7 ON )67 P.=N7) BBBBBBB ' histor o" the Lionist/Aommunist wars 4 ta#eo%er o" nations "rom 1HNH 4 includin& ))1 4 2 4 who were and are !ehind these wars 4 ta#eo%ers. @xposes the Lionist/Aommunist ideals$ parts o" '&enda 21$ &un control$ censorship$ world economic su!2u&ation$ world domination 4 much much more. The in"ormation pro%ided here should !e tau&ht in e%er school$ e%er uni%ersit 4 !e presented on tele%ision o%er 4 o%er a&ain in the whole world$ until people "ull understand it all. 7" course it doesn.t co%er e%er little detail o" e%er thin& that has &one on in the world$ !ut it co%ers enou&h to expose what has &one on 4 is &oin& on toda to a &reat de&ree. < hope is that e%er one should watch 4 share this documentar as "ar 4 wide as humanl possi!le. 58N=%O%A7 O& 5=)=N 9ull documentar 1HNH-2005 ! '.A.:itchcoc# https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0Iu(#E!:!1QH !aniel ( )o*sey 8 wrote this man ears a&o !e"ore an one e%er thou&ht o" it. http://danieltowse .wordpress.com/cate&or /%accines-are-not-immuni(ations/ !aniel ( )o*sey 3n"ortunatel the !rain dead sheeple can not !e wo#en up..8 thin# the dran# to much "luoride Peter =ngel )he big pharma o*ners, the Cionist international ban'ers, created D financed 22 D 2$ https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0:h9=*D I4Hc. 5usie )aylor 6ibbs 8.ll *oo&le 'nn 9ran#.s address and &o %isit and ha%e a chat !aniel ( )o*sey 8 thin# there is one here that is worse then a use"ul sheep. 8t is a lemmin&. he is &oin& to &o %isit 'nne 9ran#s and ha%e a tal# with here. 8 &uess "or here it is not +aaaaaaahhhhh it is Duhhhhhhhhhhhh. This Cost comment thread at this 9ace!oo# pa&e D'AA8-@,- T:@ :'=<93E 4 D@'DE> T=3T: https://www."ace!oo#.com/&roups/140514H1F33HH55/543H3H5355H3135/1commentGid0543H5325234H3404noti"Gt0li#e was deleted.. &ood thin& 8 copied it here. ----------------------J@), ;8EE@D .. N <8EE87- 3;='8-@ 2 <8EE87- T3=;@> 50 plus <8EE87- =3,,8' 200 <8EE87- A:8-@,@ ='C@ '-D <3T8E'T@D 2 <8EE87- *@=<'- )7<@-$$ 'EE A:=8,T8'- $$$$ ;8EE@D 5 <8EE87- *@=<'- C=8,7-@=, 79 )'=.

&ire >ombed e+ery city e9cept one in (apan$ Nu'ed t*o cities -'L8, ..;8EE ..5 <8EE87- J@), ...' <8T:

/+7+8A0.T /+A2 e?$osed N6W :9++* 4513

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0ie@22'p n0Q Published on =ug -, 20 " Clease comment$ share$ li#e$ and sta sa"e &od !lessM

+ne Third +f The /olocaust

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0NdxsD,(E4:@ Published on &eb 2, 20 " :olocaust =e%isionists and :istorians claim that the &enocide o" Jews durin& )orld )ar 88 ` usuall re"erred to as the :olocaust did not occur at all JseldomK or in the manner or to the extent historicall reco&ni(ed. ;e elements o" these claims are the re2ection o" an o" the "ollowin& :: that the *erman -a(i *o%ernment had a polic o" deli!eratel tar&etin& Jews "or extermination as a peoplea that more than six million Jews were s stematicall #illed ! the -a(is and their alliesa and that &enocide was carried out at Aoncentration Aamps usin& tools o" mass murder$ such as &as cham!ers etc etc. 'n @xtensi%e documentar showin& the len&ths Lionists went to in order to !rin& a!out their &oal o" achie%in& the ille&al state o" 8srael. Please04ie*06olocaust0#e+isionism0Playlist0&or06olo04ideos http://www. outu!e.com/pla list1list0CE'i:G33x2L3&L*eC+ iiL=xJ8lxC %cc& International #ed Cross Official 6olocaust )otal !eath #ecords http://truedemocrac part .net/2012/05/red-cross-expose-2ewish-holocaust-hoax 7ri&inal .7ne Third o" the :olocaust. 3pload )ith .1FH.N50. Diews Deleted )ith Ahannel .8<<7=T'ET=3T:Lx. on 14/11/2012.

a!id 8ole# A jew 6?$osing the /olocaust

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0(3T%e ,+l#Q

a!id Ir!ing < The Biggest 7ie

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%02&*CGe%#%7#

/olocaust Gas 8hambers /oa? a!id 8ole on The onahue .how

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0+N0u:a,&N!H Aploaded on Oct , 20 8n 1FF4$ two &as cham!er deniers$ +radle ,mith and Da%id Aole$ went on a tal# show. Denier!ud$ the ma#er o" 7ne Third 7" The :olocaust$ points out witnesses lies$ li#e where e%er one Jincludin& a "amous scepticK !elie%es an o!%iousl "raudulent phone caller.

:9++*@ The official !ersion of the /olocaust is a 7I6

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0(dl3:rH0T;o Published on Oct 0, 20 " The o""icial %ersion o" the :olocaust is a E8@. The Jews are not as innocent as the are o"ten percei%ed$ the were expelled "rom *erman due to their power &ra!!in&$ usur $ in"luence peddlin& and demoralisation o" the *erman people. :itlers *erman was the 10Fth countr to expel its Jewish population due to there !eha%iour. 'dol" :itler had -7 polic to exterminate Jews$ not one Jew died in a &as cham!er and the "i&ure o" 5million is an irresponsi!le exa&&eration. Don.t !elie%e me1 then watch the entiret o" this %ideo.

3ar) Weber# /olocaust eceit

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0url3#Tt!nC>

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$art 1

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0 sJ9J4;HoJH

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$art4

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0)nndAcNoQac

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$art3

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0-p!)8Lt117&

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$art4

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0?>ot42cwIec

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$art&

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0d5eNm="8D'<

6rnst ABndel inter!iews a!id 8ole<$artC

https://www. outu!e.com/watch1%0N49>Da1od3H Aploaded on No+ -, 2003 http://thedissidentra&s.!lo&spot.com 8n the earl 1FF0s$ a oun& Jewish man$ Da%id Aole$ 2oined the !ur&eonin& =e%isionist mo%ement. Aontro%ersial "rom the start$ Aole did some excellent =e%isionist wor# in the !e&innin&$ %isitin& concentration camps in @astern @urope and "erretin& out an important admission "rom Dr. 9rancis(e# Ciper$ Director o" the 'uschwit( ,tate <useum$ 'uschwit($ that the !uildin&s mar#eted to tourists as &as cham!ers are$ in "act$ altered reconstructions a"ter )orld )ar 88. 8n this inter%iew$ widel ac#nowled&ed as a classic$ Aole chats with a relaxed @rnst LPndel a!out the results o" his "act"indin& trips - and his incisi%e conclusions a!out the modus operandi o" the Jewish Eo!! that needs %illains in order to cement and maintain its &rip on a patentl incorrect interpretation o" histor "or its own political ends. ,upport the heroes o" =e%isionism...*et the "ull DDD at http://www.(undelsite.or&/

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