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FSDG Kastellorizo X


FSDG Kastellorizo X

Contents..........................................................................................................2 Introduction..................................................................................................... 3 Copyright........................................................................................................ Credits............................................................................................................ Syste! "e#uire!ents....................................................................................... Installation...................................................................................................... $ Support........................................................................................................... $ General........................................................................................................... % &irport............................................................................................................ ' &irport in(or!ation............................................................................................) "o and Stroggili................................................................................................ ) Sound *((ects................................................................................................... ) &I &ircra(t and Ships......................................................................................... + Free Flights.................................................................................................... ,FSX settings................................................................................................... ,F.&............................................................................................................... ,2


FSDG Kastellorizo X

Kastello-/hat0 1( all the 2eauti(ul Gree3 islands in the 4editerranean5 Kastellorizo sure isn6t a!ong the !ost popular. 7hile /e 3no/ "hodes5 Crete5 Kos and others as popular tourist destinations5 the s!all island o( Kastellorizo is 3no/n only to 8ery (e/. It !ight ha8e to do /ith its s!all size less than %3! in length and it sure has to do /ith its re!oteness9 Kastellorizo is the eastern!ost corner o( Greece5 (urther a/ay (ro! &thens than any other part o( the country. :he :ur3ish coast5 on the other hand5 is a !ere 25--- !eters a/ay (ro! the island5 so (riendship and neigh2orhood 2et/een Greece and :ur3ey are at no other place 2etter than here. ;o/ /hat !a3es Kastellorizo interesting (or FlightSi! pilots0 :he ans/er is o( course9 its airport< 7ith !ost o( the island consisting o( rough dryland and only a 8ery s!all area around the har2or inha2ited5 it6s a !iracle that this island is a2le to host an air(ield. =isitors used to arri8e 2y 2oat or5 i( they could a((ord it5 8ia /aterplane. 7ith rising tourist nu!2ers and the need (or #uic3 e!ergency operations5 it /as necessary to 2uild an airport though. >sing the (orce o( dyna!ite5 it /as possi2le to create a s!all strip less than +-- !eters long on the highland that should /or3 as an airport. :he run/ay and ter!inal /ere (inished in ,+)% and is since then operated 2y 1ly!pic &ir /ith a daily lin3 2et/een "hodes and the island. :he s!all airport5 the thrilling approach5 the s!all 2order 2et/een a good landing and a catastrophe5 they !a3e this a special destination (or e8ery pilot. :hat is /hy /e decided to recreate the island and its airport in FSX. ?ut /e 3ne/ (ro! the 2eginning5 this scenery /ould only /or3 i( /e included the /hole island in the addon to render Kastellorizo as realistic as possi2le in Flight Si!ulator. :o achie8e that5 /e had to (ind ne/ /ays o( creating scenery and terrain5 so that the rough !ountains5 the uni#ue airport and the dense 8illage scene could 2e recreated as realistic as they are no/. *8ery house in the 8illage5 the to/n hall5 school5 churches5 hotels5 2ars5 chapels5 !ilitary installations and !uch !ore /ere !odeled a(ter their real archetypes. :he shape o( the /hole island /as !odeled !anually to (it the real pro(ile !uch 2etter than any S":4 data could achie8e. ?ut /e decided5 /e couldn6t stop there. So /e added realistic 3D lights5 ultra realistic airport ground te@tures5 ani!ated ships and lots o( sound e((ects to gi8e the FS pilot a (eeling o( the real island. Aou can learn !ore a2out those (eatures later in this !anual. *8entually5 /e had to stop oursel8es (ro! !odeling interiors o( restaurants5 ani!ated cloc3 to/ers and e8en crazier ideas5 so that /e could (inally release this scenery (or you to use. It is a scenery5 8ery close to our hearts5 not only 2ecause /e spent a lot o( ti!e on it5 2ut 2ecause this place is one o( the !ost 2eauti(ul and ro!antic locations in the /hole 4editerranean<


FSDG Kastellorizo X

:his !anual and the so(t/are shall not 2e copied or shared in any /ay /ithout the e@plicit per!ission o( FSDG or its de8elopers. Copyright B 2-,3 FlightSi! De8elop!ent Group. &ll rights reser8ed. 4icroso(t 7indo/s5 and Flight Si!ulator are registered trade!ar3s or trade!ar3s o( 4icroso(t Corporation in the >nited States andCor other Countries. &ll trade!ar3s and 2rand na!es are trade!ar3s or registered trade!ar3s o( the respecti8e o/ners. For !ore in(or!ation 8isit ///.(lightsi!de8elop!entgroup.co!.

Idea D Concept9 FSDG 4odels D :e@tures9 *!ilios Ge!enetzidis5 :horsten "eichert Installer9 :esting9 &eroso(t & 2ig than3 you to our 2eta testers5 /ho helped !a3ing a good product e8en 2etter<

Intel Core 2 Duo *%)$- CE> FCore 2 .uad ad8isedG 2 G? "&4 Direct X + co!pati2le Graphics Card /ith $,2 4? or higher 4icroso(t FSX FSE2 or &ccelerationG or Erepar3D 7indo/s XE5 7indo/s =IS:&5 7indo/s '5 7indo/s )


FSDG Kastellorizo X

:o install this add-on5 si!ply run the do/nloaded setup and (ollo/ the instructions on the screen. 1n success(ul co!pletion o( the installation process5 you should (ind a ne/ area in your FSX scenery li2rary FFSDG Kastellorizo XG. :o uninstall this add-on use the 7indo/s control panel. I( you ha8e any trou2le /ith this5 please read the (re#uently as3ed #uestions at the end o( this !anual or contact our support.

Support is i!portant to us. I( you ha8e any issues or #uestions concerning our products don6t hesitate to 8isit our support (oru!9 http9CC(oru!.(lightsi!de8elop!entgroup.co! I( you purchased this product at &eroso(t5 you can get technical support at &eroso(t and the &eroso(t (oru!s9




FSDG Kastellorizo X

Kastellorizo FH"ed CastleIG is the eastern!ost o( !ore than 35--- Gree3 islands in the 4editerranean. &lso 3no/n as 4egisti or 4eis F:ur3ish na!e (or the islandG5 the re!ote island has al/ays 2een a 2ul/ar3 against the near2y :ur3ish coast5 to /hich Kastellorizo proudly hoists its Gree3 (lag. In its tu!ultuous history5 the island had 2een under Frensch5 Italian and ?ritish ad!inistration and has seen luc3y days as /ell as desperate ti!es. 7hen the ?ritish (orces le(t the island in ,+ 5 a !unition depot e@ploded and destroyed !ost o( the 8illage. 7ith 2-5--- inha2itants in ,+2-5 the island has less than $-- since. I( it /asn6t (or its sy!2olic 8alue to Greece as a (igurehead against the "epu2lic o( :ur3ey5 the island !ight ha8e 2een a2andoned and (orgotten. 7ith high (inancial e@penses5 the island /as re(ur2ished5 !ost 2uildings restored and the airport !odernized. *8en though the air lin3 has to 2e su2sidized5 1ly!pic &ir (lies regularly 2et/een "hodes and Kastellorizo /ith a Dash ) to 2ring ne/ tourists to the island. :he s!all arpon is Just 2ig enough (or the tur2oprop aircra(t to turn and par3 2e(ore lea8ing the island a(ter a (e/ !inutes. :he tourists then ha8e to /al3 do/n the road into the 8illage or (ight (or a place in the only ta@i on the island. &(ter they chec3ed into their hotel or guest roo!5 they /ill 2e re/arded though5 (or al!ost e8ery house on the island o((ers a stunning 8ie/ across the s!all 2ay and har2or. In the e8ening they /ill 2e a2le to sit at the /ater and drin3 an 1uzo5 enJoying li(e on one o( the !ost 2eauti(ul islands in the 4editerranean. I( they rather go (or sightseeing5 they /ill 2e a2le to see e8erything /ithin a couple o( hours. & /al3 through the 8illage to the castle5 the e@hausti8e cli!2 o( the staircase onto the cli((s5 the short scenic loop 2et/een goats and 2arns to the airport and 2ac3 into the 8illage5 that6s all you need to do (or sightseeing on Kastellorizo. Scu2a-di8ing and s/i!!ing enthusiasts /ill pro2a2ly go on a di8ing tour or 8isit the ?lue Ca8e /hile others !ight /ant to ta3e the (erry to KasC:ur3ey to go shopping. ?ut !ore than e8erything5 Kastellorizo o((ers ease and ro!ance5 pri8acy and happyness (or all lo8ers o( crystal /ater5 Gree3 li(estyle and natural 2eauty.

:he airport o( Kastellorizo is rendered in e8ery detail a(ter its real archetype. Aou /ill (ind a pa8ed run/ay and apron5 detailed !odels o( the ter!inal 2uildings5 realistic night lighting and !ore details li3e 2aggage carts5 ani!ated (lags or passengers /aiting (or the 1ly!pic &ir to arri8e. Kust li3e the real airport5 there are no na8aids Fapart (rp! the ;D?G or (ancy stu(( li3e ILS installed at the airport. Eilots ha8e to call In(o at ,22.+- to a8oid con(licts /ith other aircra(t. :a3e care not to crash into the (ences at 2oth ends o( the run/ay<


FSDG Kastellorizo X

:here are 3 start locations a8aila2le in LGKK5 t/o at the ends o( the run/ay and one at the apron. Aou can select those start locations (or! the airports !enu in FSX. &part (ro! the airport5 there is one other place to land on the island o( Kastellorizo5 that is the helipad at the !ilitary area a2o8e the 8illage. :his helipad is only used 2y the !ilitary5 so land at your o/n ris3<

I&:&9 IC&19 LatCLong9 4agnetic =ariation9 &irport Light Intensity9 Fuel &8aila2le9 *le8ation F(tG9 "un/ay F!G9 In(o9 ;D?9 "/y9


KMS LGKK ; 3%N -)O 3-P5 * 2+N 3 O 3$P 3N *ast 4ediu! ;one F<G ' '+) @ 3,22.+,% FKM1G ,3C3,

Airport Charts are (reely accessi2le on the internet. Kust google HLGKK chartsI.


FSDG Kastellorizo X




:/o s!aller islands (lan3 Kastellorizo5 the island o( "o in the /est and Stroggili in the east. ?oth are uninha2ited5 2ut (eature heli pads that can 2e used. Stroggili also has a /or3ing lighthouse that can easily 2e seen (ro! Kastellorizo at night. Aou can start a (light directly on the helipads 2y loading the pre-sa8ed (ree (lights that co!e /ith this scenery.

:his addon includes se8eral realistic sound e((ects to enhance your island e@perience. :hese sound e((ects include9 Church to/er stri3es Fe8ery #uarter D (ull hoursG Church 2ells Fat %a!5 ,2p! and %p!5 a(ter the to/er 2ell stri3eG Ce!etery chapel 2ell Fe8ery hal( hour 2et/een ,-.3-a! and ).3-p!5 /ith ani!ated 2ellG 4uezzin call F$ ti!es e8eryday 2et/een $. 'a! and ,-. 'p! the call co!es (ro! the !os#ue in KasC:ur3ey5 2ut can clearly 2e heard on the islandG Chirping sounds and goat 2ells Fcan 2e heard across the highlandsG Ferry horn Fsounds /hen (erry lea8es the har2orG


FSDG Kastellorizo X




Due to the s!all run/ay and tiny apron area5 it is not possi2le to !a3e FSX &I land and depart there in a realistic /ay. I( you use tra((ic addons that co8er LGKK5 you /ill pro2a2ly see &I aircra(t trying to land on the airport5 2ut usually they (ail to do so. 7e hope that the ne@t generation o( (light si!ulators can handle &I on airports li3e Kastellorizo. :o gi8e you &I tra((ic onCaround the island5 /e included &I ships though. :he 4eis *@press5 a s!all passenger (erry 2et/een KasC:ur3ey and Kastellorizo is co!!uting se8eral ti!es a day. Aou /ill 2e a2le to hear its horn /hen it lea8es the har2or in Kas or on the island. So!e di8ing and (ishing 2oats as /ell as a lu@ury Aacht are circling the island. Finally5 the 2ig (erry (ro! Kos arri8es once a day and (ills the s!all har2or al!ost co!pletely. :he (erries ha8e (i@ed schedules at /hich they tra8el. :he 4eis *@press should arri8e in the !orning around ,-a! and lea8e at 2p!5 the (erry (ro! Kos is scheduled to arri8e at p! and lea8e one hour later. Don6t rely too !uch on those schedules though... :o see the &I ship tra((ic5 your HShips and (erriesI tra((ic settings ha8e to 2e set to ,-Q or higher.

:o !a3e e@ploring the scenery and its (eatures easier (or you5 /e included pre-sa8ed (lights at se8eral di((erent locations and ti!es (or you. Kust open the (ree (light !enu and select HloadI5 then scroll do/n to Kastellorizo X and select one o( the sa8ed (lights. :hey start at the airport5 do/n at the har2or5 in the air or on one o( the 3 helipads in the scenery. :hey are all sa8ed using de(ault aircra(t5 2ut you are (ree to select the aircra(t o( your choice 2e(ore ta3ing o((. Elease read the short 2rie(ings 2e(ore loading the (lights to 3no/ /hat to e@pect.


FSDG Kastellorizo X



In order to change your scenery settings5 go to Settings -R Display ;ote that these settings /ill in(luence the #uality o( the scenery. :he higher the settings the !ore details /ill 2e 8isi2le. ?ut 3eep in !ind that (ra!erate and o8erall per(or!ance !ight decrease depending on your EC syste!. 7e suggest trying these settings to get the 2est 8isual results in FSX9

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FSDG Kastellorizo X

Kastellorizo X !a3es use o( 2- )@2- ) landclass te@tures in co!2ination /ith photoreal i!ages to gi8e the 2est possi2le resolution o( ground te@tures. ?y de(ault5 FSX does not load 2- ) te@tures /ith their highest resolution. Aou can tell FSX to load the (ull resolution5 though. 1pen your FSX.CFG and (indCaddCedit the (ollo/ing line9 [GRAPHICS] TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=2048 Sa8e the (ile and start FSX. Due to the /ay FSX handles the FSX.CFG5 you ha8e to addCchange this line e8eryti!e you changed your FSX graphics settings (ro! /ithin FSX. I( you6re ine@pecienced /ith these things5 don6t /orry. Aou can Just 3eep the de(ault te@ture load size F,-2 G and still use the addon /ith detailed ground te@tures.

Q: Is this add-on DX,- co!pati2le0 FFSXG A: Li3e !ost scenery add-ons5 Kastellorizo X cannot (ully 2e used /ith the FSX DX,-pre8ie/ !ode. Q: Is this add-on co!pati2le /ith other add-ons li3e >:X or FS Glo2al0 A: :here should 2e no pro2le! /ith any other add-on. I( you use >:X *urope5 you ha8e to select that option on the installation screen in order to !a3e 2oth addons co!pati2le. Q: :he scenery li2rary is not updated auto!atically on installation o( the add-on. So/ can I (i@ this0 A: I( you use 7indo/s =ista or 7indo/s ' you are strongly ad8ised to start the setup as ad!inistrator Fright-clic3 in 7in ' and Hrun as ad!inistratorIG and disa2le the >ser &ccount Control. "einstall the add-on to !a3e sure the setup added the Kastellorizo area to the scenery li2rary in FSXCE3D. Q: :he terrain at the :ur3ish coast loo3s di((erent (ro! 2e(ore I installed Kastellorizo X. 7hy0 A: 7e created high-resolution !eshes (or the islands o( this addon. Due to a 2ug in FSX5 this can lead to issues /ith surrounding !eshes. 7e included a general !esh (or the greater area to !ini!ize this issue. & (e/ une@pected roc3 (or!ations around Kas can 2e 8isi2le so!eti!es though. Q: I ha8e technical pro2le!s /ith installing or running this add-on. Can you help !e0 A: Aes< Elease contact us at ///.(lightsi!de8elop!entgroup.co!.

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